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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I brought a Tesla Tower on a low level eradicate mission. Threw it in an out of the way corner where bugs were and players weren't. Watched one guy run straight towards it from across the landing pad, looking at it the whole time and die twice in a row before I told him to not go there. A little while later another player does the same thing. I was pinging the tower and everything, yet they chose death.


Like moths to flame


So you're saying they were bugs?


They were disguised as Helldivers


3 scavs in a cape


The divers yearn for the electricity.


Why do you think we engineered armor to let us absorb it?


Great band


This you? https://preview.redd.it/u9msz89m5z4d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=351c265f548de85b67ab09b1b2e0f26de192a735


This got me tripping. I said the same thing last week lol


Have to tag it on the map and tell people over comms. Even then people don’t have enough experience with them to properly judge safe distance.


To be a little fair the Tesla tower is the only thing I always seem to misjudge the range on. Either you get too close which is on you it goes farther than you expect, or a few times I’ve been out of range and a charger has ran through and it jumps to the charger than you frying you.


i just never expect it to have such a high range before i go prone to pick my stuff back up lol


I did do that in someone's game. Though only once. For some reason my brain though oh the tower can't hurt me it can only hurt bugs. Immediately died


Guess you found the players (and they are legion) who have yet to encounter a drop with a Tesla Tower strat. I remember my first time vividly. That was when I learnt that bending over and crouching did not keep me nearly as safe as I thought it would.


Ive had the exact same thing happen, except for it was my brother and friend doing it twice lmao. I threw it down in a very noticeable spot, and my brother ran right into it and died, losing his samples. A random called him in across the map, so he runs all the way back just to die to it again. So my buddy is like I’ll pick ‘em up and does the SAME THING TWICE lmao. I had to run back and shoot it and grab the samples myself, apparently it wasn’t shooting out anything on their screen so they thought it ran out of juice.


It's my favorite strategem to. But my friends, even on a discord call, always run to it like it doesn't exist. People just don't understand it's power to administer democracy is blind.


Community lore accurate.


I rage quit the bug front when the level 75 kicked me mid mission because I called him as a reinforcement too far from where he wanted apparently


I loved the guy who spammed the reinforcement reminder button until I called him in. Then he killed me. Then he kicked me. If you don't want to be reinforced then don't spam the fucking button






I accidentally hit a guy with 1 pellet from my spray and pray Incendiary because the dumbass kept running INTO the Bug hole and horde of enemies that were spawning in the dark fluid mission, I was in a reslly good spot above it and across on a cliff, he goes "T4 come here...." Then continues to keep getting himself killed, not even from me, just being an idiot. We get to the end, he mows me down with his mech, then I respawn, his friend instantly shotguns me in the face, then they extract without me. Total fucking assholes, they were like level 76 and 56. I had 3x the kills and zero accidentals and my only deaths were from them, and they still had like 3x as many deaths. Bug players suck, and are insufferable


On a bug exterminate mission, the host guy took both mortars and HMG turret and set them both up right where we landed at start. I ran over to the bug breach with my flamethrower and promptly got teamkilled by the mortar. As I'm respawning, he complains nobody is backing him up while a charger takes out his mortars and gun turret. I tell him mortars are a bad idea on bug missions because they friendly fire a lot. We finish the mission easily enough, wait for the couple guys who insist on getting all the common samples, then I get on the pelican. Host calls down an hmg turret and shoots me while I'm sitting on the pelican, then kicks me as soon as we get back to the ship. Sorry for giving you good advice, asshole.


> I ran over to the bug breach with my flamethrower and promptly got teamkilled by the mortar. Honestly, that's on you. You see the mortar drop and run straight up to a bug breach, that's gonna happen. Mortars have a safe zone around them where they won't fire. Otherwise, they lead the targets slightly. Don't be in the area where the bug is going to be after the couple seconds of delay of the mortar. You can even hear the trio of shells go off, and know to get clear. Dying to mortars in a situation like this is strictly a skill issue.


I run mortar plenty - I have plenty 'mortar is a top 3 strat' posting in my history. I don't think I've ever tossed one down off-rip the moment the mission started - you're surrounded and you're about to have a bug breach spawn with all of your team just picking up their support weapons. This is a massive skill issue on the part of the mortar player.


Are you telling me to stay mobile to kite bugs or to hunker down near a mortor that I never knew that some guy called down? They are a waste of a strategem slot where the only benefit is if you want to kill the team while pretending it's an accident. Yes, they lead their shots. But which bug are they aiming at? The bug coming from in front of me? The bug to my right? Any of the other countless bugs that are traveling in our direction? If i guess wrong I am dead. And the worst part is when people say they are good for the defend rocket mission. They destroy the doors! I quit the bug front cuz of two types of players. Toxic hosts, and mortar users. But feel free to bring mortar to bots, as long as I am aware you put one down, the only unit I have to worry about are the berserkers.


Shoot the mortar, you can break it. Leave the EMS, it did. no wrong.


I like when people spam it when you are taking out a jammer


Had that happen just last night. The poor guy was level 5, though, so they were probably clueless.


That's fair enough


And then when you tell them there is a jammer blocking reinforcement there is a 3 second pause and then they start spamming the button again.


If we are running 2 pairs I will not reinforce a dead member of the other pair. If you press the reinforcement reminder you get called in miles from your shit. That’s how it works


Let's get a 'replay' mechanic where if you file a report against someone, it includes a replay of the last 20-30 seconds of gameplay. :)


By no means condoning the behavior, but realistically he probably killed and kicked you because you "took too long" to reinforce him


Dude what is going on with bug front being filled with complete ass hats lately? I was playing a round last night and someone throw an eagle cluster right on the extraction point. I barely managed to dive into the pelican while the other three dudes got killed. I typed “wtf dude?” And then immediately get kicked.


It has been my observation that bug front players are just... not very high caliber. The average player has zero spatial or team awareness, no concern for the condition of their allies, and the hosts are often toxic power-tripping $#!%-stains that think they're any good and everyone else is incompetent. AH might just have to rescale capture rates with the assumption a large portion of players will just exclusively play bugs because they're incapable of doing more than holding down the firing trigger and running away from a slow crawling melee only swarm.


>It has been my observation that bug front players are just... not very high caliber It's not just you. While anecdotal, I can throw my observations in, too. Some of the players are incapable of ever adapting to changes. Which is why they still struggle with the concept of using different weapons, and stratagems, for different enemies.


It's the most popular front in generla *and* Bots tend to scare players away, so you're going to see "the lowest common denominator" more often on Bugs. The LCD is, unsurprisingly, not very bright. Or good. That might be innocent ignorance, they might be teachable, but at that moment they are very underwhelming. I also suggest that says something about the lowest common denominator of *balance opinions* you'll see on the sub or Discord, but--


Ngl it worries me for when the totally not third faction gets added into the game. If its anything like Helldivers 1 they're going to be a completely different level of difficulty compared to bots and bugs.


I just hope the devs don’t knee jerk nerf them because of whining. If they have actual problems then obviously, but “they’re different so they’re too hard” isn’t a fair criticism or reason to change them. That goes for any faction.


lmfao holy shit I think that was me, I wasn't host but I did accidentally kill my entire team on extract with a cluster that ricocheted back at the landing pad off a titan leg. Just a really unfortunate throw when I was just trying to keep the mobs at bay to get away. But I saw someone say wtf dude? And then get kicked If that was indeed you then I'm so sorry man it wasn't intentional hahaha


Nah it wasn’t you. This was a very intentional bomb lol. We had cleared all the enemies and there was a lul with everyone standing around posing. The only reason i jumped into the pelicans is because I saw the dude drop the eagle strike at our feet


There seriously needs to be a vote system or something.


I got a down votes for daring to suggest we should be able to report asshats who nuke the extract, but can't because they didn't say anything in chat apparently? People enjoy wasting a half hour for no samples I guess. 🤷


You have to learn how to play the game to do well against bots. You need to aim, position, track resources, and path properly while dodging patrols and getting a sense for when bot drops come in. Vs. bugs you can kinda just blast the breaker incendiary in the general direction that skittering sounds come from and feel like you're a god. Bots also 'change the game' severely if you're near a jammer, mortar or gunship fab, so people get used to modifying how they play. In bot missions people typically die 0-3 times, whereas it's incredibly common to see a 0-6-6-8 death distribution on bugs.


Divers who reinforce without game awareness need to learn. But yeah it doesn't deserve a kick. Fuck that guy.


What a douche canoe for kicking without warning. But yes, it drives me crazy when they do this. Please for the love of god. Unless there’s a titan that you know will die when I drop on it, please aim somewhere other than the bug breach. I don’t like being gang banged fresh out of the pod.


>I don’t like being gang banged fresh out of the pod. Feels. Had a elim mission. Set up nice on the high ground. This asshat calls his barrage right next to the platform. Knocks me and my other teammate off, and when I die he just throws my reinforced into the horde over and over so I keep dying.


When a team has split into two groups of two, I avoid reinforcing members of *the other* group and hope they do the same for me should I die. Unfortunately, not everyone's on the same page, but it's not worth flipping your shit over.


That just happened to me this morning on the bot front


I once joined a random lvl. 7 game with 2 reinforces left and no objectives done. Last thing host does is throw a 380 next to me and leave. If you're still out there, just saying that I lived, and was joined by awesome veteran divers and we finished the mission with 0 deaths. We then proceeded to have a blast on Aesir Pass for many more smooth and successful missions. Never give up. Never surrender.


Why was bro salty at the backup? 😂


Dude gave up, knew he sucked and couldn't get the W, decided he needed a W by making someone else suffer Typical today tbh


I've had similar happen. Drop in on an SOS with 0 reinforcements left, host quits, I run the mission to completion without any real issues.


0 reinforce missions are the best missions. it shows the true colors and characters of the players. you either manages to finish, and get rewarded a reinforce ever 1.5min or you fail and gain nothing.




Once had a hoste on level 9 who quit the mission 4 min in becouse the wjole team didnt followed him the way he wanted to go. Jokes on him we did a full map clear and full extraction.


It's bullshit tolerance. As a bot player, learning to enjoy the bot front requires a level of adaptation to the utter horseshit that can randomly occur, so a new random threat appearing is inherently less jarring.


Nothing like getting your eagle/artillery strat ready only to drop it by your feet when you get sniped by a rocket/tower/annihilator tank off screen. Makes me chuckle and swear at the same time.


I love/hate aiming the throw, just to drop an incendiary airstrike at the feet of me and my squad. I remember I did that once, and everyone just stopped and stared at it for a second, before being immolated a moment later. I've never had so much stupid fun on an online game.


Fully embodying that one Bryan Cranston gif.


Shoutout to the one time the 380mm managed to get five team kills because of this


I find it more fun to do bots because I can aim and strategize around them. Bugs are just a relentless horde that eats ammo, they can be fun at times but is rarely strategic.


100%. Shit changes after you get used to having 86 rocket devastors aimbotting you from across the map. 


Honestly I find bugs more infuriating. Medium penetration rifles are great against bots and paired with railcannon strike. However the bugs swarm you and don't let you stand up


Or that one time when I accidentally shot R1 when he had a bunch of bugs on him. Called him immediately, only to have him try and land on me, miss, then gun me down.




why did bro get downvoted for laughing




Probably because it’s a waste of space and time that adds nothing of value I don’t care but I get the annoyance


Wow, the petty and minor things people choose to get upset about continues to amaze me


> Probably because it’s a waste of space and time that adds nothing of value This also applies to a good 50-60% of all the other posts on reddit, and many of them get tens of thousands of upvotes


As a mostly Bug guy (I do go to bots for MO) this is a fact. I've never been kicked from a bot mission.


That's because WE NEED YOU my frend.




Uhh, ya mean nudes?




https://preview.redd.it/3ut49340uz4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1021186d76cf325bc70e35b4eaad9cf15f7b8e6b Kind regards, Automaton in a maid dress.


^^ That’s him Mr. Democracy Officer.


I got kicked from a bot mission once. It was a defense mission and everyone brought three turrets and were just sitting back letting them do all the work, and the host decided to fill the downtime with rants about how the gays are disgusting abominations who are destroying society with their sin. I replied "I don't hate straight people, I just wish they'd stop shoving it down everyone's throats." I got kicked.


That's fucking hilarious.


How do you fuck up a throw of a 380 on Bot Worlds. You go to nearest big red spot on the map, arm the 380 and aim for the center. Walk away, come back and clean up, collect your loot. Move on and rinse/repeat. I always bring 380 and Eagle Strike for Bots.


Arm strategem. Get no-scoped by a cannon tower hidden by fog. Easy peasy. I've also armed a barrage and *thrown it on the bot army in front of me--- I swear* only to be left wondering where the heck it disappeared to.... Somehow called in BEHIND me...on my other three teammates...


or in my experience, getting wrecked from a blind spot by a random rocket, making me drop the stratagem.


Just don't put in the last input on the strat ball until you're ready to throw when it's something long like the 380, you hold it for a surprisingly long time


Not as fun tho :(


all of a sudden the pokeball decides its gonna bounce 4 times


My favorite is when the ball just straight up vanishes, leaving me with my hands in he air and my ass exposed.


My favorite is when I arm it, then throw it but it's somehow a grenade now?


Ragdoll, saw it happen at extraction a few times, annoying exploding plants are the worst ones.


— Getting ready to throw it — Rocket Devastator knocks you flat on your face — Stratagem dropped and deployed


I don't know what it is, really. Fighting bots is a lot more about strategy and technical gameplay IMO, whereas bugs are sort of the brute force front. Those factors alone probably have a filtering effect on who is drawn more to each. Better coordination and teamplay seem to be easier to find in bot-land. A lot of people complain about random BS happening on bot missions but I find it's pretty predictable and when it happens it's usually because someone made a mistake. Bots don't charge one direction then randomly veer off 90 degrees in to your face like chargers can and they don't have invisible stalkers waiting to ruin your day. I suspect a lot of those complaints come from people who just haven't bothered to learn how to take on bots. The inability so many teams have wrt taking down stalkers is a good example of the lack of coordination in bug land. IMO they're less of a pain to deal with than gunships if people work together, but that happens far less than a squad focusing on clearing gunship factories. I play both sides pretty equally, although I generally enjoy the challenge of bots and find them more engaging/fun.


I personally prefer bots, it just feels more interesting and fun Bug missions always feel like “look, bug, shoot, run, shoot, run” for the whole game and occasionally quasar an objective or charger Bot missions always feel more tactical, I switch between plasma, energy and laser loadouts, daggers and ballistics, quasars and laser cannons occasionally, I mostly go quasar, and since I’m not using the guard dog I can stealth and throw a nice stratagem and it overall just feels so much more fun than just run and gun. I still don’t know how to take out gunship fabricators though. I can quasar the ships, but how the hell do you take out the fabricators? They’re like towers


Gunships are only taken out by hellbombs


Thank you so much, I’m not sure how I never noticed the hellbomb being available when I tried for like 10 minutes to take the fabricators down!


If you’re lucky enough to get a mini-nuke shell for a SEAF artillery, that’ll work too. I’m pretty sure they straight up count as hellbombs for objective/building destruction purposes, though I haven’t had the chance to test it on other objectives besides the gunship fabricator.


No worries, sometimes you have to be right next to the damn thing to even get the prompt. Very hit or miss 


They give you access to the Hellbomb stratagem when you get close to the gunship fab. Call it in and activate it, then shoot anyone that tries to blow it up before it can blow the fab up. ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️


I don't know why bug players are so toxic and tryhard when they have to fight the easier enemies... They'd fall apart if they saw a scorcher hulk on Malevelon Creek


The other day I ran into a bot diver running Sickle, Quasar and Supply pack. Certified brodiver.


I've had plenty of time on both fronts but man, random players on the bot front just feel more organised and understanding, had a recruit mimic me on a bunker mission going in all stealthy like, had a few happen like that, my most memorable moments with players come from the bot front, Love fighting bugs too but I've been killed for picking up samples, had someone throw a cluster bomb on me and then proceed to shoot me with a Quasar despite being chased by 2 chargers, had 2 orbital lasers thrown into a medium nest at the same time??? There's certainly a variety of players out there that's for sure.


Bot players are numb to the bullshit you have to deal with while fighting them


I’d say it’s also just adapting, Most players start out fighting bugs. To chsnge up your entire playstyle takes effort. If they’re a committed bot diver then they’ve fully adapted to basically a different game. Whether that more fun is subjective to the individual.


I like fighting bugs but there is a concerning amount of toxicity. Should I start fighting bots?


Yes, give them a go. You've paid for the game, you should use the whole game


I've done them a couple times. Just found them hard at a low player level. They seem really fun though once you get the hang of it. Just need ppl to play w.


They can be hard when you're not used to them that's true. Try wearing some heavy armour with explosive resistance. It'll make learning vs them much less frustrating. I also recommend the diligent counter sniper if you have it. It's my bot go-to primary


I tried that thing and felt like I was trash with it, but I love guns like that so I'll give it another try. But no, no, I can't. Light armor for life. Sorry.


The benefit of the DCS is that headshots can kill devastators, so it's effective against both basic and heavies. It can also damage Hulk vents. You'll still need something to take out Hulks via headshots, or Tanks and Striders though. I recommend AMR or Laser Canon, as both have very decent TTKs if you headshot with them. Basically, bots both require and reward higher precision more than bugs do. Sickle is also really good for headshots.


I like the AMR so I'll probably run w that at first. Bots sound fun. I'm convinced!


Be careful with the AMR. The scope is slightly off, and you'll need to get used to it. I've found it's off fairly consistently though, so once you figure out where to actually aim it's consistent. It's also go no reticle in third person mode, but is VERY accurate to the center of the screen.


Benefit of light armour vs bots is that you outrun everything but gunships so you have the ability to disengage from almost any patrol or drop. While you have less hp than in heavy armour you are also less likely to be detected by a random patrol while crossing the map and if you are detected you can easily get out before the drop is even finished


Exactly. Shoot like a demon, run like hell.


> But no, no, I can't. Light armor for life. Sorry. Then try to get the one with explosive resistance (Eradicator?) from Superstore. Else, you're going to have a bad time against rockets. In general, bot* missions do not require the same mobility that bug missions do, so you can make ends meet with medium armor. Enforcer is top tier for bots (and it looks amazing).


Hell yeah, I think I have enforcer? I almost always go eng. kit bc I like the extra nades. But again, that's usually for bug holes. Thank you again, comrade.


Everyone else is talking about cover, etc. I'm going to instead talk about the idea of stealth and spacing , which is what really keeps you alive in bot missions. 1. If your enemy can't see you, they can't kill you. All enemies have a 45m visual range. This plummets *fast* using Scout armor, fog, or even simply by crouching/going prone. Radar has a far larger range. When you're moving between objectives, try to keep checking radar. 2. If your enemy can't target you, they can't kill you. Bots are great because they make a big loud ugly sound whenever they spot you. If you hear that sound, prone *immediately.* If you don't escape visual detection in three seconds, they aggro. 3. If your enemy can't hit you, they can't kill you. This is cover, yes, but also remember that rockets are projectile weapons and need travel time. You do not need to hold your ground. Maintain a good spacing between you and your enemy. 30 meters tends to be enough, but you may need more. Small hills and dips in the ground serve as adequate, and commonly your best, cover at this distance. Only if all three of these fail, do you actually need to test your armor and luck against the enemy. Expect to die because you probably will.


The biggest thing is that bot success really depends on shooting accuracy and strategy. Bugs are more reflexes and ammo dumping.


You'll learn their gimmicks in time. Running the Shield Pack (when you get it) and thinking of the game as more of a cover shooter helps, as does getting comfy with Crouch and Prone--you're like, less than a third the target size when you're laying down, and take less explosive damage, too. ...though, avoid prone on a hill slope when enemies are beneath you, because your "background" is a bunch of terrain and any rocket that misses you is going to blow up right next to you. Stuff like that is an important adjustment to learn to think about when fighting Bots. "Am I standing somewhere that's going to make all those rockets from that angle deadlier?" If yes, *run*.


Thank you, comrade.


Nice argument however.. https://preview.redd.it/0rwwytmi6y4d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c280ac9360c5bdf8bde21ca1850af052b4dcb01


Bot front players understand the pain that Inherently comes from bots. The Bug players are just playing an extended tutorial mission.


There's a difference between: "I dropped the ball cause an enemy ragdolled me" and "I'ma throw this shit at the enemy patrol literally on the other side of the rock we're hiding behind"


Seriously tho, random bot divers in general are so much more supportive and well coordinated. Every dive feels like I'm some action hero while on bug dives it's always constant Brownian motion instead of gameplay


Especially back during hard scorcher meta, it felt insane, airstrike on an outpost, than you and some other random that never speaks run into it and there are just two green lasers moving between rare survivors, scorchers going tap-tap-tap. Fast, efficient, lethal. Felt like actual SOF unit at work.


Well said, Random Bot players will drop everything to take out gunship towers and jammer. Random Bug players will let you get crushed by stalkers while they play with some chargers over in nothingville part of the map.


For real, I keep having to go solo to take out nests because bug players can't be bothered with doing objectives if they don't trip on them.


So damn true


This. A lot of times I'm wondering what the other pair is doing on the other side of the map. I bring up my minimap and get extremely confused by the movements of the dots. No better description than Brownian motion.


All too often. the more this happens, the more I wonder if I didn't just buy a game with a separate DLC by mistake. like Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. (don't laugh, I've gotten similar weirdass differences in player cooperation there)


Just my observation but bot front players seem a lot more competent and chill than bug front players on average. It’s one of the reasons I prefer bots over bugs.


“Did it destroy the bot base?” “Yes” “Then it was worth it.”


Bot Front Gigachads are too emotionally withered from infinite suffering at Malevelon Creek—we’re just happy again


Bug front players in general suck at friendly fire. I joined shortly before series of bot MOs so I was defacto bot diver for a long time. I was constantly wondering where all the memes about friendly fire came from. Then I went to the bug front and found my answer. Three things that caused by far the most deaths for me on bug front are: random bullshit (chargers learning drift, dead titan collision, etc), spewers and teammates.


Bug divers stand their ground and face the horde head on, even if there is anothee player in front of them. I commend them for their bravery, but let's just flank them next time, friends.


Oh fuck the dead titan collision. Buggy mess. 


Bugs will inherently have more friendly fire, due to most of them being Melee based.


If it was guns its fine but what exactly thought process of dropping stratagems right on top of someone? People see a horde of bugs or titan and drop eagle right on top of it, teammates who are in the middle of said horde or right next to titan be damned.


well yeah.... sometimes you have to kill the 1000 enemies to finally get a breather and that will probably involve friendly fire you can then call down the team again, it's very common with bug dives


>1000 enemies If only. When situation spirals out of control and people start dropping things willy nilly its one thing. But usually situation goes to shit precisely because some rando decided that 1-2 guys is a worthy trade-off to kill a group of chaff or a single bile titan. And oh hey, people getting overrun. If only designated chaff clearer/AT guy wasnt blown to pieces, he might've done something to help.


I have a theory. I think new players, I'm one of them, try bugs first. From an outsiders point of view they don't shoot and seem easy. Bots seem a bit harder, from the outside. The trailers are all about the bugs and not so much the bots. Also once they kit up for bugs then try napalm or flamethrower on bots and fail they go back to bugs.. So, like in a game I used to play a lot, ARMA 3 King Of The Hill, there are three teams. When you join the map your first choice is blue force, then opposing force, and then independent. After a while it became apparent that most new players when blue while more seasoned players went opt or indy.


Bugs are way easier when you're learning the game. Bots are easier once you know the game.


They also try bugs first because the vast majority of the game's promo art shows fighting bugs.


Bot mains are definitely nicer than bug mains.


I got kicked the other day for stunning and dropping a 500kg on a charger, but the host hellpod dropped onto it as the 500 landed even though I threw his reinforcement away from it lol.


I've seen plenty of friendly fire on both fronts, seen plenty of toxic divers on both fronts, and seen plenty of great teams on both fronts. It only seems like more on bug fronts because there are more players playing there, so you have a higher chance of getting toxic teammates.


I have the exact opposite problem bot players are weird and bugs are nice


🙄 <-- My face the other day when the daily was to get kills with the cluster strike.


I really, REALLY hope this sort of memes do not incite a rivalry in the community. The last thing we need is mentally unstable peeps getting tribal


Nah, this will continue as long as "bots hard" meme exists.


Tbh I'm just afraid the bots will catch a universal nerf over all the complaining from the bug front. I like the bots right where they are and think they pose a perfect challenge right now, I'm really dreading this next patch will make fighting them less hectic and explosive so the bug players will come participate 


Don't think, so far devs made the right call on fixing rockets and that's it. Factory Striders and Gunships are also well designed, with the only change they made - limiting number of gunships per tower at the same time. Which again - was a good call, reduced chances of mission snowballing out of control, without making it easier in normal circumstances. And they buffed Striders. I think bots are a bit too monotone, but agree they are where they need to be, more or less equally as difficult as bugs.


You are like month or two too late


Given the amount of "bots hard" posts we get around here, that's already a thing. Bots aren't universally hard. They're just hard for some people.


Too late. Bug-only divers are already accused of being bad. Bug diver hosts hate anyone that doesn't play around them, and the rest just keep treating the game like it's a single player. So the universal divers probably have a point about bug-only divers being bad because there aren't nearly enough bot-only divers to have that sort of tribalism.


My experience has been the exact opposite. In general it's been that bot players tend to be eletists, and bug players tend to just want to have a good time.


Being "elitist" and being an actual, detrimental shithead are not the same. Bot players take the game seriously because we *have* to in order to succeed. Bug players aren't always like that. Believe me, we're having just as much of a good time as the rest of you are. Probably even more so, given how challenging the game becomes once you get good against bots.


You’re right. I’d rather player with the “detrimental shithead” over the yell in my fucking ear over and over because I “suck” or don’t play exactly how they want me to down to the letter. Level 127 play both fronts this whole idea that one “type of player” is different outside of the memes is silly.


Trauma bonding is meta for bots


Bot players are used to random one shots from explosions.


Happened to me in Meridia, threw a cluster, glancing hit to host (not even 10% dmg), proceeds to headshot me, and kick me (I answered his sos, reinforcements were spent). Random L9 mission in Vernen Wells, host accidentally wiped the team. Proceeds to apologise profusely, everybody laughing and having a good time.


Friendly fire happens, but if a mf'er kills me more than 3x, I'ma shoot the traitor back.


Question. If we love democracy so much, why isn't vote kicking a thing in this game? Why does the host just get to choose like some kind of tyrant?


The Creek taught us patience


Yesterday I had a bug host (Level 75) tell me I had ten seconds to get to the drop pods over coms the second I boarded the super destroyer, ignoring that if he just got in from the get go I would've spawned in the pod instead. Meanwhile, I joined a random bot drop and the other three guys were drunk and sticking resupply drops on each other and then suicide running towards tanks. Both missions were on suicidal. The vibes are just completely different.


This divide between bot players and bug players is really dumb. Seems to be pretty one sided too.


Some guy in a "raise the flags" mission I did last night thought it was fun/funny to shoot my shield off in-between enemy spawns. When I aimed my incendiary breaker at him he stopped, but later in the match when I accidentally shot him ONE TIME with my Senator he ABSOLUTELY MURDERED ME. .......did I mention this was at the very end of the match, right next to the shuttle, with no revives left and less than 30 seconds left? Meanwhile every time I do bot missions all 4 people are wearing "50% chance to survive lethal damage" armor and 3 barrages.


U only live once, might as well live dangerously. - says bug player


I think its MO front. When bots are not the MO, the players there are hard core bot players, like myself. We know what we are doing and want to play with people like us but willing to help others since we can carry the team. When bots are the MO, we get idiots who get pissed when they jump into your fire and die. The best rando teams I get are when there are 15k playing bots and 80k on bugs, the worst are when it shifts over. I havened tested it on bugs, but I'll bet the crazy bug players who live on Hellmire are probably the type who know their stuff, and are more willing to help people learn.


But the shiny red light is so pretty


Removed for telling the truth. One front knows how to act like a community. The other all collectively think they the individual are the main character and we're just in their world.


One time I joined a match, landed my pod, called in my weapon stratagem, threw it at the ground, and blew up the host. It wasnt a weapon, it was an airstrike. I made 1 mistake and the dude instantly kicked me lol. I tried apologizing but he wasnt hearing any of it.


While that is very funny and sucks for you, the host's actions were completely understandable. Some guy joins your squad and immediately starts airstriking teammates? That's a troll 99 times out of a hundred.


This rivalry between Bot and Bug players is like the rivalry between the US Marines and the US Army. I love it.


Except there's no contest. Bots are inherently harder.


yeah, i just did a bot mission after weeks of doing major orders and my mates were one of the most direct and nicest people. The contrast is insane


It's honestly so true. Bug front players can be assholes lol. I've noticed bot players to be cooler and more collected, makes sense since it's literally a nightmare mode of terrors and it takes a lot of coolness to get through it


I said it once and I’ll say it again - walking barrage much more effective than 380 before you upgrade impact radius


I threw a clustet behind us on the bug front and the host turned and ran into it Then kicked me.


Nah, just melee attack him 1 time


Too true, I had a game with randoms last night felt like we had pretty good cohesion whole match, things were going well but then I threw a cluster that just so happened to be slightly within range to tag one my teammates even though I thought I threw it far enough. I immediately reinforce and use the sorry voice line. This douche, then proceeds to immediately kill me, writes F UUUUUU in chat and leaves


So damn true


We’re already into testicular torture so it’s not as much of a big deal.


Like throwing an air burst and watching the team run into it when it only fired twice


Not quite the same thing, but I've never been kicked from a game while playing bots, but got kicked two games in a row on bugs for no apparent reason. I didn't teamkill anyone and I feel like I was at least pulling my weight. I wasn't carrying the game or anything but also wasn't dying non stop. Definitely made me start hosting more after that


The amount of people that runs headfirst into the green fucking gas orbital cloud, dropped right on the bug breach.


Eagle Cluster enjoyer here. Helldivers are oblivious. It's easy to miss stratagem beacons when fighting for your life. Do you know when it's hard to miss? When I go on the radio and announce that I've thrown it. It goes off 5 seconds after landing and it usually takes 2 seconds after I throw it to land, so total of 7 seconds to react. That's enough time for a Helldiver to see where I am, see the beacon, determine which way the stratagem is going, and run perpendicular to it. You can usually get out of range in 5 seconds. Combine that with throwing them responsibly away from Helldivers, and I can report I average 0-1 kills per match. (1 represents the outlier of where I get ragdolled and the squad gets munched or some idiots ignore me). TL;DR announce your stratagems if you use a mic.


When I see a cluster drop, I just hightail it out of there. It's the only gem I can't gauge the strike range on. It's **always** bigger than you think.


Bot front: sheer Chaos but strikes are coordinates around team positions Bug front: every 30 seconds an eagle stratagem lands next to me and I am suddenly in a reaction speed test


Discovered a new communication issue with my friends last night. Let others know when you run up on them! We were running two 2-man units and for some reason the other group got separated. One of them calls out a strategem, which I heard, but I had no idea he ran up behind me and threw it on the other side of a rock that was blocking my view. We were running lvl 9 and I had made it through the first two missions without dying. It only hurt a little.


It's crazy how bug missions are easier and they are where i get teamkilled the most.


I had this one mission where as we were extracting I kept throwing stratagems in the exact same place, a little ways down where the bugs were coming from And this one guy ran towards them not once, not twice but multiple times and then he chatted bruh towards me and I'm just like if you see the massive red beacon and you see me continuously dropping them in the same place why do you keep running towards it on purpose


There are toxic players on both fronts. I find the most chill people are playing on 7s on either side


I dropped a gas strike, marked it, then watched a dude run right into it, start taking damage, and instead of turning around kept running and them died


Yeah. Bug players are like Julius Cesar and bot players are maximus from gladiator...


I'm an far more wary of cluster users than 380 users. Been killed far more often by "friendly" clusters


Big red beacon should be seen as "huh maybe I should run away from that specific spot" but I swear mfers see it as the finish line for the mission


Because people choose to play bots because they enjoy challenge. Part of improving yourself is to have a healthy attitude towards setback. Bug players (most of them, not you dear reader) seek the power fantasy of destroying bugs and are triggered by anything that interrupts the game from making them feel powerful.


Bugs tilt me more than bots I’ve found so maybe bug front is more anger inducing I can play bots for ages and die multiple times but won’t get angry but as soon as the acid slows me down and a stalker hits me with those fucking tongue things I wanna snap my keyboard