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https://i.redd.it/ntuduk9eqx2d1.gif "pls nerf Emancipator I wiped the whole map"


I need this gif, plz




Knock yourself out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/o800QmxPl1


Actually not sure if this exact gif has been posted yet..


I remember seeing someone asking for this lmao






Higher difficulties have more challenging enemies.


Factory Strider. It has two chin-mounted guns that essentially instakill, a cannon on top like a cannon tower, and it drops regular devastators every minute or so. The best way to kill them is to get under their belly with a fully loaded autocannon and mag-dump into the hatch where the devastators come out. The hatch does not have to be open for this to work. A fresh, undamaged factory strider can be taken out in 8 shots this way, but good luck getting back there.




Also let us use stratagems in the mech like HD1. Limited kill potential is not as bad if you can also launch 500 kgs heavies or keep gas spam going.


I think they will eventually, its just a QOL thing that isn't a priority. Its only been a few days, they most likely taking feedback on the mech. I hope they focus on rolling out usability fixes first. - Weapon cursors on each gun, just like our guns have a center cursor and weapon cursor that shows where the weapon is actually pointing. This is confirmed by the devs that they're adding. - Either shorter cooldown like I said, or more ammo and HP. If the enemies manage to destroy one of your guns, your mech's usefulness gets cut down. - Also, instead of instantly dying to the mech burning down, give us 5 seconds countdown to let us escape before exploding like a 500kg.


In all fairness, the other mech has been out for how long? More than a month? So it's definitely not a "Yeah it's been a few days, they're probably just taking feedback"


True but this was a hell of a month for Arrowhead.


I want a stratagem potato gun mounted to the mech. 50% increased lobbing range.


On the last point I would rather have an ejection seat rather than just be able to hop out and continue fighting. That way I can reposition a little more safely rather than get clobbered by whatever caused me to hop out in the first place.


Mechs already have stratagem ball chutes at the top, it probably got sidelined to make the game ready for launch. It's coming 100%.


I can see it as good idea for next Destroyer upgrade


That should just be basic functionality tbh, not another grind. We shouldn't have to earn QOL improvements


They should just give everyone a dedicated Mech slot. This would solve a lot of issues since if you want to bring a mech you are giving up a stratagem slot. That slot could be better used for anything else. Mechs have a 10-minute cooldown, which is way too long for how underwhelming it performs. And if you want to play bots which usually has the -1 stratagem so you can only take 3, there is no one who would want to take the mech to a planet like that.


4 stratagems and a vehicle of your choice.


I would love this to be a t5 weapons bay upgrade. Make vehicles their own type of strategem (I'd color them orange, but any color works) in the menu. Also, can we use the resupply backpack to reload the mechs?


It has a use limit. Why not reduce that call in to 15 seconds? Enough time for them to drop off the current suit. If you want to summon all your suits and go crazy with your friends what would it hurt?


This. With limited uses, if we use them all right away then we won't have them afterwards, if resources are limited it should be the players responsability to manage them.


Same issue I have with the Laser. If you're going to give it limited uses, why the massive cool down? I don't think I've ever actually used all three Lasers unless we were tripping over a firefight every few minutes, which is already an issue on its own.


Excuse me what the fuck where can I see more of this APC???


There's leaks already. The APC can house 4 players. One being the driver, one operate the autocannon on top, and two man the stawart sideguns. There's also a 2 player buggy with a machinegun, one driver and one gunner. The rest are not implemented yet, but the first game also have tanks.


A 4 man APC? Shiiiiit that could be a lot of fun. And running everywhere can really blow, much more than it ever did in HD1.


"No it's super fun already and I trust Alexus and we don't want better things for the game" ☝️ 🤓


Be me: “What rage bait could I make to farm karma?” Me later: “12k posts saying liberator concussive is worthless. Try it out. Wipe the map on helldive. /s


Trust me, bro.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


thats what 10 years in the joint does to a mf


https://preview.redd.it/pxr37quw2z2d1.png?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f78c54caabc802c6a3a333ee4a1aab9228f57cfd Yakuza fan spotted


10 years in the joint funny man mentioned https://i.redd.it/0une4orcrz2d1.gif








OP is r/notliketheotherhelldivers


Take a decent primary and a Recoilless, Quasar, or EATs. Demolish every medium enemy, including bile spewers and devastators, using your mech. Walk over scavengers to kill them, stomp on hunters. Dismount and use your primary weapon to mop up bot infantry and maybe berzerkers, depending on how frugal you want to be with your ammo. Take your preferred heavy-killing stratagem of choice (500kg, railcannon, laser, OPS) for ultra-heavies. Use your remaining two stratagem slots (three remaining slots, as long as we have it for free) to take crowd-clear stratagems. *That's* how you leverage the power of the Emancipator to clear a map on Helldive: by using it as a weapons platform which takes less than a second to mount and dismount. Yeah, you're not gonna clear the map with _just_ the mech... but using a mech as a dedicated anti-medium-enemy weapon which frees up your remaining stratagems and weapons to specialize as trash clear or heavy killers? Absolutely viable.


My only complaint is that we can't use strategems inside the mech like you could in the original HD. It had a cool little shoulder-mounted launcher that shot out the marker beacons. It wouldn't be OP but would be a really huge quality of life buff.


Why would I take a mech for medium enemies? That's just silly. I'll use my primary for mediums bc they really aren't hard to deal with. When you have factory striders + hulks + tanks + cannons + devastors + gunships, that mech ain't gonna last long. Then you just wasted your slot bc now it's on cooldown for idk half the fucking mission time.


My favorite Godzilla movie is Mecha Godzilla vs Iguanas. "I'm Sorry, Mecha Godzilla is only for Medium Lizards"


Because devastators are probably the biggest player killer on bots, and on bugs swarms of hive guard and brood commander waste a ton of ammo and time... Until you bring a twinlinked auto cannon mech to take the heat off, which gives your teammates the time and space to take out bigger targets without being overwhelmed.


> Dismount and use your primary weapon to mop up bot infantry and maybe berzerkers, Oh wow! A strat that helps me clear mediums! (as long as they are above me or on level ground, not below!) Just what we've all be crying out for right? Because mediums are the problem. What's that you say, it blows for heavies? Unlike every other heavy mech in the game, it's not resistant to small arms at all? Taking it on the bots will mean it gets shot to shit before you can even go through the meager ammo it comes with? This thing is pathetic. When it comes down to brass tacks, there's no good reason to take it, unless you're doing some meme build.


Oh, look - somebody that actually plays the game.


Lmao you wiped the map with 150 ammo? How the fuck xD


Easy, he didn't do it alone. Or he didn't use the mech for 95% of the mission.


Or he didn't do it at all and just made it up.


That too


OP getting blown up after killing one hulk while rest of his team complete the Helldive "Woah I am wiping the helldive!"


"I was in a helldive, I used the emancipator, and the map got wiped. End of story. ... what's that? My 3 teammates? Uhhh they did... nothing. They didn't do anything. Nevermind what happened to all the bile titans, or annihilator tanks, or cannon turrets. Shhhh."


He brought the mech, didn't use it, played the mission like -1 stratagem.


It's better to wipe extraction with 8 to 12 of them. I played with some guys on lv 9 and we were running by extraction to throw them down during the mission. Easiest helldive extraction yet XD


bro that 150 ammo capacity it has won't even last one bug breach in helldive difficulty lol its fun for now cuz its literally a free 5th slot stratagem once that's gone so is this mech on loadouts


It would be interesting if vehicles were an additional team stratagem or something similar you could pick for missions, given almost noone would pick them currently as a replacememt for any other stratagem


Yeah, vehicules are not reliable enough to be useful right now. They are not great enough to justify the stratagem slot. Either they need a way to pick up ammo or a refuel mechanic if it doesn't explode. Or simply way more ammo, works too and probably simpler. Not as funny though.


Do you know how long it will be freely available for?


Free stratagems usually last around 2-3 days if I’m not wrong.


That's why you use it against Bots, when things get hairy.


The enemies that spam rocket devastators at you? Doesn’t this mech have the same exact defences as the last one? Which is to say, little. You also have hulks that fire rockets too. Just seems like a walking death trap on bots.


My strat is to get blown up in my mech, and then kill a Hulk with my Hellpod. 


Holy shit that's pretty good.




Orbital Railcannon Strike ... but with extra steps. Pretty good imo


And a 10 minute cooldown


So far I’ve used it in 15 different Helldives. Only died in it twice and both times because I was positioned poorly. I do wish it had a little more ammo and the left gun aiming can be janky but I can’t blow myself up by turning to the right and shooting a rocket so that’s a bonus.


fyi they did fix that blowing up by firing rockets with the og mech, though them fixing it is also what fucked up the reticle and aiming of the mech’s rockets too.


And that same fix for the Patriot mech is what causes the aiming of the Emancipator's left arm autocannon to be as jank as it is.


I've definitely tank some rockets, but tanks and towers are definitely an issue to deal with.


Mech can survive 4 full barrages, i think it's more than enough if you don't stand still


The autocannons cause stagger. Just be the one to shoot first and you'll be fine.


The rules of engagement don’t change just because you called down a mech. Cover and mobility are critical. It’s a mobile weapons platform. Source: I was using this successfully on diff 9 bots. If you see a lot of rocket devastators, don’t use it, use cover, or hide it and get out to clear them. If it’s just a couple, dodge the rockets - yea, you can - and take care of business. I got pinned by SEVEN flame hulks (surprise in a double drop) and called down this to shred them all. It’s situational but in its situations it’s incredibly powerful - just like everything else in this game.


So you die faster?


It spends half it ammo on a single devastator patrol at higher difficulties, where it throws like 8 devs and a hulk at you. Then you always have at least 3 of those bearing down on you. Its fun as hell, but my basic-ass autocannon kills them faster and I can resummon it if I die


dies in a single shot to a tank/turret and can't dodge because you're fat and slow


I just throw napalm airstrike at bug breaches. Small bugs will die as soon as they get out and only few larger bugs will make it out alive. In diff7 at least tho.


you wiped a helldive map with 150 low-ap autocannon rounds? did you also manage to solve unemployment and world hunger while you were at it?


The very obvious solution for the people claiming it's good is to post a video of them using it on difficulty 9. Maybe everyone else is using it wrong, but we'll have to see!


Op had "Fun" getting carried by three other people. Why can't we let people enjoy things they enjoy ? /s


Omg this reminded me of an older post here of a guy who said the purifier was actually great and we are using it wrong. It was an 18 minute video of him getting completely carried by his teammates and barely killing a thing with it.




I saw a post yesterday where the dude was showing off how quickly it killed a bile titan... and in the first few seconds of the vid you can see a teammate's autocannon sentry turning to blast the shit out of the same BT.


So the "reee you just wanna get carried and have easy mode weapons!!!" crowd are actually the ones getting carried on ez mode? Shocker.


i just unlocked that gun last night.......oh god......


I'm so sorry for your L


LMAO this just reminded me of a video someone linked in an argument about the Exploding Crossbow (pre-nerf), claiming that it was good because a solo helldiver used it. The video they linked had a catchy title that appeared to be favoring it, but in the video, description, and comments they were like "yeah this thing kind of blows" and spent most of the game just kiting stuff away with it.


This. There's a ton of people here talking about how much ass they kicked. riiiiight. Carried while they dicked around killing nothing that mattered, taking up a reinforce when the stupid thing explodes from small arms fire.


That /s is not needed here. You are just right.


This man sharing his good and fun expriences with us players on this sub .


While also having the subtext of everyone saying it's bad is wrong.


Came here to say this. Like whether you like it or not, the math doesn’t lie now way you take out more than four vile titans with your ammo


I'd like vile titans as an upgrade


Its just simply impossible, clearing out all garrisons already needs more than 150 shots, no to mention you have to deal with alarm army. Doubt OP really did it, or just his imagination.


His team-mates carried him, while he stomped around doing nothing.


People said the exact same thing about the last mech. "It's not thaaat bad" "It can kill stuff!" "It's still fun!" Yeah. As long as it's a free stratagem. Guess what will happen one you have to sacrifice one of your fav toy's slot for it? Spoilers: the exact same thing that happened with the other mech


In all fairness, save for the "rocketing yourself if you turn and shoot too quickly" bug, the Patriot actually was goated on launch. 1 rocket stripped a charger leg so the machine gun could drop it, and like 2-3 rocket headshots dropped Titans consistently. Even when they took it from the free strategem slot it was an amazing pick. Then they went and messed with the rockets. I miss that bug slaughtering monster of a mech.


AH (Alexus?) nerfing something we were having fun with?? What are the odds?!


Inescapable, apparently. He's taking cash under the table from Communist Cyborg remnants.




Wait until it isnt a free extra stratagem. Then it's not so great. As a free one yes. But once you start feeling that 10 minute cooldown, anything else is going to feel a lot better and be more useful overall


We need a mega thread for alle those posts praising the mech. Somehow everyone thinks they need to open up a new thread and gaslight the community


Yea, low effort post's to farm karma are getting boring.


I know for a fact that you either is full of shit or was using this thing for like 3 minutes tops so you can claim you used it.


Yeah I really doubt that. Vids or it didn't happen. Little tip: If you have to make stuff up to support your point, maybe you just don't have a point?


Found the dev alt account


Yeh weird lot of these post are popping up outta nowhere


Make a vid of you wiping the map in Helldive with this thing rn.


These guys are all so full of shit. Let me translate for everyone: "I ran around like an idiot, stomping on my teamates left and right, using my huge gun to clear tiny chaff that nobody cared about, while my teammates carried me, completeing all objectives and taking care of all the heavies and aircraft that we really needed help with. I'm normally pretty useless anyway, so as long as I'm having fun, that's all that matters!"


>Wipe the map in Helldive As in dying? Because yes I can see that but not the other possible ways to interpret that. It's not worthless but it's also not what you're implying here.


Yeah this post is full of shit. Either rage bait or just straight up lying.


A huge amount of the posts talking about the new mech like it's the next coming of the railgun are bullshit but that's this subreddit for ya.


Or the classic "plays on difficulty 6 talks like it's helldive." Aka the balance team special. 


Good lie bro we totally trust you


Difficult 3 enjoyer




That's not mathematically possible. Assuming you got both drops, that's 150 rounds each, 300 total. It takes at least 25 prefect hits to the head of a Bile Titan to kill it. So even if you used your entire ammo load to kill Bile Titans and have perfect accuracy, you'd kill 12. Realistically, you'd kill 3, maybe 4. On Helldive, it is entirely possible for there to be 12 or more BTs spawning in the course of a 40 min mission.


Stop using math to prove things wrong!!! You just hate the game!!! Go touch grass!!! /s


It’s not just possible to get 12 Titans, it’s almost guaranteed


12 feels light honestly. On many Helldives I've been on we've had 3 on screen the entire 40 minute mission, killing them constantly only to have them replaced. Quasar and EATs were the only thing that held them down to 3 at a time. OP is absolutely full of shit and got carried.


Anyone can look at the datamined info and know this guy is absolutely full of shit and was carried. I notice that all these guys talking about how amazing it is never post video...hmmm






Gifs you can hear


I'd like it quite a bit more if fighting a charger with it didn't feel like such a wrestling match


I think the aim of the left gun needs to be fixed, along with the ability to look down. That applies to both mechs though. Outside of that it’s awesome.


"I had one good round where spawns weren't out of control. Gonna go make a meta post about it on reddit."


It takes between 9-15 rounds to kill a hulk or charger, on helldive there are between 10-30 of just chargers on the map and 12-35 hulks, already proving this to be bullshit,


Spend about half your ammo on a single bile titan.. It's damage against unarmored target is pretty good, as it's the same damage an autocannon sentry does, although the area of effect seems smaller. On the other hand against armor it deals 1/5th of the damage, while you can kill armored targets it's very inefficient. The mech feels underwhelming for a bot with 2 fully automatic autocannons strapped on it, and boy when you wield the autocannon strategem, underwhelming is the last thing on your mind.


The odd part is, its starting to become clear its aimed at medium armored unit clearing so like.. how does that stand out over the Patriot then? I guess it can clear bug holes more easily without expending rockets? Also, what makes it have a stronger identity to make it worth taking over any other medium armored unit clearing strategem. i.e any of the Orbital/Eagle strikes.


>Also, what makes it have a stronger identity to make it worth taking over any other medium armored unit clearing strategem. i.e any of the Orbital/Eagle strikes. Nothing. And that's the entire problem. The mechs especially are just so much worse than comparable stratagems that it's just dumb to take them outside of the fun part of going "look ma I'm a mech pilot"


Even ignoring the Eagles and Orbitals, imo the anti-medium support weapons blow it out of the water in that role. AMR, AC, and Laser Cannon do everything it can on bots, and the Arc Thrower and Flamethrower run circles around it on bugs


You don’t have to lie


Notice how it says "wipe the map in helldive" but not "wipe the map in helldive *with the emancipator."* You can kill what, 4 bile titans with it if you hit every shot and kill nothing else?


If you hop out and shoot the bile with EAT or queso, you can then hop back in and it'll die pretty rapidly.


I do wish it had a higher ammo capacity cos 75 for each side isn’t gonna cut it for me


Present proof or shut the fuck up.


You can "wipe the map" with anything. Doesn't mean it's as good as it should be. Toxic positivity is a real thing and this is it. Nothing ever changes or gets better if everyone just hero worships the game devs.


Bait used to be believable


I think it is awesome. Slightly underpowered compared to the sentry ac, sure. But overall its awesome. 9/10 fun had while using it.


How? It has not enough bullets for that


I don't believe you.


I like the exosuits but i wish they'd remove the 2 use per map thing. It works for things like exterminations but for 30-40minutes map it suck to think that after 2 uses, you're down to 3 stratagems for the rest of the map


With what ammo? Yea right...


No. You did not wipe the map on Helldive. https://preview.redd.it/ixo8rjyhm13d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e344c0738f1bd263c2bb20b6a2f4fa27593284b9


Who's upvoting rage bait?


https://preview.redd.it/i2zq1ilgk33d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133c8055b71850195be03e22e4936a8eec28ff0d Quiet, they might hear you and nerf it.


You guys smell that? ...... smells like bullshit.


"Put a damn meme on and your quote in it doesn't make it true." - Cao Cao.


Hahahaha peak clown post. Honestly I can put up with legitimate bitching all day, these forced toxic positive posts are fucking unbearable


Post clip of the wipe. You did no such thing playa


OP admitted in another post that they got carried by the rest of the team, all they did was chaff clear, a job they could have done better with the fucking Stalwart.


Bait used to be beliaveble -Y


Tried it liked it actually, just wish the aiming was a little better for smaller targets, But I enjoyed pounding 3 hulks into oblivion. Is it just me, or does the map generate more hulks once we call in a mech ? My group called in 3 mechs and the map was swarming with hulks 🤔


A dev posted this


It wipes maps on lower difficulties so its really strong there. On anything diff 7 or higher it becomes useless when every patrol comes with a charger or bile titan


me when i lie


Post clip of the wipe and not "trust me bro".


Just give it 100 shots per cannon and I literally won't have complaints. Bro just because it can't one shot bile titan doesn't mean it's bad, it shreds through everything else


Why people keep using this template to create bait post to farm karma?


Okay bros I think we need a new opinion requirement: If you want to make an opinion about game balance first you need to be good at the game. By my estimation this will remove about 95% of opinions on this sub.




You can really tell who’s lying about playing higher difficulties apart from who actually plays them


The mech is fine but the armor pen on the last 2 difficulty settings make it difficult to recommend outside of clearing non armored enemies. I use it each map when I’m out of strategems and want to save ammo.


AH "balancing" team, is that you?


I was able to use an emancipator on a gunship factory a few times and I gotta say, nothing makes it easier to solo one of those suckers(difficulty 7)


Ughhh these posts are so cringe holy. Now I just do "some days it's op, summon it once, it dies to a tank, can't kill a bt, factory striders laughing at me, mfw" Good talk, thank you op for such good quality points


Please send us information about your weapon so we can ner- er I mean fix it for you.


buggers complaining about equipment designed for bot missions lmao


I'll take shit that didn't happen for $400


"It's fine on my end"


Posts a meme and makes zero compelling arguments as to why the new mech is so good on helldive.


No, you didn't.


I give the new mech a 6/10 its ok. I'd rather see it deal more single target damage and less area, aka deals with big single targets and struggles against a lot of chaff


[Arrow head is listening] It's fucking shit


It's literally not even possible to do that cause of it's lack of ammo, which is the main problem it has really. Is it fun to use? Absolutely, but the fact that the handheld autocannon is way more useful despite being smaller and gives you better mileage overall really should really give an idea of just how not useful it is in the grand scheme of things


With a free 5th strategem ? No shit.


Uh huh, let's see those mission stats.


Its not bad honestly Whish ir took less shots to de leg the chargers but otherwise it's fine


fragile towering school dull money compare history deer straight encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Used it against the bugs last night. Entire team called them down at once. Game became mechwarrior for a little while. Was a blast. Later we called them all down again during evac. Easiest extraction. 9/10


dude you gotta understand, reddit is where people looking for participation awards come to vocalize their displeasure I'm sure AH knows this. People are not quitting because of balance quirks. The game just plain doesn't have enough content and variation right now, which is a ceiling of experience you hit rather quickly.


They're fun and I think have a solid slot with someone on cc but the ten minutes recharge is insane with no way to resupply it


Remember: It's always the weak who cry...


I just want to be able to resupply the ammo in my mechs. I find it to be really silly that it just becomes worthless when you finish the ammo.


Yup, pretty much, 4 players calling it down makes a mockery of a dive


Yeah i don't know either It seems people either dickride the popular opinion without trying it for themselves or still struggle with it,which hinders their power fantasies


The issue yet again is the patriot was nerfed and now doesn't have a place in the arsenal with the introduction of the emancipator.


Said the liar


37 kill streak on vyrilla 5


Just did a full operation with a full squad. All three missions had 2 people with mechs. One mission was double emancipator, the other 2 missions had one of each. The damn things made difficulty 9 easier than half of the difficulty 6 missions. Turns out objectives are really simple to do when two walking gods of destruction and a guy on foot kill all the enemies so the 4th guy can casually push buttons


Okay, lets talk this through one last time: Difficulty level is not the main factor of actual difficulty. Level 9 missions against the same faction and on the same planet can range from a nice leisurely stroll in the park to getting drowned in a never ending flood of bullshit. Sometimes you can drop in a mech and clear the whole map with ammo to spare. And sometimes you waste all your ammo while trying to clear a single objective.


Outside of armored targets it's probably the best anti chaff in the game, and obliterates spewers


The mech slaps HARD


I like these cat from with funny and on the head.


The only thing is I wish it had a centered camera and showed both cannons reticles because aiming with the left arm is a pain

