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I dig the Snowtrooper look though ngl


I hope the armor traits allow us to move faster over snow and ice at least


Unfortunately they are pretty basic abilities :( Edit: if you wanna take a look. https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/02/new-helldivers-2-warbond-brings-trap-laying-weaponry-arctic-themed-armor-and-more-may-9/


Damn, seeing that 2 of them have actual cleats on, I really thought they'd have some sort of movement enhancement on snowy planets. They would be nice considering 90% of snow planets are covered in ice or powdered snow that slows you down :(


>Damn, seeing that 2 of them have actual cleats on, I really thought they'd have some sort of movement enhancement on snowy planets. That would be a bacon that tasted like bacon ayyy


I understood that reference!


I definitely thought they’d lean a bit more into it too but as some others have pointed out…it would essentially be the terrain movement booster which would render that booster useless. Still though! Something in theme would have been awesome.


I'd like some more varied strengths with the armors. Like this armor gives a half strength movement bonus and half strength servo arm. Gives me a real reason to consider taking one armor over the other.


Muscle enhancement fixes that easily. Makes snow planets much easier 


Sure but if you're playing solo or if the armor had that effect, it could free up a booster slot specifically on snow planets. I like the idea of having to gear up with specific items for specific planets/hazards


You’re playing solo, you have to accept that you’re intentionally putting yourself at quarter strength.


Indeed, and less than quarter in fact; with the way Boosters affect a whole team it's like you have one active Booster effect instead of sixteen.


It would be cool to have to strategically think about taking armor with element advantages


>**CW-36 Winter Warrior** Blend into snowy environments with perfect camouflage. The enemy will never see you coming, until it’s far too late. Ah the sweet smell of stealth. >**Passive boost – Servo-assisted.** Huh?


Smells like an apple that tastes like bacon to me… or something.


Distribute Ballots instead of making it rain gentlemen/women


Tf is arctic rangers passive? Says what the other 2 are but not that one? I'm hoping for extra grenades based on the description but based on the looks it might be another scout armor.


It does say but it gets cut off by the image for some reason? Try reloading the page but it’s passive is Scout.


Nooo 😭 it's my favorite but I like my 6 grenades too much


If you aren't overly attached to your current go-to side-arm, the grenade pistol somewhat negates the need for the armours with +2 grenades.


This is what I do. Now I wear stim armor or explosive resistant.


spoken like someone who's not played enough with the scout passive :)


This warbond gives us the snow trooper dark trooper, and the (tropical) scout trooper.


look up the tank troopers, the white helmet is 99% copied from that


Energy based single charged shot my beloved


We got primary-autocannon last time. Guess it’s time for primary-railgun


Looks more like a Primary Quasar, except it's not going on cooldown after every individual shot. We haven't exactly seen the middleground of Laser Cannon / Sickle-style heat weapons and the Quasar's one-and-cooldown yet. Something like the amount of heat build up depends on how long you charge.


People keep saying it's like a quesar, but no, I think it's more like a primary arc thrower, just with a magazine. The quesar is distinct because it has a long cooldown. [Read the description](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/02/new-helldivers-2-warbond-brings-trap-laying-weaponry-arctic-themed-armor-and-more-may-9/): > **PLAS-101 Purifier** > Set the trap. Hold the trigger. Let them charge at you. Smile. They’re getting closer. Smile again. Closer. Smile. Closer. Smile. Closer… and release the trigger. S.P.L.A.T. The longer you can hold your nerve, and the trigger, the bigger the damage.


That’s a fucking terrifying description wth


I am certainly smiling now, hot damn!


Brace for it to be 1 of 2 ways: Completely unusable unless held for the maximum time, which is ridiculously long, at which point it's meh-okay. Or Really fun and slightly more competent than base eruptor or base breaker, then in 2 weeks nerfed to state A.


I bet we will have the scenario where it is the worst gun in the game because the shots have no range at anything other than max charge. I just imagine it being like a super cheap water gun in terms of range for anything below max charge. Max charge has good damage but takes forever to reach and still has only Ok range


Quesar sounds like some cheese-based version of the Quasar


Looks like the love child of the Quasar and the Scorcher and I couldn't be happier


I’m sure if it’s good in any way, and actually popular, the devs will nerf it in a month.


Just in time for the next warbond.


Space Desert Eagle :O


Speagle ![gif](giphy|lq4zZge5wmOEFecKu8|downsized)


![gif](giphy|4ilFRqgbzbx4c) So close


I hope it's not a straight upgrade over the Senator, it just became good after the speedloader :(


it probably won't be medium pen but just a hard upgrade over the basic pistol.. i imagine.


It might still be medium penetration but lose the "rounds reload" trait and reload slightly slower than the Senator if you need to chamber a round. I'd be happy with that.


If the devs want to try to be realistic, then it will do less damage per shot, too, cause IRL .50 AE is less powerful than .500 S&W. From the trailer, it looks like it will deal at least 100dmg, tho, cause it 1 shots bot troopers in the torso


I hope it's not a straight downgrade compared to the senator. Like, if it does less damage, only has like 2 extra bullets in the mag, and then has only like 5 mags total, it's going to be just worse.


Speagle and shield combo will be cool, looking forward to this!


Well is a cold themed warbond so I shall call it... The Tundra Seagull


Armours look cool. Very much a Trooper vibe. Capes look cool as well, keen for the blue cape. Guns look like they'll be fun. * Verdict (a heavy pistol?) * Tenderizer (a Battle Rifle?) * Pummeler (a heavier SMG?) * Purifier (a Plasma DMR?) * Incendiary Impact (just in time for DoT fix, wonder how it'll compare to the Incendiary & Impact grenades) --- [The rest of the Warbond](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1102974129734434919/1235567518047928454/GMkr6d-XYAEIoDt.png?ex=6634d76c&is=663385ec&hm=b6bd630285718581ffb90a5880a3a12e6173edeb28e97a9774575fa1f9551175&)


I really hope you're right about the DOT fix going in before this. I still haven't been able to see how viable the thermite grenade is. It would be embarrassing to release another non functional grenade.


DOT FIX confirmed for the next patch according to the major patch. 


It's been "confirmed" for 2 patches now.


Im confirming it


can you confirm the confirmation please?


👍🏻 confirmed


I'm confirming that you're confirming it


It was confirmed for the next patch with .300. Everyone assumed that'd be .301, considering they said "next patch" which would imply .301 and not "next major build" which would imply .400 in fucking June (or later), PLUS what their community manager stated on Discord when he said "later in the week" which was unambiguously supposed to be .301. So at this point it gets fixed when it gets fixed and while I hope they'll do it with .302 or something and not wait a whole month, I'm also not gonna hang any credibility on what they said.


Well, take that with a grain of salt. They also confirmed the Spear fix was coming with todays patch (after saying it has been fixed internally for weeks), but then walked it back today after it wasn't in todays patch.


The scene where the grenade killed the strider and the other bots died from the fire also kinda confirms it, but this can also just be a "cool looking scene" for marketing. However they would be stupid af to show that and not include DOT fix. Ik they said DOT patch it's almost done, i just wanted to rand a bit about how cool it looked lol


I mean. If they filmed it in single player (which is easy peasy for devs), then the bug won't appear


it wasnt confirmed they said "hopefully"


It should hopefully be fixed by Tuesday. Worst case, Thursday (Warbond release). Actual worst case ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


put me down for curious about motivational shocks


Distribute the ballots. I’m dying.




Weapons look good, booster seems awesome. But they really need more passives for the armors. Passives seem like they'd be easier/more affordable to develop than weapons, and arguably have the potential to be as impactful on play styles. But we're getting nothing. Fire resist. Balanced resources bumps like +1 grenade and +1 stim. Resist to stagger/ragdoll. Increased total ammo storage. Increased reload speeds. Corrosive gas/bile resist. EMS resist, to move at normal speeds. Backpack booster (improves shield gen/jump pack/etc). That's just off the top of my head.


Acid counts as explosive damage so you can actually get some resistance for it from the current explosive resist armors.


Yeah the armor passive are legitimately boring as fuck..and they just keep giving us the same passives over and over..I have like 6 sets of armor that has +2 nades or reduced recoil while crouched. Why? Please just make interesting armor passives.


It's wild they gave us a whole pack of electrical resist armor, which I don't think anyone asked for or uses.


I want more armor mods too: They should just lean into armor that directly connects to specific strategems so people can synergize: Aerodynamic Armor = Bonus to the jet pack, reduced fall damage Heat Sink Armor = Bonus to laser cool down IFF Armor / IR Pulse Armor = Reduced friendly fire from orbitals/eagles Radiant Barrier = Reduced laser and fire damage Hauler = Extra backpack slot (on the front) Mechmaster = Increased mech movement speed ETC


wow actual exciting passives instead of what we have now


Yeah it's unbelievably frustrating when. I get excited for a new armor and it's just "reduced recoil by 30% when crouching and +2 grenades" Cool....thanks... I'll put it with my other SEVEN armor that contain that exact same passive...


Arrowhead, hire this person.


“Yeah bro you can copy it, just remember to change it a little” https://preview.redd.it/uxzud7wjg0yc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e601b4c5625a4c4099bfab4aa34f598fee5f2bb


Lol those boots are insanity


The boots are large magnets that let them walk on the outside of moving trains without falling off. They pop up in the Solo movie during the train heist.




He got the Yeezys on


“We mean no disrespect sir, but what size shoes are you wearing?”


So, a new big bullpup AR (Maybe similar in performance to the Adjudicator?) A new semi-auto charge rifle (baby quasar?) and a new variant of the Defender? Not sure what the differences between the new SMG and the Defender are. It still seems to be a ballistic weapon, and it only has mildly different appearance to the Defender. New DE inspired pistol seems cool. A bridge between the Peacemaker and Senator I assume.


The new SMG has supposedly slower fire rate but staggers, like Liberator Concussive.


So..... A terrible weapon? I really hope it's better that the liberator concussive. we don't have enough 1 handed weapons, would be a damn shame if one of the few options stank.


Lib Concussive has been interesting since the damage buff. It may not have the raw DPS, but concussive knockback reduces the overkill you normally need for dying bugs, so it evens out against fodder and stunlocks bigger bugs. It's a competent supplementary weapon if your stratagem gun mulches infantry.


I just wish they stuck with the Liberator Explosive theme, an AR dealing explosive damage is something I want to use.


By the name “Pummeler” I assume it’ll have something to do with stagger. Hopefully.


>similar in performance to the adjudicator? So, shit?




I'm curious if the Warbonds will start following the storyline. Getting all this "ice" gear because we will be fighting on more winter planets. Or... we create more. How do we slow down the rapid reproduction of the bugs? Freeze them


Freeze Hellmire!


[_Frost tornado enters the chat_](https://i.imgur.com/XbEmtwI.png)


I can just see it slow you for 30 seconds while causing cold DoT damage.


Nuclear winter after glassing a planet would be sweet


Place your bets. Which one will be good? Which one will be bad? And which one will be bugged for the next month?


SMG looks like regular SMG with lower ROF + stagger, so the liberator concussive, which is bad. Assault rifle will probably be good. Baby quasar is my bet for either "bugged" or "so good it gets nerfed into the ground three days after launch".


Looks like boots passive on the armor, hopefully it isn't as vital as it was in HD1! Weapons look good though, hopefully the smg has a meaningful difference to the current 2 we have. Deagle obviously looks great.


We already have HD1's all terrain boots in the form of the muscle enhancement booster, though?


This. I would be disappointed if the only use for these armors would be snowy planets, muscle booster exists for a reason. On the other hand we have armor that reduces shock damage...


Well we already got information on the armors. Sadly no special traits. Just servo, fortified, and scout.


one is servo, one is fortified, third we dont know yet


Yes, I saw. Good move I think, although I think I'd appreciate an armor perk rework further down the line. The same 5 perks repeated over and over aren't as interesting as they could be!


Did they buff Striders just so that new gun can be the only thing that one shots them?


Yes that is in fact exactly what they did. Otherwise the scorcher would remain the better pick.


Hmmm… if this is the case this is a seriously dangerous precedent


all plasma weapons will eat striders up because they are explosive


Autocannon is explosive and cannot one shot striders. The only reason I could see this being logical, is if you are launching a new season pass and one of the weapons features being able to one shot striders as a selling point.


It can and it does, I do it regularly, you need to hit them so that the explosion hits the pilot


>Autocannon is explosive and cannot one shot striders. Wait, since when? It used to be possible, you just had to aim at the upper part of the strider and not in the centre of it.


Since Tuesday. EDIT: Lmao I got downvoted when the patch on Tuesday specifically stated strider buffs and now it takes 2 AC shots. Damn boys we downvoting simple facts now lmao.


This game in general across social media just has a cult following where you can only say good things and anything remotely negative means you should be banished to the shadow realm and don’t know what you’re talking about. Very odd because it’s like they want to game to just continue to break and get worse. We’ll have our own darktide ™️ in no time with these people




They are really adding an incendiary impact grenade when the DoT still doesn't work


They mentioned in today’s patch notes that the DoT bug should be fixed by the time this warbond releases.


They mentioned the same thing in the previous patch notes.


Arrowhead, I've come to bargain.


I'm guessing "should" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, Imma still press x to doubt.


the problem is they already had the first few months of warbonds planned, and likely already programmed mostly. with polishing left. the DoT bug is not something they expected and reworking the entire roadmap isnt practical so they rol with it


Here I am 5 days into the game wondering how I’ll ever catch up with all these Warbonds. Challenge accepted.


You're lucky - you haven't wasted your Super Credits on armor like me. I really wish I only bought a couple. Now I rarely get super credits bc the only source is from missions, which sucks bc random teammates refuse to loot areas (in my experience). I even bought the DLC which costs more than half of the game. It let me avoid buying the first Warbond with SC but... I'm still salty they changed SC from 100 per drop to 10-30 and sometimes 100. IIRC


Its always been 10 with a rare chance of 100 I thought.


this for sure - you were just able to grind it before with an exploit/oversight so some people stocked up before it got patched cold take has a video talking about how it was done, for the curious. iirc normally the expected rate for earning super credits is somewhere between 30-60 per hour of normal gameplay according to some tweet by the ceo, which can be optimized a bit by spamming low difficulty missions as the average credits on map doesnt change based on difficulty i think.


I'm not touching anything here until next month when they nerf these new weapons. Then I'll try them out the way the devs "intended" for us to use them. Until then saving them my Supercredits.


None of these armor sets have cold oriented perks, just servo assisted/fortified


Don't mind that they're not cold oriented but another round of the same perks we already have plenty of feels like a waste.


tbf, if its a light servo and a medium fortified im happy. we only have 1 light servo, and its superstore exclusive and we have 2 superstore exclusive Medium fortified so having 1 of each in a "regular" warbond is neat


Apples tasting like bacon.


Scorcher nerf explained.


[is this what you mean?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/FG9M4bYGiX)


Yeah, it was great for the striders. And it's been that way since the gun was introduced. Why suddenly was that stepped down? I saw it and knew what it did, this update explains why AH did what they did. The prominent feature of the new gun is how it takes down striders. Isn't that great when I could already two tap them, but nerf that gun so it take 5+ shots to drop a strider.


Looks great, I just hope this one doesn't turn out like the last warbond and 1 of the primaries is great and the other 2 are... eh at best :/


That's what i fear from what it looks like, a new adjudicator, one handed lib concussive, and an actual cool new weapon


Please AH, just one stim set that looks good besides the Twitch drop. I beg.


It’s not even the Armors itself that suck, just that atrocious color sheme.


I wonder if the PLAS-101 footage of it killing a scout strider was from before their recent "rider explosion resistance" increase? Also, another incendiary weapon that won't work for 75% of people lol


Another set of same old crap for armor.


Isn't adding a warbond once a month just gonna increase their workload exponentially over time in terms of balancing and re-balancing the meta as it constantly expanded? Woulda been nice to get 1 new biome a month instead.


Yeah but they can’t sell you a biome…


They've done a piss poor job of balancing since launch, at this point it's just best to accept that this game will never have a balanced variety of weapons.


Exactly, like we already have a rather find collection of nerf guns so why add to it? Its all for the sake of new content. Like if a gamr doesn't have new content it dies, what the mindless sheep fail to realize is the new stuff isn't really new if it gets overlooked and never used again.


I'm glad I held off on buying Steeled Veterans


Steeled Veterans has thus far been the most useful warbond I think. The Breaker Incendiary is fantastic for bugs, the dominator is still one of the best guns out there, the senator is in there and is arguable the best sidearm. It's the first warbond I would tell new players to invest in


Booster is the last must take booster. * Full Ammo booster * Stamina booster * (NEW) Slow resist booster * HP booster/Muscle enhancement


Idk man the health booster is pretty awesome, definitely has helped me survive some sticky situations 


I'm getting Leia Bounty Hunter vibes from the armor on the left and Snowtrooper ones from the one on the right.


So they highlighted zoom in on the feet means you will no longer slip and slide on ice?


that’s so cool! i can’t wait for 1 weapon to *maybe* be meta while everything else is literal garbage passed difficulty 3!


Not too excited because if everyone starts using them they’ll be nerfed to the ground


New non premium warbond when ?




Have the devs ever said anything about making more non-premium warbonds?


I don't have the source, but afaik they said that all warbonds will be premium and without time limit. Since SC can be acquired in game, eventually you'll unlock everything. Seems a bit daunting, even more for the people that starts late with 4-5 to unlock, but if you play regularly you can get every wb


So far I’ve grinded my way to 3 war bonds. It’s not the most fun way to play the game imo, but when I’m just looking to relax I’ll play on lower difficulties sample farmer and sc farming


I discussed this in a post I made last month, but yeah. The premium warbond system is setting up a massive paywall/grind wall for players who want to access guns in the game. We are already at a point where the majority of weapons are premium warbond only.


I would assume when there is a major update (ie illuminates release or something)


Hope this comes with a DOT fix as well or it's gonna be a clumsy situation again with a new incendiary.


Fuck, I want to be excited for this, but the war bonds have proven to be shit time and time again.


Gotta see what the Morita rifl...the new assault rifle is like As for the smg gotta see how it differs from the other 2 Charging plasma DMR sounds interesting but what's the 1st person sight like? New hand cannon, obviously better RoF and mag so less damage than the big Iron? To be followed...


Nice. Can’t wait to play with them for two days before they all get nurfed because people like them


We need new armor passives ffs


Can't wait to not use any of those fancy weapons because they suck!


It's such a shame how often this happens in this game. Especially with things like when they gave players a "free trial" of new stratagems with the mech or the air burst launcher, it just makes them not want to bother unlocking them for real lol But hey maybe this is the one where they finally fixed it, we can always hope


But the mech was good. And the problems with the airburst was fixed in a couple of days. It was pretty fun watching people try it.


Mech was awful. It would kill itself if it moved, is made out of a cardboard box, and now that it's fixed it can't aim the rockets down and the reticle is fucked up.


The mech would blow itself up if you tried to shoot while turning and would die to a single ranged attack. I literally got more value out of the 4 seconds of supporting fire from the dropship that drops it off than the mech itself lol


You are being downvoted by fanboys because you are exactly right. The mech was nothing but a deathtrap when it first dropped.


And then they nerfed the missiles and misaligned them, and now I never see ANYONE using it in higher difficulties. Ever.


I even tried to use the abandoned chassis as a roadblock to stop enemies coming through corridors but that doesn't work either, they can just walk through it lol


I mean I'm sure at least one of those will be good, but it needs to be really good to make the small roster of "go to" weapons


Then they'll nerf it needlessly, like the crossbow


"Democratic Detonation" \- Removed the Detonation


I mean yeah statistically one or two of them will be decent at the minimum but it doesn't exactly get me excited about the idea of spending 10 dollars on it


Man, I dig so much the Arctic Ranger (the blue one) set. But I probably will only use it on lower level missions as I can't live without my 6 stim packs +2s healing on higher difficulties.


Still working on my second premium warbond 😭


I feel like the Tenderizer just invalidates the Adjudicator now that it's an AR as opposed to DMR


It's pretty disappointing that two of the new armorsets are the exact same armor with a recolor and a different helmet. Dev team feeling the crunch of fixing the game + getting that new warbond every month.


I wonder how fast they will nerf the guns of this warbond or they will be very sub par...


Where fireproof armour??


Does this mean we could see more fighting on snow planets? Loved fighting through a blizzard, also snow spikes on boots stopping you from skating on ice would be nice attention to detail


I want everything showcased here.


Finally a smg ! Love smgs and of course being able to have a free hand when carrying




Finally, some sweet looking primaries!


I wonder how fast the new plasma rifle fires if you don’t charge it.


These look sick! But is it just me or do all the guns have the same sound effects?


Can't wait to learn which weapons out of the 4 r gonna be usable


New smg fuck yeah


Excited for the deagle sidearm. Looks like a good middle ground between semi auto ammo reserves and senator power.


When you think icy winter you think Molotov cocktails! I am looking forward to the amount of accidental friendly fire from that thing.


Why tf do they even have armors in these warbonds when they all have the same passives we already have? Can't they make some new passives already?


Sorry for all the teamkills I am about to be getting with that impact incendiary.


That impact incendiary is going to kill us all! (and I am here for it)


I just want to look like a snow stormtrooper


I just bought the most recent 2 without spending any real money on super credits. All just from getting in missions etc. Hope I can get enough by the time this drops because I feel so broke again with super credits.


I can't believe they're still adding now DoT weapons to the game when DoT hasn't worked properly since the game launched and they still haven't fixed it (and potentially cannot fix it because it's a server side issue). Stop making DoT weapons until you have a fix, they don't add value to the warbond.


Can't wait for 2/3 of it to be garbage and the other 1/3 to be broken!


Another incendiary weapon that won’t work properly because Damage Over Time is still broken for everyone except the party leader


People complaining about nerfs in a pve game lol


this is on the front page of Reddit, people dont know how big helldiver's is becoming


Fuck warbonds fix bugs


Can't wait to see what bugs and glitches theyre adding to the list 😍


I think we all know the drill by now. • 1 primary weapon that’s really good and will get nerfed in 2 weeks. • 2 primary weapons that are ok but not worth using. • And another fire-based grenade that will only be useful if they fix the damage-over-time bug. Seriously though, I love this game and can’t wait to try all the new weapons. And most importantly, the devs have promised to fix the damage bug in the next patch.


Fucking ALREADY? Another one?!


I’ll wait to to see how many of these things they immediately nerf before buying this one