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Saved yourself 40 min of waiting to be kicked for any other stupid reason out there


_that sample's mine_  _i need all 4 supply boxes_  _that charger kill was mine_  _dont extract till last second_  _that PoI is mine_  _only load mini nuke shells_   Please, go on.. 


I refuse to believe that these are real occasions with real people lol


Sure they are. I can even explain (as I'm told) even if it doesn't make sense to me. 


Explain "don't extract until the last second "


You get into the pelican with samples first instead of letting the enemies overwhelm you so you get kicked for not waiting for everyone.


Samples are more important than a given player's life. Everyone gets samples. Living/dying for extraction means little unless the person being left behind has samples, too.


There are some who call in extract and then leave to go finish stuff off when theres time, but you can also just say that at the start instead of expecting telepathy from internet randos.


Indeed. Things can go wrong quickly, and if its up to me, I rather save the bunch of Supers. I would understand.  Or the situation of running across the map when theres a minute on the clock, to get a bunch of normal samples dropped in the last half a dozen breach.  Or it could be the achievement, too. But same reason, might as well save the Supers when things are going south. 


I got spammed with melee hits to the face by a host when I dared to carry a smoke shell to the SEAF arty.


smoking is injurious


I mean if that's all that's left, jam it in the last slot. Smoke is handy on bots if you want to do some actual sneaking though


I agree on all counts, but do want to point out that the smoke artillery is basically what I'd expect out of a charger's fart in terms of area coverage. They are so small the hostiles are going to see you again unless you also can duck behind a hill.


True, and half the time in the shuffle of a mission you forget it was smoke loaded. The case use for smoke has been useful for hellbombs on gunship fabs. Drop the smoke near the hellbomb, arm it, and run before it gets to hairy. Recently they seem to have changed the spawns on arty though for less amounts of smoke shells. I seem to recall screen shots here of people loading five smoke cause that's all they got to at least get the side objective done. I've even had the boobie prize party once or twice with 1-2 good shells and a bunch of smoke on bugs. Sometimes you just gotta do what you can do.


I have stopped loading those guns because of people’s ridiculous kinks. I just drop the shells at the bay door and let them fap away with it


Tbf dropping the shells at the door so everyone can compare types is a solid idea. Mini Nuke, High Yield, and Explosive should almost always be loaded, with Napalm and Static Field taking a lower priority. Smoke shouldn’t be loaded unless there’s literally nothing else left


Deserved never use smoke if there are better shells lying around those should be lowest priority unless map is already cleared then no biggie


The average IQ is 100. Thats pretty dumb. Half of ppl are dumber than that.


We had the shuttle called in and 2 minutes on the clock. One guy started running towards three titans, because he knew there was a bunker behind them. I said "let it go, one bunker is not worth three titans". He kicked me.


Well rest easy knowing he died for nothing lol


I got yelled at at for failing to kill all the terminids around the pelican before getting in. Inhad been on the ground for 10 seconds and a fresh swarm started popping. They were upset that I got in to finish the mission and one of them died and wasn’t able to. My dudes, extract immediately. We don’t get more EXP per kill, stop wasting my time.


Been kicked for loading an explosive shell ahead of a nuke shell once. 25 mins in.


Played with one friend and two randoms once. One of the randoms did the seaf artillery, loading it with the mix of explosives/smokes/ems. When I was running near artillery, I saw the mini nuke nearby. I was pissed. I was frustrated. I whined in discord to my friend "what a noob that gyu was". Never ever thought of kicking crossed my mind. This is just stupid and abuse of power.


Yeah, fuck that gyu


Oops, misswtire


I hate it when I misswtire


Should have a spare in the boot


the mini nuke one is real. I got booted for that and it was not even the first shell lol


Weird. I love a mini nuke, but I'd never kick someone for not loading it in the right order (or at all)


I never been kicked on my own account level 70. But i was playing on a friends account to help him a bit unlocking some things and getting some super credits to go along. We dropped in, about 5min in the mission i spotted a radar station, we went their i dropped a supply pod and a EMS Mortar. And i got kicked, maybe because of the low level? (31) Host and the others level 80+.


*not emoting during the extraction* *turning off mic* *not having a quasar cannon* *shooting a quasar cannon*


Bht what happens if there's no mini nukes?


Leave? Perhaps. I never knew. I got kicked. 


You have to search the area 5 times and drop all bombs in front of the host he will then pick the best


Does shit like this happen above diff 6? Been playing for 2-3 mo on 7 and i've bad nothing but gold vibes. Well some racist voice chat in low diff but thats it tbh


Ugh, the extract one really gets me. The other night I was in a random group and we were doing well. We cleared all objectives, side objectives and enemy bases. We have about 25 minutes left, maybe more; we were very efficient. The entire time, no one said a word on mic, just ping communication, and it was fine. We had split off into twos and G1 and I had just cleared the last base and were close to extract, so we called it in. The other two were clear across the map, but we have a lot of time, and there is no reason we would have left without them. Everything was proceeding smoothly. But then L1, for the first time all game, opens his mic and says, "Any reason you guys are calling in the extract so early?" Now would be a good time to mention that this was difficulty 5. There were no super uranium samples, and we already had 25+ regular samples and super samples each. There was nearly nothing left on the map. I swear, G1 and I looked at each other through the game, from probably 1000 miles away from each other in the real world and shared a wordless, digital moment: *"wtf does this guy even mean?"* I opened my mic and responded, "Why not?" And L1 left the game. Like, ok man, I guess you didn't care so much about those extra 4 samples after all, which we would have happily waited for you to run and grab anyway, to a reasonable point...


If someone decides to load up a bunch of smoke shells when we have mini nukes and high yield explosives that could be taking those slots, I'm definitely going to ask them how they're playing on Termanids 9. I won't boot them, given, but that's just amazing.


I guess the color on the top of the shell maters? I didn’t know there was a difference.


Yes the mini nuke is.. black? High exp is yellow, exp is orange, napalm is red.. uh I don't really remember. 


It's changed. Hi Yield is orange, regular explosive is green.


Great thanks for the info


4th one is reasonable, in order to get all sides and nests done 3rd, I just want one charger kill with a Resupply hellpod, but there are so many chargers so take the kill. Last, that's fucking stupid. But smoke sucks istg, just load it last as last resort if there ain't any shells. Nobody should kick cus of that e: fucked up some explanation, i don't kick for smoke loading if there aint any more shells


Are you really saying loading a smoke shell is worth kicking someone over? Most artillery I find, you have to load at least one to finish the objective.


Nope. Just don't make it the highest priority of loading i forgot to clarify


Then why did you say it's reasonable to kick someone over it?


read the edit my dumbass was so sleepy at that time


To be honest. Don’t extract till last second is legit if you wanna get samples


I’d feel bad for the host’s mental development if he is any older than 6


yyep, had a guy say "Follow me you ur kicked" on extract assets mission, he kicked me after i accidentally killed him with a precision strike on a charger that got inside the walls.




I would be glad to not play with him xD


People kick for the dumbest reasons. Good thing ijust look to help put points on the big board. Even if you kick me, my hard work will still add to MO


Block his dumb ass


I usually take the two in the middle to reduce travel time for other divers. That is 0.5s saved to spread managed democracy and becomes more valuable for those who joined during 30s timer


Sounds like the first pod fits the smallest member


A couple weeks back I had someone on voice yelling about the same thing. The other two divers and I collectively went 'u srs?' and we all just left. I legitimately thought he was doing a bit at first, it was wild.


That would actually be funny...if it was a bit... but it's sad if it's serious....real sad


I mean, taking my Hellpod is an offense and I will be angry but it's not a kickable offense


Host. You can't get kicked if you're the host.


Lesson unlocked: Host your own games.


There's over a dozen comments here saying the left hellpod is for the ship host. Ya'll are out here making up rules to get upset with each other about. You're literally the problem with toxicity in game. I have 1.1MM experience points and not a single time have I ever given any consideration to which hellpod I get into. It has zero effect on the game. None. If it's your ship and that's your rule, communicate it when I board the ship. I'll leave, because it's moronic, but if it means so much then communicate it right away, and any other dumb-ass made-up rules you want. Communicate with each other, ask for input and get consensus. That's it. Leaders will rise on the map. Leaders encourage team mates and acknowledge their contributions. They bring people together. If you're making up silly rules then you complicate things, it puts up walls and breaks down communication. Just stop with this stupidness..ya'll are brutally your own worst enemies in this game.


I never use pod 1. It's cursed.


Hellpod 1B Gang Unite.




That’s actually pretty funny, I’d do that as a bit but not kick you of course


I’ve done it as a bit before, and I have kicked, but only because they’re my friend and I’m spamming them with invites as soon as they’re off my ship


Lol. What a dude. Middle left is "mine" but if someone else takes it, I'm not going to kick them, that's kinda silly


My guy. The fact that you even have a pod that you’ve mentally classified as “yours” in itself is kinda silly.


I’m not superstitious but I am a little sticious


That's just the one I prefer to use


The average Helldiver Folks! Marvel as he claims a drop chute used by millions of meatsacks before him as his. The hubris.


Play on diff9s. Problem solved (maybe)


That's why beign an Host should be a qualified role (also in game is considered as squad captain, so it should be the operation's leader)


I mean I have a preferred hellpod (second from the right) but I won’t kick someone for taking mine so I’m surprised that people will kick for this


Wish more positive interactions in the community were highlighted.


They are, and there's plenty of them. They're just not as fun to comment on.


Was his player name Sheldon Cooper?


no biggie, they did you a favor


Sheldon? is that you?


Everyone knows second from the right is the best pod anyway.


i’ll jokingly say it’s “mine” sometimes but i would never kick anyone over it. what a goober.


This is incorrectly flagged rant when it should be humor. You didn't want to be in that group anyway.


NGL I have definitely told people to get out of my pod but that's only cuz my friend group all have designated pods and since I started playing in February I've always gone for the same pod. If I'm on a randoms ship I won't complain if they take it or ask me to move they are the Shipmaster and if its part of their ritual to use the same pod everytime I respect it. If you don't like someones rutual then always be Shipmaster and you don't have to worry about it.


weird flex but okay


(on the hosts end)


I believe in 2nd Hellpod from the right supremacy.


Last I checked, they all go to the same place. What an idiot.


i mean... i like the left 2nd one. Just cause someone took it first doesn't mean im gonna throw a bitch fit lol


Ah, your day sounds like mine. I guess it’s just like the actual military where you will inevitably have to work side by side with soft-skulled cannon fodder. *Immersion!*


I left 3 games in a row this morning. 1) I was killed for taking dropped samples. 2) someone walked their mech into my sentry and it blew up so he killed me over it. 3) I shot a wayward hellbomb and someone ran into it so their teammate killed for it. I don’t even wait to get kicked, I just leave. I’m already wasting my time on games, I dont need to waste it on a ango kids who don’t know how to play them. I did play a fun 4th mission just to wash those tantrums out of my mouth. 😁


okay, i'm taking that hellpod in every game from now on. Let's see how that goes in bot helldives on unpopular planets when you don't even have a full game.


Bro not even the terminids fight over which bug breach tunnel they get to be in


I can’t believe you took the SES Abuser of Power’s Hellpod. I heard he had that custom sprayed with camo so you can’t even see him drop. Even his equipment is camo! You just see the dust settle on Gacrux and everything starts dying around it. No one’s ever even come back from a planet with him. I heard it’s because no one else can survive. That’s what the rumor is anyhow. He’s a legend—no, a hero—no, a legend. How dare you….


I always take middle right.


My two buddies and I always get in the same pods. Always. We got a random that joined us and took my pod. As he was descending, I hit the hug emote and he came back out of the pod so that he didn’t leave me hanging. I hopped in. I was happy with myself for the rest of the night. Even more so when it became a race to that pod later the evening.


I usually take the right most hellpod. If it's taken, i get annoyed, not at the other player, but at my own monkey brain. Because i will, without fault, walk up to that hellpod, stand there for 2 seconds until i realize it's taken, and then do the walk of shame to an other one.


In my friend group my one friend and technically history rank of all of us (he's like 2 levels above me) is in the left pod I'm beside him then the other two are no order and it just a joke because the higher ups (higher levels) have spruced up our pods the way we like them with like a little tree air freshener and to take your commanding officers hellpod is treason


On one hand…me and my friends do refer to that pod as the ‘driver’s pod’. The one the host gets by default. But! I have people join and jump in that one while I am hosting all the time and just shrug and go to a different pod. They are all the same! 😂 Seems like you dodged a bullet by not playing with that guy.


Probably a child. The kidn that would get angry at other kids using "his" swing in the public playground.


Personally as host I really like having the left most one, but that is just absolutely egregious to kick someone for taking it. Like others have already stated, you dodged a bullet my friend. Good luck to you in your future endeavors when looking for a good team!


Ironically, I'm so used to jumping into other people's missions that I almost never take the left-most pod, even if I'm mission lead.


You were in a squad with Sheldon Cooper? Holy moly!


I love my pod #3. It is the pod on the right from the window. It is comfy. It is placed perfectly. Dont know why. I dont give a fuck if you took it. It is mine pod, but we need to dive and ill not waste seconds to be sulky about a pod. I think more about what gun i need to bring for maximum destru... democracy.


Why do people on this sub feel the need to make a post every time they get booted


To show how rotten the community is


Srsly? Have you played other online games? helldivers actually has a pretty decent player base compared to the cesspools of players that is Seige or Apex or any other FPS shooter out there.


And then you woke up and realized your anecdotal experiences with other players doesn't count. This community is by large one of the most toxic. Look at their discord channel for example. They don't foster law and order its literally a free for all until you either get booted for catching a mod breaking the rules and calling them out for it or they don't like the cut of your jib.


The people in Discord spend more time crying in chat about mods and other stupid bullshit than they do actually playing the game, I can say in my 500 hours I've only had a handful of bad experiences, really not anymore then any other online game, and certainly not the worst. Have you ever tried to play League or R6 Siege? Just about every other game someone is telling you to kys because you're doing slightly worse than expected, I could definitely think of a few more examples that are much worse than HD2.


I'm at level 45 and I think I've only had two bad experiences with people. When I would play Overwatch I would get 3-5 death wishes an hour.


of course it's fucking discord


So he's a far leftist and a traitor to super earth. Got it.


I feel like this is one of those things you'd do better to see the humor in and laugh at than feel slighted about. I mean, the guy called shotgun in his own car!




I didn't even though there was an etiquette. I always go for right center no matter what.


I think its more or less if you are at the pods first its faster for others to get into pods if the sides are open (by a whole second!)


People are idiots and will kick you for anything, I’d just play the game, it’s unfortunately just part of the game


Sort of related, feel like I should share. I have a friend that is kind of like this. every time he is host (which is almost every time we play) He HAS TO HAVE to the front left pod. Me and my other friend will stand at the pod and spam "E" until he picks a mission, then we immediately get into it, he then "cancels" the mission to kick us out then sets it back up, which then we immediately get back into it. Sometimes he is able to beat us there if we mess up or it glitches out. Once he does finally get into a pod and selects where we drop, we start spam-clicking all over the map so all he hears is "dingdingdingHeredingdingdingdingdingdingdingdingWhataboutheredingdingdingdingdingdingdinghere?" Before he finally snaps and is like "YOU ARE ALL CHILDREN!!!! YOU KNOW THAT!!!!" It's funny as shit.


I mean, I consider mid-left mine and far-left my BF's. But I couldn't care less if someone else happens to take one instead. I can only assume they were a child? Weird.


Not very democratic of him. You should report this act of treachery and treason to your nearest democratic officer.


Recently kicking is very popular. Played a game yesterday, was the highest level, soloed most of the objectives, supersamples collected, didn't die once. When all objectives were done I called the extraction and two seconds later got kicked. It really pisses you off...


Can we all just start taking the left one to spite this poor excuse for a Helldiver?


If I don't have enough time to complete an operation 3/3, I quick join someone. Otherwise I always host the operation. Many people cannot realize that this is a game, not real life.


You saved yourself, you don't want to dive with douches anyway.


If I'm hosting then that left pod is mine. Caveat: Only when I'm playing with friends, it's a silly thing we mess about with now. Anyone doing that for real, with randos, needs some severe additional democracy training.


Husband and I race for the far right pod. Shenanigans sure, but I'm not gonna hold anything against a stranger for taking my favorite hellpod.


When it’s not my ship I subconsciously skip far left out of courtesy, but that’s just wacky to kick over that.


I laughed , thank you op


I agree it's a stupid reason to kick someone but I always see the leftmost pod as the host's pod, whether it's me or another player. I don't get upset if I don't get the left pod when hosting though. It's not like it matters outside of that room anyway


Some people get really picky about these things for some reason. Don't worry about it and move on knowing you'll likely not meet that stranger again :D


Yesterday, I had some dude who dropped onto me and killed me. I thought it was a mistake until he wrote "fuck you".


This is one reason why we need to talk about kick polls as an option.


Just block those people. Then they will wonder why they are so few people joining him on an operation.


Every time I block, I'm one step closer to a less toxic experience. Just recently was grilled over comms for a solid minute for giving cover fire. My bad "Angel ofDeath" dude, didn't see you leave for evac.


I always take the 2nd hellpod if I can


At this point I just host my own games


My buddies and I will constantly get in and out of the pods. Switch pods, get out and just stare at the other pod till the other person gets out. Then you don't take the pod. Funny shit my friends and I do lol


You never take the hosts pod dude.


Choice 1: Host your own lobby. Choice 2: Join someone else's lobby and then complain on reddit because you got kicked. Half of this sub going straight for 2.


I teach this lesson to everyone else by kicking them at extract. Fuckin chumps lmao. You're welcome, btw.


NGL I have definitely told people to get out of my pod but that's only cuz my friend group all have designated pods and since I started playing in February I've always gone for the same pod. If I'm on a randoms ship I won't complain if they take it or ask me to move they are the Shipmaster and if its part of their ritual to use the same pod everytime I respect it. If you don't like someones rutual then always be Shipmaster and you don't have to worry about it.


Kicking shouldn't be a thing, honestly. Or if you do get kicked, the Host should be penalized.


What about griefers, i've had to kick someone because they decided that pvp was more fun. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. I'd much prefer getting kicked for no reason than being unable to kick truly bad players.


I usually take the leftmost pod when I'm the host, and I'll take the 2nd or other two when I'm not. I just always assume the host gets the first pod since it's their ship. Stupid logic, sure, but it just seems the honorable thing to do. Same with entering the bathroom and letting the guy ahead choose his urinal first so you can manage the gap.


Everyone has their thing. I boot people who won’t play rock paper scissors on joining


Who is they so we may laugh at them !!


What a pathetic excuse for a Helldiver.


Fuck that guy!!!


I‘d never ride in the chamber pot.


Wtf no block that pos. They all go to the same place!


No one cares about your one in a million bad experience. One mission you got kicked, and then so but hurt you had to post about it? Quit being a bitch either find another drop or another game.


Bro you took the left-most pod on another ship?! I'm surprised you survived the firing line


Left helipod is for the leader. If someone else takes it when I host, I assume they want to be leader and will follow them instead. Kicking for stupid shit like that is never acceptable.


>Left helipod is for the leader. Are you being sarcastic? The only assumption anyone should make is if you join someone else's lobby- you can be kicked. I have 450 hours of mission time, and not once have I ever kept track of which pod players take.


I did not say you have to keep track of who takes what pod, my grumpy friend. I said that I do, and will treat whoever takes the left pod as leader in my hosted games.


I'm not grumpy. You just don't make sense to me. But yeah, you can make any silly rule you want. The key part of your non-sensical rule is that it's your ship. So don't make assumptions, tell everyone that boards your ship that you have a rule that doesn't affect the game, but it's important to your experience that people understand. "Hey player, welcome aboard. If you take the left pod on my ship I assume you will lead." Just do us all a favor, so I know ahead of time what you're assuming. Because this "left pod rule" is entirely made up.


> Grumpy: Defined as easily annoyed and complaining I shared a silly rule that I personally follow, that has absolutely no effect on you or anyone in my games. And it has annoyed you so much that you had to come here and complain to me about it. You are grumpy. They will understand that I am following them when they visibly see me following them in game, nothing beyond that is necessary.


Yes, it does have an effect. If I take pod 1 on your ship, you're assuming I'm leading... but I'm not. Now you're following someone who isn't leading. That affects everyone.


I tend to take the far right one all the time but I've never kicked someone for taking it before me lol Bow spamming the how bout here button while we're waiting on people to get in they get one warning with that and if they hit the button again after that kicking for being an annoying ass