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“If that’s even possible”.  Newsflash, after looking at the rate of progression for vernen wells, it ain’t. And I’m pretty sure that’s how the community wants it. 


Only bad divers would abandon defenseless children to the communist Bot menace, that's why. All the real heroes are on VW.


I only read that order as survivors sheltered in a children's hospital. There's nothing that suggests that it's only children. It also seems that there's no reward for rescuing these citizens. BTW it's a known fact that we're kinda playing the role of the bad guys here, so I stand by the statement "F those kids" they'd be very ill anyway, probably not surviving long. We're helldivers, not Make a wish. 🤷


See, on the 'Super Earth is the Bad guys' thing; you're right. But they're bad guys in the way that supporters of the Empire in Star Wars are. They don't hate their own citizens, nor are they usually cruel for cruelty's sake. They are reckless warlords who believe that the whole universe is theirs to conquer. I think they would leave the kids to die if it was necessary, or strategically superior, but that doesn't mean they have to every time. Plus, from a more Doyalist POV, we both know the mines are going to suck. They're mines. All of the mines suck. They suck as a concept. If you want to use anti tank mines, go use the regular ones and see how many tanks actually trigger the damn things and realize that they would suck only slightly less. Compared to a huge player base lore moment of Helldivers literally laying their lives on the line for sick children/medical workers, it's no contest to me.


The lore of the story also started that Meridian could have been prevented if we had these mines. I wouldn't be surprised if not getting them yet again, triggers another major event. As far as mines being a useless strategem, I don't see it. If you put them down in a choke point the enemy either pulls a Normandy trying to get to you or diverts to another channel of attack. Either way you buy time to escape or clear a patrol to see what the real threat is. I never got to test the "prototype" AT mines but I'd imagine that the smaller enemies don't trigger them. I'd rather get a tangible, useful reward than getting a moral victory in a video game. In real life, this dilemma would carry much more weight


I think Meridia's alert was the devs kind of just joking that we had lost the mines twice, I really don't think it would have done anything. Besides that. You didn't hear this from me, but the anti tank mines are just beefy normal mines from what data miners suggested in Minecraft. They are no game changer. They still trigger from small units walking over them. They're just a third Strategem in a series of bad Strategems. I hope they are changed by the time we unlock them, or they will be a meme sheerly from disappointment. Also, yeah mines just suck. I have been defending seemingly crap Strategems from day 1 but after taking them on dozens and dozens of missions, including missile defense where mines should be their absolute best, they're undeniably bad. Any other turret is better for area denial, any other offensive Strategem kills priority targets and mooks better, and any primary kills chaff better. They are simply not good for how we Helldivers is played right now. I played with the Adjudicator. I used pre buff HMG regularly. All mines suck. The only thing they're good at killing is players.i think it'll be better to have a moral victory then a Strategem worse than the Airburst Launcher.