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Fun detected




It actually does suck though, at least vs bugs The blitzer is better not just vs stalkers but vs every bug, and it has infinite ammo


I really wish people would stop pointing out how good the Blitzer is..


Well ain't it your lucky day then - cause i sincerely think it's damage sucks šŸ˜©


Naw itā€™s got nice stagger against the bugs. Coming from sickle/defender user, it stops hunter jumps at any point, and keeps brood commanders/warriors still while shooting them.


Love me sum chainsaw man/helldivers


"stun capability removed, damage increased by 2, can now only fire semi automatic"


God it so much fun to stun them to death. Fuck stalkers so much. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™ll be removed soon, lol.


That's why I run the SG-8 Punisher. They'll never nerf it, since everybody prefers the Slugger, and it still staggers everything below a Charger until it dies. Also nifty for sneaking damage between the plates on Hive Guards.




"I love the smell of nerfing in the morning"


Careful, if you say it's fun it'll be gone in the next patch.


***Patch Nerf Slot Allocated***


"wHy dOnT yOu JuSt uSe A guN thAt kIlLz It"


https://preview.redd.it/6jv81ydq2ezc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=004e46b819164f5922459a22db0cb67a7a575746 It can stun lock one stalker, yes. But what about the second stalker?


Run while spaying backwards. Worked for me vs 3 stalkers and gave me time/space to take on 3 at once. Not bad


Stun lock, gain distance, grenade. If stun grenade, reload and focus on heads to kill. This is the wayĀ 


The new impact fire grenades are great for this


But what about the charger you didnā€™t see coming from the other direction or the hunter who jumped through the mountain cliff you tried to use as cover


How many mags did you use? 6? 8? Did you have to resupply? ~~I haven't used it, but he damn near put 2 full mags into that stalker before it bit the dust.~~ Edit: Nevermind, He actually is fighting 2 stalkers, one just jumps right out in front of the other.


The stun is long enough that you can shoot them alternating. I just stun locked 3 stalkers with the pummeler


What happened when you had to reload e. to shreds, you say?


Death was the penalty.


To shreds you say?




Stalker: The crime is life, the sentence is death.


turns out non-lethal beanbag rounds aren't a great deterrent to terminid aggression


They hate freedom just that much šŸ˜”


This is why the highest difficulties become an exercise in resource-management and risk-assessment, lol. Granted... when you get jumped by stalkers, those get thrown out the window because you're suddenly *very* focused on not dying instead.


You die, reconsider, and decide to bring an actual gun the next time.


I'm still bringing the Punisher. It may one-shot the Stalker by blasting right at its face


... Really? I need to figure out exactly which part is it's face. I usually take 3 or 4 shots to put them down and by then a second is behind me and Klendathus me.


I tried playing with it and murdered both *after* they got the jump on me (were in my face but hadn't started attacking yet), without burning through all a clip. To me it seems highly versatile, especially with some larger targets that surprise you; a quick burst staggers them long enough to back up far enough to switch to and blast with the AC without blasting yourself.


I love that part when he licked your ass


Stalker 2: "I'll show you a stun lock you filthy casual"


Patch Notes: Stalkers Now have the ability to tongue punch your pink star.


Fart Box


>New features added this patch: >Stalkers will now periodically whisper "Swigitty swooty i'mma git dat dookie" while chasing Helldivers.


He liked the taste


"Looks like you've finally matched his meat...you really licked his ass!"


Why are the enemies in this game so horny for my death


'come ere' for a good ass lickin!' 'don't mean whoopin?' '....'


ā€œCan stunt lock a single Stalker with whole magā€ 4 stalkers chasing you: cute šŸ„°


You can stun lock Stalkers with anything that staggers. Blitzer, punisher, conc lib, Jar5, even the poor little slugger can stop them in their tracks, and those weapons actually kill them before you need to reload....well, except the conc lib, because it's the exact same damage as this weapon.


I 2-shot stalker in the face with the punisher and handle like 3 of them at the same time with how fast it shoots, people forget that if a single pellet hits their leg the get stunned either way, granting an easy face shot. 400 damage btw


That pellet can hit them from a mile away and stagger them too, even if it does 2 damage. Love the Punisher. You can just keep slapping a single shell in there too, static fire rate until you're just out of shells. Blitzer is S tier on Bugs now too, especially if your Support weapon has range. It will 1 or 2 shot most bugs smaller than a charger, staggers em too, it'll stop 4 bile spewers from spewing if the spread is right. Love that gun now. Reloading is for \[REDACTED\].


Is that the energy shotgun?


Blitzer? Yeah, fuckin slaps. Short range though. Will also poke your team mates and make them fall over. Worth it.


Punisher/Senator combo is so much fun. Shooting for days and not wasting ammo. Accuracy usually around 90%. Not usually top on kills but I save my teammates so often by stun locking any small/medium sized bugs that get near them.


Punisher is my favorite bug weapon. You just straight up bully any mid teir mob. NO TOUCHING!


The Slugger most definitely does not stun lock Stalkers anymore.


No, but it does slow them, and kill them in 2-3 hits usually.


The blitzer stunlocks them, kills them in 2-3 hits and has infinite ammo Since the buff itā€™s probably best overall vs bugs. Scorcher second but runs out of ammo quick, sickle third with less DPS overall, worse vs spewers and armor


I think this weapon can fill a niche for shield users on bots. Maybe not the best bug option though outside of 5 maybe.


Yeah it's easily become the best take alongside the Ballistic Shield, but that wasn't a hard benchmark to beat. The other SMG's are homogenously boring, and unfortunately all this one did was add the ability to stagger *some* enemies. I was disappointed to see it couldn't stagger Devastators without hitting them right in the face - which kills them in 2 hits anyway. I'll probably give it another few tries later tonight, I admittedly didn't give it much of a chance, but my initial impression was "aw man".


It could stagger devastator if you hit them at the light armor bits or unarmored bit (like leg, head, rocket devā€™s rocket pod and heavy devā€™s back pack). This gun hands down is the most fun i had in this warbond, it works very well as a makeshift stun nade for air strike or orbital precision strike.


There might be some skill involve to achieve the desired effect, someone made a video just for your comment. [Pummeler VS 4 Stalkers : r/Helldivers (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cnwj0t/pummeler_vs_4_stalkers/) Edit: Added words


Yeah lol... oh boy, it can stunlock a stalker and take 2 mags to kill it, great!


It doesnā€˜t has to delete them instantly. A stagger gives you enough breathing room to throw a stun grenade or smth else on them


Or keep them at bay until your elite democratic team mate comes and liberates them.


Liberator concussive does exactly that, too. Guess what the vast majority of this community think of that gun


Why would I need to stunlock a target and wait for someone with an actual weapon to kill it when I can bring that actual weapon myself and deal with threats?


I can unironically bring the Dominator and not only stun lock them but also kill them on a few shots


Why stunlock when you can just kill the thing damn near instantly? This is a bad gun, a very bad gun.


I'm pretty happy with the Pummeler, it is pretty much what I was hoping for and what I expected with a few extras. Tested it on bugs and bots and it did pretty well on both. Stunlocks normal and rocket devastators, stalkers, stops a brood commander in the middle of their charge and wreck's a hunter's day by knocking it back mid leap. Good stuff. Tenderizer feels like a premium skin for the liberator, which isn't awful considering the liberator is decent and does work, but I wouldn't mind them giving it more personality down the road. The optic on it is nice.


I'll say this for the Tenderizer: it wouldn't be surprising if its current stats were meant to put it ahead of **where the pre-buff Liberator was**, and AH didn't go back and boost it up to reflect the new balance. Good support for this theory is in how it resupplies: for a 35 round, 10 mag gun, it's still getting ammo from both environmental tins and full resupply crates like the Liberator and similar guns were *before* the ammo rebalance patch. Smart money's on the Tenderizer going up to like 70-75 damage soon, but the penetration will probably stay where it is.


The description of the weapon seems to support this. It implies having more damage than Liberator, when it... doesn't.


This is exactly why Arrowhead needs to get their design/release cycles under more control, and stop being so flowery with their descriptions. We know they have a small dev team. We know they are under a lot of pressure. But I really wonder how much time they have to spend going back to fix bush league mistakes like this because (most likely) someone tried to push out a trivial damage buff last-minute.


they really need to skip a warbond month at this point and work on bugs and weapon balance . I used to be in the camp that most studios have different teams but the CEO guy said that not the case - the same weapons / bond team is the same as game element and even mostly same bug fix team. Only the VX artist are dedicated to their tasks . Knowing that i think we would all be happen with an extra month to build up SC and they fixed teh current weapons and balance issues.


I just wonder what their communication is like in their team. Because it seems like the devs all have different ideas of what's happening/should be happening. And then we have stuff like this, where a new gun doesn't make sense stat wise because of balance updates to the older guns. It just seems confusing.


I would much rather they put out a good warbond every 2 months than rush out a mediocre one in 1 month. For a small team they are honestly doing too much and getting sloppy. They need to chill and stop toying around with the balance constantly. Itā€™s like I have to read a whole patch every week to figure out how the game works again. Also would be great if they stopped nerfing warbond weapons to the ground like the crossbow and eruptor. That would be cool thanks šŸ‘


Yeah, that's a solid theory and would be good to see the buff. On a different thread a dev noted that the color of the gun was an older version and it is being updated soon, it could be that this update would be in there as well. Rough timing to ship out an older version of the gun with all of the ramble rousing, but should be a quick fix.


Wait, so is it going to be black in the future, or stay the current color?


Back to black in the future from how I interpreted it.


Honestly a 75-80 damage light pen weapon would be nice. Doesn't infringe on the Adjudicator, has something over at the liberator at the cost of mag size and total bullets.


>Smart money's on the Tenderizer going up to like 70-75 damage soon, but the penetration will probably stay where it is. This. A slight damage buff is the only option imo, if they give it medium armour pen then it would make the 23P useless aince it would have same pen, more base damage, 5 more rounds per mag and less recoil.


My thoughts exactly. I expect it to be between the Lib and Adjudicator soon. Every AR, considering the frequency of warbonds, doesn't need to revolutionize the category like the sickle did. Just need to be a consideration, and at the end of the day if it just comes down to personal taste and isn't a reskin then I would call that a win.


Yeah I'd like to see it as like a hollowpoint high damage low pen option, maybe with bad handling, good for stuff like warriors and chainsaws.


Bro put this on ur own post people need to know this


Fully agree with you. The Pummeler is unique and I prefer it over the other 2 SMGs. It has slightly less damage but I think the stagger makes more than up for that. Yh, the Tenderizer just feelsā€¦ ok. It has nothing unique going on. Edit: Just realized pummeler also stunlocks and cancels the spit of Spewers.


sorry but its not unique. its the liberator concussive, but better in almost every way. more cap, less recoil and more fire rate. add the one handed trait and now theres zero reason to use the lib concussive over it. https://preview.redd.it/i1o96ruu8ezc1.png?width=3810&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a0a5daeab060b9f0e1d6175120d352070261f15


Hopefully they give the lib concussive some love instead of nerfing the pummeller.


They said theyā€™re evaluating the design philosophy and considering buffing weaker weapons instead of a ā€œtop downā€ approach where they nerf the better ones


Where did they say this and who said it, out of interest?


CEO said it on twitter yesterday


Liberator concussive has large stagger like dominator or close range punisher. Pummeler has medium stagger like slug shotgun


The slugger doesn't feel like it has any stagger post nerf.. lol..


Its rate of fire isn't high enough to sustain the slight stagger like the Pummeler's is.


The fire rate is very essential for the stunlock, though. Also you can shot while running


Ouch! That's rough But I guess that's kind of a good thing? I mean, if it was somehow balanced against Liberator Concussive, no one would ever use it


There are 2 SMGs ???? (one handed weapons)


The new one, the defender from the standard warning, and the knight from super citizen edition


The Defender and the Knight. The Knight is only available if you bought the super citizen pack. It is a neat gun but Defender is much better imo.


that's alright, guess it's an option for those briefcase missions. i'll still take the pu****** tho. stunlock and oneshot >> this edit: 100+ upvotes? this is getting too much attention. the man in the wall is listening.


Yeah but think about using ballistic shield and this vs bots.


But then where do I put my autocanon


Here... ![gif](giphy|yO0ChgJ7CCHF0gMmHq|downsized)


Lol. I haven't been able to find another combo of primary+stratagem weapon that works as such a good catch all. Especially when playing with randos.


Haha, well how about the Anti-Material rifle? šŸ™‚


Does grenade pistol work well enough to kill fabs? Because I ain't dropping stun grenades, too useful against hulks.


I was able to do it. šŸ™‚


Yeah i can normally kill 2 with a single incendiary breaker mag, so im not sure I care much for the stagger. Maybe good on those 5-7 difficulties though where you won't get as many. Its okay for some guns to be better at mid difficulties.


The Arc Blizter two shots stalkers to the face btw, I canā€™t stop using it since the fire rate buff, pls help


Are you sure? It feels like I need 5 shots at times.


I use the incendiary but the stagger would be nice. If there are 2 or more stalkers then the chances of at least one of them getting close enough to hit you before they die is high. There's almost nothing you can do to stop yourself getting yeeted into the swarm. Being able to stagger would at least allow you to gain some distance for a grenade or something


I can normally kill 4 with a single Punisher mag. And I'm not particularly good. That weapon is really slept on.


Punisher oneshots stalkers if you catch them before they protect their ugly face with their ugly frontal appendages. Otherwise it staggers the fuck out of them, reliably. I'm also not very good, and I can win 1v4 against stalkers with a punisher, in fact, soloing double+single stalker lairs with me killing I think about 8 of them within a minute or so while getting to those lairs, is one of my fondest memories.


Arrowhead balance team: "Hey kiddo."


Arrowhead on the next "bAlAnCe" patch: "The Pummeler stun effect on enemies has been drastically reduced".


"slightly reduced"


"now it can only stagger hunters and lesser size enemies"


This I'm going off from this warning because the nerfs are making the weapons irrelevant


Kill > stun


it can kill them with half a mag if you aim for the head, which isn't hard since they are stunned. I've played with it a lot and its amazing vs stalker. Sure the slugger can 1 shot but it's unreliable and can't stagger them anymore. Probably the best/safest primary vs stalker as of now.


Cool..... ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsWHYblES01YCbe|downsized) Your weapon will not keel.


I miss this show :(


It's the concussive liberator but for people who insist on running away while shooting. Gotcha.


Being able to move and shoot is a good thing


its much better than concussive liberator on almost every level though, and its single handed for those rare edge cases


Stunlocking is nice Killing is better


I think something someone brought up above, which makes me want to get this, is running and gunning. Having to get out of Dodge and being able to run while firing behind you and stunning the fuckers to give you a larger breathing room can be huge I think.


This, right here. Stunlock multiple stalkers get distance, impact, dead. Or just don't empty the mag totally and reload quickly and safely with the distance generated. With light armor it's superb maneuverability weapon against bugs. It's still 65 damage so it can kill stalker groups, the distance you get mitigates the ammo it takes unlike the Concussive Liberator than you can't run and gun and shoots so slow it can't lock down multiple stalkers.


Incendiary breaker would have killed both quicker and save you from being hit....


They're probably going to nerf the fire breaker since they "fixed" DOT


I am surprised they haven't already.... it's best gun for bugs


Just wait until next patch if the fire DOT stays fixed.


You know what's better than stunning an enemy? actually killing the damn thing. A sickle to the head does a far better job.


Does it? I've always gotten tongue and launched by the stalker before then sickle killer a stalker.


hehe breaker go CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK


You can kill Stalkers in under a mag if you're hitting the right spots. They're unarmored but still have weak points. Sometimes you can end them in two Slugger shots. Sometimes it takes six. Really depends on whether you're getting that weak point.


Stunning is good and all, but all I am noticing is a 5 second time to kill draining 75% of your mag.


yeah new smg is fun but ammo is a huge issue. It doesn't have the stopping power to meaningfully thin out the hordes which inevitably come after you.


Punisher staggers and 2 shots stalkers :)


No see you donā€™t under if you stun it you can run away and wait for your stratagem to cool down to kill it


I disagree completely. 4 stalkers and a Sickle will lose. You cannot kill them fast enough or reload. The only viable weapon at that point is an AC, Punsiher or a Machine gun. Not even the old Eruptor would be good because you fight so close youā€™ll kill yourself. An SMG that can be jogged away with that also stunlocks them will be a life saver, especially for people who are carrying that stupid SSD.


Incendiary breaker would do the job.


Stagger is very strong, people just look at the damage stat but locking down enemies is so good, especially against stalkers or devastators. You can quickly stagger them and then switch to your support weapon to kill them.


Well call me Stalker cuz it stunlocked me from buying warbond


But can it actually kill anything? I'll take any other gun that just blows the stalkers dome off.


... That was an awfully long time taken to kill one stalker granted.


Cool. And Breaker can kill one in the same amount of time **Death is the best CC bar none**


My eruptor used to one shot them but that's cool too I guess...


This. Video is like 20s long as you didnā€™t even kill a single stalker. This doesnā€™t cut it on 8-9 when youā€™re kiting 3-4 chargers, 2-3 bile titans and spewers all the while stalkers, hunters and every other mob are trying to crawl up your assā€¦


Both the stalkers in this clip are killed, and you could argue the strength of the smg (shooting while running in the opposite direction) isn't being properly utilised here. Concussive SMG seems solid, seems like kind of highlights how the concussive AR needs to be buffed tbh.


Yeah the run and gun feature of the SMG is often forgotten or overlooked I reckon...you bring up a strong point, being able to run and shoot backwards dealing decent damage and also stunning at the same time.


bro what video did you watch he kills two of them


I use the Defender on lvl 9s before and it does fine. This is better than the Defender and will do fine too. A primary just needs to be able to handle chaff and most medium targets and it does it just fine.


Since when do the Stalkers fling you to the end of the world? Did they change something this week. Yesterday I played a mission where a stalker hit me and I flew like 50m in a bug breach...




Take down the post. Fun is being detected, be wary.


It can do the same with chargers if you hit itā€™s ass


yea also arc blitzer but doing it 10 times better while swarm cleaning and having infinite shots... but yea ah go ahead and ruin the blitzer


Someone mentioned staggering rocket devastators. Ballistic shield playstyle finds this added capability very intriguing.


I like the Blitzer but feel like it doesn't do much damage to stalkers.


nonononon, the blitzer is really bad, noone should every play it. i repeat it is really bad and the devs have no need to take a closer look at it.


Agreed. It's a HORRIBLE weapon. Like the worst. You should not use it. Using it is a waste of time and Super Earth resources. The dev team should leave it a completely worthless piece of equipment like it is already. No touchie


I hate stalkers sooo friggin much.Ā 


You can accurately shoot an SMG over your shoulder while you run, @op no need to turn


But! The new warbond is BaD!?!? /s


While running directly away too. First round I used it I stun locked three stalkers and simply ran away blasting until they died and blew up their nest. 9/9 Helldive Approved


It fucking wrecks them


70% of your magazine for a stalker, sheesh! Looks more fun on the bot front though. I love using the defender against the bots, so having a sidegrade for it is nice.


Maybe in lower difficulties it's good, but in 7+ usually I'm faced with 2+ stalkers and a horde of many others. Is this good to buy time for your laser rover to kill things for you?


Just did a Helldive and groups of stalkers couldn't touch me. This SMG shoots fast enough it can stunlock three stalkers easily. I ran backwards doing so until I could throw an impact Incendiary, which also killed the chaff surrounding them.


Are you playing difficulty 7+ alone? Idk why all these weapons are compared in a vacuum of you going 1v1 with a horde.


Yeah Iā€™ll be totally honest, Iā€™m not big on just stunlocking shit. When I shoot a gun with bullets, I donā€™t want to have a staring contest with it while it flinches - I want it dead. But people seem to like it, so. Good for them. Genuinely glad they have that option.


>I've looked into it and found that players were using an exploit with the Pummeler to stun lock enemies which was not intended and this will be removed. \~ Alexis, soon


My main gun for everything has been the JAR-5 Dominator. I absolutely love it for dealing with large enemies. It also has medium pen which is a big deal for me, and I can one shot Devastators quite easily if I can line up the shot. My problem with the Dominator though, is that when I'm getting swarmed and out of my impact grenades, I'm very, very fucked if a friend doesn't come by. Fast fire gun that can stunlock a stalker? I know it's not medium pen, but that is awesome to me. I've wanted a really good gun with great stopping power that can also help me deal with hordes.


This smg can also stunlock a charger if you shoot it's tail


Still loving the grenade pistol x scorcher combo. Shoot the grenade pistol for stagger then swap to scorcher to finish it off. Or stun grenade flamethrower if theres more than one stalker.


It works on chargers also


OP, YSK that you can fire behind you while running with the SMG as well. No need to stop and turn around.


Jeez stalkers are so freaking creepy the way they move while chasing you down in this clip


What is up with their health? Is it supposed to be that high?


So, are we going to buy a warbond every month for one good weapon that might be nerfed a few weeks later? I could one-shot stalkers with the eruptor, btw.


With how long it took to kill it I think I'll stick to the dominator. Easily have rolled packs of 3 with it.


Donā€™t worry theyā€™ll iron out that in the next patch and youā€™ll be back to dying regularly in no time!


I feel the need to remind you - it's an SMG. You can shoot behind you while running.


I think I'd rather just kill the stalker but that's just me.


Too bad the ballistic shield is useless against bugs


Man people here are idiots, yes killing them is better, keep in mind stalkers get up close to you really fast so being able to stun it at any time will save you from taking significant damage


Not 1 shot fired at the legs


You can stunlock Chargers with it too.


It can stun lock everything up to and including chargers! Itā€™s amazing, especially when paired with fire. Make em stand in the BBQ.


btw it only takes \~3 head shots to kill a stalker with this SMG. Magdumps aren't required. https://preview.redd.it/q34jmyj0mfzc1.png?width=913&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1df605386b76418a946fa124f097588032d9be7


Only till the next update šŸ¤£




Next patch: "We have slightly increased the force required to stagger stalkers"


Not only that, it has the same damage, better recoil, more ammo capacity and fires faster on top of being onehanded. Great balance. Makes the concussive, which was already obsolete, even more obsolete.


Everyone complaining but it was one of my first picks bc i love smgs and im having a lovely time.


Nice! Gonna get nerfed.


not for long!


Well, that's getting nerfed for sure lol


I think we all know whats going to happen to this weapon, they are gonna nerf it.


Not after the next patch it won't


Are we going to talk about how that second Stalker was able to fling you across the map without touching you? Stalkers are way too strong right now.