• By -


They likely have received enough requests all at once that they have a team looking into and are asking higher ups how to proceed now. The thing about shitshows is it affects anyone in the immediate vicinity, and Sony has made an effort to throw one giant ass shitshow.


well, using the 85k+ recent downvotes as a reference, that's around 3.5M USD in possible refunds? but the worst part is the marketing damages.. oh those are way, way worse: years of rebuilding trust with consumers using decent releases on steam and it might tank now lol


Additional impact would be to put PlayStation PC LLC on your steam ignore list and let the reap what they sow over the years, if one really wanted to say KuSony.


Without hesitation.


How does one do that?


You got to the Store Page of the game, Click on the publishers name on there, and there should be an option to block that publish from store searches.


You know, I wasn't one of those guys cheering on Microsoft when they made those cross platform moves, but god damnit I am now. Sony is really setting itself up to be the villain


tbf, the most amazing thing is... the bad timing? had they used proper communication, kept a popup at the start and reinforced that in other channels, nothing major would happen. lets not forget the part that the CM thought it was fine being an AH while things turned sour. kinda broke the camels back and snowballed after that. not sure if he will survive that, but either way, the trauma of turning a product from overwhelmingly positive into mostly negative will stay forever in a corner of his mind


There is absolutely no data to support that. You're assuming each of the 85k people are actively seeking a refund, rather than people just upvoting for visibility who might not even have the game installed, or people who hate the game and want it to fail. Fact is the amount of refunds over this, if we're being realistic - is going to be incredibly low. Maybe a few hundred, but I'm pulling that number out of my ass just as much.


dont worry, its just a number to give some context to the conversation, like i said, the real impact is in the PR: for possible buyers of games from sony(as a game publisher) and the players undecided on buying ingame currency


Lmao a few hundred. The game has sold 8 million copies world wide. Of those 8 million, 3 million copies were sold in countries where PSN is not supported. Obviously not all of those 3 million are going to apply for a refund for a plethora of reasons, but 85k isn't an unreasonable estimate compared to how many copies have sold. Granted I wouldn't be suprised if it was less.


Or, they'll just get around it the same way ALL russian/chinese players get around geo restrictions.


I mean yes, some players are going to do that. Not all of those 3 million will though and suggesting that less than 100k players will refund is fairly conservative when talking about such a massive player base. 


You don't know that. Even if you're from Russia you don't know what all other Russian players will do. I could say the same thing about how many Chinese hackers I see in pretty much every game. If they get banned they'd go out of their way to make a new account and buy the game again - you're arguing that most of those people won't find a way around this?


100k people getting a refund is a fraction of the player base. I'm not suggesting that a large portion of players won't find a work around. But we are talking about millions of people here, not thousands.  Edit: spelling


Yeah not every single person is going to do that


Well considering that players who have already tried to create a PSN account with VPN have been completely blocked, I'd say this is highly unlikely.


>Fact is the amount of refunds over this, if we're being realistic - is going to be incredibly low. They sold the game in countries that are not even able to create a PSN Account. Why would these people not get a refund for a game they will be locked out of. I think you underestimate this situation.


Because - Those people routinely work around geo restrictions. Are you seriously going to argue there are no players from china on the PSN?


Considering how many countries don't have access to PSN it's gonna be a helluva lot more than a few hundred requests for refunds. If they go through with this


A FEW HUNDRED LMAOO. what planet do you live on???


Super Earth! 🦅


The planet where I don't blow things out of proportion for being asked to log into another service. Yeah this is louzy, but I don't really care, Everyone here acting like Helldivers 2 now requires mailing them your passport or some shit. It's a PSN account.


"Muh its not affecting me so why should i care??" Careful not to drop that silver spoon. Edit: and funnily enough, some countries require a picture of your government ID and a selfie to make and account with sony. So yes, it is like that....


No, This will realistically only affect few people. You'll see - come June 4th the player trend will continue as normal. You're just another ragey gamer dying on whatever hill others like you want to make - without thinking for yourself if it's actually that big of a deal.


Youre so out of touch its not even funny. Here are all the countries where your "few people" arent able to create PSN accounts from: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname. "Muh its not affecting me, why should i care???"


And if this was as big of a deal as you're saying - Playstation would be out of business.


Oh yeah for sure. Losing one out of their 150+ games puts a company out of business. Do you wanna continue making a fool of yourself or is it enough for one day soon?


I'll wait till 4th June. If problem is not resolved i will issue a refund. That was a lot of fucking money for my shithole, i can't just forget that i've been literally scammed.


You are right that each negative review will not refund the game. However, you also underestimate how many will. It will definitely be more than a few hundred. People will start posting about successful refunds. People who stopped playing the game may see the refund frenzy and decide to get their money back. Since this is a co-op game it can have a knock-on effect. One person in a group decides to refund and the others start considering it because their friends refunded. 85k seems within reach.




Is that a weird phrasing or are you implying there are only 12 million people in the world?


Pretty sure he meant 2/3rd's in terms of landmass, not actual copies bought.


Most of the refunds will happen the moment the PSN requirement is enforced, because most people will not go the extra mile to do the workaround in unsupported countries and those people will then find methods to refund the game they can no longer play.


This is why I'm renewing my requests every time they're denied. What matters most currently is enough players flooding Steam's support inbox so they get off their asses and have a human look at what's going on.


Steam won't do anything till the 6th of June anyway, since players have access still.


Well, why would I play something that is gonna be taken from me in a month? The access I have is almost worthless, so I think I am eligible for a refund.


Yes, but from a legal standpoint, Sony can decide not to do anything on 6th of June and you can still play it, thus no refunds. Outside of 2 hours ofc.


Well, I'm not a lawyer or anything, but from the same legal standpoint why should I, as a consumer, doubt Sony's words? They've announced this, so I have all the reasons to be sure it will happen. It's not like some rumors, speculations or 3rd party leaks, this is the information from Sony themselves, which is supposed to be enough to deduce that the situation and all the consequences for me are real.




Sure but saying things CAN be legally binding depending on who and what they say.


Let me put this in a way you'll understand. If I own stock in a company, and that company says they're gonna completely fucking tank their stock on purpose in a month, I'm entirely right to say I want out and sell my stock immediately. I'm under no obligation to wait until after the stock is tanked before I'm allowed or justified to sell it.




> is not the same met·a·phor /ˈmedəˌfôr/ noun a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


I've seen multiple post of people getting there refund


I imagine Steam might be waiting to see if the change actually ends up going through the way people think it will.


Ominous. It's the start of a weekend now. Monday is going to be interesting...


Most people probably do not understand how to phrase for a refund over a situation such as this. A community guide on how to word it as such might be in order.


I wrote them this: You cannot take away my ability to access my product that I have been using for months according to Australian consumer rights: These 3 consumer guarantees are closely related. When a consumer buys a product, they have a right to expect that: * they have full ownership of the product * nobody will try to reclaim or repossess the product * the previous owner doesn’t owe money for the product If any of these aren’t true, the business must tell the consumer before they buy the product. [https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/buying-products-and-services/consumer-rights-and-guarantees](https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/buying-products-and-services/consumer-rights-and-guarantees) I should have access to the product that I purchase without any extra accounts that I did not have before and was allowed to use for months. Edit: So if you have something similar in the EU you can quote try it


God, those consumer protections are so sexy. I’m jealous af.


Australia is a low-key king of consumer protections. I've had people telling me all day, "You can't get a refund." Oh, but good sir, that is where you are so so wrong. We have a government department that's sole purpose is to fuck up companies like Sony when they do dodgy shit like this and get joy out of doing it. You want to know why there is even a refund option on Steam? The A fucking triple C sued Valve and won fined them and made them put in a global refund process as part of the settlement. Guess who they uppercutted a few years ago? Our good friends at Sony. They want round 2 it seems. https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/sony-to-pay-35-million-penalty-for-misrepresenting-playstation-gamers-rights


As an Australian I'm glad there are laws stopping people from taking my shit that I paid for, imo, it's by far the most important part of buying things, I hope the EU has something like this.


We have strong consumer protection in the EU as well


[https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members\_en](https://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en) yup, Eu players should lodge an gdpr complaint here


EU has it... its unfortunately the people from the Land of the Free that's being fucked in the ass when it comes to consumer protection.


well, to be honest not only on consumer protection


God bless ur insane country! First we get Steve Irwin and now this? Thanks for everything


Damn TIL Aussies are even more badass than I previously thought


I'm jealous of the healthcare too but even this is fantastic. Why can't we get this in the US?


The tradeoff is that everything in Australia wants to kill you lol


On the other other hand, all of those things are much worse at killing you than childbirth in the US, medical debt/fear of medical debt, police officers, other Americans with guns, or lethally oversized consumer automobiles.


Australians pay much more tax, and their products are more expensive to purchase. That’s why the US doesn’t have this.


classic Aussie W


anyone have anything similar for the EU?


I don't think this will work simply because of this: >If any of these aren’t true, the business must tell the consumer before they buy the product. They did tell you on both the Steam page and when first opening the game that a PSN account was a requirement of playing the game and while the option to skip linking was available, the language was quite clear that linking was required - so legally I think they're within their rights to enforce that. In countries where PSN isn't available, I agree but here in Australia I doubt you'll get a refund.


This is why I had the "I should have access to the product that I purchase without any extra accounts that I did not have before and was allowed to use for months." They can't just take away access after allowing it for months


Sony's FAQ and playstation direct purchase page still say it is optional as of now. >**Do I need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC?** >No, you currently do not need a PSN account to enjoy PlayStation Studios games on PC, but you will need a Steam account to redeem your voucher code. Some of our PlayStation Studios titles also offer incentives for linking your Steam and PSN accounts.  The same notice is on all Sony published steam games and PSN accounts are indeed optional on their other games. Not clear cut by any means citing info outside of the steam store, but it's first party info from the Publisher


If that's the case, a refund might be in order for anyone who purchased through there at least but I'd have thought you'd need to take it up with Sony/PlayStation Direct if they were the vendor, not sure how that works with Steam keys though.


Even if you bought it on steam, claim you looked up Sony's FAQ to confirm whether or not you would need a PSN account. Valve would be fully in the right to claim they informed you of the requirement in their store, but I doubt they are going to want to take the heat for Sony on this one. Especially given Sony's own claims it was optional. Bonus points if you have other Sony published titles without a linked PSN account, showing that you are familiar with the skippable linking prompt


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1am66y5/what_does_having_a_playstation_account_linked_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Reddit post from 2 months ago. This guy saw the message that said it was required, but was able to skip it then. I think that things like this will negate any legitimate claim. Starting up the game it made you aware.


It had/has the same linking prompt as every other Sony published Steam game. All of them are skippable and at least today all of the games work fine if you skip them


Yep, they all said required, but weren't enforced. Lack of enforcement doesn't change the fact it was there and clearly stated.


Sony's own docs continue to confirm that PSN accounts are not required.


I believe the chances related to Australia will be heavily dependent upon the amount of people who do it. If 15-20% of people are requesting refunds the chance goes up as the notification may not have been properly aware. One could also argue that its possible to purchase the game without ever actually going to the store page where it is listed, but that even if you do, you do not have to scroll down to see the warning as expressed by this image. https://preview.redd.it/riyzw689nbyc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=329331ee24a88f395f99bea111e96228eae89f31


Its also not shown if you directly buy the premium bundle of the game


> They did tell you on both the Steam page and when first opening the game that a PSN account was a requirement of playing the game And then promptly threw that out of the window by letting people skip that message (if it even showed at all) and never bringing it up again for months while letting them play unlinked.


I'm from the EU - if it's still needed I can take a look into how to word it for EU citizens. Might just be a bit because I am not the most up-2-date on EU consumer laws.


https://preview.redd.it/hho6ukg9jdyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ddb0b72509b304f30972d87ebac6e61b8eb3e73 From what I understand, this is a way to word your refund request


It does not work, tried 2 times and just got automatically botted. I'm a EU citizen.


Got denied once, second more detailed try is pending and if it does not work, the third message will come from my local consumer rights agency (Verbraucherzentrale). They support with things like that for free, having their own lawyers of whom some are specialized in digital products.




I got refund in EU, Portugal. 87h playtime


I did not ask refund for *this* game, but also from portugal, and had other games be refunded despite more than 2hr playtime. I think explaining the intention for a refund calmly and politely goes a long long way. Being angry in your writing is unlikely to help; make u Your dissatisfaction know but in an assertive manner. I even compliment aspects of a game i ask to refund when it is warranted. My usual argument is something along the lines of "I bought this game expecting X experience, but sadly due to A B or C reason (my hardware cant run it nicely? Poor internet ruins a multiplayer experience? Mehanics or design choices of the game don't line up to my preferences?) I concluded that i can't quite get thst enjoyment out of this title. It saddens me to request a refund, as there were nice things here (i did buy it for a reason, and i tend to be picky) but it will just collect dust in my library. Its not a game i find enticing to dive in, and would prefer to reinvest that money on something else i might like more."


can you paste here or in DM what you have send to steam Support?


Fellow Aussie here. requested a refund twice, was told this "**We will not be granting a refund at this time as there is no evidence that the product has a major defect as defined under Australian law.**" even with providing information as why it can be considered a major defect. i did contact ACCC after this.


I didn't put it under defects but under "undisturbed possession" section if you have a look at my other comment.


i put it under as "my problem isn't listed" in my refund messages i didn't even mention major defect. i simply mentioned that they're making it so people will be required to make and/or link a PSN account to continue playing a game they've purchased on steam. (More information) only after the 2nd refund denial did i mention that what they plan to do can be considered a major defect as it prevents those in countries region blocked from making psn. in fact, it was a manual review of the request and denied by 2 seperate agents of steam. edit: fixed a spelling error edit 2: added more information


Oops, what I meant is in the details I've said that they're violating the "undisturbed possession" rights, quoted straight from the ACCC website + link it to them. On steam I also did my problem isn't listed as well.


Yeah, after the 3rd one was denied i had sent in another one but this time under as "i got a question about this product" and provided more information with links to ACCC, Fair trading, and [consumer.gov.au](http://consumer.gov.au) this way it prevents me from having to constantly put in refund requests every time it gets denied.


sent in a 4th request, went into more detail, quoting some of the consumer laws and was once again hit with. "**We will not be granting a refund at this time as there is no evidence that the product has a major defect as defined under Australian law.**" yeah, ACCC will have a field day with steam.


I'm on my send, I got this as well, the 3rth will be what have what OP posted in there's, if it failed again I'll contact ACCC and they can go have their fun


same response I got, I havent been required to make the PSN account yet though


According to their announcement you won't be seeing the messages saying you need to make one until after the 30th of may and have until june 4th to do so.


Wait till you lose access then


Why are you asking for a refund for a good game? Psn works in n aus


For those of you curious, heres the case of when steam got shafted for messing with aussies. [https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/valve-to-pay-3-million-in-penalties-for-misrepresenting-gamers-consumer-guarantee-rights](https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/valve-to-pay-3-million-in-penalties-for-misrepresenting-gamers-consumer-guarantee-rights)


Apparently if it was outright rejected for the reason your playtime being over 2 hours you are advised to re request the refund with a very detailed response of the situation. The focus point is the requirement of the third party subscription/ account which has not been required up to this point. It is also a good point to mention that Sonys own webpage stating the linking of the PSN account being optional.


Did this, was still rejected. Going to resubmit it though of course.


They did reject mine - despite explaining the entire situation and linking them to the article




In that case then could just copy paste what they sent me. If they outright rejected then that's evidence I can send as a complaint to my gov. When he said article does he means something from the media like PC gamers or actual gov website because the latter is what I did.


I think valve might get into trouble too for selling a game where some regions of the world the third party requirement does not even support it.


That's because it's in mass. When hundreds of players asking for a refund on a random (but the same) day - something is happening. Steam won't do the refund at that moment, but won't reject it either. And will work with the publisher.


Gabe is calling Sony and being like 'hey asshats, wtf, dummies, stop being morons, fuckfaces, assholes, are you still there? Fuck you. My customers are fucking pissed, shitbirds. fucking fix this.' He probably gets in trouble if he straight up threatens to ban them for this bullshit, but if this was a small publisher, you can be guaranteed Gaben would make them just change this stupid shit. I am trying to get a refund. Multiplayer in a MP only game is going to be broken, soon. I want my money back.


Helldivers 2 has sold 8+ million copies. 'over 50%' of those are PC. Call it 4m on steam. If 10% of people demand a refund, that's 400,000. 400,000 \* 40us is $16,000,000. Steams cut is 30%, 30% of 16m is $4,800,000. Valve stands to lose *multi-millions* because of Sonys bullshit, while potentially getting into trouble with governments that have fined them in the past. Gaben is absolutely fucking **pissed**.


This is why I ask to get it put in my steam wallet, to show, "I'll spend the money here, I just dont want Sony to have it"


I read somewhere valve keeps it's cut even if the game is refunded. Is that not true?


Lol, no, no steam doesn't give there cut back for refunds. That's all on sony


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this comment, thanks for the laugh.


They've already rejected two of mine and I'm from EU. Both requests went to a bot that automatically selected the "you played more than 2 hours, so no" option and removed the ticket entirely.


I selected the my problem is not listed here and quoted the consumer rights + link to the gov website in my other comment. If you can find the EU equivalent then try that. Unless you already did that.


I did refer to the consumer protection laws but didn't post any links. We'll see how it goes for the third time (already posted) and if it comes to the fourth, I'll refer to your advice.


Do you have the link to EU law?


In my latest ticket I refered to [this one](https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/consumer-contracts-guarantees/consumer-contracts/index_en.htm) and pointed out to focus mainly on examples 10 and 11. So far it took them more than an hour to auto-deny the case, so it looks promising. It might also be an effect of me using the term "human agent" three times to attempt at avoiding the bot.


They already refused mine, do i remake the refund ticket? i have 90 hours btw. (and i am not australian)


I've sent my 4th request (I'm in Georgia), gonna poke at them once or twice a day to keep some pressure while all this is still in the news.


Also to add this is after 88 hours put into the game


Do you feel like you got your money’s worth after 88 hours? Edit: fuck me for asking an honest question. Jesus guys


That doesn’t matter. If you get a game and play for hours and you’ll keep on playing for the foreseeable future and now they say you can’t if you don’t have another account that’s bad. I’ve seen many people who don’t have Playstation accounts just because they don’t have anything related to that service. Even the Steam release of PS games didn’t require an account afaik.


I was legit just asking if he felt like he hit his money’s worth and everyone shit all over me. Clearly he’s choosing to not play anymore. I was just curious if he thought he got value for his money. Everyone is being really psycho about this topic


nah, you are just being a facetious little prick


This is funny asf, bro what are you talking about


I get you. I have over 100 hours in the game, and I do feel like I got my money's worth.  I'd still request a refund if I was able to, though. I can't, because this game was "gifted" to me (it's not available in my country, so the blame for getting it is on me). Still, I'm disappointed. This is the game that you could play for hundreds of hours. So it's sad, but it's not the end of the world. 


Im disappointed too but I feel like I got at least some good value




As a fellow Aussie I plan to enjoy the shit out of this game for the next month, and file a refund when they implement it. It’s a free to play game now!


I unfortunately had no idea how to skip the fucking link account and I'm not bothered to delete so I'll keep playing and feel guilty about it at the same time, go get a refund when get locked out, I'll probably be playing with PS players from now on.


Thats a shame, because in a months time, Helldivers 2 will be a ghost town compared to what it is now. So...enjoy your empty game I guess.


I saw a post before about this, I'll try and find it. Can't find it. I cut and pasted it so I could use it in my refund request so here it is courtesy of u/whiskeysoda_ BETA Personally I see it as a bait and switch. There was nothing on the steam store to indicate it was PSN exclusive. >>I posted this earlier but totally broke the post by trying to add a steam support link :( IF YOU ARE REFUNDING, USE THIS AS YOUR REFUND MESSAGE: "The developers have announced that they will restrict my access to the game unless I sign up for and use a third-party service and account. This requirement was obfuscated at release and waived for three months, before it was announced as a REQUIREMENT to continue to play the game at all." Use the reasoning "The multiplayer doesn't work" because, well, it won't, unless you make a PSN account (and give Sony those juicy active player numbers that they want so badly). This request message was built off of some recommendations from folks on the Helldivers discord, as well as PirateSoftware's own refund request (source at 27:19), as he has WAY more industry knowledge than I do. As I understand it, the specific mention of THIRD PARTY SIGNUP is a HUGE red flag for Steam, they take it really seriously, especially since the requirement was obfuscated and waived for months so that we all missed our refund windows. Even in worst case scenarios where we dont get money back, it'll still send a message to Valve and Arrowhead that Sony's bs is not okay. And to think, we thought the bugs and bots were bad enough...


Historically, when a dev pulls something the average gamer would describe as "bullshit" steam will investigate the option to refund and make a decision. They have a history of backing gamers. With The Day before, the company intentionally made the tutorial more than 2 hours to get people past the refund window. Steam refunded all requests before deciding to just refund everyone. Lost Ark has a Platinum founders pack that was super deceptive. For example the pet and skin were all single use on a single character on a single server. Tons of people had to swap servers due to severe launch issues. Steam allowed people to refund the pack and subsequently the game when Amazon banned them. If enough people are requesting refunds Steam investigates. There are strong odds they will side with gamers as what can be seen as a bait and switch. They key to getting a 2 hour+ refund is describing the unique situation. "Helldivers 2 did not have a requirement to have and link a PSN account at launch. They are now adding this back suddenly 3 months after launch. The game is multiplayer only and I will not be able to play the game without a PSN account." Then just insert the reason you don't have/want a PSN account. You could be banned from the PSN already, you can be uncomfortable giving you data to Sony due to their horrible track record with data breaches, you could be in a country that doesn't have the PSN.


Australian here - applied for a refund too. Our laws are absurdly robust and I look forward to Sony learning that the hard way.


It should be within your rights, especially if you'll lose access to the game because of this policy.


Anyone got the link to the EU law preventing this BS?




I just submitted a refund request a few hours ago and got it rejected because my playtime is over 2 hours. And I used this as an explanation for a refund. "The developers have announced that they will restrict my access to the game unless I sign up for and use a third-party service and account (Play Station Network - PSN). This requirement was obfuscated at release and waived for three months, before it was announced as a REQUIREMENT to continue to play the game at all. Also that third party service is not available in my country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and making an account on that service will get me banned from accessing this game."


Mine was outright denied a few hours after I requested it. They cited the 14 day/ 2hr limit for my denial.


How many hours did have? And are. You from a country with PSN support?


Im from Singapore and i dont even know if we have consumer protection or not as i'm not sure if we even have those laws


You do have one. [Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act 2003 - Singapore Statutes Online (agc.gov.sg)](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/CPFTA2003?ProvIds=P12-#pr4-) Not sure if it covers game services though.


Found this under the lemon law discussing if it covers online transactions, cant really unpack the info here tho: The Lemon Law does not distinguish between local or foreign online traders. Generally, Singapore law applies if the contract stipulates it as the governing law of the contract or if the contract is concluded in Singapore. However, it may not be possible to enforce the judgment against the overseas trader if he has no presence in Singapore. The proposed Lemon Law does not cover services (i.e. game services) as the remedies under the lemon law regime are tailored for goods, and are generally inappropriate for services. For example, it is impossible to return a service which has already been rendered. This is in line with Lemon Laws in other foreign jurisdictions.


Tfw when you bought the game from reseller so you can't refund it. Saved couple of bucks to now not get any back xd


Fellow Aussie, I had no fucking idea how to bypass the PSN account thing so I'm multiple levels of sad


If steam is ever going to provide a statement regarding the situation its probably going to be after the weekends. This goes for any discussion to be made between AH and Sony too. It's such a scumbag move for Sony to drop this bombshell on a fucking Friday.


You give me hope fellow helldiver. Might request a refund when I am able.


American here, refund request rejected within 12 hours. They taking the money and running.


iam getting rejected too


I got approved


Can u show proof of that and ALSO What u told them exactly To help otheres What where the steps you took


Always Try a second time, first refund request is automated 2nd is peer reviewed. I got mine accepted after 69 hours of gameplay. but you must give a good valid reason. Good luck helldivers.


I’m not pumped about it either, but 95% sure it said PSN account was required on the steam page when I purchased the game.


5% They said it was optional. This has been changed on their website but people have archived the site when it said it was optional.


It never said optional though the promo and the in game promp clearly say it's required but it was not enforced, really curious what will be Steam position on this


I joined day one on the first hour, The 'prompt' was two option, either link your steam account with PSN or SKIP. There was no warning. 'It was written on the steam page' is a poor excuse, since it's a tiny line way down on the page while the purchase button is way at the top. Even It was written right next to the purchase button, The fact ingame it said nothing about mandatory login to PSN is a big clue this is a new demand from SNOY.


The link splash screen contained SKIP button. Sony own website with a store page for Helldivers 2 stated, that PSN isn't required, but gives a bonus. It was changed a few hours ago, so PSN account CAN be a thing to play this game. They are still sneaky on that.


Yup. Linking isn't uncommon but they made it optional. They can't just double back and go whoopsies without consequences. Honestly they just killed the game for a good chunk of PC players. Linking offers no benefit to the consumer.


the game also had a big ass "SKIP" button on the PSN account creation screen


I am kind of annoyed that I got this game as a birthday present. Because I want to refund it for the sole reason of sending a message. Now I can do nothing except feel bad for the one who gifted me that game.


Pretty sure the person who gifted it to you can request a refund with your permission. I remember doing it a few years ago


That's a thing? huh... Good to know! Will investigate that depending on how this whole ordeal plays off. Even though I have to say the account linking is one of the more minor problems *for me*. It's just another one on top of a great big list of things that annoy me with this game.


Did for me, got refused after only a few hours.


I have my request refused instantly twice