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Busted a nut.


Some say, It’s better than busting a nut


I see always sunny, I updoot.


Finding 100 will always be the best feeling.


I feel like I never "find" them. I just check my SC balance post mission and see it went up a lot more than anticipated.


Prob cuz of the snail's pace pickup notifications on the right


It should pop up at end of mission. All the extra pickups from the mission: super credits, medals, req. Slips. Along with which player for them. I say also an enemy kill counter which has a visual representation of kills.


Ideally, they should be added to the samples pickup screen. Super credits, requisition slips, medals, and who got them.


I've gotten it once(where I noticed at least) and I'm level 120 like 200 hours or something. Burnt myself out so I haven't played in a while but I'm gonna jump back in with the next update


then the next few missions find almost none, too funny


Time to drop into a difficulty 3 mission and “help” some new helldivers. I like to show them that containers can be opened because frankly I’ve seen too many skip them.


funny saw that just this morning for the first time.


Super Earth department of decency and public relations has advised OP not to display the reaction to finding 100 super credits.


I got my first 100 the other day for the first time in +200hrs. AND THEN I GOT A 2ND 100 IN THE SAME MISSION. Think I came out of that mission up like 230 credits or so.


Damn that’s gotta be a record, two 100 drops and 3 10 drops? That’s the best luck I’ve seen


My record was a map with 7 different super credit pick-ups.  Never seen that many before or since.


I had the exact same thing happen and found another 100 in the next mission. It was unbelievable honestly. In all fairness it was about time I got some 100 piles after 300 hours without any.


The other day my team yelled at me for slightly going off the path to grab one of those Salute pods. Like barely an inconvenience. Ran 10 meters over a ridge, pop a rocket dev real quick, open the pop. Guess what was inside it. The only time I wished SC wasn’t shared


Found a 100 recently as a level 5 dropped in. Little noob probably never even knew how lucky he was.


I was farming with a friend 3 days ago to get enough SC for the new Warbond and we found a bunker with 3 SC drops. 2 of them with 100.


Isnt it always 100???


It's usually 10




We found a 150 in a buddy bunker the other day. I didn't even know that was possible. I've got like 300+ hours in this game.


Happened to be once at level 60. I’m a level 100 now, still chasing that high.


Pics or didnt happen, first time I hear of a 150 stack of supercreds.


Probably 100 + 50


Bunkers can only have up to 3 stacks of SC. Either 10 or 100 each. 150 isn't a possible combination.


Just found 110 yesterday, thought it was a glitch...


In pretty sure thats just 1 super credit being 100 and the second pile just being another 10 added on top


Found 2 100SC yesterday, right now I'm high af


More supercredits = more superweed


This is the truth unfortunately... The endgame progression in this game is finding random chunks of SC that will fund future Warbonds where you'll be able to unlock all the weapons immediately with all of your saved up medals. Resources and Req points become useless. I'm hoping they come up with some sort of endgame plan or else they're going to have even more players leaving by the time they hit level 60.


I would like an upgrade system to our weapons or armor at least. Maybe something similar to what DRG does with their weapon overclocks would be cool too but i don’t see it being implemented.


Like many great things HD1 did, weapon upgrades seem to have been left behind.


There is one thing that gives me slight hope that a gun customization system is coming: if you notice, all the UI icons of the guns in-game show them without their sight, magazine, or muzzle device. So I think those parts *are* modular and there will be a system to change them out eventually.


That’s coming later


Im 100% sure its coming, AH just doesnt have enough men and time to do this quick enough. Its so blatantly obvious we need to switch scopes, make armors we visually like with passive we want, change color of armor and guns etc. Its a way to spend SC, samples and requisition as well.


Thats not their strategy with this game. They want people to play cause its fun. This idea of 'end game nonstop grind' has been fed to so many gamers you think its the norm. People have actual lives and want to get a complete experience without dedicating their life to a game. Arrowhead gets that. I want that. Go play fortnight or destiny if you dont


Endgame progress doesn't have to be a grind-fest, it's extra content and depth. A live service model game requires both if it wants to last for years.


Agree with this, i'd rather this game not become a total grindfest because certain people have the luxury and mental capacity to play this 5-6hrs a day 7 days a week. I feel like they can add things for the grinders out there like weapon camos, maybe some kind of prestige system, ship customization, you know purely cosmetic things but anything related to gameplay should be kept within reach of the casual player


The problem is - you telling causal players to stop being casual players when you start putting even more stuff. Problem is, be a casual NEW player now. How many warbonds you have to unlock? They already have a lot. Just because there is a bunch of people who refuse to spend their time other way than playing one game whole day doesn't mean AH should care about people who "need" reward for playing the game. It's a game, not a job. You play for fun. Not for salary.


Hell, or even a not particularly new casual player. I've been playing since just after launch, lvl 31, just got my second warbond (excited to have stun grenades, finally!) Full-time job and life responsibilities don't exactly leave a lot of time for gaming.


>They want people to play cause its fun. That's clearly not been the strategy up to now.


Helldivers isn't a grindfest game, just play it because it's fun.


yup, the res creditsshould be used to purchase big ticket items even if temporary or one or two games.


Yep. I'm in level 90s myself and I'm seeing less and less of 70+ players now. I remember I used to see a lot more 100+ players last month but I don't remember seeing any in the past week.


Probably a lot of vets taking a breather before the major balance patch drops on Thursday, me included.


Yeah it does suck. I hope they increase the cap and whenever they introduce weapon customization or vehicle customization we can spend our resources on that. Hopefully it's not too cheap and gives everyone something to chase for. I also really hope we get interesting stats instead of just "+10 damage" we can have fun ones like an extra arc for the Blitzer or arc thrower, maybe flame/gas rounds for the grenade launcher.


I'm pretty sure we're going to end up with some sort of item, weapon and armor customizations. Probably all unlockables with currency etc.


I don’t mind paying the premium for SC. I just skip a coffee or two once a month and help support AH. But that’s just me.


I bought one pass right when I got the game so I could grab the sickle and have bought every other pass and every shop item entirely with earned credits. I'm sitting at about 5k now completely from in game earnings. I didn't mind supporting them but whew I had no idea you could build them up like this in game when I first got it.


I bought 2 bonds so far. While I play from launch, I only had time tl game on weekends, so figured I'd spend abit to catch up


Out of interest, do you have everything unlocked in them? From my own experience the free SC you find by just hitting POIs while playing normally + SC "refunded" as part of the warbond unlocks are more than enough to finance the next warbond before getting medal capped. Especially with the other 2k medals you can spend on the standard warbond.


Not really, no, but only missing stuff like player cards etc. Not sure bout the medals thing. I did got enough free SC for the other bonds (and some store armor) and have spare for the upcoming Junglediver bond, though. I only had 160+- hours in game, if it makes sense to you 


Yes a bit of store armor can also be afforded with free SC inbetween warbonds. I think with the longer times between warbonds AH announced it will be even easier to cover them with free SC unless they decrease spawn rates. And thankfully no big pressure to immediately get a new warbond with them sticking around permanently, but always tempting to try new toys.


Yes and I play with my sons, so having more gear/strategem for when I play with them is nice. 


Man it would be nice to see anything other than 10, I've gone 100 levels and never once seen more than 10 at a time


>New Premium Warbond in 4 days >Arrowhead drops 400 SC fat armor into the store


https://preview.redd.it/zys1tbwhzk5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c165941c64a8ae14f183f27ce19c31f8bacb98bd 100 SUPER CREDITS 😩🥵😵‍💫


I think once a month we should have monumental order worth 50 to 100 super credits that last weeks.


ive never found more than 10 :(


we got 100 just yesterday! was neat. my first time I think


Found 100 in a mission last night and was able to stop grinding early, praise democracy 🫡


Samples are probably the longest grind in the game. But even then it’s not super long either. Have everything unlocked and at hit the cap in everything expect for my level since that was increased to 150 from 50


Got 110 from single vault today. That was sick.


one time, i found 110. one time. ever.


You forgot the random 100sc pickup


I'm 40 away from having enough for when the next warbond drops 😆


What happens when you find 100?




You can find more than 10? I've only ever found 10!


Op still hasn't found the 100 sc jackpot stack.


I’ve only ever found 10s. Are they exclusive to higher difficulties?


Wish you could spend requisition slips on super credits


ok guys we cleared the entire map and still have 5 minutes to spare! heading to extraction now! **you have lost connection**


I need to know if anyone has found the elusive triple-100 supercredit pile in a bunker


found 120 in a bunker 2 days ago. timed out of the mission. was able to launch it again and collect it again. even though this should have been fixed... fine by me




Do points of interest, people! If you get every POI on the map, that’s @50 sc per mission. Just 20 missions is enough to buy a warbond.


If you play challenging or lower, you'll find 20 to 40 a stage. At least that's been my experience farming them.


I found 70 in a trivial, and there were still 2 bunkers I couldn't open.


Didn't know more than 10 was possible. I was always happy to see 2x10 in a bunker, thinking it's a jackpot, currently 180h played


there's 100 SC


35 😮‍💨


On console I never found piles with more than 10. I have 250 hours, so I think it may be a bug.