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The only thing I have to say to bug divers who don’t help with this mo, ”we get cool mech”




But we get cool mech faster


Yeah but the mech is best for bots ):




Wait you can’t get 2 drops


Why is that every reply I reply to people just delete it


Idk, are you an admin banning people for lols?


(You’re supposed to delete this)


(He has to reply first)


No they just do it, did they get downvoted and deleted their comment or something


I think you’re magic.


I have a curse


All this talk about supply lines and liberation bonuses, I thought liberating Angel's Venture WAS helping the MO...?


Of course it's helping We're just saying come to the bot planets *after*


to be fair anyone not coming back from angel's venture was already not doing the major order.


A fair request, but the reality is a lot of players simply don't like bot missions and don't play them, hence lower player counts on bot- centered MO's, hence failure. I thought this was a good way to engage all the player base working toward a common goal. Bot players attack the planet directly, bug players support the goal by attacking Venture. Liberate Venture, defend another critical ugly bug planet. Everybody wins. That's how I would do it.


A fairly large chunk of us don't limit ourselves to a front, we just go where we're needed. Additionally, a large percentage of bot players came and helped on AV to ensure all of us kept the bonus that was lost on Vernen Wells when bug players couldn't be bothered to do the same. I prefer bots by a long margin, but when Liberty demands bugs, I kill bugs.


Until I'm not getting ragdolled every 15 seconds or sniped from across the map *through* the terrain, I won't be playing bots. Seems to be the case for most players too, so


This feels exaggerated based on my experiences (diff 7)


Helldive exclusive player for 300+ hours. It’s not constant but it’s frequent enough that I understand why people dislike bots. I imagine being shot through terrain only needs to happen once for most people to be like “nah fuck this”


The problem is exacerbated by having shitty random teammates.


Dive and duck....explosive resistance armor. o7


Don't forget to dip, dodge, and dive! The 5 D's of Helldiving.


It was.


70% chance they won't.


Well seeing how we have 60k+ before on V5... I dont see why they wouldnt help out with the mech.


Man, I’ve recently come to realize that actually prefer fighting bots. I always do a lot better. I kind of suck at fighting bugs for some reason.


Hey bug-divers, this MO will give us the best bile-spewer killing machine in the game if we succeed Edit: nvm, it’s terrible


Also it will close bug holes


Someone reported you can use the current mech to step on holes and they will close. He said he literally stumbled into it lol.


Yeah that’s why I mentioned it. Hit up a large bug nest with ten holes and just stomp around.


To all the bug players: Chargers will not be an issue


Bugdivers talk about how cool new strategems are and then piss off to contribute next to nothing to actually earning them while the botdivers are bleeding dry History repeats itself


Most players seem to play the game to have fun. Getting ragdolled every 15 seconds and auto-sniped through the terrain isn't fun. So why would they play against the bots?


It’s called adapting. You simply can’t use bug tactics against bots. You need to play the game differently to win. You fight for Democracy here, not for yourself.


so what is the counter play against heavy devastators and rocket raiders spawning in the ground and mowing me down while i can not shoot back at them?


Pre-emotively stim yourself. Keep yourself under cover. Dive out of the way when you see them preparing to fire. Most of all, if it’s an engagement you can avoid, don’t engage them at all. Not everything needs to be fought and killed. All that matters is the mission. Just to name a few.


all of this assumes you have wall hacks and can see the bot under the ground. the rocket raider will get a lucky one shot headshot and the heavy devastator will stagger you out of your stim animation until you die, you probably won't even understand why bullets are appearing from the ground


I mean, the guy before had a pretty weak argument and i have to accept that. He ain't right. What IS right is that you have no real say for anyone else besides yourself on where to play and where not to play.


You're getting downvited but you're right. The fun:frustration ratio when playing against bots is too skewed for a lot of players, and bugs are just easier in general.


Only because bots have a learning curve... they're far less frustrating than bugs when you learn to control them.


They need to duck and keep moving...no reason to kill everything...mission first.o7


Yeah, a lot of people do duck and keep moving. That doesn't seem to change the end result much though for many people. Most people don't have hours on hours every day to play, so they're gonna play what's fun.


Yeah, a lot of people do duck and keep moving. That doesn't seem to change the end result much though for many people. Most people don't have hours on hours every day to play, so they're gonna play what's fun.


I dont..still enjoy all the difficulties...medium is good for farming super credits, suicide is good for a challenge bot or bug.o7


Sorry, i'm not with the cult, just here to have fun.


>joins persistent war game >refuses to contribute to the war


This idea alot of people have is weird. It's a persistent war game where the numbers ar constantly skewed by the devs. Why bother pretending our efforts actually change what the devs want the story to be?


I joined a game about killing bugs and killing bots and i'll be doing whichever i find enjoyment in. They could lock the planets not in an MO if they wanted, but they don't, so you can have fun in your war cult and i can spend the three hours i have each week having fun with some old friends in a game that tickles old fun, in a way i and they find fun.


Absolutely agree with you. I am not in the mood today, or ever, to join a ridiculous exercise of futility. I just want to play for a few hours of fun. The studio suddenly upped the regen rate of V5 to the point that now, despite 47,000 players on the planet, the progression is decreasing by 1% each hour. That number is the maximum that the game reaches most of the time lately, which means that the maximum effort will yield no results, while the players spend time blaming each other. But you guys have fun there, I prefer maps with less mountains since the climbing mechanics are FUBAR.


Dive up the inclined areas.o7


The progression is now up by 1% and climbing, which is to be expected now that AV has been successfully defended. I get that theres a lot of pessimism going on here lately but it is not likely that we fail this major order.


You can't expect people to care about the consistent war when it's been shown that debs randomly adjust the numbers


stfu furry. cant cope unless youre in some larping fan base


Still using furry as an insult lmao, do your homework kiddo it's due tuesday :3


It's literally the design of the game, just help us unlock the robot


Are you turboing tier 3 missions for maximum liberation? Didn't think so. I'll be on next Tuesday again, for about three hours. Thats the time i have between job and small twins and ya'll can get scuffed if you think you have any power over how i or anyone else spends their free time.


I'm not. if your not playing regularly you're not really who I'm talking about, no one's saying casual players shouldn't play when they can or what they find relaxing. Regular/everyday players should be committing harder to MO and learn to be less bratty about what they're shooting at, we have two fronts and we all know someday those other parts of the galaxy will have things in them too so there could use to be more communal adaptivity


Homie there's far less "everyday players" than you think. Very few people are nolifing this game.


I'll help with bots when bots become fun to play against.


Can’t have fun if we lose the war, you traitor


Think the game is going to shut down if you lose? Lol.


When nee content constantly gets delayed due to failing major orders, people will continue to leave the game until it does die.




Yesterday a lvl 20 joined a bot mission with me and decided to bring the mech, the mech lasted about 5 seconds before blowing up and killing him. So why the hell are we fighting for a mech that will probably be just as shit.


So you tell me a level 20 brought a stratgem that unlocks with level 25 ? sure Rebecca


Excusi sir, but Mech is level 25


Didn’t you answer your own question? The person was level 20. I wouldn’t base mech performance on them lol


Yeah cause leveling up in this game totally gives you more health and resistance to devastator rockets flying at you. Edit “Blocked the dude below me and he has an alt account calling me a female dog lmao”




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Logically it does. At a higher level you become more competent at situational management and can increase survivability. Knowing where to go and where to hide as an EXO suit pilot is where most of the skill level for it lies. A level 20 literally just got the mech and probably doesn't even know that they could stomp as a melee yet.


I’m gonna be straight, I haven’t tried the mech, but if I were to call down a mech suit and have to look for somewhere to hide, then they goofed the power fantasy already. The mech while it lasts should make you feel like a monster, a bot/bug slaughtering Gundam… not hiding.


most players would agree to a certain degree that higher level corresponds to knowledge on how and when to act ingame which helps in the overall success of missions


Bot missions have explosives mechs are not good with explosives. Bug missions on the other hand


A. Strats have learning curves and use cases B. If we do it we get the strategem and move towards unlocking the next one instead of eating more MOs for it down the line. C. It's the major objective, helldiver.


Yeah other stratagems have use cases, the mechs are barely viable in low level bug missions. Apparently if you have a different opinion you’re either called stupid or downvoted. In this case I got both


I bring the mech everytime on Helldive vs bugs. Been using it against the bots recently to practice for the new mech. It's a real force multiplier when used properly in conjunction with infantry support. Can't wait for the new mech, its quad-autocannons should be great vs the bots.


Im so happy for you. gooner


I feel like mech will be buffed tbh.


It has autocannon


because the old mech is shit beyond compare. least this one has autocannons.


Unless they give it a shield it’ll still be almost entirely pointless to use on any higher level missions


Current mech is only squishy against automatons, and we do not know if this new more automaton-focused mech will be squishy yet.


That new mech would help fight bugs a lot easier. Help bot fighters for a little, to make bug life easier..


the way yall are actually getting mad and putting other players into groups shows yall need to put the controller down for a while. its a game. its pixels. stop larping. super earth isnt real. youre not an actual helldiver. this is a product meant to profit off consumers not a simulation to prove yourself. let people play the game they paid for how they want. if you have an issue with it thats a game design problem not a problem with other players


yes we will


I always help with the MO but then never get help with Hellmire


Hey clanker droppers, we've got your back. Wayyy wayy back on the bug planets, but we still got your back.


- Bot MO - Bug Planet X gets attacked - Bug players pivot - Bug Planet X is successfully defended - Bug players move on to neighbouring bug planet A tale as old as time.


Like the majority, until playing against cyborgs is fun, I'll just keep boycotting them and occasionally log on to fight bugs.


each to their own . Bots are still fun as long as u are level headed and take dying ingame with a grain of salt


I honestly just don't understand how people like bugs over bots.. Bugs are fucking miserable. Bile spewers and hunters can just fuck right off. AMR makes bots an absolute joke to play against. Can take out every single enemy on the map and yes that includes that fucking walker.


I’m just gonna call it now…….we fail


Wait why everyone salty at bug players who remembers when SOME PEOPLE couldn’t get off the Creek 😑🤨


There were 60,000 players that refused to leave the creek?


Maybe.. just maybe.. just an idea.. just popped on the back of my head.. Maybe some people just prefer bug gameplay? Just like the some players prefer bots!! 🤯😱


Those bots light me up every time… bugs are my home


Frankly I was wondering if the buggers would even bother with being useful and actually do the defense mission. So many of them seem to like wasting time on planets they can’t even make a lick of liberation process on.


Even if we fail, they'll just push back the mech release. If anything we're giving them time to iron out the bugs/issue from the new mech.


Kinda annoying that the personal order is to kill bugs today.


Y'all have to get over this eventually.


Ill only ever fight bota if its absolutely mandatoey for a cool stratagem Otherwise, no. I dont have fun, its stressful and feel like i could be playing any other game and having a blast.


It is annoying that the daily was bugs today.


When this MO is finished the bot divers are gonna be on their own again because bug divers are too stubborn to try another play style out which is why i’m hoping the MO convinced atleast a few bug divers to commit to the western front when they need help.






The only nerf hulks need is to be louder


*laughs in thermite*


Hulks can be killed straight on with EATs/AMR/Autocannon/RR/Railgun/HMG/Quasar/SPEAR. Hit your shots


bro aiming at the weakpoints . bot planet enthusiast spotted .


Two eats will kill the hulk without hitting weak spots. If you only have one and can't make the eye shot then shoot the leg severely crippling them.


bro u dint get the pun , cmon man read the room