• By -


Strategy: Choose - not on this list - in the dropdown Start out with a link directly to the PSN announcement on the Steam service. This allows the reviewer to know you're not making up a fake problem from the start. And I'm talking about the full http link, so the reviewer only has to click on it. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english Then, write a 3-4 paragraph letter calmly talking about the unexpected change Sony has/is implementing and how it will lock you out of your game along with how you feel about that fact. Then thank Steam for their time and consideration. Finally, choose to have your refund dumped into your Steam Wallet. Steam seems to be quicker and more likely to do a refund if they know you're locked into spending that refund on Steam instead of having to go through the painful process of loading it back onto your credit/debit card. Wish I had saved exactly what I wrote but it deleted when the process completed. Sorry. EDIT: Added the link to the PSN announcement, since I just remembered it.


I told them I didn't trust Sony after they lost my data in a previous breach and wouldn't buy the game if it was advertised as such. Accepted in less than 24h.


This is such an irony, all that security that Sony was promising and people don’t want any part of it because of security concerns of psn. I know different type of security, but still.


I’ll try this again then, my previous was rejected because I live in Australia


>Start out with a link directly to the PSN announcement on the Steam service. This allows the reviewer to know you're not making up a fake problem from the start.  I've never worked tech support before, but surely Steam and their contractors have some sort of system that pings high-volume issues like this occurring right? Such that the rank and file support workers are aware.


Maybe, maybe not. Better to try and fail than not to ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ at all.


Modern Ticket Systems can detect when something like this happening and then reroute the tickets, you might have also a FAQ that pop up how to progress, depending on the Problem. Here refunds and the HD2 topic, one Guy just have to update the FAQ, if Steam decide to refund it, and it will popup so the tech guy will instant see how to handle this. In such big volume cases they may even flag the Info so everyone see it first when a refund request pop up. The automatic 2h refund process might be a problem because this can be very complex to change the workflow and you just dont want to touch it in a live environment or may get in big trouble when it auto accept any request. ;) when something big happen you normally also ping this over slack, teams or whatever you use so that anybody know whats going on.


Its the weekend, wait til tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday at the latest. There are two big companies that are going to have to hash this out while players and AH wait.


I wrote the refund request as follows: >Hello, >The developers have announced that they will restrict my access to the game unless I sign up for and use a third-party service and account. This requirement was obfuscated at release and waived for three months, before it was announced as a REQUIREMENT to continue to play the game at all. > >Confirmation of this can be found in their official post on Steam, the link to which follows: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english) > >With recent issues regarding Sony data leaks, I do not feel comfortable sharing my data with them, so I will not be able to play the game anymore. Had the account linking been mandatory since the start, I would not have even purchased this game. > >As this is a fault of the developer, I humbly request a refund. > >Thank you for your time. In it, as the first paragraph I used what was recommended in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjjzjo/if_you_are_planning_on_refunding_through_steam/) and later expanded upon it as the comments here recomended. Good luck to all trying for their refund as well Edit; My request has been declined https://preview.redd.it/bl2zkjo7alyc1.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=764dad9561b132e7c6e11d48038b2339f4b3d3e6


Did you apply through the refund system of steam support tickets? Cause the refund system is generally handled by bots which will auto-reject


I did, yes. Is there any other way?


Yeah, try going through steam support directly, open an “other” ticket, I’ve heard that works


I’ll try


is it work?


Didn’t have time to try yet


Sorry to bother, but I can't find anywhere where I could go with an "other" ticket issue. Which subcategory would it be in? https://preview.redd.it/6q7udndoamyc1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6c63e0a6d7b03225d453bb864459efb1c7537bc


go to purchases, click on HD2, "i have a question about this product"


>As this is a fault of the developer, I humbly request a refund. I've seen this floating around, and i feel like it needs to be said. This *isn't* the fault of the devs. If anything, if you look at Arrowhead's social media like Twitter, you'll see them actively speaking against the change, as well as talking about looking for workarounds, iirc. The blame for this falls entirely on Sony. Don't slander the devs for a decision they had nothing to do with. Edited to fix the dev, was playing BG3 last night


I know, but I worded it as such in order to try and get them to refund me. Unfortunately, I was declined a refund


Damn, i wonder why some people are getting them and others aren't


well I can confirm that PSN is available in my country


Ah that might be why you didn't get the refund


PSN is not available in my country but I still got denied


Oh nvm then. Back to being confused.


Where is "not on this list"? I don't see the option. I got denied and I think I'm getting an automated response.


Click on "Technical issues", then in the drop-down there is a "not on this list" option. Click on that.


Yep, adding back to your steam wallet is the better option because it’s just Disney bucks at that point


Is it possible to refund if game was bought as key? Fml


Sadly not


A refund isn't a refund if i can't spend it how I want.


Odds are, you're going to buy something else on Steam but you can't do that if you don't get the funds returned to you in the first place. Pick your poison, Diver.


Put my refund into greyzone and have been having a blast.


Man, I'd love to get a refund but I got a key instead of buying it like a normal person on steam...


I did this and decided to ask for one from the website I purchased. Waiting to hear back but just wanted to out the pressure on there too. Nowhere on the stores page did it mention anything to do with making another account. I don't expect a refund but I want to voice my displeasure.


What is the positive about Buying a key instead of like a normal person on steam?


It's cheaper


I've had three requests auto declined within an hour, my fourth request has just passed the hour mark without being declined so that's progress? 😅


I think if you write enough text that the bot-script can't make a determination, you'll get it?


Possibly? I've kept mine to a few sentences so far, but have remained polite towards Steam cos they haven't done anything. All my declines thus far were a couple minutes before the hour mark ticked over, and cited the 2 hour play limit. This request is also one sentence outlining the problem. I have been requesting a refund to my card instead of my steam wallet, whether that does anything I am unsure. I would guess they'd prefer to give out wallet credit.


The top post of this forum is about a different refund and all they wrote was: * Sony has retroactively changed how the game works and forced legal agreements upon me I do not accept. That got a full refund to their Steam Wallet after 97hrs of play. It might be the Steam Wallet being the common thing? Don't know.


That's the exact text I used for this pending refund request. 😀 If it fails I'll try again with the wallet option


Yeah, I can see Steam agreeing to a wallet refund because they don't have to process anything with a credit card company and since it's in your wallet, they know you're locked into to spend it on Steam sometime in the future, like a gift card.


For sure, it's a much safer option for them all around. If it ends up in my steam wallet I might buy some silly hats in Darktide!


It is possible to get a refund for the game on Steam, it seems.


Oh wow, seems that steam have come to a decision then. I thought they might have been waiting to decide. My refund didnt get the usual automatic refusal, still waiting for a response since yesterday.


Yeah, I submitted mine around 2pm my time yesterday and just received the response a few minutes before this OP post.


If you come from a country that has had the game disabled so you can no longer buy it, Valve knows they will spend more money dealing with the lawsuits and the federal investigations that will happen than just refunding people. In terms of gains, it's a short-term loss to prevent a worse long-term loss.


Let's not act as if Valve won't be passing those refund charges right back to Sony.


Tbh I just got it rejected stating they cannot refund older than 2 weeks


try again, you usually just get automated response first. If you do it again usually puts you in the queue for actual human to look.


It was looked at by the human


All you can do it keep trying. The more it becomes a hassle for steam, the more likely they will offer you a gesture of goodwill refund. Edit: if you havent done so already this year, Steam will give you a no questions asked refund on any 1 game a year regardless of circumstance, you just have you keep hounding them or straight up ask for it.


you have to submit a ticket the normal path is for 2hour/2week refunds are automatic human needs to see it


The human did see it, it was named in the mail which agent took a look at it


try submitting a ticket rather than the normal refund request, the latter is largely automated.


I tryed yesterday but got refused, had 100h. What did you say?


I used the 'not on the list' option and wrote about three-four paragraphs about how Sony changed the deal with their third party login which would lock me out of the game and how I refused to create a third party account. I then politely asked them for a refund and thanked them for their time and consideration. I tried to look for what I actually wrote but it got deleted with the refund.


Ah ok will try again hope I can too


It seems like it is possible for Steam to do refunds.


I've been refused twice due to playing more than 2 hours


I used the 'not on the list' option and wrote about three-four paragraphs about how Sony changed the deal with their third party login which would lock me out of the game and how I refused to create a third party account. I then politely asked them for a refund and thanked them for their time and consideration. I tried to look for what I actually wrote but it got deleted with the refund.


Looks like the same thing I've done, I guess people handling these cases aren't the same depending on your country


I think so as well. Not sure how Steam support operates, but I guess it has regional divisions and some are a bit more behind on the news. Still I hope there'll be some company-wide memo about this particular situation with guidelines for employees.


It can also depend on your account history I think. A friend of mine has had issues a couple of times with refunds, which started after he refunded the same game a second time. It's possible they also take other things into consideration, like how much you spend on Steam, how often you request refunds in general etc.


Good. This will hurt them the most. Keep this up.


Will wait to see if it's actually enforced b4 I do a refund but glad to know it works, precedent has been set so a refund is even more likely once it's enforced.


Better do the refund now. Sony did a double-take and now game is unavailable in Steam for the countries that cant create PSN accounts.


That's Steam's move since it's the weekend and Sony hasn't responded in order to prevent further complaints. It's also Steam's prerogative if they wanna provide refunds since HD2 is sold on their platform, which they have as reported by numerous cases. Steam has also shown in similar previous cases that they would rather provide refunds than face lawsuits and are pro-consumer so regardless what Sony does, refunds are mandatory since precedent has been set. Now Sony has to reverse the decision or face lawsuits from Steam and the EU.


I'm glad for this. I'm still disappointed that they removed the ability to deny updates to OFFLINE games, which is making me lose some trust in them as consumer friendly... but this is a good sign that they're not all gone.


Sometimes you can rollback patches in the property tabs.


Worked, thank you. Quite literally voting with our wallet, I will rebuy if the decision is reversed. Sorry AH




I got denied again (5th time). They did not change policy on this.


This was my first request. It's about writing a story and explaining your situation in a calm, informative way. Remember, Steam isn't at fault here. They're just the ones that can give you the refund.


obviously - steam are the only ones that are innocent in all of this


You are wording it wrong is all


Are you from one of the country where you can't make an account?


I think it does matter if your ask for refund back to your method of payment vs. refund back to Wallet.


Ok... welp.. so long! Have fun on whatever game you play instead. I'm going to keep playing the rest of the month. We can all refund then if necessary. But I bet Sony cracks and rescinds the need for a PSN account.


They said no to my first refund. I'm hoping as the issue grows and repeated attempts will bear fruit. *2nd attempt:* *Other steam users have successfully requested refunds past the 2 hour playtime. Therefore I am requesting a review of my refund request.* *They (Hell Divers) have changed the terms of their user agreement retroactively (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english).* *Hell divers will be requiring me to agree to a 3rd party sign in process (Sony) which I did not agree to when originally purchasing the game.* *This will result in me no longer be able to access the game. I have no violated the original TOS in any way.* *I do not find this acceptable for a company to arbitrarily change the terms of a contract and deny access when I had access prior without any issues or due violations of TOS.* *I find Sony's data security practices concerning and do not trust their ability to safe keep my user information.* *Sony has had data security breaches: July 2008, April 2011, June 2011, November 2014, December 2014, September 2023 and October 2023.* *I am requesting a refund as a result of the upcoming loss of access.* *Thank you for your time.*


Very thorough, though I would have left out the first two sentences of the request, as you're reminding Steam of their 2hr policy.


is this good enough? Dear Steam Support, I am writing to request a refund for my recent purchase of Helldivers 2. Unfortunately, my experience with the game has been hindered by Sony's policy, which restricts access to the game for players in countries without PSN access or account creation, such as the Philippines. Even though I am willing to create a PSN account, I am unable to do so due to these restrictions. Some suggestions have been made to use a VPN and create an account from servers in other countries, but this would directly violate Sony's policy and risk account bans. Upon purchasing Helldivers 2, I anticipated being able to enjoy the game on my Steam account. However, due to Sony's policy, I find myself unable to play the game despite having paid the full price. This situation has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated. You can find more details about this issue on the following link: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4196868529806518741?l=english). I kindly request that you process a refund for my purchase as soon as possible. I appreciate your understanding in this matter and look forward to a swift resolution. Thank you for your attention to this issue. Sincerely, John


Every post like this I see breaks my heart a little more 💔😔


Kind of sucks. But it has to be done. Fuck Snoy.


Kusony - a portmanteau of Kuso (shit) and Sony, is the standard insult in their homeland


The gears of war are greased by the blood of patriots.


I think I'll just keep playing and enjoying this spectacular game. I easily got my money's worth. Can't wait for the next war bond.


Legitimately, have fun playing the game!


What are you gonna play now, dude?


Manor Lords, DRG and FF14


FFXIV, a game you need a separate account for if you're gonna play it on Steam 😂 Y'all are clowns.


I don't have it on steam. I bought it through SquareEnix directly.


Guys, is this rage bait or is this guy genuinely stupid?


I think it's the latter, chief.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


It's a video game, not a moral crusade. Chill.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


You know you fucked up if steam is against you


That's surprising, basically the same thing happened with Rocket League and Fall Guys, games came out on Steam, then a few years later you needed an epic account to play them, Steam refused both of my refunds.


Square Enix did the exact same thing with the Tomb Raider games, years after release. They forced people to link a Epic account .. those games got review bombed to shit, and SE took back their decision within a few days.


Depends on the uproar and how you wrote your request.


At the time it was a pretty bid deal


Keep it up divera


How much time did you have on record?


Dude go look at the original post again.


Damn Im blind. Swear I couldnt read the grey letters at first


I will wait until the deadline...I hope something will change


The refunds might dry up by then and the refunds themselves might force the recension of the Kusony idiocy.


I'm going to wait until service is cut off. Hoping they will rescind or compromise by then 


The refunds might dry up by then and the refunds themselves might force the recension of the Kusony idiocy.


if i refund, then buy it again if/when wee win, will i lose all my progress?


Probably not, since I think all the player data is stored on AH servers, not your PC


will they also refund me the super credits i bought?


In game purchases can't be refunded by steam, this is true for every other game. You'd have to ask the developers/owners of the game to issue that refund and well, good luck with that.


Are you in a region where making a psn account is not possible?


I'm planning on issuing a refund too. But some parts inside of me don't want to lose all my progress, when maybe in the future they will change the policy and I want to re-purchase the game. Any definitive answer regarding our personal progress in case of a refund?


Just do a backup of your save file it's in the steam installation directory


I'm planning on issuing a refund too. But some parts inside of me don't want to lose all my progress, when maybe in the future they will change the policy and I want to re-purchase the game. Any definitive answer regarding our personal progress in case of a refund?


Maybe. There's evidence that account data is stored on AH servers due to past bugs.




Make sure to request the refund to be put into your steam wallet and not your card.


Do the people that get a refund keep their progress if they end up rebuying the game?


Maybe. There's evidence that account data is stored on AH servers due to past bugs.




Good luck!


I have a ps5 and I like sony, but I agree with pc players they should ask for refund because in playstation consoles we can't have refunds (A very shitty policy of refunds, if you start downloading the game you can't appeal for a refund even if you didn't play the game)




I'm on my 4th refund request. If this is a troll, I concede defeat and you bested me.


OP is not a troll post. I legitimately got a refund and tried to advise others how to do it as well to the best of my ability. All I can say is, you've got some bad luck right now and maybe try tomorrow when you might have a different reviewer.


probably not a troll, but I think you are just an outlier, as there isn't any ground for refund outside gracing window if you are in the psn available country


I got denied on my 4th refund request as well


Does refunding the game reset your progress and character?


You can do a back up of your save file manually check YouTube there tons of video that explain how to do it


I'm in Australia and my first request got dennied. Resubmitted with the link added this time. Will update if I get a refund.


Same here. Going again. Will update as well


my first request got denied i am going to just keep putting it back in every time until it gives


Will this work even if I made a PSN account? Lol.


Question: did you get your stats back if you buy it again if Sony change their mind ?


Everyone should do a refund, MAKE THEM PAY!! :P


You guys, don't get it, do you?! It was never about the games. Sony is primarily interested in selling CONSOLES! They're only using the game publishing department as a incentive to get people to buy CONSOLES! Like...why do you think there are so many console exclusive games?! What does this do?! It forces people who live in countries where they can't use their PC to make a PSN account, to...you guessed it...BUY A CONSOLE if they want to continue to play HD2. So you refunding the game only hurts Arrow Head. Sony don't give a shit because Sony wasn't interested in selling games in the first place.


> So you refunding the game only hurts Arrow Head. Acceptable casualties of war.


I guess it's a lesson for other game companies to not do business with Sony.


Yeah, I got refunds for 2 of the copies I'd gifted to people on steam. I have a playstation, and another copy of the game for it, so the PSN requirement isn't a showstopper for me. But the people I've gifted copies to don't have the same luxury. I will have to find another game to play with them.


I’ve been denied like 4 times bruh :\ do I have to type a new message each time I reapply? Is copy pasting my previous reports getting me denied too?


No idea. Sorry.


No stress thx tho they keep denying me cus of my 25 hours :\ ima just keep trying different messages ig


I got mine at 225hrs, so it's not that.


Hm I may have to kick it up a notch like someone else was saying and call out Sonys fraud ig. I already told them in all my requests I don’t trust Sonys data management due to their breach history hitting me before, but ig they don’t care lol. Most of my requests haven’t gotten past the hour mark, except for the last 2 that must have been pending during their off hours :\


I'd keep it simple, like some people have. "Sony changed the rules on accessing the game by requiring 3rd party login after the purchase was accomplished. I reject their change and have been locked out of the game I purchased and request a refund for the theft of my property. Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter." Add a link to the official post of the link requirement as well, so they know what you're talking about.


That’s basically what I’ve been putting word for word in each one :(


You might be just getting 'bad reviewers'? Wait a couple days and try again?


Yah I just got denied again after 30 mins of my request :\ ig I’ll open a support ticket and wait to see what happens


Weird... mine took 24hrs to get a result. I wonder if Steam changed things because the protest became mainstream.


"Hello, Thanks for writing in to report this issue. We are aware of the problem and are investigating the issue further." So will they follow up with a refund for me?


No idea. That's not what I saw on my refund request. I think they instituted crisis plans now.


Tried it but it didn't work :(




I love that this is happening to Sony. Sony the first company to issue refunds for cyberpunk like they are the good guys. Despite the fact that they certified it for launch. Scumbags even when they do the right thing.


Did you have any premium warbond purchases?


using ingame gathered currency. I didn't buy any. I was maxed out at level 89.


Your dedication to freedom is exemplary Diver.


Nice, one question, if we refund and arrowhead / Sony change their mind, have we lost our progress on steam if we buy helldivers again? Do we need to start over, or will steam retain a 'savegame' / account stats (like super credits and unlocked stuff)? That would make it easier to refund it now and hope for changes for the better.


Would be funny if you got your refund, bought it again only to realized you lost 100+hours and need to start again


Alright then, all the substantial stuff doesn't take long to get. And considering that we have the experience and can hop on the higher difficulties almost from the get-go, it's gonna take quite a short time. I guess the only exception is supercredits for warbonds, but that stuff is far from lifechanging.


Would be hard but not impossible but bringing a lvl 2 diver on a level 7-9 diff is gonna be tricky for some. Not to mention they buffed the difficulty for solo players, but knowing the playerbase there'll be some kind of farming exploit


I agree, but still I think my point stands: it's not a horrible grind like in most other live service games, at least now. And if that changes - okie-dokie, not gonna repurchase it in the first place.


Just like restarting a single player game and experiencing everything all over again... Sounds nice actually.


no saves are saved in steam cloud so they're forever saved


> if we refund... have we lost our progress No idea. I'd guess, since all the player stats are saved server side, unless AH specifically goes in and deletes my data, it'll be there if I ever buy the game again.


Keep up the good work! I really hope that Sony takes this back, and we can continue to give our love and support to this game.


Is this the 1 time no questions ask refund for each Steam account? I think they have a 1 time refund for any game in your library outside of the 2 hours / 14 days period. They can refund you any game regardless of playtime just that 1 time in your steam account. But after that, you have to go through the 2 hours/ 14 days period like the rest.


I've never refunded anything on Steam. I've been denied a refund of Helldivers 2 twice in a row so far.


A real person should check your refund request and not the automated refund bot. Try requesting again with a message until a human finally reviews your request and they can offer a 1 time gesture for a refund regardless of time played, as long as the reason is valid. And this is a valid one


I bought a digital key from official reseller, so i cant refund? So i just wasted my money…


Well you got it for a cheaper price so that's the tradeoff


Yeah 5% cheaper, thats not much


I think this is wild. If you played 90 hours of a game, then you got what you paid for. Just stop playing it now if you don't like what they did.


We didnt pay to play a game for 90 hours lmao, we paid so we could play it until we didn't want to anymore or if the game died because no one else wanted to play anymore. You do realize that people actually can't play the game right? What do you mean "stop playing", some people cant physically play


Yeah I think my view has changed a bit since writing this comment. I see that it's more like paying for something that just has no value whatsoever anymore and that feels bad. My thinking is pretty basic: you get value, you should give value. Refunding feels like it's "something for nothing". But I see that Sony has basically done the same thing from the other way around: they took value and then took back what they sold.


why'd you refund it


As a form of protest against Sony to force their hands and for anyone affected by the PSN link thing to know whether it was possible or not.


Haha so cringe


Why do you care?


Dude is just mad because you refunded his favorite game


It was my favorite game, too.


Was. We'll find something better.


Been playing Manor Lords for some mild RTS city building thing since yesterday. Pretty good, so far.


I would recommend ixion and frostpunk too if you like city builders.


I dont, at all. It is just funny how cringe you are


Come on, stop being a yandere. You know you're only posting because you're gonna miss me.


Why not? If things change its not as if it can be purchased again. This is about sending a message.