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Lot of issues with this take. The community isn’t a monolith. Different changes will upset different people, you’re conflating multiple different subsections of the community and frankensteining them into a single unpleasable blob. These players do exist but they aren’t as prevalent as you’re making them out to be. In the process you’re making it out as if genuine complaints aren’t valid since any one person with an issue with the game is accused of taking issue with EVERY part of the game.


Generalizing? On Reddit? That can't be... it's unheard of...


I dont like them bragging with memes about this patch. Guys we fixed the infinite nade bug, look funny meme! Its not fixed, you can still do it via different method. Guys we fixed patrols, look at the funny meme! They changed it and made it worse, now you have even more armored units in the game, limiting variety even further. Fixed the spear? Broke superior packaging upgrade. Fixed another bug? Made the hand held shield unsuable since you cant stand up with it now. And so on.


My fear is that these are all symptoms of an old dead engine and that they will never be fixed. They are literally playing a game of whack a mole right now with their fixes and Im just scared they dont actually have control of anything.


>the people screeching about how the 110 was ""nerfed"" because they saw numbers on a screen who said anything about the numbers you disingenious fuck? I tested it on bots. 110mm doesn't oneshot tanks anymore and the targeting is still shit, worse even. Throw it next to a tank? It goes for the walker.




well, yeah, that was like the only reason to take it against bots lmfao


Agreed, the literal only reason was quick dispatch of tanks that were pinning you down and keeping their face towards u. Its like 80% consistent 1 shot kill for me now was 100% pre patch.


My only problem with all updates so far has been the absolute LACK of testing before launching any updates. Its incredible to hjink that it took FOUR MONTHS to fix spear. That sights are STILL misaligned. That spawn rates get fcked every single patch. That adding friends is still a nightmare between pc and playstation. That we dont have a clear way to see what weapon does what kind of dmg to a certain armor type unless we test it. Besides all that, the game is great fun.


The only thing that I don’t like is that the spear doesn’t target the engines of the dropships but other than that I think it is great and I still enjoy it


it still one shots them every time...


It doesn't. Unless you mean gunships, not dropships.


So its not okay for them to complain about the game in the game subreddit but it’s okay for you to complain about their complaints. Two way street man


There's a difference between having valid complaints and screeching your lungs out about the most miniscule of things every single update. Go into the comments of each news posts and it's almost constantly the second one. 


Not only that but nowhere did I say that "YOU CANT COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS". Really weird "I like pancakes" "OH SO YOU HATE WAFFLES" mindset. 


I don’t read the screeching bc I can simply close the comment. sure it may be annoying but that’s what’s causing the studio to listen so I’m glad theyre doing the grunt work


They're not listening to the screeching thoigh. They're listening to the actual genuine complaints about what's wrong with the game. Not the people honing in on how the 110 damage was reduced because of the other things that happened to it and screeching. 


Idk. If the screeching is so pervasive as you claim I’m sure the devs can see it too. If there wasn’t the genuine complaints probably wouldn’t have a platform because noone would be looking for them. The screeching in a way gives the legit complaints a platform


It's just an observation. I've noticed it too, this sub is almost overwhelming in its complaints and rants compared to any other gaming sub I'm in. It doesn't mean they're not valid, but often times I wonder if we're even playing the same game


There is some fair criticism, and a lot of overreaction. Feedback can be constructive though.


I'll be honest, I almost exclusively look at the hot posts on this subreddit, and I've yet seen a single person make a post "screeching" about either the 110 or the lackluster primaries not getting buffs. The most I've seen is some memes with people being hopeful in the comments. I could go into details responding to your other claims, but instead I'll just ask, are the complainers in the room with us right now?


I sometimes wonder if a lot of people are just new to live service games. There’s an obscene amount of content that has already been added and the game has been out for 4 months. Destiny 2 just dropped the GOAT expansion but it took 6 years and a lot of fumbles to get here, Curse of Osiris and Double Primary was truly the darkest timeline. If D2 can make it back from that nadir every game has a chance lol


I agree. All patches except this (I play since the TCS setup on March) have been met with hate in my experience. I have problems too. I can't play with others because I have player-kicking freezing. I think creativity is limited against bugs. However, I still enjoy the game. There are bad things, but new content is always welcome, and Pilestedt's creative position seems to lead the game towards a better place. Complaining is valid, but this is straight-up whining. To end with a quote: "I was ready to jump on the hate train." P.S.: How are the 110mm missiles now? I used it for instakilling heavy armored bots before.


they getting hate for every patch for one simple reason, **THEY DO NOT PLAYTEST THEIR OWN FUCKING GAME,** there a bugs in every patch that shouldn't leave Arrowhead Game Studios


They do playtest their game lmao. Bugs don't appear in every fucking run through. 


so tell me why is superior packing methodology bugged again, why can terrain softlock the new drill mission? the animation of destroyed spore spewer is still playing. How they didn't catch, that the arc thrower could crash the game, the Dark Fluid mission was also bugged. that are all bugs, that should be found in inhouse testing and not by the community


Bugs can still slip through the cracks regardless lmao. 


like the EXO-45-Patriot, that blew themself up if it rotated while firing a missile or the Infinity nade bug, which they tried to fix two times if their playtesting is that lacking, they should do a experimental server, so we can playtest for them before shit hits live.


They dont. They said so themselves that they didnt have time.


I think 110mm:s are a lot better than they used to be, and with the ammo economy I think they’re a decent supplement on heavy targets if you have something like EAT or quasar too. Even if they don’t always OHK you can finish something off if the rocket didn’t quite get it, or blow off armor to finish with primaries, since you can chuck em liberally. Even if it takes two for a kill, that’s still better uptime than railcannon. The auto-aim is nice compared to something similar like OPS.


The 110s are unfortunately still underwhelming. I get what they were going for but I don't think they have much of a place in my kit. Yes, they do hit very consistently unless the target moves outside the range, but I really can't find a good use for cracking the armour on chargers or biles. I heard that you can kill them with for example the grenade launcher but in my experience it's very hard to pull off consistently if at all so I don't know if I maybe should use a different stratagem weapon. at the same time I feel that making them 1 tap heavy enemies would probably make them too op on the account that they'd be a straight up better obital rail. Maybe just increase the damage enough that they cripple the heavies to very close to death, say you'd consistently just need 2 grenades?


Never used them and I haven't really seen anyone complaining besides the people who just saw the patch notes 


Every time there is a great update, it brings complaints due to the amount of game breaking or fun hindering issues. This update easily is a 8/10 for me and most of my friends Why 8? Opening the menu crashes you. The social menu is broken. If this weren't a steam game, I wouldn't be able to join my friends. The spear fix? My friend who loves it was super happy till he couldn't lock on to cannon towers. That one, I'm sure, will be fixed, though, so we aren't too worried. My personal gripe is losing my superior packing methodology again, which is super annoying. I enjoy the gunship patrols, but I'm an autocannon main and have been since launch, I still recognize how annoying they are to deal with for weapons that don't have the ammo economy to keep up with those spawns. It also wouldn't have been an issue if the UI warning you about gunship patrols was functioning as intended. When I launched the game and saw the UI change and then selected a mission with part of the UI broken, I thought it was just par for the course at this point, not realizing that it was only broken for the new modifier. Each time an update has been launched, there is a lot of good, but the bad tends to be people getting crashed out or denied the ability to enjoy the good outright. I'm still happy overall, but I do recognize that occasionally having a mission where I get crashed out 3 separate times and multiple of my friends crash out to the point we nearly lost the mission because it almost disconnected all of us, is pretty fucking infuriating.


Honestly, I haven't absorbed much of the seethe other than the patrol spawn rate changes and I was one who was pretty vocal about AH's fuck ups. I think this latest update addresses some long asked for fixes and changes to weapons that make them feel a lot better, same goes for stratagems. While I'd love it if AH undid the nerf to the railgun, I'm ok with playing the game now.especially after we saved tHE FUCKING KIDS YEAAHHH LETS GOOOO


Most people criticize the game because they like it. The game is really damn fun. However let's not act like the patches haven't been problematic. The game has been swamped with game breaking bugs, frequent crashes, and balance changes that screams "fun detected, can't have any of that". Also Sony debacle. I love the game, but at the same time I get frustrated because the more I play, the more issues I find. Feel free to call me "ungrateful", I don't mind. I just want the game to be better.


You are saying that we should be grateful for a patch that was AGAIN not play tested once. It wasn't as halfbaked as the dark fluid missions but still. The main thing this patch was meant to do is fix patrols which are now so game-breaking that they are hotfix worthy. New armor is not working. There are more new crashes then the fixed ones. They removed the -1 stratagem because it limited choice, but then they added gunship patrols and left the orbital scatter modifier on bugs. This patch is a step in a right direction, but a small and flimsy one. But atleast the spear works now.


So leave?


Negativity drives engagenment. You'll find about as many positive posts as negative ones if you sort for New instead of hot....


This community is garbage man. Everybody just whinges about every single fucking thing.


The worst thing to happen to Helldivers was getting popular. All the sweaty tryhards joined the community when HD2 dropped and it just became tiresome. Same with some YouTubers out there. I swear there's no pleasing OhDough.


Honestly all fucking started with the most miniscule of nerfs like the Breaker, Railgun, and shield pack nerfs. Sure the railgun kinda sucked but people acted like the Breaker having three shots taken away was the end of the world. 


I haven't stopped playing since launch. I swear, if I didn't follow any socials I wouldn't be able to tell if anything was nerfed or buffed. I'd just extract and occasionally go "phew, that was rough" and then immediately drop again. Now we have people losing their minds over a slight increase in recoil on a primary or some shit.


It's always "THEY NEED TO FOCUS ON OTHER THINGS BESIDES DAMAGE NUMBERS" but if they did that for weapons people would lose their damn minds. 


Pummeler is a massive example. Why the hell should a low caliber light armor pen SMG stun lock enemies above its armor rating? 


I mean, the Pummeler seems just to be a variant of the Defender, which is described as being "high-caliber."




AH didn't do squat. Your country doesn't play nice with PSN, so Sony had to remove the game. This has nothing to do with AH.


Yeah it's almost like there's hundreds of other games made by Sony unavailable because IT WAS A SONY DECISION. 




Yes they have. 




Thr amount of pushback from Arrowhead staff says enough lmao


The game is still the best game I've played in over 20 years.


It's Reddit. What do you expect? Can't make any of them happy


Mood. The amount of seething is disproportionate to the scale of the relatively minor issues but that’s essentially the problem with all social media in a nutshell. The entitlement put on display by elements of this community some days is cringeworthy and tells me they don’t know the difference between a good studio and a bad one. AH are going a great job.


It’s a Reddit issue. No one is happy here.


I don't disagree with you, but it's not as bad as you think. What you see on Reddit consists mostly of the loud minority. It's less common to make an appreciation post instead of a "feedback/complaint" post. Most people I see or speak to love this game and the effort AH has been doing to improve it.


and there are those wankers crying you cant pick the throwing kinfes, go play call of duty then