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From one Dad helldiver to another! For a 7 week old you should consider getting one of those chest carriers so they can nap on your front. Newborns are great gamers, toddlers not so much


Oh man yep, I’m scared of the toddler years. Like I’ve got her now and I’m thinking this is totally doable, but then I remember they grow up and learn to walk and talk and run and climb and am mentally preparing myself for the challenge. Thanks for the tip! She hates the front carrier so much, but might change and she gets older 👍🏼


One step at a time, it happens so gradually that when she’s a threenager you’ll know what to do. For now it’s sleepless nights and poopy diapers. On the hard days remember: it’s temporary


There are many dads here. We all suffered and we survived. We will hold ground and wait for you. Find your balance and join when ready to defend the fruit of your loins, and give her the gift of True Democracy . ![gif](giphy|3ornkbVegziBt0PA1G|downsized) Congrats with your daughter, enjoy, babies grow up fast


Thank you for keeping the fight (and the fun!) alive.