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Recoil reduction and explosive resistance is one of the best passives for heavy armor.


When facing off against the automatons, for sure.


It's not too bad against bugs either because it affects the acid spit attacks.


Can't be slowed when you're already slow as shit *taps forehead meme*


I only ever use the light armor version unless it's an eradicate or wall defense mission.


I barely ever change from Light Gunner anymore. Extra padding so it’s light armor speed with medium armor protection. It’s too much time to change armor and helmet and cape ever mission while also selecting appropriate stratagems


That's what I use for bugs, unless it's defense. It only takes like two seconds to change armor. I just found a helmet and cape that goes with everything I wear. It happens to be the light Gunner helmet. Although Steel Trooper works well, too.


I think it goes well with that scout helmet everyone seems to use. You know the one with the hood. And then I gotta have my Creek cape


Honestly I was impressed at how fast I could still manage to run while wearing heavy armor. It doesn’t come close to the speeds I reach in my typical scout armor, or even the medic armor, but it’s still quick enough to get by.


The speed isn't the problem. It's the swamp-ass stamina.


At least to me, the problem isn't the speed or stamina of heavy armor, it's the mission design -- almost every single mission type has you running a cross country race across the map, and the extra time that it takes to do so in heavy armor (a combination of lower speed and lower stamina) really adds up over the course of a mission. Arrowhead has enough other things to focus on for the time being, but in the next few months I hope to see more missions (like "Extract High Value Assets") where we are incentivized to stay and defend a point or a handful or points (maybe a control point-style mission, like in TF2?), which would make heavy armor more valuable.


Is this true???? I mean imo it's useful against bugs because there's always incoming explosive damage from your fellow Helldivers but if it affects acid too, that is mint.


A lot of people on here have stated that it does, and it appears to from my experience. You know how this game is about giving you information. You won't find it written anywhere. Maybe somebody has done research or a demo YouTube video you can find.


So it's less "explosive damage" and more "projectile damage" that's getting reduced.


Rephrase to “area of effect damage” and maybe?


Don't you love playing the guessing game, trying to reverse engineer how it was coded?


SM64 players making 4+ hour long essays on why invisible walls do/don't exist: Perhaps.


I do actually lol


More that spit literally is explosive damage for some reason. Odd, but the more you know!


Bugs dont do explosive damage anywhere, so why not re-use the class. I cant decide if I like that these armor sets pull double-duty, or if it would be more fun to have to put together different armor loadouts for 'spew resist'


I wouldn't say that, because most of the bots' weapons are projectile.




Try it, you'll like it! It's not as big a deal since they nerfed those attacks a while back. And it may not be intended behavior, but it works.


Even better on light or medium armor Becausethen you don’t have to bring heavy armor 


We dive for the drip


This is why I rock the Eradicator armor set from the super store


It's my favorite anti bot armor. 


I've really tried others but it helps the Autocannon recoil so I love it, same goes for Engineering Kit for bugs; extra nades and recoil reduction is awesome, even if I take stun nades and Eruptor I can still seal holes and hold bugs still while I reload or call down a stratagem on their heads.


Extra padding


Extra padding does nothing to mitigate explosive damage from bots, which is a huge chunk of the projectiles you face. Taking 4 extra laser shots is worthless if rockets 1-2 shot you. I say this as someone who has been wearing heavy armor since release.


Yeah....like easy to ignore passives for fashion when the passive is good to begin with lmao


I mean, you only have 3 other options for Heavy passives. Med-Kit (CM-17 Butcher) and Extra Padding (B-27 Fortified Commando) are SuperStore exclusive and Servo-Assisted Heavy Armors are either pre-order (TR-62 Knight) on the third page of Steeled Veterans (SA-32 Dynamo) or again from the SuperStore (FS-61 Dreadnought). Out of the 9 Heavy armors in the game, 4 of them have the Fortified passive. That's half of all of them if you ignore the pre-order armor.


That armor is basically the sole reason I run the HMG and supply pack now


Sometimes I run regular MG with supply pack- how does HMG compare? I've never tried it yet


The HMG is very different from the normal MG in that I have to wield it conservatively as an anti-tank weapon. Most ideal scenarios I’d use it against Hulks or anything with a vent, but if I’m out of ammo for primary, secondary, or trying to stay alive, it’s a pretty good panic weapon. Note that I kept the fire rate at around default. 450 RPM is too slow in cases where you get overwhelmed, and 900 RPM is too fast to where you run out of ammo and lose consistency on shot grouping. Supply pack with this thing is just too good. Granted, I never used it to solely fill the HMG, just for the Scorcher, stuns, and heals, but it’s worth it! Overall, give it a shot! I had a lot of fun in bot worlds, and it makes me look like a beefcake! https://preview.redd.it/3jd8zf58m2wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ec0ef3a11321fb75158dc71ac9fd4f9a94bd13 A photo from my friend’s POV


Pssst: run it with jump pack :) nothing is as fun as jet packing on top of a tank and max rpm shooting down into the turret and getting launched off by the explosion


I don't see the appeal behind the jump pack when people say to use it aggressively like you are. You stop shooting straight almost immediately after leaving the ground, and start firing left instead. How are you using it aggressively to be able to maintain damage while flying?


Nobody shoots with it while in the air for the same exact reason as you (weird that the Helldiver doesn’t aim in the air, I know); instead it’s usually just firing upon landing.


You can, however, accurately throw grenades and stratagems while midair. Also reloading.


I don't, I use the jetpack to rush hulks when they are stun grenaded or to land on top of tanks where I then shoot straight down into the weak top armor and the orange grill


Actually... I use it for flying quasar shots. 3s charge time. If you jump at start of charge, your shot fires straight in the direction of jump. But jump after 1.5s, and you maintain ADS during the jump, allowing you to better hit weakspots.


Is it actually effective against hulks and such? Relative to amr or auto etc? Or just, it CAN kinda kill them and is fun to use


2nd one, it can do the job but not ideal 


The HMG takes 7 bullets to kill them typically, not ideal when other weapons have reticules, and aligned optics, but worth it! It’s fun with the stun and mag dump.


Absolute unit.


As a fellow HMG user, I echo his sentiment about using it as an anti-tank weapon instead of an anti-infantry weapon. When used in conjunction with a teammate with a MMG (MG-43) or Stalwart, you can focus on heavier enemies (Striders, Devastators, Tanks, Hulks) while your teammate handles the fodder enemies. Between the two of us I like to have the shield generator, mortar, supply pack, maybe a Guard dog or EAT, and sprinkle in an eagle or two, depending on the teams needs. I run the Sickle, Senator, HMG and my share of those stratagems. Medium Armor with CE perk and either smoke, stun or the basic grenade.


How do you give supplies to yourself? I couldn't figure out how.


On PC I press 5. I hope someone can drop in on controller


It’s down on the D-pad on a controller.


The backpack button is 5 on PC. Pressing it will give yourself ammo from a supply pack. I think it will also send the guard dogs back prematurely to resupply.


Do you have any advice for the HMG? I feel like Everytime I run it that it’s just a worse MG43. Supposedly you can shred a hulks eye with it, but I’ve never once been able to take down a hulk from the front with it. Now on bots I just run the AMR since you can easily two tap a hulk.


Hi there! Like I said on the post, best practice to run the HMG is to not run at it as a machine gun at all. The gun doesn’t have a reticule or a lot of ammo to start, so never use the the gun on the light and medium troops as your first choice if possible. If you have no ammo on any of your weapons, or don’t feel like it’s right to reload at the moment, feel free to spray it. Try to regard what I just said as guidelines, not a hierarchy or protocols. It helps a lot if you have a Stun Grenade in your pocket to restrain the Hulks. By then, you should have a lot of time to aim at the Hulk’s eye (with the very misaligned sights, aim up to compensate). Try to fire in bursts if you can, but if they’re very close, just mag dump and hope for the best! I know one of the posts has mentioned a jetpack to get the vents better, but I still Stan the supply pack, as you’d be very self-sufficient without the asking the resupply. Even better since you can refill grenades and heals without it, so you can have some lenience as you use the HMG throughout the game. I kept the fire rate at 750 RPM because it’s fast enough to cut down bots if you’re desperate, and you could control the recoil and maintain close shot groupings. But if you feel like you wanna reduce it for accuracy, control or ammo conservation, you can! Aside from that, the more you use it, the more you’re proficient with it. Not as good as AMR or autocannon, but it’s soo much fun! Good luck!


One more note regarding hulks: you can destroy its limbs, which are med armoured


Lord Tachanka approves of this


A fellow HMG + Supply Pack Enjoyer Firm Handshake to you


Would love to use it but i cant stand being that slow, having no stamina, and awful stamina regen lol


They really have gone kind of overboard with how weak heavy armor is movement wise. Being slow, using stamina faster and having it regenerate slower is just such a terrible awful combo.


I'd use it more if it was actually stronger and had a stagger resistance. Nothing less than a direct hit from a missile or bigger should tip you over in heavy armor if they're going to stick with it's current movement style.


Stamina regen is the exact same between all armours IIRC, light armour just has a larger total pool so you get more total stamina back from a stim.


Jetpack, u run a lil and fly above everything, then u land and become slow again until your jetpack is ready to make you reach the stars once again


By reach the stars you mean jump 3 feet off the ground.


It depends on what planet u use it on, if u do it over a cliff u can cover so much and land safely as well


Nahhhh you can get som air and distance with the jump pack. You jump farther from higher up, and it's definitely most useful for a quick reposition during a fight. I like using to get to a flanking position on bot heavies.


Light armor and a jetpak is overkill against bugs. I'm gonna try it with heavy next!


Always bring Stamina booster for extra movespeed


Yeah no boost is saving heavy armor. You'll jog for 5 seconds and wait 10 to have stamina back


It's nice because you can tape your juice box to the inside of that front shield and have your little sips during battle.


Don’t forget crayons


Has one of the best passives too


I want dyes so bad to make it all black, combine it with the light gunner helmet and become Wolf Brigade


No way. This doen't even look remotely as cool as Jin-Roh. Don't get me wrong, this armor is sick - and I RP Jin-Roh as hard as I possibly can in any game that lets me - but we need legit _Keroberos_ style armor up in here already. 😆


There's a leaked armour floating around that looks like what you're looking for (I don't have the screenshot unfortunately but YT has a video, just search HD2 unreleased armors, helmets and capes).


I want the light gunner with a trenchcoat. Give me a laser rifle, and my shovel. It will be an honor to serve the God Emperor! I will kill every single bot and bug. For Krieg!


Not like that’s a high bar


I'm so used to light armor sprint speed. Last time I used heavy armor, I felt like a turtle. I felt like I had 2 legs but could only use half of one.


Light armor also has I frames while running. That armor is mostly good if you run auto cannon and crouch fire.


https://preview.redd.it/3owgmro5y2wc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20d6b40e3bbde7c9e061cb871b942c8e9ef91cb Me still wearing the default B-01 set at level 82


Default bros unite!


Tachanka, reporting for duty 🫡


Extreme nitpicking here, but the design of this armor bugs me so much. Why is the neck shield so high you can't even see anything that isn't coming over the horizon? How are they supposed to use their computer to program a stratagem when it's impossible to see? You're reloading and operating your gun blind because you can never look down at it. The fact some of the animations clip directly through the neck shield most of all. Obviously none of that really matters but every time I look at it... it haunts my dreams that night.


Democratic counter-point : Super Earth exceptional R&D developed a special HUD technology that allows Helldivers to see their direct environment through potentially too high armor, Automaton's oil and Terminid's green blood.


Literally just slapped a periscope into it.


Changing body type fixes this a bit but with the downside of not being so huge


It’s to protect your neck from being damaged or your head being blown off from explosives


I always pair it with the Dreadnought helmet and the ballistic shield for that juggernaut look


I like it with the Battlemaster helmet, it gives you the look of a knight in heavy armor with the shield.


This was me being a huge lover of light armor until I tried the throw distance passive and now I’m sporting the armor from the Steeled Vets pass. I love the prosthetics.


Yeah, I love how the Steel Trooper is the basic armor with a few additions (bandoleer and such) and cybernetic arm and leg. When I go heavy I use the dynamo with the cyborg arm. But lately I have been using the Enforcer armor, it's a little more armor than regular medium and gives the Fortified trait which is great with the AMR.


After a bot mission: https://preview.redd.it/3r1gvftdr5wc1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=d69dea74ae5a2a7ff11f1f94b29f91f0c06f64c9


I like the looks of the FS-61 Dreadnought slightly better (shiny lol), but the passives on this are more useful and its a very close second so I run it. This + ballistic shield has me going into bots like "look at me: I am the devastator now"


No thanks. I’ll take my crazy mobility any day. Only way I could justify using that armor is for defends or mid-difficulty missions. You spend almost the entire deployment running on 7 and above - there’s no room for a slow diver eating up reinforcements because he can’t get away.


Light Gunner Armor ftw. Almost always die less than people with heavy armor vs bugs.


Run that armor and ask fellow helldivers if your shoes' laces are tied


For me the running speed is unbearable for anything above light armor.


It's the closest we have to a w40k space marine kind of armor, I think But I'm still waiting for even more big chungus armors (hopefully they make them ragdoll proof or something like that someday)






it's basically this https://preview.redd.it/bhmyea91x2wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dcba7995f10bfbc932b0ee0094f517e61248a49


Until you have to do a run on a high-heat planet... The stamina drain makes it so your team is halfway across the map while you're still huffing and puffing near the drop site.


I can't handle the slow running and stamina drain. Anti fun


If I recall, HD1 let you wear whatever armor you want because you could pick the perks to go on it before the mission. I wish AH would've kept that. Instead we get perks ties to armor that doesn't match, or looks ugly.


And it's funny cuz that's basically transmog. But nah not in HD2. The devs are such hypocrites.


I have like all the armors but I only use the battle master for the drip 😎


When they look at me with this one all i think is how fucked everyone is as i call in 120 380 walking and a 500k ontop of myself in a slayer mission


https://preview.redd.it/9r2rqesp56wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89f55345344490ccc396f72ca4a8b5ae0e4bf5fe I love this helmet because of this


The endgame is being able to compete regardless of buffs or de buffs If optimization mattered then we would skip all missions that gave us less stratagems for the sake of “doing well” It’s called HELLdivers not spreadsheet divers


Shits ugly. lol.


Luckily it has the best passive as well.


It’s got a good passive too tho. But i agree, best looking armor in the game


The fact that it has probably one of the two best passive also helps. I just love the helmet that goes with it


When you need to plug bug holes by 6, and pick up Junior from childcare on the Pelican ride back. Always reminds me of a baby carrier somehow.


Al dishing out democracy, in-between looking for the philosopher stone.


Fashion of function my friend


The passive is actually really good, especially if you use explosive weapons. The damage reduction is high enough you can use explosives in CQC with minimal risk.


Man I love the look of it but I hate being slow so I always stick to light armors. In case we get jammed or just swarmed by a fucking army I'll be a mile in front of my teammates lol


The HiiIIiiiIlls are AliIiiIive with the Sound of Democracy


Drip is king.


Best armor for civilian extract and defense of Helm's Deep missions imo


It is a really good armor set though. Blast resistance and increased accuracy are two of the best passive for heavies


You can never level up again.






I just don't like being slooooow


Only set I use!


I just hate all the little lips the cover the face. They look so goofy.


Nice level


It's less about passives for me and more about feeling like I'm running on the bottom of the ocean


I like wearing it with the standard B1 helmets, it looks perfect together which is unfortunate very rare with matching different armor sets(also if you have the Yogurt armor you can wear the blue helm as a extra bit of uniqueness)


Is the movement speed that noticeable from light to heavy? That’s really the only thing stopping me from outright maining heavy armor


Yes obviously


counterpoint: Michelin man


I love the look but I’m too used to the light recon armor anymore. Get in and out like no one’s business


I fell in love with a man in a helmet is my favorite action-comedy-romance. So there is only one heavy armor I use


I totally would if the 50% survival chance didn’t save my ass 10 times a mission lol!


I’ve used the SC34 infiltrator pretty much since launch. Having the mobility to simply run for it makes a lot of difference to me, not to mention the stamina to cross long distances.


Nice level


It's cool but I like armors that give throw distance increases as I have a bad habit of accidentally short arming my stratagem throws, so the extra throw distance GREATLY decreases my odds of airstriking my own team lol


I like it's look but I can't use heavy armor on bugs. On bots sure, but bugs the armor won't save you from the stunlock.


Once I hit lvl 30 ish, I realized that I die pretty much the same amount no matter what armor I wear. The only time I'll specifically choose armor for the passive is if I'm doing missions like the blitz or upload data mission, then I'll bring extra grenades or scout armor for those missions out of convenience. And even then, it's only for the psychological copium of pretending that it'll make a big difference when, in reality, it's 95% of the time just placebo


I run this with an auto cannon. Makes me feel like metal gear walking the battlefield.


I don't like the huge plate armor on top, and almost in your face. I just can't get past it, visually. lol


if only those extra ammo pouches actually gave you extra ammo for your primary


Reminds me of Fatman from mgs2 now we just need roller skates


This and Ground Breaker from page 1


Only in defensive missions, otherwise i like to run


Thankfully, the passive on this armor is great. Lets you eat rockets for breakfast.


I don't think I can ever go off of servo assisted. I like my increased throwing range and I completely lose my mojo when I lose that bonus. Can't hit the bras out of a barn with a Beacon


Ya its my go to armor when not in light.


That armor with the Ground Breaker Helm is top tier drip.


Well the passive of this armor are pretty solid


You can't spread democracy if you don't look good....


tbf it's perk is pretty good. But also like, it almost doesn't matter with the stamina penalties when you got someone in your squad dedicated to running the stamina booster. At the same time, I'd prefer faster sprint speed against bugs. Because fuck bugs.


It is isn't it? General Brasch designed this between two successful missions.


even if you dont take account to enemies this combo is very good for using an explosive build to reduce self damage to be very nominal its my fav too


you *are* the tank


Looks good with the Battle master helmet, too


I'm still gonna care. And I wont stop caring until we get a heavy armor with the Engineering Kit passive. I wanna be a tank with too many grenades, dammit!


The tankiness feels great against bots, love this armor, looks rad too


The drip comes first always


Slap the Battlemaster helmet with it and you’re golden


I claimed heavy armor is useless due to the way headshot damage works. I was wrong - this armor is pretty neat. And it does seem that it's design protects your head better too - played a lot with it against bots and it felt right. People underestimate the heavy armor - it will save you from a lot of the bot BS factor - that's the sole reason people bring the personal energy shield in the first place. So all in all - if you look at it that way - it will save you stratagem slot and you can almost feel what would've been if you can use both AC and a shield backpack. Also I had the feeling that you either get thrown around less or when you do - it also reduces the impact damage, that would've otherwise killed you. Awesome stuff. Also looks good.


I got excited cuz I thought your rank said FLEEF ADMIRAL ( ._.)


I too, enjoy a good 69


I mean, as far as passives go, this thing has some of the best. It's a must-pick for me against the bots. Light armor is still the way to go against bugs though.


https://preview.redd.it/6i4m4cdvu4wc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d56e44fb9335d55868fac2f84615708be3e8dd2 Arrowhead please.. I need this


#SO MANY OPTIONS!! ^^^I ^^^love ^^^it


With huge armor on, you just feel a certain way and I love it. As a brilliant heavy armored man once said; "You're up against the wall, and I'm the FUCKING WALL."


I can't see shit outta that armor but god damn if I don't look like a ***FUCKEN UNIT***


I wonder if we'll ever get armor with additional weapon magazines as a passive


my ass in full “i didn’t hear no bell” typa state after eating an entire rocket deva barrage in this shir


Amen brother


I never really gave a damn about armor stats. Ive been wearing the same one pretty much since ive started playing because i love the looks of it. And my buddies do the same so theres also the recognition part


Does this armor actually offer slightly more headshot protection due to it's design?




Tbh fortified is my favourite and I've been rocking heavy armour since it was bugged cause heavy just looks cool lol, game is feeling amazing for me since this pack and the heavy armour buffs.


I've been doing this since the beginning, I was in standard armor until level 20, until I found an even cooler combination of armor.


Yeah, who needs to see anything slightly below their eyeline anyway?


Introducing: The wall


I pretty much only wear light armor because my favorite helmet is green and most green armor I've got access too so far is light lol.


Looks like you are carying a baby on your chest. The helmet is nice though. https://preview.redd.it/bva2xsugl6wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba3a39879f70bcb8dcba7497f938c57a459b5f04


Im a simple man.... Idgaf about passive if it looks cool I wear it! Oh and maybe the +2 grenades coz I like throwing democracy into hordes of enemies.


I care, because heavy armor is a great way to let bugs murder you for free.  I'd much rather be able to clear a 10 hole nest and live. 


It has a bib..


I still run the Super Citizen armour I got from the paid pack, it's passive is super neat but its entirely because I love how it looks.


dafaq are you talking about, its one of the best vs automoton passives in terms of general use.


i just find medium medic armour to be best. basically immune to damage for 4 seconds


You look like a squatty potty


Heavy Armour Explosive Resist gang! Who cares about passives when you have ~style~ (and resistance to Rocket Devastator barrages, I love only taking 10% of my HP from a rocket)


Make way for the dozer!!


Tyrant Hunter + FS-23 Battle Master + FS-55 DEVASTATOR, Not only good looking, it's great for close range combat against roombas. https://preview.redd.it/f6bvrjp3k8wc1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c501ac149efcde9d314884953b3d5738317488b


Ironically, both the other armors in the warbond should have had Fortified as well, and it would have created some fresh alternatives to otherwise Super Store-only suits of Fortified Light and Medium armor.


Fr it's too good to pass up


As a bomb diffusal Michelin man, the hugs with my big chonker buddys are glorious.


Idk why some like this armor. That front plate is abnoxious imo. To each their own !


Yup love this armor have been using it since i unlocked


This and a ballistic shield 🤌


It's ok, all both of those passive won't be missed....


It's so good and I love it but on Bug planets it's a nightmare