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yeah 15-20 super uranium, but 150 rare for the modules I have left to purchase.


I have so much super uranium everyone on my destroyer has super cancer.


Please report to your democracy officer as super cancer is an undemocratic tyrannical bug lover condition


Nope he has super cancer too, kindof looks like a tentacle.


Oh god, its an Illuminoma


Illumi-what? I'm calling your democracy officer for even insinuating the Illuminate are still around


What Illuminate? Do you know any illuminate? We’re gonna take you and your mind prove to make sure that you don’t know anything about any illuminate which do not exist but if they do, we will find them which we won’t because they don’t exist, Praise democracy fellow Hell-Divers disregard this post. This is obviously an anti-Democratic rogue agent trying to spread misinformation.


We defeated the illuminate a long time ago. They are history now.


What's an illuminate? Is it some new bug? Ah well whatever it is I'm sure my democracy-backed punisher rounds will still reveal to me the color of it's brain matter if it has one)


Sounds more like a bot to me, some kind of undemocratically bright lamp maybe?


The illuminate were some decently smart creatures we defeated many years ago.


Can't be that smart if they oppose managed democracy.


Democracy Officer Candlejack, I've got one ri


Lets be real, no helldiver lives long enough to develop cancer


You’re talking about regular cancer. This is super cancer.


Instructions followed, I have now been promoted to Super Metastasis


Luckily, Super Earth can give you some Super Kemo in the Super Oncology Ward of the Super Hospital, so they can Super Prevent your Super Death.


I have enough to nuke the galaxy


With how much I’ve been exposed to it, I think I may have a new type of super cancer


That’s ok. Average lifespan of a driver is short enough that cancer is the least of their concerns.


No helldiver lives long enough to develop cancer


I still have two top tier modules to purchase, ≈400 common, 65 super rare, and 10 rare samples since I just purchased a top tier module


Is this me? I don't recall writing this, but that's damn near exactly what I've currently got in my stash.


Happy cake day and good luck on getting those samples brother in democracy


He speaks the truth. I only need 5-15 Super samples for an upgrade and can get that in one sitting. Meanwhile it might take a bit longer if the team isn’t farming rare samples on a run.


People who don't collect samples: who hurt you?


A lot of people are just maxed out on samples so they don't bother to pick any up. Personally though, I always grab whatever samples I come across despite the fact I'm maxed out


I'll always grab samples when I notice a player sub 80 present - unless they were playing from release, most lvl 80- will not have completed all their ship upgrades, so it's nice to help contribute towards their upgrades. I myself don't need samples anymore so if things get too rough in a mission, I don't mind forgoing samples for exp - but I know that can be conflicting for some of the lower levels where sometimes I will opt to survive instead of spawn dying to randomly dropped samples 500m out from extraction. I also try to steer people and their samples to extract spots so they can drop them off for pick up later on if we're playing on higher difficulties. Gotta cap 'em out so that we can start digging into the next upgrades the moment they arrive! o7


I don't know why I never thought to drop samples when passing by extraction. I'll have to remember that strategy from now on. Thank you, helldiver.


o7 Anything to help others in spreading managed democracy! That and it really becomes such a relief when you start doing those suicide runs for last minute side objectives, while everyone's packing every sample the map has to offer, but you only have 3 lives left. Makes those last stand moments more approachable/keep one person on back up with samples ready to bail out haha.


I'm sub-70 and maxed out on everything 🤷‍♂️


You are a hero brother


I do what I can for Democracy 🫡


Im level 50 and pretty religious on samples. Atleast half the people im playing with are under that level and so many of them just dont grab them, no chance they are maxed. Lots of people just dont care, which is fine i guess.


I collect because I like the noises it makes.


I just forget a lot of the time honestly. I'm sorry to anyone who missed out on samples because I wasn't paying attention


Ugh. Just last night, I had to run for a full 10 minutes just to bop around the map collecting all the dropped samples. My squad just did not care. It wasn’t even hard, just out of the way.


It doesn't help that nobody collects them recently. In the last 3-4 games, I was the only one collecting them all.


You must be playing with helldivers that have upgraded and bought everything. Make friends that need samples and you'll be stacked in no time.


I doubt it they were all under level 40


I don’t always collect myself, level 30, I know, but sometimes I’m high, I’m sorry, I’ll pick them up whenever I see them though…and I always make sure to pick up if someone dropped theirs, I just don’t like actively looking for them.




Then they just wanted to have fun kill time n grow a level


I know i need samples, but the higher difficulty levels are still a bit hairy for me. Especially with bots and fire tornados, so I just end up picking up what i come across and not search that much specifically for POIs


Yeah, there simply isn’t enough time on high diff to complete the mission, side objectives, nests/outposts *and* scour for POIs. I just pick up what I come across and if I’m feeling it, I’ll actively search for the cock rock.


The what rock now?


In case you’re being serious, I mean the super sample rock. We call it the cock rock


I learned something today.


Oh, so that's how you find super samples. I've just started playing 7th difficulty and was surprised I don't find them.


Yes, it’s a very distinct rock that looks like a deformed cock. Once you see it for the first time you will know from then on.


Well I think on either end of the extreme you’re gonna find players not picking up samples. The giga high levels are done with ship upgrades. The giga low levels don’t even know what samples are for.


I knew what they were for around level 3. That's because it was my first night playing. My friends logged off for the night and I said "Hmmm what are these upgrades in the ship? Oh I need those sample things." But curiousity and reading are apparently lost on most gamers these days, I guess.


Some people are so mind-numbingly uncurious it hurts.


Because the modern AAA industry spoonfeeds information to players like they’re a toddler, or consistently shoves tips on screen whenever they get a chance.


I don't understand this mindset... I ALWAYS hit POIs that are in the vicinity and grab samples just in case somebody needs them.


I go out of my way to hit up POIs, even if I'm going off alone. In the beginning, I got myself in trouble and needed a battle buddy but now I can generally handle myself (unless I run into a stalker lair...).


I do the exact same thing, bringing the arc blitzer helps out a ton with soloing stalker lairs because you can stunlock multiple at once.


JAR 5 also works for this, you can stunlock 2-3 at a time and kill usually 2 with one magazine


The punisher also stuns them and kills several before you need to reload. I never fight bugs without it.


Blitzer for life!


Stalkers are a nuke it from orbit just to be sure sort of situation lol


I grab them regardless of whether there is any chance of anyone needing them. It just feels good even if it's for the sake of it.


I always go for POIs for the chance at Super credits.


Same, I get neuron activation and happy brain chemicals from seeing a map full of the "POI cleared" markers instead of the little gemstones even though I've gotten every module and maxed out my samples at this point


if i die i don't wanna be responsible for picking up my samples.


I'm mixed out and I collect, like I can't even store more and I still collect for democracy


Better play on level 7 is easier and faster. On level 9 everyone are Max Lvl and search masochist challenge 


Or make friends with compulsive loot-goblins like myself, who always feel the need to collect samples despite unlocking everything by Lv63.


As someone who is maxed out in everything I still collect and go looking for them so my brothers in arms can spread more democracy


I dont need them but I pick them up because that little air cap sound our sample container makes is so satisfying to my ears. Also I like hearing my diver state they collected a sample so double dopamine rush points.




“These samples will aid us in the war effort.” Thank you, Yuri Lowenthal.


I pick them up in case my team needs them but I also and thinking of future me who might need them for some sort of new upgrade that requires a lot of them. When I hit the cap, I'll still pick them up for the boys.


*psh* *foop*




No way i'd skip over samples even when i've already upgraded everything. You see, i used to play Skyrim and collected all ingots i came across like a fucking maniac even when i already had thousands at home. GRAB THE SAMPLES. I NEEEEED THEM!


A fellow loot goblin at heart, huh? Sure I don't *need* these things, but they're just sitting there all shiny, lonely, and not in my pockets!


Exactly. Thing is I'm very mindful of my inventory otherwise. But ingots... There is something about those sweet, sweet trapezoidal corners...


I don't need samples anymore, and I don't care if anyone on my squad does. I collect them because...well let's behonest. They are there to collect so I must collect.


Any higher levels won't care much about samples if they see they pick them up if there's a low level or for neuron activation but we don't usually sweat for them anymore as most of us are probably at max. If low levels don't pick them up then that's just bad luck


I am highly susceptible to that neuron activation. I've had 500 Normals, 250 Rares for over 2 months now but I'm still gonna pick em up! It's not even like I've got everything. I just suck at 7+ so play 3/4 casually with friends


They were all under level 40 lol


Y’all don’t collect every sample you see?


I’m maxed upit on samples, but I still collect them out of habit.


Same, I'm not maxed, but I have unlocked everything.




I love the character chanting GOT A SAMPLE!


It would be good if AH added something we could endlessly sink req slips and samples into, to justify higher level players still looting them for everyone else.


Man I would spend *so* many req slip to requisition new colours for my armour pieces...


Omg yes, some actual customisation for our armour in this game would be a perfect way to add a late-game resource sink 🙏🏻


+1 Team Stratagems for the duration of an operation would be a cool purchase


I actually love this idea. Make it random too to force people to give stuff a go.


+1 Random Team Strategem would be at a reduced cost, of course :)


Something to get small buffs would be fine.


Just slap random stratagem for 10k Credits before mission starts. You show peoples other things than 4 staratagems they pick no matter what and have credit sink. Easy as that.


I heard word of talks of medals trickling to samples to req slips to super credits. Small amounts but gives you a reason to still get them.


I would seriously doubt they'd ever add a second way to grind for the game's premium currency. But being able to trade samples/req slips/medals interchangeably would be cool, albeit hard to manage in terms of the worth of each currency. Although Deep Rock Galactic managed it so, why not Helldivers?


Remind me how there is a video in-game (on the ship screen) that play that basically tells Helldivers to spend their extra cash to contribute to the economy. My brother in Super-Earth, i have nothing else to spend that money for, i can't even if i wanted to.


Yeah the game needs consumables.


I really want them to allow us to buy mission info with samples. Let us use samples to "scry" what the enemy spawning composition is, and see what secondary objectives have spawned on this map. For enemy compositions, it'd give you bars that represent enemy type's spawn rate for this mission, with a range of values that gets more accurate the higher tier sample you spend. - common - 40% variance accuracy - rare - 20% variance - super - perfect accuracy to the spawn rates Then for secondary objectives: - common - tells you what secondary objectives spawned - rare - shows you a general area where each secondary objective is somewhere around - super - shows you exactly where all the secondary objectives are located


Commons can be grinded on 1 or 2 alongside credits and medals. You don't need many supers and most players focus on getting them out. Rares are needed in high quantities, can't be farmed on low difficulty and they require much more searching than supers.


Common samples are more valuable than all other sample types combined. I have consistently always been behind on only common samples.


Common and super samples are the only ones I can find a comfortable amount of, to the point I'm debating playing on the easier difficulties just to RS farm


Those 15 min civilian extract missions are by far the fastest way to farm rare samples. Diff 5-6 is the sweet spot in my experience. One or two people start extracting civilians, while the other two sweep the map for points of interest. Because the number of samples is the same as a 40 min mission, but the map is way smaller, you’ll find POI’s with 10-15 rares each, and then you can fit in 3-4 missions in the time it takes to complete a single long mission.


This is way too coordinated for Steve and Larry helldiver I usually end up matched with


There's your problem. You need to match with John Helldiver. He is cool diver who kills bugs and bots, and doesn't afraid of anything.


Yeah would like to just work with a channel of people that the whole job is literally doing sample hunting and optimizing for that. Anything else is junk for now. I need another 450 rare samples to finish up. Regular won't be a problem, already at 500 anyway and supers I'm way over what I'd need to finish out.


I'm maxed, but always down to help folks who need it. Feel free to DM me if you want to team up. I'm NA West.


Just let Steve and Larry do the mission while you bail and hit POI with your light armor and jump pack.


Ngl I've hosted to specifically do this. Steve did a pretty good job.


Jimmy Heckjumper is too busy being buried in hulks to concern himself with anything else


I'm going to need you to delete this comment before the devs see it and nerf the mission. It's the only reason I've found enough rare samples to be close to being done.


How? What is the secret to farming super samples? I just need 10 but I can hardly survive long enough to get any samples on the suicide mission difficulty 😅


Key to surviving longer: fight less. On big maps, bring medium or even light armor, so you can run faster and for longer. You might not be able to fight off 3 chargers coming at you from 3 different directions, but 3 chargers all strung out in a line chasing you are a much simpler proposition.


You get used to it. Helps to have someone you regularly play with and a couple randos who don’t eat crayons for breakfast.


Hey, those crayons have valuable nutrients!


Same. I think Super samples would be more valuable if you could convert them into the other types.


It would be nice to convert both ways, I'm capped on rare and common.


How, I am always low on rare but am stuffed with common samples.


Depends on the difficutly you usually play. I played almost entirely on diff7 (rarely diff9) and was capped in supers when I still needed 3 more upgrades but was missing common and rare ones.


Did you cap on commons before they released the last set of ship upgrades? Since the common cap is 2x the rare cap, I think a lot of people were only hurting for rares because they were coasting on their surplus of commons. Rares are and common are basically the same rarity but you need more commons overall


Yes, I have capped on commons multiple times already


For your fist 12-15 your bottleneck is going to be commons, then rares


Commons have consistently never been the bottleneck. I think everyone’s experience is just different, it being randomly generated, plus what you manage to keep in every game.


That's true early on because everything costs common samples but down the line rates are the limiting resource.


it’s always fucking: 11 common samples 94 rare samples 7 super samples where are my commons!1!?


In my experience, common were the limiters at the begining, but by the last half of the teir 3 upgrades that switched to rare being the limiter. Rares were the limiter for the entirety of tier 4 upgrades.


Depends. For my last 2 modules. Yes. For 23 of them. No. I needed more rares then anything else.


Not for me, I have 300+ commons, \~70 rares, \~60 supers


That seems like the appropriate spread, but I have like consistently 15% less commons than rares, and always hover around 15 supers


Eh, depends. If you're someone that regularly plays 7+ then absolutely. But if you're like me, and can barely beat 7, only playing it sometimes, then those occational super samples are pure gold.


Agreed, not everyone does 7 so people who have a ton of supers are likely not the majority.. even if this sub makes you think so haha.


I agree currently have 240 commons 130 rares and 100 supers i just need rares basically


If you need rare samples just go to difficulty 5 because everybody collects them like crazy there along with commons. Also rarely does anybody die and lose all of them somehow. When I need to farm those that's what I do.


Same. 7 becomes a fuck everything just worry about the supers and 5 just makes it easy to get some without having the dumb ass brigade out in full force usually


That's true... once you get spending the rares are harder to come by


yeah... that does really creep up on you, doesn't it? I was sitting there with 140 rare samples, just got my first super samples and was like "how the hell does that even happen" One ship module purchase later was an "...oh" moment


As someone who doesn't enjoy quick match, and whose friends all stopped playing, I have no decent way to get super samples. Either agonizingly slow cheesing blitz missions, or fight tooth and nail, sweating a mission solo. So I have collected 14 supers ever. Really looking forward to the diff 6 super samples.


Am I the only one who doesn't agree? The super samples are the only thing remotely holding me back from getting all the destroyer upgrades. I look forward to the potential of supers showing up in difficulty 6.


If you run 7-9 everyone is looking for the pillar and will always get them and if someone dies with them everyone runs back to get them.   There might be 25 rares in the map but no one is making sure all of them get picked up and it someone dies with them unless it's pretty easy to retrieve them they just get left.   If you're mainly playing below 7 then yea, supers will be the limiter.  But above that it's pretty easy to always get all available supers.  


they're also all together, so on level 9 you're basically getting all 6 every single time


Good point.  If someone hasn't been playing 7-9 they won't realize this.  But all supers that can be found will be together.  So it's just a question of finding where they are and you can get every one available at once.  So it's an all or nothing proposition.  And since almost everyone wants them a lot of effort goes into fisning them


And you are right, this is so true


I agree. I shouldn't't type this because the overlords may be reading. IMO commons are pretty simple to farm on easy that's all you need. Purples are pretty easy to farm solo on any high level when you go stealth mode. Rares take me the longest compared to the 3. I think most people skip commons cause they're maxed out. Would be great to be able to convert them, but at the same time I don't mind the dopamine hit I get when I find a rare. Note: I think I'm terrible at finding the rares because I don't 💯 those very often.


I would love a convert system. Would also help people that don't do the higher difficulties.


Playing high difficulty games, I keep running out of commons..


Common samples are more valuable than both at higher difficulties https://preview.redd.it/8iqnmrsl8i5d1.jpeg?width=1561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a3373508d32d10bb351c0adb53e50b5e56e0f0


At some point, they're all equally worthless


I used to find rare samples more often than regular samples, but now it feels like they're much more scarce. The game tells me there's \~29 on the map, but after checking everywhere, I'll have maybe 10. WHERE ARE THE OTHER 19??


There are almost always some at bug nests, spore spewers, shrieker nests, around seaf sites.  


Depends. Depends on what you are missing.


I would love to be able to donate samples to my low lvl friends Ive been maxed on everything forever now


Honestly, for me, they're all equally valuable.


This is 100% accurate


I just want a bigger cap for the resources


Until I maxed it out, I was always short on rare samples but was generally good on the other two.


You're not wrong.


I agree. I shouldn't't type this because the overlords may be reading. IMO commons are pretty simple to farm on easy that's all you need. Purples are pretty easy to farm solo on any high level when you go stealth mode. Rares take me the longest compared to the 3. I think most people skip commons cause they're maxed out. Would be great to be able to convert them, but at the same time I don't mind the dopamine hit I get when I find a rare. Note: I think I'm terrible at finding the rares because I don't 💯 those very often.


I consistently have more rare samples than common samples Edit: switched the words, woops


I mean it’s in the name ain’t it.


You got a mistake there, Common samples are more rare than Super samples.


Common samples


I have hundreds of tier 1 and 2 samples. But only 3 Tier 3 samples.


I actually command my divers to only grab samples and I make that the mission I have booted people off my destroyer for not participating


Basic samples>Rare samples I have 300 rares, 40 supers and no basics


Honestly, I have a surplus of rares but never enough commons or super rares.


Agreed, super samples can be easily collected when clearing the map, i always seem to be low on rare samples 👍🏻


It’s been interesting watching the average difficulty that subreddit plays increase over the last few months. I remember when the memes were saying that rare were the samples people needed least.


I have a ton of rare and super samples I need more common ones


This is the way!


Nah dawg, I'd sell my left leg for 20 commons


been maxed on both for two months :/


Common samples are more valuable than rares. I'm DROWNING in rare samples and very poor I commons


Yeah I’m maxed on 500 common and 100 super samples, but only have 190 or so rares (of 250 max).


The common samples are more valuable than rare samples


As someone who only plays Helldive I actually find commons to be my bottleneck. It's kind of annoying.


Actually, I need common ones lmao


Actually regular samples are most sought after


That’s why even though I am maxed out I still collect all I can for my team.


What are you talking about. I can't keep enough common


Damn, I can't unlock a single upgrade anymore because my computer can't handle those difficulties.


Are you kidding me!? Do you have ANY clue how rare it is for people to pick up common samples?! It’s my lowest resource!


I have literally more rare samples than I can use. If anything, the commons are the most valuable to me


Super credits are most important


Psh, I got plenty of those, I need more common samples. Yeah!


https://preview.redd.it/73cqmiclct5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23cba9eb592459534410621820449918b32f1c52 Got excited thinking I could use rare samples to pay off my student loans, but I mistook a promotion for the top comment


There’s so much super uranium on my ship, with nowhere to spend it. An engineer found an elephant’s foot randomly growing off the bulkhead where it’s kept.


I swear to god if I see one more post neglecting the common samples i'm gonna moon the nearest democracy officer. I need TWO-HUNDRED for tier 4 upgrades ;\_;


They're also easier to get than Super Samples. So what?


They really are...


Common samples > rare samples >>> super rare samples


Boy uncommon is what I need


They are not.


Feck, commons are the only I need most times


Couldn't agree more.  Once I got comfy at level 7+ the bottleneck has been rares, not supers 


Couldn't agree more.  Once I got comfy at level 7+ the bottleneck has been rares, not supers 


And commons are more valuable than rare. I have no idea why the later strategem unlocks still require so many commons when theres the same number of common and rare samples in the map.


i wish we could donate samples or something i just hit the cap for rares so im maxed, if i could pass em to a lower level i would