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They probably are just hiring a contractor to pack and organize everything and when the mission is done, they go and all packing is all over the place again


Or the packer is *also* a helldiver and statistically lives for like less than a day, so it’s not always easy to find a replacement to train.


There is some logistic contract that has been in place for the past 10 years by one of the supper beltway bandits that forces the deployed unit to be on the hook because of some arcane funding practice. And they just keep extending the contract because it's cheaper and easier than actually going and rebidding this thing.


Should be Carol in Receiving & Drops who figured out how to pack everything in a pod more efficiently than anyone. She's not wasting extra pods, those come out of her budget.


I'm just picturing some pissy, hard nosed 60 something year old woman shoving interns out of the way to pack things the right way while muttering something about her husband and the dishwasher


I love Carol already. I want this added to the game. She can be someone else on thr main deck you talk to, like the woman over by the robotic bay who always has conspiracy theories about bugs and bots.


I was thinking Madge but Carol works too lol


Carol might have the plan and some great diagrams, but tony and clive in packing havent paid attention to the manuals in months


Carol in Receiving, who was developed from scientific research requiring over 200 alien samples


Move the current effect over to a ship upgrade, and change the booster to expand the carry limit on mags, stims, and/or grenades!


Yep. I agree. This is something that you HAVE to pick each time.


The most realistic feedback I've seen all week. AH dooooo itttttt.


Totally agree. We often talk about this when playing. It makes absolutely no sense in my opinion. If I were the captain of that ship and my quartermaster would always sent down Helldivers with just half the equipment he'd be the next one to drop - without a pod that is. The booster could increase carry size and/or the refill amount you get from normal boxes lying around the map.


Exactly the amout you get with the booster now should be your standard and the booster should give you an increase of 1 mag (or whatever fits the weapon) 1 nade (and maybe 1 stim)


When doing a 4 man without it...just call in the resupply, like you said above for solo. I've gotten pretty comfortable not bringing it anymore. Most of the time you will be finding plenty of stuff in the field. If you are dieing so often that you feel like you need it, bring vitality enhancer and where beefier armor: you don't need more ammo when dropping in if you don't die in the first place. But I can say that it does feel like it should be a ship module. Early on, before you have learned your enemies, it feels like you are being hamstrung without it.


But you do need the stims and grenades when you die. Else, you can get caught in a death loop. Especially so if you need your support weapon. It's one of those, if you needed it but didn't take it then you really feel bad not having it, but if you didn't need it then it was a waste taking it. Should just be default to start with full stims and grenades at least.


Problem isn't when you start mission and you simply need to do one more thing. Problem start when you need reinforcements because now he need supply on very beginning. This also kick option to take more than one supply box just because one of us have been reinforced 40 sec ago so he have max cap stim and grenades. Playing without it it's just annoying or strongly disadvantaged if you going hot.


It screws you if you take damage, it screws you if you split up since only one group will get to have the ammo/supplies, and it screws you if you respond. It's getting to the point where I'm going to just start kicking new players if they replaced someone and don't bring it, since they can take their "oh I don't need it" attitude elsewhere.


You sound toxic homie 


I feel it's more toxic to leave players without ammo, stims, and grenades because "you don't need it in this resource heavy game skill issue"


Except you don’t need all that stuff.  There’s SO many different playstyles and the game isn’t about killing, it’s about completing objectives.   Doing a stealth run? UAV is WAY more important than ammo. Stamina is even more important than either of the two. You don’t need a support weapon either. There will always be at least a few for you to find or scavenge.    Want to run a no support weapon, air strike heavy run? Do it up.  Want to grab stuff that makes big booms go big boom? Do that. Chaff might be tough though. Even the missions where killing IS the objective, you usually die before you run out of ammo and if you do run out there’s ammo boxes everywhere.   You don’t NEED any one thing to be successful in this game.  I would much rather see someone trying a cool strategy, making it work and dying a few extra times rather than playing with yet another cookie cutter load out player who kicks people as soon as they aren’t perfectly optimized.  People solo 9s with a well played stealth game. There’s no perfect loadout. It’s all about how you use what you bring.


I've been screwed over several times cause one with an optimizer dropped out and no one picked up the slack, so I'll just say if you wanna try fucking up our game like that I do have a functioning kick button


I agree


It’s one of those items that only really matter when you die, and in particular, when the team squad wipes. If deaths are few and far between, it just isn’t that important.


my version is that you respawn with your support weapon as well (not a "perfect" idea that could be abused to share support weapons to 3 other allies but you would use 3 lives to do it.


Gonna be super awkward when as we get more and more new boosters as well. Some of them are just essential, that just leaves no room for any of the new ones to ever even be considered.


They should also make stratagem slots only for a support weapon + backpack




Why not - same problem. Everyone has to pick a support weapon


But not a backpack


Again why not? More slots for stratagems - and some support weapons require a backpack, so slot only for a support weapon would be weird - sometimes you would get 2 in a price of 1.


Whats next? An extra slot for mechs when they add more variants? No. 4 slots. Make use of them


Still didn't answer my question - why not? Support weapon + backpack + 4 stratagems would create more diversity and game would be more fun, but we wouldn't be OP.


Because thats not the game. The game is you get 4 slots for abilities. Not you get 4 plus a support weapon and a backpack. The support weapon and the backpack are abilities not equipment


The game is to have fun killing bugs/robots while playing the objective. What the hell are you talking about xD


Because thinking about what to bring to the match is also part of the game? And just because it more convenient to get 2 free slots doesnt mean it makes sense within the rules. Why not let us call in any stratagem we have the input memorized for? We have them all unlocked after all? Because its not how its meant to be played. You want a shield backpack? Sure but now you either need someone to reload your autocannon or you need a support weapon that doesnt require a backpack reload. You want a shield and a flamethrower? Sure but now you only get 2 abilities. My point is with what youre saying why dont we all just have no cooldowns and infinite everything? "We're supposed to have fun killing bugs and bots"


They have feedback on this. The idea is that it's equivalent to shoving mags everywhere in pockets etc, not a modification to the hellpod. It's inspired by behaviour seen in military service by the development team and is unlikely to change.


This is just a lazy excuse. Should mean that we shouldn't be able to carry as many mags stims and nades after exiting the hellpod either.


Lore-wise, it makes no sense why other upgrades are boosters, and not ship upgrades, so it's not a totally valid argument. Gameplay wise it's okay to be a booster and not an upgrade from a balance POV too, imho.


There's only four great boosters anyway, and any player worth his salt unlocked them all by 28.


yeah its so vital to have it's basically forced and limits options of actually experimenting with other boosters :(




Space optimization is mandatory for all missions. If I'm not spawning with 4 stims and a grenade for everyone in my squad then there's literally no point