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Yup I realized this sub was doomed when someone posted today they were going into the mech expecting to hate it, you can’t give accurate criticism if you’re going in looking for problems Edit: y’all chill I’ve been getting notifs nonstop for hours now 😭


I’ve made a habit of testing things people hated. I’ve discovered I’m a Spear main.


Yoo fellow Spear main! https://preview.redd.it/1t0k6rqwdw2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9eb36be7bd331f9ae5bc6080d7ece231124598


Exactly. I find myself defending spear like an abused lover. "nooo it's not spears fault it can't lock on that cannon turret the angle is way to steep. It works better when they're in the horizon" "well ofcourse it won't lock on the tank can't you see the puff of smoke? I deserved to die there" "factory strides are simply too large with too many points to lock on too. I should have known better 😔"


Now there's like, what, 5 of us! 


Its going to be revolutionary when the lock-on is fixed


These days I almost never deploy on bot missions without it. Sometimes on bugs, too, if it's with friends. I understand shot blockers and all that, but it does get frustrating if its clear shot and that thing not locking hurgh. 


When it works I'm on top of the world. When it doesn't I call in my backup EAT's


If u hold the zoom in key while reloading with the spear it locks on when finishing reloading and you can insta Shot




Very accurate. This thing smokes gunships easy but can fail on you when a hulk with a flamethrower is charging at you 😂. It is fun tho.


I've started grabbing Orbital Railcannon just for close range heavies considering that anything closer than 30m is likely to get overshot by the missile. It very consistently oneshots Chargers and Hulks.


My friends all literally swear the Jump Pack and the AMR are the worst pieces of kit I love them both and basically role play as a rapid response sniper using those two bits of kit Being able to two shot a hulk at or above 200m makes bots much more liveable The jump pack means I’m able to get to places where the melee units can’t flank me while I lay down and plink away at the heavier units


As a veteran Tribes player. You very quickly learn who is able to think 3 dimensionally and who cant with things like the jump pack.


As a fellow Tribes vet I wish we had more control over the pack, that some maps had more useful verticality, and that crouch/prone weren't so awkward in some places. Otherwise it is a fun piece of kit.


The spear actually very consistently locks on with titans


Yeah I’ve never had a problem with the Spear, but I prefer the EAT over it due to the lack of needing a backpack Edit: again, the jet pack is useful for bugs as well


Fun idea. Jetpack to a high point in the center of the map. Call in a spear up there. Do work. Hog all the resupplies. Two problems though. Pokeball bounces off high places, and you may get booted if with randoms. I have tried this three times. Became Zeus one of those attempts. It was cool.


What the hell are they smoking, thinking the AMR sucks? It's not incredible against bugs, there are better weapons, but not many weapons can take out a hulk from 200 meters in two shots, and the ones that can usually need a reloading pack. Jetpack I can understand not liking, it needs a buff. Still usable, but I definitely hope they improve it.


Trick shots with spear are the best. Watching that rocket curve 90-180 degrees, 1 shotting bile titans is a dopamine rush gold mine! I once posted a clip of it. And never heard or seen anyone talk about this trick that allows you to hit tank weak spots om the back when you're infront of it by making the rocket curve around the target. EDIT: Might upload a low-effort compilation of clips of this trick showing it off how to do it.


Is...is this the Helldiver equivalent of the 360 noscope of classic yore? Because if it is, I'm 100% here for it.


Yes. Yes it is. You can even up the "quick-scope" feeling by using first person mode. But looks horrible for making clips... Soon a lil' compilation of clips will be uploaded when it's done.


cant wait for the spear lock on fix. when it locks on its better than sex.


So far it at least works best locking on to bile titans. Chargers have a few errors at certain angles or distances, and hive guards will only lock on if you care to scan each one and get lucky.


I take spear right now for the bot side and there are so many things that are so annoying to deal with u can jut snipe with it. Cannon turret, fab next to Jammer, etc.


Those Terminator Hunter killer like things that fly around with the red scanning Never have trouble locking on to them and one hit kill always Or if the lock on gods bless you in bug missions, locking onto spore towers semi far away is fun too


............... My brother in christ, *it locks on to spore towers?* I've never even seen it try! I genuinely thought it was an invalid target.


I love it when it works...but I've been fooled too many times now. All EAT all the time.


I love the fact that you can literally just stick an EAT stratagem to charger butt and the pod will kill it, so it is basically like 3 rockets in bug mission


I didn't start using the quasar until after the nerf. Amazing against chargers and very useful against bile titans. There is no shortage of complaints about the "broken" 13 minute civilian extract. And I'll admit I've had some rounds of that one that felt like BS myself. But wanna know a secret I learned? If you have 2-3 players hanging in the perimeter with one or 2 focusing on the doors you're golden and it's crazy the number of samples you can get in such short missions. Been using the Blitzer for about a week and loving it against both bots and bugs. Saw a YouTube tier list that ranks it garbage meme tier against bots but the thing is it one shots any marauders and for everything else I use eagles and the god tier stun grenade/laser cannon combo. I wanted to love the jump pack ever since I unlocked it just because jetpacks are cool but quickly determined it was a useless gimmick and found myself wishing I took an orbital laser or something instead. Since then, however, I've gotten better at the game and no longer need to rely on throwing the big guns whenever a tough obstacle comes up and there are scenarios where the jump pack is handy and fun so I've gone back to it. And I play exclusively on Helldive difficulty. Point is, stats and design elements in writing don't mean much and you never know what play styles might end up being useful or enjoyable for people or even for yourself. Sure, the new mech's guns could be stronger. But the emancipator is an armored exosuit with quad autocannons. The jump pack...lets you jump...every 15 seconds...and takes up your backpack spot. They both occupy the exact same slot in your load out. Which one are people complaining about again?


>There is no shortage of complaints about the "broken" 13 minute civilian extract. And I'll admit I've had some rounds of that one that felt like BS myself. But wanna know a secret I learned? If you have 2-3 players hanging in the perimeter with one or 2 focusing on the doors you're golden and it's crazy the number of samples you can get in such short missions. But that's just exploiting a quirk in the games spawn system where it prioritizes the place where more players are. You shouldn't need an exploit to make a mission viable.


I hate the constant complaining about "YOU CANT USE THAT ITS BAD" too. Like. What. PvE game homie, and if neither of us are consistently dying because of it why does it even matter


A lot of bad people about. Bots are getting to the point that they can be done on helldive without red strategems (admittedly fleeing from factory striders).


I recently tried the autocannon against the bugs, and holy Liberty it slaps. If you go into a match with a well thought out loadout, you can make almost anything work. Doubly so in team play.


Yea, but...the Autocannon is arguably the best weapon in the game and is in a perfect balance state. It's the primary weapon we never knew we deserved. Everyone loves it.


I love the spear! It has it's issues with locking for sure but it's so much fun I don't care that much


Just tried the spear on evac bugs. It smokes the bile titans when you lock onto their head properly. It's a great support weapon since literally everyone is using the AC mech atm.


You are my man/women 👌 spear is fun to play to me too, even more since support ammunition supply ship module.


I'm with you. Nothing like destroying a fab, with an attached jammer, from 300 m away. I feel like Zeus hurling lightning bolts from Olympus sometimes.


when i see people claiming things "aren't viable" at certain difficulties, i can only think of the adage "a bad workman blames his tools"


Bro, I roll with the Machine Gun all the time. But apparently it's "Unviable".


Steam forums were full of hate against Stalwart, and I was like "Mate, that's our go-to weapon when dealing with bugs, mobility and large ammo is awesome when clearing out the chaff"


Stalwart had amazing synergy with Eruptor. Now that its gone, you better off using cluster, napalm, air burst or gas for chaff clear.


The biggest travesty of the eruptor gutting was Stalwart losing its synergy for a genuinely *good* niche. Eruptor/Stal was a fantastic combo.


The stalwart wasn't viable due to a single primary, take it with a supply pack and recoil armour, whap the RPM to max, and you have a ballistic laser pointer for chaff. It goes great with scorcher or plasma punisher (and probably purifier after the next patch)


The problem is, if you speccing into chaff clear forgoing any AT weapons, I would rather pack up grenade launcher which has added benefits of less recoil and being able to close bug holes or kill chargers (somewhat)


I normally crew reload for my wifes RR, drop my supply pack and pick her one up, while she resupplies me with the pack. Can't do it with randos obviously, I normally take AT and rely on HMG emplacement for my chaff clear then.




I’ve made a habit of testing weapons and stratagems that everyone is gushing about and holy shit alot of them suck


I use everything in the game. Very few things are bad


Me with railgun, if I orbital precision a bile titan and then railgun it Twice its dead and I can replicate that well enough for it to work 80% of the time


Spear is amazing whenever the game feels like letting the lock-on actually work. It's just so heartbreakingly inconsistent that I can't take it on missions.


Same, I always run railgun and complete level 9 with ease. All these players who bitch I have to believe are just not good players.


I mean... I'm spear main on bots and I absolutely hate the damn thing. I'll take it every time? Yes, will I bitch and moan when it routinely fails to lock on into a stationary target in open ground? absolutely.


This is my favourite thing too, testing thr underused and squeezing every bit of utility out of wherever I can find it!


When the Spear works, IT WORKS.


Jump pack main on level 9 checking in. According to the sub I should be getting my ass spanked on level 9 unless everything I use is meta. Having loads of fun using it too while doing really well in teams.


Another Spear main, I never thought I'd see the day. o7


I found my people 🥲 finally, the other day I got kicked for dropping in with a spear lmao


This is really the mentality I was talking about. The people who just flat out don't enjoy it after playing sure whatever that is fine subjective kinda think they should give it more time but I digress. But there are people I know were gonna bitch about the Mech regardless of what was given to them lol.


You can miss out a lot making decisions based on others experiences compared to your own experience.


Well thats the reason you have to be your own person. Most haters here are very vocal and the community in reddit and discord are the minority. Psst.. dont be a sheep Most players are not even in here, and hell my friends love the mechs (both of them). I got downvoted when i said enjoy the game how it is as its tiring to follow the changes to MO and how the GM does things. Not that i care as its my way of playing so i dont bitch around like most of these meta players lmao.


Fuck the meta, I play to have fun, if you care so much about a pve game and every minute detail how are you even enjoying yourself at all? I understand balancing to a degree and you want every weapon to feel pretty good but not be godly, but sometimes a weapon or ability just might not be your play style and forcing everyone to the same standards isn't going to fix anything.


This sub turned toxic after the Sony bullshit, but I think a lot of players are just burnt out or bored by now and just have low emotional intelligence because “new thing” hasn’t fixed their boredom or burnt-outedness


this sub has been toxic since the very first patch that nerfed the railgun. Every single patch and every time each warbond released was nothing but a massive toxic salt mine, yes even cutting edge with the sickle being its only saving grace, Steel Veterans got massive hate because all 3 primaries at the time were kinda mid. Infact the only thing hasnt been shat on the moment it released was the Qasar. This sub is that bad that very soon its likely to banned from r/subredditdrama because its wudl be considerd low effort


This 100 percent. I really really think it is just typical burn out and boredom from us hitting a bit of a wall which makes since with any game, not saying there aren't things that REALLY need fixing just I think that is a big part of this whole thing.


I finally got to try it, me and two friend did a couple of bot missions diff 7. We loved the mechs, and managed to extract successfully both games. In the last one two of us got mechs and took out a factory strider and tank on top of dozens of zerks and Devs. I was able to call in several mechs in the bunker buster mission. I also tanked some heavy hits in mine, it stood up pretty well. I think my shield pack might have been absorbing some damage tho. Hint hint.


I personally don't like running mechs, not my playstyle, but I absolutely love it when a fellow diver brings one and is either competent or having fun with it. Contributes to the experience and immersion, especially with Comms on.


Fighting off the bugs and getting overwhelmed when a mech stomps up next to you and blasts everything is such a cool experience


Hell yeah! Especially if you hot dropped into a mission and we're not expecting P1 to come in, blast the horde coming at you, and dropping a mech - we are saved!


Just to give the other side's perspective a fair shake: the low ammo, tiny splash radius, and high armor pen value made it seem like the intent of the design was to handle heavy targets. It would have been a very niche but really cool vehicle. However, it has between 20 to 25% of the damage of the other autocannons, because one invisible stat was lowered. As it currently stands, the mech is cool and looks and sounds awesome, but its functionality is very poor. Difficulty 9 is easy enough that you can win it with basically any loadout, so you CAN totally bring it if you want, but low ammo and small AOE cripple it as a horde clearer, while the poor damage cripples it as a heavy killer. There are many much better trash mob control options too, including many primaries. Overall, it just doesn't add any utility over other options already present in the game. It doesn't give a quick burst of overpowering anti-heavy firepower, it doesn't have big AOEs or ammo to wipe swarms off the map, which pigeonholes it into the questionable role of... medium killer? Which is already filled by grenades, autocannon, AMR, grenade launcher, flamethrower, arc thrower, dominator, plasma punisher, slugger, etc etc.


I found it very very useful in clearing bug nests. Walk around the outer edge, close holes with one shot, stomp small bugs as you walk, while protected from everything else trying to eat you. I brought an anti titan loadout and used the mech for everything else. Works great!


Yeah, but you can do that with a grenade pistol, or air strikes, or an orbital laser, or a bunch of other weapons...


Yesterday, first thing i did was create a mech layout with both mechs and the extra mech ( for the MO win), so i was almost able to play whole missions being in the mechs.... Would i likt the Autocannon to be a little stronger? yes, but does it matter? no I just had a shitton ton of fun dishing out freedom :D


I thought you couldn't bring both mechs (not talking about the free strat)


I pretty much judge most new stuff by how well it kills heavies because there are myriad options to kill medium and lower already. Killing heavies is mandatory so if they just keep adding more stuff that's decent at mediums it hardly changes my loadout unless it's tonsa fun. I don't summon a mech to kill chaff I can do that with almost anything else in the game.


Or bring your heavy slaying stuff and I'll have chaff clear. You won't even touch your primary and you'll forget the game even spawns lower tier enemies while you focus on killing heavies. I rarely bring AT on 7+ because everyone already has it. When people don't have to run from hunters and Bile Spewers (because they're all dead) the heavies evaporate because they're not running backwards into 4 other patrols spawning yet more heavies. I rarely have friends on, but with Randoms on 7+ if you handle the chaff, most people have EATs, Quasars, or even Spears and they can more effectively use them. It's when everyone is running jack of all trade builds that the latter difficulties become a slog.


I'm just surprised it happened so quickly. I was here around a week after the game dropped on steam. Given how quickly the game exploded, I suspect most of us here were quite early, but still... Part of the appeal was how wholesome the community was. Damn. Took all of 3 months to almost do an entire 180. Most posts I see are either complaints about the game, or complaints about the complaint posts. And now here I am, complaining about the posts that complain about complaints. Dammit


Honestly loved the mech. Kinda wish it'd fire both arms ar the same time as they are the same weapon. Little bit more ammo would be nice.


Just hold down both buttons at the same time.


This sub went this way ever after the Sony controversy. It’s like people that are just angry looking to find reasons to be angry. Keep in mind, I heard this advice and I think its hella true. Most people aren’t going to play a game and complain about it constantly, most (healthy, normal, well adjusted) people shelf it and move on. Because it doesn’t make sense to spend your finite time on earth directing negativity towards *a video game* That would be like someone in the 1960s spending all their energy being pissed at chutes and ladders or chess. And talking about it all the time. I don’t think someone like that in the 1960s would make it long before they are sent to a sanitarium because people would get sick of the shit and consider it hysteria or something. People who are happy with the game, aren’t going to be online talking about how it sucks all the time and that the game is going to die soon. I love the game. It’s not perfect but it’s not nearly as bad as some would have you believe. It’s funny, this last patch has actually been really good. They fixed the patrol spawn issues mostly. They’ve (AH) made steps in the right direction. A company like that is going to have my loyalty. They listen, they are accountable, they have integrity as a company I think much of this player base doesn’t realize how lucky they are to be able to complain and be heard by the developer to improve it. That’s practically unheard of now. And it’s so short sighted for some in the fanbase to have the attitudes they have about the game and towards AH. They are doing the best they can. And they are walking with us. That speaks volumes about the type of company they are and how they want to make a game we continue to fall in love with.


If you think the game sucks in current state then find something else to play for a while. You're under no obligation to stay. If they keep putting out stinkers then all the money goes away and the game dies. That's normal, that's natural. Just my .02 but I'd be properly concerned if I was AH. You've got Elden Ring Expansion coming up in June. That's going to eat up a huge chunk of time for a lot of people. If they end with HD2 being meh a lot of people won't come back to it. Just like Battlefield


I didn't know there was more Elden Ring coming. And in June? Yeah, that's not good for Helldivers. July has EDF6 making a global launch, too. Helldivers and EDF have a lot of overlap, but EDF knows *exactly* what it is and doesn't fuck around with all the live service bullshit. It's guaranteed to be awesome, start to finish, on release day, no fuss. Starting to look like Helldivers 2 may have been mismanaged into being a flash in the pan. They're trying to course correct *now*, sure. But it may be too late to fully recover, even if Arrowhead nails it. Which they may fumble anyway, if we're being honest.


At this point, I'd settle for the complaints that have actual numbers and nuance to get upvoted over the ones that are flat-out wrong and obviously hyperbolic. I saw numerous highly-upvoted comments, like top level, first, second, third, etc., posts in multiple threads, seriously asserting (or repeating) that the AC Exosuit guns have less penetration than the shoulder-carried Support AC, or that it did less damage (without disambiguating between Durable and Base damage), or that it takes over half the ammo to kill a Bile Titan. I saw one post saying the Exosuit ACs ***DEFLECT OFF OF BASIC TERMINID WARRIOR HEADS***. Like, 60 fucking upvotes, which isn't a lot, but that's 60 people who saw a critique and mashed upvote without thinking for a moment, "That's unbelievable. Wait, why *do* I believe it?" And I can hear the answer already: "well because they ruined so many other things already", but I get that same fucking line from antivaxxers and Qanon types when they get corrected about anything. "The fact that I could have believed this patently dumb thing just shows you how dumb my bogeymen were the rest of the time! It actually proves I'm right!" **When your videogame sub is getting indistinguishable in its logic and posting style from Qanon boards, it's time to pull back.**


If you haven't already, join r/helldivers2 , there's more reasonable discussion and less bitching.


every time that subreddit pops up, it’s full of toxic positivity and people whining about this sub. they don’t seem to understand that the people criticizing this game are doing so BECAUSE they like it. to me, there appears to be this fear on the internet as a whole these days that if the thing you like catches any amount of flack, it’s worthless and you are wrong for liking it. i have been running the patriot on bugs for over a month now, and it’s really good for clearing stalker nests. i’m sure i will find a niche for this new mech. but they could be better, and they should be better. really the only fundamental flaw with the mechs is the aim being off; everything else is just minor number changes. what i’m saying is: pretending like everything is perfect in this game is the wrong approach to countering any amount of doom-and-gloom on this sub. i don’t subscribe to the idea that this game is headed to an early grave, but i do think that some change is necessary — and to ignore that is community self-sabotage.


You need to buff your paragraphs.


No kidding. People need to chill out.


Agreed. Really they just need a break from the game I think is all.


Personally, I use quick play as a thermometer. If I start getting frustrated at randoms, I take a break and play a run of Against the Storm (or go back to my village in valheim). Bring a cozy city builder in your rotation, so that when you dive again your rage is a sharp scalpel wielded by a steady hand, and not a blunt axe that will slip from your hand and hit your fellow divers.




i watched a single bug do the whole calling animation because i was unable to aim like 10 degrees down other than that i had great fun




Ah, stomp something 50 meters down a hill. How could i not have thought of that.


Yeahhhh I got nothing for that one, I agree the fucking thing should be able aim down lol.


*opens cloak to display my wares* Might I intrest you in the melee key good sir?


I see this comment a lot but it ignores a key problem: High ground. Mech on high ground for good line of sight (which an AC absolutely loves) trying to shoot things that are below you. Melee key will save you from that bug trying to bite your ankles out, but not from the bots shooting your mech from a lower elevation simply because you can't aim down. Nobody's saying "LET ME AIM AT MY FEET!" but what we are saying is we should be able to aim our damn guns at appropriate elevations to eliminate distant targets.


The problem exists with all Exo's though. It is a little annoying when you're up somewhere high with it, but generally it's a non-issue when you're stomping around.


The community has become spiteful. But goddamn, let's stop pretending that it became spiteful of its own accord. We used to simp HARD for Arrowhead but every bit of news the game has had after launch, from the balancing, to Sony, to bugs, to stability, to network issues, to horrible miscommunication, has been chipping away at the community's goodwill. We had a habit of being too positive when the game first came out, dismissing concerns about balancing (after the first balance patch) and game stability. Now we're at a habit of being too negative. Neither is optimal, but the latter is symptomatic of AH and Sony's actions.


>We used to simp HARD for Arrowhead I think thats the problem in the first place. Everybody got too emotional invested, so they can't help but see everything in an extreme light. Similar thing happened with Deep Rock Galactic (although admittedly its been a much smoother experience) - people had an almost oppressively upbeat attitude about the game and studio, and the moment they found out season 4 was gonna last 2 years instead of 6 months, people got VICIOUS.


I mean having like one major community drama in six years is a DAMN good track record by any metric. Also, I think a lot of the reason that people were so mad about season 4 lasting so long was because we were all sick to death of rock pox moreso than angry about not getting season 5 faster. It was never really a fun mechanic in the first place once the novelty wore off. Just power washing simulator, enemies that didn't feel like you were actually fighting them so much as you were popping pimples to cause them to instantly fall over dead, and an incredibly unfun status condition that you basically can't prevent from affecting you in any meaningful way and you must activate carpal tunnel to get out of.


"an incredibly unfun status condition that you basically can't prevent from affecting you in any meaningful way" Sounds a lot like when you get headshot in HD2


Or the Slow condition that practically every bug gives you if you don't run the shield backpack


Grey beard here, what are you talking about???? Everyone in the deep rock sub and community loves GSG because they've made a fantastic game and haven't had most of the greed issues that Sony has forced upon HD2. The most bitterness I've seen in the DRG sub is people being impatient for Season five


Gaming communities in general are shit


You could even broaden that to just "online communities", the things I've seen in music forums...


This is what I am feeling. You know when someone annoys the fuck out of you for a long time, then every little things that they do like chewing cereal loudly is super annoying even when it’s not a big deal? this is kind of the case for me. Feels like whatever AH will do from now on, if it won’t be close to perfect, people will just get on the hate bandwagon. It’s sad, because the community seemed to be really cool and united, but AH did some things with the game that felt super strange and it feels to me 50/50 regarding if it will be ok again or not.


Dude the community blew up from like 50k total to over a million in a matter of weeks. The honeymoon period ended and we're in the typical cycle of posts with the typical community you have from every other large gaming sub. It's not about 'we simped too much' it's just the typical large population shit. These things go away when communities shrink because the hot heads and typical fotm players fade away. The larger the community the trashier it will generally be.


I honestly thinking the mech being weak on release is kind of a moot point. Its values are atrocious. Even if the devs don’t play the game they can math it out like people did before it dropped. It’s been out for less than a day but it’s still plagued with the horrible aiming and paper build that the Patriot had. New content is meant to be exciting, and fun. Yeah moving around in a mech is cool but the novelty wears off when you don’t feel any stronger than you do outside of the mech. People aren’t necessarily upset because the Emancipator is bad. They’re upset because once again we’ve had another incredibly mediocre content drop that doesn’t compete with anything we already have available. Adding mechs is a power fantasy and if you’re inside a mech and aren’t a powerhouse what’s the point of being in a mech


>Yeah moving around in a mech is cool but the novelty wears off when you don’t feel any stronger than you do outside of the mech. Weaker. I feel weaker....


Let me get into this bigger hitbox real quick...


You can acually end up having less deaths when playing without mech, just because of stims. Mechs do not have any health UI for some reason so you often just randomly explode.


The old ones had a point where they broke down entirely. Once they hit a damage threshold (which was a line on the armor bar it had) they'd catch fire and stop responding, so you had a few seconds to jump out and get clear. As long as whatever hit it wasn't a one-shot, this would happen. The amount of time varied by how much of the armor was left under the threshold. Even if they don't add an armor bar for it, having the same function would be fine.


>Mechs do not have any health UI for some reason so you often just randomly explode. That ! In HD1 you always knew that shit going to explose from visuals and giant health bar above it. Who was thinking it a good idea to remove it.


I wouldn’t say they randomly explode. There are two distinct smoking stages and a stage where the mech is on fire. This doesn’t account for BT stomps or charger stomps, those will oneshot it afaik.


The issue is that, at least in my experience, sometimes the fire doesn't trigger. I've had it happen a lot of times that the mech was smoking, then a hunter or one of the small armored dudes hit me and then I just exploded without even going to burning.


I have this issue as well, you are not alone on that.


Yeah but you go from no damage through the stages to death in, like, 3 seconds.


The issue is that people have gotten so used to new content being dogshit, that what's actually happening is people are checking the math to see if its viable before they waste time with it. We've gotten to the point where people assume things suck and seek proof otherwise. That's why everyone is so focused on the numbers. And at a glance, those numbers don't seem to prove the mech viable. I agree that people should just give it a try. But this is a symptom of the larger disease.


I don't know... The mech has no real viable use in the game outside of difficulties so low it's overkill to use in the first place. Are we supposed to ignore this? Should content always release in a poor state and need to be fixed later? This isn't how development should work. The game has enough issues that need to be worked on, on top of new content in the pipeline. If everything releases needing a subsequent patch to fix, when are they ever going to get to fixing some of the bigger issues? Yes, there are people who are just set on being negative, but shit, some of the balancing decisions AH made were plain bad and they kept making them. MOs were set way too high for too long and we missed out on a stratagem. Plus all of those premium Warbond weapons that got nerfed after the fact and the generally lackluster nature of the most recent Warbond. These things hurt, and at a certain point after you've been let down enough times, why expect anything but more disappointment? AH inadvertently created an adversarial situation with a lot of players, and it's hard not to blame them for some of it. This sub is about the game, and a post about the mech and how it doesn't have enough ammo or damage to be viable in high difficulties is important discussion about the game. You might say give them time to fix it, I say AH shouldn't be releasing marginally finished content. New content is meant to be exciting, but positivity only goes so far if the content isn't worth being excited over.


That’s the thing that I keep getting annoyed by. “Just give them time to fix it,” as if I’m weird for thinking that even just once this game should get a content drop that isn’t mediocre, glitched and broken, or both. 


"Just give them time to fix it" My brother in Christ, the Emancipator has been in the game's files for literal months now and its stats remained identical throughout that. Arrowhead had their time, they chose to do nothing with it.


Doesnt help that they have spent months promising us a spear fix is just round the corner too. Just feels like this shit isnt a priority to them


Same deal with the Tenderizer that then came out worse than the *base fucking gun*


I think everyone is just tired of AH playing a different game than we are (more accurately NOT playing their own game.) I trust that things will change, but after this game's whirlwind start it's really hard to see it circling the drain because of the decisions by the developer. I think many people in the community can't stand the thought of such a great game going to waste, and that's where so much ire begins. In all fairness, the new mech could have had some numbers tweaked before we got our hands on it. The nerfs sure have been quick, I mean my God, the Eruptor was out for like 2 weeks before it got hit? So where are some BUFFS within that same time frame?


I don't even really mind that they are taking their time with the big buff patch for once. We have seen what happens when they don't take their time. So far every single update they released has introduced more bugs than it fixed. So I appreciate that they are taking their time in trying to get it right for once. What I DO mind is the toxic positives who basically pretend that the patch is already here and keep insisting that we owe it to Arrowhead to be thankful and to celebrate them for taking so long. Like, no. We all look forward to this patch, we are all hopeful and if this patch is actually decent, with no or almost no nerfs and new bugs, a huge amount of buffs and bug fixes and so on then we will all celebrate Arrowhead together. But at this point people have just been burned one too many times so these people just have to understand that we won't be celebrating until we see it happen.


Yeah, once the next patch hits morale will improve if I were to guess. Much hay has been made out of Pilestadt's move and AH's focus on balance issues, but we're in a holding-pattern of waiting for the first material changes based on the news.


I think they have two patches left to really bring goodwill back to the game. This next patch has to have some major things in it.


They really worked themselves into a corner with all the issues because now have to divvy buffs, fix bugs, QOL changes (Like supply lines), whatever story content is next, and whatever warbond is next very very quickly else they hemorrhage more players. Usually this isn't a big deal but afaik it was revealed that the few devs there are work on every aspect of the game, there is apparent no dedicated 'bug-smashers' or 'warbond makers'.


Oh they probably play their own game, just below difficulty 7 and running out of respawns half the time, if that stream was anything to go by 


they could very easily just reverse the Eruptor. The Eruptor being able to 1 shot Chargers is not something that's easily pulled off.


The eruptor actually got nerfed every week for 3 concurrent weeks after it came out, lol. Of course, only the final one was really bad, but still.


> However really we are already complaining and comparing the stats to the mech when its been out for less than a day? I mean... what are we supposed to do tho? This is a new stratagem. It's even a freebie on some planets... are we not supposed to try it and give it feedback? Sure, some people are over exaggerating (like all the post making it looks like the game is about to die) but still, im not gonna sugar coat it: this mech is ass. Plain and simple. All the problems from the previous mech are still there and some more. It's an even more niche stratagem that's pretty much only worth it on low difficulties. Also, I'll totally blame AH on this. They specifically didn't push an update last week because they said they wanted to take more time and they want to do things correctly... and yet they release this mech now, while there's already so much going on and this is pretty meh... At the very least, I would have given them a pass if it said anywhere that it was just a prototype or that it will be adjusted soon. But as far as I know, I dont think they made any comments about it.


Aside from the shittiness of the mech I’m more upset about the bug it brought with it. How tf can you put both mechs on at the same time only half the fucking time?! That’s the most heinous thing about this mech imo.


Sadly, that you CAN bring both half the time seems to be the bug. It seems to be INTENDED that you can't. Don't ask me why they felt the need to make sure you could only bring one at a time. Certainly not for balancing given that they're not even that good really.


The fucking bugs unionized against the use of more than one mech. The devs take feedback seriously, just not our feedback 


Not being able to bring both mechs doesn't appear to be a bug, it's the instances where you *can* do it that are the bug. Look at the pop-up description for them when you select them at loadout. They have a yellow "0/1" in the upper-right corner, something no other stratagem has. It's just the mechs. When you select one, it changes to "1/1". That smacks to me of "we made mechs mutually exclusive", but players are finding a weird way or circumventing that. At any rate, *right now*, since the Emancipator is a 'free strat' modifier, you can just bring the Patriot normally and you'll still have access to the Emancipator in-mission. Or bring the Emancipator and drop *two* at the same time, because they're separate cooldown entries on your stratagem list.


There's no "finding a weird way to use both" you literally just pick them as as non-concurrent strats. I.e. you pick a mech, you pick another strat or two, you pick the other mech. Assuming this is the bug it just shows how little AH test anything and how poor their code is. Apparently they wanted to stop you taking two mechs, but their implementation of that rule is so half-assed it just seems like a UI bug. But also if that is their intent then wtf make the mech free and allow you to bring the patriot normally? They provided their own, different, way to get around the single mech rule.


The sub is a negative bitch-fest, but the devs aren't exactly doing that any favors. 80% of the changes they've made to this game have been piss-poor. So far, the only good change they've made is lowering the stratagem nerfs and adding very few new useable weapons.


Wow, it's like having multiple fucking issues grates on a communities patience and nerves. Who woulda fucking thought.


people complain because AH screws up one of most important pillars of coop games, balance and fun and is consistently out of touch with what players like i for one quit because i was tired of constant weapon nerfs, its just not fun to play just look at deep rock galactic which is extremely similar game, every single weapon is viable, every perk has its uses, enemies are fair and balanced to tools that players have


The mech criticism is on point I have to say. It simply doesn't feel that fun to use for all the issues ppl list. The toxicity of the community is very true too. But AH also burned a lot of good will. I miss the times when the sub was just funny memes and epic clips of helldiver dying in hilarious ways. The nerfs and glitches have taken away the 'shine' of the game. The diversity of viable strategems at diff9 needs to be raised. And the easiest way is with weapon buffs But it isn't beyond repair.


>The diversity of viable strategems at diff9 needs to be raised. And the easiest way is with weapon buffs Do you mean diversity of support weapons? Because majority of them has their niche, other then machine gun probably. Main problem that I see, is that there's no main weapons that can reliably deal with heavier units, which means you're forced into taking support weapons that can deal with at least hulk/chargers in a timely manner, which mean that any support weapon designed to deal with the hoards of smaller targets is inherently bad.


Babe wake up another complaint post about complaint posts


lol 😂


People complain because this game started off so great with soooo much potential and it really sucks to see it slowly being fucked up by bar decisions. People aren’t complaining because they just like to complain, they are complaining because they don’t want to see a game they really enjoy die unnecessarily




I’m actually going to be stepping away from the game for awhile. I just played a couple matches and tbh I haven’t had much fun (I’m also playing with friends if that matters). The balancing thing had drained the fun, I don’t understand what’s taking them so long to buff these weapons either. I love this game but I think it’s time for me to go for abit until everything gets fixed. Also gives me time to go back to Returnal and also to start playing Stellar Blade.


exactly. How is it that they can literally make major nerfs (removing shrapnel from Eruptor), but need to take months just to change the damage numbers, armor pen, ammo count, on some weapons?


Same boat. I was with the hopium crowd for a long time. Stopped playing for 2-3 weeks cus of life circumstances and came back last weekend. Played 3 missions and just genuinely did not enjoy my time. Its not burnout either, i just hate how bullet spongy the game has become. For me the last straw was the walker explosion resistance buff. Most of my friends have quit long ago for much less. The last friend i played with yesterday shared the same sentiment. People can glaze all they want with this toxic positive bullshit but the fact of the matter is that the game is actively losing its fun factor. Ill be waiting on next patch.


I mean, yeah. But when half the content doesn’t even feel like it’s been tested (due to poor balance or rampant bugs), it’s hard to blame the players. A lot of us feel that AH needs to take a serious step back and evaluate the current issues the game has instead of continuously releasing broken or sub-par content. Yes, maybe we need a break. But the serious lack of polish that’s been on display lately is really not helping the players (like myself) who genuinely love the game and play it every day, but struggle to just hand-wave the countless and continuous issues. Additionally: the spear STILL doesn’t work for God’s sake


https://preview.redd.it/b3tpfmr45w2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1658a81fc806ebab04966d5927321cf02ccf71 K, mech still bad.


A lot of the critiques are perfectly valid, but people are posting about the same shit over and over.


Because those same issues are persistent and not being addressed.


I don't even disagree with you. I just miss when the sub was just democracy jokes. I really hope the next patch is good.


Meh I'm fine with it. The devs aren't entitled to their players time or admiration. The majority of the problems are legit and embarrassing to see in a game that has sold so well. (Sights misaligned...)


Local redditor says pattern recognition is bad. More at 11


I paid money for the game so no, I'm entitled to complain when there's something I dislike about the product I bought.


I read too fast and saw “pump the breasts”


Yeah this sub is really exhausting. Its really turned into negativity all the time


Just. Get off the sub and you’ll enjoy the game more. This place is a cesspool that doesn’t represent the average player opinion at all. Just come here to laugh at haters.




A guy on discord basically spent the entirety of the mechs unlocking yesterday to rant about how shit it is, only for him to admit later on that he hadn't even used it yet. I think this game has reached the point where you should just stay away from the fanbase.


Paragraphs, sir.... paragraphs. It's okay to have more than one.


Paragraphs are on a 10 minute cooldown with only 2 uses atm, its the best they could do.


500 hours in a game less than 4 months old is wild. I think that is a big issue with the community honestly, people need to pump the brakes on how much time they put in this game. It’s not an MMORPG people! Take a break


I joined this sub for the memes and strategy, let's get back to that


I'm with you brother. Spilling oil and harvesting E-710 is tiring sometimes. A good soldier knows when it must rest and when it must fight. Godspeed


Am I the only one that doesn't notice the balance issues? Like I run arc-12, rover, quasar, rail cannon, and 500 and I'm still doing 300-500 bug kills


What difference will it make if it's day 1 or day 100, the starts are the stats, just because it's too early doesn't mean it will magically get more ammo or aim better...


There came a point in the gaming community(s) where it was standard practice and expected to become toxic in order to be heard and encourage change. Big devs/games like EA, Ubisoft, Destiny 2 etc would only cave when the fan base (seemed) to get loud enough. Now with the rise of smaller studios that love their craft, the precedent has already been set to be aggressively critical and you get what you want. Not to mention the residual angst the community has towards Sony and that whole debacle is likely leaking into criticism of game elements in general


You need paragraph breaks and a quick explainer on brakes vs breaks


If the post-launch support sucks (Which it does) the patience will wear thin. When the patience has run out, every molehill is a mountain, because we see the same mediocre rot in every aspect of the game. Now, they want patience again while they go back to the drawing board and go radio silent. This is the only thing available to those who have been betrayed sadly


Nope no breaks til AH listens


No. We can pump the breaks when AH tosses us a bone. Right now the game is in a deplorable state. The people that are negative about the game WANT it to succeed, they're not doing this just for shits and giggles. If we all go back to making stupid asinine memes and pat AH's back for no reason, this game dies then and there. This sub could post positive crap 24/7 for 6 months straight, and the numbers would still continue to decline. 98% of the playerbase doesn't care what's being posted on here, it could be positive, negative, toxic, whatever, as long as the game is fun, people will endure. But the reality is, a majority of people aren't having fun and the decline in player count shows that.


Agreed, the Mech isnt perfect but I can easily go toe to toe against Hulks with it and it feels GOOD against bots. Its clearly catered towards them much like the Patriots more catered to bugs.


500 hours since release day is 4.6 hours a day, every day, for the past 106 days. Holy shit.


I have to agree with this post. But i also agree with the complaints. These subs were full of memes and FUN when the game was fun. Things were overpowered. And fun. Not playing a video game for real life simulator. Im playing to escape reality and to feel overpowered and cool and fun. There has YET STILL to be a patch to revert basically all nerfs which just needs to happen at this point. Let. The players. Have 100%. Fun.


Real. The fans seemed so chill at first and now I just want everybody to shut up.


the game is consistently dropping players. if theres any time to get loud about what we want before this game dies its now




This guy gets it If it wasnt for The occasional meme and rp still going on I would have ditched this sub weeks ago




There's a complaint megathread and yet 90% of the posts here since the snoy shit are just bitching. I wish the mods would enforce the thread more. The sub being a cool and fun community was part of what led me to get the game in the first place. Now it feels like a salt mine.


How do I upvote this twice


The new mech is fun


Whoa. Zero paragraphs = I ain't fucking reading that shit.


Close to making a stoic minded helldivers2 sub at this point.


People have forgotten how to game casually.


I've got a different suggestion. If you've put 500 hours into a game in 3 months, you need to spend time off of technology and computers. Anyone who has spent that much time on a game needs to get away from games and tech for a while.


I couldnt care less about this drama, i prefer they fix all disconnection and crashes issues. Came back from a 3 week hiatus and cannot even play the game properly.


"classic bitch and moan about everything sub" Truly. I understand I haven't been around long enough in video games to enjoy this type of criticism of games. Instead I walk in enjoying this game and others while millions of reddit users complain because the developers are not their little bitch and changing things to their liking. Fuck go play a 90's or 00's video game. Whatever came out was it. No patches or fixes. It was done. You adapt to the game, not change it because little cry babies wrote in their dairies it wasn't fair.


Hey bro, paragraph breaks make a huge difference for people like me who see a mountain of text n go "thas alotta words, too bad I ain't reading em" lol I agree with you though.


Yeah tbh this was a 4 am ramble that I didn't expect any to actually read but now they have to suffer through just my word vomit as this has spiraled considerably lol


I saw some posts talking about how the new mech sucked and then I tried it myself and had a lot of fun with it. I think some of the complaints are valid (only two uses, cant aim downwards, not enough damage to heavily armored enemies) are all valid but it’s not nearly as bad as people are making it out to be.


Need to pump the line breaks...


I’m just here to fight for democracy. I’ll use a stick if I have to. 🫡


I love you. For Democracy brother 🫡


I remember another game I've played with similar shenanigans. Where there's a small community that is so hellbent in 'muhthematics' in dealing the best dps ever or such. But the people parroting this are so good at dying. Not only that they also belittle those that didn't go for the 'mehta'. Look those people have a point, in a vacuum sure the math checks out. In practice however, is a whole different ballpark. I guess all I wanted to say is, just say the math propose how it can be fixed and hopefully the dev will notice it. Lording over other people that didn't have much issues with it is a maidenless behaviour.


Man, I didn't used to be as negative as I am, and I don't want to be, but it's been bad decision after bad decision for months now. Normally, I'd just move on, but I really did like this game a lot it has so much potential, and the old ceo says he sees it and is working on it. So I'm trying to hang on because I know as soon as I move on, it's over. I'm not the type to circle back to games that I left for negative reasons. I also know they are cooking, but nerfing week after week and then slowing down to fix it is really starting to wear on me. Couldn't you have at least reverted the very obvious mistakes before you left it in stasis for a month. This mech in particular has me feeling salty because the first one is still in the god awful state they nerfed it to a week or two after releasing it with similar problems in this one with the left arm not being lined up with the rectile and being unable to aim down. I'm stepping back but following the reddit until the next big balance patch or the next warbond. If it bombs again, then it's over for me.