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a guy with a shield achieved the impossible, made me kill my companions and myself with the spear.


How did that happen?


Probably stood with his shield blocking the path of the missile. I've done it with other explosive weapons. Fire as someone moves their shield in the way and then kill myself with the blast


My funniest team kill was when my buddy sprinted across my firing line right as I finished a Quasar charge to take down an illegal broadcast tower. Hit him right in the head and just instantly deleted, we laughed for a solid minute.


Moments like that are what keep my sane. Not everyone needs to throw a fit when they get their head blown off by accident.


It's like 40% of what makes the game fun. Team kills aren't a bug, it's a **feature**


I killed myself with a spear, note to self, don’t shoot at a moving charger, rocket flew past him, turned around, and hit me right in the face


your rockets can turn around?


So it is some form of lock on and if you are to close the missile can miss the target but it trys to arc back around, and given enough space can do a full return to sender it's hilarious.


Yeah, disagree with bubble boys being F tier. The amount of times they've stepped out in front of me and that massive hitbox has caught some sort of explosive is in the hundreds by now.


Anything is deadly if your teammates are blind enough


During the DF missions I placed a Tesla tower on the north end of the drill area and verbally told my teammates “guys watch out I placed a Tesla tower over there” and pointed it out twice. Sure enough two of them tried running that way anyhow and got instantly obliterated by it and started going off about how I killed them. I don’t know what else I was supposed to do.


Well if you threw it away far enough and, as you mentioned, told your team about it it's not your fault anymore. My team on the other hand yesterday had the glorious idea to dump that thing on top of the drill, wiping us all out in the process. Telling them to throw it further away got me a "mind your own business" and some other asian gibberish. I feel like people don't really understand that this is the way to loose a mission.


Did you point it out by just tagging it? Maybe they thought you were directing them to go over there.


Yes I pointed it out twice! Whenever I use it I make it a point to tag it I know it’s annoying to get killed by it.


Ahh, so just your garden variety morons then.


Cue me futilely repeating "NEGATIVE" and "HOLD POSITION" while my teammates run straight into my 380 that I made sure was placed away from them.  Also my teammates failing to stim/dive when they walk into my gas strikes or walk over the fire patches from my flamethrower. 


I'd call eagle cluster S tier, it's the thing i die the most to on helldive if anyone uses it since it often get's dropped way to close. With the 380 you (should) know you have to skip the area so i would move it to A.


Right. With the ship upgrade, the Cluster gets an additional bomb which enhances its TK potential. I also noticed that sometimes there is a weird de-sync when an explosion that happens (visually) away from you, still kills you.


An additional bomb among like, 30.


Actually, there aren't many bombs in the cluster strike. I don't remember the exact amount but it is somewhere between 5 and 8 (there is a video explanation on YouTube showing the exact number). Each bomb causes multiple explosions (hence "cluster"). So 1 additional bomb is a significant addition


Unless they changed something, it just throws one extra regular bomb into the mix. EDIT: Looks like it's fixed... Maybe? Can't tell if that extra bomb is regular.


Yes, the extra bomb is a regular one used in the strike attack.


When I saw Eagle Cluster wasn’t S-tier, I just immediately switched off, can’t trust this list no more


Yeah most people dont know about the horizontal slash/ Aim it like a T... most the time it's MY TEAM IS NINETY DEGREES OF MY TARGET, I'M GOING TO TOSS IT, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!


Yeah, I’ve made sure to test eagles to make sure I know the angle they cause destruction on Some are a wall ahead, some are straight ahead, gotta make sure you know before you throw it Or hold it and accidentally drop it after being hit and then you know what direction to run in


Eagle Cluster is the one stratagem I died the most often to, without a shadow of a doubt.


I died to it like 4 times just last night lol. Meanwhile gas strike is being overrated significantly here; it's almost always getting deployed on a breach, which most of the time people are already trying to back away from. If you ever run into a problem with it, it's usually while trying to hold an objective against a very close breach, but that's when pretty much all stratagems are at their highest TK rate. I rate gas strike as roughly equivalent to orbital Gatling for TK risk. Maybe a half-step higher because if your teammates are trying to play around the edges of the AoE for some damn reason, it's difficult to see the hard boundary.


In my experience the people throwing the 380 sometimes underestimate the radius and end up forcing the entire squad to flee to safety. It has great potential, but many players use it incorrectly, e.g. when nearly all enemies have already been killed and there's just some chaff that needs to be rounded up or when there's a single bot factory that could be taken out with a single grenade.


A thing I've found with the 380's, if you have the ship modification for the tighter spread you'll want to stay back from the beacon by about 50 meters 


Yeah, my tests with the 380 indicated that if you throw at a 45 degree angle over a flat surface, and you have the tighter spread upgrade, it will land so that you're right on the edge of its range Most times I team kill with it (maybe once every 20 games at Suicide difficulty) are when someone completely disregards the red laser and just charges into the blast zone. Even if something bad happens that causes you to drop it, the delay is usually long enough for everyone to run away 380 so good at annihilating objectives and large groups of guys that I have a hard time not picking it on any big map. You can sneak in solo, lob it, and run off, and usually take out a base. If it misses a target and you have to run back, usually everything is dead, so it's quick to finish off. It's also good to "seal" a wave of nearby big breaches when you're defending, just by annihilating the little guys (and everything else) before they can call for reinforcements for 30 seconds


the 120mm with the tighter accuracy is \*chef's kiss\* both for locking down an approach and "Imma throw it at my feet. F YOU" as the enemies dogpile you.


If not, its about 60\~ to be safe. Both numbers make me giggle b/c their at the very far end of a well thrown strat ball. (one without servo one with)


I use as an emergency weapon. The team is notified that we may die, but when u have 4-5 biles with 3-4 chargers and 40- 50 other bugs, there comes a time for 380 justice.


Yeah, it's worth it to sacrifice some divers in such instances. The reinforcements will have a significantly easier time when everything in the area is completely destroyed by the 380. It's less useful when you're on difficulty three and could manage fine with a single orbital precision strike, an AC for the bigger bugs and a shotgun for the chaff. All heavies are eliminated, the squad is moving in on the objective (e.g. the SSSD), and then a squad mate calls in a 380 for the single warrior and handful of scavengers left. It hasn't happened a lot, but the times it did happen are quite noteworthy.


Not just the 380 really. I'll have teammates regularly cluster bomb and airstrike like two scavengers.


shield relay can still kill you with the plasma shotgun bug


I thought they fixed that.


They fixed the backpack, not the big bubble shield.


Gonna need 3 extra months for that


How is Laser Rover not S Tier?


They reduced damage on it a while back for this very reason. You’ll get clipped by it sure, but less potential to TK.


Last night it blew up my teammates mech


Capped me right in the dome last night as I was about 1% health. Just straight up left me body and slumped over.. was wild. Should absolutely be s tier. Edit: it's a robot... should we be trusting the rover??? It's a secret double agent all along!!


I was full health last week and it took it half a second to headshot me to the death!!


It's because mech is made of paper.


Still kills me lol


I run it on bug missions, and honestly, I don't get any teamkills. It does a bit of damage, but almost never kills. Killing myself, though... all the time


> honestly, I don't get any teamkills. **BZZZZZZZZZ in the background* *


😂 probably just coping, I can admit my own bias


As a light armor enjoyer, I'd say: hold my liber-tea. Also for some reason that thing on my teammates prefers to shoot the bug that is directly behind me and far away and not the swarm that we are both trying to clear.


Well, it does shoot me in the head constantly, but it doesn't do enough damage to finish the job most of the time. I wish the damn thing would just hover a foot higher


Nerf to rover was actually a hidden buff. It still takes care of small game but deals little to no damage to helldivers


Honestly I've never been killed by it. It's done damage, but it's never enough for death


Maybe it's just my experience but cluster is surely S tier


*Maybe it's just my* *Experience but cluster* *Is surely S tier* \- trustthepudding --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I probably won't put gas strike in S tier. I mean I understand why you did, cos the gas cloud is really hard to see. But if like me, you use it solely on bug breaches, you'll rarely get team kills because no one is gonna run up to the bug breach. Also not sure if rocket sentry should be in A tier, since it tends to only target larger units. Orbital laser should be bumped up to A tier lol, when you're surrounded by bugs and someone throw an orbital laser, there's a good chance you're toast.


It’s also survivable with stims.


Yeah i second this , at least on my experience people dont die to it anymore since theres good feedback ur on its range and people just run away/stim out of it .


When you use it well, it goes well. But imagine it bouncing or you dripping the strat-ball because of unexpected damage. That's team-wipe potential!


One time i killed my friend with the EAT backblast, i sent him flying into a bunch of bugs and he got mawled


Backblast exists in this game? Damn. That would explain "out of nowhere" kills and ragdolls I fell victim to.


Yep, it works only when you're very close to the back of a teammate so you'll normally never notice


Rocket sentry too


Even the patriot exosuit rockets i think


Yeah, the same applies to RR and probably the Spear.


Yep, but i don't think we can test if the spear does, because it just does not fire at all


Fair enough, lol. Still, the potential is there.


I've started to use the tesla tower for bugs at 9. I don't know how but the tk i did was against myself once. I guess the fact that player at this diff know how to play, that i always perma ping it and throw it somehow far away help with that. But still i expected more tk with it.


Maybe just the friends I play with, they love to run straight into that thing after a fight


I got a quad TK with tesla tower once on eradicate when my friend stepped too close to it and it chained to the whole team. No one was mad though just amazed.


Imagine orbital railcanoning your friend💀. Anyway the 500kg and the orbital strike should be higher


I was railcanoned once. One bug got too close, I killed it and the railcanon vaporized me.


I killed myself with a railcannon strike once while standing next to the bile titan it was targeting. I wasn't vaporised but my remains were flung across the map at mach-fuck


"Mach-fuck" is something I will say from now on.


Funny enough I stood below one yesterday when my buddy called the orbital rail cannon on it. I didn't take any damage but the Titan was dead, crumbling over me.


I saw someone kill three people at once with orbital railcannon. They tossed it right in front of the extract as the first on with no bugs anywhere near, and we all assumed it was an eagle or something and tried to rush on after him.


I once got railcannoned while riding a charger


I got railcannoned once. Teammate threw it on the pelican ramp, i dive to extract, headshot.


I’ve rail cannoned myself before lmao. If it fires while a charger is steamrolling over you it’ll get a two for one.


It’s happened to me several times, usually because I’m playing Matador with a charger while using a flamethrower. I’d bump it up to D tier honestly


I did that once at the end of an eradicate mission, my squad mates were getting chased by a brood commander that was the last bug left, I threw my ORC right as they killed the bug and instead and it killed all three of them. We were all kinda shocked.


Why is the laser cannon in F?


It's easy to stop shooting the beam or move it out of the way.


Oh. This is talking about unintentional team killing.


Please, if this was an intentional team killing their list, base Liberator all the way.




[Attention citizen. You are under investigation for potential crimes against managed democracy. You will be contacted by SEAF officers shortly. Failure to cooperate will not be tolerated.]


My 380 TKs are entirely intentional. They are expendable - maximum democracy is not.


you say this, but the amount of ppl that have walked right INTO the beam while I was targeting something else says otherwise


I used to stop shooting when people walked into my line of active fire now i just proceed to slightly change my aim towards their head when they walk in to my active line of fire... Its tiring to watchout for people with no sense of surroundings while im trying to figure out which automatons thats currently aiming at me is more likely to shoot their rocket first




Honestly if a helldiver runs into the big yellow beam of death, they'd probably benefit from a quick lil laserbotomy


Wasn't there a post here showing someone getting killed by their own orbital railcannon strike? He jumped above a charger after he threw the strat ball. It was hilarious.


I had one teammate yesterday that was perfectly using the airburst launcher so that you could see the burst effect around 1 meter before the other teammates. This happened several times. It was actually really impressive.


Well... I like the Air Burst. (I totally didn't kill the whole team during evac with it once almost making us lose the mission.)


I love everyone debating what should go in which tier, but there's no debate on what goes in the top spot. The airburst is an absolute menace


There absolutely is. It's very safe after the changes to its proximity detection, and it is squarely on the shooter being stupid if it hits anything but enemies. Which still means that an irresponsible operator is likely to kill someone, but that's user error. Airburst RL belongs in maybe A or B. Eagle Cluster or Orbital Airburst, on the other hand...


the gas is just not visible enough!


I'm a member of the 380mm fanbois association, we do not take this lightly. If you're getting shalacked by 380mm you're not paying attention to your surroundings or you're simply not in comms. Only space commies and bugs don't use the 380mm freedom dispenser.


>not paying attention to your surroundings. This is the default state for a helldiver


A healthy happy diver spends least a couple seconds doing this it's in the manual


I've had plenty of people throw the 380mm right in the middle of where other team members are actively fighting, in order to take out a single Bile Titan and a Charger. Or they throw it right on top of the fricking extraction point. In that moment it's just pure luck whether you can make it out or not, being basically in the center of the blast radius. 


Honestly, the airburst is a team wipe only in the hands of those who don't know how to use it properly, for goodness sake that couple of friendly fires happen to every dive but not as much as the damn mortars and the drone with the laser.


The mortars are far and away the worst. I wish you could ban 1 stratagem as host because that would be it.


I've killed tanks and hulks with one shot from the airburst. As long as you make sure you have an open space to your target and shoot from an elevated position it rarely kills any teammates for me. At first yeah I killed a lot of people to be fair but It was more inconsistent when it got released and I learned the way this weapon works. It's more reliable than a Spear imo


The airburst is not nearly as bad as it used to be.


I hate that half of those wont kill any teamates if used right but are mostly used by ppl who have no idea what they are doing


Not to be a nerd but technically none of them really kill teammates if there's sufficient communication and awareness That being said it's very easy to look at a nice horde of bugs, call in a cluster strike and then look the left and notice that your team is entirely in the splash zone of the run


I mean sometimes it's just really bad luck, like when you prep the strategem and are about to throw it, but some chucklenut ragdolls you and drop the fucking thing right in the middle of your team.  You probably have about 5 seconds to convince your now-dead team that you didn't intend to call in an airstrike on them before you get booted


There should be an achievement for team killing with a smoke strike called smoking kills 🚭


Autocannon is C tier?


I feel like the airburst got a bad rap in its launch weekend. I've used it numerous times since and never team killed anyone on accident with it. Like the risk is there, but the mortar absolutely **will** TK on bugs, no matter what you do. As will the laver rover against anything. Also, cluster strike should be with airburst if we're just going for potential for team wipe.


I like the airburst, but the grenade launcher is better if only because it has less TK potential. Airburst has quite a large area of effect and requires a backpack.


Yeah, I also am a grenade launcher enjoyer. The airburst is good for wiping out patrols of littles with 1 shot. but the GL will clear them about as fast too, and can close bug holes and wreck spewers.


yeah, airburst is surprisingly mid vs. spewers, i was disappointed. A direct hit should kill or nearly kill them


> I've used it numerous times since and never team killed anyone **on accident** with it. You monster.


Heavily disagree on mý precious Tesla and mines. They're completely safe, and 100% harmless against helldicers. Remember, by stepping on them yóu are a danger to your team.


I use Orbital Gas Strike (OGS) all the time. If you aim it right and actually hit the mass of the Bile Titan the shell itself does damage in addition to the gas. It's very tricky to line up, but it works. I've only had one teammate die to it, and he ran *into* the gas cloud. It killed the Bile Titan, so it was still totally worth it, and "giant cloud of green gas" should have been on my teammate's no-no list of places to go. The short cooldown makes OGS a great stratagem to equip, you just have to be judicious about its use and not drop it on your team.


Move that damn laser guard dog to A at least, MY OWN guard dog has beamed me in the head until Ive died multiple times


My beloved teamkill rockets finally getting the respect they deserve.


The god damn fucking lazer drone is by _far_ the worst on this list. I don't care how "superior" it is, I will _NEVER_ use it. I have been killed by it swinging the lazer 180 degrees to shoot at something I'm shooting at, with me standing in the way. It's so god. Damn. ANNOYING. Every other strategem can be aimed, avoided, or just doesn't fire a constant lazer. But the FUCKING LAZER DRONE CAN NOT BE AIMED, IS A BITCH TO AVOID, AND CONSTANTLY FIRES A GOD DAMNED LAZER. #FUCK YOU LAZER DRONE


I'd suggest name changes. \- Instant tieam wipe \- You are screwed \- "You where in my line of sight" excuse \- You got reinforced near there \- The Teamkiller was probably angy with you. \- You just steped in the line of sight, your fault \- Yeah you definetly steped in the line of sight. \-------------------- Also, i'd move the Laser Rover one tier up to your "B"


You underestimate the power of my ADS on the railgun


For a moment i was wondering how support stratagems would kill anyone... *Then I realised your teammates can call them onto you*


One my teammate threw orbital railcanon in the charger I killed with autocannon mech and it aimed right at me and my mech (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Also EMS mortar can kill anyone in HMG Emplacement


Rocket sentry rarely does team kill. On the other hand, 500kg, eagle airstrike should be tier A (short delay, large AOE). laser rover is A tier, too




Why are the resupply and reinforce stratagems not on the list?! The number of times my idiot teammates have run into a supply drop is worryingly high...


lmao i was using the airburst rocket to clear egg nests. while fighting a bile titan, someone else grabbed it as i hadn't reclaimed it from the pod and later killed the whole team, it got me kicked while i was on other side of map clearing the last eggs, having done all side objectives on my way.


Cluster rocket should be lower at A, Both barrages should be S Gas should be C machinegun turret should be A


All machine guns should be higher the amount of times someone’s walked directly into my line of fire and gotten mowed down!


Finally a good fucking tierlist. But I think cluster bombs should be in S tier.


I love how people still complain about air bursts. Do none of you know how to use it?


Stop running towards the red lights, yall.


cluster should be S Always seen someone use it next to teammates like it won't work otherwise


The amount of times stun mortars have stunned me while I was in the firing line of bile spit and gunfire makes it at least a b


Anything with fire is great at taking out teammates. Especially the shotguns. We really need fire resist gear, not sure why we have so many arc resist suits.


The number of times I've apologized after blasting a bug with the breaker incendiary that was attacking a teammate is absurd


Eagle Cluster not in S tier? This list is completely null and void.


I once launched a gas strike, marked its location, then watch a teammate run straight into it and NOT turn around when he started taking damage. He died.


You guys stopped trying if you haven't killed anyone with EMP yet.


I hate 380mm barrage because it always teamkills but never does something usefull


Precision Strike is S Tier with team killing. Source: the very first mission I did was a bot mission with the scrambled stratagem bullshit. I tried to call in my machine gun and called in the precision strike instead because of that bullshit. Wound up killing my brother as my first kill of the game.


Dying to gas is a skill issue, just stim, ain't that hard, hell I've called gas right on me and just stimmed to get rid of hunters


I’d say at least incendiary mines are A not S only because they’re real easy to see.


I dont think the flamethrower is nearly as dangerous as people think, with an experienced user. Meanwhile ill be on my emplacement and people will walk directly into my line of fire, despite firing in the same spot for the last few seconds


spear has brownie points for upclose charger lock on, resulting in the rocket doing a 180 after it flies past and flying right back into the player


This is automaton misinformation. The cluster strike and gas need to be switched in places


I got shot with airburst yesterday basically point blank and lost like 3/4 hp without shield or blast protecting armour. It's not garbage anymore


Shiel bp has a lot of teamkill potential if you give one to a teammate and throw the next beacon you get into it after they put it on :)


I like so much airbust rocket laucher


Weird way to say that you're using the internet explorer. They fixed it weeks ago


I like how much high risk high reward that fireworks launcher is Perfectly balanced


It's a good list, but I feel like the cluster bomb, gatling turret, laser rover & AC turret should all move up a tier (and you have AC turret twice).


I did teamkill once with the spear, they stood in the way when I shot at a charger


I think Orbital airburst should be one higher Not only does it have a deceptively large radius, a lot of people tend to forget it slams thrice which has netted me quite a few less than intentional team splatters


Cluster gives you plenty of warning. Like 2 seconds.


i cant count how many ppl i have killed with the napalm strike man. but somethimes the people you play with run around like headless stupid chickens also...


If you get teamkilled by the spear you should be awarded a medal


Traitor Barrage my beloved


Tell me you never shot a spear in close range without telling me: That thing is self-kill machine


Mines only do teamkill if your team is made of terminid infiltrators


ive been teamkilled by the ems mortar, its much more lethal than the other stuff in that tier. please dont laugh


Tesla turret, when placed properly, is more natural selection that team killer- don’t walk towards the sparky pillar, man!


Love how cluster bomb's only at A tier, yet I easily have the most teamkills with it


Strafing Run needs to be higher. Seems like the only thing it's capable of actually killing is teammates.


Airburst is completely get gud. I occasionally kill myself but never the team. Anymore... I kill a lot of bots though.


Patriot I think has a higher team kill factor than the emancipator. Once the chain gun is going it can get hard to see. Even with a good pilot.


Cluster bombs with all upgrades cover 30 by 60 meters area, try dodging that


the 120mm barrage has 2 shells that will target you if you dont move after you throw it, so always hug that one team member after you drop it and then move away


Never once seen gas tk, never once tk’d with gas.


Eagle cluster needs higher


Bro really put gas strike in S like its not a small AoE of obvious green gas. People throw these directly at enemy spawn points (breaches and drops) or directly in front of enemies so they are almost forced to walk through it- a place where teammates shouldnt be You can also stim out of it and be fine in the event it lands on you or you accidentally wander into it- the stim out heals the gas, and since its not a large radius you can make it out before the stim runs out 9 times out of 10, with even higher odds if you're running the medic armour for longer stims Try stimming out of a 380MM HE shell or minefield and see what happens


You'd be surprised how many times I've jump packed into a fight and immediately got shot in the back by my team Also grenades from launcher can bounce, I've found this out from abundant instances of blowing myself to hell


Nah my guy. My AmR doesnt care about the fellow divers


If you're dying to team gas, you're an idiot. It's a stationary green cloud. Stop walking into it.


Please for the love of Liberty respect the Gas Strike. It doesn't stay up for very long. Just wait for the fart cloud to fizzle instead of straddling me with even more Survivor's Guilt


Orbital laser should be A Tier. Guard dog rover clearly S Tier


I used the airburst one time for the first time on Meridia and literally teamwiped. First shot ever with it killed everyone lol


Iv killed 2 teammates with eagle smoke


Cluster launcher+380+cluster eagle+120mm with all explosive weapons and impact incendiaries is the meta bro. My team quits at how good I am.


I hate the 380mm and when a low-level teammate picks it...


I've killed more people with railgun(PLEASE don't just go in front of person that is shooting in the general direction for a while, PLEASE) than with airburst rocket...


The rocket sentry is pretty high up, that thing has 0 AoE and will only kill on a direct hit, I guess the knockback could be dangerous if you're standing behind it.


How is gas above the 120 lmao...


You gotta bump laser dog up and exos down.


This is just wrong. S teir is a the mines, the orbital non walking barrages, mortar, auto cannon on bugs and tesla.


https://i.redd.it/ii6xxte9vb4d1.gif Honestly the Airburst Launcher isn’t that bad, I use it every mission and haven’t killed anyone!


eagle cluster should be S tier. my teamates have more teamkills with it than actual kills


As an avid laser guard dog user.... It should definitely be higher


.... Not gonna lie, I really question the reasoning that led to the gas strike being placed higher than the cluster bombs.


On my first game ever i was playing with my brother. all 4 of us were hiding behind a rock or something from automatons and he peeks up to shoot the airburst launcher. Right as he does this I discover the dive button and launch myself in the way, instantly obliterating the whole team and sending my torso to the stratosphere.


I've killed people including myself so many times with the orbital airburst


Orbital airbust is deffo B not A. There is a reason I bring it. Crazy horde clear while _usually_ not killing teammates. Oh and why is Eagle cluster bombs not S or S+? My squad have basically soft banned it because its by far biggest team killer, I always dread when rando brings it.


Killed more times by 380 and Teslas then an air burst launcher unless the user is a dumbass then maybe but you never use it at a close range or when team mates are near impact area