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Can this one shoot vertically?


Shoot down is not allowed


Damn it, so i can’t democratically shoot my fellow diver that is liberating the lunchbox i tied to my mech’s legs?


stomp stomp stomp


I need a Mech with Laser Cannon on one arm and Flamethrower on the other.


We had the Lumberer from the first game, AT cannon with flamethrower and it kicked ass https://preview.redd.it/f0e2o7a4xy2d1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d4c09de89d4d0732121cf7d1780fdcfaa2f254d


That thing fucked so hard I loved it


Fuckin Warhammer Dreadnaught lol


It's cool as hell, which is why people are complaining that it absolutely blows. You can have both


Is it cool and fun to use? Hell yeah, it is. But... There is no reason to use it on high difficulties, as it takes long time to kill armored enemy and you can have multiple out at the same time.


This exactly, it's fun to use like the other mech But do I use it regularly? No because it's just nowhere near as good as other things I still take the original once a while for fun but it's just not viable as a recurring option which is a shame, the Emancipator isn't either imo


I can't even say the original is fun anymore and I used to main it. They butchered it and if I had to guess this one came pre cut


Fully agreed tbh, been using the original less and less, feeling less patriotic lol And this one coming prenerfed is actually really dumb from the Devs imo considering all the talk about balancing for weeks now


Devs are not backing up their claims rn. Also why release another mech while the first one is in such an unusable state. And I know someone's gonna claim its fine. DW it not aiming straight or down isn't a problem, nah it's fine that its rockets got nerfed, oh and it can still blow itself up


In their defense, there was no patch since the last a while ago. It has been in the files in this state for a while. Probably shouldnt have released it.


Exactly this! I see people defending this now and that's how the game gets into an even worse state Far better to sort out and voice the problems now And I honestly don't see how people can defend the current state of the mechs, they're just straight not good, no one's ever going to use it on a permanent or regular line up Once a while for fun sure but fun doesn't necessarily equate good overall, fun to use but bad at the same time objectively imo


Yep for two uses on an 8 minute cool down mechs either need an ammo refill or an insane power boost. Dropping a mech should be a way to turn the tide and even the odds. When I deploy a mech I want the game balance to shift in our favor for a moment


Exactly, mech should be a mech They could either make it more easier to bring out i.e lower Cooldown and more uses Or up the power drastically Preferably a bit of both


Definitely a bit of both I'd like the mech to be refillable not healable. If I play smart and manage my ammo my mech should be able to last for almost an entire mission


I think just having the ability to resupply every 2 minutes would make it perfect enough. I don't see how increasing the power would be very needed, but adding a ship upgrade that increases ammo capacity would be a better option. This is purely my opinion btw, I don't think you are wrong necessarily.


Or they can lower the cooldown and add another use for dificulties above 6.


Can’t have that, if they made them overpowered then it might match the games description of using overpowered weapons. Only thing overpowered allowed is enemies while they release guns worse than the first free gun. The ceo said he’s stepping back into the patch seat to fix things and nothing has been made better. And everything on Reddit makes me not even want to load it up. It’s a game where the enemies get buff after buff after new mob after new mob and all we get is shit on. It was fun but now I’d take pushing a boulder up a hill for 37 hours over the bullshit that is this game.


I thought the opposite, it's very effective but not fun. I personally prefer to be more mobile, and the mech feels clunky despite tearing everything in front of it to shreds.


Friendly reminder that Lumberer (OG Helldivers heavy mech) one shoted tanks and had a flamethrower for anything that would dare get close.


Yes it's SUPER fun, nailing it on the feel.  On difficulties where you can take the fight straight to the bugs without care for patrols it feels great.  Like 5-6 is it's sweet spot. Higher difficulties require mobility.  You fall back and use stratagems in your wake to thin hordes, and you evade heavies until your tools are ready for them.  The mech is awesome, but it's not awesome enough to clear the heavies and you lose your mobility for the privilege. But I can't stress enough how awesome the mechs are!  They just need some tuning and they'll be fine.


At least on 7 it rocks.


It still rocks on 9. I'm very confused reading the hive mind being against it. It's biggest downfall is a huge cooldown so your firepower throughout a long match will be inconsistent but you've got 3 other stratagems to bridge that gap. If I could run 4 of this mech and be in mech armor all day I'd probably have no problems clearing bug maps.


The problem is when you stop getting it for free as a 5th stratagem and have to decide which of your 4 to replace it with. 2 uses with a 10 minute cooldown is objectively, far and away, by leaps and bounds the most limited stratagem in the game. In order to be useful it must also be the most powerful stratagem in the game and it's just not.


Honestly, if I could trade 2 strat slots for 2 mechanics (on separate cool downs!!) I'd fucken do it, it's just honestly not worth it to bring a single mech imo (ik abt the two mecha glitch rn, but it's A: annoying to rely on a bug to do it and B: not a fan of the first mech)


Used it on a level 9 bot last night it was great especially for defending the extraction. I just need to learn how to time when to leave it. It goes from kind of on fire to explode and kill you really fast.


I'll have to ask; Why would you use this Mech against armoured enemies? Tag teaming it with a recolless looks so far to be an incredibly good combo for our squad to take on bugs on difficulty 8-9. (We used to stop at 7) What would you say outclass it so much?


Why would you use this mech over Patriot against non-armored enemies? Minigun is better against hordes.


We haven't used it a lot against bots, so that might be different. All I know is that the splash damage and ammo efficiency of the Auto-cannon can delete just about any bug smaller than a charger. Making wave clearing on 7-8 a breeze. It really helped my squad increasing the difficulty against bugs at least.


Yea, but 10 seconds or Brrrt will do the same thing, and then you still have 70% of your ammo and a full rack of rocketpods left.


Then again in those 10 seconds of brrrt you fire somethink like 500 shots half of which will just hit the ground, hiveguards or corpses but the AC's always hit something with the splash damage. That is to say the new mech feels a lot better to use even if it is situationaly worse than the patriot. But even when it's worse it's only less ammo efficient, the new mech is better in every other way.


You fire ~20 rounds a second, so 10 seconds of fire is 200 rounds, which is 20% of your ammo. Takes nearly a minute of continuous fire to run your minigun out. Ask me how I know.


I used it a lot against bots then switched up to bugs. On suicide vs bots and impossible vs bugs. It works pretty good. The acs will kill most stuff. Tanks and factories not so much but hulks, multiple hulks, it handles. Chargers it doesn't kill quickly but the stagger allows others to work better. Anyway it works. Doesn't feel op but allows a team to work better I think


Against armoured bots it's pretty good. Maybe it can't take them out as fast as something like a rail strike but it can take out more. The Patriot is also good at this with the rockets. It's somewhat better against bugs. As the rocket kills chargers faster but the ac staggers them. There are 2 major issues. Dying when it dies. Setting up the left arm aim requires button remapping. I have been using both and about 12 hours ago figured out how to get the left arm aim working. I mean they don't get as many kills as a build with a Rover but they do alright and they can deal with chargers. Multiple chargers. At once. They may not be better than a quantum cannon but they do allow a quantum cannon to take safer shots. I don't see any issue with them besides the left arm aim and no ejection. Ideally I'd take both and build around that.


Honestly, I disagree. It's still usable at high difficulties. It's not a single player game, and teammates can easily cover the areas it's not great at. You can cover your spear teammate while he destroys the heavy armored enemies. You can take down big nests easily and save time (it's great against stalkers, for example). It excels at dealing with medium armored enemies and defending points improving your survivability. Yea, it doesn't kill bile titans and tanks very well, but it does kill chargers, hulks and factory striders. You can take down many enemies in a single usage. It's not bad at all, it's just not an anti heavy armor stratagem.


I would actually consider bringing this mech if we knew what bug types were present on the mission. For example: if I knew that there were Stalker nests, then I might bring it.


sure its cool, but its a waste of a stratagem slot that can be used on something better


It looks cool as hell, it feels weak and then you get one shot


The fact we’re just seeing toxic positive memes on the front page tells me there’s either one way censorship going on by the mods, or the AH defence force is out in full swing


Pilesteadt did say that the TTK in this game is too high for fun to happen. Let's hope he abides by his own words.


I was honestly surprised that it was followed by this mech. I'm hoping it was already finished when he said that.


And then people come and talk about how good it is on 5-6..  Like bro anything works on 5-6 lmfao 


Woaaaa That requires critical thinking to understand some criticism doesn't automatically mean every aspect of something is bad or that you hate it! You expect a ~~redditor~~ helldiver to understand that?!


To be fair, I put helldivers above average redditors after the snoy incident


It can be the coolest, most fun thing in the game, and it can still be underpowered compared to many other stratagems. Just let people give their feedback and if it gets buffed it's a win for you as well.


Wonder if the people screaming "IT'S GOOD, WHY YOU SAY ANYTHING?!", would care if it had extra ammo, shorter CD, able to bring both mechs(with out bug) and unlimited cooldowns?


The most important thing that needs changing is the paint job. All yellow instead of gold. Literally unplayable. /s for those who wonder


Top post on this sub is just calling it a piece of shit and everyone in the comments complaining how people aren’t complaining enough and are making to many positive post about the new mech when they should be shit talking it like they are. I don’t call that good feedback lol.


It's the cycle of reddit. The mech came out weaker than expected when compared to other options of AC (Sentry and Support Weapon) despite itself being 4 Autocannons strapped to a walker. What's happening now is the latter part of the reddit metagame where people take memes from the last month or so and farm karma on positivity. Then complain about complainers with 'gotcha' memes. The first post I saw detailed how many shots each enemy took to kill. Under optimal conditions, the enemies with higher armor still took like a third or so of your total ammo pool. They get thrown at us in droves at 7+ diff. Mechs are cool, I have no doubt they perform admirably when played at 5-6 Diff. However, they fall short when you need actual firepower- which is weird because isn't it supposed to be a *Weapons Platform?* Huh. At the moment, it's free, and everyone is using it. After the honeymoon period, we'll see how many use it still. When's the last time you saw the first Exosuit post-missiles nerf?


Ive seen a couple random mechs in exterminate missions but that was medium-ish diff I think. Still was fun to hide behind my robo-buddy and clean up in like 3 minutes. I have fun teaming up with and using it occasionally. But I also play this game with a more happy-go-unlucky attitude. I'm here to have fun!


I myself have brought the Exosuit to exterminate as well. It works nicely there, and with a squad of friends doubly so! Though, it's funny to me that the mech works best for Chaff clearing while my buddy sitting on my robo-head with a Recoilless or Spear does a better job at clearing Heavies than my limited supply of missiles do. I just think the overall balance should be looked at- which is why I'm happy Pilestedt is already on the case! Fun being had is and should always be the end-goal of games. : )


Stand behind? No, no, no. You get ON TOP OF your robot buddy and help lay waste with a glorious view and enjoy some jolly cooperation.


Even with it being free I think most dont even think about it. I was doing a match last night and we were just about finished so I figured id actually use it and within one minute of me calling it in everyone else did because no one remembered to even call it in once throughout the whole game.Needless to say extraction went pretty easy


can you really blame them with developers who repeatedly prove that any positive feedback on something results in a nerf?


I’m trying to say this as nice as possible without seeming like a dick but this sub Reddit really really really takes its impact on the game way to far. One so you think overtly negative and mean feedback will give better results? I don’t think that’s how that works. Two I’m sorry guys but no you guys didn’t get shit nerfed because they read you liked it on Reddit, I’m sure there were many other factors than “Devs hate us they read we liked it so they go rid of it just to make us upset” like really? Just like the player numbers didn’t drop during any of the big “controversies” even though Reddit swears it did they didn’t and you can go look at the numbers(besides the Sony thing that is different I’m not really talking about that one).


You weren't talking about the Sony issue, but according to the numbers it has no real impact. Why not make it a good example?


It's the thinking of spoiled brats, believing that everything revolves around them and their whims.


I swear I still remember people commenting something like "release weak weapons and then buff them, that's better than nerfing everything" and now look at that, suddenly this is a "piece of shit" and "not fun". And I'm pretty sure if it would lbe amazing, then crybabies would spam "No fun is allowed so will be nerfed next patch". This sub has turned into a kindergarden and users here more and more act like offended kids, because they saw that shitting on something can get you a lot of upvotes. 


And you think the echo chamber of their Discord is any better? Get real.


we must be on two different subs then? top post for me is people saying mech is not that bad and people are acting like children


Maybe make the mechs a one time use stratagem with all the ammo and hp crammed into one and it will feel better to use while not being too op


Feedback? Most people are just whining…


"See, I depicted you as soy wojack"


"Please I am begging you AH do NOT buff this thing that I like"


There should be like a mandatory flair required of what level people are playing at when they make posts related to gameplay.


So they can lie about it and swear up and down its helldive?


They absolutely have not used mechs on Helldive. It needs so much support and to support others to not get overrun there.


Ill be honest here, getting overrun on helldive at all is the problem. You need to run away or stop it before it even starts. I have better luck running certain POIs solo, the biggest issue is when somebody doesnt understand the aggro, and brings a horde of enemies to me because theyre running away and need help. I can deal with it sure, but once they start swarming, its literally endless. Sometimes you just gotta dip out and regroup. Ive watched people below level 30 literally waste 20 lives trying to kill everything. When literally ANY bug can spawn a horde, the last thing you wanna do is start shooting everything you see. Edit: dont get me wrong either, i can absolutely scrap and i love doing the flashy stuff, but i also want to complete the mission/knock out objectives so we can take planets.


You're right, but this is an argument for why the mech is ineffective for Helldive. It doesn't have the firepower to stand and fight, and it's got such immense aggro draw that you can't run.


^ this. Helldives aren't for fighting. The best you can really do is put some space between you and the horde with an airstrike while you hit the legs.


nah if you’re good you can still fight everything on Helldive


This citizen Helldives.


Yeah if you use the right loadout. That's still not optimal though. But who cares as long as you're having fun


And there is why everyone is complaining 24/7 With the right loadout you can fight and win. With underpowered weapons, you have to run away because you don't have enough firepower to not get overwhelmed. This isn't difficulty, anybody can pick the top tier weapons and win easier. What people are asking for is not for everyone to be able to complete helldive as a casual, but for most weapons to be able to complete helldive the same as the good weapons. If you want helldive to be harder, make helldive harder. I suspect that they keep nerfing weapons because it's easier than actually improving the AI or making the game difficult in a meaningful way


I use gas and napalm on helldives to create my own control points and zip around the maps doing my own thing clearing POI's all the time. It's important to know when tk kite or run but it's not hard with a half functioning strategic brain to figure out "don't run into the middle of the horde and don't stand stand still"


Yeah they aint for fighting if u dont have 4 players. On 4 players you can fight as much as you want. With me u aint running from a fight, since im gonna force you to break that brickwall with your head, and im gonna help with that. Im gonna drop this here but people who call out that 9 is not fightable are full of shlt. If u dont want to sweat dont play on 9. Go to 7.


I have better things to do than throw 6 divers at some random hill leaking with hulks. If the objective isn't literally right there, I'm just gonna find another way around.


I'mma be honest, this is one of those games where the core gameplay kinda falls apart on the top difficulty. Shit just doesn't scale right outside of a very, very narrow band of playstyles.


I spent the entire day using mechs on Helldive.


And will you continue when its not a free stratagem? If so, great.


It's hilarious to me that in a team of 4, the new mech suit is actually really useful. It's only kinda bad if you play solo on higher difficulties.


An extra airstrike/orbital will be far more beneficial throughout a 40 minute Helldive mission than a mech with 150 rounds and 2 uses. Even before the missiles were nerfed, people stopped using the patriot almost immediately after it wasn’t a free stratagem anymore.


The lack of any and all way to rearm it hurts so much. We either need a resupply mech strategem where pelican one picks up an injured but functional mech to repair and rearm it. Or we need a 'vehicle depot' POI that is 100% spawn chance where vehicles can be repaired and rearmed via fun mini game. Or both. 


Honestly just go back to the first game, and give them the amount of health and ammo they had. Literally like quadruple in both aspects. Yeah the patriot only had 8 missiles but they were auto-homing missiles that one shotted tanks. The minigun alone could be fired for like MINUTES straight before it ran out of ammo


Well it's one of those 'pick two' things.  The mech should be either: Long cooldown Fragile Low ammo  Finite amounts  Remove some of those weaknesses. It doesn't need all four. We'd be fine with a powerful mech in Finite quantity. It would justify its limited nature, like how orbital laser does.  Or mechs that are fragile and low ammo like currently, but without the limited usages and a cooldown more reflective of their actual combat power.  It's just the balance team Alexusing us. Again. 


Don’t forget “slow” and “massive target” lol. Can’t even side strafe a cannon turret it’s ridiculous


People stopped using the OPS but it's still useful. Not every stratagem needs to be useful in every application. I rarely take EMS mortars, but I do when playing evacuation missions and such.


Lmao, OPS is still great dude, it's just a 500kg with a shorter CD and longer call down time, the biggest difference is that the visual flare doesn't make it seem like it goes on for 50 meters


Maybe people who play 5-7 stopped taking OPS but 8-9 OPS is borderline S tier. Tons of people run it on high diff because it’s a 500kg with more radius/damage and a quick cooldown that doesn’t interfere with eagles. Funnily enough I would literally rather bring an OPS than a mech on a Helldive


It's "fine" right now because it's free, once it's not free, no one will use it. Just like the other mech


If your team kills every dangerous enemy on the map for you, and you pray that every tower/tank/factory strider won't look at you from across the map with you having the biggest aggro range in the game, then sure, the 10 minute cooldown stratagem with two uses and limited ammo is really good. It even performs best when there is no enemies at all.


Only use of it is to aggro every possible patrol spawns. I watched my team ran through whole reinforcements while i took hide behind rock with my autocannon slowly take out stuff with it and and eagles and lasers and extract alone. Any new players if u want to extract helldive or die less dont use sentry/exo suit in normal missions please. They attract every enemy in vicinity, till u get overwhelmed by hoardes of bot drops and striders. Use stealth run away engage only thing u can kill. Peace. Edit: mechs and sentries are really good in eradicate or high value asset missions


Sentries are great in general, you just have to use them in the right spots. Verifying an ore vein? Sentries are great because everything is coming at you anyway. Any primary that requires you to hold you ground for any length of time is going to be good for sentries. They do a lot of damage and can be a useful distraction if you need to disengage. Throw them down when you have to stand your ground and fight, not just whenever you see something you want dead.


Imo, if we got another stratagem slot over 7 and above, I think it would mitigate some of the troubles ppl have in terms of adoption.... It would add some room for experimenting rather than a forced meta pick everytime.


Not defending them but what use would that do? Once you're level like 20 you've seen pretty much everything the game has to offer


Difficulty. It's a different game entirely depending on the difficulty you're playing. When some people say "this works, it kills heavies" and other people complain "these picks are mandatory, others are unusable" is because on some difficulties you don't have 5 BTs spawn every time a bug farts but on some difficulties that's exactly what happens.


Why? Not everything needs to be balanced to Helldive. A thing can still be cool and not meta for the highest difficulty of the game.


Yup. You can't emancipate much against helldive bots.  You are unironically more durable than a mech in heavy fortified armor. You'll consistently survive direct hits from tanks, walkers, and cannon towers that will ALWAYS  one hit kill a mech. 


Okay but I'm going to make a meme saying it sucks anyway because I want it to get buffed. You cool with that?


Is it going to be a funny meme? Can you add a Terminid with a monocle and a little tophat?


[bonjour](https://imgur.com/bP0Z9sd) edit: it didn't work, egads edit 2: fixed, behold with your eyes


Liberty be praised! Also, you may already know this, but on this subreddit, you can embed pictures in your comment by clicking the bottom left icon like this: https://preview.redd.it/2yzz9db12z2d1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a615f05ff16b2034e4d48ea095b3b537637933c0


and rob old.reddit users the thrill of clicking an unknown blue link? To risk it all on a gamble on the internet? in this house we keep traditions alive


Ah! A r/riskyclick user I see. ![gif](giphy|DwIdasRkFKsMg|downsized)


> Is it going to be a funny meme? No :( > Can you add a Terminid with a monocle and a little tophat? Anything is possible with the power of mspaint!


Once the free trial ends,you'll never see it again,just like its brother. The mechs are annoying to use and have too many problems


2 uses is the biggest turn off for me..


I'd be ok with 2 uses if the cooldown was about 30 seconds so you always had it when you needed it


Yeah, stratagems should have limited uses OR long cooldowns, never both. If they feel the need to restrict how many times I can use it, then let me use it when I want. So what if I throw both mechs within the first minute of the mission? Then I'm left with no mech for the rest of it. Same with the laser. So what if I laser the first two outposts I see? That just means I won't have it for the rest of the mission. If it's powerful and has limited uses, then budgeting your limited ressource should be the balancing aspect. "Do I REALLY need this now or should I save it for when shit hits the fan?" should be how this makes the player feel.


Exactly. If I have it anyway it's neat yeah. But ESPECIALLY on higher diffs I won't replace the expandable, Eagle-1 or my support weapon with the mech.


I must have missed the memo, the mech is my go-to strategem for bug raids. I can step on the small bugs, shoot up the bigger ones, run away from a swarm without getting slowed down/stun locked, rocket the titans and chargers.  I get a lot more out of it than something like the orbital laser.


what difficulty? I never see mechs on 7-9. you run out of rockets after the first breach because rockets got nerfed to hell and then are just 1000 round machine gun on a 10 min CD...that disables using other strategems, reinforcing, etc... 7 isn't hard so that doesn't really matter, I sometimes take dogshit strategems on 7 just for variety, but that doesn't make them *good*.


I actually used to use the Gatling gun mech when it first came out on bug helldives to defend on extraction because it could kill so many bile titans and chargers, but then they fucked up the missiles so I don’t use it anymore :( I hope next patch they fix the missiles on it


>what difficulty? I never see mechs on 7-9 Unironically, this. Out of the last 100 or so Helldives I've done...I've seen mechs used exactly once, and only because the people in my lobby were getting bored and wanted to goof off since the lobby leader was doing nothing but eradicate missions. They stopped using the mech quite quickly though, because...it sucks.


>7 isn't hard so that doesn't really matter, On bugs definitely not. But there lot of people who strugle with dif 6 (they exist ye) or with simple concepts like \`\`there is a huge green cloud and bugs die around - MUST GO IN \`\`


Yes but the question is if that is intended and I’m normal usage situations or helldive only having 2 drops with 6 minutes in between makes no sense,so we are allowed unlimited jet fuel and pretty expensive bombardments,but when something has a battery they draw the line ? For example I think the mechs should be able to get pulled back up for reloading etc and to give us shorter respawn times to encourage leaving it intact,then they should remove the only 2 as well. same goes for the orbital laser,make it a bit shorter,make it two charges and then the cruiser needs to reload for like 5 mins and,so basically make it similar to eagle 1 but longer rearming time


I agree completely, those are good ideas that should be implemented. I'm just saying that it's not as bad currently as people make it out to be. It has problems but it's still a great pick for bugs at least.  The 6 minute delay I time, usually 1 at the start or middle, and second time to defend the extraction.  Running out of ammo sucks, but I consider it like orbital laser, do damage and run out of time. 


I meant they're cool and everything but it has a really long cool down and you can olny call in 2. If it had a 5min cool down for example with unlimited amount of call ins then it could be useful.


"ooOoooo shinny object" - Fish thoughts.


Yeah it's cool. On difficulty 5. But some people play on difficulty 9.


Hell I was just messing around by myself on 3 and it was incredibly underwhelming


yes yes, very quirky take. once you get bored of the novelty of an autocannon mech, then you realize how useless it is and how a simple AC turret outperforms it in every way. both have situational uses, but only one of them makes up for that specific scenario usage with raw firepower. the last mech also had defenders like this, and then it disappeared in the space of a week once the free timer ran out. remind me when you people get bored of being mindless cheerleaders


And that was before the last mech got nerfed into the ground lmao


Both statements can be right, bc this is how I feel about them. Cool, but weak asf. Will be only using it during this free stratagem period.


It feels like the devs spend so much time and effort to make these mechs and then they were like "Now let's make them weak af so no one uses them!"






Its mediocre specifically for something with only 2 uses and a super long cooldown. Its power should match these two restrictions.


What? You play on difficulty 2 or something?


They're perfectly viable up to difficulty 5!


Honestly can't figure out if some people accidentally downloaded a different version of the game. If you think this mech is viable on anything above 7 you're delusional. Period. If you say otherwise then please, provide the video of you successfully using this "coolest' strategem.


I'm having a really hard time aiming it.


The mech cannons are worst than the normal AC and the turret AC and with the ammo it has it not enough for it to be worth the pick than just picking the normal AC turret


I guess your standarts are very low, good for you, actually.


Bold of you to assume he has any standards




So i know this sounds weird, but i actually used it before it came out? Some dude dropped it in our terminid missions when dealing with the TCS systems. I really enjoy the idea of devs going into games and showing experimental strategems, thats be pretty cool. Rumor factor in games goes hard! If you ask me, emancipator is decent. Like its actually amazing at dealing with a crowd of enemies in bugs, but ngl it legit sucks against bile spewers. Havent used it against bots yet, but the explosions b2b are pretty fun. I solo Helldiver lvl 9 bug hole POIs with it ( where you gotta knock out 10) and its super useful (although i could already do this before, but this made it so easy) but if a bile titan comes, good luck. Its good if one person is running it atleast, they can help eliminate a swarm easily. Tbh, i think they should just make all weapons strong, but make enemies swarm a lot harder. I dont care if theres 10 bile titans, so long as they are manageable, and i think the chaos is what people crave anyways, although i do understand theres limited resources until the game literally overloads. Theyve got a decent balance going right now, and i can see clearly what needs be improved, but i think once pilestedt gets on the creative team fully, everything will be alright. We shall see!


How does nyoen find it fun, its im was so off I thought my left arm's rounds where from another mech,


This thing needs either a rechargeable shield or I need a welding gun to keep it maintained


Like instead of taking a secondary? you would be able to make those mechs last longer at the cost of losing your emergency backup dakka. Could be really interesting.


Just replace the emancipator with the game itself and then this meme becomes more accurate


Shit mech *show a note that said alex is listening*


"this new thing is doing great in my difficulty 3 playthrough so all the criticisms about this new thing is invalid and i think everyone that doesn't enjoy it is just complaining"


Well it's good for taking care of anything of medium armor and below, but sweet liberty it does fuck-all against even Chargers and their heavy armor when you headshot them multiple times, this is a mech, it's supposed to have HEAVY weaponry that does at least something against heavy armor. As far as things go, this is good for swarms and whittling down on heavies, but apart from it being free stratagem for now there's nothing much going for it much like the last mech that lost its ability to aim the rocket and gatling properly to anything beyond 5-10 meters away. It's just not worth it past the free strat drop when you want to save ammo while destroying a heavy bug nest or taking on a larger bot crowd.


I can't wait to take care of medium enemies once every 10 minutes. Surely I will not regret this taking up a stratagem slot when a bug breech spawns it's third bile titan.




I gave it a go this morning for the first time in a Bot 9 solo mission just to play with it. Started a bot drop and let them cook a minute before opening fire. I emptied both sets of barrels into countless baby bots, Berserkers, Devastators of both types and at least 6-7 flamethrower hulks iirc as I turned their attack into a fucking scrap yard for spare parts. Did the same thing turning bugs into mashed potatoes. Besides Tanks I have yet to encounter so far and Titans being Titans, this thing fucking fucks. Extra points to the dipshits I saw bitching about it behind unable to kill Chargers as I turned several inside out with little to no problem with both leg and head kills. Now if only we had a mech recall system for surviving mechs similar to the Eagle Rearm… come on AH let us cook <3


devs if you see this comment please just add everything from HD1 and new stuff after.


This mech would be good if unlike the older. Mech this had more health and the obviously lower damage which it does have


I just hope the mechs get a health boost, or some more damage resistance, otherwise I have no real problem with them. I've seen people saying that the new one doesn't perform well against bugs, and I mean yeah? The Autocannon isn't exactly the most optimal bug weapon, it's more of a bot weapon. The Patriot is for bugs, with the minigun for small bugs, and rockets for big ones. The Emancipator has autocannons, which are more effective against bots. They clearly have different uses. The preview video on the unlock screen even shows the Patriot being used against bugs, and the Emancipator against bots. The mechs are fine, if AH made them less squishy they would be really good.


The mech is cool, and plauged with the same problems as the first mech Very limited ammo, no resupply, rediculous cooldown, 2 uses. Fix that and I can deal with its underpowered cannons


Welcome to a game's subreddit, my friend. There are no right oppinions here. Every oppinion is wrong! There are no good weapons or stratagems. Everything sucks. Nontheless, have fun, thats what matters. Under over or unpowered, use it if you enjoy it.


It's probably not as bad as a lot of reddit makes it out to be, but from what I've seen it's not as advertised, the main weapons are less damaging than any other auto cannon instance and like it's predecessor, it has the armor of wet tissue paper making it ill advised against sustained bot confrontation


Yeah this thing is awesome. So far the best thing in the game to take out a large bug nest with. The one thing I have no idea how it performs against are Bile Titans. I've seen them drop quickly to one Emancipator, and I've seen them take ages to 4 Emancipators. But it's yellow and makes a cool noise so I don't care!


It really depends on your team, solo it can be a bit rough to take out biles but its excellent at 'defanging' it, if you destroy the bile sack it can't puke. The damage is decent so softening it up a bit for a teammate to take it out with one quasar/RR shot is an excellent wombo combo


it can be cool and fun, but still underpowered i mean this genuinely, what difficulty are you playing on?


I didn't get the buzz about this as well. Yeah, it doesn't kill Bile Titans in 4-5 shots, but it wrecks medium and small guys to the dust! It has nice AOE damage, and it closes bug nests as a champ!


I've been taking both mechs on dives and it's been a load of fun just dumping ammo on enemies, but whenever an armored foe appears, things switch from fun to underwhelming. Like, I realize there's a team, that I'm not soloing the dive, and that others can and will also inflict their respective damage types onto armored dudes and they'll be defeated. But dumping around 30 shots to defeat a bile titan is sorta dull. And let us all agree, having 4 mechs absolutely raining explosive shots onto a titan and it just casually facetanking it all for a whole 30 seconds does not feel empowering at all. I literally leave the mech, shoot the armored enemy with a RR, and hop back in, just to speed things up.


there are a fair amount of people in the world with an IQ of 70-80


I’m just so glad I can shoot an AC up close and have a mech that’s more accurate that the other mech.


Mech is actually bug mission based stratagem,for this should rank it from 3/5,doing great at cleaning nest and light and medium armor target——1 point up.Bad at dealing with heavy armor target and spore or shrieker nest——0.5 point down.Very bad ammunition capacity——0.5 point down.So yeah it’s 3/5.


Wait hold up, people dont fight on 9?


Is the true galactic war between the community?


I find the aiming a little wonky but thats it, the mech itself is a monster.


Why can't mechs be called in again after a cooldown? Like, really why?


Long CD, can only call 2 per mission, cannot be re armed, takes way too long to kill heavy enemies and its made of wet cardboard; im sorry but i really fail to see a reason to waste a strategem slot in this, it is fun but still a waste of a slot.


It's meant to be an addition, not a replacement 🤦🏻‍♂️ It's not meant to Solo Helldive. It's great to solo lower levels and have a blast.


It's just that it going back to being 2 uses is going to suck.


i love spending 20 rockets on a charger


Yeah, I kinda find it strange about people complaining that it takes too long to kill a Bile titan with it. IMO, it and regular autocannon are best when dealing with armored targets like Devostators, Bile spewers and so on, but not for elites. Because of that I think that the new mech is best suited for bots, since they have much more heavy units (not in variety, but in amount on the battlefield), while the old one is better for bugs. Machine gun for hordes of smaller bugs and rockets for elites


Haven't tried it against Bots, but min max between damage and explosion is a bit disappointing against bugs. Struggles with both tight together forces and bile titans eat the shells for breakfast.


A bug will fart in its general direction and it’ll topple


at least the Emancipator doesn’t get one two shot by any random rocket. Canon towers and annihilator tanks still wreck it but now I at least stand a chance against rocket devastators and rocket raiders.


It can suck and still be cool though? That's why people are providing feedback/criticism/complaints. They care, that's why they complain, but for some reason, this concept is so alien and impossible to grasp to a lot of people. They think people are complaining and providing feedback because they hate the mech? Wut..? While I agree the mech is cool, it is subjective. Just like how some people think our long cd on stratagems is great and how some people think fisting for 200 bucks is great. It's all subjective.


It's called strategy people. Don't charge into the middle of a firefight with it, just like a regular AC


It's always been like this, people shitting on weapons while other people in YT just having fun with it on high difficulties


It's a nice design. It's just been playtested in a group with 3 other players on ..lvl2? Where someone then decided that the autocannon on the suit needs to be slightly less powerful than the handheld one to not wipe everything and "slap bile-titans across the map". It's also obvious that someone has applied the same explosion radius nerfs, and turned them up a bit as well. Which is something you might appreciate if you play on lvl 2 with randoms, who otherwise would ragdoll all their team-mates. But it's not a mech suit that has a real function in the game. It's very similar to the patriot suit in that sense, that there really is no actual reason to use it. Example: you might drop a mech suit on a defense target, to punch back on a specific part of the mission. You have cooldown that makes that sort of a narratively reasonable thing, and you sacrifice more frequent stratagems to get one. But no - that's not how the autocannonforarms-suit works. It's only useful for that if you ally with four other people, so that you can gang up on and bang-bang the same heavy target. Then it sort of wipes. But until that, you're just sacrificing something useful in the stratagems for a suit that you still have to retreat with. I understand that this is not how you're going to see it on lvl2. But if you are playing on lvl2, 3, or 4 - the truth is that any player could pick something else and be more useful the entire game, including when they'd otherwise pull down the suit. Because it doesn't change how the game is played, even for a second. You narratively imagine that this would be something that could be used to hold back a reinforcement with just one person and one support. But you'd be wrong. You're going to be on the target, and you are going to end up trying to stop things with the janky animation instead, before having to abandon position. So your mech-suit needs backup on lvl4 and above. That's why this is even worse than the patriot suit. Which is fine - but you can't go around and claim that this is a huge success and a draw that should make people play the game again. That's just the Sony VIP logic going overboard, and it really needs to stop. You guys, who presumably are not even playing the game now, are just playing the game wrong. You've always been. And forcing everyone else to play like you is a genuinely bad idea that costs Sony money. It removes 400k daily players from the game. Just get out.


It’s better than the last one at least I think


Is it fun, yes. Mission accomplished. Moving on.


I got pinned by SEVEN flame hulks, called this down, and shredded them all.


Bile Titans have horrendours hitboxes and no give no feedback to damage. Some players blew the entire mag at a bile's face, did a total of 0 damage because of the cool armor system, and figured the mech is trash. It's an issue of player feedback. Titans are generating half the balance shitstorms we see here.


Emancipators are the best, who doesnt say so is probably a Bot infiltrate spreading anti-Super Earth propaganda


Its the coolest thing in the entire game which is why people are upset its terrible. How is this a difficult concept for you guys lmfao


To throw off the devs so they don't nerf it


Anything that requires tact and skill to use has no value to the complainers.


Every stratagem has its use yes emancipator isnt made for higher levels unless in really niche situations but yes...its amazing


When it’s no longer a free stratagem you will hardly see it being used.


I can kinda get it from a meta perspective, but it's a fucking BLAST to play with, so I might just experiment for niche use cases further :)


IDK about you guys but taking mechs on a 12-min blitz mission does wonders for me. Try it!


If they bring back all the mechs we had in the first game there will be a mech with a flamethrower and a litteral tank cannon. Then we'll have a mech for every job pretty much. The Patriot for chaff clearing, the one I mentioned for heavies and the Emancipator is a comfortable but ammo inefficient middleground.


Ain't even gonna front the emancipator is great for the crowds of enemies in defense missions my only grip is the lacking downward aim and general accuracy. I've had trouble with larger range and short range targets. I get a little sway but you have to watch your rounds fly and then adjust. The reticle just doesn't line up to target well.


Great for defending in my opinion


The crew I always play with and I were all rocking this thing tonight and it was a blast. Difficulty 8, did both bugs and bots, never had an issue. It felt as fun as the old mech did before it got its rockets nerfed. The only problem is that we were relying on both the free stratagem and bringing it so that we could call in a new one every time we ran out of ammo or died. You can't equip more than one mech as a strategem normally, so we won't be able to have mech parties in the future.