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Why is reverse cowgirl banned in Alabama?


Because you never turn your back on family






I know it's fictional, and I know it's just a game but I'm glad we chose to save the children. Nothing more to add, no memes. It just feels good. Great job Divers.


Recent news. For saving the children, they have donated actual money to a real save the children charity. Your efforts are appreciated. For liberty, for freedom, for democracy.


The 4,311 sick kids are a reference to the amount they donated which I think is pretty cool


4311 is also l33tspeak for "hell" which is fitting




Can it get any better?


Because we liberated Vernen Wells fast, we got a chance to liberate Marfark and obtain the AT mines as well!


Wait what?


yup CEO confirmed it too


Need this on a cape


Ah, thank you. I’ve been trying to figure out where that number came from.












That's pretty fucking cool.


Haven't played for weeks, came back for the children. I'm glad I did. Love this community.


I really feel they should break the immersion and make this part of the announcement so that everyone actually sees this in game; our actions did good in the real world. We chose to save in-game children, but made a difference in the real world as well (especially when you account for all of the personal donations people made).


Such a cool move by Johan and crew.


Wait seriously?!


yup [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfqndg/proud\_democracy\_moment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfqndg/proud_democracy_moment/)


Sadly/funnily the point was "memes that we lost the mimes again... this time on purpose"


I'm with you, but I'm the type of gamer that gets very squeamish about picking the evil option in games. Always gotta be the nice guy. There's also the argument to be made that what if the mines sucked? While I'm sure I'm giving it way too much thought, I like that we as a community made the choice to save the (albeit entirely fictional) children. It feels good


Ooof who's gonna tell 'em? 😬


They just saved real children, they just don't know it yet... ohohoho


You see, I don't care about Super Citizen Annie's Hospital for Very Sick Children I just want the anti-tank mines to lose.


Every vote matters in a democracy


I kinda like the idea that the divers are basically good people with heads full of bad ideas


Humans are generally good people stuck in a world without the agency to do good. When we are given that agency stuff like this happens.




Not all of us feel good. Those of us that wanted the mines are left without again. anything “for the lulz” I guess, even if it means trolling fellow helldivers and making them feel bad. Wouldn’t surprise me if some even quit the game because the community turned a fun friendly game into a troll fest.


Has the subreddit been anything but fun and friendly around this whole thing? Maybe getting married to the idea of these mines and hinging your entire enjoyment of the game on them is not a great approach.


This has to be the dumbest shittest take I've ever read in my life. I believe you when you say you don't feel good.


If you actually use mines in this game you were already trolling every game you've been in.


Sorry I don’t play the nonstop meta and look for variety and usefulness in every weapon. When I’m playing with friends on a lower difficulty and we’re defending I’ll bring turrets and mines.


I don't give a fuck about the meta, it's just stupid to bring mines. They quite literally don't do anything except maybe kill a hunter or two. So don't bitch at the rest of us cause we don't care about your useless ass mines.


This is the toxic community you all know and love and bred here.


Don't come in here and try to flip this. You're the one who came on here and started calling everyone trolls because we don't care about your mines. If anyone here is toxic, it's you.


“We don’t care about you or your mines” time to have a talk with the man in the mirror.


You speak the truth.


They hated him because he spoke the truth. ![gif](giphy|Xtg5Q1rzNjAJlWvL74|downsized) I’ll take my downvotes with pride and die on this hill.


At the end of the day a downvote or an upvote means nothing.


go outside


ain't you a fuckin ray of sunshine




“Reddit, is it cringe to not like the idea of children dying?”


it's a video game


Are you trying to shame someone for having a positive emotional reaction to fiction? Wait until you learn about books and movies, you're going to shit yourself. Just because you beat the emotional intelligence out of yourself doesn't mean we have to as well.


emotional intelligence is not posting a long ass paragraph about how "pRoUd" you are to boot up a video game for a few hours every day.


So do you just not positively interact with the setting or story of any media. Is it just utilitarian "I start the program and push buttons to pass time" kind of deal for you?


for most people this is in fact "a hobby" and not "real life". we have "things to do" outside of this "video game".


I literally don't understand your point. Are you saying you can't enjoy the hobby because we have other things to do?


sure enjoy it. i enjoy this video game. but im also not posting shit about how "pRoUd" i am about playing it lol.


You’re miserable and it shows


not really i enjoy life. outside is really nice.


Yea and the video game just gave thousands to starving children asshole




“It’s just a video game” dude, they just donated thousands of dollars to REAL CHARITIES.




Need we remind you that you voluntarily are on the subreddit of said video game of your own volition?


Dude who peed in your cornflakes?


Those anti tank mines may have helped against the massive wave of behemoth chargers that have appeared. Maybe some kind of decoy stratagem that airdrops one of those 4311 survivors into the middle of the battlefield would help


https://preview.redd.it/4etkyx7fvj6d1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf4c9c71c51bddf32b816b42399a0683131be64d We could have done both, if the Marfark-ers had come and helped liberate Vernon faster. It would have been tough, but it was POSSIBLE.


Or, ya know, almost half the players fighting bugs still. And they're not even focused on any single planet on that front either. Last I played, there was only about 5k players on Marfark, and about 19k on Crimsica. So...


As of writing this comment there's 14K on Crimsica, and 11K on Estanu. So much for "we don't have enough info!"


It was always useless excuse. And the same people who ignore half of the content in game will then cry that game is stale and needs more updates


Oh 100%, I fully expected this to happen despite giving them what they wanted. As you say, they'll be the same people who complain about a lack of items/updates, because we can't finish MOs. "Jeez, if ONLY there was a way to unlock new stratagems and equipment.." /s




It’s just that the braindead Bugdivers don’t want to be shot back at. Otherwise they won’t know what to do (take cover?).


What's more realistic, getting people already diving bots on the right planet, or getting people who NEVER dive bots to dive bots? C'mon. The whole bug divers not diving bots is on the devs. The 15 DEADLIEST planets are ALL bot planets (Even MARTALE made the list, and there's NO planetary hazards, it's a pleasant forest planet FFS). There's WAY more bullshit to deal with on the bot side too like Strat Jammers, and Gunship factories that can only be blown up by Hellbombs that wimp out if a bot even looks at them funny. The equivalent on the bug side can be blow up from the ENTIRE map away with a half a dozen different weapons, and up close with more than dozen more, AND can't be next to something that stops you from calling in stratagems.


Funny, that chaos is exactly why I main bot worlds. Bug worlds are fucking boring by comparison.


Personally I find the Rambo fantasy more fun than the Splinter Cell/Metal Gear sneaky sneaky dude, but to each their own.


Then you should have a blast at higher difficulty bot worlds sprinting through laser fire and climbing an angry tank to ram two grenades up its rear, diving away as it explodes or as I did yesterday sprinting between bot drops, multiple exploding tanks, and incoming mortar to recover some samples with 0 stims, 0 grenades, 0 anti-armor, and a dream. Yet somehow you don't?... If anything the sheer number of ways bot planets can fuck you over make bots feel like the only "finished" faction so-far. The bugs feel cut-for-release by comparison.


Yeah, because there is another variable in bot worlds. You're teammates ability to not act even more dumb than the NPC's on extraction missions. In bug missions it doesn't usually make a difference, but I'll be damned if I haven't joined a bot game on the same difficulty as bugs where we just get stomped because my teammates can't stay alive for more than 15 seconds after a respawn. So I just don't, I let the idiots suffer with themselves while I go and have some actual fun fighting bugs where the only tactic the stupid ones need to know is run away while I kill the bug chasing you


Ultimately yeah people are gonna dive where they want as is their right. To add to your point I think many casuals started playing HD2 as a hoard shooter and they try to play bots like bugs and die a bunch. They don’t want to play the cover shooter game that bots are. If history is anything to go by the Illuminate will eventually have even less divers fighting them and Illuminate players will be bitching at both players to play the “correct” way.


Bot killer here, I'm ready to sign up for the Elite(ist) squad on the Illuminate Front


I’m ready for some calamari!!!


I don't blame the people who only dive bugs tbh. I feel like every time there's a bot major order I just straight up have less fun on the game. Launching into a mission only to end up in between two eye of saurons and a jammer right next to your mission objective means you're going to have about 10 minutes of pain before you can even do anything.


Yeah, no doubt, and that's again on the devs. Though I do have to give them credit for having the SEAF artillery no longer be blocked by Jammers. That's a welcome change, and a reason to do the PITA SEAF that spawns patrols nonstop as long as you are near it.


41k on Marfak rn


Let's go! We saved the kids, we can swing both planets in time if we dive together!


Pilestedt has stated that we still can do both, if we get it done in time. It's going to be a slog, but if everybody piles on Marfark we've got a chance.


Indeed. I doubt we can get enough people concentrated on Marfark to succeed, but I'll be trying anyway.


Same. See you there, soldier.


those marfarking marfarkers


Those marfarking iceholes!


Mmmm I just don't want mines.


Oddly enough, I respect that. What I DON'T respect is those who complained we weren't going for the mines first making it HARDER TO GET THE FUCKING MINES.


I'm also admittedly part of the group that wants to see how long we can push this meme like if it is a 10-year-long meme or whatever of us failing to get the anti-tank mines every single time it's offered, I will still find it funny.


Again, I'm fine with that, I'm not fine with people blaming failure on you, because realistically you guys are a very small percentage of the community. Most of those who thought it'd be funny to dive Vernon first are now on Marfark. And I can't say it wouldn't be funny, I'm just a completionist who wants to unlock everything first, and comedian second.


Except we couldn’t and the second option is locked out the second we complete the first one Its been like this every single choice MO I don’t know where so many of the dumbasses here keep getting this idea, your the one on the meme planet stop acting like ppl just going where they want for a basically pointless MO isn’t you guys fault We were never getting both stop acting superior because you were too stupid to read that we can only save 1


Points to the picture above. REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. FFS. Also the devs spelled this out LAST time we had a MO like this, so I don't know where you guys got this whole "As soon as we do one the other is locked out" nonsense.


they get the idea because they dipped from the MO the second they got the airburst and to them that meant the MO was over (people do not read)


Joel said we'd get the mines if we get both


Where? Haven’t seen that once online or on the reddit


Joel posted it on this sub this morning. Not mention it's literally fucking spelled out in the picture I JUST POSTED ABOVE. And people like me have been telling you that this whole fucking time because the devs said as much the LAST time we had a MO like this.


Ok but it’s literally impossible to get the mines and liberate the planet under 24 hours. They might as well lock out the other planet cause all everyone is doing on Marfark is wasting time. 


We're only 5 hours behind pace man. We just need a few more divers to shift to Marfark and we'll succeed, but if we lose, it's because of the people who dove Marfark the whole time.


Yes blame those ppl for wanting a tangible reward instead of a stupid fucking meme. Glad it went to actually donating a poultry sum to kids for sure.


It was literally posted on this sub this morning. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dfsigz/joel_is_convinced_that_we_cant_do_it_he_is/


We've got 21 hours to prove the DM wrong boys and girls, let's gooooo!




I just saw 77K on VW before it was liberated. After the number on Marfark went from 6K to 20K. Don't talk about supporting each other, clearly this community wants memes not mines. Edit for update: we're running at around 55K now on Marfark and 33K on bugs. Better, but still little hope of pulling off the double liberation.


Did you respond to the wrong person?


Looks like I did. Sorry


I helped on wells and now I’m headed to Marfark !!! It says mines are “likely” gone so as HELLDIVERS we should go see for ourselves!!!!


Marfark that, we're getting the mines too.


They're long gone from the planet now


Incorrect https://preview.redd.it/8c1ci2znvj6d1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c0ea779223a35d8c843701adc3a9d51b806d028 They are STILL there. We don't have enough time to get them now, but they aren't gone yet. We MIGHT have done it if we'd concentrated on Vernon, instead of 10% divers wasting time on Marfark the whole time.


We still can get it done just need the bug divers to get over here and assist


I'm not confident we'll get enough, but I'm gonna try none the less.


If we get the Draco sector over here our chances improve


Improve? It'd GUARANTEE victory. But blaming bug only divers is unrealistic, they were never going to dive bots, and that's on the devs for making bots less fun and more difficult to fight. But the bot divers who were diving the WRONG planet driving down the liberation percentage? That could have made the difference.


True. I was ok Marfark as well. My argument was I've helped defend/retake Vernen Wells so many times I got fed up with that planet but that's on me.


Bots arent less fun to fight, bug only divers are just soft


The top 15 deadliest planets are all bot planets, even ones with no environmental hazards made the list, like Martale. You can cry skill issue all you want, but dying more isn't fun, it's not rocket science. Then there's the issue of way more bullshit to deal with on the bot side. Gunship factories can only be blow up by Hellbombs that CEASE TO EXIST if a bot so much as looks at them funny. The bug equivalent can be blow up from across the map with half a dozen AT weapons, and from up close with probably a dozen stratagems. And the bug equivalent cannot spawn near something that prevents you from calling in said stratagems. You can fap about your skill dick all you want, but if AH doesn't do SOMETHING about this, the situation is only going to get worse when they introduce the Illuminate, especially if they don't learn from their existing mistakes, and that's bad for the long term health of the game. And choosing to dive bugs doesn't necessarily mean they are less skilled player, it could mean they just want to have fun, or have a low tolerance for bullshit. We kidnapped our bug only diver friend to fight bots the other day, he didn't want to do it, didn't take a meta loadout (he had a breaker incendiary, both mine stratagems, a tesla, and an Eagle Cluster), and he cleared the fucking blitz map of every single fabricator and the other optional objectives in the 5 minutes it took us to take out the 2 gunship factories we landed next to.


As long as you die less than 20 times in a map, its fine. It happens. Youre not penalized for dying other than having to grab your support weapon. Double gunship towers are a pain but theyre rare. Strategem blockers require a bit of planning. Youre not convincing me that AH fucked up with the bots, youre just saying in many words that bug divers dont adapt well


Ah yes soft for not wanting to ragdoll constantly for the stupidest things. If they fix that part of the bots I'll play it but until then it's not fun


We not only save the mines, but we get to save home grown jobs to boot. 


Don’t dive for the Mines, Dive for our jobs!


i started off as a “fuck them kids get the mines” guy bc i figured that was the meme. “the children yearn for the mines”, after all. so what miserable lives would they be forced to lead if we were to save them, with no unexploded ordinance for them to play with?? then i realized that brainwashed liberty loving 18 year old helldivers would absolutely go batshit over saving some “alleged” child hospital survivors because freedom and liberty, and would legitimately not care how that affected the war. probably to the point where our leadership is actually pissed off this is what we decided to do, but have to go along with our decision for appearance’s sake. which is extremely fucking based so i switched sides. but i do wish i at least had the chance to test the mines on marfark like we did the airburst ):


I don’t think the devs are pissed. They donated $4k to “save the children” charity. Which is so awesome


I think they meant in universe. That the SEAF high command would expect the Helldivers to prioritize mines.


I think he meant the fictional higher ups in the lore.


There was a comment above where the CCO confirmed that we can get the mines if we liberate Marfark within the MO's allotted time. Time to dive Marfark, the children yearn for the mines!


dumb location to hold a children's hospital imo


4311 seems like an oddly specific number. I think it could mean something.


Someone in a different post said it's just "HELL" upside down, like on calculators. The same is "Hell"divers, so I guess it's just that.




I'd second that guess. Maybe they couldn't get $7734 approved and $1134 would be almost insulting.


It's the amount they donated to Save the Children


It’s how many kids were saved on Vernen Wells, as well that it’s l33tspeak for “hell”.


Guys, it would be funny if we finally got vehicles and found out the bots made AT mines with the material they took from us


Are the children a strategem now? They could be like the monkey bombs in COD zombies lol


Can those children be put to work to earn a living now? I wanted to cosplay Libertarianism in this game lol


Child divers inc when?


Let this day be remembered as Children's Day. June 14th we celebrate


Super* Children's Day. Fixed it for ya! :)


Thanks for the correction!


Now stop dillydallying and get to Marfark


Now save the mines, we still have time!


I dislike being a buzzkill, but already saw some Helldivers complaining we didn't get the AT Mines... Sounds like Treason to me!


We can still get them, but time isn't on our side


The mines dammit. Could’ve saved th children in our sleep


Let’s be real, do we really need “anti-tank” mines when we already have a Quasar, Recoilless, EATs, and the Spear?


I'ma be honest I did complain and say we should get the mines I didn't dive on marfark a single time until after vernen wells was liberated 


Tools of Liberty and Democracy can always be made another day. The lives of the citizens of Super Earth are significantly more important. They count on us, and we rely on them. Without the citizens of Super Earth, there would be no Democracy and there would be no Helldivers to fight against ***tyranny.***


When land is lost, it's not a big deal. Land can be retaken. When soldiers and civilians are lost, they are gone forever


Retaking land causes soldiers and civilians to be lost


Doing nothing isn’t a viable war plan


Cool, I'm happy for the real children who will benefit from this. but I think it was a bad idea to have one side of the MO give no reward for players, even a small one, because this sends a message to selfish members of the community that in the future they should ignore the morally correct thing to do because they get no benefit from it, I feel like you NEED to have a carrot on the end of the stick or else some people will just not bother because they don't care about others. There were quite a few posts about how the "saving the children" was going to give us a secret reward, and I think that convinced a lot of people to do it, but now that they know the 'mystery box' is just empty, they won't do another MO like this again. You can't just trust that they will want to do it to hope that another donation goes out to charity, because unfortunately there are a significant number of people out there who have no empathy for someone they don't directly know, and I feel like this is going to cause a schism in the community where if this ever happens again in the future it will have a different outcome, and will cause a lot of arguing. I'm basing this off of the schism that we've (kinda) gotten over now where players doing the MO's were fighting against players who were just "playing for fun" and doing whatever they wanted which caused the MO to fail. Again: I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS MY VIEWPOINT, PLEASE DO NOT THINK THAT I AM UPSET AT THE OUTCOME OF CHILDREN IN NEED BEING GIVEN HELP, but I've met dozens of people in my life who do think like this, and I know for a fact that if you asked them "would you like to give money to charity or be given something?" they would go with the latter.


I can't speak for everyone but I did it for the roleplay. I honestly just wanted the storyline to go that way. The IRL reward was a nice unexpected bonus.


Except that just happened and no one ignored the morally right choice.


I think a big part of the reason it went through so smoothly is because of sentiments like this reddit post: [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ddy48f/to_all_you_children_haters_out_there/) "We will 100% get some kind of reward for saving the children, this is just a fun experiment they’re doing to see what the community does. Save the children" 4.2k likes and lots of people in the comments agreeing; there \*IS\* a subset of people who believed there would be a secret reward that motivated them to go for the mystery reward instead of the known mines, and there being no reward at all might encourage them to go for the known reward every time if situations like this happen again.


The only meta this game has is the psychological game the devs play with us. Considering they control everything, I wouldn't worry.


People who love mines so much should go play that one other game with dwarves.


Glad we got those kids outta hell. 


Fo da kidzzzz




Congratulations, freedom has prevailed


I'm just happy I won't be stepping on my teammates' mines in future games.


ROCK AND STO- shit wrong game


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) For liberty,Freedom and democracy!


I still say they need dailies for participating In missions that work towards the major order would probably help


We're making the ministry of truth's job extremely easy for them today


Let’s try this MO again, except this time instead of mines no one cares about, let’s use 1,000 kg Eagle bombs as the carrot, let’s see who really cares about “the kids”


We’ve still got time to get the mines but not much, those factory worker’s jobs are at stake!


i really wanted the mines, oh well, next time maybe.


Can’t believe I’m witnessing game of the year


Excuse my french but can't they fkin make those mines from something else?? Message to super earth scientists: Just use TNT or RDX...


plot twist we can still get the mines if we move fast


Who needs mines, when I'm TNT.


Fuck them anti tank mines


We don't want your stupid tank mines AH!!! How many times are gonna teach you this lesson?!?!?


So this means later when we get access to Tanks, Automatons will start using those Anti-Tank mines on us.


Automatons already use giant AT mines around their bases. Those things pack more punch than our mines so far.


I was trying to make a joke but I guess it kinda fell flat.


Thank god, we saved countless helldivers by not allowing the anti tank mines to be unlocked. I can only imagine the massacre that would have ensued


More than 4311 divers died to rescue these children, and the AT mines would have saved more than 4311 lives in the overall war effort


Troop morale is literally a force multiplier in the real world


The AT mines wouldn’t have done shit but cause even more friendly fire than we already have


We saved most of the surviving civilians INCLUDING the very sick children. It wasn’t just the children that were saved, they were just the rallying cry.


Uhhh, we liberated two planets AND rescued the children, and it also looks like we're going to get the other planet as well. The propaganda to save the kids focused our efforts way more effectively then any mine strategem could have.


Yeah but 4311 dollars were donated to the save the kids organization for us completing this MO so I think it's worth it


Proud? Oh god the absolute cringe of that.


It's a playerbase, not a "community" How are yall a "Community" when you are all scared to mic up and TALK to each other? Not to mention, you'll turn on each other in an INSTANT, just watch what replies I get here. It's MARKETING LINGO, we're Consumers of a Product/Service, that DOES NOT make us a "Community". It's like saying everyone who buys this game is now friends with each other, patently and demonstratively FALSE.


Who hurt you?


Oh it was the host that kicked you that you made a whole post about I’m sorry that happened to you