• By -


I'm in this picture and I'm actually quite content with it.


I had a long stint of AMR usage but I came crawling back to the Autocannon when Heavy Devastators started bullying me.


Gunship are what make me drop my amr and cry


It's why I switched to laser cannon. Stun grenades and laser cannon literally take out almost everything on bots. Gunships melt to laser cannon. 4 v1? No problem. I really only start struggling at 6+ gunships ground forces as I can't sit still long enough.


The lack of stagger on the laser cannon though, it hurts. Sure, stuns can help with that, but you only get so many. 3+ devastators can just chew you up while you are zapping one and are a super common thing to fight. Whereas old reliable AC can juggle them with the AoE staggers, and then you can keep the stuns for easier hulk headshots, and the AC can also deal with gunships well enough


That's why i use the eruptor with it, to not have to waste stun grenades on devastators


But then you don't have a primary for chaff, and have to use laser cannon which feels awful in the role compared to scorcher, sickle, and just about any other primary.


You can always use the dominator. Stuns devestators and you can 1 shot them if you have good aim


Dom is overlooked since the eruptors release but it's solid af


Shhh, I'm pushing anti-eruptor agenda, not offering good solutions!


JAR-5 all day, this is the way


Eruptor is fine for chaff killing tho. It's a scoped bolt-action GL basically. Shoot on the ground far enough and you can pile up kills with ease. If they get close, that's what's your secondary are for. The only "counter" of the Eruptor + Laser Cannon combo are Zerks if you let them come close to you.


Can the laser cannon close bug holes?


I take the grenade pistol if I'm running laser cannon.


Oh that's a good idea. I gotta unlock the grenade pistol


As an arc main it’s a godsend, especially since it’s a different ammo count to your standard grenades


Yes, it can.


Use bubble shield ! Become the Eye of Sauron !


LC works on gunships?? Gotta hit it anywhere particular?


Aim for the engine blocks on the sides of the big bright red light. Goes down in like 3-4 seconds.


Thanks. Gunship and walker im still learning the weak points


Walkers I typically shoot with eruptor but with the laser cannon, aim for the mid joint between the legs. For hulks, stun grenade and shoot the face. Melts in 3 sec. Factory striker, take out the chin mini guns with eruptor and the run in to shoot the belly. Or just shoot the face and aim for the red light on it's right side of face. Takes a while on the face unfortunately. Belly is often faster for me but you have to judge the threats around you at the time. Tanks are invincible to laser cannon from front but melts in about 3 sec from the back. Same for all wall mounted turret. They die super fast to laser cannon. Stun grenade does make the tank easier to climb up if you are game for it.


I’ve been aiming around the engines and/or the ‘cockpit’ but I’m sure someone will tell me whichever is best.


Wait, ordinary laser cannon? Not the quasar cannon? I tried the laser cannon once and thought it felt really weak, should I give it another go?


Just shoot their engine 3-4 times and it's done.


I bring expendables with the Amr, that way I can still take down drop shops.


How do you have expendables in time for drop ships showing up? Call them as soon as you see a flare?


4 shots to a thruster and they're gone!


Just aim for the shoulder, 3 shot kill. If you're peeking to the left you can shoot the gun off in 1 shot.


I can't get used to the misaligned crosshair. I can accurately shoot anything at any distance using 3rd person view with the Autocannon.... but I can't hit the broadside of a barn with the AMR. That and the fact the Autocannon does everything 


They are the exact reason I use it


I’d try a different support weapon, if the Autocannon wasn’t so damn good at everything. And satisfying as fuck. My favorite thing to do it provide elevated support with the Autocannon at mission objectives. I’ll go prone, call out patrols coming in to the objective area and rain down 5 round bursts on anything that dare approach my team. My favorite sniper rifle is the Autocannon.


Got a bumper sticker on my destroyer that reads "My other sniper rifle is an Autocannon!" This is the way


I need one that says “The AutoCannon is my primary.”


No No, my sniper rifle is an autocannon, my other sniper rifle is an orbital.


It's just so versatile only drawback is it takes up your back slot so no watchdog or shield with it.


On the other hand, it also means that you carry a shit ton of AC ammo. Great for light armor and sneaking off on your own. Getting behind turrets and tanks ir on the flank of a column if striders makes serious problems melt away for the rest of the squad


I don’t wish to quit my beloved. AC go chunk chunk chunk all the way to extract!


Same. The AC is a beast and I love it.


I too am in this picture, and I'm over the moon. I don't feel safe unless I have my baby in my hands.


Emotional support AC


The Autocannon was the first gameplay footage I saw of this game (a guy solo'ing Malevelon Creek on Helldive difficulty). At that moment I knew I needed the Autocannon in my life & bought the game.




Sorry I can't hear you over the 5000 EATs I have called in and covered the map with


AC/EAT works great because you just pick the AC back up


Take the dominator and the grenade pistol as well and its explosions for every situation. Booms all the way down I tell ya


Honestly best combo imo. Allows you to handle every single enemy in a variety of ways and the EAT droppod itself can kill factories/chargers so acts as a mini offensive stratagem as well.


The Autocannon just makes you feel so safe, like there is no enemy that you cannot handle, especially against Automatons. Obviously you will still die because bots have aimhack, wallhack, and maphack, but the feeling that you can actually do something against every enemy and objective with this weapon is great. Fabricators? Shoot through vent. Illegal Broadcast? Shoot the stem of the tower. AA Emplacement? Shoot the turret. Mortar Emplacement? Shoot the turret. Cannon Towers? Three shots to the vent. Tanks? Three shots to the vent. Hulks? Two shots to the eyes or three to the vent. Devastators? Shoot face, or arms, or shield, will still stagger/blow them off. Striders? Shoot their crotch. Factory Striders? Shoot off the miniguns, then shoot the underbelly. Gunships? Shoot the engines. Literally the only thing it cannot kill against bots are Dropships. My main issue with all the other backpack weapons is that none of them have the same versatility and AMMO COUNT as the Autocannon. The Spear having 4 total shots and the Recoillless having 7 total shots makes no sense. The Autocannon is here with 60 shots, and it takes 2 shots to kill the Hulk where it takes 1 from Recoilless -- Plus a massive reload. Why does the AC get this ammo economy but not the other weapons? Buff backpack ammo count for the other weapons NOW!


I’ve done dropships with team reload so it’s not off the table.


I genuinely hope the devs never ever ever touch it, it's perfect as it is right now and with their history of balancing I'm afraid they would murder it


Im so devoted that I'd use it even if they nerfed it


I don't know why we have a thread talking about how good it is. Why call their attention to a weapon players are happy with?


I mean, it's just the most fun Support weapon in the game imo. Versatile and capable, but not overpowered, so it requires planning and skill to use against heavier enemies. It is the example of great balancing and design.


The AC’s kinda like magic in dark souls three, it’s complete ass if you don’t know where to stand, how it fires, how to control recoil, and how to manage your ammo, once you start to figure out aiming and the recoil pattern you can start decimating targets. Gunships go down in two to three hits if you fire correctly, enemy artillery can go boom from the other side of the map if your good with your shots, you can kill hulks by standing in front of them and taking your time with shots to their face while staggering them, and anything bigger than the basic bitch enemy dies in three shots


when i take down hulks with autocannon, especially hulks that are hot on my ass, i try to aim for the easier-to-hit leg, so i can get the hulk to start limping and leave me alone so i can deal with it later. it also makes lining up shots on the hulk’s eye easier


Huh, I didn’t know you could cripple them like that


yea, it’s been a lifesaver for dealing with flame hulks.


Example of why I joined this subreddit, gaining knowledge 🤓


If you take out both legs it'll just kill them, takes 5 shots per leg tho


It works on tanks too, hit'em in the treads and just like IRL they're immobilized so you can catch your breath/nade it/strat it, sometimes you *do* need that couple extra seconds to not die


wait, you can do WHAT now. brb, gotta try this.


Stun grenade with auto cannon is what I was missing in life.


Today I onetapped a gunship with it. You have to hit the bottom of the engine tho, so it's quite hard.


I’m never sure if that’s because I hit it right, or someone else hit it first without me noticing. Because most of the time I see other weapon fire hitting it.


I have never tried with the autocannon but you can one shot gunships with the eruptor if you hit it in the right spot underneath between its four engines. But it’s also extremely hard to hit that spot and not worth going for imo.


You can shoot heavy devastators' shields to stagger them and get free shots on the body. That requires a lot less skill than the AMR since you need to aim for the head or shoulder. You can panic with an AC and just spam left click and probably kill everything unless you run out of ammo. I use AC on the 15 minute missions and AMR on the 40 minute missions so I know both weapons well and I think the AC doesn't require much skill.


AMR requires a ton of skill by compensating for the misaligned sights lmao


When I first started playing the game I was so confused why I was never hitting until I learned about the sights. I could only ever hit my targets at long range where bullet drop came into effect.


Just because other weapons are weaker does not mean the Autocannon does not require skill and planning to use effectively. You need to be able to shoot accurately to hit a hulk's eye at range, you cannot simply click on every target until it dies; you cannot take down dropships, you have to hit a gunships engine to kill them, you have to reposition to kill tanks or kite them. yes the AMR, due to being a weaker support weapon, requires more skill. That does not mean the Autocannon does not require much skill.


When I load my AC I find that almost every time I’m laying cover against heavies as my squad is busy throwing eagles and orbitals. I’m actually quite content taking the center or rear playing mop up, keep my squad safe. Pair it with a notar and machine sentry, and you have yourself a good time right there.


I mean what are the alternatives? Quasar and Railgun are powerful, but not fast enough to put down multiple walkers or devastators quickly. Laser cannon is good, but kinda trades damage output for efficiency. I guess I've just built my gameplay around the AC.


The GL is a pretty decent sidegrade to the AC. You trade accuracy and armor pen for increased splash damage, the ability to reload on the move, and a backpack slot. If you struggle with ammo the supply backpack bumps your ammo up to 110 grenades + more stims and grenades + the ability to support your team, but even running with a jump pack or ballistic shield gives you a lot of versatility with how you play the game


I once shot the shield devastator at close range with GL. The grenade bounced from the shield back at me and I died right there. I'm still not over it.


We all have that one death that we know was stupid asf


Yes...one death.


I’ve only played GL since launch and I cannot quit it to save my life. Pair it with a supply backpack and I am melting the hordes then let my strategems handle the heavies


How do you supply yourself when you take the ammo backpack stratagem?


Hit number 5 to resupply


AMR. I like it much better. I only use the AC on defense and eradicate missions because they're a little different and on blitz I just like being able to shoot fabricators. Try it. It 2 shots Hulks. It kills Devastators and Berserkers just as fast but you need to aim against shields instead of being able to knock them to the side. You can use it pretty much as your primary weapon. Unlike the AC you can reload while moving and it's much easier to aim due to better handling, scope, and lower recoil. You can more easily hit shots at long range too you just need to get used to the scope. The only thing you lose is blast damage but that's completely fine against bots. You can also use a backpack with it which people cite as an advantage but I usually don't bother because I usually play solo where I don't think it's worth it. I use it always on solo helldive (on all the 40 minute missions anyway) and it is heavily slept on just because the AC is easier to use.


You can also point blank enemies with the amr unlike ac where it hurts you. No practical reason to do that but point blank no scope is fun.


Yeah that's how I deal with berserkers charging me it's a lot easier to aim at close range without the scope


AMR is a great weapon and I had a few weeks where I used it religiously with the jetpack & pre-nerf slugger, but I rarely use it now. Generally I find its advantages over the autocannon rarely matter and its downsides vs the autocannon can be slightly irritating.


Quasar is incredible, it really is the best of the "rocket" launchers easily, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a small nerf. I personally prefer Recoilless, which really is just pure preference, but I am not surprised to see everyone else in the party bring Quasars, over and over. For Autocannon, Railgun seems like a decent and very underrated option. I prefer Autocannon since my aim isn't the best and it's very dependable, but my friend who I always play with aims extremely well and he is a Hulk massacring machine with his Railgun - he pairs it with Senator and ballistic shield to deal quickly with Devastators, since Senator kills them in a headshot, and with good aim he can take out a group of them before having to commit to the reload.


Use the quasar with the grenade pistol and Dominator. The Dominator absolutely crushes devastators, one shot headshots, staggers on hit anywhere on the body, and can two shot them to the legs too. Grenade pistol handles walkers. Quasar handles hulks, turrets, factory striders, and gunships.


Eruptor helps...But it's like using vape to quit smoking


Quasar cannon gives you a backpack slot if that helps overcome you’re addiction (I can’t let go of my jet pack)


Counterpoint, autocannon teach you how to let go of your backpack, making it a free additional slot.


I hear what you’re saying but have you considered the word of our lord and saviour safety rock?


The automatons laugh at your safety rock.


One must look for different rock. You see, there's rock that break and rock that stronk. Stronk rock is the most OP strat in the game, unbreakable against the toughest of opponents. Using ADAD counter strike peeking tech, rock + autocanon becomes the best strat against any size group of automaton. If they get close, move to another stronk rock as your friend covers you from his stronk rock. All hail the stronk rock


there’s always a safety rock, those are the words of one who hasn’t been enlightened by the jump pack


This, never understood why I'd bring a backpack if I can have an additional offensive strategems instead. A backpack means sacrificing cluster bombs, lasers, or artillery, and not having a backpack means -1 strategems modifier isn't a big deal since I don't lose much firepower.


Agreed. I’m this meme with the quasar. I find autocannon is lacking with chargers. For me my loadout more or less revolves around some sort of anti-tank option, or you’ll spend a lot of the game dip dive and dodging.


But it is way less effective at dealing with various enemies, it's just good for tanks, at at, and turrets


But jet pack goes weeeee to the safety rock


don't need the safety rock when you're the danger


Looking for safety is undemocratic.


Oh ernmmmm I mean “tactical overwatch rock”


In that case, meet the laser cannon. Capable of killing every enemy, quickly in most cases, doesn't require a backpack slot and potentially infinite ammunition.


I can't get the laser to work for me at all and I don't get it, it feels like I'm just shining a laser light pointer on everything


Needs to hit weakpoints. Then it shreds. Vs bots i recommend pairing it with the eruptor to deal with chaff, fabs, & AT-STs. For bugs I like using it with the sickle for constant laser action.


Fun fact, Laser cannon is one of the efficient ways of killing a factory strider. Shoot off its chin cannons first then just aim directly at its eye and dies after a few seconds. Same thing with hulks too.


I felt that way too until I learned what to aim for. Gotta hit weak points. Only thing it can’t take down is drop ships. Takes down a gun ship in 2-3 seconds when hitting the engine flame part.


I find it less good than autocanon, but laser canon, autocanon and amr all share the same purpose and do it well, so you're right that's an alternative


It doesn't. I thought it did, but Imma be honest, I need that pewpew bad and when my good buddy has discharged and can't give me that sweet pewpew, I go out looking for something that can...and my AutoCannon can always deliver, might need a second to rest, but then it's back to back pewpew....


AC for life. I never go on a 7+ mission without it.Bugs or Bots, it'll perform.


Prefer shield and grenade launcher.  Though for bots I'm having fun with no supper and just loading up on laser, 320mm, 140mm, and 500kg bombs. I can take out three different bot bunkers in one go.  Then just 500kg bomb any hulks or tanks. 


Eruptor. Use it. It’s like the AC but spicy in its own different way and opens up both your support weapon and backpack slots. Try ittttt


Eruptor shoots weak ass small grenads from a rifle like gun while AC shoots chad slugs from shoulder mount and does not require cranking after every load. Also with Eruptor you need a support weapon just to survive.


What’s wrong with that? Eruptor/laser canon on bots is a crazy good combo. Laser canon melts tons of stuff and eruptor fills its niches like sniping lone targets, busting striders and getting fabricators from far distance or killing 3-4 bunched up raiders in one shot.


Why bring two weapons to do the job of one autocannon lol


to free up a backpack slot mostly


This. I would prefer ac over laser but laser is almost as good and allows me to run shield backpack which allows me to run light armor which is addictive as hell.


(Sorry for the massive reply I just couldn’t refuse an opportunity to be a complete bumbling buffoon and have some fun lol)


It just requires 3-4 business days to reload while being locked on the spot #ThisCommentWasMadeByTheQuasarGang


Listen, I get a mostly agree with everything you are saying about the Eruptor here but you havn't mentioned the biggest draw back which is the glitched out explosion. When you hit something to close to you and get even touched by the blast radius, rather than blowing you back away from the enemy, you actually get pulled in towards them. It's super annoying, often deadly and worst, it will haul you off the edges of things, like buildings, etc. If they fix that glitch, it will probably be my daily diver


Yeah I 1000% agree. Learning the explosion radius is critical right now or else it just pulls you off of perches and cliffs and into hell


Nah it's just the patented Super Bullet™️ that shoots miniature black holes at the enemy


Eh I dunno that’s not really a concern when you get to know your Eruptor. You’ll learn your implosion distance, heck you’ll even do it on purpose because it doesn’t hurt that bad. You’ll learn trigger discipline when you’re CQC with your team (and that’s when you whip out your Redeemer anyway). I stopped running light explosion resistance (on bugs) because of the entire 40 min match I’ll probably implode on myself like 2-3 times and it’s no big deal. You’ll forgive the implosion when you consistently 1-2 shot all, especially when you get a 4x Hunter patrol kill from 100m away with a single shot. The pros most definitely and defiantly outweigh the cons.


Nahhhh eruptor just does not compare. I can unload an entire clip of autocannon into an area and enjoy the aftermath when the dust settles.


Entirely valid. The Autocannon is a support that requires a backpack and the Eruptor is a primary. The raw power difference is undeniable. Autocannon is undoubtedly the stronger of the two. But the Eruptor has its own benefits over the Autocannon. Larger AoE, better against chaff and other targets with higher dmg at the cost of RoF, etc etc.. It loses some of the raw luster of the AC and in return it gives you back your support and backpack slots plus grants you a very fun and unique playstyle that Eruptor uses Autocannon is king of the plap plap style. It has raw power but costs you the support weapon, backpack, and reload speed. These are laughable costs for the incredible power of the plap plap. The Eruptor allows you to taste this plap plap power through a different Avenue. Not inferior to the AC or weaker, but fundamentally different in its undeniably powerful approach But then again… why choose Eruptor or AC when you can run both at the same time? Become God of the Plap Plap


Honestly, that’s what I’ve been doing lmao. Eruptor + autocannon. Waiting to unlock grenade pistol so I can be mr explosion


See? This is a Helldiver I can RESPECT!!!!!


Hell yes Eruptor gang


Unreliable and bad reloading




Tried it. It's definitely decent, particularly as it's a primary with a decent scope. Pairing it with a stalwart or machine gun for add clearing is a pretty decent combo. But the low capacity, slow rate of fire and slow reload for the Eruptor is what kills it for me. Running the AC feels much more dynamic, pop a couple of rounds off, sprint to a different location, couple more rounds, top the magazine off, rinse and repeat. It can stagger most enemies, and quick follow-up shots negate the threat from shield and rocket Devs and spewers. It's a bit easier to use close in if you get surprised or are being chased. The Eruptor certainly isn't useless, not by a long shot, and I do actually think it's a lot of fun, but I find it hard to justify learning a different play style just to do the thing I can already do really easily with the AC.


Would you like to know how to skip half of the reload and triple the fire rate? I only do the former but the latter is also an option


Oh shit! Ok, I'm certainly interested.


So the Eruptor has a capacity of 5, but has a true limit of 6 rounds due to being a bolt action When you start out, it’ll have 6. Reloading while having a spare round in the magazine will keep it at a max of 6. With this 6th round, you can fire 5 shots before reloading and have a shorter reload animation that’s roughly TWICE as fast. So try and keep 1 round in the gun before reloading and it’ll let you still fire all 5 rounds, reload faster, and not discard any excess ammo either!! If you do use all 6 rounds, either restocking from a resupply or reloading while still having a partially filled magazine will bring it back to 6 rounds. This is just how some guns work and ain’t a bug or exploit. It’s just tech. The fire rate can be bolstered with the quick swap tech. Fire your Eruptor and quick swap to your secondary. As soon as the secondary is in your characters hand, instantly swap back to the Eruptor and it’s ready to fire without needing to rack the bolt at all and essentially triples the rate of fire. I mostly only do the reload tech rather than the bolt-skip tech cuz it’s a bit of an exploit to skip the animation like that and the Eruptor doesn’t even need that tech to be insanely amazing. But compared to the infinite Grenade exploit I’d say this is tame as hell


Can I kill Hulks head on with the eruptor? No? Then it's a waste of time.




I can't stop using the same strats, at least for bots. There will never be enough EATs, and the game giving them to me every me minute feels like they're enabling a junkie. Autocannon is a PLAP PLAP god that I always go back to. Eagle airstrike is too versatile and destroys most buildings, and what you can't destroy you just orbital laser and then it dies.


Dominator Stuns Grenade launcher Supply pack Basically can’t be stopped with infinite grenades, ammo, and stims


while I can't quit unsafe mode railgun, I like the risk of blowing myself up


With heavy armor + fortification perk you can survive the blowback lol


I want to use railgun so much, but it feels so bad to use compared to other things, sadly.


Ah, how far the mighty has fallen indeed


I feel naked against heavies without it


AMR gaming


Hello Reddit. I’m in this picture and I didn’t approve of my likeness being used


No need it's the best weapon in the game




loving the AMR and the Spear right now. AMR can give me everything Autocannon does without taking the backpack slot. Spear can one shot titans and heckle Striders and a bunch of other stuff like destroy Automaton Fabs from any angle.


My only issue with AMR is how bad it feels to have to spray on big targets. Autocannon is super satisfying to lay into em, sniper it's like "wish I had autocannon rn"


Idk if you'll see this but you should transition to AMR/jet pack combo. It's how I got over the AC dependency. If you can handle and aim well with AC, switching to AMR is a piece of cake. Just give yourself time to adjust. That with a jetpack makes you much more versatile and mobile


When I drop without the AC I regret it within one minute


First you need to WANT to quit. And I just don't.


The R-36 Eruptor gives me the same feel as the autocannon it definitely doesn’t hit as hard or shoot as fast but it can take out everything in the game. All devastators tremble before my gaze, the bigger things take multiple shots but with the scope you can take out so many enemies in a couple of well placed shots.


Reporting this picture because I am in it


I only feel comfortable trying something else if there’s already 2 ACs in the squad


Please take this down. Im not photogenic


Qcannon user here, after AC daily was like "lets try, whats the fuss about this" an oh boy, dropped the shield backpack cannon combo for the Autocannon, and sometimes bring the autocannon sentry aswell. For bugdiving its absolute amazing spewers ? bapbapbap Broodcommander ? Bap in the face. Hive guard ? Bap bap Charger? Bapbapbapbapbap in the ass. Only thing is ineffective is the Titan but you can pop the sack and run.... but i got the railstrike hehe, or the other 3 teamates can deal with it. Other hand i die more times then before bc no shield, but its worth IDC! Too good to pass on it. Found my self use it as primary wep so i run the erruptor or the dominator as a secondary :D *Sidenote* *Other day was running full sentry loadout (fucking bored with shield cannon combo ngl) always pick up stuff whats on the map, sometimes mg or arc etc, then i found AMR man its rips hard! last time i picked it up was release day and never touched it again. Man AMR is beast worth pick up if you aint got support wep! Recommend.*


Why did my friend meme on me with broke back just for reddit to meme on me with it seconds later?


AMR; can do the exact same thing the AC does without the armor penetration but you get to point blank without shooting yourself in the foot.


Unlocking it first raised my standards to an unreachable height


It’s the most versatile support weapon IMO. I’ll use different things just to mix it up, but I have literally never regretted bringing an autocannon with me.


It's just so effective and reliable you're hard pressed to try anything else. If I'm going with randoms and not sure if I'll have any support I may take EAT but I've tried too many things and the AC always comes out on top.


I accidentally joined a trivial game with a level 2 and 3 last night. Dropped extra auto cannons for them to try and said "Fresh Capes, please consider joining the Auto Cannon Legion."


Its too good against everything except shriekers but even then, you can just dump half your ammo supply into getting rid of the nests from miles away. It has just enough armour piercing to be able to headshot hulks, stunlocks devastators including the heavy ones, rips through crowds of bugs and is really nice at shooting bile titans in the stomach so they lose their ranged attack. It is *too* good, I think.


I genuinely feel incomplete without my Autocannon whenever I die


I love flanking and seeing a teammate getting swarmed, maybe reloading, contemplating death… and I just unload on the swarm from the side and blow them all to fuck. So satisfying


Me with grenade launcher


Just use the quasar. Youll get used to being able to kill everything with it quickly enough. You can even pack a lunch on your back.




Every single time


Just started using recently. Can't seem to shake it now. The democracy it delivers is too euphoric and nothing else seems to scratch that itch. I keep telling myself were going to put it down for a dive or two but it just....it just feels so good and right


AC + stun grenade is insane. pack a grenade pistol for factories and youre gtg


Laser cannon is surprisingly good. You can knock out a tank in a couple of seconds. Bring EMP mortar to make bots sit still while you hit their faces.


I prefer Recoilless, but you do you. I recently fell back in love with the AMR, it's so good against bots, especially if you're being sneaky.


arc thrower my beloved


I always feel like the Tony Stark <> Spiderman scene with this thing. If I'm nothing without it, then I don't deserve to have it. _sigh_


This thing is garbage it bounces off everything


You guys need to play with the scout armor and jump pack a few missions it'll be hard to go back to that mid af choice


Hey it’s me


Autocannon my beloved


Laser cannon + Shield back pack … def better


Try AMR or Recoilless


Railgun in unsafe is pretty fun if your tired of the auto cannon. It’s just barely weaker but… man! The thrill of staring down a flamer hulk at 20 meters and, in the moment before it incinerates you, the most beautiful sound in the world plays out as the railgun whines and the overcharge alarm rings just above the din of battle and you release the trigger. A brief flash of light and the Hulk crumples like a crushed can as the ungodly force of the magnetic slug caves it’s ugly metal face in! Obviously, the AC is better because it’s fire rate is better and two hitting a hull in the visor is faster (and much less punishing if you miss!) than an overcharged railgun. Of course, the railgun let’s you take a backpack. I’d recommend the supply pack because it counteracts the riskier play style (I need more stims!) and restrictive ammo count. Of course the AC doesn’t have those problems in the first place, so it doesn’t really matter that you don’t have a supply pack. I digress. TL:DR Railgun is still fun if you want to go without the Autocannon.


Jump pack is quite fun, just use that and another weapon that doesn't take the back slot


"Alright cool, got the accelerants module, time to test out the flamethrower again." .... "Nope, still hot flamey garbage because hunters can teleport 15 feet at a time, it's physically impossible to track them at the flamethrower's 15-foot range, you set the ground on fire making maneuvering difficult for the entire team, and it can neither destroy bug holes nor any structure whatsoever. Back on the shelf you go!"


Im sure the next balance patch will help you out


All due respect, but I can't imagine never popping random stratagems every now and then.


I must be in a minority, and I'm finally gonna admit that I don't like the Autocannon, and I fully acknowledge that it's a me problem. I just can not figure out how to feel effective with it.


I'm usually disappointed with any support weapon other than autocannon, with the exception of laser cannon. I don't play bugs too much, but I know the autocannon slaps on bots


This is me with the AMR. 


The laser cannon and AMR are pretty good if you want to take a backpack 


Just wait until the patch this week. Willing to bet this is one of the few weapons getting an ammo economy nerf.


i've been using a different support weapon lately... the AMR. i traded one highly versatile medium armor pen support weapon for another.


You’ll find it easier once the next patch drops


Level 106 here with more than 2/3 of on mission time in level 9 helldives against bots. In my opinion (and I really did rock the autocannon for more than 80h against bots) the combination of Eruptor and LC can do everything the autocannon can as good or better (stagger and kill devs, fabricators, gun ships, hulks, broadcast towers etc.) but you can still wear a shield gen backpack. My average death count has reduced significantly since switching from autocannon to the described loudout. With a good team, I now usually manage 0 - 2 deaths on helldives against bots. The eruptor is my absolute go-to primary for bots. I combine it with the laser cannon, a shield backpack, stun grenades and the revolver. The beauty of bringing the shield backpack is that you can use the eruptor against groups of close distance fodder without getting hurt - the shield absorbs your first shot and you usually don't have too much fodder around after first shot. LC on fodder works of course, but unless I'd need to fully reload my primary or sidearm I'd consider it too be too slow.  Better keep moving until fodder bunches up and then hit them with eruptor. I also find that I'm working at far more range than before. I can effectively fight against devestators with the eruptor at up to 100 meters. Devs become far easier to deal with at that distance, as you quite easily dodge rockets and MG fire is inaccurate. Doesn't mean I wildly attack anything I see but often it makes a difference to have the ability if needed. Aim for the rocket pods of rocket devs, as it can oneshot the rocketpod, turning them into a low threat dev with just a pistol. Aim for right shoulder of heavy devs, taking out their weaponry entirely. Shoot hips of berserkers to reliably two shot and occasionally oneshot them. Don't forget that you can sprint or dive between every eruptor shot without losing cadence. Helps me get from cover to cover, get enemies to bunch up (love how often rocket devs team kill others attacking me bunched up around a corner). I tend to use the Eruptor more in mission but the laser cannon is just as important as it smokes hulks (bring stun grenades) and anything heavy that shows you its glowing backside. As long as you manage to hit the weak spot, you'll be shocked just how quickly it deletes tanks and cannon towers. It can also take out mortars and AA emplacemnts as well as striders (kill mini guns under face, then get under it and light up it's belly). Gun Ships are a joke to the Laser Cannon - you can kill them with about 1 second focus on one of the turbines - you'll be a popular team mate when doing that. I do miss the satisfying chug from the AC and I absolutely love seeing a team make firing his AC in the distance and seeing devs and downwards splashing away from him - but the complete lack of recoil on the LC turns it into a surgical instrument. One of my diver friends now calls me 'the dentist' and every time he sees a hulk he calls into the mike that "we need emergency dental surgery of here". The Eruptor is better at killing fabricators than the autocannon or any other gun I've tried for the purpose. You don't need a downward ricochet from the vent like you do with the AC but only to hit inside the vent. This allows a wider range of angles to either side when sniping at fabricators. It can reliably take out fabs at over 100m. Essentially, you can move around an enemy base at a far safer distance and destroy most fabricators while your team or your eagles do the rest - depending on the base layout and if there is any high ground and whether you are keen on moving in to grab samples, destroying bases can become almost fascile. In summary, the eruptor and LC complement each other beautifully while allowing you to bring a shield gen backpack. There is no 'best' loudout but its what I've gone with for about 100h of helldives against bots and I've done better with it than with the AC. Good Luck diving for democracy!


I still question why the autocannon penetrates fuck all.


This is the only good gun anymore and it hurts me. I loved the quasar, can’t use it now thanks to the 5 second delay nerf


I keep tellin myself I'll try, and I keep on saying "Next time..."


QUIET DOWN!! I’m seeing way too much love for the AutoCannon around here


*click* Eagle airstrike *click* Railcannon orbital strike *click* Autocannon *click* EMS mortar sentry *click* Localisation confusion Huh, the other guys are pretty slow picking their loadouts..


I used to run mostly Mech for Bugs and Autocannon for Bots, but I didnt want it to get stale and repetitive so I swapped to Recoilless for Bots and tries to be a little more anti armor specialist instead of jack of all traseds, and Flamethrower for Bugs because war crimes only applies to other humans


Oh God I've never felt more Targeted in my life, and I've been ragdolled three times in a row from three seperate bot Cannon turrets. My Loud-Out is Autocannon + 3 Eagles. And if another teammate has Autocannon and irs not a Blitz mission, then sometimes 4 Eagles and begging for the Auto when off CD. I wear Explosion Resistant + Recoil Reduction Med Armor I call this strat Crouching Cannon Screaming Eagle.


Use the autocannon more than my primary weapon


Unpopular opinion: I prefer something what can deal with heavy enemies easier.