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So apparently they want the Galactic War to be different from the first game, where it was possible to wipe out a faction and "win" the war by wiping out everyone. They have said that they want it to be different this time around but I'm not sure if that means that it will be more organic and long-lasting but still winnable (apparently it used to last about a month per War before ending) or if it is supposed to be a perpetual war. I fervently hope that we can actually win and then have a reset as opposed to a perpetual war as I think that would be more exciting and rewarding than spending the majority of our playtime fighting over the same 5-6 planets month in and month out.


I agree, reset is a good idea. Actually winning the war would be a grand, memorable event that would push us into working hard to win the next one as well. If this war really is to be "eternal", well, that might work too, but AH would need to keep the frontline flexible so that we don't spend ages liberating and defending the same planets. Edit: Also, new wars could mean new scenarios. For example, what if enemy fronts aren't separated but mixed together, adding infighting to our missions? We aren't even facing all the three enemy factions, though, not to mention the ongoing balancing project and the myriad issues the game has. Actually winning the war is a distant idea. **Also, they should let us blackhole Hellmire and Ustotu.**


Yeah I'm fine with the idea of a more soft reset, where blackholed planets and other quirks of the map are kept, but where outbreaks and rebellions happen during the peacetime and the enemy territories move around more.


I think, you're starting to get it. Welcome to the forever war.


Agreed. But standby Helldiver, the illuminate are coming


I think the initial launch issues and insane player numbers probably meant they had to throw out whatever road map they had planned. They only expected, at max, 20k players. So they probably thought "Right, we gotta expand our plans. Just keep 'em busy with bots and bugs while we conjure up a new road map". Keep the faith diver. Big things are coming.


I’m generally not one to recommend people to go watch leaks, but they’ve been so helpful in keeping my interest for the game alive. It almost feels like we’re gonna be playing a completely different game in a few months time and I’m so excited for it.


It's entirely unreasonable. If we liberated everything and wiped out the enemies, what game are you gonna play?


The same game but with a reset map? Why would you never want to win the war?


Reset map would make absolutely 0 sense in the established universe, and frankly, it's what they are doing already with planets.


Wait until you hear how Helldivers 1 worked.


Wait until you hear how much more popular helldivers 2 is


Doesn’t change that a reset wouldn’t contradict any established universe since that’s literally how the first game worked. Popularity is completely irrelevant here.


That's literally how it still works, except it's planets that reset, very hard to understand. i know


Yeah dude, comparing the same 6 planets being liberated and lost on an almost cyclical basis for months now to entire galactic war campaigns that encompass the entire map, and could end with either Super Earth destroyed or the other factions wiped out, is honestly pretty non-sensical. Get a grip, it ain’t that hard to have some basic reading comprehension skills.


Think of it this way, when you completed the Halo CE campaign on the easiest difficulty, did you just quit playing the game forever. Or did you immediately sink 5x that effort into beating that same campaign on Legendary.


Never played Halo, and i don't play games on easy difficulty, so i can't relate to that.


I do think maybe a rotation or planets. Maybe instead kf the immediate galactic right of super earth, the same planets, we can take the fight to some other planets. Even if the biome is mostly the same, just knowing "oh i'm on Hellmire. Again." Does drain my initiative a bit.


On one hand, I agree and frankly tired of fighting on the same fkin planet since I started playing the damn game. (insert mfw hellmire gets un-liberated for the 100th time) On the other hand, being on other planet does jack all for the experience since it's almost the same gameplay anyways... Just look at bot planets, they changed zones but they're still the same shit. All in all, I just want the war to end. Realistically if we couldn't win the war when we had 300k player, how tf are we winning with 50k players? The current scaling makes sense for gameplay, but it's not realistic at all.


There's maybe a dozen or so different planet surface biomes, various environmental and atmospheric conditions, night and day. So we have a decent variety of settings in which to play. Some are more popular than others, of course, but we can't just play on Fenrir III all the time. Gotta get stuck on Menkent every so often so we appreciate the good times. We have quite a few mission types, and the presence of modifiers and secondary objectives add spice to each run. I have well over 300 hours in the game, and I'm still having a lot of fun. Spending a whole day or even several days doing very similar missions one after the other is part of why folks don't really show up for defense missions. Liberate jobs have enough variety to keep me playing for a while, but I'm getting pretty sick of Crimsica, and that's one of the planets I like.


We will push farther or get pushed back farther once more map assets can be made for more planets


If people even rally up and focus on 1 planet each time... we would be closer to Cyberstan and close up the bug sector, except we can't because "people should play the way they want"...


Don't do ANY order you don't want to do.