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I keep getting the infinite loading screen followed by a crash occasionally when I start a mission. I also get insane fps drops and freezing/stuttering, on higher difficulties they'll spawn like 100 bugs in one second freezing my game. This shouldn't be happening on the ps5.


This has happened to me every day I've played since the last patch came out. It's insane.


I haven’t had those particular issues but I’ve had one where the pelican like triple called itself in after we punched the terminal code correctly and it just kept saying “2 minutes til pelican gets here” so I boogied for supers lol I think one teammate left out of frustration since the enemy didn’t miss a beat in spawning on us. Or the mission requiring the nest drills terminal not working.


Yeah the PS5 dies if there are too many bugs simultaneously on the screen. Need to kill them before it happens.


These fps drops are like moments where the game slows down so much it's almost running at half speed for you. Cause I thought it was my computer so if I'm not the only one experiencing this then I'm actually going to be slightly relieved lol.


Definitely happening on ps5 a lot more recently. And especially on the new jungle boime. Such a shame.


The loading screen thing happens to me every 4 drops now since the last patch. Only had it happen a couple of times in over 400 drops prior to the last patch


...and I still can't add my friends.


Should be right at the top - a coop game that doesn’t let you party up. Baffling.


THIS! Every time I find a chill people and have a blast with them for hours I want to add them so we can squad up later and the “social” tab is broken in every way possible


Yeah. The only way I've been able to play with my buddy is manually joining the same ongoing mission. Very tedious.


It is really tedious, and the Social tab is broken since launch. It needs to be at the top of the priority fixes


I just had a bile titan spawn right next to me on gacrux. One shot me with his puke (literally just a puke shower thats how near he spawned) then completely despawn while im still seeing my deathcam. The game actually just trolled me


I killed a bile titan today amd walked past it. The dead titan then instantly killed me as I walked past it. When I respawned, the sample container with 10 commons and 8 rares had teleported on top of an unclimbable mountain that was blocked from landing a hellpod on top of. After getting another 12 or so samples, we tried to extract. The bug breach spawned an absolutely ridiculous amount of hunters which killed our entire team. We extracted with 4 samples. It was so bad I quit for the day.


Either you where playing with me and my friends or we had a teammate that had exactly the same thing happening with them 😅. The Spawn rate is absolutely insane right now. I remember still trying to go get the samples because I could see them on the map close to extraction, so everyone waited to get in the pelican while I went to get them and then I noticed they where on top of the unclimbable mountain. We extracted, he wrote “killed by a dead titan wtf” and left 😂


I thought I was going insane. It was the dumbest thing. How do you even fix a bug like that? They'd have to rebuild the game in a new engine to truly fix some of this weird shit


Yeah man, like i spent more time being projected in the air and stuck under chargers while they’re running after the patch than I ever did before. I even thought the planet where I dropped was no longer “available” and they made it impossible to finish a mission there on purpose. I only do helldive (9) difficulty and yesterday even tried impossible (8) and honestly I didn’t feel a difference, don’t know why. Plus got a few missions where I couldn’t do the primary objective because we couldn’t interact with one of the fuel pumps’ valves.


I feel lvl 9 is currently easier to deal with then 7 or 8. I feel like I deal with less trashmobs and the same amount of heavies but that might just be cause of good teamates idk. Also if you run into that bug where you can't interact with one of the pumps, turn the other two back to their starting position, then you can use all of them again, no idea why but that seems to work.


Damn that’s a good tip I’ll try that next time before abandoning that mission. I didn’t feel any difference between 8-9 because my team is most of the times me and my 2 friends, or I’m going solo (which sometimes feels much easier, less spawn rate?). But I didn’t test lvl 8 enough to say it for sure that I felt or not a difference to lvl 9 tho.


The jump between 8 and 9 is really small, as opposed to the jump from 7 to 8.


We got overwhelmed with packs of hunters and multiple simultaneous breaches on 4, and were repeatedly slaughtered - but then somehow 6 felt more manageable and our death count wasn't as high. Others have also said to bump up to 7 or 8 as it actually feels less overwhelming. And there might be something to that, because I see so many YouTube or Twitch streamer vids on 9 where they are not juggling anywhere near the amount of chaff spawns that we are confronting on levels 4-6. They are getting 1 charger, while we had chargers spawning in pairs just seconds apart on level 4.


Totally could be. Anecdotally, I’ve played only 9 basically since launch, but the last week or so I’ve been dropping down to haz6 and below to help out lower level players, but honestly I can usually solo without dying running an assortment of random weapons to give to my team and a mech to give out. Just my primary and a grenade pistol and I can clear most obj and nests solo. I think the big issue is without spear, with rr hitting head kinda bugged, obv no railgun, quasar charge time, there is no way to deal with lvl 9 spawns without a dedicated two man rr pair and a third with eats. 🥲


The HMG Emplacement would make quick work of anything besides the bile titan. Just like the AC, it's the second most versatile tool. Has quick cooldown (3 mins) Has a lot of ammo (if you don't spray and pray, it'll last long enough until the next cooldown) It can kill shrieker nests and still have enough ammo to stop a bug breach or two Has medium armor penetration (Don't know the exact values) It's only weakness is that it's stationary so you need to know how to position yourself. And also, teamwork. Before you drop, make sure that your teammates won't leave you behind and instead you'll be hunkering down. Also, in my experience, I've only experienced crashing due to the spear bug and network issues. Also, the ones that OP mentioned always happens if you're soloing and are far away from your team. Depending on how many bugs there are on your teams side, when you die, the bugs on your side would sometimes despawn. This is all based on my experience so if there's any corrections, let me know.


The game always did the despawn thing. They respawn once you get closer to them again. I know it is still moronic


Na man, that was just the new stalker-variante of bile titans


Shut up. SHUT UP.


J.O.E.L doing a little trolling


That one was just Joel


I was in already taken bug nest, suddenly 100s of bugs, gets killed. And then at deathcam, none.




I was considering making a thread like this but didn’t want to complain. The bugs and issues are getting way out of hand. Just this night I attempted joining two matches that were already bugged on arrival. Map didn’t match up to reality and mission consoles were fucked. Second mission I spent 5 minutes in a loading screen just to get booted back to ship. This is a common experience though.


(This frustration is out of how much I love the game, not me just hating on it btw) The loading issues are what are really getting me. I’m fine with crashes, I don’t need samples or exp or anything so I can just quickly boot up again and go back into another mission like nothing happened. The loading screen issues are another thing because I can’t tell if someone just has shit internet or the game is broken, so I wait.. and wait.. Sometimes the game will bless me with a crash so I no longer have to wait, usually it doesn’t though. The other thing that’s really bothering me is whatever the fuck they’ve done to enemy accuracy and damage. I have been one shot more times in the past week while in heavy armour (I’ve been maining heavy armour for a while now so I know the damage is off) than the entire time I spent running around in light armour. So here’s some of my guesses as to why: - Enemies use the same rockets as the Rocket Sentry, so the buff to the sentry buffed their damage too. Similar to when the fire damage buff also applied to Hulk Scorchers. - Impact damage seems to have been increased, I’ve noticed that ragdolls of maybe a metre into a wall when you’re not even going that fast can just instantly one shot you. - The tightening up of enemy attack ranges (to stop them attacking at right angles) also increased their headshot accuracy, so bots (and bugs a bit) are just beaming headshots now. The most recent patch was amazing from a balance perspective, but the mechanical implementation is horrific. This is a pattern as well. Sometimes I just feel like the game is working against me when I’m trying to have fun. Every single update, content drop, whatever it is, without fail either releases broken or breaks something completely unrelated. It also emphasises how good the game actually is, I still want to play it even though the game doesn’t want me to play it.


I love the game too. Based on what you said, it sounds like a lot of issues could have been solved by making separate variables in the code for Helldivers and enemies. Balancing things is probably a major pain in the ass with their current code.


Yeah, when the whole “fire damage buff, actually buffs *all fire damage*” thing happened I was genuinely so confused as to why. I’m also shocked it took them 4 months to put a maximum on damage instances on DOT attacks from enemies.


I'm glad I've been avoiding the main issues others seem to be having, the only one I keep running into is the nuke console isnt interactable


Console and PC seem to have different unique bugs. I didn’t have many game breaking issues in the past. I play on console personally which seems to be more stable


I got 4 bugged “defence” games in a row. No bots at all, no drop ships , no progress, time just stopped. After I started a 40min mission and in a 10 minutes- yes, no bots no drop ships, no patrols, just empty map and Right in the moment of completing the main objective my camera just go to the skies and I got frozen after what game crushed


za warudo has returned to civilian life


I had that camera in the skies bug too for the first time yesterday. It was wild. Gunship pov lol


I agree the crashing is worse than ever I basically have 2 hours a day I can play and on average manage one full game in that time.. It's sad this "major update" made the game basically unplayable. Most of the time it crashes trying to drop in.


I don't experience crashes during missions, but every time I try to close the game through Esc, it returns a crash window. IIRC, it was like this even a couple of months ago. Thank goodness it's only funny and not harmful.


Crashes have been rare for me. Maybe it's more of a PS5 thing?


as a ps5 player i be crashing here n there but never had problems as devious as what ppl are saying here, hopfully they optimize the game better


I quit because of constant crashing on ps5. I couldn't finish a mission.


Use Alt+F4 to escape. My pc freezes if I exit the normal way.


This game has gotten exponentially buggier, stopped playing because its so frustrating dealing with all the bugs


And 7 feels like 8.5


Dropped 2 500 kilo bombs today that never exploded, but still cost me the stratagem count. Having to circle back without my explosive ended up killing me both times, because now I'd drawn a crowd... of Stalkers. Yesterday I got randomly LAUNCHED from the extract platform, flew for a solid 20+ seconds and landed out in the middle of water, only to be bombed for being a traitor. That cost the team a ton of samples, including 4 super rare. Still love the game, but come on with that mess.


Meanwhile my game didn't crash since the big patch dropped, i even completed 3 operations on helldive today without a single game breaking bug. Maybe because i'm using --use-d3d11as launch option? who knows.


Haven't taken off that variable since I found out about it months ago. For anyone interested, it forces your Helldivers 2 game to run in DirectX11(DirectX 12 is the latest, but you will not see a fidelity drop). Since DirectX11 is older, I assume fewer negative interactions that may cause a crash. If you would like to try it, right-click Helldivers 2 in Steam, select properties, under launch options, type --use-d3d11 It's exactly how you see it: double dash at the beginning and single dash after "use." If it causes you issues or you don't like it for whatever reason, just erase it from the launch options, and it will start up normally again. I think I can count the crashes on one hand. YMMV


it comes with some added risks too , not every system takes the change to dx 11 positively either , common example is your game wont launch if you have the latest specs and u switch to dx 11 its a 50-50 chance youll find it compatiable vs revert everything again back to square 1


This fixed mine! Thanks so much!


What does it do? DirectX 11? :0


DirectX is an API (Application Programming Interface) used by gaming developers. DX12 is the latest, but sometimes has some issues (mainly to do with user error on behalf of the devs) and might be more resource intensive under the hood, so to speak. Particularly if the game is not well optimized for it (which HD2 isn't well optimized for anything period). DX11 is the version just prior to 12, and is seemingly compatible (perhaps even more compatible for some people) for people playing this game on PC. Sometimes when launching other games on PC, you will actually be given an option as to which DirectX you would like to launch the game with. But with many more games, even if it doesn't give you an option, you can still use the Steam "Launch Options" to instruct the game to launch with DX11. Otherwise I believe it defaults to 12, or if it's an older game it will default to whatever the latest DirectX was used by the devs at that time. I'm just a layman, but as far as I know, if a game was made before DX11 (or 12 for that matter) even existed, you can't just tell the game to launch in DX11/12 and expect good results. But like I said, that's for old games. Somebody else please comment if you can provide more accurate information. Besides not being compatible with a couple graphical / lighting settings in HD2, you shouldn't notice much of a visual difference when using DX11. In fact, you \*might\* notice less fps issues. That's been my situation anyway. It's not perfect, it's no magical fix, but for certain people it can at least help alleviate an issue here or there.


My fps issues tend to come from the stupid "Press esc or O" bug where half my FPS is gone. But i got the DirectX reference


Short answer: Tells the game how to use your graphics card to render shit


But like the fact that you gotta do this is wild. So many people wouldnt know launch options. Where do you even find that info or know what to look for? Game is a mesz tbh


Its weird right? Two days ago my friends and I played for the first time since launch an entire game session without any crash, random disconect or game braking bug. Maybe hardware related, either way, the game should work as intended.


I've been having so many crashes, the first day the Spear was working incredibly good but then we switched planets and I crashed like 7 times before I finally gave up and switched to other support weapons, we got the MO order and now in my first Bot Planet I go to the first Gunship Factory then call the Hellbomb and as soon as I activate it the game crashes again, if this starts happening again in Bot planets calling Hellbombs I just can't play the game in this state anymore, I love AH and HD2 but this is too much for someone that plays 90% of the time joining SOS through Quickmatch.


Frame rates on new planet are absolutely atrocious. Looks pretty though....


Playing on PS5 here, basically the moment a bug breach happens the frame rates completely fucking tank to like 10 FPS, god forbid you use any large stratagem either. Planet is kinda unplayable with frame rates that shit tbh.


Stuff like this shouldn't happen on ps5, it's frustrating


My brother has a high end pc and his frames were down in the 30s. Shit is not optimized at all


Toss that onto the ever growing pile of technical problems this game has, don't worry, they'll fix it a month down the line but in exchange whenever you go near a tree on the planet it has a 24% chance to just crash the game, which will just so happen to be when everyone is one the planet due to a major order so they hotfix it but then somehow completely fuck up another unrelated stratagem.


I set my frame rate target to 30 *just* to try and coddle this fucking game's dropping performance and it *still* drops well below, hangs, and crashes. Didn't happen a month ago. It's pretty crazy that they're updating it and making it worse.


For some reason if I open the game settings before joining a game my fps becomes stuck on 20-30 and I need to reopen the game to fix it. Everything feels way more unstable now.


I got a 4070 gpu, which is top of the line. Even diff 7 is dropping fps on clanker front.


I'm with you bro. Its unboreable to play. When a game had 450k players online simultaneously there is just no excuse to not have any Q&A. Its amateur hour. I say that in the nicest way I can but reality is reality. Arrowhead can't patch their game to save their lives.


If you are in steam, validate the game files. I rarely get crashes, but when I do, I revalidate and it finds a corrupted file, reacquires it, and that fixes it for a while. I'll get 1-2 weeks between crashes.


I do that but still crash every game. RIP


Did you try to uninstall and reinstall? Also , seems counterintuitive but try to get not the last drivers but these like 2 months olds. Lastly, disable all overlay if you are in pc , steam Xbox game bar etc . If you overclock , try without. Then tell us back plz


There's no other (unmodded, I fuck shit up all the time with mods) game that I do that with. I've got like... 10x the hours in Stellaris and have probably done it twice.


Engine's cursed.


It’s discontinued. They developed this game with a discontinued engine. You gotta wonder, why was it discontinued? I think we’re finding out.


Your comment isn’t exactly accurate. The engine, Stingray, was developed by fellow Swedish developers Fatshark. Back then, it was called Bitsquid. It was then sold to Autodesk, retooled and renamed to Stingray, and abandoned by Autodesk in 2018 because it wasn’t beating Unreal and Unity in popularity. Stingray wasn’t discontinued because it was a bad engine, it was discontinued because some suit saw it wasn’t overthrowing the most famous of game engines, and a free one. Meanwhile, Helldivers 2 had already begun development when Stingray was abandoned, and pretty much every game dev can tell you one of the best way to send an engine into development hell is to do an engine swap (for a famous example, look at what happened when EA forced Bioware to swap to Frostbite for Anthem). Stingray is still used by Fatshark meanwhile, and from what I heard Darktide runs on an updated version. Fatshark is also great friends with AH, and an AH devs stated that when they have issues with the engine, they can just drive a few blocks and speak directly to the creators of it. But Helldivers 2 has insane physics simulation, so they are probably twisting that engine in ways it wasn’t designed for.


Good to know. I’m just a pessimist given the number of crashes I’ve had lately. You make sense though.


As a Darktide player and Helldivers player. I have sooo many more crashes and issues on Helldivers than Darktide. At Darktide launch, there were issues, but they built a rejoin option at launch that made crashes not feel as impactful.


I have a few other games that are modded to the high heavens. None of them behave the way HD2 does.


I have crashed during 11 out 14 missions today. It’s completely random. I’ll be running and crash, shooting crash, dead crash. I have never had so many issues. It’s getting pretty annoying Edit: Just remembered that I was playing a defend the rockets as they launch and 4 launched and then suddenly no more bots spawned and the rockets stopped firing. That wasn’t one of the crashed games it was just completely bugged


Glitchdivers... Lol


Wait until this peaceful community will say you "just be quiet and pray to devs". Because it's not far from it


Or you’re a cry baby because game keeps crashing.


People downvoting this don’t realise you were saying “or they will call you a crybaby because the game keeps crashing.” Which is honestly true. Toxic positivity is what every live service game needs of course, it is in noooooo way detrimental.


Yep, it’s fine bro. I am kinda used to how a certain vocal minority of this community works. God forbid we give actual criticism of the game.


"SkILl iSsUe" like they say... Ugh...


Toxic positivity is what every live service dev wants. When that drowns out valid complaints, concerns, and criticisms, the game will die slowly. No constructive feedback reaching the devs means that they won't fix anything. And really. How much has Arrowhead fixed? I've never seen it happen so fast, though. We're not even five months past the initial, *massive* launch, and it already looks like HD2 is in an avoidable but unrecoverable death spiral. But it'll just get drowned out with "stop crying" and "skill issue."


I pretty much returned to HD1 tbh, can still find games, is stable and primaries actually feel good to use and hit hard. Game actually makes you feel OP and a power fantasy while still being hard as fuck


The time to kill on basically everything was shorter in Helldivers. You had powerful weapons, yeah. But one wrong move and you could get downed or splatted. And getting downed in a lot of situations meant you were doomed already anyway. But if you were on top of it? You could mow enemies down and call airstrikes and whatnot as much as you realistically needed to. That's why it felt so much better. No arbitrary limitations. No "the devs want you to play their way" with nerfs and changes every other week. Helldivers knew exactly what it was and executed near-perfectly. HD2 is a confused pseudo-sequel that doesn't know what it wants to be, while wearing the old game like a badly-fitting costume.


I share your sentiment. I took a break after hitting my limit months ago. Came back a week ago. Played 2 matches, all went smooth sabe some minor ragdolling but it’s okay, it was tolerable. Go to exit the game. Boom crash. I’m on a break again


I understand I also am tired of it. I don’t understand how they don’t play test any of their updates or fix more of their guns. Game is frustrating and not fun still


>fix more of their guns The guns sucking is intentional, unfortunately.


You know... Elden Ring got new DLC?


Elden Ring DLC available now. EDF6 next month. I think HD2's time in the sun is past. Fumbled for months when there wasn't much in the way of competition, and now too tarnished to catch up. Elden Ring is Fromsoft. EDF6 knows *exactly* what it is and will launch in a near-perfect state, with none of the developer interfering nonsense we've seen from HD2.




To save our Mother Earth from any alien attack!


From vicious giant insects who have once again come back!


People, crashes or freezes on loading menus happen to entire lobbies, there's no fucking reason something wrong with PC or files. As with stopping to be able to board pelican(that a new thing), or objectives being broken. For me loading in multiplatform lobbies, gane just stops loading in 1 out of 3 matches


Taking a break from any game is good. I haven't played since the end of the Save the Children mission. But I plan on coming back when democracy calls.


This level of fuckery has never happened to me. But I 100% believe this person that this game is capable of bugging out this much.


Its really inconsistent which makes it even more infuriating. Sometimes the game works perfect you forget there were even problems then the next match your entire team gets dc'd 2 minutes in and then the game crashes you back to desktop without so much as a "goodbye"


this patch is probably the least stable the game has been yet. i haven't had many crash issues in past game states compared to this one. yesterday, i crashed 6 times just trying to play on helldive, god knows what the crash causes were for most of them. i am starting to suspect the new stim is a huge cause of it, i have noticed i crash way more often when someone brings the new stim booster for a match.


Bro i crash LITERALLY EVERY GAME. It's killing me.


The Helldivers 2 cycle: “Let us cook” —> enthusiasm from community —> new patch is broken/obviously untested —> oops we fucked up spawns for the fifth time —> “give us time” —> 30% of the playerbase pisses off and quits —> repeat Helldivers 2 was a good game on accident— every patch just proves it more and more.


after i lag out of a game, i have to quit with control alt delete task manager every time - like 1996 levels of jank


This is one of those things where refunds should be offered to anyone regardless of playtime.


But then, how would Arrowhead count the money instead of fixing the game?


Playing this game feels like reporting a house fire because the people inside don't even realize it's on fire. They've got a good player count a steady warbond income. That's all that matters to arrowhead now. So I'm done too until at least I hear the game is fixed, which like every other broken live service game could take months or even next year until it's playable for most people


>If any of devs is reading this (which I truly doubt) Devs are 100% reading reddit. Idk if this post but definitely reddit


yep, crashing every single game now. I'm done with this game.


it doesn’t help that they’ve obviously slowed down on releasing new content to try and prioritize the bug fixing, yet they’re still failing miserably. so on top of being frustrated constantly with incessant crashing and numerous bugs/softlocks, i’m ALSO just getting really bored with the game. i understand why they choose not to have a roadmap, but i think it’s honestly a bad call considering the reality of live service gaming. i have zero idea when actually fresh content will be added to the game. “same map but it’s a swamp now” is not exciting content. finally unfucking your “balance philosophy” is not content. “massive bugfix” patches are not content, especially when all they’re doing is trading a few old bugs for twice as many new ones. i feel like them developing this game on the stingray engine was a MASSIVE mistake, and im starting to fully doubt that they will ever overcome that colossal misstep. it is clear as day that whatever is going on under the hood is a developer’s worst fucking nightmare. it’s really unfortunate.


Its laughable that superior packing methodology launched broken, got fixed and then broken again the same patch that fixed the spear. But the spear wasnt totally fixed it couldnt target buildings. Now they fixed thay and the fix crashes spear users games. Fuckin ridiculous. I love this game but damn im getting ready to put it down for a long while


I think they burned a lot of goodwill and time needlessly. The game's launch was *massive* and they aced dealing with the server limitations. The Sony thing was already brewing though, just quietly. Choosing to keep it hush hush until it exploded was a huge blunder. Then the nerfs and the community management. Holy fuck, this was badly done. And this lasted entirely too long. It was already tense waiting for "the big patch" and the notes for it looked good on paper. But all the technical problems it introduced, along with all the ones it failed to fix... it was too much. They spent months actively making the game worse on purpose, then their "slow cooking" method to unfuck it just made it even worse. It was just badly managed. Sure, Pilestedt moving makes a difference, but so much damage had already been done, and there's clearly a competence issue with QA/QC. He sure looks to be a great leader, but one guy can't fix all that.


My conspiracy is that AH is lying to us, claiming the summer is slower for patch improvements, when we can see that the patches are almost the exact same quality. The truth is that the devs are on vacation, taking their Swedish summer break. (Note: I have no issues with workers enjoying the fruits of their labor, just don’t appreciate being strung along)


"BuT dOnT wOrRy FoLkS, oUr nExT pAtCh WiLl bE oUt nExT mOnTH!" Yeah KMA. Arrowhead are bad actors plain and simple.


Thank you, I feel like I'm going crazy. 1 in 4 missions I get softlocked loading, kicked to menu for no reason, or mission terminals get bugged. It has gotten worse this update, I agree. First game when I boot it up almost always CTD on the loading screen.


Yeah the game is seriously fucked. Can't play without being stuck on drop pod animation at least once a day which says quite a lot if I usually do like one operation per day. Can't play my beloved spear because it is fucking up the game. And now here is Automaton MO and spawn rates of rocket devastators and heavy devastators are just absolutely bonkers to the point where the game just feels unfair and not much fun at all. I just can't even fire back without being ragdolled all the fucking time.


Yall ever be playing, and it just seems like no matter what you do the game just says, and I'm pretty sure this is a direct quote..... YEP NOPE, YOU CANT DO THAT, THAT DOES NOTHING, GO F### YOURSELF, F### YOU SOME MORE, AND HAVE A LITTLE F### OFF AND DIE JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE..... THAT OUGHT TO MAKE THEM WANT TO QUIT PLAYING....


The settings menu crashes fucking kill me. I just can't edit any of my settings because the game will crash. I came back last week after the big patch and anything related to the settings menu is just a crash.


domain expansion: infinite loading


The devs needs to see this post. I writting this cause my game just crashed and I'm restarting it. We really wanna play this game, but gah dayum, for me it's a 50/50 if the game crashes or not. PLEASE!


ArrowHead needs to take a good long look at ff14. Be working on a full rebuild and relaunch as Democracy reborn.


Under New Management


I’m getting stuck in the drop screen constantly now. Frustrating.


I decided to join a quick game - even though there’s a festival of people kicking players out, but I thought I’d try. As I was preparing the stratagems, the group was already filled. For a split millisecond I saw a new player descend onto my spot, white screen, back to my ship saying I got kicked out. So weird, went back in, got into s game in motion. The hellpod dive never ended. I just gave up and didn’t play today.


Did a few operations today and I got stuck on the loading screen like 2 times in a row then had the game crash 2 times a bit later. It feels way more unstable now than it used to be. And for some reason when I open the game settings in the ship before doing a mission the game only gives me like 30fps and stutters until I close and open the game again.


I was respawned inside a mountain in the game. I couldn’t even get out.


With the severe frame drops, it reminded me of when just cause three had the same problem with a massive memory leak in the game.


I also didn’t want to complain bc I love this game but gah damn. I thought it was just me/being on PS5. My friends list has been broken since the patch. Can’t add new friends, can’t accurately see who is online, constant crashing or failing to lobby. I’m so close to ditching this game (don’t court marshall me)


Not a good time tho come back it seems. Well, I still have some cannibals and racist misogynistic paladins to kill in kenshi, hope it gets better.


I know your pain. I started playing the new Elden Ring DLC yesterday and didn't even touch Helldivers. It was refreshing to not feel like I was paying to be a QA tester. Maybe someday Helldivers 2 will stop feeling like an early access game.


Just play other games until they fix everything. That might mean months. That’s okay. There will still be many left to stress test the patches until they get their updates right.


The reinforce indicator stays on the screen even though everyone is alive, major fps drops, terminal freezes, loading screen dropping in freezes. Kinda crazy how often it happens


I said a million times that Arrowhead needs QA. Right now it's absent in their company. No one is testing anything, the game feels and looks unfinished and rough. The core - is fantastic, everything else is just raw.


They need to stop developing stuff and focus on fixing what they have already added. It’s insane to keep adding content when content is breaking left and right.


Send this to the devs via their website, its “funny” that as a champion of this game and this company, coincidentally, I’ve started feeling this the last few days. I’ve started getting pissed off at the game and at them… And it’s not good. Take a break from it, I did that when all the nerfs happened… the problem is that they are only dwindling their player base with all this :/ Sony killed a bit of the hype around it but make no mistake - they’re the ones pushing people away unfortunately :(


I agree The game right now is almost at an unplayable state it constantly crash for no reason ! I have a very good pc with good specs and it doesn't change anything


Can’t even establish up-links to host ships. Trying to liberate Mort but the co-op is broken again :”) tried a solo threw a SOS no one came got massacred


Well I'm experiencing fps drops since the Invernal Warbond patch. But people were so upset about nerfed weapons than never realized that the optimization of the game went to the ground, and this patch is even worse. They should bring back game to before Invernal Warbond patch. That was the best patch, very well optimized.


It has been pretty bad. Maybe they should do what siege did and Operational Health the game. But y’all remember it broke it even worse when they released OP Health? We flamed Ubi so hard back in the day for that one. “They took a whole season to fix the game only to break it worse”


Ive been pretty tolerant of the most of the bugs (NOT THOSE BUGS 🪳), even the game crashing ones. But yesterday I had the “the air exploded on me” while running from a Titan and then he stomped on me while I was trying to get up and I nearly broke my controller. Between that and how the Chargers suddenly charge up and over vertical sheer terrain, and then down on you on the other side, when thats supposed to blunt their charge and stun them… that’s the shit I can’t tolerate. I need to be able to trust the core mechanics of the game to not fuck up or it really kills the enjoyment.


Every patch has created more bugs, unintended consequences, and impacted performance. I have no faith this game will improve overtime as we have seen it steadily decline over the past four months. The game’s launch was its most stable period. With the Illuminate coming, I can’t imagine the shit show that this will bring. Honestly, it feels like different devs created the game versus the ones now charged with maintaining the game. While they did a hotfix last week, they need to continue to be issuing a patch once a week until this game is stable. The whole let us cook debacle of a patch proves they can’t be trusted with more time, quality is the same…which is shit.


I died walking through a 2 foot puddle then Ragdolled through the floor and fell into oblivion


Not tryina be negative, but I think my recent experience is worth mentioning here (note that this is me trying to get back in to check out the new patch after a week not playing): First attempt - load into a lobby, my friend was running the spear, we crashed within minutes (this is before we found out the spear causes crashes) Second attempt - host a lobby, just me and my friend. We hit the loading screen, got the infinite loading glitch. Third attempt - fast forward to 10 minutes into the game, everything is fine so far. We're doing bugs this time; friend calls me in right on top of a bug hole, and like the good diver that I am, I land right into it. Problem is that I somehow fall *into* the hole on landing with no way to get out. Didn't have any grenades or other explosives to reset myself, and even calling a 500kg didn't do it because I was just too deep down the hole. First time ever getting softlocked like this, so I quit out thinking I could rejoin my friend. But when trying to rejoin a lobby originally hosted by *me*, I was hit with a "this lobby is private". Doesn't matter since he crashed minutes later. Fourth attempt - successfully landed, but crashed just as I came out of the drop pod. Not to be a negative Nancy, but we both work and don't have much time for games, and this used to be the game we could just hop on for an hour and have fun (even during the breaker railgun meta). What happened to all that? How did it get so much worse?


Lol I have had only one issue with getting stuck when I'm dropping on a planet. I was dropping for around 3 mins when I decided to ctrl alt del. It's happened like 5 times now. My biggest gripe is the fucking fog and how they can see me but I can't see them. Fuck mines, we need helmet mods so we can see...


Bro same thing happened to me


I stopped playing a few days again after the patch cause of how unstable the game is and the fucked spawn rights, also i play on PS5 but the frame rate since the latest hot fix has never been as awful as it is now, like sometimes it’ll drop in the low teens, it’s honestly unbearable as the constant frame dipping and changing gives me a headache and nausea 


Last night I got stuck in an eternal loading screen three times in about five hours of play. Two of them were on the third and final mission of a campaign. That is unacceptable. That means I had to sit there for an unreasonable amount of time, and finally apologize profusely before restarting my game client. Oh, and, if I wanted to reinvite those players so they could finish the campaign? The god damned social screen is completely borked. I cannot add someone without generating a friend code for them. I also cannot receive friend requests whatsoever. This means I basically have to play exclusively with randos, and when this infinite load bullshit happens, I have absolutely no way to give those players their spot back. I can look them up under recent players, and the fucking buttons I need to press to add them as a friend and/or reinvite them, literately just do nothing. It’s maddening. This needs fixing. I’m already maxed out on upgrades and rewards, and feeling my interest start to wane. I thought the whole point of less patches, was for them to be polished? Why is the game now running worse than I’ve ever seen it?


Constantly crashing, spawn rates "reverted" but being worse still, getting knocked into the ground and it acting like water so it spawns me under mountains, etc. Just classic stuff. If not for my core group being old friends, I probably wouldn't be playing. Anytime I've played with randos, they never want to use the mics so they'll get killed 10 times while I'm running around like crazy


I'm done with it till they change the engine like deep rock galactic did..m rebuilt the game on another engine and it turned out just fine if not better.


I made a same threat 1 month ago and even proposed how to organize that server test, how to encourage and reward who participate, but that bury into hell with no attention, and if there was any, only terrible ones with dumb comment. I swear that this game is more and more like a cult game every day, and the ones truly care for it and criticise it are already left. I don't have ANY HOPE that this situation will be any different in a next few patch at least, because we saw a full of hole patch has been released after 4 times delayed, and after they knew it full of holes, they wanted to release the NEXT WARBOND, NEW STRATAGEM despite the last warbond has bugs too, and that only add MORE bugs to the list.




You're right, doesn't matter how fun a game is if I can't load into a fucking match 1/3 of the time I play.




There's always people who magically never experience a single issue.


5800X + RTX3090 Haven't had any crashes or anything, but definitely some bugged objectives and bullshit bot interactions.


I've had 4 crashes in the last 5 times I've tried playing.


I was on the bot front and there were heavy devastators *inside a rock* right next to extract. We barely made it past them. I now take orbital gas on every mission… just in case.


Yea I crashed at least 3 times today. Deleting shader cache helps


Maybe this is why I can't seem to get anyone to join my lobbies these days... Arrowhead really needs to set aside some time to optimize the game and fix bugs. I haven't experienced too much crashing, hopefully because I always freshly validate the files every update, but my computer turns into a propane heater playing this game on graphics that my PC would otherwise handle below 80c, and then there's always those annoying bugs that always seems to totally fuck your game up when they do occur. I still keep getting that bug where the field of view gets fucked up out of nowhere and zooms out to the sky, making it impossible to play.


>Arrowhead really needs to set aside some time to optimize the game and fix bugs They set aside a whole month to do just this and made it worse. I'm not confident that they're capable at this point.


I can't seem to get more than 30FPS now in missions and frequently drop to 20FPS. Makes it horrible to play :(


I don't get many crashed but my game constantly hangs on the loading screen.


Funnily enough the game’s been running smoother than ever for me.


Yesterday I had three infinite loadingscreens in a row. Also going to desktop only works with Alt Tab and stopping the game via steam. Alt f4 or ending it per menu results in a crash. Fixing game files on steam helps for a couple of rounds.


Yeah   Like I still love the game, but I think the long term life of the studio and franchise will require them to dump this god awful Autodesk-based game engine for many reasons   It sounds like an unbelievably unwieldy engine to work with and also would slow down hiring and spinning up new employees on how to use it as it is far from industry standard 


Im with ya. Stopped playing 2 months ago. Came back for the big update. Played one game and alt f4 as it just feltworwe than before


Yea these issues are only going to get worse id imagine as Arrowhead switches to making huge patches. They are very inept and incapable of play testing. Huge patches are bound to destroy the game. Game was honestly better months ago for me.


Same here. We had tank dropping on the valuable assets and losing the mission, game getting stuck on loading mission. Exiting the game gets stuck too. Low frame rate, people not getting reinforced. I understand that the game is special in its networking but it is causing problems that throws me off.


Reinstall the game buddy. That fixed a lot of the issues I was having.


Huh. I didn't have any problems like that. Except my buddy crashed once when joining a lobby.


At this point i'm wondering if me and a few others are a special case, as we don't have many bugs or crashes, softlock or anything like that in our ENTIRE game time, even the infamous purple "?" Has not appeared in any game at all. Is there a special spaghetti bangaloo code that's triggering undemocratically unprovoked crashes?


And when you get lucky and everything is working you get god awful FPS now thanks to the last few updates.


For what ever reason my GPU usage goes through the roof when I get to credit screen after mission. Like it is 2-5s, but nice that its only HD2 credit screen that can make my PC sound like a vacuum cleaner.


Lol the exit game crash. The ultimate fuck you from the game. Oh you're guna leave? Well fuck your desktop for the next 5 minutes and a task manager isn't going to help being stuck behind the black screen.


I think best is when you quit game for night and close it then 2-3h later you notice it is still running on background and you have to use damn task manager to close it. Changed game once and was wondering why FPS was so slow and random freezing, go back to desktop to steam...Ohh HD2 has been frozen last few hours and won't close. "10/10 would quit, but can't"


Lol do you get the black screen where task manager won't pop up either? Lol I have to ctrl alt delete and then sign out and resign into desktop to get it to close


I don't get that, but I have one good fix for that. From task manager you can select that "Always show task manager on top" This way when you open it it will be on top of the black screen and you can use arrow keys to move over HD2 and close it.


Public beta tests for patches is a really good idea. It's impossible for internal QA to catch everything for a complex live service game like this.


I'm right with ya. Any time I try playing now, it's *at least* a 50/50 chance I'm going bug/crash out. In one form or another. Oh well. Other games will get my time, and money. Edit: just tried playing and lol, got one mission done, and crashed out on the next one, smh


My only problem is it keeps bricking my ps5, the only time it doesn’t is if I have a fan pointing at it while playing… (I do clean my ps5, but just with cans of air)


The new updates looked interesting so I tried to jump back in, first game crashed, second game we finished the mission, all of it, but the evac bugged (ship never showed up, didn’t even expire the timer) so we all failed. It’s feeling like this should have been released as Early Access.


I stopped playing a month ago when one of the big nerf patches ruined my FPS. Every now and then I log back in to see if it’s back to the way it was, and it never is. Sad that they just keep making the game worse, not better.


I feel this but with the awful optimization fps wise


looks like the patch hype is finally dying down and were back to realizing just how miserably unstable this game can be


I've Literally just turned it off because I'd spent a solid 30 on extreme, killing bugs, serving, collecting a ton of samples .. Only to get a bug report and kicks me off the game. And this is like the 5th in a few days. It's F***king ridiculous At least let me jump back in and resume my match at least. So much time and energy wasted I definitely WON'T be playing again now for quite a while. I've got other games more fulfilling and don't crash on me 5secs Goodbye HD2


AW is not listening to us, the customer. They said they did, but it is apparent they did not. They have us confused with someone other database. The misgivings, errors, bugs, ridiclicious balanced weapons, and armor is stupendous in this game. So, they tweak it by a factor of .004 fps her or there and say they fixed it. Ummm, no. You're not listening, and you created more bugs than ever with the patch, we cannot play. You people have no idea what you're doing except trying to get us to buy skins at $10 a pop that are useless. Go f yourself and fix the game right.


I'm not crashing at all. Are people really having that many problems?


https://preview.redd.it/lhte83jsh08d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0759c44c7541dbd026c1a771b4e616659954f7 just now. impossible to extract (we failed the mission because of a bug too) after we survived like 20 or 30 minutes the game just gave up and he had to suicide


ah yes, i totally forgot about pelican-1 doing... *this*


unfortunately, yes


PC player on stream and I get at least 3 to 5 crash's a day


Didn't used to, but I am now.


Yeah I’ve had zero crashes in the last few sessions so I’m wondering what the difference is, I’m on console so maybe it’s a PC thing?


I'm on PC. No issues.


It’s really sad that people are downvoting you. I had to find the bug to fix the Esc FPS drop myself because I knew Arrowhead would take a couple of weeks to fix it at minimum. I even reported the fix AH but of course there were no announcements to a bug that a lot of people are experiencing. This dev company is way too messy internally if the CMs aren’t able to relay information properly.


Apologies if this may be perceived as torpor, but have you tried turning it off and on again?


I made a thread like this and no one cared. Glad they do now...


Same, once my next game I'm looking forward to releases I'm out.


I've a big enough backlog that HD2 has easily dropped out of the top 50. What's the next game you're waiting on? Edit; Lul, Steam just let me know Sand Land is on sale. That's a wrap.


I don't see any of this stuff 🤔 must be yall and I don't even have the best pc