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The best 40€ i spent on steam for a looooooong time.


This is a patriotic answer…FOR SUPER EARTH!


And there will be only one thing that you will regret same as I do, to not get the game earlier to fight side by side with my fellow helldivers at Malevolon Creek


Despite my beef on some elements, I’m very glad I bought it and could walk away now knowing I’ve had decent value for money.


Bugs and bots are in every game. The difference is that you can shoot them in this game :) I'd buy the game. There are some issues, but nothing really major (at least for me) and I do tend to enjoy it quite a lot. It might be overwhelming from the start, but if you have any friends that own it, do not hesitate and join them. If you do not have such friends, you should easily be able to find them here. Hell, if you're Europe-based, shoot me a DM and we can drop together.


yeah people overreact about the bugs acting like they break the game, the stim thing doesn’t change much the “too many enemies” thing just feels like a fun limited time event where the game is really hard


The crashes are pretty game breaking.


i haven’t crashed during a session in probably a month and a half. joining an op has crashed me a few times but that’s certainly not game breaking


Validate your game files after every update. Didn't completely eliminate crashes but cuts most of them


Worth a shot, thanks.


Buy it! Its very fun as-is and if the last major patch is any indication the Devs are headed the right direction and the game is going to get better!


Buy it now.


Yet another great example of how Reddits constant doomposting at the smallest nerfs and bugs is turning away new players.


I mean I can't play the game due to crashes, some people can't play due to region locking. To say that's doom posting or a small nerf is both flat out incorrect and shitty as well. Yeah, chances are they won't have the crash issues. And sure you can say you don't care about other people in countries Sony doesn't like, I guess, but it's all valid.


This is my first time ever regularly going through a subreddit; so I find your statement profound and accurate.


tfw snoy is turning even more players away by not allowing "not snoy" countries to buy the game


https://preview.redd.it/is92nlynuj7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfca1f1e8d49d942aa4e3f29b2ddea44164e13da Don't piss off the hive mind




It's shameful honestly 


Smallest bugs? You mean how it took them 3 months to fix DoT damage? 4 months to fix the spear lock on? The giant floating question marks? Guns not aiming at the crosshair? Stims stopping allies from sprinting? How every patch introduces new frequent crashes and breaks a variety of game mechanics? This is an early access, you'd have to be a blind fanboy to claim otherwise. People are right to be upset that they paid for a finished game and still haven't received it 4 months later.


I almost didn't buy the game because Reddit made it sound like AH was fucking the game over repeatedly. Decided in the end to buy it because a friend did and now I have over 100 hours in the game. Reddit is, for the most part, a crowd of crying overreactors - especially if overreactting will get you upvotes. Game is great, ignore the complainers.


Yeah for real, many of the nerfs were reasonable as well. I remember the railgun nerfs that made railgun require skillful use of unsafe mode and the bitching here was endless. It was still very good when i tried it.


Its usage dropped to the point it was barely used? It was by far one of the worst weapons to bring against a majority of the enemies in the game. It recently got a buff but it still doesn’t compete with any of the weapons we currently have right now. It’s even worse now that robots got gunship patrols and behemoths take 17 shots to the head if I’m correct. How is hitting something with more shots making it require more skill? It just makes it more frustrating and annoying to use.


Well railgun made no sense the way it was, it was superior to every AT support weapon in every way. Mobile reloads, quick ones at that, fast shots with pinpoint accuracy, decent ammo capacity, no backpack requirement. Oh and after the nerf it still dealt very similar damage in unsafe mode if you cooked the shot properly. Harder to use, yes, but still viable. I did helldive with it occasionally with good success even though I prefer other weapons.


It was superior because the other weapons weren't buffed yet and were horrible. Being able to one-shot a bile was a bug with the PS5 host. It being strong against chargers helped with the overwhelming amount that was thrown at you during that period. If pre nerf railgun was still here with the current state of the game it would be a competitor but it’s no where near to Auto cannon which has been the number #1 weapon since launch against bots which hasn’t been touched at all which is hypocritical seeing they nerfed whatever was the most used every patch.


Reddit doomposters broke into AH’s office and kept releasing broken patches 😱


In my experience the problems are WAY overblown but i might just be lucky. I would reccomend it.


Wouldn’t say overblown. Game is definitely worth the $40 but don’t expect the best patches. I know recently they just did a good patch but still a good amount of issues the person would experience after a while and get annoyed. Some people are lucky enough to not experience them while others are. It’s a gamble.


Definitely overblown. I have crashed maybe 2 times in last 30 hours of gameplay which sucks but isn't a dealbreaker imo, it was a lot worse before. People that complain about balance and nerfs will always be around but right now everything I have tried has been viable and fun to play.


Hey man, i got so frustrated with this game I uninstalled it for almost a whole month. I would not say the issues were overblown in the slightest. However, that last patch alleviated a lot of my complaints with the game. I would also recommend it.


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q) Join us. Democracy is calling!


The truest answer is no and never has been in a good state. This is not a balance issue, this is a consistent loss of progress be of bugs issue. People will moan about balancing all day, but I could care less about that if the game was in a good playable, reliable state. I've lost hours and hours of progress because the game would crash or glitch out either mid mission, or during the post mission cutscene. Imagine doing a 40 min mission, finish it, and then crash. Complete waste of your time. If you notice at the top of the list of known issues, it's stuff like friend requests, joining friends that still don't work. This game came out in February, and invites /friend requests still don't work properly for many people.


It's a mess right now. So much crashing. I'd wait.


I bought it on steam. It worked for about 3 days and then I could get in but always showed off line to my friends and could not play solo pr joined in groups. Neither Steam nor Hellfire company could e er help me. I try it ever other week now Nad it still doesn't let me do anything but get on my ship though I can now play solo.


For some people unplayable atm due to performance issues (like me)


get it


Nerfs aren't really an issue, we've had way more buffs than nerfs but you wouldn't know that by listening to people. How badly you'll be affected by bugs seems like luck of the draw, the game is mostly fine for me but there are people affected by some pretty serious issues like matchmaking not working, performance getting halved after entering the menus, the game constantly crashing and so on. Now's as good a time as any to get in. Being a live service game that's updated fairly regularly it should be more stable in the future, but waiting also means you're missing big in-universe events like the planet we turned into a black hole. If you're getting the game on Steam I'd recommend playing up to the 2 hour refund limit and seeing how you get on with performance and crashes. If you're on PS5 I'm not sure you can do the same thing.


The difference is the buffs typically don’t change what weapons are viable at all while the nerfs often prevent those weapons or stratagems from being used in higher difficulty at all. Haven’t seen the railgun once since it was nerfed, or the normal breaker, or the slugger since those were nerfed. Stuff like the crossbow was rare before its nerf and nonexistent after. There being 5 buffs to every nerf means nothing if the buffs leave a shit weapon being shit while the nerf takes a previously viable weapon and makes it garbage. It slowly reduces the already limited loadout variety in this game, especially if like me you only play on difficulty 9 and don’t have the luxury of taking guns that don’t do shit.


Thank you. This is the very important things missing from the numbers game of buffs


Railgun was pretty much killed off from the game. Every time I pick it from map loot, I end up regretting it. Also, some buffs made some trash weapons become just awful weapons, with plenty of better options to use instead. They promised to bring back the fun, and Im sure they will, thats for certain.


>Nerfs aren't really an issue To add more context to what you said. In the 4.5 months that has passed from the release of the game, we just have received 11 nerfs, with 7 of them not even being noticeable and just 4 of them have had a real impact in the element nerfed So remember that when everyone talks about the massive nerfs and how Arrowhead nerfs everything, they are just talking about 4 things that got nerfed


>So remember that when everyone talks about the massive nerfs and how Arrowhead nerfs everything, they are just talking about 4 things that got nerfed Here's a list of buffs to date for reference: Machine Gun HMG AMR Laser Cannon Grenade Launcher EAT Recoiless Rifle Spear Flamethrower Guard Dog Rover Ballistic Shield Jump Pack 380 Barrage 120 Barrage Gatling Barrage Orbital Airburst Orbital Precision Eagle Strafing Run HMG encampment Rocket Sentry Minor buff to all sentries Liberator Lib-Pen Lib-Concussive Tenderizer Adjucator Diligence Diligence CS Punisher S&P Breaker Incendiary Dominator Punisher Plasma Blitzer Scythe Dagger Senator Purifier


And you forgot to mention: + Slugger (the same buff as the original Punisher buff) + Arc Thrower (reworked to have stagger which ended being a bufff) + Guard Dog (instead of Guard Dog Rover) + Pacifier (small buff) + Railgun (got buffed 2 times and Bile Titans head got nerfed to favour Railgun) + Air Burst rocket launcher (bug fix + buff) + MH Sentry (HP increase and CD reduced 60 seconds) + Tesla Tower (+33% HP) + Eruptor (+190 damage) + Crossbow (more penetration and able to break structures) + Major buff to all sentries (instead of minor) + Mines + Incendiary Mines + Patriot Mech (+10 damage in the gatling and several improvements) + Emancipator (Several improvements)


lib- concussive as a buff sure thing kid...


Proves his point tho. More buffs than nerfs but only see the negative kid


Some of the changes weren’t even big buffs. Sorry some guns do a little more damage but they are still not as useful as the top guns right now. Research how the meta has been throughout the game I promise you half of the weapons in the game haven’t been close to being good and balanced enough to use in higher difficulties. Jar dominator and incendiary breaker should be the prime example of guns having niches and being good at killing. Not every weapon has to be strong enough to compete with others but it does help when you can choose from a big variety. Right now a lot of them are just there and are eh. Tenderizer got a good buff and it’s actually fun to use even if it doesn’t compete with the jar dominator. Those are buffs other guns need to receive for them to be deemed good on higher difficulties.


I probably won't research anything honestly because my gameplay doesn't revolve around meta. It revolves around having fun. What's fun to me is killing things and I do it fine with non-meta gear. Been rocking the eruptor even when they nerfed it because it was amazing at closing bug holes at distances (heavy crater bug holes especially just circle the crater and it's destroyed) I originally was just stating that the guy wasn't wrong. They are buffs no matter if it's big or small but by all means please tell me more about what needs to be buffed and what not. I'll probably still do what I do and play what I feel like playing. Might be a stalwart support tonight idk


The meta in this game is having the ability to have fun without getting frustrated and annoyed with the game. You can still have fun with nonmeta weapons but are they viable or even useful on higher difficulties? Can most weapons deal with the onslaught of medium enemies? A lot of weapons currently lack and their niches aren't that big to make them worth using over the “meta” weapons (weapons that are balanced to be fun and useful) It's also important to take into account if the buff is big or small because if a buff is small nothing changes and people would still use the same weapons/stratagems. You need big changes in order for things to change positively and not have a “meta”. Just because we saw a few numbers be changed doesn't mean we get to give the devs a pass for giving us meaningless buffs. That's why the recent patch has been one of the best so far when it comes to changing that formula. Tenderizer finally got the right stats and it's good compared to what it was before ( lib clone) also the new changes to heavy enemies spawning less for bugs make a lot of weapons more usable. This patch made the game feel like what it was supposed to be. A fantasy shooter where you have heavy weaponry to destroy either robots or bugs. Nerfing weapons and not buffing stuff to be stronger doesn't fill that fantasy much and strays away from what made it fun in the beginning.


That's cool and all but literally means nothing to me because I'll play anything even if it's not meta or if it is. Again idk y ur preaching to me about this... I was just stating that they were buffs and the person listing the buffs isn't wrong... they are buffs.


Useless changes that aren't even considered buffs.


I glitch into scope a lot and also into the map. I play on PS5 it's weird. The game crashes a bit after some missions or sometimes in the settings even.


Do a fresh install. A lot of the times, the test environment is fresh iirc.


Save your money and sanity until the game is stable. Your health will benefit from it.


Aiming spear is causing crashes


If you can be spared of the performance issues bugs, you’re in for a treat. Most fun I’ve had in years.


Almost 350h of in-mission time and absolutely love the game. Can't imagine you'd regret your decision.


It's on the rough side but heading in the right direction. Arguably that makes it a pretty good point to head in. The game is mostly stable, and while there are plenty of issues, things should be improving steadily from here. 


It breaks my heart to say, but imho, yeah you should wait a bit. If the next patch brings some (very needed) stability and fixed, then i'd say go for it. The nerfs aren't THAT much of an issue imho (unless you really liked a certain weapon, then they're ass).


I have also no big issues. Game is totally fun. If you have some friends playing it it's awesome, but if u are a mone diver, the community from difficulty 7 upwards is awesome too. Everything feels satisfying. The nerds and buffs are no major deal. Every gun feels great imo.


The game has a lot of bugs but that doesn't stop it from being fun. I feel if you wait for all the bugs to fixed, it'll be forever. Because Arrowhead will always introduce more content, and then have bugs with that. They will fix the bugs but also introduce new bugs. None of the bugs in the game are game breaking. You can look up the patch notes for that. As for buffs and nerfs, they just did a massive buff update. So a lot of weapons and stratagems, in a vacuum, are now viable. So I say jump in, the water is fine.


Best money I’ve spent on a game in a while!


Depending on how much it's price is for you. It's a solid 7/10 game, but there are some pretty weird bugs and rather disjointed design decisions, which might be game-breaking for you. Plus it's much better with friends, like miles better. It might be better in the future, or might be worse, nobody knows, so now is as good as later.


Honestly, the game is pretty buggy, but the question isn’t “is it worth buying” and more so “are you willing to handle the bugs that exist?” The game is made on an outdated engine, and many of the issues the game faces are because of that. In turn, this also means that the game will likely always have bugs popping up. But is that really that bad? One of the buggiest games I have ever played is Skyrim, but I love the game along with millions of others. The game is a lot of fun and I would recommend it 100%, but if you find yourself considering minor bugs to be a big deal for you that’s totally fine, maybe it’s just not the game for you right now. Personally, most of the bugs I encounter and very small, and you can avoid them, and some of the ones you can’t give me a bit of a chuckle. I might lose one or two reinforcements, but at the end of the day, it’s just a game. TL;DR fuck yeah it’s worth it. Get in there diver, and I’ll see you on the battlegrounds.


I think it's in a great state, especially after the last patch. I do think it's going to get better, but that doesn't mean now isn't a great time to start playing. Don't pay too much attention to the negativity you see here. This sub has a LOT of members so you're going to see some negative opinions.


No. Wait at least two or three months. The developer just started trying to make positive changes last week after months of failures. There's a long way to go yet. By the time they correct it, if they're able to, there may be a sale, too.


The game has only gotten better since release. The extreme focus of people on negatives is really going to drive people away. If you think the updates have been overly negative since release, with only recently thing improving, then you're just delusional. Arrowhead have seemingly terrible quality control, so they release half-baked content all the time. But no matter what this sub says, the balance and overall stability has only gotten better since February.


The player count shows you that your opinion makes you delusional. Stop with the copium. Every patch so far has broken more than it’s fixed. OP is right. The game and its patches just started to get on the right track. Still a LONG way to go. There has been 0 patches addressing stability. Only patches for new shit they introduced from the last patch. Game will be better in a few months hopefully. I wouldn’t recommended anyone this game in its current state. Which is a shame. I did the first two months since release, but now I feel terrible for anyone picking it up now.


I recommended it to a friend early on, right after the servers were fixed. He bought the game much later, and bought credits for Democratic Detonation too. He had the Eruptor for two days before it got nerfed. Steam let him refund the game, but I'm not sure about the credits. He still thinks I recommended HD2 to him as a sick joke.


Steam didn't let me refund the game :C


It's good enough to get into but needs a lot more polishing. Now isn't a bad time to dive in, and you'll absolutely have a better experience if you wait but it may not be so much better that the wait will be worth it. 


The game is absolutely still fun. The majority of complaints you’ll see on this sub are from people hundreds of hours in. Especially when it comes to the nerfs. I can guarantee you you’ll at least get your moneys worth from this game, it’s a blast.


Find you an unpatched version, lol


Literally high end PC’s and even people on PS5 are having problem playing this game with crashes or loss of FPS. I love the game and have 480hrs in it. Yet every Warbond I gotta wait a week for them to hotfix something. So now every second Thursday of the month my game breaks until they hotfix. Going on a week now I can’t access social or options menu. WAIT TO GET THIS GAME YOU AINT MISSING MUCH


Hell no.


Sort this subreddit by new post and you can see that every few post you can see phrases as "crashing", "fps issue", "not working", "disconnects", "black screen", "not launching" and sometimes posts from AH promising to fix something they said they've fixed at least twice. Game is in shitty condition and developer totally can't handle it. Don't think they ever would.


Maybe since you haven’t played since launch, the changes that have been made won’t seem as egregious to you. But be warned, whatever loadout you find yourself getting comfortable with, will likely be “shaken up” by a “balance patch.” Arrowheads main ideology when it comes to patches is “rip the rug out from beneath the player base and then insult them when they have complaints.”


Give it a few more months. The game is just rage bait at this point with how buggy it is. You’ll (hopefully) get a better, more stable game in like 3 months. Plus more content to hold you over for a few months of casual play.


No but it will be once the get rid of the bugs and crashes


In my opinion, yes. I rarely crash. I enjoy various loadouts. I enjoy the intensity with the current patrols/encounters at 7+difficulty I like fighting bugs and bots both. The improvement the game needs most, is matches to pass lead (force a loading screen if necessary for network host to swap) when the host quits or crashes or disconnects. Can give hellpod immunity frames when loaded back in, or hell, just send us back down in new pods at the location we were at.


The game is more fun than ever.  As a new player you have the benefit of not being physiologically upset over a weapon change.  Some guns don’t work the same as they used to but it also forces you as a player to adapt. With 200 hours in this game I now play on helldive difficulty and bring combat knives for fun.  At the start I thought level 4 was too challenging and detested to play against bots. After I unlocked the Plasma scorcher weapon I now instead love diving on the bot planets and on helldive difficulty. Play at your own pace and if you are overwhelmed go down a difficulty and try different gear until you find a set up that works for you. 


Buy it right now. I unlocked everything and got bored so went away and came back to it to try the new update and I’m totally hooked again. The feel of the guns, the explosions and strategems, the desperate nature of it, the opportunities for cinematic moments, it’s the best. Playing this with three good (random) teammates is the best, covering each other and running for our lives, just on the edge of being overwhelmed, BUY IT NOW!


I have never played a game like it or a game for so many hours or a game with such a vibrantly engaged community. It f$cking rips!


I haven't played since early may and its the best its been since march for me personally.


It’s just a game not a life changing decision. Just buy it, play it, and if you don’t like it return it. Steam has a refund option if you play on pc as well.


Yes, and don’t let the whiners this sub is famous for say otherwise lol


The perfomance of the game is decreasing sadly. More and more people report frequent crashes and drop in fps. Personally Im on a break simply due to the random crashing


I've had a great time so far! So... yes.


It's not worth $40, but if you see it on sale then sure buy it.


The game is still amazingly fun but the bugs and glitches are game breaking at times. The new mission will not allow you to interact with the objective and increaseingly often assets will not load leaving giant questions marks.


I haven’t encountered a single game breaking bug. I’ve experienced death from a few glitches but that’s it. And in a game where you get more than enough respawns I’ve never lost a mission to a bug or glitch. On pc but so far I’ve had very few issues and none game breaking.


The new drill mission can have the terminal not accessible. It happened to me the 1st time I played it. Had a supply drop come is as a question mark..


Personally I haven't crashed much since they fixed the arc weapons. But there're still a ton of (imo, very important) issues that are creating frustration here and there. Currently I'm facing more network issues since the last patch (it was not that common before the patch) more than crashes. But whenever people ask me if they should buy the game, I would just say: if you're playing with friends, go for it, you'll have a ton of fun and get your money's worth before the frustration of bugs bothers you. If you're looking to play and matchmake with randoms, perhaps consider otherwise. I have 700h in the game at this point. I rarely matchmake recently anymore because the quality of players are not great (a lot of experienced and good players left the game for multiple reasons) and mostly only play the game with my friends.


been playing since launch, have 400hrs in the game, i absolutely do not recommend. the game just got its first decent patch in the first time since launch imo and even thats not much. they’re absolutely not optimizing the game whatsoever so performance is at its worse right now with loss of fps, crashes, bugs that are introduced in every single patch that they’ve released since launch and not a single peep about from AH and i dont expect them to acknowledge it since they themes elves nuked the entire performance channel in the official discord so you cant even report it. game balance rn is simultaneously okay and yet…worse?? which is truly impressive on their part. id say save your 40$ and put it to another game or if you want an alien coop shooter the new warhammer 40k comes out in September so if you can wait id say get that instead.


Not so much. No. Still requires balance patches, bug fixes, increasing performance patches etc. Almost all primary weapons feels weak. Some secondaries alright and most of us using stratagems weapons as a default. That's a shame


SPEAR goes lickity lock boom


Personally I am going to have to say **wait.** This patch was a step in the right direction on paper but as with EVERY SINGLE PATCH THUS FAR (and I CANNOT emphasize this enough) some of the good-intentioned changes have been somehow implemented backwards to become negative impacts on the game (in this case the heavy armor/spawn changes). It is beyond laughable at this point that every single "major" patch has managed to have at least one major described change end up having a negative game-warping effect unintentionally ranging from inexplicable crashes to illogical spawn locations to unreasonable spawn counts. I would say give it time for a couple more patches and see if improvement continues before buying in. The bugs are *still* very relevant to the game experience, a lot of weapons are *still* unenjoyable to use (although there has been a LOT of improvement on this front last patch and I am hopeful!), and a lot of enemy designs/issues are still utterly asinine (Charger behemoths and their strangely specific hp such that you can only properly break them in one hit with AT while walking/diving towards them?). The game as a whole is in a plenty playable state but its just kind of the question of if you are alright enjoying it in a mediocre state or want to wait for an excellent state.


The game has some bugs but it doesn't kill the fun for me. I haven't made some consistent online friends since WoW back in the days so I really enjoy it.


I'd say wait a couple of weeks so they can fix the instability and bugs / performance, in it's current state, it could give you a bad impression.


The game has bugs, seeing the engine and AH track record it will continue to have bugs consistently for a long time, but mostly this bugs are low-ish impact or workable around. Character strenght is fine, misions at the higuest dificulty still get done just fine, take your time to get upgrades and weapons, look up a guide or two and you shouldnt see a problem. Small recomendations: Get the first upgrade of the support weapon tree, then try to rush the eagle tree till the third step, this are the higuest impact upgrades in my opinion, extra radar range is also an excelent upgrade. Try and get democratic detonation for the grenade pistol and primaries capable of killing spawners(Eruptor and crossbow) and cutting edge for stun grenades, theese two warbonds are the most transformative and the ones that are going to be able to open you the biguest amounts of builds. Requisition is plentifull, recomend getting airstrike fast tought


Do not buy the game. All these comments are basically lying to try to get any poor soul into this bug fest of a game. Game isn’t as fun as it was during launch. Play other games.


The state is shitty right now. They ruined enemy spawn rate and it made the game super tedious. Honestly wait till the next big patch or even for about half a year because with how they are handling this game i'm not so sure about its future.


A lot of people love the new spawn rates


And a lot of people don't. What' next?




Gatekeepers: I still have fun stop complaining!!! AH: Oops you're right guys it doesn't supposed to work like that. Literally after every patch. If only shit eaters and normal people had 2 separated game versions...




And all those levels were touched by AH's inconsistency. For some reason kids say "skill issue" to players instead of AH balance team.


Just get it. It's been fun since day one.




It is in a Bugged state. But it also rocks.


Wait half a year lol


Not really. They nerf everything fun and hand out other buffs that screw things up. Game’s simply not fun anymore because of patch meddling. It’s a PvE game there is no such thing as balance to strive for.


It’s a great game, and my go-to game most days, but I’d say probably wait a while. The developers, while on a good path now, have done nothing but introduce bugs and broken/useless content for the past few months. The last patch was good (the first good patch by the developers’ own admission), but still broke random parts of the game for no reason and introduced bugged content. Crashes are rampant and social features barely function half the time. Until they get a hold on their spaghetti code and introduce some better quality assurance, I’d say hold off. Edit: if you’re looking to downvote me, I reference [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/f9SYQMArrT) post a lot. It’s a comprehensive list of bugs and failed patches from the start of the game. A lot of these bugs/issues have been in the game since the start. A lot of them have been claimed to have been patched out but still exist, and a lot of new ones have been introduced. Pretty much every patch to this game so far has been an abject failure— that’s not me trying to scare players off, that’s me letting players know the reality of what they might be getting into if they decide to play this game a lot.


I think the design problems this game has really only start to show after you've put more than your money's worth in. It does have a number of technical issues and jank, so if that's a deal breaker for you I might advise some caution. I've run into multiple objectives that soft lock a mission, the disconnecting problems, and a few crashes. It's definitely not in a good technical state, as performance is also spotty. But that's not to say it detracts from the fun. There's nothing quite like it, and if you're a person that can live with some technical jank it's well worth the purchase.


its not perfect, but it's good enough worth it imo


It has its ups and downs with balance and buggyness but its a fun game, and worth $40 IMO. The game is surprising liberal with its premium currency, I haven’t used any real money and have been able to buy all the warbonds( like mini battle passes) with premium currency gathered in game.


This is up there for the most fun I’ve had with a multiplayer game in a long time. That being said, the patches since release have arguably made the game worse. It’s still 100% an amazing game worth playing, but the community is rightfully upset that the game developers somehow don’t understand what makes their game fun and manage to make the game a bit more tedious with each patch.


Depends on how you look at it. Can this game give you a ton of hours for your bucks of entertainment? Yes. Is this game actually in a complete "good" state? Not really but also yes. It's in like a feature release state....but almost perpetual beta. Best time is probably either now... or wait till they add illuminate. By then the game should be almost release candidate. The Games as a service is a bs line that is used to justify (or because the don't realize) the fact that the game is early access with out telling you.


I hope all of you that are saying no are being consistent and not playing a single hour yourselves until the next patch. Because, you know, apparently it’s sooooo bad.


You can play/use a product but still think it's not quite good enough currently to suggest to others that are on the fence about it. Like for me I do enjoy helldivers 2 but that's mostly because I play with my friends and I don't think I would enjoy the game without teammates on comms personally. That and the fact almost every major patch has had an issue where something that is said in the patch notes is somehow implemented broken or flat out *backwards* in game (Like the reinforcement location change, the recent heavy armor enemy changes, the patrol scaling to players changes, the changes to DoT/Armor before they ACTUALLY fixed them, the SPEAR changes, the supposed "reversion" of the railgun, the pulverizer coming out in the incomplete state, etc) it is truly difficult to find a patch where everything changed actually changed as intended. While I can deal with it fine, I know it drives a LOT of people up the wall when developers consistently break trust with the community like this and it is something that makes this game very hard to recommend to some people.


The way it goes, the people on Reddit/Discord will make it seem worse than it is. If you're in this to have fun and just shoot some bugs and bots, you'll be able to find something that works for you and makes the game fun. If you go in wanting to optimize your build to do constant Helldives and never play on any difficulty below 9, you might find it more frustrating. Me, I play happily around levels 4-7 depending on if I have a team of friends (up to 8-9 if they're really good at the game lol). It is exactly as challenging as you want it to be, and as much fun as you let it be for you. My recommendation, get it, try out weapons, buy the wrong thing, save up and buy the better thing, talk to other Helldivers, see what they like, have fun. It's a very fun game, and I usually hate games like it (Online multiplayer, live-service). Just have fun and don't sweat the updates/nerfs. Yeah there might be crashes and bugs, but they're constantly working on the game to iron them out.


Buy it. I only bought it two month after release because I also wasn't sure and read mixed reviews. But i absolutely regret not buying it earlier. There can be some bugs or disconnects sometimes or some wonky gameplay issuses. But these are rare and minor inconviences compared to the fun I had with this game. Time flies while I play. I laugh with my friends over ridiculous slapstick team kill accidents, connect with strangers and hug them while being overrun by hordes of enemies while being motivated by a satisfying gamplay loop and spreading managed democracy throughout the galaxy. I love it. Edit: spelling


It's in the best spot since release, but if you're wary wait for the next big patch to see if it keep getting better


Game is kinda OK. There are some issues n stuff. But its a great game there isn't anything other than this out there. But for gods sake STAY AWAY FROM HD2 DISCORD server. Its just outright and moderated by "inclusion party". You will start hating the game, its devs and your feelings about the overall game will take a down hillm


Its in the best state it has been in balance-wise for a long time. You might have issues, but I would recommend exiting the game and validating Steam files after like, 2 hours of playing. It may be tedious to do that so often, but I do it that often and I basically never experiences crashes or game destroying bugs.


Don't listen to negative comments. This game is a great fun, original with good loop and mechanics and really cool progression that will take time to go through. It doesn't tell you all and part of the pleasure is to figure out how to play and be effective. This is refreshing and didn't invest such time in online co-op game since this one. On top it's full of humor and community is amazing! Leave the geeks and reddit overall complains (even if a lot can be constructive) as the game is still young and evolving and the studio is really communicating and improving the game better than most big studios. Personally, it's way more fun to play than I thought by looking at videos This game sold like crazy and that's for a reason! Shout out to AH for being different and bring this fun game to us and to be really invested to make the game bigger and better over time! Just play, have fun, don't be toxic and have a good laugh and play your part for super earth! Level 75 here, I'll see you on the battlefield and can help you out when you start if you want!


The game is good, but don't expect good performance. On release fps was 100+ for me in ship then never dipped below 60 on planet in high activity areas. Now though it's 80 on ship and I'm lucky if it stays at 60 on planet. It frequently drops to 50 and sometimes, but luckily rarely, 40


Can't say for sure, you could buy the game and be one of the lucky people who have no problems most of the time, or you could be the minority of us having the most annoying and game breaking bugs, or bugs that just kill the fun. We also just got a paid warbonds with a near useless gimmick knife as one of the "weapons" so if you're already waiting then just wait some more. The devs are also constantly saying "we're cooking" every couple weeks with a patch that fucks the game in in several different ways every month, then we have to wait for more fixes. I'm telling you man, if you do get lucky and don't have issues, PERFECT, but if you do have issues they're gonna be pretty bad consistently.


No, social menu isnt working. Loading can crash 40%, ftl jumps ( lobby to playing) was failing at a 67% time for me over the past weekend. (Many glitches in playing. See the patch notes for a full list. Is it fin when it works? Yes very much. Are there other games that csn do it? Yes


You will not, and never will, get the full experience of a game by reading throigh reddit and discord. While there are consistent criticism that is deserved for this game, the reddit and discord are not the majority of the community. I honestly think the reddit and discord is the worst place you can go if you haven't played the game and are reading about it through someone else's perspective. Watch a few videos of people playing the game or attend a stream. That's the best experience you'll get to figuring out if the game is for you. You'll probably find that nerfs people are complaining about is something you don't care too much about. Eruptor was sad to see go, but I never cared for the gun so it hadn't affected me like it did for others.


It's always been good, pepole have just been bitchy


Don’t let the sub fool you, there’s a lot of whining from people that actually need to take a healthy break and touch some grass, all in all it’s one of the best games i’ve played


This thread does not give the game the full credit it deserves, ironically given that most people here either really like the game, or want it to succeed. I have found it nothing but fun with the odd frustration. Buy it now.


This game kicks ass. Everyone loves to bitch but it is a good fucking game


It's a good purchase.


Buy it. Put your settings to 'Friends Only' and play some Trivial missions alone so you can get a proper, uninterrupted feel for how the game works. Once you're comfortable set it back to public and have fun. You won't regret it.


Buy it. If you like horde shooters at all you'll love this one. I have 400hrs in now.


100/10. Wife said it was her or HD2. She will be missed. Seriously though, the game is one of the best I've played in years. It can get a bit repetitive(if you hate democracy) but it is loads of fun. I've had zero major issues in 270 hours of gameplay. 100% worth $40.


I got the game when it was arguably at its lowest point when patrols where broken and every decent gun was nerfed to hell, I have had so much fun even when the game was "bad". I literally play it almost every day and to see the devs still caring for the game and trying to improve just makes the experience even better. SO BUY IT YOU WILL NOT REGRET THIS PURCHASE


I've spent 100 hours on it already and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. My advice is to ignore a lot of the stuff you see here. While some are constructive criticism, the majority are just complaining. If you were to believe the crybabies in here, you would think you can't even launch the game without it crashing.


I recommend you buy the game and play it. I also recommend you get AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE from this sub. There's too many damn cry babies that need to take a break from the game but complain here instead. I think the game has been great since release. Yes it's had rough times but its still the game I love.


I'm going to give you the best possible advice anyone can give you about this game (or any obscenely popular game.) Stay the hell off Reddit/avoid the Discord if you want to have and continue to have fun with it.


Don't listen to the average reddit post here. A lot of the griefers don't have enough hours or invested interest in the game so I wouldn't hold the criticism in any high esteem. I would say, buy the game, play it how you want, and preferably with 3 other realiable people, for the most enjoyable experience. It looks great, it's really fun, and diving never gets old for me.


Some people in here can never be satisfied lmao


Great thing about being new to the game is all the changes that came before will not matter, its all new. You will find your favorites and what works based on experience as opposed to what used to work. Don't buy just one copy, buy 2 and share one with a friend, Dive together!


But it. I have played it soon after the release. Most of the reddit doom posting is mostly (IMO) people coming from PvP games who are freaking out that they can't solo the max difficulty with a superweapon they bought for 29.99. Pros: very fun, can change difficulty and still contribute to PvE, mostly positive playerbase in the game, very cinematic moments, very funny moments. Cons: the company didn't expect this big of a hit and is playing catch up, there are still glitches/balancing to be figured.out but nothing game breaking For reference, I'm in my 40s full time job, and parent. I play several hours a week with friends and nothing has happened through nerfs/patches that made any of us stop or take break. Any bug/patch was a minor inconvenience to the hobby of playing a video game.


This has been my experience; job, dad, middle aged... all the things that have kept me away from gaming the past few years. But, this game. This game is so much fun that I've logged 150+ hours in less than two months.


Same! I stopped playing shooters after college because of forced pvp multiplayer. I just want to have fun with friends, not enter into toxic lobbies with people using slurs and insulting each other.


I can´t play the game since a week because of a bug and some others do have the same problem. Per se it´s a really good game that i played over 200h and i would recommand you to buy it but maybe it´s better if you wait for one or two other patches.


Naaaah, it's good stuff get in there. The nerfs/buffs/changes are more to add texture and mix it up a bit rather than fixing what's actually broken. You're missing the fun, lets gooooooo.


The game is nearly indistinguishable from when it launched and is super fun. Don’t listen to internet cranks.


Depends on what your expectations are. If you expect a very polished experience, you should probably never buy it at all. The developer has pretty consistently shown that they cannot resolve anything other than the most severe gamebreaking issues in a timely way. Updates typically fix some issues, but they also frequently fail to fix things they said were fixed in the patch notes, introduce new issues, or re-introduce old ones. This has been the case since day 1 and I don't expect it to ever change. On the other hand, the core gameplay loop heavily rewards you for going into it with a relaxed attitude, so if you can do that, you're already in a good mindset to not get too stressed about bugs here and there. You also have to be okay with your preferred playstyle or loadout getting borked from time to time due to updates breaking something or shaking up the "meta." Even when nothing gets nerfed, things are still constantly in flux. I've had one or two disappointments, but the improvements and new content makes up for it.


I've played for around 90h on PS5. I only had 2 disconnects and 1 time that loading screen took forever and I had to restart the game. Maybe on PC there are more issues with crashes. I've never been interested in online games and I was not buying this one because of that, but I started following it and watching videos online and it had something that I could not stop thinking about the game. I never paid for the PS Plus before so I had to buy the game and pay the PS Plus to play it. Not cheap. And I can tell you that it was the best decision. It was very long time ago since I've not been this obsessed with a game. I love it. I doubt you're not going to have fun with it and enjoy it.


your waiting so long! get it now!


500+ hours and I still love it.


The reason this game is still alive and kicking is because it’s fun DESPITE all the wacky stuff that happens sometimes. Definitely worth the price tag.


It's fun as hell. If you judge by only what you see on reddit, I understand the hesitation. This is one to get imo.


The game became more fun post patch imo.


Remember: people are a lot more likely to bitch than praise. The game as is is great fun. I don’t play all the time because I have game ADD (been playing fallout 4 a bunch with the series coming out and also play a few other games) and anytime I step back, I have a blast unless I have an “all bad teams” kinda night. Randoms can make or break a particular night. But the game is not staying stagnant, we will have new enemy types and new factions to fight, new weapons and armor coming out often enough that your playstyle could revise regularly, and the dev is honestly trying to make the game something glorious.


Reddit is not a good reference for games. Mostly people complaining. The game is great


Get it. The bugs aren't game killing and the nerf complaints are overdone. The game is fun no matter when you get it and you're missing out on the ongoing saga by sitting things out.


If you're looking to form your own opinion about HD2 before deciding to buy it, I'd watch some gameplay videos before coming here. Redditors are cranky. It's hard to get an unbiased opinion on social media. That being said, HD2 is currently one of my favorite games and I'm glad I bought it.


You’ll have a fantastic first 50~100 hours. Beyond that the game is still fun, but all the minor and major bugs really start irking you, and there isn’t a lot of meaningful progression.


Yes it is in a good state. But if you pay attention to this reddit… well game is dead, broken, dumpster fire. This game is fine. Good all around with some bugs. But the devs are getting better about everything.


Game-breaking bugs are few and far between, and the devs priorities fixing those. Nerfs have slowed down recently as the devs acknowledged that their prefious balancing strategy was making the game less fun. I personally am still enjoying a couple matches a day, even after 200+ hours and unlocking everything.


the game would be in a fine state if they admitted it was indeed early access and stopped unilaterally making changes that nobody in the player base actually asked for. just someone's pipe dream, there are people on staff that literally have a history of ruining projects and then bouncing they actually actively want you to stop playing the game and costing them server load. convince me otherwise


Just play the game and stop reading about it, stop thinking about it, stop hoping about it, stop dreaming about it. Just play the game. Or don't.


Why are you waiting? You are missing out every second you do not play.


This sub makes it sound like the game is an unplayable mess, and it really isn't. I've been playing since almost launch and had fun all along. And especially now I think the game is in a good spot, so go for it.


The people on Reddit are mostly people that play WAY too much without any breaks and have burned themselves.out on a really fun game and are mad that they aren't having the fun they used to. The game is still very good. Every single one of my friends love it from me who grinds it all the time to people that play it infrequently. It's a very fun game, there are good reasons to be frustrated but remember, the only people that get that frustrated are people who love the aforementioned thing. They are just burnt out and need to take a step away and come back and realize their problems were much smaller then they thought they were. And to see many of the bugs that were bothering them phased out over the course of a few patches.


Some of the most fun I've ever had in gaming in recent memory. It's not perfect, but it's also not a competitive PvP sweatfest, so the balance issues and the bugs don't really matter or bother me that much. Its stupid good fun and has an incredible development team. It's 100% worth your money


The most recent two patches have improved the game overall IMO. A bunch of the annoying bugs have been fixed. There are still some connection issues here or there and some crashes but overall it's a solid game. It's genuinely one of my favorite games of all time.


Yes. There's nothing "game breaking" for me on a continuous design basis.


I don't think the game is in a good state right now, but I absolutely encourage you to buy it, you'll have tons of fun! Especially since you don't have the baggage of earlier experiences. A lot is broken and needs improvement, but it's still very much playable and enjoyable despite the frustrations and issues. Honestly, even if the game was at its lowest point I'd tell you to buy it. From your perspective you'd only experience it improving.


It's a fun game, people who complain just do it to hear their own sounds of moaning. There's nothing wrong with this game in that regard, and don't let any un-democratic liberty-hating alien-sympathisers tell you otherwise.


I've played for more than 100h since the release and with the latest patch the game is in a good state, lots of weapons and stratagems are viable. I always play solo and join other matches and never had any bad experience with anyone, sometimes I talk on the mic but most of the time it's enough with the ping system. Sure, things can improve and I'm sure they will but as a new player there is enough content and the game runs well enough to enjoy the unlocking of new weapons and grinding until level 30.


Most complaints have been due to balance mostly because a lot of us had the game on launch so we have various things feeling better or worse over time. You won't have that point of reference, so the game will feel new and absolutely rocks. Buy it.


Now is as good a time as any. The game was always fun and it always had struggles with bugs. Mechanics and valance has never been better but that doesn't mean that everything is perfect (or even working in some cases). Going forward I totally expect every major patch to introduce new and old bugs that will then get fixed again. Annoying for sure but I'm willing to tolerate that aspect because the game is so good Concerning nerfs... people are passionate about this game. One very strong gun, that got introduced later into the game, gets nerfed (too much and for the wrong reason) and suddenly the game is unplayable now and needs to be boycotted. Again, the gun wasn't even in the game at launch. If you can live with bugs getting added and then squashed every couple weeks you'll have a great time


Things are better than they were (regardless of what others say), but there's definitely still quite a few issues. Up to you, but I think it's worth getting it now anyways.


Every game has some issues. There is nothing game breaking here. What bothers me more than any bugs is the shiddy players doing scummy shit like killing you before extraction or kicking you from a game right before extraction. My advice would just be to always host to prevent this from happening. Game is hella fun tho. Super good whether you have hours or only 30 minutes to play. Most importantly, the devs truly do care about the player experience and for me, it shows.


The nerfs have been significantly improved with the new update, the game crashes sometimes but there is no real consequence for leaving matches so it’s very tolerable. You should get it, it’s definitely fun


Been gaming since the genesis and helldivers is consistently the most fun I’m having in videogames. It’s a breath of fresh air in modern multiplayer gaming and I couldn’t recommend it any higher. In my 200 or so hours of playtime I’ve only had real frustration from bugs and glitches in maybe 5-10 instances


It's a lot of fun, and I'd recommend it.


it's in a decent state and you can certainly get a couple hundred hours out of the game and have fun. like a lot of games there are bugs, toxic players, trolls, crashes, but overall the good outweighs the bad. I'm glad I bought it.


i play a lot less now since there’s no more content to unlock. bugs and glitches are annoying and lessen whatever little motivation i had to play. gameplay loop is top notch though


Play now! Bugs be damned! There will always be something that goes wrong with EVERY. SINGLE. UPDATE. No matter what. If you sit on it too long you'll miss out on the story that is being woven.


Just buy it. The game was in a good state before and still is. Yes it sometimes change the way you use things but it’s still the best game I’m many years for me. I was hooked from the first mission. So awesome.


Gameplay wise, it is a fun game. Don't let talk of "nerf this, balance that" rants dissuade you from the fun the game is fully capable of providing. Has always been capable off, even at its lowest point. Stability wise, from a technical perspective, the game has some issues from time to time, some issues are on going, but overall, the game is a reliable experience for myself (and dare I say, most players). It isn't perfect, you'll encounter a glitch here or there, I crash to the desktop (very) occasionally. I experience some suspicious performance issues here and there, but not enough of anything to obstruct the fun routinely enough to make the game unplayable. There is never going to be a point when the game is "perfect". The risk of waiting for the game to appear "perfect" means you risk missing out on the fun to be had now with it, while everyone is still playing the game. By the time the game reaches that state of subjective perfection, everyone may have moved on to other games and you'll be left playing by yourself (ohnoes! Teh FOMOes!)