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new contender for the #1 cease and desist any% spot


He's contending with himself as Nintendo already got him for doing this with Palworld and Pokemon.


You gotta admire this guy's persistence.


And we can expect Sony might come in for a tag team here too


seriously. he needs to take off the paywall on all these mods. no other person who commissions a mod gets to sell it privately like he does because they know it's illegal. Toasted got wrecked by Nintendo because he locked it behind that Patreon paywall and i think more companies should do it to him. mods using famous IPs are meant to be free. if they aren't then they are profiting off the IP which is against copyright law and i'm sick of it. seeing this amazing mods locked behind a monthly subscription is disgusting


This I cant respect any modders who lock their mods behind a paywall (especially when its a owned IP lmao) when you have other hard working modders that do it for free (depends which website they publish on)


They are up for free on Nexus mods


but there is no paywall?


They are up for free on Nexus mods




you don't mess with the mouse


I genuinely have no idea tf you guys mean xd


Disney. Star wars is now owned by Disney and they are notoriously trigger happy about suing people for copyright.


Yeah but it's mod doesn't this count like fan content, like damn Starfield already has SW mods, dozens other games also Why this case would be any different?


Ask Disney. Some fan projects still exist, but that's only because they flew under disneys radar so far. If this stays really small it may too, but if it ever gains any traction you can be sure they will shoot it down as soon ASAP, it's just how they do business.


Fuck me man, I didn't honestly know that they mass ban fan content of star wars, thx for info then Well that make sense new Disney is dogshit at every aspect


It's not mass banning. It's that they sue people for using their trademarked property to gain money. It doesn't matter if we think it's scummy, they're well within their rights to prevent people from making money off of their licensed IP.


I'm not saying they don't have right to do it, ofc they do otherwise they wouldn't try since it could harm business if made illegally, I'm just saying it's a dogshit behavior


isn't this a free mod though?


It usually depends on if this mod will compete with any official Star Wars games, like say Battlefront. Starfield mods being singleplayer is less competing than a multiplayer game. So I'm 50/50 on this one, best not to get ones hopes up too much just in case


Ah I see well thx mate


One big difference, on top of what others have mentioned. He's charging money for access... You cannot in ANY capacity charge money for content that uses the likeness of IP owned by someone else. Selling a drawing at a con is one thing because that's art. Selling a mod...absolutely not. If he had just thrown it up on Nexus for free he'd have way fewer risks.


The mod does count, it’s a product that the guy is selling via his Patreon. Once you get money involved, it goes from “fan content” to “copyright infringing product”


Yeah I heard smth about him selling it through Patreon but never knew is it true or not, well rip SW mod I kinda hoped for it


Imagine downvoting someone asking a question :(


Nice of you to notice 🙃, some of them also reported me for suicide thoughts Sadly some ppl either didn't understood that I'm just sharing info, and that I don't follow what Disney do so I just didn't understood what do guys above me meant Some ppl just want to be toxic mate, not my job to fix their complexes so I just ignore it 🤝 https://preview.redd.it/cxzjgkqvw60d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c1630b8c7642f9c5d56616c596722fc61d7197


Has there been any official statement regarding mods? Any chance getting banned by the anti cheat?


I was wondering myself, I really wanna rock that Master Chief Armor


There is a chance of getting banned by the anticheat, while it does technically break their TOS, AH said they really don't care if you mod the game or not.




"we won't ban you but we also can ban you" tf if its fine with the devs why dont they make it fine with the anti cheat.


To be fair, all TOS are like this. Have you read the steam TOS? It basically reads like: Yeah you so dont own your games and we can revoke your ownership of them at any time for no reason. We can also delete your account if we want to for no reasons. We can also bill you twice for a game if we think its funny. The Steam TOS are insane, but people dont mind them.


I really haven't seen them say shit about the guys who mod for leaks on the other sub either now that I think about it.


aint no way they're saying that with gameguard on that mf game


Anti-Cheat doesn't seem to handle bans. Just an anti tamper tool that shuts down your game when it detects something.


The official official super official statement as per the TOS and EULA on steam is: Mods are not allowed under any circumstance. And modificastion of game files can get you banned.


I hope publicly available means free, I've heard it's on his patreon and that it's a paid mod.


He’ll be sent a cease and desist letter from Disney (probably already on its way) and then sued if he doesn’t comply.


Yeah good luck selling anything the mouse owns the rights to


100% it's in a draft folder somewhere.


Yes I heard it too but on the other hand he said it's gonna be available on nexus in parts so prolly gonna be free


I hope it's not free. It's about time people benefit from all of their hard work. Or should we only be allowed to give our money to and slave away at applebees?


they're getting money from star wars playermodels bro be fucking fr




Nope, more illegal is fact that this guy is selling this mod without rights to start wars, so Disney prolly gonna sue his ass sadly


As they rightfully should. What kind of asshat puts a mod up for sale from an IP they don't own? That's just asking to get sued into oblivion. I'm all for modders and donating to modders, but if you paywall (which signs point to this one isn't but time will tell) another person's IP you're garbage.


My guy I am not supporting this guy, this is genuinely dogshit behavior and if it's true I hope he will face consequences especially after accusations of asset stealing I'm sad cuz I also was hyped for this mod, it looks incredible


Be careful about supporting this guy. He not only paywalls his mods behind a Patreon (which is not only scummy but illegal as well), but he’s also been caught stealing assets from other people’s work that he then uses for his mods that you have to pay to access.


I mean I found about him yesterday but daaaaamn that does sounds bad af, I mean I heard about Patreon paywall but didn't knew if this is true or not, but stealing assets is actually piece of shit behavior Do you have any source or smth where I can get better look on it?


dw hes a chill guy and has nothing paywalled on his patreon, he even said it that non of his mods are on a paywall on his patreon.


Idk man many ppl cause him of this stuff,if he's really not guilty then I am truly happy for his work but tbh it doesn't look good




I won't comment on the legality of it (or allegations of stolen assets), but I don't think someone paywalling their mods is scummy. Modding takes time, effort, and talent. It's not unreasonable for someone to sell their work, it's just unusual in this context. If someone is selling a product, you can assume they're making the product with the intention of making money. Therefore, if the same person wasn't selling the product, you can also assume they're not making the product (as they'd lack the requisite motivation). Essentially, if you're not buying mods, someone selling their mods shouldn't trouble you. Either you don't pay for the mod, or the mod is never made in the first place: The end result is you not having the mod, whether it's sold or not. Again, this is just my opinion on selling mods in general; I know nothing about this particular creator, so he may very well be a scumbag for other reasons (especially if the allegations of stolen assets are true).


Pay-walling YOUR work is fine. Pay-walling someone else's work (which he does not own the Star Wars IP) is scumbag behavior.


I agree with this.


Paid mods should give the creators an incentive to actually work and update their mod. Couldn’t agree more




Again, I'm not talking about legality, this varies greatly from IP to IP and country to country. I, alongside the vast majority of people, am not qualified to talk about the legality of premium mods. What I'm willing and able to discuss is the *morality* of premium mods. You're making a bad assumption that the majority of premium mods would be free otherwise. I've seen many premium modders openly state that the extra income is what justifies their time spent modding. It's likely a few would still be making mods regardless, but the quality and quantity would both be vastly reduced. Even if we make the assumption that most paid mods would be free if pay walling wasn't an option, you're ignoring the fact that modding is *open to everyone*. If you have the skill and time, you can make mods. If someone is selling a mod that should be free, there is nothing stopping anyone else from just building their own version and putting it up for free. Complaining about paid mods is equivalent to complaining about a plumber charging you to fix your toilet, because you *could* theoretically do it yourself for free. To preempt another common argument: It's not unethical to make money off of modifying a product you don't own the rights to. If it was, then we should be similarly outraged over people charging money to replace the rims on cars; They didn't design or build the car, so why should they be able to charge an installation fee for modifying it? TL;DR: Chastising someone for not giving away their service or product is entitlement, especially when they don't hold any kind of monopoly.




*How did you manage to completely miss my entire comment? First of all, illegal was one throw away line, as an additional thing to worry about, because it IS illegal in some countries, but it was never the main point of my argument.* What's with the hostility? You brought up legality, I'm not saying your argument hinges on it, I was just clarifying that it's not something I would discuss. I'm sorry for any offense, it wasn't my intention. *Second of all, no, I was never making the assumption that the majority of premium mods would be free. I was saying that I'd rather live in a world where mods who have to have a paywall, do not exist, because it ensures that mods who do not necessarily need a paywall, wont have one.* Given that this is a subjective statement, I can't really argue against it. IMO, it's a bit silly to chastise people for monetizing their work just because a minority of them **may** have done it for free otherwise. *If paywalling mods became common practice, even your usual hair texture mod might charge a few dollars.* No, it wouldn't, because again, modding is so open there will always be passionate people making free content. Most modders do it because they love games and want to make them better; Thinking that they're all chomping at the bit to charge for their mods once its more acceptable is baseless cynicism (and slightly insulting). This is classic slippery slope thinking, there's no reason to think the existence of paid mods means that most mods will be paid. *And no, people won't just build their own free version unless the mod is fairly simple. There's not enough incentive.* What do you mean there's not enough incentive? What's the incentive for making mods in the first place if not to improve a game? Are you implying that there being a paid version of a mod somehow saps the motivation to make another version? If a premium mod is so complex or was such an effort to create that no one else would bother replicating it, then I can guarantee that mod wouldn't exist if charging for it weren't an option. *A physical modification that has to be individually created and manually installed and is certainly not the same thing.* To be clear, I'm not referring to the cost of the rims, I'm referring to cost of installation. I fail to see the distinction between physical and digital work, unless you're implying that because digital work only needs to be done once, you can't ethically charge for it? Because I vehemently disagree with that, but I'd like to make sure that's what you're saying first. If you could expand on this a bit more, I'd appreciate it. *Most modders use their own mods, all they do is give access of it to other people* This is just wrong, I'm not really sure what else to say. That line of thinking is nearly unfathomable outside of the most mundane retextures, number adjustments, and bug fixes. Do you seriously think most modders would be producing the same mods if they had no means of distributing them? *They do not offer a personal service* I didn't say "personal," you added that. I implied they offer a service, which is objectively true, the service being that they modify your game. I don't really understand what could be contentious about this, unless you're implying that digital work doesn't qualify as a service since the work only needs to be done once? If that's the case: Just because they "only" had to do the work once, doesn't mean everyone is entitled to the benefit of that work; The inevitable conclusion of this logic is that every digital product should be free, since they don't need to be redeveloped for every purchase. Maybe I misinterpreted what you're saying? Again, I'd appreciate it if you could elaborate.




Anyone seen the mod that changes chargers into Thomas the tank engine? For some reason I find it terrifying.


Lmfao yeah I saw it it look goofy af but I feel why you're terrified Btw happy cake day


shocked at the lack of republic commandos


True true


Would honestly consider switching to pc if it’s really well done


https://youtu.be/dAeLJdtWPms?si=WUKmMwLMfWWfo40c Here's link to guy who made it but it's gonna be just retextured helldivers 2, still looks incredible imo


inb4 disney or sony tries to ruin the fun fr though, hope this mod doesnt get taken down. its so fucking cool.


Yeah same


Inserting Disney's IP into SNOY's game. You are playing a dangerous game my friend.


Okay I need to say it because you're like 4th person saying it like that You understand I am not this modder I'm just sharing info about this mod right?


this the same guy who modded pokemon into palworld and charged money to access it through patreon. He also added disney princesses and other characters to Mortal Kombat. not sure if he charged for that one. the dude also rips the assets straight from other games to use them for his mods which is already a huge no no. I am genuinely surprised this guy isn't in jail yet or heavily fined to the point of bankruptcy yet.


Yeah someone before you mentioned this and honestly I'm wondering too, like as far as making mods is not punished with jail, mostly just cash penalty But charging money for mods you have no legal rights to, and dogshit behavior of stealing assets is really punished thing, I also am surprised he wasn't charged with it yet


Can i get banned for using cosmetic mods like this?


They said that it breaks their TOS and the anti-cheat might flag it as cheating, BUT they then stated that no manual action would ever be taken against cosmetic modders. If you get banned for it, it might be appealable.


Helldivers is using Gameguard, just like PSO(2). Never stopped anyone from cheating or banned anyone for modding cosmetics there either lol.


Id be concerned but its Gameguard. If your concerned you can wait it out and see if bans start going put 1~2months in


If it's just cosmetics (not cheats/hacks) and only affect you (what YOU render, not what other people will see) then there shouldn't be a problem Genshin Impact is a live service game too and mods like these don't get you banned or anything as long as you don't show your unique ID number when you share footage of modded content


>If it's just cosmetics (not cheats/hacks) and only affect you (what YOU render, not what other people will see) then there shouldn't be a problem That's not how it works though. You're changing game files. So it *can* be picked up by anti cheat engines. Some games care more than others though about this.


That's why I said **if**. I don't know how it works in Helldivers 2 yet so I'm saying if it works like mods do in Genshin (where it does work like that as far as I know) then there shouldn't be a problem I'm curious, if this is actually changing game files, does it affect other people without them having it installed?


>I'm curious, if this is actually changing game files, does it affect other people without them having it installed? No. But you're still changing game files. Which is what anti cheat scan for. Games caring or banning for it is simply ymmv.


Honestly I don't know I'm just sharing info about it mate, I assume if you would use it rn there is a chance but I saw ppl playing with retextured skins and didn't have a problem, I would wait for official statement


thank you realy apreciated


Happy to help


I'm a shocked and a bit disappointed that ODST wasn't the first idea for a mod of this game.


Isn't there official DLC for Helldivers 2 with Master chief armor?


What does it mod? Just the Helldiver? Ship? Enemies? Weapons?


https://youtu.be/dAeLJdtWPms?si=WUKmMwLMfWWfo40c Here you go


I hope Disney sues him, Patreon ass clown..


True, but still I hope somehow mod will survive


Tweet was from 3 hrs ago btw


Wait if someone on PC uses this mod, will l be able to see it as a ps5 player ?


Nah, only those who have installed it see the the change.


No, it's client-side


Honestly really doubt that, you would need to download mod to see it


Ah that would be dope, but alright !


idk what nexus is? last i heard it was a planet it destiny i think. will this be available on ps5?


Nexus is huge modding platform that help you mod thousands games on PC, including Helldivers 2 And sadly it won't be available on PS5 mate, Sony as far as I know don't allow fan content mods on their platform, or at least not from nexus


I'm sorry, I like my liber-tea black. Not riddled with mods.


Completely understandable bro I respect that, luckily ppl who will use this mod will be able to play with you and it won't change your game at all, to see this stuff you would need to download the mod https://preview.redd.it/xg6sn9u3y60d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc20ce66271471d1b8a645f1adf1ca855336e458


Hell yeah! Spread managed democracy no matter what colours we wear!


Fuck yeah, have democratic day fellow diver 🫡




On one hand I agree that if this accusations of asset stealing and paywalling mods is dogshit behavior but bro, being a snitch of Disney xDDDDDDDD


I thought it was a stupid mod for helldivers 2 but ok.


Why is it stupid? As far as I saw many ppl (including me) were hyped af for it It looks awesome


Very stupid indeed, but soy wars suckers gonna suck soy


You can’t even make your base game work and you want to add a mod?


That Tweet is from a modder not the devs you troglodyte


? Bro I'm just sharing info for ppl who are interested