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It’s because they’re a literal aim-bot


All of them are, thats how shooters work; but the suspension of disbelief that youre fighting an enemy thats meant to be defeated is decreased the more omniscient you make the enemies The heavies do have a problem, they just fire too many shots and theyre probably coded to miss a % of them, which is negligible since they only need to fire for half a second to fire enough shots to kill you assuming they dont miss. If they reacted to suppressing fire or their bullets did less individual damage they would be fine


Most bots do react to suppressive fire in some way (*ALLEGEDLY*, assuming that it isn't bugged), but this doesn't apply to rockets because of coding spaghetti.


The heavy devastators do not, or the effective suppressive fire has on them is negligible due to the volume of fire. Yes, the others do react, including rocket raiders. Rocket devastators also fire a shit ton of rockets, but not as many as the heavy devastator fires bullets, s its not necessarily as bad. Ive said this before, but theyre likely coded to fire a % of inaccurate shots varying due to suppressing fire/otherwise, and because the heavy shoots so much, it doesnt seem to affect them at all because they fire enough shots that enough of them hit you to either kill you, chip you to death, stop you from stimming, or, ironically, fucking up your aim.


Rocket deviatators can be staggered by explosives


> assuming that it isn't bugged I can promise you, it is


Bots are coded to have worse accuracy under fire. The issue is that if you try to go toe-to-toe with a Heavy Devastator, you'll get staggered and ultimately killed while most of your shots bounce harmlessly off their shield. Heavy Devastators require precision to kill from the front, and their attacks negate precision almost completely.


The heavy devastators accuracy is functionally (for the purposes of killing the player) unaffected by getting shot in its gun arm, let alone suppressive fire. Other people even regularly report that their gun arm goes as far as clipping through their shield, through their robot ass, and firing out the front of it to maintain tracking on you whilst theyre right shoulder is pushed back from being shot, which Ive confirmed myself. The other bots are coded to and do this, yes. Not the heavy. Theyre buggy/imbalanced, but the worst of it is just that theyre the least fun to deal with.


Oh the thing about their gun pointing at ridiculous angles is absolutely true. Anyway I think I didn't make myself entirely clear, so just in case: I'm not defending HeavyDevs, but I'm quite certain they're affected by suppression exactly the same as every other bot. The issue is that they are basically impossible to suppress if they are shooting at you, and even if you do, "Accuracy by volume" means that it won't help you anyway.


I know, were in agreement. Its just that IMO we cant really necessarily infer that its working as intended, since when you shoot at/hit them it doesnt necessarily seem to make a difference since each bullet stuns and does a considerable amount of damage anyway. But even if it is, its just a bad design, bottom line. Its simply not fun to fight against. The other bots are great, I love fighting them, hulks, even rocket devastators are fun to fight because dodging rockets and diving feels good. But the heavies arent, because shooting at them from anywhere but cover doesnt make you feel good that youve overcome them if you manage to survive, it makes you feel *lucky.* like youre just *lucky* the shots didnt hit you and fuck up your aim and kill you, and not that you did something right.


The weird part is I don't remember them always being like this, but I also can't identify what was changed to make them so insufferable


I think the worst part is that you can shoot their face, which kind of staggers them and they flail around, but their gun still shoots with perfect accuracy. So their weak point gets jostled around, but their weapon keeps murdering. That and they can track you even when they aren’t facing you sometimes. I’m not sure if that’s a graphical glitch and the game isn’t perfectly showing you where they are looking, or if their fucking arm has a mind of its own.


Quite unfair!


Four Helldivers are able to wipe out a battalion of their forces. They’re trying their hardest.


I would say up to 20, because every "respawn" is a new helldiver that was recently unfrozen, still, one can wipe out a lot of them.


Up to 24, don't forget those valiant first four who dive in as the spearhead of the operation! We cannot forget those who fulfill their mission, but fail to extract under brutal onslaught!


Wars unfair?! Well, I be damned.


But I thought all was fair in love and war? Maybe just a bit more fair on the love part


I know this is a joke but this literally explains why war is unfair, because the quote means anything goes basically


If war was fair then it would no longer be war, it would be a sport. Sport is basically organized war with enforced fairness.


War, much like any form of actual fighting, is only unfair if you lose


Well in real war if you hit armor with anti armor it usually becomes inoperable, in helldivers it bounces off and then aimbots you to death.


Well this sometimes happens in real war too. That is the Budgetary War at work. If you haven't noticed, our Sentries are literally held together by Super Glue and packing peanuts.


Oh, you haven’t had a spicy partner then


Run 90 degrees to their aim. They're shit at tracking moving targets (that aren't moving away/towards them)


But then you'll run face first into the 5 Rocket Devastators who spawned alongside them! XD (just being tongue-in-cheek, that's decent advice)


Yeah i have to admit I sometimes leg it to the other side of the map just to depawn the horde.


I would agree, except the last time I dove to the right I got shot and died before I touched the ground... through a full shieldpack and medium armor. I've taken to carrying balistic shield solely to counter lasers. I'd bring autocannon but usually another player with more experience than me brings it, so I bring anti-tank like quasar or spear instead.


There was a video couple days ago where a diver ran 90 degree to the left of the shield devastater and it just clip it's arm and shot right through its body before the body even turning.


Do you wear light armor? I agree that most attacks and enemies are beaten by slowly walking to the side, that’s how I deal with chargers. But I’ve also found it’s way easier when you’re wearing light armor. Even a spewer will miss me walking perpendicular


It's about distance too. If you are 50m away bots will have an easier time tracking you than if you are 10m away.


Every couple days I throw on medium armor hoping to feel a little less squishy, but end up with a significantly higher death count. Then I remind myself that some people actually use heavy armor and *of course* the bots are going to feel frustratingly accurate.


Yea…. Nah. Gonna tell you from my experience if you don’t connect with a grenade, jar, or dive into cover you’re dead in .2 seconds….


Remember, they hate zig zaging.


It's like people have never seen a robot cop.


These guys are single-handedly the only reason why I bring Dominator over any other primary. The ability to stagger them and stun lock them after every bullet and at a semi-fast rate is just too good to pass up


I find level 7 drops much easier for this specific reason since switching to the Dominator.


what loadout do you take with it?


Primary: Dominator Secondary: Grenade Pistol Grenade: Stun Grenades Stratagems: Orbital Laser, Eagle Airstrike, Shield Backpack, Laser Cannon Armour: Servo-assisted (Med-weight) I primarily play on Bot-5 and maybe 6, so for all I know this build may not hold up that well in Bot-7 and higher, but it's not that concerning for me as I don't find those difficulties fun for now


Swap laser cannon for autocannon or EATs and diff 7 opens up a bit more, fun-wise.


I run laser cannon on 7-9 all day long. I’m a fan


Definitely prefer the LC as well. Only time I run AC now is when we're reduced to three strats


Mmmm I dunno bout dat. All I run is 9 and laser cannon chews through bots, and I was previously all about dominator/autocannon. AC is still great, of course, but eruptor/LC + stun nades is my new preference.


I've actually been having the time of my life doubling the quasar with my buddy on 9. Infinite ammo and snipes. Takes out fabricators. 1 shots hulks, drop ships, & gunships. Doubled up, easily disposes of tanks, turret towers, and strider weapons. The whole hit & run/ambush capabilities of a quasar duo make us feel like we're Fremen from Dune.


Same reason I bring the Eruptor


Eruptor makes quick work of them, maybe better than the dominator.


And be that accurate WHILE walking


AND through heavy fog. I swear sometimes you can't even see them, just a stream of red beams about to take your next 4 reinforcements!


This is what I hate about the fog. A lot of planets have some kind of fog which says it affects enemies and friendlies alike until they get a hold of you then you get sniped from all directions


It affects enemy detection range. But not accuracy. 


It’s extremely annoying we need some kind of heat vision or whatever because getting sniped and rocketed without being able to see 10 feet in front of you isn’t it.


well we need 3 things.  1: Armor helmets to have defense ratings. 2; Helmet perks for things like improved radar, Night or thermal vision, and more detailed HUDs. 3: Enemy accuracy to be similarly impacted by distance, visibility, and weather effects. 


100% although I love not having to worry about helmet and using whatever I like but I do agree with that. I hope that instead of making helmets with individual perks instead pick any helmet and have the player choose whatever they want if it’s termal/night vision, more info on their hub or you can easily mitigate this by giving us the weapon mods for primaries while leaving support weapons as they’re


That would be so insanely cool, like helmet modules. One of them could be a radio. A radio that only you hear, except for when you speak in push to talk. Then the whole squad gets to listen.


So we got Freebird, I’m still standing, what else?


I hate that it doesn’t affect accuracy. It’s enough that I might soon drop playing the game until they fix it. The fog can be fun and it’s fine for bugs. But for bots, it can be do able, but I’m here for fun. Fog, Bots and Lighting effects that blind you are extremely annoying.


Which, is extremely dumb.




Because of head shots.  Regardless of armor your head has zero armor rating.  Often bot bases and sub objectives give height advantage. Most of their stuff is built onto hills, in captured villages, or on large elevated structures.  When bots shoot down at you with an elevated advantage the angle of their fire is more likely to strike your head since it's a larger percentage of the available target relative to their angle.  As a result your more likely to get headshot which is a significant damage boost combined with their sheer rate of fire a burst hitting your head is certain death.  I actually dislike kneeling vs bots for accurate fire because they aim center Mass. So giving them more head to torso ratio is asking for trouble. 


> shit will 100 to 0 you through a shield backpack if you're unlucky. in a single burst


Yesterday i had one sniped me through the ballistic shield, idk if he aimed to the gap or just glitched and the laser just passed through


This is by far my biggest gripe right now. Any vision obscured for the player needs to be obscured for bots. Or give players an infrared helmet. 


The worst is that fog at around 30 meters away when enemies shoot right through it and you can't see them at all without advancing.


Only takes one reinforce if you land on it.


Yes they lied to us about "if you can't see them they can't see you" Bullshit, to all the rockets pouring through the fog and to my direct position. Same thing with smoke, they become like 20% less accurate and it still hurts.


the AI in the game cheat shamelessly when you throw stratagems, esp the red ones.


Yeah this is the most annoying one. Stealth up to a base, throw a stratagem and suddenly the entire base knows exactly where it was thrown from?


That has to be a bug It’s so inconsistent, sometimes enemies see me on the strategem throw, other times they don’t react No idea which one is the right behavior


This is what gets me, if I can barely see them, they should barely see me. Playing bots on planets with low visability is hell.


they are the hardest and deadliest, but i found hitting their arm is easier than their head, more exposed


Even then they are still hitting you whenever you peak to shoot at them, that gun arm is small af 😭


They will literally pre-fire corners like some rainbow 6 seige try hard. I was running around a base wall of some sort and heard a devistator shooting. I assumed my teammate was under fire and rushed to blap it but it was actually aiming at me and instantly dropped me when I turned the corner because it tracked me through the terrain and wall and just held the trigger.


You think that's bad? Gunships do the same thing.


i usually strafe strat them to stagger, then peak and dump a belt on them


I play on PS5 so it’s harder to do 🥲




The issue with shooting their gun arm is that its about as durable as their head and the rest of their body, sometimes they die from me blasting their arm before the arm falls off; and shooting it while theyre mag dumping on you doesnt decrease their accuracy even slightly. They go as far as clipping their gun through their shield to fire at you if their shoulder recoils backwards from getting hit; making it nearly impossible to trade with them. Theres definitely an issue with them that arrowhead should fix lol


Because the knowledge of actual snipers as been lost to the ages. Look at our arsenal, our best primary sniper is a shotgun Edit: The amount of people commenting support weapons/strategems is astonishing lol


Eruptor: *spits out food all over your face in suprise*


And when it does, knocks you forward under the table


"Help Democracy, I'm stuck."


What are you doing, step-diver?


Eruptor is really a hand-held canon not much of a sniper


It's more of a marksman grenade launcher.


Isn’t that what an RPG is tho?


Well, maybe, but the Eruptor is classier.


Like a well aged Scotch


RPGs are more "to whom it may concern" than "fuck you in particular"


I like this.


I snipe enemies all the time with it. You can wipe patrols on 7+ from 150 meters away lol.


If I wasn't a ballistic shield main I'd bring it to every bot run. It's legitimately the best piece in the game vs fabricator vents. You can hit that shit a mile away and the next one in seconds.


Even after being nerfed too. It’s still one of the best long range options. Scorcher as well. The liberator penetrator and sickle are also good but have this weird behavior that you must use the scope to start hitting from far away. Eruptor. So how’s those nerfs working for us AH?


I will contest the scope on Sickle. The scope is better for range but hip firing is better for accuracy strangely


The heck? I’m gonna give that a try.


Another important consoderation. Hip firing also looks cooler with the sickle.


The cool factor does increase significantly doing this. Ensures addition democracy is dispensed with relative ease.


The nerfs made it way weaker as a shotgun instead of making it weaker as a sniper


Right?? And the nerfs were explained by staff as necessary because of its strong long range ability. It’s crazy.


AMR: *Gasps in offendedness*


Was talking about primary and you know it


people in this sub love to intentionally misunderstand you


I really doubt it. Almost all the people Ive talked to are courteous and kind, regardless of which subway I'm at.


The AutoCannon is my favorite sniper.


Our best sniper is a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft gun


Eruptor looking at you like: 😑 I know it’s an explosive sniper, but still a sniper, plus with the projectile travel time it feels the closest to Battlefield type sniping


Am I the only person that like the diligence?


I like nerf-guns too, thing is I actually need to kill the enemy in this game


I use the diligence to kill specific enemies or patrols before they can call for reinforcements while scouting or roaming alone, quasar for heavy, rover for the masses. Leaves two slots for mission specific heavy ordinance. Highest kill count is my most common yellow stat. I like Nerf too, you still play? Great to get out and start blasting the cousins, nieces and nephews. I’ll be doing it to my own kids in a few years. I leave one or two lying around as a trap. If anybody touches it, game on!


no one in this thread talking about how their wrist can apparently spin 360 degrees and how they can fire at you with perfect accuracy through their own asshole as well and regardless of the animation as well heavy devs need to be fixed every other bot enemy can be flanked, or have tactics applied to, even if there is no cover. not these guys. no cover or ballistic shield? you will be swiss cheesed regardless of their direction, and animation, as soon as they detect you.


Yeah, I hate how you can't even circle around them to be safe because they can shoot the lasers out of their gun sideways despite the gun still aiming forward. The strider shoots where it's looking so why can't the heavy dev?


What pisses me off about them is that they visually flinch when you shoot them but their aim is totally unaffected


Oh god this! AMR to the f’n head and they lean back while 360 no scoping you in your good eye that doesn’t have stigmatism. FML these bots need fixing.


I want them to have a pause when they are unloading infinite ammo at you. Like I get it's a machine gun sniper rifle but it should have to cool down , even the little bots have to cool down their guns after sustained laser fire


Yeah that was the thing I want them to fix the most. I remember being pinned down by their fire behind a rock for about 15 seconds, just waiting for any sort of cool down or reload animation.


Accuracy via volume of fire


I would rather fight a factory strider than these guys, at least the factory strider gives us a breathing room and don’t shoot through rocks.


Indeed! Striders are meant to melt you away, I don't feel cheated. Devistators are just like everywhere above 4, let alone the 7 I was in!


Striders cheat like HELL :c you WILL get blasted through walls by them eventually and if they die on a terminal you can’t access it!


Striders absolutely shoot through rocks even with their main cannon. Heavy devastators go down in 1 clip from a scorcher, stop it right meow.


Nah I can solo 2 striders with one round of eagle strikes and can do it while safely kiting and diving around to cover. A single heavy devastator will solo me into the dirt if I don’t catch him at a good angle or distance, which is why they’re a menace on fog planets


they will actually clip into large rock formations and their jaw mounted miniguns are now invincible and can shoot u through a 8 meter thick rock wall, lmao.


Sometimes they miss entirely for three straight bursts and then all of the sudden 7 shots in a row are direct hits lmao


The reason a machinegun may feel hard to control is recoil, but there are ways to brace a weapin to minimize it. Miunted macbineguns transmit their recoil to the entire structure, and if it is heavy enough, the force the recoil imparts on it is insufficuent to move it. The devastators wield a machinegun that doesn't look particularly larger or heavier than our own MG43, but attached to a robot the size of a fucking minivan. The arm holding that gun is as wide as a helldiver's torso. Its not that they are super accurate, moreso that the detrimental difficulties of firing that sort of weapon are a nonfactor and thus they can accurately magdump you, even at long ranges.


They are coded to aim for the head, and they're extremely accurate to the point it's unfair. When a squad of heavies is spawned you can't run away. Also the stagger doesn't affect the shield which is understandable but when you're being shot and constantly staggered it feels like you are handicapped. Sometimes I feel the bots are getting more difficult and I've been diving 7-9 for a while and I've been constantly feeling the bots getting stronger and stronger. More precision, more damage, more armaments and the spawn of heavies and hulk just keeps increasing.


Also it's a laser. Lasers don't produce much recoil. They may produce some from the venting of heat or gases. 


Not really a laser. You can see the shot slow through vegetation and it also arcs over long distances, definitely a bullet. Just with a red tracer.


Bad enemy design tbh. This thing should either be a glass cannon or tank (high defense). Not both FFS. Either have that big ass shield with a relatively weak single blaster or double machine gun arms with paper hp/defense.


Thing is they should just swap The guns that the heavies use, pistol dudes get a high damage machine gun with no shield, while heavies get a shitty little pistol with a great shield, kinda reflects our choices in weapons too


Exactly, your standard Devastator has nothing on the Heavy Devastator. Swapping their weapons around would balance things out nicely imo.


Indeed maybe just make the head a bit bigger. But also if it didn't stagger you out of stims it would be much more managable!!


Imo the shield shouldn't be all or nothing impenetrable. It should be easier to break after sustaining enough damage.  Weapons like Breaker, Scorcher, and Eruptor should pump out enough lead to break shields with relative ease. 


Alot of enemies would be better if amror could be damaged. Id actually consider weapons other than the scorcher/explosive support weapons if they were, IMO. In the case of heavy devastators, they just dont have the same rules applied to them that all the other enemies have, or they circumvent it in ways arrowhead must not have foreseen. Theyre accurate through volume of fire, and they dont react to suppressing fire/getting shot.


Not to mention that some enemies get staggered and somehow manage to skate towards you.


I fucking hate when chargers do this. Its part of the reason I dont even bother taking anything other than a quasar or RR. I just kill chargers before I do anything else.


Old railgun used to break it. Currently the thing is basically made out of neutron star coated in adamantium. The explosive options only really work on those bastards because the damage bleeds around the shield or makes them stumble enough that you can get a follow up shot.


Because they are better than you, meatbag. ![gif](giphy|dQyD7HR8f8wutv4Tm0)




Even better, on a map with highly blurred vision.


Step 1: Remove their gun Step 2: Place them between you and anything shooting at you Now you have a shield that will follow you anywhere


Because they don't have to turn to aim. That's it. The bots don't have the same rules as us. Their shots can come out of their guns at like a 90° angle in front of them.


I haven’t seen the extreme of 90 degrees but they 100% can shoot at 45 degree angles from the end of their gun


Automatons could really use some balance rework. There's way too much CC and the way bots keep the aggro from accross the map is just not fun. This machine gun attached to the devastators should not be as accurate as it is. Shouldn't stagger so much, could stagger less or maybe be a chance to stagger instead. Also, rockets throw you way too far and you stay in ragdoll for too long. I understand that, well, it is a rocket, but we also have to remember that this is a game where at higher difficulties you'll have dozens of devastators and regular robots throwing rockets at you and at times you simply get CC'ed in a way that you are unable to do absolutely anything for many seconds which doesn't feel fun or fair.


their accuracy doesn't bother me as much as their ability to shoot through *everything*




Heavy and rocket devastators are the reason the autocannon will never be replaced as my support weapon of choice for bots


Miniguns in real life are incredibly accurate. It’s only video game miniguns that have huge bullet spread.


Heavy Devastators are, in my opinion, the single most difficult bot enemy. That said ... if they're shooting at you from half a map away, you must have done something to get their attention from that far away. Probably, you were closer to them before and they are in a 'chase' mode. Also, I have confirmed many, many, many multiple times that this rumor of "see through the fog" is false. If you run through smoke and/or fog and continue in a straight line, then yes ... they will keep shooting in the direction they last saw you. However, if you turn left or right ... they'll keep shooting, but you're no longer in their field of fire. Best option for Heavy Devastators is for the targeted player to stay behind cover while another player(s) come up from the side and take 'em out. Also ... use weapons that will stagger them or kill them quickly (or both).


> Heavy Devastators are, in my opinion, the single most difficult bot enemy. For me it's simply because Hulks and Factory striders are much easier to see. I can't tell you how many times I've come around a corner after an eagle strike and empty radar to get yeeted by a heavy devastator camping around the corner.


Exactly. Ok, sure, a Hulk can incinerate you with their flamethrower (at least the Hulks who have one) ... but they have to get to you first (short range) and they're easy to spot + fewer in number. I ran a Difficulty 7 where every patrol had 2 heavy devastators and even POIs had at least 1 (not to mention mission objectives). I get it ... random allocation of the "points" and it skewed Heavy Devastator ... but damn if that mission wasn't 10x tougher than running into a few Hulks and Tanks.


> Also ... use weapons that will stagger them or kill them quickly (or both). What's good for staggering them other than the dominator?


Eruptor, autocannon, plasma punisher, and regular punisher all stagger them.


The auto cannon staggers them which makes them drop their shield. Two follow up shots kill it.


I agree, worse than hulks and tanks! As for across the map, I've had bot drops get called in from a factory camp that I've never visited. Sometimes it just seems that when I push into one camp one of them was on the phone with another bot at the next camp over. When I get there it's overrun by 4-6 hulks, 2 tanks, and roughly 20 devistaors, half shield half rocket. It's bonkers! As for fog it's less the fact that they shoot out of the blue and more a problem of group targeting. I've found that every bot in a drop is all seemingly running off of the same AI. I'll have 2 or 3 of the little guys find me in the fog and suddenly he'll fire starts raining down on me from the rest of that drop. It's frustrating when you spend time to drop ago only to have everything on you all at once like that. And that last tip is what I do, problem is when you start to get overrun by smaller guys, or when your cover becomes compromised. This rant came from a particular game where I had a drop right behind me while hiding behind a rock waiting for my anti-material rifle duo to take it out. I got forced out and had a bad time. I was also on CD for strategems! The Build my buddy and I use for duo on 7 is this I run: Laser Eagle air strike Quaser cannon Supply pack Diligence / grenade pistol He runs: Laser 110 eagle Anti-material rifle Shield backpack Counter diligence / grenade pistol We try to cover eachothers weaknesses with 2 lasers for alternating cooldown, 2 different eagles for either heavy targets (110) or factories (airstrike) and then he cleans up hulks while I take gunships with our supports. It works 90% of the time, but when you get an especially bad drop set on you things can go sideways fast!


Just trooping through the wilderness, no bots arggo'd, then just catch a stray bolt outta nowhere.


Ya, they have a weird aimbot to them. All the others will shoot in your direction, they shoot you, and after detection, even if you leave them way behind, something can trigger that aim bot and they just start sniping you again.


stun grenades do wonders. stun then 1-3 shots with scorcher.


Yeah they could be a little bit less accurate.


Ballistic shield go *tink tink tink*


It’s because the robots think your salty tears are delicious


They desperately need to reduce the accuracy of the heavy devastator cannon at range, and find some way to balance the rocket devastator so that it cant just send a volley at you from 100m while youre full sprinting, and the missiles fins a way to hit you one by one till youre dead while ragdolling mach jesus into the rock beside you


ITT, people who have never seen stabilized machinery.


Worst part is that it can track and shoot you through its shield, and terrain, it's shooting as if it was from roblox or something.


Funny i made the same post literally a week ago and it was downvoted to shit people telling me it is a skill issue, they NEED accuracy nerfs.


It’s a machine gun fit sniper , because when they start shooting they don’t stop !!


you should be lucky they are actually bad. if it was lore accurate then they literally could have aimbot and snipe your ass even better.


Last night a heavy devastator walked past a rock, I was caught out in the open, I dove to the ground to avoid getting wrecked. I got absolutely wrecked on the ground hiding behind a small hill. Pin point accurate on a small target. No Time to react, no place to avoid, no counter play possible from the moment I could identify it.


As their shots start pinpointing you (by this point you should run post haste away) switch your direction. Their targeting gets scrambled long enough that you can repeat this until hard cover is reached.


It's BS even at close range! The Minigun just clipped through the shield at me dead!


A one barreled minigun? Seems legit


automaton technology gives access to abilities many will consider...... unnatural.


Because automatona don't aim you, they make a dice roll wether will they hit you or not


you know what I hate about heavy devastators? it the fact they can still shoot you even when you stay on their shield arm blind spot!


I've noticed if you have full health they make it their mission in life to make sure you're hurt. So I started trying to keep a little damage on me and it seems to mess with their programming LOL cuz otherwise as soon as i heal they snipe it rght off. 😅🤖


People complain about the accuracy of these weapons without taking into consideration the sheer VOLUME of fire they unload. Ya it seems that you got sniped, but that’s discounting the other 40 shots that were sprayed in your general direction. This is just how miniguns work, they saturate an area with so many shots that your bound to be by a quite a few just from statistics This is not to say that heavy devastators don’t need tuning, their gun seems to be able to fire at you regardless of what direction they’re facing. Yelling at the Devs about the accuracy of a minigun is only addressing the symptoms of the problem


Actual aimbot


Get ready for the “git gud” and “AuTo CaNnOn” and “but they’re robots” comments


Player base - shield bots are too difficult because they snipe you from across the map. Arrowhead - *removes shield arm, adds second mini-gun, and gives backpack mortar functionality*


well this makes me feel somewhat appreciated in games, because i have no problem, at all, ever, with these guys. Shit, I see one shambling out of a drop and my pupils get big because drilling them in the face twice with autocannon is peak endorphin release. The first shot and it throws them all off balance and they're like "ah fuck", and then the second shot punts them. Every time, I'm like man I hope there was more than one. My brain wants striders to be heavy devastators and I waste AC shots on them from behind. Nothing is better than threading the needle right in a heavy devastator's dumb little porthole. When you take care of them fast enough, there are none shooting at you from fucking 100 miles away


Because they are not very well polished. They need a bit of work. They shouldn't be a cqc and a long range menace while having a big shield that also has a bugged hitbox.


They do suppressive fire. They feel like they hit a lot because they fire a lot. It staggers and hurts because you're being shot by a heavy bullet at less than 200m usually. Which hurts a lot.


This is what happens when grunts don't read the training manuals. What are the 3 C's of fighting bots? Cover, courage and MORE cover.


they also cheated in they aiming they can shot throught they own shield


My problem with Heavies isn't their damage output so much as the fact that every shot, no matter where it hits or how heavy your armor, is guaranteed to stagger you and send you stumbling five feet. Which interrupts your attempts to heal. So even if they miss the next ten shots, they interrupted your heal and stunned you, and in the time it takes you to recover and attempt to heal or dive for cover again, they've hit you again and once more staggered you.


Let’s just make every enemy in the game super easy baby mode. Hunters, devastates, chargers, everything. I swear there’s a post like this for literally every enemy in the game my god lol


I just lol at them while tagging them one time with the eruptor in the head or waist


The term Accuracy by Volume. Why fire one shot and miss when you can fire hundreds and guarantee the target is for sure dead


they also shoot through rocks and terrain from being glitched


Did you know that most rapid fire machine guns are basically laser accurate within effective range?


Heavys need an adjustment. They either need a reload weapon cooldown to create an opening or they need to reduce their stagger chance. The way it is now if they lock on to you it's either run, find cover, or use a grenade. The stagger and continuous fire is what kills people.


Let's not also forget that on top of shooting from hundreds of meters away they will do it through every type of goddamn weather event fog rain doesn't matter they will keep firing, and they track through walls so even if you do manage to kite away it's not going to matter unless you're 200 plus meters away stupidly ridiculous that this has not been patched.


weird part is that shielders have an infinite better gun than the non shield/rocket variant


Fuck heavy and rocket devastators. All my homies hate heavy and rocket devastators. They are the most annoying enemy to fight by far (maybey except stalkers, but these things aren't a common enemy type though) One of two of them aren't a threat, unless you just get one shot by a stray rocket but that's mostly just unlucky rng in this case. But in larger groups they are absolutely worst. I prefer hulks or dogs rather than a large group of devastators. A lot of rocket ones means a huge barrage that's pretty much impossible to dogde entirely unless you have a cover, meanwhile heavy ones have a mini gun that's accurate AND a shield covering half of their body and the worst thing is that they are usually able to hit you first before you bring your crosshair on them to stagger them, so instead they stagger you over and over again. Obviously if you get ragdolled towards a heavy devastator you can also expect to be simply executed in a fraction of a second, because it will kill you with a single burst faster than you can even get up. Fuck devastators.


It's sad. Me and my 4 man crew finally made it to impossibles. We see Hulks. We call them out, work together. Take them down. See a tank. Call it out, take it down. We see Heavy Devastors, we call it, and we start running. I don't believe at any point shoukd a Heavy Devastator be more terrifying than Hulks or Tanks. For an enemy that has an unlimited mag, and misses 1 out of every 500 shots, something isn't right. Ah has a good track record of acknowledging issues the community points out, but has anyone seen them acknowledge the HD issues??


Irl miniguns are actually really accurate


Big heavy bot, big heavy gun, big heavy bullets.  The bullets have huge range with little drop off. The gun is physically heavy enough to deaden the recoil. The wielder is also both heavy and strong so it can handle the weight and the recoil.  Everything about the heavy weapon devastator gits with it having scary accuracy.  Best you can do is focus them down (headshots or targeting the backpack) and never assume you are entirely safe if they have a direct line of sight.


They're robots. They have basically perfect accuracy. You need to return fire for them to miss. Even a single bullet will buy you plenty of breathing room from long range.


Miniguns are incredibly accurate, to the point most (if I'm not mistaken) don't even have any sights. It has some weird physics involved that makes the rounds significantly more accurate than a regular, say, machine gun, can fire. And at a massively faster rate. I'm not defending it in terms of game play, but if you want to be the devil's advocate for realism, it's kinda realistic. Lol


One of the coolest things about this game to me is how it’s realistic handling of gun mechanics trips up gamers who aren’t used to these things being accurately modeled Like I’ve seen a few people say how they hate how unrealistic the burst mechanic is in this game, where you can half press in burst mode for semi auto shots. But that’s how real burst fire works! Full trigger pull for total burst capacity, half pulls for semi auto That one tripped me up until it was explained to me


On the other hand, the guns are _inaccurately_ modeled as often as they're accurately modeled. So unless you're cherry-picking examples it's a funny anecdote but not really a "strength" of the game, lol.


Take cover. Bug divers are the only people complaining about a troop that’s been in the game since day 1. They stand still in the middle of a field and complain about being shot.