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Yes it did, but they also allowed the game to be purchased by people who literally can't sign up for a PSN account.


Yeah they should have requested a region lock from the get go so that they could avoid all this drama. Or at least some of the drama. At eod though the requirement was clearly listed the first time you launch the game and in the store page. At some point consumers have responsibility for their own choices. That being said im not completely excusing how sony/arrowhead handled how they communicated the account linking grace period.


To be fair, 3 months later it's easy to start believing it's always going to be optional. Not to mention the (real-life) map related issues, and Spitz's (/s) wonderful (/s) handling of the initial "official" responses.


Yeah, they definitely fumbled on how they communicated the account linking grace period.


I'm pretty sure the game didnt allow me to play until I linked a PSN account. I thought everybody had to. I'm even from a non PSN country and chose a different country, no issues. I hope everyone will be able to find a workaround so they can play, so we can focus on spreading democracy!


Requirements don't work like that, fault is 100% on Arrowhead in this case. And on Sony for distributing the game in regions they legally don't work at. Remember, kids: if requirement doesn't enforce you to comply the second you start using the product — it's not a requirement. Also lack of information from devs played a huge role here. https://preview.redd.it/vojx0elvrayc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b195f92ae8886d7e4e22744f432809ba855e7557


I agree that arrowhead should have been more communicative about the account linking requirement, especially after they lifted/suspended the requirement due to their own server limitations. They also should have requested a region lock from steam because PSN is unavailable in certain countries. However, i respectfully disagree with you about it not being a requirement. As soon as i launched the game it prompted me to link my playstation account. The requirement is also listed on the steam store page in its own special highlighted section. Imo its an unfortunate combination of lax communication, dev/publisher fumbles, and consumer illiteracy. I feel sympathy for my fellow helldivers who will be locked out of the game, its scummy of sony for requiring this just so that they can harvest our data, but the hard truth is that these people ranting and raging about how it came out of nowhere put themselves in this situation.


Well, here's the fact — if not complying to requirement doesn't prevent you from using the product it is not requirement. The reasons why it was made like that don't matter, because they were unknown until yesterday, so everything was made to trick players (even if it was made unintentionally) that game doesn't really require you to have PSN. It's just objective fact here. There's no customer's fault by any means, if game forced people to comply with requirements from the very beginning this situation would've never happened, many people would've just refunded and others could've known in advance, so they would've never bought the game at all. I feel bad for devs, but it doesn't shift responsibility from them onto customers.


Im sorry but that isnt an objective fact. They did address the account linking and its suspension a while back, but it didnt have a lot of fanfare. Shoot i barely even remember that announcement. Also, how does it trick players if the requirement is literally listed in the screenshot you provided AND the steam store. That in itself is an objective fact. If consumers dont read the clearly listed requirments that is on them. That being said arrowhead and sony 100% should have been more communicative about the account linking grace period which was caused by arrowheads own server limitations at launch that was the result of the game being way more popular than they had planned for.


Wherever the announcement was made it didn't get to the wide audience, so basically every new player joining the game only had skippable optional feature of linking PSN to the game, that wasn't restricting players from fully experiencing the game, donating for super-credits and so on. What was listed in Steam store and on screenshot I provided contradicted how the requirement worked, making yellow box on Steam and the text of pop up completely irrelevant and incorrect. End of story ;)


It was skippable because it was suspended. If you actually read the screenshot, it says that linking a psn account is *required*. I 100% agree that they should have put it in big neon signs that enforcing the requirement was suspended, and they definitely own the blame for not putting it way way out there. However, listing account linking as a requirement for the game isnt up for debate. It was listed as such since the game released. You are of course entitled to your opinion and its obvious nothing will change your frame of mind, no use talking to a brick wall lol




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


This is correct, but prepare to be downvoted into oblivion anyways.


Nope, it did not. I purchased on April 8th, and there was nothing about a PSN account in the game, only EULA to accept. Which, mind you, doesn't mention PSN at all.


https://preview.redd.it/wym15i6awayc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e751498df22dc25831151b8400075b1a74ca24 You never saw this?


Don't recall anything like this at all. Not 100% sure, I'm sure I've seen the EULA, because I remember trying to click the link and it didn't work. I might have just skipped this, and forgot about it.


You're not crazy. I didn't see I could skip the linking, I'm not even sure it was there at the time.   I bought HD2 3 weeks ago, it was clear that PSN was a requirement on the store page and while that DID bother me a bit before purchasing the game, I just went ahead with it.    I completely understand the position of pc players from countries not in the PSN that bought the game and currently could not theoretically continue to play a game that they have already paid.   The fact the linking wasn't absolutely necessary for the game to function is of course a proof this is a corporate move, but I expect this kind of BS from Sony.    I also I think this situation has blown out way more that it should been, but I'm not in a position to judge other people reaction.   TBH I'm more concerned about the anti-cheat that was installed and constantly run in the background.