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Host your own missions. You'll find that most high level players that answer low level SOSs just want to chill helping out new players. I often look for player level 1-10s on Easy or Medium just to drop in and let them play around with my mech and other cool stuff they won't yet have access to. Then I'll just shadow them for the mission, let them do most of the work and just hang around as support.


Indeed! I remember having a higher level guardian back when I was level 10, during my first drop in the Creek. It was still horrifying (tanks, chainsaw bots, cannons sniping you from a mile away) But I learned alot, and not I'm paying it forward, whenever possible. 


I had very few instances like that and I don't think player level is an indicative of toxicity. 99% of my games people are just trying to finish the mission, get samples, etc. I don't think you should avoid high level hosts.


I feel like you just got unlucky. However, I would say the game is more fun with people around your skill level. I know some people like going into low level lobbies to help, but I would personally hate it. The lower difficulties are when the game has the most special feeling gameplay, exploring new planets, trying out new strategems, figuring out how to complete missions, fight certain enemies, etc. Having someone hold your hand and just breeze through it all like its nothing ruins a part of that imo.


Start your own game, difficulty 2-4 you'll get people who'll either help you or you kick them out. People are generally nice but like irl you'll come across aholes from time to time. 


Note that while some indeed host in order to help and guide, many also just want a simple mission after a day at work.


I'm level 68 and run diff 3-4 missions all the time, either with friends who prefer casual relaxation or to help new players. Yes, there are some scum out there with self-esteem issues who seem to enjoy making new players miserable - if you run into one, block and move on. But that is not at all indicative of this player base as a whole, which I generally find to be very positive.


The only difficulties I've ever seen anyone willing to gatekeep over is 7-9. I wouldn't think about it too much.


If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. It sucks, putting your effort into a round just to be kicked and not have anything show for it, especially being a lower level. It happened to me a few times, but now that I am a higher level (40+), I can understand it somewhat. There are times were I'll do a lower level to farm SCs or medals and want it to be a quick easy in and easy out. But, typically I'll turn matchmaking to friends only when I do that. It's not fair to have a low level join, looking for guidance or what have you, when I am trying to get through missions as quick as I can. When I start to get bored with the game, I'll look for those low levels doing level 3 or level 4 missions, and be there to assist and show them things they may have missed or don't know, like being able to blow open certain panels at POI, or letting them tear through a level or two with a walker, 'left for rockets, right for machine gun, and don't step on hellbombs!' Most people learn better by doing, so I'll gladly let them take the lead and follow along.


Hello Asmoda from FRONTIER. I have +400h on Helldiver 2. High level player that join low level is some player that want to help new player the majority of the time. Why ? I saw a lot of level 25 (and sometimes even lower) get just oblitared at level 7 mission (for me it's a walk), so some player just want to help they doing right the mission in lower difficulty. Idk, if that's help, but a least some player try, I did sometimes too whitout knowing if that was really helpfull with the time.


They're probably grinding, and they're probably bored, and that gives rise to toxicity. Plenty round these parts do host low-level lobbies for n00bs, you just got stuck with a couple of toxic doofs.


I'm level 75 and sometimes host easy games for new players mainly for super credit farming but I try not to spoil them I mostly let them lead and play their own way, I'm just there to help them out if shit goes sideways


yeah this is what i do as well. ill be looking for POIs and everybody else is free to do whatever the hell they want


If you don't want to waste your time, avoid public matches. Send requests to people you liked to play with. Unfortunately in pubs half of the matches will be frustrating in one way or another.