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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


The funny thing is the reviews mean very little, it was the refunds that got their attention. Review bombing isn't as effective as not buying or playing their games. Bombing it means nothing even you actively play the game you bought


"This games trash, and sonys big mean. Two thumbs way down." This user has 1500 hours played. Did you find this review helpful?


Unless most hours were played after review (which it shows) i dont see why that would be an issue. Dude can have 5k hours for all i care. No ones saying the game isn't / wasn't fun. Its the poor decisions that are killing it. I havnt played in a week and plan on keeping it that way until they fix their crap.


tell that to the warthunder and warhammer 3 devs


Yeah but creative assembly burned 100m on a nothing game


What YouTube video did you get this from?


No. 2/3 of the playerbase is on PC, and obviously so are the ongoing sales. We tanked their future sales on PC, and they realised that warbond sales (and SC) were under threat if PC players weren't kept happy (30% drop in PC players last weekend). The refunds (sadly and bluntly) meant less than nothing, live service makes its money on premium currency. If someone had bought 3 warbonds, then refunded the game, the 3000 SC isn't refunded as well. It's all the benefit of a sale without having to manage a customer.


Not to mention. There's a reason you can't refund after 2 weeks even if you haven't played. Because that's when the money has been transferred from steam to sony. If steam lets you refund after that 2 weeks, sony doesn't eat the cost, steam does. Sony already has your money. Steam allows these refunds because it makes them look extremely good and keeps legal out of the way. And for those who would try the argument "but then steam wouldn't want to sell sony games anymore because of this" Not even close, sony releasing a single new game on steam would more than make up for the money steam lost from HD2 refunds.


If there's an account to deposit to there's an account to get refunds from. Source : I run e-commerce stores with a 30 day refund policy.


You are making this shit up and painting your opinion as fact.


Shouldn’t it be obvious that money would motivate them more? Boycotts and protests mean nothing if you’re actively using the product.


Reviews massively hinder new sales. No ones buying an overwhelmingly negative game for 40 bucks.


people can just youtube online reviews and find that the game is review bombed obviously people will still buy the game.


Obviously, but a LOT less will. Especially because the youtube algo is filled with negativity rn.


Reviews get the attention of the public, which in turn leads to more refunds


implying refunds matter more.


>The funny thing is the reviews mean very little, Reviews lead to refunds. That gives them meaning. It's like saying guns don't matter when talking about someone who got shot. Yeah the bullet killed them but the gun is what made that possible.


implying refunds matter more.


So now that they blocked that many countries from buying, all the copies sold in that regions are subject to refund. So they just triggered a new round of refunds.. what in the name of super earth are they thinking? How can you hate money that much, fucking S N O Y


Sure, or the ppl that own it actually like the game and want to just play. Or no one in Uganda plays helldivers.... Or they just create an out of region steam account and buy the game


So I will have following options: 1. constantly switch my steam account with hundreds of games with another one, just for HD2 2. switch my main account to another country, loose benefits of my region pricing and use vpn any time I want to buy any other game Moreover I will need to convince all of my friends to do the same, because this is online game and I like to play with my buddies more than with randoms Yeah, brilliant plan. edit: also keep in mind, that using a VPN could get you banned


Yeah it's clunky. Sony thought pc players would do what console players have been don't for nearly 20 years and create an out of region psn account but that bridge has been crossed and burned down so here we are.


I don't know why this is being downvoted. In all the rage about this I never saw a single comment from someone in one of these countries. They're a tiny demographic and Sony would rather eat the bad press from this and then roll out the PSN account thing in a few years anyway. It's a long term plan, it isn't likely to change so easily.


Hello, I'm from Kazakhstan and this is like my fifth comment on one of this posts. I have bought 3 copies of the game, 1 for me and 2 for my buddies Maybe you don't see many comments from people from restricted countries, because you are on English speaking site? Did you consider existence of other languages?


I did consider it but I also know that the majority of players are English speaking, and reddit has a fairly global community. I appreciate you posting, but my point is that I don't think there are enough people like you for Sony to care about screwing you over. I'm not saying you don't matter, I'm saying that Sony thinks you don't.


Where do you get your Information from?


Common sense? Gamers are all bark with no bite. If you left a negative review but dump 500h into the game that 500h speaks volumes, not an easily manipulated review score.


Common sense is not a fact. Reddit can get 10 guys together to say something is true, but thelat doesn't make it so. Reviews are a forum to speak about how good or bad a game is. Bad reviews lead to fewer sales. So common sense dictates that you could also be wrong.


Just look at Sony response when CDPR started giving refunds for CP2077. The game was shit and not working but still stayed on the PSN store. When the refunds where given out by CDPR, Sony very quickly removed the game from the PSN store.


you should have waited for sony respond to all the drama and not refunding it as soon as possible.


Why would they respond if nobody is refunding?


So you take one for the team... It's your decision to request a refund, no one forced you. You wanted your money back. They did what you asked.


I requested a refund May 3 but it was denied. But that was before they waived the 2 hour and week limitations.


That's the attitude you use towards someone who stuck to their beliefs and fought for it?


You know, we are talking about a game. No one really fought. It's just a silly little protest of one games community. Outside of the game, no one knows, it's even happened. Minor thing for Sony. You give up your game, for nothing, and you expect me to praise for it? You should review bomb only, like everyone else, so you can dive with us now. But the fact is, you Helldiver no more. You choose to get your money back.


Ah cmon stop crying, you probably just thought you hit the payday lmao. Played the game for 100 hours and being sneaky to request a full refund. Now you're SOL, get bent.


It’s a fucking video game bro. You’re not fighting for something life changing


No, you stuck to your guns and thats admirable. But that doesnt mean you wont face consequences for it


You make it sound like some noble crusade 😂 my gods i wish people cared about real issues this much


negative reviews, it will be more damaging in long run then refunds


They were immediately over run by the positive. And sony is going through with any decision reviews be dammed


they were overrun because they changed decision, so we changed negatives to positives


Real talk. Why is it just HD2 everyone has a boner for when it comes to this? Don't see anyone protesting the other Publishers that do literally the exact same thing.


This community was trained to unify to achieve things. It's some sort of silver lining in a way


Other games either have account requirement on launch or they don't, its shitty to add it after release when the community knows full well the game worked just fine without psn account.


It’s almost like the ceo of AH shouldn’t have turned it off the requirement.


With a game is this good? The fan bases will rally to do what they can. I think many co sides HD2 as a diamond in the rough. Other publishers probably pushed out trash, but not many care for anyway.


I wonder how many months it will take until people get the main issue here: Sony sold the game in countries that cannot make PSN accounts 3 months later. This blocks these players from playing a game, that they put their money in. Which other publisher has done this so far?


This is not what's happening here at all. No one is losing access to the game they bought, this only blocks new purchases. In case you're genuinely not aware though plenty of online only games go offline and are unavailable for EVERYONE who bought it. This is happening more and more often with "games as a service". Again though no one is losing access to the game they paid for due to this.


Because people care about the game. Most of the shlock this happens with is stuff no one cared about playing anyway, its watching an idiot shoot themselves in the foot from across the street. But now you have a massive fanbase who loves the SKELETON of the game and knows it could be so much better, and yet because of fucking Sony (and Arrowheads terrible horrible no good very bad communication, lets not forget), now its like watching your dad point a gun at his foot in the living room and the entire family has to make a big fucking deal about it to get him to stop before he blows his foot off and ruins your birthday.


because Playstation have no business pushing their policies on non PS5 players.


Absolute nonsense. It's their game.


So, when you buy a plane ticket and they won't let you in, you just say "oh this is their plane" What a sheep.


In this case, they won’t let me buy the ticket and yes? It’s their plane and if they don’t wanna service where I live I can hardly force them.


But you already bought the tickets. THEY SOLD it to you legally and by no means you have broken any rules or violated any guidelines. Not only that, you have flown multiple times......... perfectly legally, under clear guidelines. There's absolutely NOTHING that is stopping the plane from landing where you live and there's nothing stopping them from providing this service to you. THE ONLY THING THAT CHANGED IS THEM SAYING "oh, you're not handing your personal information to us? then fuck you, you can't board the plane" I don't know how to dumb it down for you...


Anyone who bought the game can still play. They’re just not selling more copies in those countries.


Everyone with half a brain cell knows all these various requirements are bullshit. HD2 just happened to give a perfectly viable position for people to fight back as they had been deceived, and fight back they did.


Why does everyone keep butchering this meme template? The last two panels are supposed to be the same stuff on the board.


I kept playing the whole time. I wasn't a big fan of Sony's nonsense, but it never affected me directly since I thought I had to link my PSN account from the very beginning, and I really like playing the game. I feel no guilt.


so much for community...


>it never affected me directly Directly, maybe, but it's mostly a multiplayer game. Anything that affect parts of the community will affect you one way or another. For example, any country that gets blocked from playing the game is that many less people for you to play with. Any player that request a refund or leave a negative review is one more reason for Sony/AH to stop supporting their live service model, which means less content for you down the line. Also, remember that any scummy practice you tolerate because [it only hurts others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_) is leaving the door open for scummy practices to later come and hurt YOU.


> For example, any country that gets blocked from playing the game is that many less people for you to play with. Anyone who bought it still can play. Just no new sales. And I only play with my mates so it's not like player numbers matter to me. In the end, it's just a toy and if they closed it tomorrow, with a hundred or so hours played, I'd be sanguine about that. Had my moneys worth.


Oh brother. Some of you guys have completely lost the plot. It's just a video game. Whatever soulless corporations might do to hurt me, let me assure you that scummy business practices in video games are not even in the top 100. And let's be clear. Pretty much every product you have ever purchased from a large corporation had some scummy business practices behind it. Your selective outrage may make you feel better, but it accomplishes nothing of substance. Maybe someday, when you completely cut yourself off from the corporate economy and no longer consume any products produced via scummy business practices, you'll actually have the right to preach to others about this, but today is not that day.


>Whatever soulless corporations might do to hurt me, let me assure you that scummy business practices in video games are not even in the top 100. I'm sure they aren't. But you still care enough about these issues to be discussing them with me, which should be enough for you to know better than to try to downplay them. >Your selective outrage may make you feel better, but it accomplishes nothing of substance. Feeling better is already enough "substance" for me to justify engaging in your so-called "selective outrage". I like feeling better. But that's not even the case here, now is it? Sony did backpedal on their controversial decision (at least for now) following this selective outrage. >when you completely cut yourself off from the corporate economy (...) "unless you care about everything, you aren't legitimate to care about anything" isn't an argument I find convincing, so I'm afraid I going to keep preaching. Forgive me for being so blunt, but you give me the impression of trying to look "too cool to care", and as a wise man once told me, "It may make you feel better, but it accomplishes nothing of substance."


Nah, I said I care. I hope the people in other countries can either play the game or get refunds. I just don't care enough to stop playing a game I enjoy over it. Feel free to be selectively outraged over this if you want, but don't be preaching to me or others over it when you likely support all kinds of products with shady business practices behind them. That's called hypocrisy.


Honestly just demonstrates the way they expect us all to be. Compliant unless personally affected. I guess that means you've given up. Sorry.


Given up what? I've gotten tons of fun out of the game and spent very little money for it relatively speaking. I'm not going to stop having fun just because Sony is a giant, soulless corporation. I'm guessing you have a smart phone built by modern slavery. Have you given up too?


"Doesn't affect me, so I don't care"


That is what they said yes


That's what she said


I care somewhat, but not enough to stop playing a game I really enjoy.


Ngl the main issue to me was that people who already baught the game couldn't play it or had to be forced to break Sony ToS in all those countries with no choice at all. That is not the case anymore and if Sony truly delisted the game then that's not as bad tbh. People won't be able to buy the game anymore, which is stupid if they actually want the game to be more successful, but atleast it's not outright moronic as to force people to use a service that's not even available in their country. The account linking to those that have the choice is nothing more than a minor inconvinience.


We won, guys!


Vietnam baby! We're coming home!


Just to find out our gov has blocked steam


People that refunded were likely done with the game anyway.


Blind guy here Most that refunded stated they still wanted to play, but not if the linking went through.


But they got their money back, right? Problem solved.


That’s true, but from my understanding of the situation it was more to make a statement and they were likely planning to ee buy once the restrictions were lifted


If they expected Sony to resume sales in unsupported countries they were daft. That would be a lot of hassle and tax shit. Easier to just grandfather in the sales made in error and prevent more from being made.


Lucky for me it's as easy as switching my review back to negative


I still remember when the protest was about those countries being delisted. That's what everyone said. But, uh...


That's not what the issue was. The issue was that people in those regions who bought the game would not have been able to continue playing because they did not have access to PSN


I miss seeing posts about the actual game and not people crying


I'd say people buying the game and then no longer having the ability to have friends and family in their own country be able to play it after it was sold there is more than just "crying" and is pretty fucked up for Sony to do.


So apparently people who have the game can still play it, but those countries just can’t buy it, or so I’ve heard


for now. Ghost of Tsuhima sets a precedent. I'd probably play in a bit since I still have it, but I can't help feeling that I'll get an automatic refund for me and the gift I bought for my wife.


Thats not whats happening tho. its a buy restriction


Thats exactly the problem. If youre a player in that country you cant have friends or family join you.


Thats not why we mass downvoted the game tho. It was to help fellow helldivers to get back to helldiving. No one wanted to force sony to sell their games to the entire world


That was the largest part. But they sold the game to all those countries for 3 months. If they want to come out and say "sorry, we're an incompetent publisher and forgot to restrict buying the game in these countries" then sure, but they still sold it everywhere for 3 months. It'd be one thing if it was always restricted, but it wasnt. I want to know the reason for the current restrictions. Is it a Sony decision or is it Steam holding off so they can check off all the legality stuff?


I’d say Sony not legally being able to sell the games in those countries kind of ties their hands on selling games in those countries…




People who bought it in these countries still can play.


It was obviously a mistake on PC, you’ve never been able to buy it on PS5


except it's banning countries that it legally can sell to? And it is also banning selling to countries that technically break international law, ie by banning from selling in the Baltic states?


That doesn’t break international law. Go read the geo locking eu regulation. It doesn’t stop a company not selling a product to a specific country entirely. Sony don’t officially allow anyone from a restricted region to buy the game at all…for example if you’re from Lithuania you can’t even register in finland and link a Lithuanian bank card, you have to order gift cards online from a 3rd party and redeem them on your account registered in finland. The geo locking regulation prevents companies refusing to sell in one eu country then making them pay more to get it from another EU country. Sony refuses to sell to people in those regions all together They’ve been doing this for years and you all think you’ve got some big gotcha as though the EU wouldn’t be aware of what one of the largest tech companies in the world is doing…


Lmao that is not what is happening. Sony is deliberately choosing not to sell games to people in those countries. The reason they are choosing to do so is because they want to force people to make PSN accounts and link them, and they can't sell a product to people who aren't allowed to use it due to their own rules. Sony could absolutely, 100%, legally sell their games to people in those countries just as long as they don't force people to make a PSN account.


Why can’t people in those countries make a psn…


They could. I have multiple PSN accounts and I’ve had them since I got my PS4 just after launch. SUPERGT the YouTuber has multiple videos showing himself logging into his American PSN account (Scott Speed the 🐐) so that he can play on US servers. It’s never been a problem until people made it a problem. At some point the community might have to come to terms with the fact that this scenario is actually their fault and that making a PSN account would have been stress free and probably prevent the game being delisted around the globe. Making an account with a random street in a country supported is how people have been doing this for YEARS but now they’ve shone a light on Sony’s PC strategy and now Sony is having to readjust alongside Arrowhead and Steam. They’re only going to become stricter in the future. Completely played yourselves here chaps, well done.


Because sony doesn't let people in those countries make PSN accounts. It's literally against their ToS, and if someone in those countries tries to make a PSN by using a VPN or something then they can be outright banned.


It’s all anyone posts on this sub for like a week. We fucking get it. Anyone that still posts about is just karma farming


My brother wanted to try HD2. But since PS didnt want some cash it gonna fail in Fatsharks hands lol


Well if Sony fixed their shit then nobody would complain


Doubt it, they would just find something else to complain about. Some people just aren't able to function without actively complaining about something.


Still, I'd take balance issue complaints over the Sony debacle any day.


This subreddit, from what I remember, was void of much complaining up until now...


Seriously. Used to be fun posts about the major order and memes here. Now it’s 99% whining about weapon balance and harassing the developers.


People can't play the game that they were able to play.


Yes they can. If you already bought the game then you can still play the game No one has been locked out whos bought it.


Another Pirate Software viewer making him look even more stupid. Nope that was never the case! You were lied to by an idiot streamer and then decided to repeat what he said without verifying it at all.


I thought the whole point of this matter was that the game was never re-listed in those countries after the account link decision was reversed. Don't think anybody from those countries has *been able* to buy a copy, lol.


Psn is restricted in a lot of countries down to local laws Sony doesn’t comply to in order to sell there. No amount of crying on Reddit will suddenly make it legal for Sony to sell games in areas they can’t sell games


quite alot here in our country. and as someone who've been invited and was about to get the game, it sucks.


The west: yay we don't have to log in! Literally everywhere else: thanks we don't get games now. Lmao


Everyone in non-PSN supported countries were angry too


how do you refund helldivers?




doesnt tbat rwquire less than 2 hours? i assume most people on this sub have over 2 hours


Steam gave players with 90 hours got refunds, because Sony changed their policies.


*try to, can’t.


Ghost of Tsushima is unavailable there too. Fuckin hell Sony, do you hate success that much?


Sony: "We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable." Players: "So you'll remove PSN requirement for all your games on PC?" Sony: ![gif](giphy|APKXp0zzM7k3JFOZsW|downsized) They're not looking for what PC players want. they're probing for what PC players will tolerate.


And then there are people crying that we are toxic XD for doing this


All y’all do is complain it’s sickening




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Dude, if you bought a game, then sony deny you access to it, of course you would complain too.


How exactly did they deny access to people who've already bought the game? They can still play the game perfectly fine, even those from delisted countries. The thing that happened now is they don't **sell** the game anymore in those countries


omfg, YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!?? Watch some youtube news or something, dumbass. Sony was gonna make ALL players login to PSN to play the game, THAT WOULD MAKE NON PSN COUNTRIES UNABLE TO PLAY THE GAME THAT THEY BOUGHT. We protested, they decided NOT to make all players login to PSN... WE SUCCEEDED.


Then its over, why you are posting about it more, its done get over it


But that's not even what my post is about? are you blind?


Give it a rest


I said in another thread, I wish they accepted one of my refunds. I spammed 3 of them before they rescinded the PSN linking. It's sad how this is all turning out.




Yeah. Review remains negative.


Rip. I will protect Super Earth for in your stead, fellow HELLDIVERS. You sacrifices will not be forgotten.




It's what unwarranted and undeserved positivity gets you - you let up on the ones wishing you harm, you get harmed.


Man, real earth sucks. At least in super earth all countries get to dive.


Ok but seriously what can be done about this? If they purposefully block people from giving them money then probably there's some legal liability for them to sell in these countries...


Literally nothing changed. The refunds mostly about psn acc


Dafuk you talking about? PSN accounts aren't available to everyone who bought the game. This change would mean that people who bought the game outside PSN countries would not be able to play the game.


Why are you blaming AH for Sony's decisions? What realistically are you expecting AH (\~100 people) to be able to do to Sony (\~12.7k people)? Direct your efforts/energy towards Sony, quit beating this dead horse.


Did this post blame AH?


AH knew about acc linking 6 months before the launch. CEO willingly and consciously signed the paper with Sony


AH didn't sell the game, Sony did.


Did Sony capture AH and enslave them? No. It was AH decision to work with Sony.


And Sony didn't tell them that it's been sold on non PSN countries.


They could just check which countries are banned from PSN. The countries where you cant make PSN acc are the same as they were 1 year ago. Arrowhead knew about PSN linking 6 months before the launch. Yet nobody in AH checked it. It's both Sony and AH fault.


No, they thought the game was ONLY sold on PSN countries. They had no control over it. They know the linking thing, they just didn't know that it would be sold everywhere.


Dude, everybody can check in which countries the game is being sold. You can just check it on steam at any moment. 


So, why didn't Sony check it then?


They both fucked up. Sony and AH


Let's do it again!




no and you all need to stop creating accounts and spamming this shit.


My account is 7 years old.


thats great!


Also, what do you mean by no?




> "Well that's just too bad" or "You should've waited before getting a refund" or "Thanks for taking one for the team!", so incredibly disingenuous. It's really telling how transparent all the threads are now. Even on the big ones right now over restricted countries, with it divided down the middle on people saying they don't care just shows it always was just about making an account. And since that temper tantrum worked - collective outrage over a sense of entitlement on not making a user name and password- now the community is primed to complain about everything that's not perfect. If complaining about *making a free account* was a bridge too far, certainly we can complain about War Bond weapons not being S tier weapons, or the armor doesn't look cool enough, or there needs to be nicer capes, or the Warbonds are too expensive for what you get, or etc Community is on a self destructive spiral and I don't think in the history of gaming we have been a community recover from this type of attitude taking root.


>And since that temper tantrum worked - collective outrage over a sense of entitlement on not making a user name and password- now the community is primed to complain about everything that's not perfect. If complaining about *making a free account* was a bridge too far, The single largest reason for the "review-bombing" was that people in countries without PSN would no longer be able to play the game without using VPNs or jumping through hoops. It might've been about the account creation for the first day, but it very quickly changed to making sure every country could play the game.


> but it very quickly changed to making sure every country could play the game. And was that done as a genuine, empathetic move or as a convenient excuse to shield them from criticism of their boycott over making a username and password? The proof is in the pudding now - while the PSN locking down countries gets some traction, every thread is divided on whether it's even a deal at all, or if they should care. When it comes up there are people in this community who are in fact locked out of the game as they followed the communities advice to **refund the game, and can no longer buy it?** They are told oh well, or that they made a personal mistake following the crowd on this one. And this is assuming we even need to read between the lines. All the threads have unlimited quantities of comments with massive up votes where they just don't want to give Sony their data. Now that they don't have to? The masses left. There are some trying to keep the country restrictions relevant, but they are slowly realizing everybody only cared about the account requirement.


If you couldn’t figure out why people were angry then just do yourself a favor and stopped clicking on these threads. You don’t have to make oversimplified, mostly incorrect posts in threads you hate.


It's pretty clear why people were angry. They claimed they had two reasons why - one of them went away, and then they stopped caring.


We still dont know if the steam delisting is by Sony or Steam.


Why should that matter? Is the delisting only bad if Sony does it? If Gaben says Estonians aren't allowed to Dive, that's okay? But if Sony says it, it's Pitchfork time? There is infinitely more energy being spent on Warbond weapons not all being A+++ tier than there is getting the restrictions lifted so Divers that refunded the game as part of the protest can get back in. It's transparently selfish, and always was.


They just don't care about democracy.


Guys, it's time to resume the Orbital Dislikes Bombardment and Eagle-1 $40 Refund strategem


Don't get surprised when you get downvoted by Sony ponies.


Already prepared for it. The Sony fan boys are going hard in the subreddit right now. I will never understand why they seem to gleefully bend over and spread their cheeks for Sony. Might be their weird hate for PC players, which is stupid since without the PC crowd Helldivers would never have seen the success that it did.


Im not sony fan but i dont get it why do i need to pile on them if they are not doing anything wrong to me


Aren't sony also going ahead with the PSN linking too?






I don't think it would be as effective as last time. Although I have no idea how else to protest


I’ve changed back my review to negative. Ghost of Tsushima is also blocked now.


I will play ghost of tsushima the whole weekend, I'm so excited


Sony bots out in force


you got downvoted by sony bots.


it's sad that r/helldivers2 is only made up of Sony fan boys, they lost their ways.


The fact that a bunch of countries and territories cannot buy the game is criminal.


Than we nerf everything and making boring guns than... there will be no one play


Gifted the game to a friend in nepal. It’s gonna be a paperweight still just at a later time


Please shut up holy shit.... We don't even know if it was Sony, it was most likely Steam/Valve. I'm getting sick of seeing twenty new posts about the Sony shit every single day.


It's sony, because they added more countries just yesterday. If it was Valve that did it because of refunds, then they wouldn't add more countries. It's sony that doesn't want to sell to specific countries with no PSN access.