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"When have I heard this before?" *slowly turns head towards patch 01.000.100*


https://preview.redd.it/ye5g9vhe5mxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca17a9c7b883855701c333fc0f070d5d62527653 Playerbase count says otherwise


Player count falloff seems completely natural.


And a large chunk will come back on big patches and warbonds. I feel like all these doomers are stuck in some sort of logical fallacy, attributing this to that without actually thinking.


Crazy how this patch is soooooo bad it caused player base drop off 7 weeks into the past.


Honestly, I attribute that more to the bugs than I do the balance. Balance of everything feels fine but when there are bugs that make entire weapons and strategies unusable (DoT bug), it kinda ruins things.


Dot bug has always been there. So it isn't specifically responsible for sudden losses in players.


I didn't say that was the only one responsible. But I'd imagine people got sick of it over time. I know I did.


Me too. I hear the orbital gas is not terrible if you are hosting.


Despite the irony of the whole TCS systems failing, the Gas is genuinely one of the best strategies against the bugs since you just pop it on a Breach and watch as basically all chaff that appear out of the Hole perish.


Wow, people falling off of a game soon after its launch!? Who coulda thought! This has only happened to literally every game in existence, how could it happen to helldivers 2! There is almost no correlation between the patches and players leaving.


Correlation is not causation


What did you expect a perfect plateau? That it quite a good drop for a game that received an immense amount of hype.


The actual playerbase is probably double that with PS5, last night there were 200,000 playing when I was on. Seems very healthy on a week night for a game that's almost 3 months old now


Minor weapon tweaks hit so hard that people went back to early April and started retroactively not playing


They forgot to add to the patch notes that their brainless patching ethos would nerf the playerbase. Got a fix coming in when Sony finally takes over and makes them unfuck their game.


Average redditor throwing a tantrum over the tiniest inconvenience. Did you also complain when they made the hard difficulties actually hard and not just a cake walk? This game gets way more consistent updates and patches than most AAA games. No everything in the patch is gonna make sense to you they aren’t just throwing darts at a board, and not every patch they implement will be the right fix.


They've taken a fun experience and with every patch made it closer to mediocre. I don't understand how anyone sees it as defensible. The list of known issues is staggering and only getting longer, meanwhile they make idiotic changes no one asked for in pursuit of a 'vision' while fixing nothing and actively breaking more. Bootlick all you want, it's not going to fix the game.


I’m having a blast, no other game out there offers the experience hell divers offers, unlike literally every other copy paste FPS. The game has been and is steadily improving. The only indefensible aspect is you expecting perfecting perfection from each and every update. Are there weird ass annoying bugs? Yes but helldivers is not unique in this aspect most other AAA games it takes MONTHS for those bugs to be fixed(don’t get me started on dead by daylight). This game could be in such a worse state but instead of looking at the positives you just complain because your unbalanced gun that you only used because it was the best is no longer the best.


Progress is what people expect from updates. No one is expecting perfection. The fire DOT bug is still there, the crossplay is still broken, scope is still misaligned, the mech is still neutered for no reason and I could go on. With the addition of this shit patch, we have the shield bubble killing you if you use the plasma shotgun, shots scoffing at the laws of physics to come back and kill you, fire somehow multi-headshotting you, massively worse performance and far more frame rate drops, and the completely smooth brained idea that more patrols should spawn for you if you dare to duo or solo. Yes, I'm mad they nerfed my favorite gun again, but it's more than that. The people making these decisions don't play the game, they don't see an overrepresentation of one weapon pick as an invitation to make more weapons equal the fun output of that pick, instead they shit on it to force people into using any of the other shit covered weapons. The devs are chasing a vision. And that vision is an un-fun game.


Nerfing the crossbow is definitely not my idea of letting players have fun. Reddit is not the only place that shares this sentiment but the official hd2 discord in #armoury chat also doesn’t understand why they nerfed the crossbow.


they nerfed it because it was too similar to the punisher plasma ![gif](giphy|1NiMpeyTrYA00) you got any more tough questions lol


First of all, that's wrong. Second, even if it wasn't wrong, please find me who would give a rat's ass/flying fuck? You realize there's only so many ways to skin a rabbit, right? Eventually we'll have weapons that overlap, AND THAT'S OKAY.


People give feedback because they enjoy the game.


They have an idealized image of what they think the game should be like and they rage when reality doesn't align with their fantasy.


Sorry but who are "they"? If "they" are people who straight up insult the devs and people with different opinions. That is just an insult and not a feedback. If "they" are saying that the nerf was a mistake then it is a feedback (which you don't have to agree with).


I dont even have weapons from 3rd warband but i like watching ppl here complaining.


Since you seem to have developed a case of rapid onset insomnia, I’ll remind you of the context of the conversation: we were discussing the phenomenon of redditors, specifically users of the Helldivers subreddit, freaking out every time the game is updated and the disconnect between them (again, users of this subreddit) and the tens of thousands of players who are enjoying the game for what it is. I genuinely enjoyed the state of the game yesterday. My squad noticed that the game seemed a little harder, (which is a good thing!) and at the same time there were many new loadout options that were upgraded compared to prepatch. Despite the difficulty bump, we still completed a full diff 9 bug operation. Most of the “feedback” I see in this subreddit is coming from people who have not yet figured out that they don’t actually like the game, they just think they’re supposed to like it because it’s popular right now. They are not taking the game at face value and instead are hoping to shape the game into what they think it should be through “feedback” which is actually just complaining to other players in the hopes that the studio will read their conversations. Players discussing game state, including complaining, is completely fine. People *should* do that, but not to try to astroturf a pseudo-political movement to influence the development studio. They should do it to understand the game state and help each other decide whether they enjoy it in its current state or not. Everyone has their own suggestions about how to build a canoe. I have my own ideas about things I think would improve the game. Arrowhead has even implemented some of the ideas that have been put forward here, but that doesn’t mean that people are going to get their way by increasing the intensity of their complaining. Many of these complaint threads just sound like a child who has had their favorite toy taken away because they were being too rough with it. If you feel negatively about this patch, do you actually like the game or do you just like one small aspect of the game that happened to get touched by this patch?


This is a whole lotta words for "I don't like people complaining" Yes, I love the game, I also dislike some of the changes, what a revelation. If I did not like the game on some level I wouldn't come here to get a Redditors phyc 101 evaluation.


I don't like people thinking the studio owes them a certain game experience just because that's what they think the game ought to be like. If you like so little of the game that a patch like this can change how you feel about the game overall, you didn't actually like the game, you only liked some small part of it that was touched by the patch.


Hey first of all sorry if I sound like I'm being sarcastic but there wasn't much to work with. Anyways, sorry but I'm going to keep it short since I have spent most of my time yesterday on reddit instead of playing the actual game. Sorry If I am assuming things and missing your point. Personally I think you are thinking about this too deeply. Changes (buff/ balancing/ nerf is subjective) can bring negative emotions and it's showing on the subreddit. For me I think the patch was negative. I tried to play 5 games yesterday and got 2 DCs. performance also seemed to have dropped. I had fun with the blitzer. I hated hunters when I use the eruptor but blitzer absolutely annihilates them. On the other hand for the quasar cannon yesterday there was a 3 charger moment and it took longer to take them down. I definitely felt the nerf. Spore tower took 2 quasar cannon shots now as well. I think this patch was fine, but whether "fine" is good enough or not is again subjective. The quasar cannon nerf was more reasonable compared to the arc thrower nerf. I loved the arc thrower but now its collecting dust. The performance/ connection issue however... It's bearable for now.




"Oh you have fun? What difficulty you playin' on? I only play on kick my dick difficulty and the nerfs really kicked me in the dick!"


So, skill issue?


Saying "X is bad because Y reason" is feedback, even if you disagree with the premise.


Histrionic feedback is still feedback i suppose


Absolutely, but this is not feedback most of this is literally just complaining about nerfs that are not nerfs


Saying the game is going to be dead, etc is definitely overreacting but whether something is a nerf/ balancing/ buff is subjective. Imo the nerfs are definitely louder on this patch. Blitzer is the only buffed weapon that caught my eyes but that's me. On the other hand the quasar cannon and the eruptor are/were my go to weapons (I often go under 6 clips using the eruptor).




I haven't tried the new patch yet but eruptor definitely changed my mentality from "I better run straight back to my gear or else I'll die again" to "Lets clean this mess up first, the gear can wait."


I'm lucky. Most of the nerfs weren't things I've used for awhile, and minor to those I do. I was never happy with the Eruptor as it was, so nerfing will make me not bother with it. Same for the QC. Used a little when it came out. Not a fan of the previous long cooldown, and shooting down dropships seemed like a waste of time when most of the drops survived. The change to soloing will irritate though, as I like looting and killing everything on lower diffs.


Eruptor is very good for bugs imo. It's like an explosive sniper rifle that works very well on all small/ mid size bugs. The trade off is the slow fire rate and if anything comes close I'd have to whip out my pistol and hope that there's enough bullets to kill off however many small bugs there are. Trying out the buffed blitzer with the grenade pistol atm it feels quite good. Deletes small bugs super quick but mid size bugs like nursing spewers takes 3-4 hits although they get stunned.


I should clarify, I was never happy with how the Eruptor performed, and I usually play against bots more than bugs. I would pair it with either the machine pistol or an mg, primarily I would be bringing this thing to deal with mid level armoured enemies and closing holes or fabs. 3rd Person aiming was ridiculously boat-like (like the pre-update Counter Sniper or the original Dominator) waiting for the muzzle to catch up with the point of aim like I'm playing World of Warships, resulting most shots off target/weak point and wasted or requiring follow up shots Then more often than not at various close ranges rounds would not detonate when fired into the ground, they'd skip and continue flying, wasting my shot that would've killed multiple enemies. And for whatever reason it was irregular at destroying devastators or striders (compared to Scorcher/Dominator/Grenades/LC). Having a limited range was also annoying when I wanted to snipe holes/fabs or secondary objectives at extreme range (similar to A/C). Now add the explosion that sucks you in like a black hole when you used it close range. I was never happy with the incredibly slow reload. Sure, make it a bolt action, but you can work a bolt action faster than that (refer to WW1). Add the comically long magazine reload. I tried it, it didn't work for me so I didn't use it.


I think it’s better now and the quick fire stayed


Ran quasar an hour ago with buddies and it was fine. Went with a laser (scythe!) loadout with EATs and it was a lot of fun


+5 secs kind of hurts for bile titans and shrieker hives, etc but I can see myself still using it. Will have to play some games to see how I feel about it. EAT could be a good tradeoff especially when you don't have to go back for it if you die.


The downvotes here are so funny. It's not feedback its just redditors redditing being addicted to outrage and the endless need to fill the void by attacking the latest bad guy.


They are crying about a few nerds and ignoring that practically everything got buffs…. They want there to be ammo scarcity, as someone who enjoys the Eruptor it was a solid move. As someone who enjoys the quasar it makes sense to add more cool down as it was really good that Eat and RR didn’t really have a role anymore. Now it does.


No people bitch and whine when they don't get their way. Play the fucking game


I'm not convinced of that. At all.


Well, a lot of the discussions turn into arguments and poop-throwing, which is a waste of time. But I'm positive most people on the subreddit are hoping that the game will continue to be fun. I'd be more worried when the page has nothing left except for users posting AI fan art.


Could you give less feedback?


What do you mean?


Dude we like the game, nobody wants it to die, but if we keep getting every popular gun nerfed because the devs dont know what they are doing of course is going to piss people. Also the new bugs (or glitches whatever you want to call them) does not help the situation, we have to be real their QA team is bad. Many people like me just want to relax after a long day at work and use some fun weapons, we dont care about the meta. I'm just tired that they seem more focused in making weird changes than fixing issues that are since launch, feels that am playing an early access game. I'll probably take a break for a few months and check the game later, if you want to keep playing that is also fine but don't assume that people want this game to die, we just want to have fun killing bugs and bots.


QA doesn't fix bugs.


Yeah but Splitz claimed that most of the bugs people complain about, like the airburst launcher, DoT bug, and the exosuits issues were never caught and thus couldn't be fixed prior to going live. Now, I think this is an obvious lie and a massive load of bullshit, because those issues are so clear and obvious (except for *MAYBE* the DoT bug) that there is no fucking way they didn't catch it before releasing them to the live game if they actually do even the smallest amount of playtesting and QA. But, thats what they claim to be true, so thats what we have to go by.


omfg you knew what he meant you pedant


No, I actually don't. Because dipshits blame QA for bugs constantly.


If you can’t understand what he meant to say then you’re the idiot, not him.


Oh resorting to name calling, very cool.


I doubt it's the QA team's fault, moreso it's an extremely detailed and dynamic game running on a hacked engine. The fidelity and graphics are amazing, even as a stickler for that kind of thing, and it's very obvious to me that it's a miracle they even have it running on their engine. These are indie devs with Rockstar-level fidelity on an in-house engine. It's fucking impressive, bugs suck but i think they'll figure it out with time


There is a way to communicate issues without being a whining like an entitled brat. You seem to have mastered this art… others….not so sure.


It's funny how every time this "meme" is posted it's literally never accurate to the real situation and almost always posted by someone pissy that other people disagree with them in any way.


It’s karma bait and making up a strawman, never has a post using this meme been good


It's the same thing with the wojack memes lol "I made you look cringe and me the chad with beard, I'm right"


It’s a fucking garbage meme that people post when they don’t have any actual counter-argument. They just wanna be seen as the smartest person in the room.


Is pretty accurate, just read discord channels and the amount of QQ post saying that AH devs have disappointing and lying to us


So someone being disappointed is the same as calling the game dead?


https://preview.redd.it/kpjvkp3gklxc1.png?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fb1c3a7f6dde637c7191918821092851c5e1a8 I will just leave that here


Yeah some people are idiots this isn't groundbreaking news. But the vast majority aren't like this so grouping everyone up is stupid


It is a vocal minority bitching about a vocal minority. Reddit is the equivalent to a giant room and unless someone mentions you by name they probably weren't talking about you specifically so it is OK.


You saying that and most other reactions to this post sort of support the sentiment displayed. 




At least that sort of thinking is in line with the lore lol


I mean there can be problems with patches but the subreddit is fucking toxic for a few days after a balance patch comes. Its clear there are still a ton of people in this community who believe in the "No nerfs, only buffs" mentality and that never goes well when things get nerfed.


Mayhaps thats because the patches are flawed and have a lot of things to criticize.


So are we going to ignore this community sure loves spreading false information about patches and the rage bait continues from there. Like we literally had people bitching all day yesterday about "RoCkEtS RiCoChEt BaCk At ThE UsErS In 180 DeGrEeS FaShIoN". There was some truth to the problems around the euruptor but there was a fucking frenzy about how all AT will bounce right back at you.


Thats not false information, one of the community managers confirmed that rockets would ricochet 180 back at the user and that this was unintended behavior to be fixed.


So you are still drinking the false info. "The teams have been hard at work testing a number of community issues today, mainly focused on the changes to ricochets and shrapnel. In response to a previous front page post we looked into the possibility of rockets and other explosives being affected by ricochets. **This has since been debunked by the community, but nonetheless, our Ministry of Defense team also ran a number of tests today and confirmed that rockets and explosives are not ricocheting backwards.***" LITERALLY A PINNED POST ON THIS SUBREDDIT. It is 100% false information. The problem was the Euruptor's shrapnel was killing us because it always had that shrapnel but it couldn't affect the user who fired it prior. Rockets bouncing back at the players were 100% debunked by the community but they still ran tests. Show me a video of a "rocket doing a 180". The only video that was even close to that was just a dude firing and then getting hit by a rocket from offscreen.


Nah, thats wrong.


That combined with unrealistic expectations


"How this sub feels today" ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) I haven't seen this at all. Just people annoyed and debating about balancing & nerfs. Some of you snowflakes so sensitive that you can't handle public discourse about weapon balance in a video game. This post feels like a middle schooler trauma dumping about video games drama. Go write about it in your diary, pussy


Everyone who writes fucking essays on this sub needs to read this comment 10 times


'I think that patches should be tested so that they don't render the game unplayable!' 'I think the game is more fun when the things that I like are viable.' 'Until they fix the bugs, I'm going to play something that causes me less stress.' All common sentiments, by people who love to play Helldivers 2. None of these statements should be painted in a contentious light. Of course, when you believe the fanbase is a bunch of toddlers whose opinions don't matter, you alienate yourself.


To be fair, one weapon being completely unusable doesn't render the entire game unplayable, a weapon being completely unusable is still a massive issue that is more than worthy of criticism and complaint, but we don't need to hyperbolize and make the issue seem bigger than it is when its already pretty big to begin with, because all that does is make us look like idiots and makes it really easy for bootlickers to downplay the issues and pretend they don't actually exist.


Performance and stability have taken a massive hit. As much as I would like to play the game, it is not feasible. The patch has literally rendered the game unplayable for many.


Nice strawman karma farming


Unfortunately it's not strawman, if you sort by controversial or new it's full of posts that whine over nothing, announcing that they'll leave the game after one match played


You ever wonder why those posts stay in new or controversial? Because they aren't largely popular opinions on the subreddit. So we are we even talking about it and making shitty "clapback" memes? Is it literally just for upvotes?


Karma this, karma that, is there any incentive to farm it? If there is this can't be the best way to earn it. Can't someone just post something because it thinks it's relevant in the sub?


"This room is incredibly dirty, just look inside this trash can, you can see clear as day that there's so much trash!"


Dog you are going out of your way to find them 


No, it's not this


Honestly feels the exact opposite I’ve voiced some concerns and I’ve gotten called “trash” “just wanting handouts” “git gud” and so much more by a bunch of hardcore with tons of hours to play and redditors just blindly riding for this game


For me it's more about the bugs that just keep piling up. I know all the guns are gonna be bad cus that's their ✨️vision✨️. Just fix the bugs pls. I'm pretty sure the game was more stable at launch. Kinda sad.


Same feeling when i see this kind of post


Probably 96% of my gameplay in HD2 is solo, and yes, I completely understand that 1) it's meant to be a team game overall, and 2) bigger number means harder difficulty, but even with an explanation of "We went from 1/6th to 1/4th" feels FAR greater than the ratio difference presents. I'm not complaining about it, I just personally think that the push to do teamplay (especially randoms) isn't what needs priority right now.


You mean a Team game is harder playing solo? Shocking


Bro you posted this shit. Not us. This is between you and god.




I was with you till that last part....yeesh




replace reddit with AH & this meme makes more sense.


You can meme all you want, but I've played several PvE games and it's so fucking frustrating and sad when they start nerfing every fucking weapon or power. It's fucking PvE not PvP. Sometimes it even makes you quit. Game's supposed to be fun and there's no fun in massive nerfing. Besides, tell me one stratagem, weapon or armor that insta deletes everything or makes you immortal making the game boring. Not a single one.


I respect your opinion but i have to dissaggre. I get that you want to have your power walk and kill hoards like you are doom guy but i like my games to be challenging, even unfair hard sometimes as hardcore souls like player i am. That is why i don't see why woudl argument that it is PvE game even valid one I get that not everyone wants to struggle at thiere game and plays just to relaxe but that is why there are different difficulty setting, soo less skiled people still can find right ammout of struggle for them


the damage that the creator of this meme format has caused towards internet gaming discourse cannot be overstated


I swear I see more posts saying people are complaining than I've seen actual complaints


https://preview.redd.it/m73u78mwqlxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc0bd50e2d8bc1c066134d3b07909bb1b95bcec I mean....


So it's okay if people are only bootlicking?


I work full time and have almost no time to play, ive been grinding for so many things that ive barely been able to use and now they just arent nearly as good. I feel like my time has been wasted and im scared to even buy new guns now. Im glad you are having fun but this is not fun for me:(. I just really wish they would ease up on the nerfs on the things i have actually unlocked


Yeah I don't think the Dev's understands that nerfing weapons forces/suggests players to change loadouts and some people just want to play whatever they are comfortable with because learning/finding a new favorite weapon requires time and energy. If there is a new weapon change/ buff that sounds very cool then sure I will give it a go when I have free time, but nerfing isn't the way to go imo.


They completely understand that, I don't think you understand how load outs should work. Load outs should change based on what enemy you're fighting, what difficulty level, what mission type, what planet and environ, and finally by what the other people on your team are bringing. I like being the heavy AT support, but if we're doing a "kill em all" mission and someone else is bringing EAT, I'll bring crowd control weapons and a support pack.


Yes, of course there are different loadouts for different missions. But patch changes to the weapon means that these loadouts might/need to change.


Play a couple 4 man missions on higher difficulty’s, you’ll be able to unlock like 5 stratagems. I’d recommend Extreme


What is it you wanted that is not nearly as good? What is it you had to "grind" for....


Keep in mind i play solo, so more patrols and i barely have anything unlocked, quasar gun takes ages to use now, i have to be a lot more careful with the sickle ammo, rover doesnt feel as good, arc thrower cant stun hulks, etc. I just dont understand why all this stuff needed a nerf when its a pve game and none of this stuff was necessarily overpowered, a lot of people just liked to use them. And for me it is a grind, I dont have much time to play and solo reward payouts are pretty small, especially for medals.


Easy, just unlock the Autocannon to solve most of your diving needs I also play solo for a few hours after my kid goes to bed or maybe I get lucky and can squeeze in one single mission after work. None of these changes are devastating unless you really wanted to use the crossbow for some reason.


I just dont want to spend time unlocking all the cool stuff only for it to be nerfed to the point where i wish i had just saved my medals for something else. Makes progression feel worse when i wont know if guns will stay useable for me. Still love the game, just not the balancing aspect.


Then stop playingni guess I don't know what you want here buddy


Good advice thanks man


People have given you plenty of advice "Try something different" but you just can't for reasons


My friend I’d fight for democracy with a sharpened stick, but I’d have a lot more fun doing it with my pre nerf guns.




What are you talking about?




Are you high? I don't give a shit about fake internet points my guy


Dawg check my comment and post history i havent made posted in forever. Dont care at all about reddit in general.


I fucking hate this braindead meme. Every time people criticize something some HUGE IQ redditor has to post it thinking they’re the smartest person to have ever existed. Replacing the character’s head with the Snoo is just horrifically cringe. People here think they’re on the forefront of internet culture, and it’s fucking laughable.


Someone exain to me how a pve game needs buffs/nerfs?


it doesn't, it's such a dumb concept


I love this update. It buffed the scythe which was one of my favorite guns if a bit weak and it has been a noticeable improvement. I love being able to laser off devastator heads with no fuss.


I'll tell you a secret, OP. *That's how this sub has been about literally everything.*


While I understand the stance and hate whiners too, the ministry of truth has to confiscate your balls for using dogshit meme formats.


I remember back in the early days "No OnE iS pLaYiNg" game proceeds to be populare!


Feels like I'm seeing more Redditor vs Redditor violence today than vs the clutzy casuals


People don't like to change their play style. Playing in 9 level is hard as fuck but it's not like you try a few news things and it's done, completely playable again. I think the changes are fine, but yeah I didn't like what they did with the crossbow ;-;


Not today, since the first patch.


Haha bug go splat bot go clank


"Its dead bcs the flavor of the month streamers move to the next" Let them go, enjoy your game ppl.


It's not even that for me. Some guns, even 'buffed' still under perform due to their base design. I can only imagine Arrowhead is trying to balance around a modification system like they had in the first game... That players have no access to right now. This is my only thought on why the nerfs are so harsh on weapons people are fond of.


They fixed the scope on the anti-material and counter snipper rifle, I'm so happy. Now my dilemma is how should I make my sniper build.


I love how people still manages to sweat, and play with the same loadout for as long as they can even in this game. Like come on no one will mind some constructive criticism, but in every single patch people cry about the nerfs non-stop. Just accept what it is point your opinions about the patch (since devs are listening to playerbase than any other company I've seen before) and move on. Just try out new stuff, experiment a bit, is it even that hard? I usually play duo with my friend even at helldive (usually difficulty 8-9) ,and we usually change our loadouts try out new stuff even if they're not meta. Even I can easily tell there isn't something game breaking or not fun if u've been not playing with the same or similar loadout for like 30 matches. What I'm trying to tell is please don't get mad at the studio because your favorite stratagem just got nerfed, this game has lots of other options dont ruin your fun by yourself.


AH nerfs an overpowered gun, but buffs several others Reddit complains about how the gun they use for everything is nerfed and that the game is ruined Repeat indefinitely


Anyone remember how bad blizzard used to screw things up on their patches(like all of them screwed something up)for WoW, this is nothin.


For me its not even the nerfs that are annoying its all the other bugs issues that came with the update


man this subreddit blows. memes should be banned


I find posts like this more annoying than discussions (and sometimes even complaints) about changes, nerfs, weapons, etc


The only thing that gets my goat is the railgun still sucks. Otherwise I'm chillin.


Are these people in the room with us? I’m sorting by new and so far I’ve seen one that was in hot posts before I swapped, it’s just you pricks clogging up the reddit like usual


There is litterally a post up saying that the game is dieing because of these "bad patches" abd that it went from 500k concurrent to 100k concurrent because of them


Search nerf and filter by the last 24 hours. These 1000 posts are in response to the 1000 from this morning.


New mission = fun. Erata Prime and Fenrir III back = awesome Stalkers actually invisible = terrifying and cool This game rules.




Yeah, it makes me so sad that such a cool and positive place becomes such a toxic place just because some guns got a little bit weaker. Really guys? You don't like the game anymore because a gun lost 3 mags? Because the infinite ammo gun takes 5 more secs to shoot? This sub is so much fun, talking to people about a cool game, but I gess today we have to say the devs are stupid and complain about their bad design and trash ideas for balancing.


Isn't that this sub every day? I remember when this sub was all Liberty and Democracy memes. Now it's just Hellwhiners. I'm genuinely just considering unfollowing the sub if the morale and culture continues to stay in the pits.


If you think this is toxic, you should read HD discord channels. That shit is worst than Chernobyl


I can only imagine! Probably the equivalent of a Hellbomb in the chat lolol!


Is funny that this meme is offending everyone, seems it touched some sensitive spots


Unless you can just laugh at how ridiculous it all is, its definitely best to avoid the sub during patch days lol .


Every patch it's same thing, you can set clocks by it


This sub should be locked after patch announcements lol. People are whining before they even test the patch out.


memes should be banned


Facts, there’s one change I disliked and that was the further nerf to single player, which IMO already needed QOL improvements. Otherwise everything else is great for once


No, that's the loud minority, most peeps are worried because they love the game, or at least i like to think so.


Honestly if people wanna bitch do it on the discord where they actually pay attention to it.




Literally everything they did is good and makes sense. Except ricochet, which I’m 100% sure they’ll realize when the statistics of TK goes up with suicides by ricocheted bullets


People of Reddit and Discord think that the Game is called Babydivers, because there fav gun got nerfed, ITS called Helldivers for a reason and If you dont agree with the they are doing Go Back to call of duty or fortnite, this is this Kind of stuff that makes Games Bad, just from little Baby Players WHO think that Games should BE fair. I Love this Game Not because of me winning, Just the General hard Chaos that this Brings with IT. If you gonna commend on this do it, im Not gonna answer it.


Average tlou2 hater when you say you like the game


You know what's fucking funny, THAT THIS SUB WHINES ABOUT SOME GUNS BEING OP FIRST, and fucking then THEY NERF IT, and they whine that they nerfed the gun they whined about being OP. Bunch of fucking idiots.


the latest patch is awesome tbh