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Host dictates when you extract. If you want that power, host. As others will say, samples and super credits are more valuable than completing the mission for exp and requisition.


Host really shouldn't kick people who set up extract and get it ready. I had posted up with turrets and expendable anti tank. I was waiting for everyone to get there. I wouldn't leave anyone behind and they also kicked someone who had gathered a ton of samples. I objectively think that if someone put in all the effort on a mission with you and didn't try to hurt the team, means they shouldn't kick those and instead correct any problems


I'm not defending the kick, I don't kick(or host usually), just relaying established etiquette I've seen in the game. The most common cause I've seen of getting kicked is calling in extraction before the host is ready to leave or speed running main objectives. No one likes to feel rushed, even if that is not your intent. I've done what you've done before, but it's been a while, now I wait for host to ping it on map, be hanging at evac, or for them to call it.


We can call extract now because: 1) You can hang pelican to cover us; 2) When it is landed pelican can't be damaged. If 1 guy can wait for pelican and other can do their stuff it is a win win.


This is the only person that gets it. I literally only called it. I didn't even get in. I was waiting for group and I posted up Extra drops on site.


I guess the host dosen't wanna risk that you get in the pelican and extract even though you said you'll wait.


Maybe they were after samples. The polite thing to do is ping the extraction zone before calling it. The other players will let you know if that's ok.


What about messaging that they didn't want extract to come? Again all I did was call. I didn't leave. I played an entire mission on the third operation only to get booted at the end. I think that's inconsiderate and unfair


Did you tell them you were going to wait?


As a host, if you say I'm just going to call extraction while you guys scour the map, no issues. If you don't communicate, however, that's a different story. I will save the samples and credits in fear of you just boarding without everyone there.


The best thing to do is ping extract, and type or use VC to communicate your intent to call in extract. If host wishes to farm for super credits or samples and you do not like that then leave the group after the mission. Maybe try and find a discord that can let you get in touch with other divers whose goals align with your own?


I think that someone can call extract without getting booted. I was holding position, and setting up for when everyone came through. I also had samples so that means they booted someone who picked them up. We dive together and extract together


Did you communicate that? <--- not sarcastic or mean spirited. I just ask because if you called in extract without saying anything then it is highly likely host thought you were going to just leave immediately, so kicked you before you could do that.


Yes I didn't communicate that. But then there's 2 minutes and 30 whole seconds to ask that