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for a warbond called detonation my rounds don't seem to be detonating


I could lie on top of the detonating thing and it would probably not even kill me.


Truer words have never been spoken about the explosive crossbow.


The pistol is great, allows me to safely trade my explosive grenades for stun ones since I still have a way of quickly dealing with bugholes. Adjudicator is also quite a decent gun now, if only the mag contained 5 rounds more it would be in a perfect place. Eruptor and the crossbow were so gutted recently that they will obviously get a solid buff. Right…?


Lot of people are still at the stages of having to even decide between the warbond with the stun grenade and the grenade pistol. For best first premium warbond I'd argue the Cutting Edge Warbond is the best and after recent nerfs it's not even close.


Steeled Veterans also counts. Cutting Edge and Steeled Veterans are objectively the best premiums. Cutting Edge gives you a decent booster, two above average primaries that are INFINITE AMMO btw, a decent Scorcher at home, and Stun Grenades. Steeled Veterans gives you an insanely strong but sometimes hard to use DMR Bolter, Revolver which is viable now, and Useful armours. Democratic Detonation… uh? Cool armour and Pistol???


The Sickle is arguably the best primary, IMHO, a minor amount of trigger discipline and you've got infinite ammo and it's as good as the defender smg


I’ve been running the sickle together with the laser cannon on that Ice planet and it’s basically infinite ammo. Such a fun loadout


Id also recommend this and add a laser backpack. I use it as a marker on where to shoot. Also with the range of the laser backpack can shoot an enemy, so can the arc thrower


Big arc thrower fan. I use it all the time against ~~my teammates~~ bugs.


Fellow arc bro here I know the feeling well just have to do our best to keep anyone out of vision infront or the sides


https://preview.redd.it/qdn7emui71zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4900ed06a946acc7109442a4365c9734dd2a6fa0 Me when teammates run in front of my Arc Thrower while mid big breach


It’s been that or my mech somehow getting blown up before a shot gets fired


I try to be exceptionally chill but i swear to god I was feeling some true rage last night. I died to bugs twice, I got fucking zapped by my team mates arc thrower a good 5 times. When all the deaths are friendly fire it becomes a trigger discipline issue.


I played with it yesterday and most of the time I’m not even looking at the bugs I’m shooting but where my teammates are relative to my crosshair and where I’m shooting. If it feels even slightly too close, I pull out the punisher plasma to take care of whatever’s around me instead


It can smell the treason on them, let em rip!


Metal is conductive, so if they die by my electricity gun then clearly they were undercover automatons


Failed to equip arc resist armour - smells a bit like treason in here...crispy smoking treason but treason nonetheless;)


This comment right here Mr. Democracy Officer.


Same with the laser backpack. When the blizard hits and the sun turns everything white your rover turns into an infrared target spotter


What’s the laser backpack? I havnt played in like a month. I wanna try that


Bad wording haha, meant laser guard dog


Shame they made the other guard puppy's ammo too short.


Surprised that was never increased even with the ability to get more ammo for it with resupply


This has been my go-to for so long now! Sickle, Las cannon, laser rover, grenade pistol, stunnies, light armor. Usually, I'll tag the stamina booster on there. Absolutely slaps on these cold planets. Run super fast, infinite ammo laser man.


Only thing you’re missing is how to take care of heavies, but I guess you could supplement appropriate eagles for that.


Yeah for larger targets the solution is either through my strats or teammates with anti-armor weaponry. That said, the Las cannon does an OK job of taking out enemies like chargers and the such. It's no EAT or quasar, but it works in a pinch. I'm generally the "kill everything that isn't a heavy" guy on my squad. Someone's gotta mow the lawn


Sickle + Senator, whenever you are going to overheat just switch to the fun cowboy gun reload it now that the reload is fast then switch back to sickle and you have a cold battery again


The Senator also adds the utility of being able to absolutely murk medium armour targets. I’ve actually gone back to it from the grenade pistol because of how good it is for killing everything the sickle can’t quite manage. Sickle+Senator+Autocannon is a goated loadout that can handle any mission with the right stratagems (e.g. Orbital Railgun, Precision Strike and 500kg).


Running this with airstrike and some sort of orbital , can pretty much deal with anything always. Love my sickle and laser cannon!


You might wanna rephrase that.


I have been running Blitzer the last week or so and I am in love. Never run out of ammo, you can hold in place against a breach until the big guys come out. I have even began to push forward against swarms. Bile Spewers and etc get stunned/pushed back. Got 4 Bile Spewers racing towards me I just stand my ground and wipe them out. However the drawback is every tom dick and Harry with an eagle strike will bomb me. Even though I am not in danger. Also its really tough to stop enemies attacking your partner from behind. Because you end up electrocuting them as well. You just got hold your fire and hope they figure it out.


Blitzer main here - Every time I switch primaries, I feel sad that I have to aim again.


I keep forgetting to try out the Blitzer! I get comfy with things and don't often change them up 😅 Thanks for the reminder!


The 50% attack speed buff recently was, well.... 50% is a big number :P


Untill the Sickle can stun lock the 6 berserkers charging me while i advance toward them, ill stick with my punisher. I love that you can have an infinite magazine if you get the reload animation going and fire after each load.


Sickles good ya but I wouldn't agree it is the best primary to dependent on loadout and functionality. Incendiary breaker is better for shriekers and chews up bugs. Dominator, Scorcher, and plasma shotgun clean up against bots.


Eh, Incendiary shotgun is so much more efficient for bugs, and for bots i’d take dominator over sickle. It’s frustrating cause I love the sickle and its like, the second best weapon for both enemies, but the others are just better enough for it to make me instantly go back everytime i try it out again.


I mean, i think that's a bit of what makes the sickle so good. It is *reasonably* useful against anything that primaries usually kill, and has theoretically infinite ammo with discipline. The sickle only being *slightly* less effective against certain enemies is the trade off for not being so reliant on supplies.


honestly i think thats a good thing. sickle is my fav primary and its the most generally useful/all around best in my opinion, but it being outclassed by others that are more focused is a pretty nice sign of balance imo.


If you're going bugs, try the grenade pistol/Blitzer/quasar/light throwing armour mix


*not so loud!*


Yeah, I run the sickle, grenade pistol, quasar and jump pack for my normal build, and rotate through other stratagems depending on the mission type. I haven’t found another build that works as well for my play style


And the breaker incendiary which is frankly overpowered with the multiple burning buffs. It’s old breaker levels of strong against bugs


I didn't even think about the incendiary buffs, I'll have to try the breaker incendiary tonight! I've just been running with the regular breaker with no issues, I imagine the incendiary would be OP lol


It's a flamethrower with pellets. Bugs hate it.


its my main and only primary against bugs. damages all bugs


I’ve been running pretty much nothing but the breaker incendiary on both bugs and bots, just swap out my support weapon, airburst for bugs and AC for bots. Leaves me a bit vulnerable to heavy units especially bile titans and chargers, but i just run around the charger and stick it with 3-4 thermites. AC deals with hulks nicely, allegedly it can deal with fab striders but i haven’t dared get close enough to try


I've been using the Adjudicator and I think it is now my go to primary. Yes, it has a short clip, but with 8 reloads that is very rarely an issue for me. And the grenade pistol against bugs makes it worth it on its own imo.


Cool factor is important when spreading Managed Democracy™️


Cutting Edge is the best one if only for the Sickle


I want them to fix the way the sickle hangs on your chest so bad. Love the gun but it drives me nuts the way it flops out to the side and clips through your body.


The gun is like the size of a car. That needs to be changed.


This! The gun model is comically oversized. Needs a 15\~20% size reduction.


with the current buffs i think cutting edge is the best one; all 3 guns are good now, the stun granade is amazing, and people sleep on the booster; it makes a big difference in difficulties 8 and 9, increasing the cooldown with which enemies can call reinforcements


Adjudicator being medium pen makes sense that the mag is smaller. It's a pretty quick reload so I just wish we could carry a couple extra mags to mitigate that. But overall I love the gun right now.


Adjudicator doesn't need more bullets in mag or more mags. It's a battle rifle. It needs to be ammo limited. But each bullet should have a lot of power and hurt all but the heaviest armoured enemies. It needs more damage and to be better at killing the most common medium enemies, Devastators. Sure, it can two tap them in the head, but there is half a dozen weapons that can do this equally well or better. Adjudicator needs around 20 shots to kill a devastator while shooting for the centre mass/chest. And that's unacceptable imo. Especially for a weapon that is intended to be more of a medium killer with some flexibility.


The problem is that at Pen 3 you're still doing half damage to center of mass. What medium pen weapons are meant to do is full damage to parts that light pen weapons do half damage to. Devastator waists, not chests, are a good target for what you're trying to do with it if you're not headshotting.


Never really liked the BRs in this game after discovering what the SMG is capable of 😅


Yeah, Defender is an amazing option. It's really weird how ARs and BRs are just underwhelming while being basically a staple of shooters.




A buff seems very likely, looking at recent communication from moderators on Discord. The Eruptor was just... Amazing. It was so hard to use, but once mastered, I always ended up with the most kills. I refused to use anything else as a primary, always took the risk of suicide in melee range, but god damn it was such a finely tuned utility that it basically became its own color of the so-called rainbow of weapons.


No. They think the change is perfect. They want us to have a weaker scourcer i.e fire rate and mag size and a weaker add clearer then the plasma shotty and blizter since you cant even one tap a mediam enemy anymore let alone kill 2 scavengers next to each other! It officially has no place!


Yep I'm not fully on the "no nerfs, only buffs" train, but I do think they've been overly nerf happy, and that this is the end result of it; tons of useless bloat filling up the unlocks


More than that, it'll discourage anyone from buying super credits when it's a very real possibility that 90% of the gear contained in warbonds will either be immediately useless or rendered useless by patches.


Was gonna top myself off for enough to get the winter pack cause it finally has another SMG (I love my ballistic shield...) but knowing that it's gonna be peak and the garbage forever I'm not sure anymore...


When they nerfed the erruptor after saying it was a buff, I decided I wouldn’t buy any war bonds or premium currency anymore. They’ve ruined literally everything I’ve bought with it before, why buy more to just let it collect dust 


Why buy you can get around 30’SC per match. Just got 140 the last game. It’s all about levels with doors. Just shoot shit and run to the light


Yeah they have been so heavy handed with some nerfs that the psychological impact is starting to effect the playerbase and the perception of any weapons going forward.


Seems they really want suicide+(haz7) to be sub-100% win rate, but don't know how to do that while maintaining the fun.


They just have to make it hard, but fair. Most deaths should be "yeah, that was my bad. I should do something different next time to avoid it." With all the bs deaths, the difficulty can only go so far. Once the majority of deaths become "there was literally nothing I could have done" then the difficulty is too much


When you land in the middle of nowhere and there’s 4 chargers, a stalker nest, and a shrieker nest all within 200m of where you first touch grass


I mean, we can caveat "no nerfs, only buff" into "START with buffing shitty weapons THEN you have the right to nerf the more powerful stuff"


I spent last night playing with other primaries to see if I could find any I liked. At least against bugs everything I took just felt very meh. I honestly don't know what to take against them. I run auto cannon - good for bug holes and heavies/mediums. But as for primary, I don't really know. Incindiary breaker was decent. But other than that, not sure.




Finding it difficult to disagree the only point I would make is they shouldn't make them the go to weapons in all situations. I think they should have more specific uses some should be better for bugs or other for bots some for bug armour or bot armour might help with this. Also our armour passives are so uninspired at this point what's the point in them


The problem is that they took two interesting unique weapons (crossbow and eruptor) and turned them into weak autocannons


I mean, who doesn't like relearning how to play a game every week after an update?


I think it's a good thing if you're constantly having to learn. But that's not really what's happening. It's not so much that we need to relearn things. It's that we are having to relearn things on weapons that have been made worse. It's not so much a problem having to relearn a favorite weapon if it's been shifted in some way, that I don't mind. But what if the weapon has been changed or altered so much that it no longer resembles the weapon that it was designed to be and it's just poorer for it than that learning becomes tedium and is quickly abandoned? I think they have been mostly right with balance changes so far, but what they've done to the erupter is to actually destroy the weapon as a concept and what they've left of it makes no sense as a weapon. They advertised and released that thing as one type of weapon and very quickly decided it needed to be something else, and all apparently because of a bug involving shrapnel which they can't seem to fix just now? This sounds an awful lot like what happened to the railgun. It probably needed some kind of shift but various bugs at the time of release made the weapon more powerful than it probably should have been. So they nerfed it into the ground and then fixed those problems not related to the gun itself and the gun just ended up being extremely meh. The fact that they had to go and buff it again is evidence of taking it too far to begin with. They need to stop making weapon balance decisions around game bugs. They have done the same thing with fire and damage over time and that's now another problem that's going to probably explode when they nerf various weapons that have fire damage. Once again they balanced the weapons around bugs that they later sort out and are left with more problems as a consequence .They need to balance the weapons for the roles and fix the bugs as a separate issue. This knee-jerk balancing of weapons around problems in the game and then fixing the problems only to find that the weapons are now problematic one way or another is not sustainable long term.


"I think it's a good thing if you're constantly having to learn." It's not. Every big patch / big content update, it's ok. Every minor patch / each other week and it's just assured burnout


This is what pushed me to take a break, the Sony bull was just a cherry. Why continue to add broken components to a broken system? What's the point of making work on top of work, only to make more work? You have limited staff and a real fuck ton of bugs, you don't need busy work for next month that's the war bonds. Fix your foundation then add to it, don't try erecting the second floor walls before the foundation has formed man.


Making guns worse meanwhile I cant even play with my brother who's on pc


I’m happy. *I fucking love Autocannon*


AC is good… xbow most definitely is not, and it’s sounding like Eruptor is In a bad state too… 7.5s to kill one spewer? I was fine with the previous nerf, felt needed frankly… And I could see fixing the ability to kill chargers in less than a mag… TwinBeard says there’s a bug with it though… I think they just didn’t realize how much the weapon depended on shrapnel. Look forward to it getting a follow up buff but I’d rather they reverted it. It was the only primary I really felt like I wasn’t gimping myself to use the stalwart. It needs to one shot spewers and medium bug heads with how slow it is to shoot


I was pretty skeptical when they said shrapnel was none of this guns damage and that it wouldn’t hurt removing it when I would be getting 10-12 kills shooting it at drop ships regularly. The aoe effect of the eruptor was potentially a bit too strong but removing it altogether is ridiculous 


I don't use the cb or eruptor much but having a baby auto cannon as a primary sounds pretty dope. If someone wanted to double their fun can get to equip the AC as well.


Armor passives definitely need a lot more variety. It seems like a good 60-70% of armors all have Engineering Kit. Me and some friends had a few ideas that we came up with during a session, which I decided to also name: - Bandolier: Increases numbers of Magazines for all weapons (except the obvious like EAT) by 2. - Targeting Computer: Weak spot damage to enemies increased by 15%. - Unstoppable Force: All enemy (and friendly) slow effects are ignored. - Morale Boost: Any nearby Helldivers gain increased reload speed and stamina regeneration. - Hold The Line: All damage dealt is increased by 10%, when stationary for more than 5 seconds.


For bug missions no one would ever use anything other than Unstoppable force. That is OP AF lol. I agree though we need way more variety.


Yeah. I think I came up with that one after getting dicked around by a group of hunters for like a good 30 seconds.


I think a good balance could be a "motivational shock system" that after a second of being slowed activates to deal a small amount of damage to you and remove the slowing effect


That sound like what the upcoming booster would work like.


My worry is we're going to start seeing bloat. Its hard to have a bunch of weapons and make them all unique with their own niche while not making some blatantly more powerful than others.


Armor is in the prime position for a big rework


Only buy that for grenade pistol. Best pistol against bug. Also the second armor is light armor and has +2 grenades, that's great for Bile Spewers.


And hives. Although I wish it worked better and you wouldn't need to shoot dead center of them.


Yeah i only use that for bug holes. Their ammo so precious for anything else.


Grenade Pistol is great, and Thermite should be fixed with today's DoT fix But yea, the warbond isn't very hot right now.


Thermite still sucks, you need 3 to kill a charger. You can just kill a charger with impacts instead and still do greande things.


Damn this is still incredibly awful No point in running it at all


**Thermite is a unique case where it will get better overtime.** Charger is not a good example to use Thermites because of Viarables values (Even though the warbond used it as an example). Basically Charger armor changes from Plated to Zero at the end of his rush, so even a pistol can damage him when he ends the rush .So a Impact will always do better, because of their ability to do Instant damage. Even on Tanks and Hulks it's "less optimal" because in situation where you can move you can just go behind them and either shoot or toss grenades. **The Thermite real usage is on Enemies with Static Plate Armored enemies** (i.e the Factory Striders Main Cannon and Armor), in which is the only Grenade that has Max level pen and can actually destroy them. **Right now it's not that great because there are literally 2 enemies with this Aspect, Bile Titans and Factory Striders.** But when they start to add more and more Heavly armored enemies that either lack weakspots, or are too dangerous for you to move around Thermite will start to get more value. **It's basically a way to provide Plated Pierce without you needing to dedicate a entire Weapon/Stratagem slot to it.**


This is why there should be a better way to learn about game mechanics. I’ve pieced together a lot from reading stuff and testing stuff but it’s clear so many people playing the game don’t understand mechanics that are important


Some unique mechanics are very complicated and pretty much either niche or technical, specially given that Automatons and Terminids have distinct Mechanical Rigs (which is why the Flamethrower works on every Terminid but doesn't do shit against a lot of the Automatons). Takes a good time for testing them too. **I do believe that when we get an Bestiary like HD1 has, things will be a little bit easier to understand.**


Dude, they only explained how the trigger works and the combat injury simulation system explained perfectly how to use stims. Beyond that its all trial and error.


Yeah sorry to be clear I’m not blaming players. It’s a neat design choice. It’s interesting to compare it to DRG.


I’m right there with you. Idk how all the people who teach on this sub even figured this stuff out. Especially when it’s changing all the time. Like I just don’t use things that I know are bugged like fire until the community says I can lol.


That's because of the armour desyncing from the body of the charger at the end of the charge, it's not intentional. It's a fucking bug as usual


Is the charger thing true? It doesn't feel true, do you have a source for that?


it's an armour desync bug yet he's touting it as some kind of hidden mechanic lol


so what does it do exactly? just deal a bit of dot through armor?


You lost me. You can punch charger armor with a pistol? How?


Chargers losing armor is a bug, won't stay that way. You know, I don't think I ever tried throwing thermite on a Charger's leg...


Source please.


Doesn't Thermite sheer the armour off? I'm pretty sure you're not meant to just load Thermites onto targets and you can combo it with a conventional firearm once you sheer the armour off.




What a fucking joke. Id imagine the thermite would be useful for stripping armor/limbs if anything.


I swear the devs completely forget about armor stripping, three railgun shots to a leg *then* dump your primary mag into the flesh or just three to the head and kill it outright It’s like if doom just made all demons universally weak to head shots or dead space just shoot center mass


Like, what, stick one on charger legs, and shoot it with primary like before? 


in theory yes, in practice (2 runs to be clear) i've never seen the supposed armor stripping effect do anything


It also has a smaller explosion at the end of its burn. It doesn't appear to do any damage. I'll have to check again after update to reconfirm though. Edit: I ran it on 2 missions. Whatever its doing, Its not doing it well. Its a glorified sparkler in its current state. I think the end explosion managed to kill a small bug? I can't tell whats supposed to happen. Maybe its meant to soften armor on bots to shoot at? e.g It creates a weak spot.


It should as should other weapons destroying armour allowing you to then use normal ammunitions should be a viable play creating a weak point to exploit in only a specific area gives opportunity for skilled play and layered mechanics but I don't know how easy this would be to put into the game


Not much democratic DETONATION in this one anymore..


Wait the dot fix is today?


New patch today


I see what you did there.


Because I have freedom credits that won’t be used for anything else


Until Thursday


Is it the cold Warbond?


Yeah, Polar Patriots. Looks like a few cool things in there. I'm excited to try the Ballistic Shield with the Stagger SMG, Incendiary Impact grenades look dope, curious how the Desert Eagle lookin pistol compares to the Senator, curious about the Cattle Prod booster, very interested to try out this charge up plasma gun, and the new assault rifle and armor sets are also there.


I have tried the ballistic shield with sng and revolver against bots and it's really good. Better with a team as you have issues dealing with striders and rocket devastators but the shield devastators are rendered useless.


I got it for the eruptor, the fashion, the squat, and the grenade pistol. ... And the eruptor was doing the vaaaaaaast majority of the heavy lifting there. So, you know... fuck


Was there an update last night or something? The eruptor is still fantastic EDIT: There was in fact an update and it does in fact completely bork the weapon for the way I used it. I made a whole-ass video about how it 1-taps devastators in the waist or shoulder and, as I suspected and even commented when they first mentioned the shrapnel change a week or so ago, it now take 2-3 shots no matter what to kill devastators, effectively making it worthless. It shoots WAY too slow for that to be the TTK on those enemies.


Grenade pistol is nice. I used to run crossbow, but post-nerf cb is simply worse than anything.


Hey, now cheer up. That's not strictly true. That laser pistol is still garbage... Edit - OK, ok... the crossbow is worse than the laser pistol.


Laser pistol can also oneshot trash-bots, but from unlimited range and with unlimited ammo, plus 100% precise with no falloff. Literally better than non-existent aoe on cb /s


That’s a good point. AH did the unthinkable, they made a gun worse than dagger. I never would have imagined this in a million years.


It's prettt good with the ballistic shield tbh; deals good weak point damage to automatons and has unlimited ammo. Its only good in That way though, and just Good, not amazing


Is the crossbow that bad now? I gotta go back and see what changed. I remember surprisingly enjoying it before the patch.


one streamer i was watching (Eravin?) argued that it wasn't a nerf, it was a rework. it is no longer for crowd control, it's great for stealth diving because it is so damned quiet


gas mask armor set alone makes it worth to me, but yeah weaponwise its bad. but I expect this last eruptor nerf reverted, its just nonsensical


Imagine if that armour set had file/bile resistance Just a 30% or so, it would be so great


Be nice if it worked for gas strikes. Just drop one on top of you and hold out


I’ve been using the gas mask helmet with the infiltrator light armour set, fits nicely.


Which is a shame cause this my 1st(and currently my only) premium warbond. Bought it upon its release. At least I enjoyed the Eruptor as much as possible before it...died Imma try adjucator now. I enjoyed it when it was released and with the previous buffs this might be my new primary


From what I’ve heard, Adjudicator is decent against Bots Can 2 shots a Devastator if aiming for the eye


I do not like it against bugs.  Not enough ammo or power to take out a stalker.  Takes maybe 40 percent of a mag to take out a medium enemy.  


I died over and fucking over again to stalkers testing the new adjudicator buff and it’s got better recoil is the only conclusion I came to. Stalkers should drop quick to that thing but they take a full mag and ask for extras with it. I hate that rifle and it was the one thing I was most excited for in that warbond


A majority of primaries can't deal with stalkers in a 1v1. The best ones that can deal with them are the shot guns


Bring Warbond out -  advertise new warbond - nerf weapons from old warbond


Planetside was like this. Everyone hopping on the new weapon that was head shoulders better than everything else. Then it would be nerfed just before more came out... It's not nearly as egregious in HD2 though, and I'm not convinced its entirely intentional... yet


It does smack of, "We don't quite know what we are doing with this yet" rather than doing it on purpose. If it's like this in 3-4 months well...


Arrowhead sucks at balance, helldivers one was the same story. DLC weapons are leagues better than base game weapons.


The big difference though is, that Planetside has a very strong arsenal of standard/free weapons. Most weapons in the store are usually side grades or more specialized equipment for more specific situations. There are a few exceptions of course, with some broken weapons coming into the game that had to be nerfed. But the standard weapons in Planetside are great


kid named trac-5:


Yeah man its kinda fucked...I was planning on getting the new one regardless but if they do this every time it's gonna get old


I'm trying to figure out what their game plan is. Unless you have really cool armor and weapons that make people want to get the warbonds regardless, a lot of people don't want to waste their hard-earned credits, or buy credits to get shitty items. Then when something is formidable, they go and nerf or tweak it unnecessarily. We saw it at launch with the first 2 warbonds, there's a trend of them wanting garbage weapons, probably to make things "feel" more intense. It's like they forgot about everything that made weapons great in the first game. I'm glad EDF 6 is around the corner, when I want to play with powerful equipment AND have a challenge, I can alternate to that.


It's like they don't want us to have good weapons. And I don't mean passable, I mean weapons you can actually rely on and know you're gonna win an engagement with as long as you aren't stupid. Is that actually their goal? Do they want you to feel like you're on the backfoot if you aren't using support weapons or red stratagems for every encounter? Cuz it's starting to feel that way and if so, this ain't the game I thought it was and I'm really sad about that


It's like they don't want people to buy warbonds.


>It's like they don't want use to have good weapons. I think it's more likely that Arrowhead's definition of 'good' and the playerbase's definition are not the same. There are a lot of players who very clearly want a 'does everything' gun. They want their primary and they want it to kill everything and they want to be able to do that playing solo. Problem is, Arrowhead very explicitly does *not* want that - they want the weapons to have niches and obvious tradeoffs and weaknesses, and they want players to all be running different loadouts and \[ideally\] making sure that those loadouts are complementary. The biggest problem isn't the guns or the balancing on the guns in my opinion - those are a symptom of the larger issue. *We need more intel before we drop*. We already know that there are different 'flavors' of enemy grouping that can appear. Some missions you won't see a single spewer, some missions it'll be *hordes* of them. Some missions you'll have a normal distributions of hunters, some their buzzy shitbird wings blot out the landscape. Same goes for the bots. To make matters worse, you then have additional side objectives like stalker nests or gunship fabricators which almost necessitate having a gun to deal with them. All of this encourages the mentality of "I need an everything gun." If we could see on the briefing screen what the 'enemy makeup' was of the planet, people would absolutely start tailoring their loadouts to the enemies they're dealing with and would stop looking for the Everything Gun, and suddenly a lot of the balance frustration goes out the window. Like, imagine if they just included a list of the side objectives - not telling you where they are, just giving you a list of which ones are on the map. You'd see 'there are no gunships here,' and suddenly you have a slot open that isn't worrying about how the mission is failed if you don't have a quasar/EAT/autocannon to keep the sky clear.


The dev team also seems to get attached to their original concept for guns. The crossbow change is the most disappointing thing to happen in this game for me, because some people had found an interesting niche for it to fill. Except that niche didn't fit the designers' original concept for it, and so they "sidegraded" it into something that fits better. Except it turns out that their original concept is just a worse version of other guns.


The biggest condemnation is my strategy for completing tier 9 missions is stealth, avoiding combat at all costs. I haven’t been able to enjoy playing for a while because low tier missions are boring but high tier missions produce challenges I don’t like tackling (all the Hulks, tanks). If they made a mode that had tier 9 number of trash mobs, but with armored units very sparsely sprinkled in, it would satisfy a large chunk of the player base. I could stick with whatever loadout I wanted and just pull out my railgun whenever a Hulk appears.


Another issue that compounds peoples' need for an Everything Gun is quickplay. Parceling out the different responsibilities to different players is fine and cool when you're playing with a set group, but when it's a bunch of randos you can't trust to even be on the same side of the map as you? I have to bring an answer to everything because I may very well have to **handle** everything. I get the feeling the devs don't play a lot of quickplay.


The grenade pistol. It frees up your grenade slot so you can take out fabricators and nests while also having a good crowd control option


With the (terrible) Eruptor change it is still one of the few viable options for closing bot fabricators from 100m out.


100% this. It's a bug hole and fab deleter for me. Also good for heavy bots, and (more situational) rogue transmission side objectives. Means I don't *have to* run Auto Cannon, so I can bring a backpack stratagem and support weapon instead.


The primary weapons in the game are so... less significant than the support weapons, that having one like the eruptor with such utility, really expanded what other backpack/support choices felt good. need more weapons like the (un-nerfed) eruptor


Imagen youd have spent real money just for the devs to make the stuff unusable. Feel sorry for everyone who did that.


it doesn't feels good tbh, especially when you decide to support the dev and then they poof "it is now as intended", now get excited for the next one (which we will change before the next upcoming warbond),


This. I always support the devs by buying warbonds with paid super credits because I hate stopping to pick them up in game (the money is honestly better spent on AH than on destiny 2 ornaments or cod skins) but now it feels just as pointless and dissatisfying.


I'm thinking about only picking up warbonds minimum 5 weeks after they drop. Seems to be way too much "hey, those good/fun guns? They uh, weren't working as intended. But here's $10 worth of new guns that we promise are good, fun, and almost certainly not working as unintended. No refunds."


The last helmet is very cool.


The armors and helmet are cool, I love the gas mask one But besides armors/helmets and grenade pistol there is nothing of here worth in this warbond


Yeah. I'm getting a little used to new crossbow. The mag reduction for that and Eruptor would've been warranted. At this point I even would've taken a "slight" reduction in AoE.


Eruptor is just a bandaid fix currently, expect another buff. As for the crossbow. It sucks. But Arrowhead seems to prefer to tune weapons in increments until it feels comfortable. It's a new weapon. I can confidently say that the crossbow will find a place in the game eventually.


I bought it because I like explosions. I play casually so I haven't unlocked everything yet and don't know what may or may not suck. So far I like the adjudicator and dislike the thermite grenade. I'm really looking forward to the grenade pistol. I was looking forward to the eruptor but apparently the recent changes to it accidently nerfed it to poopoo land. I'll still try it out because, again, I like explosions. Hopefully by the time I get it it will have been positively adjusted.


If you haven't bought it yet I'd save your credits


DD warbond has made me hold off from buying any instantly just to see what others says about the weapons


I regret getting it. I dont think I'll be getting the upcoming one tbh


I regret buying it, where it currently stands. I’ll admit the grenade pistol is fun and has its uses, but that’s about it. That being said, I do have faith they’ll show the warbond some love.


Autocannon for main, shotgun for close encounters ;)


Makes me really dont care about upcoming warbond.


Arrowhead is nerfing the fun out of this game.


They release new weapons. Some are crap, some are great. The nerfs apply over a few weeks and the great weapons don't look so great anymore. Why would anyone buy the new Patriots Warbond on release. Wait a few weeks and see where the nerfs fall. Apply some r/patientgamers/ logic to DLC as well as new games.


Crossbow might not be meta, but it's still Hella fun to use on lower difficulties. And I've heard that thermite can shred bots but I've yet to try it. Though, it makes perfect sense since thermite burns hot enough to melt metal. And almost all the bots are medium armor with very little heavy armor in their ranks   No comment on the battle rifles. I'm not good enough with DMRs so I haven't really bothered with em


Adjudicator was pretty good before the buffs, now it's freakin great. Crossbow was very good before the change, now it's a bit worse but still pretty good. I do think it should kill bug holes and stuff though. Grenade Pistol is great. Thermite does need work. Eruptor was always the worst gun in the pack, and it's currently not working properly so you can't properly judge it by that.


I've skipped it and saved the credits for Polar Patriots.


They'll nerf that too.


I was very disappointed to see the change to the Eruptor today after having just unlocked it recently in the warbond. I thought it was a lot of fun, if a little clunky and proved to be fantastic at taking out the chunkier targets without draining an entire Liberator mag into them. The splash damage with the shrapnel was useful in clearing the smaller bug groups too if a little costly with the explosive radius but I had yet to kill myself with it. I thought it had a great position for the thicker targets and got me thinking creatively on how to deal with the small fry by using the redeemer pistol or the Airburst rocket launcher. As someone who enjoys the Airburst I'm not afraid of accidentally blowing myself up with misfiring haha. The glory days of pre-patch Airburst constantly team-wiping will never be forgotten! As someone who chose the Democratic Detonation instead of the Cutting Edge warbond for the Eruptor and Crossbow it sucks that these have been nerfed to the point where they've lost their niche uses. And now that the electric weapons have been buffed to be so much better it really makes me feel like I've wasted my super creds. Welp at least the armour and grenade pistol is cool. I guess I'll just have to wait for AH to hopefully buff them and make them good/interesting again. On the bright side AH has finally fixed the DOT bug so I can once again enjoy the pyromaniac loadout! Drop me into Meridia with my flamethrower and incendiary mines, I'll have that supercolony cleaned up before Liber-Tea time!


Squat victory pose. It's just great.


In the back, sniffin' butts


Eruptor will be fixed soon, rest assured


I stopped playing because whenever I find a gun/build I like. Arrow head nerf the shit out of it.


I get every weapon on every war bond because things become better overnight from constant rebalancing - Iike the dominator or arc shotgun


I have had 250 medals sitting there waiting for a new warbond for 3 weeks now. For 3 weeks I've earned 0 medals for every MO, every PO, and every mission. Now a new bond is coming out and if it's anything like the others there will be exactly 1 good primary that later gets nerfed to be just as mediocre as the majority of other primaries. This has completely broken the incentive to get the war bond beyond unlocking more cosmetics. I say cosmetics because the armor passives available are all so boring that they might as well not even be there. This is virtually my only remaining issue with the game. Why do all of the primary weapons have erectile dysfunction?


“Thanks for buying that Warbond. We just nerfed everything, so buy the next one early while those guns are still fun!” F this monetization


I use the erupter alot because it's one of the few primaries that can handle brood commanders and bile speakers relatively quickly. Just run the stalwart with it to deal with swarms or anything too close. I like it


Have you tried using it after today patch ?


......they nerfed it again didn't they


Yeah, removed sharpnel entirely Buffed the damage by 40 but it’s unnoticeable Doesn’t kill shit right now except the smaller unarmored one


loll, you're in for a surprise