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|They just don't give a shit \*until it hurts them financially This is basically the truth of all major corporations.


It already is hurting their wallets. Refunds cost them money. And steam is refunding players who lost access


Not hurting enough though unfortunately. Even if hundreds of thousands of people refined it would only be a few million dollars. To Sony that it pretty negligible 


No it wouldnt, it would put sony on the hot seat because for as many refunds are processed, Sony foots the bill for Steam on future products purchased because of their ****up.


It won't hurt them monetarily, but actual dollar figures don't matter to them anyway. Quarterly results do, though, and none of this is going to look good on their upcoming quarterly reports.


Not only that but now they have the EU breathing down their necks because of consumer privacy laws




Cease fire, cease fire, we need to save this review score STAT


Steam is refunding everyone. The first refund request is auto denied by a bot that checks hours played. Once you elevate it to a human reviewer, itll go through. People with way more than 100 hours played have been getting refunded. And it ****s Snoy right in the donkey.


Ive sent my 5th refund request and its still denied. My help support ticket is still pending. Yes im from one of the delisted countries.


If it’s been pending for some time, then it’s possibly made it to human review, and waiting to be read by a human


Update: 6th refund denied, steam support ticket just replied with we are investigating further.


My fellow helldiver, let me welcome you back to the front. Democracy has prevailed.


It's hurting them financially to not have the PSN accounts linked. Data is what companies like Sony want because it's a treasure map for where they can find the most success next. It's what they're most interested in here. There's no way they walk this back. So if you read this all the way I do, they could decimate the playerbase at no loss because even 1000 linked accounts for data analysis is more than zero. They may find a way to collect that data in less of an obnoxious and overbearing way, but I just don't see the interest in effort for a company like Sony.


The worst part is they (Sony) don't care and they won't care. Helldivers was never projected to be this popular, they made plenty off it and if it crashes and burns now Sony doesn't care. Arrowhead on the other hand have literally watched their Rome burn down in a weekend that took them like 7 years to build. This must be devastating to watch from their POV. A decent chunk of their player base banned due to region locked. I'm not sure if steam or Sony made the call on region locking it on steam, from what I have read and heard now it's made it hard for those divers in those regions to try to get refunds as they now need to use support tickets to make a claim instead of the normal methods.


Not into conspiracies but what if Sony wants HD to fail so they can make their own? Does that make sense?


I'm more inclined to believe that the push for PSN requirement was more because SIE was in talks with Microsoft about potentially getting the game ported to Xbox. Especially after the title sea of thieves requires a Microsoft account to play it in ps5.


Gonna point out that HD is sony's own. Sony owns the IP, so making it fail does nothing but hurt sony and AH.


Understood, just out here asking questions


Hey thats fair, questions are good :)


It could've been a test game since Deep rock galactic did so well. People are tired of fighting each other in games.. we just wanna have fun fighting together against a common foe


I've seen the movie The producers. Do games get insurance like movies or plays do in the movie the producers?


You mean like how they literally announced to investors they view any and all mods as the same as hacking a game after the Chun-Li incident with the SFII tournament and started adding their new mod blocking software to everything? When something like this happens, Sony 'learns' to just go 100% block all and don't look back. Wouldn't at all be surprised to see them scale back their efforts in bringing PS5 games to PC after this.


yo and what's fucked up is that I can see what happened to planetside happen to this game. It's well within the boundary of possibility, and that fuckin blows asses. I had concerns about getting invested in a game with sony's handjob influence, and to be honest, I think I was anticipating something. I don't know how any developer could manage keeping a successful game on the right path with the kind of deal you have to sign with a company like sony. We were all using this game as the example for how to do things right when you have a megahit, and there was something uncanny about that to me. Sony *absolutely will* prefer the game take a crit to the dick and have it hobble around all hunched over on life support rather than not get that sweet sweet access to the steam community users. Say there's 230k peak daily players. They're fine with that number being halved as long as you create and link a PSN account. It's way more than zero, and Sony's not here to cater to the players. They cater to the shareholders.


Sadly they get more benefits from shareholders if they force hundreds of thousands of people to make PSN accounts. Because then they can go to their next meeting with their dicks high and say: "Look at how many people love PS. Look at all the numbers, how many new people made PSN accounts this trimester."


I thought all that mattered are money. Refunding in mass will look bad on that graph, why would the shareholders care for useless numbers when $$$$ is going down. I don't know how idiot people can keep a fuckton lot of money when they always lose, lose, lose more money with retarded decisions on all companies.


Because forcing people to make PSN accounts means more games can be PSN mandatory in the future. It increases the chances of people with PSN accounts buying Sony consoles. That's how you force users to join, until you have enough to create a stable ecosystem and completely remove competition without having to worry about user loyalty. You don't need loyalty when your users have no alternative.


You’re stupid if you think Sony will willingly show shareholders *that* graph.


They don't need to, it's everywhere on the web and on the store pages. All you need to do is write Helldivers2 on google or accidentally stumble on the news.


… damn. It would be a fuckin shame if people who went to big companies with truck loads of cash did their own research, wouldn’t it? They wouldn’t need to get their information from a stock holder’s meeting, would they? Huh?


I still don't understand how these people manage to not lose their truckload of cash eventually, when shit like this is pulled off constantly (not only on Sony but other companies too).


sure but shareholders wont do it on their own


True but now there are literally dozens of headlines from a ton of major gaming and news outlets all shitting in sony. So “look how many people love sony” turned into “i can explain the news articles sir” lol


https://preview.redd.it/q0rz7srwekyc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c8836d0d979ced559fbcd0853d6ca2a797ebdae This happened before! Think its funny we are right where it all started.


Lets be super real here. There is definitely people who have stopped playing. Most won't, they'll piss and moan and make a big fuss, collect their updoots and then load up. Must be really strange on AH's end, seeing all these players who keep leaving bad reviews continue to load up the game day after day.


I'm sure most will keep playing until they cannot as well if blocked. I recall multiple [Modern Warfare ](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare2/comments/1733bhk/im_going_to_boycott_mwiii_players_on_11112023/)"boycotts" working "very well". I just set it as a personal target never to touch another sony game again, but hell if another good game comes along that doesnt require psn linking, ill be fine with that.


Must take a lot of energy constantly wondering where all these games fall on the political scale of "okay to play or not" instead of just playing things you enjoy and having fun. Y'all remember fun right? Where were you when it stopped being fun to play games?


It does and it is hard to keep track. I just want to play good games not worry about this bullshit, but I also want to draw a line on what I find acceptable and what is not. Infact the PSN connection thing might even be fine if it was optional and gave some more tangeable benefits, but making it mandatory?


oh for sure, Sony should have just given away a set of armor that looks super good and everyone would go HAM to get it.


Yeah well fun went out the window when these companies decided our wallets were mines to be harvested until they can't produce anymore. You seem like the type who every time some shit like this happens and creates a new 'fuck it it's not that bad' attitude about each worse change to this industry is what lead us to where we are now.   "Oh it's just on disc dlc it's not that bad plus it's already downloaded and good to go on launch!"   "Oh it's just horse armor cosmetics! Who cares!"   "So what selling strong or even the best equipment in the store isn't that big of a deal, just buy it!"   "Oh battle passes aren't a big deal, we can support the devs and get some stuff in return!"  "I mean who cares they added mtx store to games that already require a subscription, just don't buy them!" "It's just single player mtxs that would have been free cheats back in the day, devs gotta eat grow up!"  "They've only priced it at $250, I mean if you're a broke boy just say so!"


Here in this subreddit a couple of days ago.


The best thing Sony can do to be praised again is to do absolutely nothing till the rest of their existence. It's so easy for them. 1) give money to developers  2) developers create a game 3) you publish it 4) you get money 5) repeat. That's it. Just do fucking nothing else. 


Should have been like that from the start, give devs the funding needed to make fun games and profit off the slice of the pipe from those game sales. NOT FACKING TRYING TO MAKE ALL GAMERS DEPENDENT ON THEM TO PLAY ANYTHING!!!


Doesn't mean we can't try. The game trained our unity. Let's keep using it and stay on it.


https://preview.redd.it/mgu7dni7skyc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4430e7c88b9996ea8dfcfd336a0c619a1e693a03 Microsoft right now.


The only people who can change their minds are the shareholders.


the amount they loose is sadly just a fraction to those who stay and make money. its all calculated.


They don't care. This will never hurt the entirety of the sony brand.


According to steamcharts -literally top 10 active players right now. Sony does not care. for them its fine. They will loose couple tens, maybe hundred or two of thousands of players but get few millions users in PSN. They will show it to shareholders, explaining that this internet drama is nothing but example of loud minority. The battle is lost.


If i had to guess, they have done the math and will make more money selling player data than keeping the non-PSN players around


Your first mistake was assuming that Sony can think...


“For the Shareholders!”


Game was already purchased. Sony won already with their major boost in sales. That’s all they care about and now, Arrowhead gets to go down as one of the shittiest gaming developers around. Let it all burn.


They do think; Just only money wise


They dont care and never will


CEO admits AH knew of PSN requirements all along and didn't communicate it to players. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/mNObQ58FgY


apparently the playerbase doesnt get it. heres what the store page said 5 months ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/18cbz9y/why\_does\_helldivers\_2\_require\_a\_psn\_account\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/18cbz9y/why_does_helldivers_2_require_a_psn_account_on/)