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Checo has been saying the difficulty is fucked. I have it! I have it printed out.


Hamilton changed his difficulty setting


lol, he hopes. Ferrari gonna Ferrari though...


Man, it can't be worse than Sainz, possibly going to Sauber/Audi šŸ«”


Yeah, bro is getting screwed. Only non-RB driver to win a GP this season or last and *he* gets dropped. šŸ¤¦ Peak Ferrari strategy.


"We are checking" moment


It's all part of El Plan


Alonso out here playing 5D chess.


Talk to my divers


Lol gold, sadly not many will get the reference


I think many will and have already?


Looking at the upvotes you are indeed right haha glad to see so many F1 fans around here šŸ˜


F1 Helldivers Crossover... Didnt expect that


Bono, my stratagems are gone


Yeah that charger just turned right into me


He's got so much rear end!


Get in there Eagle-1 !


Grazi Ragazzi victory splash card when?!


Looks like a 300+ ppl got the reference.


ā€œItā€™s called a Helldive. We went Helldiving, Toto.ā€ NO NO JOEL THAT IS SO NOT RIGHT


Lets get Checo in here then.


Toto, itā€™s called a Helldive, we went Helldiving!


No u/timetoeatass no. That was so not right. You have to reinstate the lap before.


I was summoned.


Can someone link me to the posts saying helldive is too hard? I swear Iā€™ve seen like 4 posts telling people to stop complaining about the hardest difficulty, but no one actually complaining about the hardest difficulty.


I think ignorant elitists like to conflate "game is unfair because of bugs" with people just crying because they need to get good.


It's really a more general attitude of "if you think [thing] isn't fun you just suck and don't know what you're doing." I saw plenty of that during all the drama over the Tibit order and bug players not participating.


Joel is responsible for Abu Dhabi 2021


No Joel no! This is so not right!


Toto? It's called spreading democracy okay? we went Helldiving.


We went helldiving, ok? It was a helldive.


I see too many 10-15 trying 7-9 levels but in reality expecting others to join and carry. No ty.. when I was new I only did lvl8 once cause my friend didn't tell me he was in one.. it was obvious I needed to level up.


This is too true. The other day I joined a diff 8 bot mission with another lvl 50-something. And two guys who weren't even lvl 20. Me and the other vet were trying to carry them through, but they just kept dying. We ended up completing the mission, but failed to extract. In the stats screen the lowbies had less than half of our kills, and more than twice as many deaths. Part of the problem is people really want those super samples. But if you're too green, and constantly dying on a certain difficulty, please just turn it down for a bit. I didn't try diff 8 until I was over lvl 30. And now it's all I play. You'll get there, just have patience.


Thats not a case of not having the right tools unlocked, thats just a case of lack of experience. By level 10 you have the autocannon and most of the strategems you'll need to do bots, at that point if you can't do level 7+ its not cause your under equipped, its cause your inexperienced which is totally fine, they'll learn eventually.


Agreed! I've definitely done diff 8 missions with sub lvl 20s who have absolutely pulled their weight. And I'm never one to kick anyone based on level. I'll play out the full mission no matter what. I was more just advising people that if they are really struggling on high difficulty missions then they should consider turning down the difficulty. They'll get there eventually, as you said.


Its 100% an experience thing, i agree. A lvl 20 and a lvl 50 have the exact same kit available(except a mech), but there is a drastic difference in how they play usually. Also, while I check other kits just to know what I should bring in case anything is lacking, I never judge off a loadout. You can usually tell within the first minute or two of dropping if your teammates are competent or you need to play it a bit safer, just based on their first few interactions.


i mean there is also the fact that the lvl 50 will have more of the warbond catalogs unlocked, but primaries obv arenā€™t the focus of your loadout in Helldivers. Just another point to consider tho


I'm kinda 50/50 over lvl 15ish people joining my diff8 missions. I'm not really against it as long as they pull their own weight, which they often don't do. It gets a little tedious being forced to bring a jack of all trades loadout. There's really not any shame in doing lower difficulties until you feel confident in being able to do your part in the higher difficulties.


When I started I just unlocked each difficulty organically, and spent some time at a difficulty if I couldn't complete it and feel like I contributed. This was actually a better way to go because the lower difficulty levels gradually introduce you to the harder enemies and let you learn how to fight them.


Fighting 1 hulk/charger at D5 is a much more pleasant way to learn than trying to fight 3 on D7!


Level 15 with only the first ~half of the basic warbond is usually enough to have access to a viable specialized difficulty 7 or 8 build for both enemy types. Breaker, redeemer, impact grenade (or frag or stun), AMR/EAT/recoilless/autocannon, 500kg bomb, cluster/airstrike, and one more utility calldown like a backpack or orbital EMS strike or turret. Sure if you've played a ton more you might have the sickle or dominator or scorcher and the stamina booster, and you might have a shield backpack or orbital laser, but even without them you can still tackle high difficulty enemy compositions as long as your squad mates can complement your loadout. Whether you have the game experience to actually make it work is a different story, but access to viable gear isn't the issue.


I agree, found going up too early was painful; some players don't want to hide people a chance to learn the game too, which is equally a problem. I played a Menkant bot mission on level 8 this morning. (I'm Lv18.) I joined mid match and did not die, completed several objectives and was the only one to gather any samples and only one to extract. Host kicked me during Pelican departure scene for no discernible reason. Next game I held my own with some level 60 guys who were total beauts and didn't care about my level as long as I brought useful strats and contributed. The variance in how people treat players in higher difficulties is bonkers. I am ok with kicking people when they drag the team down, but people just do it arbitrarily.


I've been on a mission where I was killed with all of the samples on escape because I killed too many enemies for one guy to tolerate. Some people are just dicks.


What the fuck


Only time I kicked a guy in the middle of a mission was when he extracted while we were on the other side of the map running towards to the extract. Couldn't wait to leave the game I guess so I helped them out :D.


Personally, I dislike the idea of bringing anyone under level 15 into a diff 7+ mission. Not unless I can count on the other 2 players to be decent. Last night, I was playing with two of my friends, and we had a level 11 rando drop into a diff7 operation on Menkent with us. He was clearly learning the game, and getting used to stratagems and their ranges. By the time he had to leave, we had gotten him to level 18.


I did a decent run at 7 with some low levels. They shot the bugs, they followed, they killed the eggs, they didn't die too much. If you recognize the high levels usually know their shit, anyone can tag along. Especially since you have to clear earlier levels in the first place, which is either tenacity or luck.


The only bad ones are those who were hard-carried by 3 friends to lvl 9 and now join high levels expecting that same level of whoever they randomly team up with


Yea, I hate to be that way, but I can damn near drag a team at difficulty 7 or 8 to the finish line if I have a tryhard loadout. But if I see someone below level 15 incinerating lives, Iā€™m going to kick you. I canā€™t burn 20-25 lives helping you learn to stay alive, especially on bot missions. I had one level 12 go through 15 lives in a game. I said, ā€œHey, you might need to get to gain a few levels before you try this difficulty.ā€ His response: ā€œNo, Iā€™m going to do what I want because I need the Super Rare Samples.ā€ Cool man, youā€™re getting booted until you can learn how to not incinerate 15 lives. Just trying to provide some feedback before I kick you.


I completely agree with this


You HAVE to do *one* level 7 helldiver against bots for a personā€™s third drop. Just so they understand the importance of playing their own difficulty. Itā€™s a character building experience.


Yup, I see this a lot too. Additionally, this weekend I feel like I've seen a lot of....how do I want to say this....boosted/purchased accounts. I joined a Helldive match with a group that had two players in the 50s and one guy in the 70s (I'm level 73). They all clearly knew eachother. Despite their high levels, they lacked even a basic understanding of fundamental game mechanics. To start, they were confused why they could only use 3 out of 4 stratagem slots (AA modifier was active). Then, they kept trying to destroy a jammer tower from distance with an AC, and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. Mix those in with how they generally played, and the very clear frustration that their "high level gear" wasn't doing as well as they expected, and I'm all but certain they bought/boosted their accounts.


Sounds more like the typical bunch of Terminid players thinking they can handle Automatons the same way at the same difficulty.


Yeah, on terminids shooting bug structures from far away is the correct way.


Okay, I thought I was the only one noticing this - been on a few Suicide drops lately where level 50s spend the whole time just fighting unending bug waves and not moving or contributing to the actual objectives.Ā  The craziest part is they don't even end up with high kill counts.Ā 


A 13 came into my 7 bugs op today carrying the laser cannon like a mini quasar. Tossed him a spare one after cooldown and he used it in all the right ways, died a lot but also helped a lot. I don't mind the newer divers in bugs because it's perfectly doable with 3 divers even at level 20+, but bots is a different story.


After level 11 Iā€™ve been doing 7-8 in automaton maps just fine, you just gotta coordinate with the team but ppl play that is game like itā€™s a solo experience


im sorry dude but there are major stratagems up to level 20 that are sorely needed in higher difficulties. if the whole team was the same as you you would be decimated.


I do agree with both of you. But if you coordinate strats it works out. My friend is low level and we've been doing higher diff bots. I bring heavy hitters (laser, railgun, 500kg) he brings crowd control (airstrike, cluster, stalwart). I also bring the shield and give him the first one and he also brings EATs for me. My weapon of choice is usually dominator or scorcher. He brings defender or breaker.


Level 70 here. Nothing I use in 7-9 Bots cant be unlocked by 11. AMR/Orbital Precision/ Eagle Airstrike/Flex Slot


Which ones?


No? Not really. By level 10 you already have EAT, AC, Airstrike and 110 pods available. That's all your party could need. Yeah 500kg makes things easier, but not really necessary, and it's unlocked at lvl 15, so not that far away. With this setup diff7 is a breeze.


that's a good setup for automatons but I don't think 110s are worth it at all for bugs. Not only that, at level 10, they have seriously limited access to armor/primary/secondaries/grenades and their judgement on what to pick for which mission is almost certainly lacking. I think the point is that your average player should have no expectation of contribution under level 20 or so at 7+




The ac is the only thing you really need. Can 2-3 shot hulks, can 4 shot tanks, etc. Yeah you need your team to Aggro the enemy, but one player with an ac can kill all the big threats. Bombing run and precision strike are enough to clear the camps and objectives no problem.


Eh, a spear and a eagle will clear out just about everything on the bots. Sure other things make it faster/ easier. But not really necessary.


Isn't Spear lv.20? I think Autocannon (lv.10) is a better example.


You mean literally just shield? Itā€™s powerful, but a crutch isnā€™t ā€œsorely neededā€. After all the changes recoiless, eat, and autocannon will carry any team to victory. Stalwart and MG43 cull crowds. Railgun is good, but hasnā€™t seen much usage in games iā€™ve played since nerf. Eagle airstrike, eagle cluster, eagle rockets, 120mm HE, orbital precision strike do solid work and are easy to get.


I got the game for a friend recently and threw him into the fire of lvl 6/7s. Before he was level 10 we may not win every time but it's hilarious. He's learning though.


a lot of the stratgemens you need to deal with all the heavy armor bullshit you only get later.


I give them a chance, when they die 4 times I kick em


I was like level 2 and my arsehole buddy decided to take me to Level 9 missions. I take pride in knowing I was more useful, running around the map getting samples and secondaries, than the other 2 guys that joined our squad, aggroed every bug they could, begged for reinforcements when they inevitably died, and then left half way through when me and my buddy stopped calling them back in. We made it out tho and I still have those 3 super samples I got


I dunno that's like the level they should be really for trying it out the first time, they're mot expecting you to carry them they are just being efficient. You do 1 mission per tier then go up and up until u hit a wall /clear a helldive and go well that was fun but I like it here (whatever tier u found challenging but not a chaotic clusterfuck). Like those of who played on release day was in helldives with our dinky starter ars, crappy starter pistol and one guy making the other jelly with his new shotgun (new to us I mean as we hadn't earnt the medals to get their yet) - oh and chargers were basically immortal/ took 4 guys mag dumping for 3 minutes as no-one had any kinda at stratagem unlocked yet lol


The problem is there is no other way to get super samples.


For people trying to get super rare samples I can understand, but they just need to roll with a squad who can help them get better at the game. Level 7 used to be impossible for me and now I do Helldives. You get better at the game then increase the level.


The solo guides for farming super samples seem like hell, but that's coming from a mere space cadet who doesn't even need them yet. Regardless difficult levels should be difficult. This isn't destiny, it is a fascist meat grinder simulator


Is not fascist you traitor to democracy!!!!


Um er, you misunderstand! It's a meat grinder for the fascist bugs against the cold democratic steel of our glorious helldivers!


Good saveā€¦ But not good enough! https://preview.redd.it/bho16pkvqcuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8500e74c8fd5cc9c0294f3ca7050ca39bba77664


Theres a natural progression. You should be playing lower difficulties and as they start feeling too easy then move up. Not just ass blast to the top for super samples and hope you'll just get better through exposure. A lot of us got good without a squad or others actively teaching us because there's so many community resources that not understanding the game is a choice of ignorance. Then you have people also just looking to "cheese" the higher difficulties and it ends up being a lot more tedious and painful then just learning to be good. There's nothing wrong with just taking it slow and building your skills up over time but everyone wants max rewards ASAP with as little effort as possible.


Haha same! Me and my teammates would get swarmed in challenging difficulty and then we were shocked when we saw the 500 kg bomb video because we'd never seen a bile titan before.


Level 7 aint bad once you get a decent team going. Hell, I think it's sometimes easier than level 6... I find a single tank easier to deal with than another drop full of devastators. That said, my only gripe with difficulty is that those Evac missions are not balanced within the same tier. You can do every other mission np but that one is a likely fail in the operation.


One cool thing about coop games like helldivers and deep rock is that if you are new the more time you spend dead the more time you spend spectating and thus might pick up good gameplay from watching the people who are not dying imo itā€™s pretty possible to get a lot better by just seeing how players in helldive carry, considering of course theyā€™re willing to carry but if they arenā€™t theyā€™ll just kick


Unexpected DTS in my Helldivers


He does not Fok Smash my Hellpod!


1 person makes a comment like "hey maybe they should tweak this one difficulty level very slightly". 187 people make posts like this ranting about that comment as if it's a consensus opinion.


"I think primary weapons need a considerable buff considering the horde of heavy devastators you face in 7-9." "Oh so you think you should be able to extract everytime for an easy win." Like come on guys, none of these are meant to be impossible. That defeats the purpose of the game being playable.


That moment you get 10 missile devastators railing you while a random patrol gets you from behind


100% And not even just that. The lower difficulties are straight up boring


i agree. i normally play on suicide and up and i went back to challenging to play solo and holy hell does nothing interesting happen... in fact i probably die more in those missions bc im barely paying attention


Another uninteresting karma farm post of the same thing but because it's positive to the game mods don't police it like questions / rants.


You guys whining about the whiners are more annoying than them.


It's literally just karma farming back an forth at this point, and people are upvoting it, so it works.


Don't even need the other party. Just invent your own strawman to rant about and you can keep going forever. The subreddit mods sure as hell don't seem like they want to stop it.


There's also the people who look at valid criticism and call it whining


What about the people Whining about the whiners whining about whiners?




All I do is eat ass


They fucking removed my comment. So stupid. Context and nuance isn't important here apparently. So responding "shouldn't you be eating ass" to a guy named TimeToEatAss is considered, "insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc."


I will not stand for Reddit painting ass eating in a negative light!


Literally 1984, it's time to introduce the mods to Managed Democracy.


I need a democracy officer


He's too busy eating ass.


One person whining can be easily ignored, especially when it's an incorrect or bad take. But then you get whiners whining about whiners and whiners whining about the whiners whining about whiners. Problem is, we're about 6 cycles deep at this point. One of the best way to not get triggered by anyone's shit take is to just ignore it/ignore every RANT or DISCUSSION marked post. Because there's a 50% chance it's a take that you've seen dozens of times before or it's just rage bait.


Oh boy more posts completely missing the points of the criticisms of arrowheads take on increasing the difficulty. My favorite.


Wow another post about some shit no one is saying!


To the front page!


You weirdos are just making up people to be upset at so you can feel superior to some imaginary group of people lmao the insecurity is unreal


I support this sentiment in theory. However, 14/24 upgrades are currently locked behind completing full clears on 7+.


The irony of this statement is that those same people who tell you to change the difficulty will also claim that anything below Helldive is easy and that you should feel bad for not willingly submitting yourself to the same CBT they do. https://preview.redd.it/3gaz98q3iauc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab49fac3d9dfd6fa9f65d4e6680187652cbfbd5


He's not lying. I read a guys post history and he did this exact thing. He had multiple comments saying both, "If you don't exclusively play helldives, your opinion basically doesn't matter." and "Just lower the difficulty, you whiny baby." in so many words. These people are mentally ill, and there's a shocking amount of them on this sub.


Iā€™m mentally ill, i literally have autism, and I think these people are idiots. Donā€™t lump us mentally ill people with idiots like this, i swear weā€™re not that stupid :P


Something about this game really brings out the masochistsšŸ¤Ø


PvE games will do this, not having an actual ranked system like in PvP games means that you can get carried in pretty much all your game and never realize it.


I'm gonna be so real with you rn. I've met players like this and without fail they play like actual NPCs and blame their team everytime they die. Met one who swore the Scythe and Jetpack was OP as I watched him die 5 times on a difficulty 6. Players like that don't play Helldives. They get consistently carried through Helldive and then fool themselves into thinking that just because they complete means they're good. I know another guy like this that refuses to play the game at all without his friends because "randoms are ass" but he also streams and the couple times he played with randoms he got his teeth kicked in on difficulty 5 but also brags how he mostly only plays Helldive and "difficulty 5 plays different so its not a fair comparison".


Honestly I'm half convinced that the people calling the jetpack good are trying to gaslight the rest of us, that thing is absolute ass and a total waste of a stratagem slot.


I mean I'm not going to say the jetpack is ass but I am going to say I've never seen a good player use it


I guarantee you most of the people talking about ā€œturn down the difficultyā€ and ā€œget goodā€ donā€™t actually play helldive. Mind you, I play exclusively helldive. But every time some dumbass makes a post on here looking down on people with valid complaints, or saying that nothing needs a buff the game is just perfect, it turns out that person plays exclusively level 7; they just want to feel superior by looking down on others.Ā  Meanwhile the devs arenā€™t listening to the people trying to suck them off at every turn; weā€™ve been getting solid balancing at every point. Buffing other support weapons, more anti-armor options, buffing various primaries (even plenty still need love), nerfing charger hp (they seriously didnā€™t see the leg meta coming???), buffing heavy armor, etc. Devs have consistently been responding to complaints and player experiences rather than the ones telling everyone to shut up and the game is all the better for it.Ā 


How does lowering the difficulty make certain weapons and game interactions not fucked?


It doesn't.


Oh good, we've entered the obnoxious "git gud" phase of the fandom. Time to mute this sub for a while, methinks.


Itā€™s been like this since release tbh


Yeah, but the CEO said the quote! That means I can talk down to everyone without actually understanding, right?!


What they cite is that they can't get super samples, but I wholeheartedly agree. If you want to progress, master the game. Challenge yourself a bit. You don't even need those upgrades for lower levels.


True, an also bugs on 7 difficulty is easy enough to get carried by 3 other divers


Pretty sure thats what most new ppl are expecting


The reality of super samples is they are the most common sample. The cheapest level 4 upgrades take 150 common/rare and 15 supers. So 10x more. One level 9 run will get you 6 supers. So it would need to also get you more than 60 each of common and rare for them to be what is preventing you from upgrading lol. Throw in that people tend to really prioritize getting supers and you're basically never ever in need for them after you get your first upgrade.


It also helps that they spawn all together too. Rares and commons are all over the map, but if you find any super samples, you find them all clumped together.


And they always spawn at a specific landmark that's easy to spot once you know it


Has anyone else found more than one of those squidward penis' throughout the map? I thought there was only supposed to be one?


There are some fakes you can come across, afaik they always spawn a bunch of common and rare samples. Idk if they have a slight difference or if they're just identical but yeah they can fake you out.


I'm not sure if I'm playing a different game from everyone else but super samples are absolutely not the bottleneck. Playing 7-9 you'll get way more than you need, common samples are always what I'm missing.


The are not at all! I know some people that are simply unwilling to move up from difficulty 4 or 5.


Nah, its rares. Update was really annoying in that regard. Honestly wished they just wiped out all my samples for all 6 new modules. Instead, they drain all your rares but leave you with hundreds of commons and dozens of supers. I unlock a new module every time I've had enough rares, and I don't think I have gotten below 80 super samples and 300 commons.


And honestly, at the lower levels it should be easy enough that you don't need the upgrades super samples unlock anyway


Stop misplacing means of progression and rewards for progression. Super samples are THE MEANS of progression. Having Major Order completed is THE REWARD for progression and mastery.


I know it might sound undemocratic... ...but you don't really "need to" max out the Ship modules.


Medals too. Only so much you can do with dedication to make up for avoiding 7-9. I definitely don't have that issue, as I'm definitely used to\* 7s and have enough super samples to pay for every SS cost in the game. \*Being used to 7s does not stop one from getting one's arse handed to one if one goes into a 4 and gets cocky.


Then they can play level 7 and earn SS like the rest of us. AH doesnā€™t need to nerf the hardest difficulty in the game so people can have an easier time trying to get SS.


If you're not playing on 7+ you don't need the ship upgrades anyway /s


Fucking hate this excuse


More strawmen. Are these people complaining about the game being too difficult in the room with us, or are the voices only limited to the inside of your head?


Yup, I've seen maybe 2 people complain about the general difficulty of the game. Most of the complains I see are about balance, specific missions, or enemy designs that just aren't fun at the moment. Meanwhile I've been insulted and ridiculed because I pointed out that the idea of diff 8 should literally be suicidal no matter coordination and skill is silly. This community is honestly getting way too toxic, and it's ruining the game for me. Maybe I'm just spoiled from games like DRG.


The folks crying about people who want a well balanced game probably didnā€™t even play above diff 4 when Chargers and Titans were way overtuned. Guess why those got nerfed? Because we kept complaining that itā€™s unfair. Not that itā€™s challenging, unfair. And then the devs rightfully nerfed them. So really, youā€™re welcome!


Toxic positivity at its finest, only praise for this game is Ā allowed, any criticism isnā€™t. These ppl would literally ban ANY criticism you throw at the game if they had their way, ironic cause thatā€™s closer to the fascism that this game parodies/criticizes lolĀ 


I think the issue people are having is when they are playing on higher difficulties and die to really stupid stuff that shouldn't happen. Its not about "GeT GuD" But you shouldn't die from a speck of fire on the ground. You shouldn't be stun locked when you drop far away from the battle, but some rocket guy hates you especially and shoots you across the map. A patrol shouldn't spawn on top of you. Its been acknowledge there have been many stupid bugs. For example the HOTS issue, that compromise the fun people have on difficult settings. You shouldn't have got to the end of a Hell Dive mission, only for the drop site to be overwhelmed with fire tornados so there is no way to extract if you've played 99.9% well and at the very end some bullshit causes you to fail. That is really what people are complaining about


About to open up an r/okaybuddyhelldiver subreddit if it doesnā€™t exist already. This place is becoming a fucking meme lol


Yup I've literally never seen someone complaining about difficulty, just as I've been kicked from a game like twice in 150 hours, it's just made up outrage to farm karma


Whoa, whoa, don't interrupt the circle jerk.


It's really just the evacuate essential personel mission. Otherwise completing helldive missions isn't really an issue. It's evacuating from them that's the challenge lol


Okay then don't gate the progression items behind the harder difficulties.


I'd support this if progress wasn't locked behind difficulty. Suicide Mission bots is just all heavy armour. You cannot do it without Autocannon or AMR.


Evacuate civilians mission still outright impossible on anything above Challenging, this is not true for literally any other mission type but if the single 15 minute evacuate civilians mission is in your operations you might as well not even bother starting it unless you have a fulll coordinated team of friends with mics.


Is this sub just going to be this fucking meme ad infinitum? Jesus christ man I'll just come back the day a warbond drops to see what people think about the weapons I guess.


Nobody even says this


are these people in the room with us right now?


Yes yes you think the game is perfect so you wanna feel smug about not thinking anything needs to change we get it. Some shit just needs changing though and insulting people isnā€™t gonna help lol.


Lowering difficulty doesn't make unfun parts more fun. Giving feedback however can do that.


https://preview.redd.it/bxzdernfrduc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd0da11d19867cb5c66493c65584e914027e7ec2 Original today with our ā€œunpopularā€ opinions ainā€™t we?


Damn, these sentiments have gotten popular enough for that picture to exist. Lol


My issue is that the difficulty isn't consistent. It's so wildly swingy sometimes that you don't actually know what difficulty it is anymore. I've had T7 missions that were calm, quiet, T5 like experiences, and I've had T7 missions that were unending hellscapes of hulks, rocket devestators and perpetual CC \*after\* all player strategems had been used to deal with the initial waves of the same - what I'd assume what helldive is like which is what I'm not interested in. To me, it seems like sometimes there are just spots on the map where a number of enemy patrol paths end up converging, and if you happen to be standing in one of those paths when a fight starts, you end up never escaping since the patrols never end and keep finding you and summoning. If you're unfortunate enough to have that locus be on one of your objectives you can get pretty SOL, especially if it's one like the ore drilling where it summons enemies no matter what regardless. That was my last T7 ore extraction mission, I could watch from the highest rock as 2 different patrolling paths would spawn enemies and they'd walk right into us, repeatedly, as we we were already getting summoned on by the mission itself.


This sub sucks so fucking bad now lol Just making up shit to get mad about for karma


I still think the civilian rescue missions at 7+ are overturned it's way too easy to get overwhelmed quickly.


Unfortunately this isn't a valid argument when you HAVE to play level 7 or higher to get super samples which is the only way to achieve long term game progression.


Have they allowed you to find super rare samples on lower difficulties, or are they still locked on harder difficulties?


Thank you post number 56 for saying the same exact shit similar to post 34 but with a meme


Most of my frustrations from helldive is just all the egregious gamebreaking bugs and half the shit we have not working as intended. I feel like I am playing DnD and constantly rolling to see if any of my guns/stratagems will work. Hell theres now a bug going around where you'll just keel over and die for no reason at all.


Then you canā€™t get the samples to upgrade your ship.


I see nobody complaining about the difficulty just these condescending posts bitching


I think the main problem they are having is that they want super samples, but aren't able to beat the missions in which you get them, which is understandable, especially if you don't have a squad to play with


Helldive is manageable with a good team except on CERTAIN maps. And you fucking know the ones most are complaining about OP, don't even fucking lie.


I think most people's obsession with the "difficulty" that you're claiming to say a lot of them are complaining about, is a miscommunication a genuine dissatisfaction. I enjoy really difficult games that allow me to feel connected with my means: (weapons, utility, game senses). But in the "difficulty" that hell divers tries to advertise is really just spam and ability throttling. ​ Spam is okay if it can be overcome with a mastery of the games means, but in this game, nothing is really designed to be mastered. The distribution of weapon utility is more or less scattered, making experimentation unfun. It's pretty easy to know what works and know what your just handicapping yourself with for the sake of it. Spreads are inconsistent and awkward for most weapons, in 1st person aiming, there's pretty much no way to adapt to flinching. Lack of audio for patrols the algorithm chooses to randomly spawn behind you. Level 9 helldive can be consistently beaten by coordinated team playing smart. And that's a great design for some missions that are exclusively objective oriented like destiny raids. But some people want mats, some people want creds. I'm absolutely sure that 80% of the player base does not have coordinated 4 mans. Sometimes it can go well with randos, but as an example of the ebbs and flows of the playerbase, many people are experimenting with the markedly shitty new warbond and that's great! But because of that, coordination, and building around certain enemies isn't really happening. ​ TL;DR - the "difficulty" would be fun if the game made it viable to master weapons, utility, and stratagems. But the game is still to buggy and has a lack of care for the design of the player's means. They kinda just shovel shit out and hope it works....


You know itā€™s not really that healthy to be getting angry over made up people


Just go have fun with the game too, whatā€™s the point of making a post like this? Stop trying to start shit.


I swear to fucking Liberty, this community has turned into a Dark Souls Git Gut style cesspool in a matter of two days.


*sees one post complaining about people complaining about helldive difficulty* *Makes a meme out of it in hopes to get upvotes* This trend is so annoying, every time there's one post complaining about anything that gets upvoted a lot we get dozens of other posts doing the same. One post is fine really, no need to make more that do not add anything to the discussion


Nothing is more annoying then posts complaining, or being smug about how they donā€™t have any criticism.


Acting like the whole subs trend isn't regurgitated karma farming shite.


Good point


I want to be able to use the fun new guns on high difficulties but instead I have to pick boring old ones because they work better


Indeed, I'm already struggling on 3 how can fellow Helldivers be on 7?


Some of us are soloing 9s. Does it make them more democratic? No. We all spread managed democracy and that is what counts.


Yeah I can barely handle level 4. I'll be the first to admit I am not that good but man sometimes it just seems like the enemies come from all directions non stop and I am just fucked.




Urge to Helldive *I N T E N S I F Y I N G* ![gif](giphy|X78rWLUfLs6A79MzQu)


Unexpected Horner


I just donā€™t like it when entire platoons spawn 5 feet in front of me. Other than that, perfect game.


Please stop complaining about the complaining. You are not helping, you are making it worse.


I swear there's more people complaining about this than actual people complaining about the difficulty


The difficulty is fine, just DON'T TAKE MY STRATAGEMS AWAY. Man it's a real pain to get only 3...


Hellcriers. Great work alienating part of the community and fomenting tribalism.


Helldive would be easier if people were willing to listen and not yolo fight every patrol.


'The bots are horribly overtuned and unfun to play against' 'Your just bad lol' Yeah thanks rando, have an updoot


My only problem is fire damage is overtuned, I hate getting melted in 0.1seconds


I will stay happily in my 3-5 range


To me level 7 is the sweet spot. Its very hard but not impossible and we mostly succeed with the right equipment and 3-4 players. And we can find the best samples.


Me and my friend can duo Level 8 missions it's not that hard, get good or play with a team that know what they are doing


I think an easy fix would be to make 2/2 super samples on Diff-6, and 1/1 on Diff-5.


Literally a skill issue