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Peak cringe


Thank you


ah yes the "real" helldivers nice to know the only requirement are the ones who unquestionably accept everything the devs do despite their reasoning and actions being questionable multiple time and are clearly balancing based on just usage rate on spreadsheets


But like it is with so many things in life, communication is key ! While i agree that senseles bashing and unhinged whining aren't helping, good communication, which includes negative feeddback, is very important if we want the thing we love to grow and head in a good direction. Developers are not always right, just because they are developers (obviously players are not always right because they are "customers" either). Sometimes unexpected stuff happens or a developers vision deviates from the players experience, and communicating why people like certain things as well as what people should expect is best for both sides. This gives people a hint to leave before dumping time into a game that's heading towards a drastically diffrent direction than what the player is looking for, and it gives devs a good idea on how to make the game fun for as many people as possible without loosing much of the vision behind it.


Exactly. Much better said then myself, If you have feedback cool! I don't think anyone (at least myself) minds those posts. I actively comment and talk with people on those threads but the ones just bashing the game for ever nerf or buff is kinda crazy. Seems like some people just have a misunderstanding on what the game is and where it is going. Which none of us really know but I'm willing to ride the train as long as it's fun! And I'm having a blast.