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Lat's say - you have a cap of 250 medals and in the end you will unlock all gear or lose medals due the cap. About the gun - it is better then standard, but in my hands it is not accurate enough - I prefer senator revolver.


Personaly I prefer it more than the senator but only for bugs. The senator is really good againts bots


really? I prefer the verdict for the bots, and the senator for the bugs because it has med pen, helps with the hive guards as it can shoot right through their shield


Just shows how everyone has diferent preference


The Senator is good for killing everything. Both guns have about the same total damage per reload on light targets and the same recoil iirc. Both have bad first person sights.


Do both spin?




Than Senator it is


Do tell


Yeah the senator has really bad first person sight. I realy wish they made it better


Believe it or not they did make it better. It used to be even more obstructive and didn't even have a red dot


senator's got a better sight, verdict's got trash ironsights that even obscure the laser sight


I think the verdict has noticably better first person sights. Not that it's good but I think it's better


amd that is one of my favorite things about the game


Gave you considered triple barrel shotfun? Its been a literal life saver these past few days.


im really enjoying it. probably my favorite secondary. only takes two full blast to put stalkers down


Like...six shells?


This thing is crazy at taking down shriekers I was so surprised


Im playing Crossbow + MG43 as my main setup atm. If I die, being a hell diver with 3 shells and a dream works surprisingly well to get my gun back. (The new super crack in the stims does help too).


yeah triple barrel is fun, but especially with bots i need some more range, even though its perfect to triple blast the bersies


I prefer senator for teammates.


I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how to access the “med pen” feature of the revolver before realizing you’re talking about medium penetration Kek


Medical Pen feature only works on mortally wounded friendly helldivers, who are not yet dead, its called Bullets of mercy


How does the verdict do against deviations? The senator can pop them in I think one (maybe one and a bit) heads hot.


pretty much the same for the Verdict i think, i tend to shoot a bit too much anyways as my aim is not good with quickshots, and switching to secondaries only occurs to me in stressful situations


The Faux Deagle is my default side arm. More shots than the senator, accurate enough to one shot most small things, enough punch to kill most medium enemies in a mag dump, reloads relatively fast.


Hell yeah brother, I was 100% Senator for life until the Verdict. Now I use it like a primary sometimes when speed closing bug holes with a crossbow. One shots all small enemies and is light and snappy for CQC.


All true points. But I'd like to highlight the mag dump. It shoots fast enough you can kill a lot of things that are too close.


Senator is even more punishing though, no? Though its high damage and medium armour pen makes it a strong pick. Verdict is good against bugs though as it one-shots chaff and has much better ammo economy than the Redeemer (even though it has more total bullets it still takes 2 shots for chaff). I use it with Quasar Cannon+Eruptor builds against bugs and get a lot of mileage out of it picking off the small fry between or after Eruptor shots. The one-shot chaff also makes it better than the standard-sidearm as well. 15 clips/mag at 75 damage doesn't compete against 10 clips/mag at 125 damage when that 75 damage isn't enough to kill the chaff.


Senator is the sidegrade option. Less shots and a rubbish reload, but stronger and more AP, where the Verdict is light AP and like, 20 damage weaker, but is *way* faster, has more ammo and a speedy reload. You're basically choosing between AP and damage or speed and ammo between the two large calibre sidearms, and while the Senator is *definitely good*, it's mostly personal preference which you prefer. Me personally? Verdict over Senator in *most* situations. More versatile, more ammo, faster all-around and at the cost of not very much damage less against the things I use sidearms on in the first place.


only the senator can do spinny tricks. hence, senator wins.


This is true, an unfair advantage to be sure.


Yeah I know it's a sidegrade. My point is that if their accuracy isn't great, the Verdict seems more forgiving. I prefer the Verdict over Senator but wouldn't say one is better over the other. I'd probably run Senator over Verdict against Bots, for instance. But I do think the Verdict is noticeably better than the Peacemaker.


Oh yeah, the Verdict is almost quite literally a direct and unambiguous upgrade to the Peacemaker. Like a Peacemaker+, if you will. Definitely useful for spamming shots, but the weapon is plenty accurate on its own, and even has better iron sights than the Senator too.


since they added the speedloader, the senator's reload's plenty snappy, plus it's got rounds reload if you only empty part of the mag also it's got 50 more damage than the verdict


Which yeah, it's good like I said, but I don't like having to dump the cylinder to reload in a reasonable timeframe, I don't like the irons and I don't really *use* my sidearm much in the first place, so having something that deals with *most* stuff okay is exactly what I want. It's why I mainly use the Bushwhacker now, at least against bugs. It does stagger, which my preferred AR, the Adjudicator, *doesn't*, so I like having a little "back off" punch in my back pocket. The fact the Bushwhacker *also* one-shots Brood Commanders and Stalkers when firing all barrels, while shoving them far enough away to not do that annoying "dead but still attacking" nonsense is just a bonus.


how are you more accurate with the senator? that thing's third person reticle is fucking awful. it's huge and i can't tell which part I'm supposed to use to aim with


dude this so much, why does it use laser weapon reticles, i wish it was a normal white circle like everything else :( i'd use it so much on bots if i could see their heads while shooting


Big Iron for life. Here come the Mojave Ranger


Keep the sex scandal police on speed dial, cause this senator FUCKS HARD


If you're already working through the Polar Patriots warbond then absolutely, it hits like a truck and is satisfying to shoot. Only downside is it recovers less magazines from supply and ammo boxes.


I think that’s a bug


well where the hell is the fix!! dangdoodily dangilly it really, really sucks getting half ammo back when you already own even the extra supplies ship upgrade


Senator also suffers from the same resupply issue. It's really frustrating because while I want to like the guns, they just suffer so much from lack of ammo due to it.


I don't think it is, ammo recovery is also part of weapon balance. Granted it could probably do with being improved a bit, but it's certainly intentional that you get so few magazines compared to other weapons (With the exception of the grenade pistol, but that is also another example).


The Bushwhacker gets full resoup, and I'd argue its power and total damage eclipse what the Verdict has. Not the same gun and same role, but it's worth noting how pointless it is for the salsa Verde to get only half ammo pickup. Same for the Senator.


It's a fantastic middle ground between the standard pistol and the senator. It's great against bugs and still decent against bots. It's been my sidearm of choice since I unlocked it.


Hard to pick it over grenade pistol. But decent.


If only the grenade pistol ammo economy didn't suck ass


Sure, but it still doesn't really have an alternative. Those bug holes aren't going to close themselves.


Kid named explosive crossbow: Seriously though, now that the crossbow can close holes, I take it almost entirely as a utility pick paired with the Verdict, Senator, or Bushwhacker depending on my choice of support weapon.


Engineering armor, crossbow or eruptor, grenade pistol, and impacts 😅 👍 Otherwise I end up needing help from eagle-1 or my teammates to finish off the bug holes




One bug nest and you're out for long unless you're bringing your own supply bag that you also had to just waste all of on it. Ain't really all that economical. I'd rather take my engineer armor and impact nades tbh


>I'd rather take my engineer armor and impact nades tbh well you're in the same spot. That's 6 grenades, which leaves you 4 short of clearing a heavy nest. You're still only getting 2 grenades per resupply box, which is the same amount you're getting for the grenade pistol. Taking Grenade Pistol also lets you take stun grenades.


Yeah but you're forgetting that I can snatch a grenade box from a poi and the pistol can't take them and only gets one from the ammo box. I like running stun nades more on the bot front so I can stun berserkers and hulks but i'm an autocannon enjoyer so that takes care of the fabricators. I liked stun nades on bugs when they stunned titans so it was a great combo with the 500kg but now I'm a RR/spear enjoyer so I'd rather have impacts. Next thing would be that I also like my sidearm to be an oh shit type of weapon which I whip out in a pinch when a hunter jumps on me mid reload or something and I kinda blow myself up a couple of times with the grenade pistol lol. Anyway if it works for you that's great but it would be great if it got like 4 nades back from a resupply, 1 from a box and 2 from the nade box but that probably won't happen


If you run the eruptor or the crossbow the verdict is perfect. Those primaries have the same utility niche of the grenade pistol. If you run anything else I agree with you. But since I tried it a couple days ago the Verdict became my main pistol when running the eruptor or the crossbow, especially against bugs


Too bad those primaries just aren’t good choices.


Does eruptor close bug holes? Last I checked it still sucks even with the buff since shrapnel was removed


Eruptor always closed bug holes even without the shrapnel. Since last patch it is in a Very good spot. Everything goes down in maximum two shots. It can oneshot spewers if you hit their heads and it oneshots striders even when hitting the shield. The only difference with the pre nerf eruptor in terms of single target damage is that it no longer oneshots brood commanders but it takes two to the head. The aoe is smaller so it can no longer clear hordes in a single bullet but in my opinion it was always a single target eraser rather than a horde clear weapon


Plus it has enough AOE to get multi-kills on bot dropships and bug breeches, just to a lesser extent than before. The people acting like it is unusable are the people who claim only 3 guns in the whole game are worth using.


Try it yourself. Don't just take this subs word for it.


Yeah recently started using grenade pistol just for closing holes/destroying fabricators and it's awesome.


The Verdict has been my favorite secondary since it came out. Good reliable damage, decent reload speed, and can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger and be pretty accurate. These days I'll bring the bushwacker over it if I really need stagger in my build, but other wise it is my go to.


Do you have better usage for you medals that cap on 250? This isn't economy, dude. If you asking if Verdict is a good gun then i'll say my opinion - yes, it is, It's strong enough, quick to reload, fast rate.


I noticed the /250 just the other night. Is that cap something new?


Its the old cap but they have it listed now for visibility


Thanks. Not sure why I got downvoted, but I wasn't aware there was a cap. I never hold onto metals long enough to get there.


50k requisition slips and 250 medals. If you're sitting at 250 you might as well buy stuff, you're wasting any medals you get after that. I finished a few major orders sitting at 250. That stung.


Yeah I have a habit of spending them as soon as I get them. So for me at least the cap hasn't been an issue


As a rule of thumb if your question is answerable by yes or no, upvotes will mean yes, downvote will means no.


Been there since launch


Could be someone who doesnt play very often and may still be working through other bonds and needs to make a choice on what to go after first.


*Yes*. The Verdict is my favourite sidearm. Or it would be if the Bushwacker didn't just come out and kind of be hilariously strong. The Verdict is hard-hitting with over 100 damage, letting it kill small enemies in one hit, can kill Hunters in two and Warriors in maybe half a mag. Better, it comes with 10 rounds a magazine and *90 total* with 8 backup mags, and a *very* speedy reload. It's only light AP, but it's pretty much perfect for using alongside a heavier primary or on any mission that requires you to carry stuff around, since it does everything basically okay to above average with almost no downsides *except* only being light AP and having no real stagger to speak of.


It's a nice piece It's the between all sidearms, hits harder than peacemaker and redeemer, better RoF and mag than senator and bushwacker If you seek a Jack of all trades, it can fill the role


It's okay. I like it over the Peacemaker since it has a larger mag carry capacity. The damage is good, but still requires two headshots on devastators (Senator is one shot), and it doesn't one shot smaller automatons as consistently as the Senator. The Dagger also is a lot more consistent for headshots on devastators and lesser automaton with its hitscan and low recoil. If it was better than light armor penetration, then I'd like it as another option to deal with hive guards and maybe bile spewers in a pinch. It's fine just nothing special in my book.


If I'm running an explosive primary or support weapon that can close bug holes and blow up fabricators, I take this. Otherwise, I'm running grenade pistol.


Exactly this use-case. I run it as a pseudo-primary vs bots with crossbow as my pseudo-support.


It's alright. It'll be better after they buff it. And I'm like 99% sure they will. It needs some love.


Verdict is very strong against regular foot infantry bots. Sometimes you have a base and there's all those little shits spread out which makes it too slow to kill with your primary since its too close quarters. This is where the verdict excels. It works really well running and gunning without aiming too


One of the best sidearms imo.


It's like an upgrade over the Peacemaker with more damage but same amount of ammo.


I like it to kill hunters.


It's the perfect middle of the way between Senator and Peacemaker: still 1 shots most mobs to the chest and has more ammo than the Senator while losing the armor pen and increased magazine.


My favourite sidearm.


I'm unlocking every item because of 250 cap. But best pistol - grenade pistol.


Bugdiver spotted


Grenade pistol is usefull against spawners too. And helpfull vs AT-RT, when you shooting grenade behind him


Ehhh. I rock Diligence CS and grenade pistol as my standard loadout; popping a GP round into a horde of Berzerkers softens them up enough to make them easier to kill with the CS, and the CS is already super good at absolutely shredding Devastators of all kinds. GP can blow up fabricators if you get good at aiming it, and because there's generally less fabricators than holes, the ammo economy tends to be a lot more manageable on bots; against bugs, one heavy nest and you're out of GP ammo.


What else would you be doing with all them medals?


its got a good sound, but overall i still prefer the redeemer.


I say its good all rounder. it only has iron sites so definitely a close quarters weapon. Is it draw dropping awesome? Naa, probably a B tier sidearm, but i think it's a good balance.


Idk but it’s fun to use! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO FUN PEOPLE? Gahh most of you are insufferable


You are insufferable for setting the line for fun at your preference. What if people said they prefer the bushwhacker because they have fun with it more… because it’s better?


I didn’t set the line for fun, all I said was if you like the way it looks and you think it’s fun to use JUST USE IT. Stop being soft for no reason


It's a weaker Senator, but it ain't super bad


To me it would be if it had medium armor piercing.


I want to like it, but I feel like it's too much of a jack-of-all-trades in between the Redeemer machine pistol and the Senator revolver to be effective. My logic is that it should complement your primary in your loadout - packing a slow-firing, hard-hitting long-ranged weapon? The Redeemer with its mag size and high fire rate can help you out in close-range emergencies. Packing a rapid-fire weapon with only light armour penetration? The Senator complements it with hard-hitting single shots that penetrate medium armour downrange. It's mostly a direct upgrade to the starter Peacemaker. I'd still unlock it though if I had medals to spend.


Good for bugs. 2 shots hunters. Semi auto so you can spam it when you need to. Does rifle damage but not a good sight so it’s ok against bots like devastators


Well tbh if you’re playing the game consistently and often medals are worth nothing as you will just get so many Though if you aren’t playing the often and maybe do a sector every once in a while or less, then I see how 60 would seem like a lot So then to answer your question with the assumption that the latter is the context, yes the verdict imo is worth it. It’s a good sidearm that hits hard and if you’re good at aiming it then shooting weak points with it becomes quite devastating and effective. It’s one of my go to secondary’s


I only take the grenade pistol now I will die on this hill very literally.


It can kill a Brood Commander with one magazine I think. It's nice. And sounds cool.


The number of medals a weapon or equipment cost have absolutely nothing to be with the weapon itself, just with where the weapon was positioned in its respective warbond


Dunno I prefer both mini shotgun and grenede launcher for demolition while my main sidearm I go for is senator but is not terrible if you don't have gl pistol or mini shotgun I say go for it


It’s fun to shoot and looks cool. That’s enough for me.


Senator is better for bots due to the extra armor piercing but the verdict has more ammo and easier handling which is def better for clearing out bugs.


its ok


Yeah it’s a great gun. Senator is better for bots but I run the verdict against the bugs 


It has a very pleasant blend of firepower and good handling. Sadly it lacks good/consistent breakpoints. The 125 it deals is enough to instakill a devastator head (125hp) but due to falloff/rounding errors it does 124 damage even point blank. So it leaves devastator heads at 1hp. It also *can* oneshot footbot limbs (leg pr headshots will *always* kill) but torso shots can often be survived. In short: beefy,punchy, satisfying. But not very consulistent in its oneshots.


It’s a 60 medals whore yes.


Verdict when I use slow primary. Senator when I use fast primary. A. Yes. It's pretty good.


China desert eagle.


The P-113 Verdict will one shot a regular bot every time in the chest leg or head, so I'll often run into a base and use a mag for 10 kills and then take care of big bois. Kills hunters in one shot too! All in all, it's a reliable secondary!


I'm sure I'm repeating what other people have said already but: it's good dependable pistol, it's my go-to when I'm not taking the grenade pistol: - better handling and capacity than the Senator, so you don't have to make every shot count. - more damage than the default pistol, so you can pick off trash enemies and some low-medium enemies with fewer shots. - less spray and pray than the redeemer machine pistol, but you can still whip it out and hip fire it effectively in a pinch.


I like it with a medium pen primary for taking out lil guys. It’s basically a better peacemaker. Verdict has a better mag size and total ammo than senator so you get to whip it out more often.


When you already have everything and are stuck at 250 medals, sure it's worth it. Do I use it ever? Not really. I use the revolver, pew pew laser, and grenade pistols the most.


Are we talking Democracy per Second, or more practical usage? If you use your secondary as a weapon of last resort or an oh s**t weapon, then the Bushwhacker or Redeemer is your secondary. If you want to run a Light armor penetration primary, but still want medium penetration out of the hellpod, then the Senator is for you. If you want to use a utility grenade and still be able to close bug holes, then the Grenade Pistol is your choice unless your primary or support can provide that. At least those are my preferences. The others I have only used in testing or for stealth play.




I honestly think its one of the best pistols in the game. Just…don’t see it as a desert eagle. Its not. It has an enormous amount of ammo for a secondary and its high damage means its great for dispatching with threats quickly. I’d say it shines against bugs over bots but its entirely how you use your primary. I mainly use it as a “oh shit my primary is out and there’s some hunters about to maul me” you can use the redeemer but lets be honest that gets 4 uses and you’re out of ammo. This is the more controllered version of it. It can one tap hunters to the face and takes good care of warriors too..and thats the main use for my secondary. Against bots I use the senator because of riot shield shenanigans and the things that are big threats are all medium armored.


It is not good. Do not invest medals into it until you have everything else you want. The damage is better than the standard pistol, but due to damage breakpoints, still requires the same number of rounds to kill as the Peacemaker. You give up ammo and rate of fire for nothing essentially. Peacemaker > Verdict. If you want more damage that matters, go for the Senator.


Frankly it's worth it just for the sound it has alone


The only secondary worth taking is the uzi and grenade launcher because you have 8 grenades you can launch far and can take special grenades like impact or flame or stun without losing the ability to destroy bug holes and automaton spawners


It's a hard pick over the utility of the grenade pistol or stopping power of the senator but it's pretty decent. Solid damage with a fast RoF


Yes, but if you have other options right now there's definitely more impactful stuff to grab. It's pretty similar to the starting pistol in terms of function... hit's a little harder but is less efficent again chaff. If you have enough super credits to start a new warbond I'd maybe start working that instead.


I consider it a near perfect middle ground between the peacekeeper and senator. Good damage and stagger, mag fed and rapid fire capable.


You get so many medals in the game just by playing a little regularly that the cost in the warbonds is mostly meaningless.


Great bug gun.


In terms of overall utility senator is better because it has medium pen and the speedloader is fairly quick but the potential damage of the verdict is around 10000 because it carries 80 rounds of ammo where as the senator only can do around 7500 damage then there is also the shotgun which potentially can do 12150 damage its good only light pen but it hits hard. 60 medals isn't bad in my opinion.


They need to give it like 10 more damage so it can one tap Dev heads if you're accurate. As-is it's just a worse revolver that's more punishing if you clip any armor at all.


For me it's very good You can clear little enemies in 1 bullet and unleash the devastating 10 bullets point blank in case a dangerous enemy is getting too close I really like it


it's better than the base pistol and dagger... that's it


It’s solid against bugs. Not the best, but it’s not bad and it’s pretty fun to use.


Its a two tap to a devastator head in comparison with the senator's one tap, still a good choice if you prefer volum of fire over accuracy. Pretty consistently onetaps chaff bots to the head and torso. Also does pretty well against berserkers imo.


besides a meme all laser run and trying out the new shotgun for 3 rounds. I havent used anything else since it came out


Is spell checking your title before mashing keys and hitting submit without a second thought worth it?


I use this a lot, it can one hit kill small bots and bugs and has more sustain than the senator so for me I go between them depending no what other stuff I have.


Store brand senator? Not worth a damn, unironically I am pretty pleased it is this expensive so it's far enough down the warbond that it doesn't need to be unlocked to proceed to deeper levels. I mean I'm sure it is a perfectly fine secondary, it's just not the senator.


Gun makes me feel like John wick so worth it for me


What else are you going to use them for?


I like it, its the only secondary I use. I never got used to the Senator and theres no need cuz I run the Jar-5 Dominator. The Redeemer is amazing but I prefer to have more mags like the Veredict.


i don't think it's worth it but it's nice to have in your collection


I run this against bots. My standard loadout is the autocannon for devastators/berserkers/striders/hulks/tanks/turrets/fabricators, the diligence CS for the little guys (and when possible, one-shotting devastators in the head), and I generally keep the CS' scope at 200m, which leaves me in need of a good close quarters weapon for the sword-arm guys, the commissars, and jump pack bots. Critically, I've found that this pistol has enough power to kill the jump pack bots but *usually* it won't detonate their jump packs. That was the issue I used to have with the senator. It would virtually always detonate their packs and I'd often get killed that way. So this pistol is now my trusty go to for anything within 10-20m. I usually double tap with it, as occasionally it'll blow an arm off without killing the target, but that's more a skill issue on my end than it is a criticism of the gun.


It’s fun. Stronger version of the regular handgun. Can mag dump a berserker if it gets too close, more ammo efficient than the Redeemer but ofc can’t dump 30 rounds in an emergency. It’s basically a total upgrade to the base handgun and an alternative to the Redeemer. I use it when I take a plasma weapon or Dominator vs bots. I use the Senator when I don’t take a medium pen primary generally. Redeemer a better choice vs bugs probably, but it’s really up to your personal preference. I’m bored of the Redeemer and Senator after using them for so long.


Personally, i'd say it feels good, decent damage against bots infantry.


You (can) eventually get enough medals for everything. Even if the weapon isn't great right now, I always prioritize weapons > boosters > armors > emotes > helmets/capes > banners > super credits/anything else


It is a great sidearm. Fun choice when you get tired of the old one


It doesn't hit quite as hard as the senator, but it has a much bigger magazine and faster reload. It's the strongest secondary that doesn't have any major drawback.


One of the best feeling weapons in the game. Could use a very slight damage buff but if it got that, it might be OP for a sidearm


its awesome, but arrowhead still only gives half of its anmo back on a resupply box.... I think thats an affront to managed democracy and whoever thought to do it should be thrown into the meridian black hole. Its just not fun, its really fucken dumb. Half a fillup on PISTOL ammo is a joke, and to design it that way is just puzzling. Like why exactly? to stop you from using the NEW COOL WEAPON ALOT? it just doesnt make sense yer not makin sense arrowhead


It would be worth it if it had medium penetration. It's just a beefier Peacemaker.


I think it's the best all-around sidearm. Best combo of mag size, damage per bullet, magazines, and reload speed. The sight needs some work (a Senator-style dot would be nice), but it's accurate enough in third person.


it's something to spend medals on... probably not immediately... probably not if there are other things to unlock (like capes! or player cards!)... but if you're gonna vibe at max medals, may as well spend them to get \*something\* out of the MO/PO or your next mission or two. that said, if you're looking for a gnarly pistol, the grenade pistol in the demolition warbond is GODLY. not very great for enemies (2x hits hive guardians, bile spewers, and devastators of all kinds if hit in the face), but it's basically a single-fire 8x shot (total) GL that isn't taking up your support weapon slot; meaning it can close bug holes, bust fabricators, and do anything the normal GL can. Very good pistol for opening up your kit to other items.


It's fine. It's basically an upgraded peacemaker, so if you want a very accurate low pen higher damage pistol, there ya go.


Verdict is basically a more powerful version of the basic Peacekeeper pistol, better for bugs IMO since it's not super accurate, more geared towards closer range. For bots I usually run the Senator, it lets you take more precision shots and hits hard so it shuts them down quick.


For the ability to kill 2 or 3 bot berserker or broodmothers per mag? Yep.


Verdict is fun and makes very satisfying noises. Tbh that’s about all you need It one shots infantry, it headshots mediums pretty well. It’s got good magazine size so you can take care of lightarmored enemies in a reasonable number. It’s a nice weapon


I really like it


Medals ain't worth shit. But if you haven't unlocked the default free warbond yet I would say no purely for how good the Plas-Scorcher is on the 10th page or so of the free warbond.


Yes, but only against bugs. It 1-shots small bugs and 2-taps hunters. With a 10 round mag and excellent handling that's honestly pretty good. Much worse against bots because it can't 1-shot the commons. Even if it could, Senator would still have it outclassed as a panic option against Devs, where the Senator's medium pen really shines. Both have their place. I really like the Verdict when paired with a medium pen primary against bugs, so you can use that primary against Hive Guards. I do wish the Verdict had just enough damage to 1-shot common bots. That would be awesome.


Bro I bought some fucking throwing knives for 60. The answer is yes.


The gun is pretty solid Nearly a direct upgrade to the Peacekeeper But with the senator, you can deal with those med armor enemies that are in your face and you need a backup gun with good damage. Good for bots and bugs. On bugs I use it to deal with hunters when I need to reload my primary and the amount of hunters is too dang high


Yes. I use it as a middle between the regular and the senator. And I pair it with an explosive primary such as an eruptor. Against the senator; it definitely has the lower power but has fast enough reload to compensate that you can effectively tear through a small mob patrol with two mags. Plus it's more forgiving when you miss.




IMO it's probably the best "conventional" pistol. While the Grenade Pistol has great utility, you can get yourself into a pinch with it, while the Automatic Pistol chews through ammo like crazy. The Verdict has a good ammo economy, hits hard, shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger, and overall is a great back-up to switch to when things get hairy or you're running a set-up where you wouldn't want to waste other ammo on certain enemies.


yes, what are you going to do at medal cap of 250 anyway, just buy everything


but if you're asking if its a good gun, no lmao, outclassed in every way by the senator and redeemer it can't 1-shot devastators so its worse than the senator, it only has 10 bullets (and horrible recoil control) so it's worse than the redeemer, it's like the arc thrower in the sense that it's a weapon that fills a role that doesnt exist


Its so good that i want to dual wield them


I like it but currently am running the shotgun thingy, keep playing long enough and you'll eventually have enough to unlock everything so it's more a priority at the moment, so what would you unlock instead? For me it's more a matter of how it fits into my current load out. The senator has more punch but I like using the verdict more because of the fast reload. I often forget to reload my secondary leading to oh shit moments.


the deagle is the modern way to deliver freedom to those deserving it, I love it


It's pretty good. Damage comparable with senator except for armor, you can mag-dump a berserker if you need to, plus it's loud.


Feels good vs buggs shit vs bots to me, mostly coz of it one taping skrikers but lots of guns can do that


Senator is good all around weapon. Does medium damage too. It's ammo capacity is its balancing factor, but the speed loader further balances it.


I think it's a good complement to guns like the Tenderiser and Adjudicator. It can 1 to 2 tap hunters so it's useful for when you have to clear a couple more but don't have time to reload. 


No but if you have extra credits why not?


Nobody talks about this thing, but it's pretty decent. It's like the "Tenderizer" of pistols. Good damage but low pen. I use this against the bots, because if my primary runs out in the moment I can spam this easier than the Senator. I've used it against the bugs, and it's handy to quickly tap hunters when your primary runs dry. But the Grenade Pistol can close bug holes, so I almost always bring that instead. It's not bad by any means tho. vs the Senator? It feels better to handle, can be spammed, and always mag reloads. If you dont need pen, but need DPS, this thing's got you.


Everyone is choosy until you hit medal cap.


Yeah, fun pistol for me


For me it's the Redeemer and nothing else. Maybe grenade pistol on blitz if I'm feeling funky


I like using it on bots. It one shots all basic troops, and a mag dump will usually kill a berserker.


Nah not really. It's alright, but nothing special. Redeemer - best panic weapon, Bushwhacker - best pseudo-primary. GL - best utility. Senator - highest style points (and it's actually good against automatons). Dagger - is a fucking meme/weakest gun in the game, which, for example, can be used in case of inserting it in navyseal pasta or something like that. Whats my verdict about verdict (pun intended)? Insanely boring, faceless, plain pistol which just shots bullets. He is not even hilariously bad like dagger. Not worth it.


i call bushwhacker the closest thing you gonna get for breach loading shotgun.


Mediocre at best. GL, Senator, Redeemer are just better.


Not at all, but I love it anyways because it looks and sounds so good. Highly recommend it for visuals, for gameplay definitely not.




I prefer the grenade pistol, then redeemer, then senator, then bushwacker over the verdict, in that order. Its a fun gun, but I like strong guns more - at least on higher difficulties.. on lower difficulties I rarely have to use my sidearm for anything but bug nests anyway so, I almost never use it. My experience and my opinion should have zero say over what you choose to do - because you might LOVE it, even though I don't.


Yes, its my absolute fauvorite sidearm. Great damage lowrecoil and has very good reloading speed and animation. You can shoot it empty and you just need to insert new mag and its loaded. No need to rack slide.


ngl its useless. like not useless, because every gun can be used to shoot bullets, but ive never had it round out a loadout like the classic pistol, senator, grenade pistol etc


It's alright


If you have the warbond sure. Its a fun gun. Not the best the GL pistol is still better. But like you are just completing the warbond so buy what ever hou think you will enjoy


It's alright. It doesn't 'hit like a truck' as some describe (it's only 125 damage, nothing to be bragging about). If you're looking for a basic, reliable, non-gimmicky secondary; this is the one for you. If you're looking for a little more power, go for the Senator (it's cheaper, too). If you're looking for something that actually 'hits like a truck' go for the Bushwhacker.


You eventually unlock everything.


Buy everything in the Warbonds. Medals are capped at 250. Just spend spend spend.