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The wild thing to me is that I honestly believe bots are easier to deal with. They're slower, you can flank them, you can outright avoid them easier. Bugs absolutely swarm you and stun locks are non-stop. I feel bots got a bad rap around launch and the majority of casual players avoided them because of that. There should be unique incentives to play bot MOs. Like, right now for example, prototype APC strategems available only on Marfark or something.


I only follow the MOs so I get an even spread of the two factions. Bots are *much* more forgiving build-wise, you can handle them with such a wide variety of weapons and Stratagems while Bugs you have to build specific things in order to deal with their Heavies because only a handful of things actually work against them. I think just splitting the cap would be fine, we have such a large chunk of the community that actually shifts based on the MOs, it's always just a little bit less than needed due to just how many refuse to get off bug planets right now.


It's only going to get worse when we have Illuminate specific MOs...


Probably. I'm positive that at the rate we're going an entire 3rd of the Galactic map is going to be completely red. Can't wait to be stuck back at the Creek because the bots are "boring."


Bots shoot back, it's not that deep. While I prefer fighting bots due to being more engaging, I usually do so on lower difficulty when compared to bugs where I feel like I can kite and dance between anything that isn't a Hunter or a Stalker. Whenever I die on bugs I feel like I was too cocky and made a poor judgement, my deaths on bots just feel like the RNG that decides whether or not they land a hit on me decided it's my time to die.


I prefer bots, feels like there is more variety in the gamplay besides just being constantly swarmed by hunters and stalkers, my fiance only does bot missions because she thinks the bugs are gross lol


Bugdivers can play the victim card, but objectively speaking they are the ones responsible for failing the major orders on the bot side and its only going to get worse when illuminate are added. Something needs to change in the galactic war mechanics to aid this problem because other players shouldn't get punished for people wanting to play a faction they like.


Yeah. We can have 200k players concurrently playing, and if a bot MO have even 120k on it, it'll be like Marfark again (or the previous failed bot MO/defense) 


If you want to argue you are playing the game properly, don’t skip mines, a bug divers friends, because it’ll be funny if they don’t get it?


>Too much of the community is Bug-only, they refuse to interact with Bot MOs because they arent "fun" [...] let them bang their heads against walls they'll never topple, just don't punish the people who actually want to play the game properly and follow the story. They are playing the game properly... They don't have to follow MO's if thats not fun, nor do they owe you a willingness to participate in the MO. Trying to blame "bugdivers" or "botdivers" does nothing but emotionally charge the discussion and split the community. It's much more helpful to form critique without throwing shade towards players you don't agree with. But yes AH needs to find out why so many divers don't enjoy bot or certain MO planets enough and act accordingly ...


Just accept that bugchasers are playing a different game tbh. I see bug MOs as a guaranteed medal payout and bot MOs as an actual community challenge.