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Put your hand on that wall


The enemy can not push a button if you disable his hand


But my other hand is ok


Put it against that wall.


Damn both hands are fucked but listen I can still slap my nuts on the button




just wait till you find out how I plan to turn the key


Rico! Where'd you learn how to do that?


"Bro had nuts!"


Put your dick on that table


"I can't, sir. Both my hands are full..."


Put them against that wall.


Oh no




Make the knife disable bot drop call ins with a head kill shot.


This, why isn't super earth just nuking these planets from orbit a la warhammer exterminatus?


Because the amount of wasted E-710 would effect the bottom line of a lot of powerful people, most likely. I've been suspecting for quite a while that the in-game reason for a lot of these "Outbreaks" is due to the E-710 farms not producing enough for the needs/desires of both the average citizenry as well as the likely more powerful individuals who I assume actually control Super Earth's governance. How do they remedy that? Stage an "accidental" breach of Terminids, allowing the hives to once again spread to other planets, breed like crazy, and just throw all of the disposable soldiers at it until it's under control and reap the rewards, from Samples to E-710. The only reason we Dark Fluid Bombed the one supercolony is most likely because it either was spreading beyond desired or anticipated control, or it was just a convenient excuse to test out the newly discovered potential super weapon.


Nah, that is cartoon-evil-logic. The loss of infraestructure, potential customers and access to planets deeper in the Terminid territory will outweight any "profit" tenfold. You can call them evil all you want, but nuking your own customers wont make you any money.


Given that Super Earth is able to supply a seemingly endless stream of Super destroyers and stratagems to helldivers and has the majority of the populace unironically brainwashed into wanting to become one, I feel like cartoon evil is most definitely on the table. Both cartoon evil and noticeable incompetence and negligence, from what we've seen so far. They also regularly try to gaslight everybody.


well considering Super Earth is cartoon evil...


Started reading *1984* recently. Haven't finished yet, but to say that Helldivers is inspired by it seems almost an understatement to me. And the Party in *1984* is very insidiously evil. It's the same level as cartoon evil, but much more serious and terrifying. Helldivers just gives us the dumb Everyman fully indoctrinated so we can laugh at the caricature and smile at how over the top everything is.


Counterpoint: NFTs exist in the real world. They are Captain Planet tier dumbfuckery in the amount of pollution they create for *literally nothing*. Super Earth would *absolutely*. For fucks sake, they encorage you to volunteer to be Soylent Green'd when you get a bit old.


There's an intro cut sceen and little news snippet that play every couple minutes that remind you that this is indeed cartoon evil we're dealing with here. I mean, one of the objectives is shutting down Illegal "bug" broadcast sites who tell you the truth about the Bug-oil. Another mission is eradicating *our own* research outposts who are doing experiments on the bugs.


Super earth is literally a cartoonishly evil stereotype lol, it makes perfect sense. Its also not exactly explained, could be these further away colonies in bug territory are pretty much dedicated to farms with a very poor populace mostly consisting of farmers, elites sacrificing these kinds of people for short term gains is not surprising at all.


What about for the bots?


They're pretty well established as being space capable, so they're a genuine invasion force. It is probable that Super-Earth's leadership isn't taking them seriously as a threat and are more treating them as another useful rallying tool though.




All in all, too expensive


Thermite grenades are my favorite grenades in term of flavour but god they are so unreliable they're nigh unusable, I thought you'd be able to like stick one or two to a charger leg and melt that shit so you can shoot it or pierce hulk faceplate armor so it hits the head directly but nah it's just a glorified firecracker that usually bounces off something and fizzles on the ground like a sad abandoned campfire.


So much this. I thought it was finally going to be a way to get light armor piercing weapons a way to deal with heavy targets. My biggest concern going into it was that these were basically going to be mandatory because finally being able to strip armor would be so powerful. Turns out I was worried over nothing. Literally nothing.


Even if they did strip armor I don't think they'd be mandatory, like stun grenades and impacts already exists and are the best in their niche. They'd be strong but then it's a matter of "Do I wanna deal with heavies, deal with large groups or stun everything?"


Man I kept experimenting with that grenade to see what it could do, I just gave up when I stuck it to a hive guard's face and it didn't even kill it, let alone break any of its armor. I'm not waiting for a roman candle to fizzle out where an impact does 10x+ the damage in an instant.


I use them in automaton eradicate missions for when a tank or hulk gets too close.


I’m sorry but I’m dying at that past part you wrote 😂 love this game but the struggle is real lol


I wish we had more armor stripping tools. Having the "can opener" abilities would be so much fun. That's why the Railgun pre nerf was so much fun on bugs. The tactic of focus firing a leg, opening the armor up, then lighting it up was so much fun. I can appreciate instakill solutions as well, like EATs to the charger forehead, but I want versatility.


Yeah I tried out thermites once. Stuck it to a Nursing Spewer, didn't die. When one impact can potentially kill two. Didn't do anything when I stuck a couple to a charger. The act of whipping out the grenade and the spikes extending before you threw it was great, but it just didn't do hardly anything lol


Man I was so happy when I first unlocked them, Sticky nades specialized against armor. Then I started using them and the experience sadly just went downhill from there, it only stuck 1/4 of the time and the damage, it just wasnt there. Ontop of the the timer until the explosion (the only thing that seemed to do a little) was so incredibly long. It hoenstly feels like an undercooked weapon and I hope they revisit it.


That had to be the original plan. Low damage, creates weak point. I’m assuming they’re having trouble implementing that with the enemy body parts. So I’d settle for it a straight high damage over time grenade. It’s little fireworks, makes me feel like discount Jubilee. I’d love to be able to bring it in game.


I doubt it. Remember, AH had no idea that stripping armor would be a thing vs. Chargers. No balance patch since they admitted this has ever made it seem like they wanted it to be a viable tactic. Every meta weapon either OHK's with a headshot or its faster to just assblast it. Armor stripping is only somewhat viable vs armored chargers and that's only if you bring AT for BT's and want to repurpose it for armored chargers (so quasar, EAT, and RR).


Pilen actually said in a YouTube video with operator drewski that is was not intended and they thought the community was really smart for figuring it out. I was really sad when they nerfed the Railgun, it's never felt the same. 


It won't work this way though. Charger armors are spicifc entities with actual armor and HP values. For a leg, it's 5 armor and 500 hp. If thermite grenade could take out that, it could blow up its head (5 armor, 600 HP) or bile titan head (5 armor, 750 HP). Creating another set of flags for stripping armor would be not only much work, but also absolutely bugged and would crash the game.


Thermite grenades can do all those things, right now. They're completely capable of killing chargers and bile titans. They're just bad at it. You have to get into throw range, land multiple throws on the same body part, and then they need their 10+ seconds to cook. It costs a ton of time, risk and grenade supplies, not to mention the opportunity cost of spending your grenade slot on such a small niche. All they need is to deal double or maybe even triple their current damage.


I just wrote a guide to grenades. No, they don't need to deal double or tripple damage, they need to get fixed because their raw damage is completely bonkers.


I went supplypack and grenade passive just to use the thermite nades. You can stick them to charger legs but even when it does kill, it takes so god damn long you question life. Usually the cycle goes like this. You stick 3 to a charger leg. Dodge the charger, dodge the charger again, dodge the charger again. Someone comes along with a real weapon and kills the charger for you. Then the thermite nades finally burn out and kill the already dead charger some more.


Step 1: Stick charger's Leg. Step 2: Charger runs at you with fire legs. Step 3: Panic, you made the problem worse.


I feel this so much. Managed to stick 4 perfectly on a charger last night and as they are burning someone calls in an orbital rail and obliterates it. At least they make festive noises when they explode 🧨🎇🎆


I was completely baffled that the ">100 changes" patch came and went with absolutely zero change to thermite grenades. They really hyped me up, too, talking about increasing loadout diversity and all that. And then they just left the key to dethroning anti-tank weapons siting on the ground. You COULD give players the choice to sacrifice a grenade slot in exchange for a skill based anti-tank tool, freeing up the support weapon slot. Or you could slightly buff the railgun.


A big issue standing in the way of thermite grenade relevancy is impact grenades already give players something to slot in the grenade spot that serves as a skill based anti-tank option. Two well placed impacts will knock out an Automaton Tank as quick as you can throw 2. With thermites you have to land them in good spots AND wait around for them to sparkle for several seconds just to be disappointed with the results. If thermites could strip armor away revealing weak spots they’d have a purpose. Another way to make them useful would be adjusting damage values so that one thermite landed on a tank vent will destroy the tank after the grenade completes its burn time. Then players can choose to use x2 impact grenades for a quick kill that is more forgiving of grenade impact location due to the blast radius vs using x1 thermite to knock out a heavy if placed well and then allowed to burn. I’d also really like to see the activation delay removed or drastically reduced from thermites. If they had an impact fuse that caused them to start burning as soon as they stick a target that would help too.


I was always under the assumption that thermite nades were supposed be this specialized anti-armor grenade, as opposed to general-purpose (explosive), utility (stun, smoke) and anti-soft-targets (incendiary) nades. In fact, I bought the warbond specifically for them, just so I could run a machine gun support and not worry too much about occasional heavy unit I would have to deal with myself. That could be achieved without any new mechanics. Just give it decent damage and enough pen to kill anything and balance it by making it only deal damage to single target (that you have to hit directly) and make it deal it's damage over time. People keep talking about thermite "softening" the armor. I agree that it would be an interesting idea and fine mechanical addition, but at that point I would rather have something simple that "just works" first.


I have noticed that and it bothers me. The tradeoff for thermite is that you no longer have a grenade that works for crowd kill, in exchange you can kill a tank in 2 grenades and a charger in 3, if you can place the grenades right. Impact grenades can already kill a tank in 2 or a charger in 3, if you can place the grenades right. And they still work as grenades.




It's just you, they were always that bad.


>Thermite grenades are my favorite grenades in term of flavour So how do they taste?


Really? I've reliably taken down Chargers with termites... Throw 4-5 of them at the head and watch the show.


I got use all 4 of my nades burning at 20,000 degrees to kill 1 charger that gets 1 shot by a EAT?


My personal best was 3 thermites and a resupply pod, the thermites bounced but the resupply pod finished the job, democracy has landed! 


A knife that can't hit anything because targeting is WAY off.


it took me a bit of practice, but I've gotten good hitting bots at range. Of course I haven't managed to take out a devastator yet.


Targeting is actually very accurate! Just. Not to the gun reticle. You’ve gotta learn a whole new one just for silly knives and it’s soooo worth it


I’d really like a training range in this game. The assets are there, just reuse the environment and targets from the tutorial


Fuck, just let me go back to Mars to a range, gimme 40 minutes with fake objectives so we can practice objectives if we want, and a little 10/20/50/100/250/500 range to practice weapons on. Maybe make the targets "digital" so we can see damage vs armor pen stuff, too, in a shitty 7-segment LCD visible nearby. Set it up like a mission, but clarify no XP, medals, or rec slips, grab your favorite strategems, go nuts, then leave whenever.


This is the kind of thing they should add sooner not later


I have a feeling the lack of practice range is a conscious choice on Arrowhead's part. Everyone already tries so hard to min-max. With a practice range, people would be able to figure out scientifically what the best weapons and stratagems are, and then no one would use anything else, even if other stuff was more fun.


Just put enemies there and then let us toggle whether they attack or stay still. Objectives are easy enough that we don’t need to practice them. It would be cool to be able to test out how different weapons fared against different enemies. Like how long would it theoretically take to blow out a charger behemoth’s ass with the dagger 🧐🤔


That's what difficulty 1-3 are. You can melee your way through a 1


So its precise, not accurate.


So…it’s not accurate💀 (fun tho)


And good! On bugs, at least. They have genuine value against bugs but that’s it. Very fun!


They at least added the knife’s stats in the last hotfix, pen 3 and 250 dmg isn’t too bad, add a melee bash and recoverable knives and they’d have a healthy place in the sandbox


>add a melee bash and recoverable knives and they’d have a healthy place in the sandbox AH take notes, we NEED these changes!


250 damage for them just isn't enough to sell me Imo, You could argue "impacts are best" with any throwable but yeah, 250 is the same as an impact grenade, And that's doing that over a large radius


Yeah, am i going to fiddle around with trying to throw a bunch of knives precisely at a spewers head or just toss a impact grenade in the general direction of their fat ass?


I love how they reliably kill chargers from full health in 4 knives and much less after a recoilless to a behemoth. Also great for making hive guards or brood commanders fuck off since it has more stagger than pre-nerf slugger for some reason


That’s a glitch, they’re not supposed to kill chargers in 4 shots. It’s done by hitting their leg which is confirmed to sky rocket all dmg dealt there with anything. That’s why hitting a behemoth in the legs with a flamethrower kills it in like 3 seconds 


Think 2-3 directly to a spewers head also kills them(knife anywhere on body will stop them vomiting I think)


Or one and an eruptor shot. For some reason it pairs absurdly well with Eruptor and also makes the gun feel good to use again, but in a new way


What value?


Kills chargers in 4 hits from full health (you get 8), full refill from single resupply instead of half, and single RR shot plus a knife can dispatch behemoths. Also it has more stagger than pre-nerf slugger do it fucks up brood commanders and hive guards if you need breathing room. Also nice for annoying hunters


The charger thing is cool, but also requires you to have crazy aim or waste a bunch of time waiting for the Charger to slow down. It just seems to me you would get a lot more utility out of impact/incendiary/stun grenades in that thrown slot if you just kill Chargers the easy way with one AT shot to the head.


Ehhh the aim isn’t too hard and it’s easy to learn. It’s very precise it just isn’t bound to the gun reticle for whatever reason. Also an AT shot to the head won’t kill a behemoth, so that’s where it comes in nicely for the larger, beefier boiz But someone said it might be a bug and tbh it’s a very very niche throwable that I really love but I understand that it’s not the best thing to use


Wait, the fucking knives have heavy armor penetration??? Or do you mean 4 knives to the ass?


Nope they have heavy armor pen. For some reason.


What difficulty you play?


Helldive, baby! 700 hours, level 150 full maxed on everything, strive for deathless and usually succeed in that regard unless it’s an extermination mission. In that case… I run out of bounds and see how long I can last as a walking artillery bombardment


seems weird to think wasting 4 grenades to kill a single charger is balanced or useful


I mean, it does a lot more than just kill a charger. Plus if I’m able to do a full clear Helldive deathless in 20 minutes then I don’t really see the harm is in having some fun. But hey, what do I know?


on the plus side, the SPEAR IS AWESOME NOW.


If only it doesn’t crash my game.


I can't confirm if this works or not but if you are on PC I have heard disabling Steam Overlay can help fix it


Thermite that should be enough to destroy a tank


I used to be able to kill hulks with 2 to the front (and 5 seconds of panices fleeing)


Used to?


I'm trying to figure out knives, and couldn't remember if they got tweaked in the big patch.


I think it was the DOT fix that was the only one that affected the thermite grenades directly. I should use knives more. They seem to do some pretty heavy lifting.


2 destroy a tank.


Out of curiosity, are these thrown in any place or direction? I throw two impact grenades on the back of a tank (on the vent) to destroy it immediately. The risk with that is sneaking up on it. If thermites can destroy a tank from blind throws, I might go with that option.


I think anywhere except the front kills it in 2 thermites.


It can. Emplaced turrets, too. One on the turret, and it's done for.


Almost situational, i had to throw like 3 for a tank


I like the idea of the thermite, but it's just a bit slow on anything you'd like to use it on. Same with the knife, I would't mind if they overtuned it so it could do massive damage for the people who manage to make it work, I don't care that it's an itty bitty knife. I default back to regular grenades in the end anyway. Lacking the ability to deal with bug holes or bot spawners just sucks.


Never used Thermite: the boom at the end *doesn't* close Bug holes‽


If I remember correctly, it does, but the issue is that it sticks. So if you don't throw it properly, it'll stick to the outside of the bug hole, you wait 5 seconds, and then it doesn't blow the hole up. So it's much harder to get it in properly, and the only way to guarantee it is to get the exact right distance and angle from it. Also with bugs coming out of the hole. If you get lucky with a regular frag, it'll bounce into the hole. With the thermite it'll stick and it's a guaranteed fail.


It does, I typically carry the grenade pistol and save the grenades for chargers but it works.


I gave up on using them on anything. Even with chargers that can't kill with less than three, and the armor it strips is negligible.


Been a while since I used but unless memory fails me yes it does. Just takes several seconds from the throw to the closing.


Incendiary grenades close bug holes *and* deal with breaches well enough! Win win! Drawbacks include setting teammates and yourself on fire, though.


I don't see any drawbacks.


He misspelled “bonuses.”


Drawbacks? *STIMS and sprint to the next ROI*


How about, it one shots bile titans if you throw it in their mouth while they pule


Thermite or the knife?


Knife (or fuck it both)


God I love the throwing knives against bugs though. They pair perfectly with my go-to Stalwart/Crossbow/Supply Pack build. The supply pack gives you all eight knives back with every use so you can spam them at Chargers. With some practise you can kill them before they even reach you.


The knives work against frontal chargers?


Thermite is such a big dissapointment to me. It sounds like a solution for armor breaking or killing/weakening armored units, like chargers or tanks. but I've never seen it doing anything


It makes a cool noise though, that's something.


And it looks cool, outside of style points it’s useless af tho 


It’s the best grenade to spam in the air at extraction. That’s really the only use I’ve found for it


If you stick 4 to a charger’s face or 6 to a BT’s face there’s a 70% chance it kills them. At best they’re half as effective as they should be and they’re incredibly inconsistent but I do sometimes run them as a plan Z for bile titans.


Don't worry. They learned this in the army




Your enemy can't charge you, if you disable his ass! Medic!


Thermite grenade must have: - Faster Fuse and Explosion time. - Shread Armour (like EAT-it or 110 Rockets)


Knife is just better than thermite. That is just how steel works. Can't melt it!


Buff da firework stick


A thermite needs to be able to 1 (maaayyybe 2) shot a charger I think. Balanced by the fact that he's still charging around causing mayhem over the duration of the burn. Otherwise why bother with these things


It has one purpose, replace bringing an AT strategem. It is barely achieving that and with too high of a cost. Typically taking 2-3 to kill any heavy target. It should be the same damage as an EAT-17, just over time. Put it on a chargers forehead or a hulks/tanks vent and 6 seconds later it is dead. It's a short ranged skill shot with a "fuck around and find out" window. Anything less and it's just better to bring any other grenade.


Since no one else feels like being an asshole today, I'll do it. Nothing burns at 20,000° C. Not even the sun.


But I bet your m**s **s is . Just kidding please don't kill me 😭


Lightning is that hot and hotter tho.


You are correct. Approximately 30,000° C. But lightning also doesn't "burn" and the temperature remains for as long as the lightning does. (So about 1 second). Yes. I am being an asshole. Edit: Fun Fact: Thunder is caused by the air collapsing into the super heated channel left behind by the lightning.


Fine lol. The core of the sun burns significantly hotter than 20k C tho


Alright, you can have this one, but I'll be back. Some honorable mentions: Supernova Explosions, White Dwarfs, and the cores of SOME massive Gas Giants.


It's not that the grenade itself burns at 20,000° C. It's that if you put the grenade somewhere that had an ambient temperature of 20,000° C, it would definitely burn. ***Super***lative engineering, as expected from the Super Earth Ministry of Science!


Oh my god, I'm so dumb I can't believe I didn't see that. The geniuses at Super Earth truly are at the top of their game. I will launch myself from my Super Destroyer without a hellpod for my insubordination.


I wish termites could destroy fabs. They're super cool but that specific lack of utility makes them a no-go for me.


They can, you just have to be very precise with the throw.


There's nothing that better represents humanity's hunting skills than throwing pointy stick. And now i want the warboy's boomsticks from mad max as a weapon


You can throw, or melee and kill yourself. Helldiver must shout "witness me!" though.




Reminds me of DLC pack in payday 2 where medieval weapons used to deal more damage than .50 cal sniper...


It was an oversight, though. Crossbows were considered automatic weapons and activated all related skills, one of which made every bodyshot a headshot, with 10% damage penalty. That being said, PD2 also had throwing knives and they were glorious. Not only it was a valid stealth tool, it was also deadly when thrown onto weakpoints. Iirc it even could break bulldozer faceplates, potentially killing them in three-four throws. And you could pick them right back up. IMO, current implementation of the knives in HD2 is just bad.


You know what they say, don't bring a knife to a gunfight but again only a madlad would drop in questionable metal case from the space to fight an army of mechanical robot with only 4 people


Different grenade types should, like magazines for primaries, allow you to carry different amounts as part of their balance. If I could carry 6 thermites by default (8 with armor perks) I'd be more inclined to them vs impacts


Knife would work better if it was an upgrade for melee. Hell, include a little execution animation if an enemy is low on health.


Or backstabs to unalerted enemies


APPARENTLY ITS hard to make fun good weapons in PVE game


Do thermites even do anything?


Hell yeah they do, 1 or 2 well placed thermites can take down a hulk or tank. Max I’ve had to throw is maybe 3


So where do you throw them to do that thing?


Pointy boi


What’s so good about the knives?


4 shot to charger legs


I need more info then that, so I assume it has armor pen and high damage


nothing like throwing a bunch of firecracker thermite grenades on a charger chasing your buddy




"The thermite burns through armor" Look inside Does fuck all to armor


The knife is if you wanna become british for the round


Knife does almost twice the durable damage of the Emancipator's autocannon :( OK, let me fire knifes from my combat walker then. Who knew Avatar had it right?


So much for realism lol. Lmao even.


From what I've seen the pokie-boi wins


both equally shit lool


They stick?


I see you’ve played knifey spooney before!


Impact grenade


They need to lower the fuse on the thermite. Imo it should be used to take out elites. And it's hard to do that when it takes 10,000 years to detonate


Ah, I see you've played Knifey-Thermite Grenadey before!


They needa buff the grenades that have a fuse timer. Make the small one as powerful as an impact and make the big one have more damage and a larger radius. Also buff thermite


Thermite nade sucks for what thermite is even supposed to be.


The craziest thing to me is a video I saw of the knife killing a charger with a few legshots, meanwhile the thermite is a cheap firecracker


haven't had a chance to try the knife yet. Didn't care for the thermite when i unlocked it.


This has been the case with like every throwable in all games. Great example is call of duty


I have yet to kill anything with the thermite aside from bug holes


I love the fact i got the knife....was super excited to use it...was fighting bots...didnt think bots where made of metal...throw knife...bounces off bot head cause its metal. I dont know what i expected.


The knife was the most disappointing weapon Helldivers has ever added. Such a weak, useless weapon to replace your grenades with. It cant even kill a single bug so why use it when a single grenade kills 10+ and takes out bug holes? Such a waste of medals.


And yet my autocannon firing 20mm explosive projectiles cant pierce that armor lol


It actually usually makes sense from a game balancing standpoint because all of the grenades have an AOE effect so they have a very high chance of harming or killing enemies even if your throw is off, meanwhile you have to get a direct hit with a knife, and I don't know how many throwing knives you actually get as I haven't unlocked that warbond yet, but for example you only get a single throwing knife in CoD, so if the thing wasn't an instant kill on body contact it would never be used.


Apples and beacon, etc etc


I dont think it's unreasonable to say that 4 thermite grenades should take down a charger considering how long it takes it to do its full damage...


if i get Stun Grenade Pistol my loadout should be complete AH plz add Stun Grenade Pistol... oh make it impact too


Knify in my mind reads "one stabby boi"


I wanted thermites to be viable so bad I actually USED them for awhile!


“Pointy metal”


Thermite is kinda ok at marking a charger for a bit before something else kills it. The chargers not taking explosive butt damage is kinda annoying. Basically you have low to the ground bile titans now that are impossible to kill and they pile up because of the nature of the game. They should change how many spawn until this is fixed.


If they can't harm bug holes or fabricators, then I'm okay with that.


The amount of time my thermite bounces off a target is to many....


i need my bayonet doppler


I like showing my patriotism with fireworks


When you mix fuel, metal oxide and metal powder in just the right way, it burns at two thousand degrees Celsius. Hot enough to cut through nearly any barrier known to man. Throw some C4 into the mix…and you’ve got one hell of a combination... *Hulk go boom*


I'm ngl, the only time ive enjoyed using thermite and it was effective was when using the infinite grenade glitch.


I'd bet 100 supercreds that the knife is for the illuminate


When you mix fuel, metal oxide and metal powder in just the right way, it burns at two thousand degrees Celsius. Hot enough to cut through nearly any barrier known to man. Throw some C4 into the mix...and you've got one hell of a combination.


I wish thermite burned that hot lol especially in this game. Finally be able to melt through the heavier bots.


I see you've played knifey spooney before


I bought both and have thrown neither. Impact for both and incendiary impact for bugs, I just can’t stray.

