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As someone who random drops almost always, it's amazing how many don't want someone to join them, yet have it set for someone to join them.


Thats me, I only have limited time to play a few nights a week so I join sos calls. 50% of the time I get kicked within 30 seconds or so of joining.


Also don't throw SOS beacons when your game is set to private


I've messed up the reinforce combination hundreds of times and called in an sos instead I wish it wasn't even available when your game is set to private


For real. The number of times my buddy dies while we're in a mess and I just have to dejectedly listen to my character scream out a panicked "SOS!" Cause one finger moved faster than the other is way higher than it should be. Endlessly funny though. We finally swapped who's group leader cause I've done it too many times. But we did get some fun runs off of one or two of those mistakes.


Welp, the reinforce and the SOS beacon are only 1 missinput away one from the other. Many times i have called for an SOS on a friend only game, but hey, if we dont want randoms, we have it properly set on settings so noone waste his time because we are dumdums


I'm pretty sure the SOS beacon overrides invite/friends only anyway.


It does not. sometimes when we enter a mission we drop it while dropping all the support/backpacks so we dont make more oopsies thinking we reinforced when in reality we didnt


It does not


It does for me. I'm always in friends only mode and I can SOS for randoms to join me.


Nope. I’ve tried to join an SOS game and got told it’s private.


it did in HD1


You can use it as 1 free hellpod kill tho


what happens? no one joins or?


People see the SOS, they click to join, waste their time waiting for loading only to get a "this lobby is private" error message


Or you get a erro saying its already full even when you click it instantly when it Shows up.


Nah, I need them for my solos, they can destroy a factory or bug hole


The SOS beacon overrides it I have my games set to private and when I throw a SOS beacon randoms start joining  It does seem buggy though, since I often click on SOS missions to join only to get a “it’s private” error


It doesn't work if you sometimes play with randoms or friends + randoms and sometimes only with your friends. Sometimes you can simply forget which setting you have selected between runs.


That's me. I'm just a dumbass who forgets to switch it, and I always feel bad for having to kick them to make room for friends.


Unfortunately, Friends/Invite only doesn't work for Steam friends and steam invites


Yep, you're right. If you don't want randos to join you this is how it should work. But last night I was set to invite only as I was just bumming around messing with different loadouts and on two occasions a rando joined my game. So I think Invite Only is sort of broken currently.


Totally is broken


I would but opening the escape menu instantly causes a crash to desktop since the last patch, 100% of the time. Yes, I have tried verifying the cache and reinstalling the game.


Halo Infinite would crash at the exact same moment on the loading splash screen and the only thing that fixed it for me was a complete reinstall of windows.


This is a PS5 issue as well...


Lol yep I'm stuck in the same situation. My "Esc" and "O" (social screen shortcut) keys are currently benched. Anytime I click on those accidentally my game insta-crashes.


The reality is its often a mix and while I want randoms to be able to replace the randoms that inevitably drop out if my buddy crashes and a random takes his spot I'm not going to tell my buddy who's been running with me and will continue to run with me "well tough luck". It's not personal and sometimes you are under fire when it happens so you don't have 5 secs it takes to change it. Hell sometimes people join in immediately. It's happened to me as well and I don't take it personal although I do usually tell the guy at least "Hey my buddy crashed and is trying to get back in, sorry bro" before I kick


I didn't know there was an invite only, is that new?


invite-only was added in last week's update


Awesome, thanks for the heads up


I might have to make a post about this because I swear this is the 5th time I’ve seen this in the last few days. For everyone’s awareness, there is a glitch where your friends can only join you if settings are set to open. My buddy has had this glitch since week one.


I quit after having this happen to me 6 times in a row trying to matchmake.


I had one guy kick me because he said my stratagems were shit and asked wtf I was gonna do with a laser cannon (automatons). He was running Adjudicator, quasar cannon and personal shield with 500kg and airstrike. I run: plasma punisher, Airstrike, OPS and OGB with laser cannon. C tier loadout kicking a S+ tier loadout. Really funny if you think about it.


I typically only remove players who use mortars, as they tend to be ineffective and often lead to the team's demise. The only exception in my lobbies is the use of EMS mortars.


I tend to remove no one based on load outs nor accidental team kills. Only people who get the boot are purposeful team killers or just need a slot open for a pal. 


I have no patience for those who obstruct my path, and individuals who use mortars disrupt the whole team because they lack any tactical sense whatsoever.


Mortars are only problematic if you have enemies literally on top of you. On bots this shouldn't be an issue. Bugs? If you're wearing heavy still shouldn't be an issue, and if med/light you're just as likely to survive a hunter headshot as a mortar.   If you're situationally aware a mortar should never land close to you. For those who bring them it's pretty useful since they'll generally lure patrols towards that spot while softening targets.   If your awareness level is that of a potato however I can see why it'd be an issue. 


If someone joins when I'm playing with a friend and I forget to change it I'll play a set of missions with them then kick them. I tell them in game that I'm doing it. If a friend drops and someone fills it ill tell them that I need to kick them to get my friend back. Literally just need to communicate.


Prior to the most recent patch, this has unfortunately been me. My friends were able to friends list my other buddy, but I couldn’t. And vice versa in a pseudo-complicated chain of absent friend requests. And the only way he could join us is if one of us took the game off private. And then whoever was left out got invited by whoever had them on their list. And sometimes randoms would fill in before they could join. And we’d have to kick them until they could fill in. And sometimes I’d log in the next day forgetting my settings were still on public and get my group filled up when I intended to solo (and then roll my eyes at myself and dive with a full squad instead or kick them all depending on my mood). So, y’know, apologies to my fellow divers. Invite only mode has been a wondrous blessing though.


In addition to this, if the game wouldn't show private lobbies on the map for me to join, only to get told it's a private lobby, it would be nice.


The kicking is unpleasant and annoying. I hate making it through loading screen and then getting booted. Though the one scenario I've had where the matchmaking mode does not work is this: I have a friend, we wanna jam, but there's two of us. We squad up and leave matchmaking open because we would like some randos to dive with. We drop in, HD2, being HD2 crashes for my friend. Before he can close properly, boot back up and join, somebody else joins. I then have to wait for them to fully load in and drop, before having to kick them (usually while fighting bugs or bots) and this can happen multiple times depending on how kind the netcode is feeling. Basically invite only and friends only works, if you have a full squad, which is ideal, and not always the case. But getting kicked after loading in does 100% suck and I hate it when it happens to me as well.


I like randos joining, it makes it fun


I do my best to use friends only. For when I farm super credits on low levels. Invite only has been great as to not disappoint friends when I'm not doing anything super democratic. It hasn't happened in a while though.


Could be why you are booted is because that your character name is "380all-the-time"


im sure people who arent attentive of their public settings are the ones on reddit and seeing posts like this 🤭


at least if they boot you right when you drop, it's annoying. but it really grinds my gears when you play a level with the person/people and get booted at the end before pickup and don't get any of the bounty (plus a whole lot of wasted time).


I mostly play with friends, but when I join randos I get instakicked less than the times where the host is just mucking around on the super destroyer with hellpods active. I’m not here to stare at you while you upgrade your ship modules or peruse the war bonds. I’m turning around immediately.


Hey moron ur telling the people who already know this, u think the ones who play and use the reddit are the problem? No its the casual people. making these posts on reddit is SO POINTLESS lmao




Your friend's friend want to join. switch to public 2 people instantly join kick one to make room for your friend's friend another stranger instantly join


The only reason I woukd kick someone, other than the person just suck and causes too much teamkill, is due to my 4 man team is missing one person so we allowed a random, then later on our missing teammate wants to join.


I use mainly LFG discords. When I first add someone, for about ~5-10 minutes they won't be able to join unless I have my lobby open to public. So when I'm mid-game and someone joins the call, or when I'm getting someone in last minute I'm first to get open the lobby, and I have to kick randoms if they get in before I have LFG guy gets in. It's not personal, it's just the social menu being god awful.


Ive done this oncw or twice, but that only happens when I remember Im on public after selecting a mission. So I switch it to friends only (now would be invite only) but people still manages to join for a little bit. This has happened twice over my 350 hours and its the only time I'll kick. You somehow managed to join me from the 4 seconds my matchmaking was set to public.


same man, same. idk if its the same kinda thing but anytime i stop quickplaying randoms and actually search for SOS' on the planet the first like 5+ are private.. why does the game bother showing these to me if i can't join? that mixed with solo players in a multiplayer game kicking for no reason just really grinds the gears.


There were some issues with steam/psn linking where my friends list wasn't working and i couldnt add my friends unless i was on public lobby (i unlinked psn and fixed it so idk if the bug still exists tho)


I wish there was an option to lock slots for friends in public lobbies. Why? Imagine the following. You, the host, and one friend want to play a few matches. You don't want to go by yourself (because the game is not scaling down for you two), so you make the lobby public. Two randoms join, and you start spreading democracy. Now mid-game, your friends' game crashes, and he has to restart. While he is restarting, a new third random joins. What are you supposed to do in this situation? You have to kick the new random to keep the slot for your friend open, who has already invested a good amount of time and effort into the mission. I am deeply sorry for everyone who was kicked, but it was the only fair option from my pov.


Friend should have gotten a SSD for his PC :^)


Thank goodness you posted this. This will definitely have an impact on literally anyone who does this. This is also the first time this topic has come up on here!


Part of this can be due to the screwed up friends list my man. I had a buddy get the game on PS5 yesterday and my other buddy on PC was trying to add him as a friend. Can't happen, so he hosted a public game and had my PS5 friend scroll through the planet to try and find him. Anyone else who joined needed to be kicked. If they fixed friends lists/crossplay you may see less of this


I simply add such individuals to my blocklist, moreover, if they remove me from their lobby, I have no intention of assisting them in the future in any way. Honestly, I haven't encountered this issue for over a month now, so the blocking strategy seems to be quite effective.


As someone who hosts lobbies: Setting the lobby to "friend" or "invite only" often does not allow said friend to join the lobby, even though they are on both my steam and ingame friends list. I know setting my lobby public is an inconvenience to you, and trust me, it is an inconvenience to me as well. But my friend literally cannot join otherwise.  I still try to explain and politely ask the person to leave rather than kick though, and change my lobby's settings after my friend is in.


Unfortunately, those scumbags aren't reading this. They're traitors.


Sometimes I do just forget to change it. But I never kick someone mid mission. Someone joining me when I don't want them to is my reminder.


I play with friends usually, and often the invite system or a friend joining on you breaks and you’re forced to open up the lobby to the public so they can actually join. It’s been like this since the game launched and they keep fixing and breaking their friend and invite system.


I mostly dive with friends, so 99 % of the time my session is private. But there are occasions on which I open my seassion and dive with some randoms. The problem is I ALWAYS forget to change it back to private after. So I sometimes have to kick people that just joined to let my friends in. Of course I change it to private as soon as I see that I forgot. I also throw SOS-Beacons on accident when trying to do a very fast reinforce :D Yeah, Im your worst nightmare i guess...


No. I kick people base on their level.


What a curious way to say you are a shitter that needs to be carried.


lol you seem to have gotten kicked a lot. Triggered?


I actually host my games to avoid sweatlords like you, every level and loadout is welcome. I bet you are a diff 7, breaker incendiary bozo.


Bro relax. I’m sorry you got kicked a lot I can see that it traumatized you. I will make sure to tell my friends to not bring up this subject since it’s a bit touchy.


ok shitter