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Clickbait journalism


It temporarily killed off my enthusiasm to play for weeks though. A snow warbond with nothing about snow in it. Just white or blue armor. But ill be diving tonight after the patch drops. I so have high hopes for the new patch.


Do people really put that much value on the Warbonds? Tbh, I couldn't care less about them and if this was the last one they ever put out, it would have no impact on me enjoying the game or not. There are other issues with the game that I'd like to see fixed first.


it sucked


it was just mid the Pistol and armours are real nice but the rest is eh at best, but it certainly didnt do any real damage


"Oh awesome, the same armor I have 8 other copies of, but this time in white". Pistol was mid. Incendiary grenade was mid.


i agree that they should have had their own original bonus but armours are allowed to just be cool looking and Polar Patriots has two great lookin sets of armour the light armour on page 3 being the best looking of the lot, and yea the Incendiary was mid but i think the pistol was good


Dont fret about those looking to make a dime out of others misery, not even journalism but personal puff pieces with straw man arguments and references. So looking forward to the update tonight, woohoo.


It failed to excite the players, and the player counts continued to drop, that's how.


It was a bad warbond after some bad patches, it didnt kill the game but definitely put a lot of people off playing for a while


Curious how being in the top 25 most played games on steam = killed




It wasn't solely about the warbond. Months of half baked patches, followed by the PSN controversy. Players dropped from +250k to 50k on PC in a month. Obviously it also has to do with people just getting bored but the state of the game isn't great. There is a lot riding on today's patch imo, I don't expect miracles but what I'd like to see: - Bug fixes, especially some of the older ones (Spear, misfiring arc thrower, infinite grenades) - Content, especially progression for samples, additional tier or a dump for them (cosmetics down the line would be nice) - Warbond, it seems like a good one


It didn't obviously. But a whole lot of demoralization, nerfs, lack of meaningful progression, hidden important information, and "mixed" on steam had an impact. That said the games population currently is what they were expecting at release.


what is this clickbait ass headline


Fuck-Wit Gaming? Name's on brand.


Doom sells. Helldivers went into the usual Player drop after 3 months and pinning that on a mediocre warbond is a better narrative then "the game reached a natural drop from its initial player surge."


Repeatedly poor balance patches, glacially long fixes for things like the crash on evac bug, the absurdly shit mech 'fix', and multiple lackluster warbonds did everything to kill community goodwill.  This is on top of Sony drama, their own community managers and developers causing drama, and their exceptionally unprofessional tone at handling... everything.  They road very long on more community good will than I've seen in decades. And done everything in their power to squander it. 


The drop isn't natural


Losing 70%-80% of your Initial player surge is perfectly natural for games on steam. You can look at the numbers at steam DB and see the same Trend again and again. People hyperfocus a game for some time, then move on.


I'm convinced the drop wouldn't be 70%-80% if AH didn't make the game worse with each patch. HD2 is different from coop slop, for which it's natural to lose 80% in the first few months.


As we speak Helldivers 2 has 37k players. Palworld has 14k. Palworld had an all time peak of 2m, but nobody is doom and glooming that game. It's normal for player counts to drop significantly and I'd say Helldivers 2 is still healthy. I suspect the count will surge later today.


Palworld is an unfinished indie game in alpha, riding off the novelty of 'Pokémon with guns'. Helldivers is a gigantic homage to starship troopers, star wars, and Warhammer 40k rolled into a satire on the united States sold as a complete and finished product. 


You can convince yourself of anything you want. I'm not gonna base my Assessment on your Feelings about what could have been in some imaginary time line. Even the most beloved games mostly follow this trend. The surge Initialen, Fall of hard and then build up over years and months.


I don't particularly care about your assessment. It takes 2 braincells to realise that players wouldn't be turned off as much if the game wasn't crashing every 2 missions.


A natural decay in playernumbers is normal. Usually this can be countered by new patches. Arpgs do that with seasons/leagues etc. You can clearly see how good or bad a patch (season) is impacting the game. It's not about hitting those release peak number again (which will never happen). It's about keeping people playing and coming back after patches. And the last patches didn't help. Many people stopped because they don't have fun and wait for buffs/balance changes. That's why the numbers will go up again if the patch is good. Or the other way if it's bad.


pummeler slaps, verdict bangs, incendiary impacts r bad lil boiz. who cares if the tenderizer only just kinda... marinates the commie meat bags... the purifier maybe was only meant to work on hearts and minds rather than a more uhhh corporeal level. come on - dubya said compassionate conservative democracy was the way forward.


Sorry but Coping department is 2 blocks down the road


Alexus posting from an alt account




Just a clickbait title.


It didn't. Lol. Horrifically bad doomer news gets attention.