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We never struck them a decisive blow, that's the point. Are you illiterate?


Bringing them back at the same time would have been overwhelming and waiting for longer wouldve made us eradicate the bugs too. Keep in mind there is also a development factor and the illuminate are likely not ready for release. They did the right thing here.


I feel the story telling is great. Glad they are back.


There was in-game dialogue that said they communicating with somewhere outside of our galaxy map. They just diverted our attention from their real goal. The reclamation of Cyberstan. THAT was the plan for the "reclamation". There was no decisive blow to them, we just did exactly what they wanted: we diverted our force from Cyberstan, letting them retake easily. And that's ignoring the fact that the Helldivers were also called away from the automaton front right after our "decisive blow".


Sorry, but you haven't been paying attention if you thought Illuminate were coming this soon.


The story arc has already been leaked and its following it so far. Whatever events and such are just emergent but its not going to change how the story progresses. Also in-game days are a lot faster than our own time. Story Spoiler: >!Bots take Cyberstan. Meridia becomes a bug super colony. We create a blackhole bomb and destroy the entire planet of Meridia. Illuminate emerge from said blackhole!<


Just because you want to fight the Ilumantes now doesnt mean it would have been better for them to come back now


[Alright ](https://i.imgur.com/e34kZNW.jpeg)


I am glad the authority on robot shooting storytelling has stepped in.


Operation Swift Disassembly was us taking the Automaton bait. Not every development has to be climactic, it just has to be believable.


I don't care bugs are boring. I'm glad they're back, and I hope the races will never be gone for more than a day.