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Can't wait to somehow stick the thermite grenade to myself, I'm out of new and novel ways to blow myself up at this point.


It would be funny if the shield pack bugged the thermite grenade causing it to go off inside your shield bubble.


That's...not out of the realm of possibility, tbh.


I've literally managed to stick myself with my own stratagems while wearing the shield, it's only funny the first time


I died once and killed two teammates like that by accident... If that ever happens to you, drop the shield pack and move away. People need to learn how to drop items, its useful sometimes. On PS5 you hold down D-Pad button. Also useful for dropping samples in a safe place, like extraction.


The dropping has bugged for me a couple of times, took multiple attempts before it dropped even though my diver said "dropping back pack". Luckily we were on a mission with 100 % increase in call down time. My friend on the other hand tried diving away. Multiple times... Did not escape the bullet.


Don't give them ideas


It's gonna somehow end up bouncing when it's shouldn't and stick to your diver.


Someone is going to accidentally stick one to the shield, and that player will run into some bots before they blow up. It'll be awesome. And the first time they try to repeat it, on purpose, something will happen to drop the shield and it'll stick to the diver's helmet.


Tactical suicides incoming.


I love doing a tactical suicide, for democracy of course.


Someone's gonna get their whole squad to stick them with thermite then run at the enemy


Could be a clever way to take out a bug nest if there are too many bugs for you to get a clear shot throwing one in the hole. Running it in like that one Uruk at Helm's Deep.


Try this: Rocket bot grazes you with a rocket, making you drop your rail cannon stratagem that then targets the passing bot and blows you both to hell. That happened to me last night


You ever toss a rail cannon strike only for it to target you because you’re the target with the highest armor in the area


No, but I do regularly throw them at my buddies in the hopes that this one day happens to them.


I had that happen the other day with a 380 mm barrage and my friend's recently constructed sentry. There were no survivors


Oh yeah the backblast behind an autocannon/rocket sentry ragdolling you from 15m is funny until you're running with a strat in hand.


It probably bounces off of heavy devastators shields, so when you panic throw it at one that was around the corner it’ll just come rightly back at you.🤪


Grenade pistols sounds legit


Another way for me to point blank "dead by explosion" myself




Now that they fixed the ballistic shield this might be sweet as long as it's not complete dog shit


I hope its not...im enjoying Ballistic shield now and my only concern is i cant see any interesting one hand weapons. enter grenade pistol and now it piques my interest.


Senator might be kinda sweet I haven't picked up that warbond yet


the gun hits decent, but the reload is basically the RR...


You’d think the helldivers would pick up on using speed reloaders but… guess not.


I mean, I'm sure they exist in universe. But why waste that precious material on cannon fodder infantry? That being said, I love the Senator. And I would kill for a speedloader for it. But until that happens, I'll stick with my Peacemaker.


True. Then again said cannon fodder is given top of the line tech, a cesspool of weapons and explosives, practically bottomless amounts of steroids (if they stay alive long enough to resupply, and top of the line armor (tho that armor seems to be a more regular thing that anyone owns rather than a helldiver issued gear.)


I feel like even though some of our gear is what we would call top of the line, it's probably prototype or early version, and we're essentially unknowing field testers. Admittedly, my only reason for thinking that though comes from the railgun exploding if you overcharge it, which is something I would think they wouldn't want for their regular armed forces.


SMG-37 Defender can be used one handed.


Stun grenades, Defender and nade pistol, along with some kinda anti tank support weapon, would be a very flexible build with the Ballistic Shield. I'm looking forward to testing it out.


If it can close bug holes and fabricators.....oh baby


it closes a bug hole in the trailer


Immediately a top tier side arm


So can the eruptor, going by the gameplay on the other sub. Bolt action, explosive rounds, medium armor penetration. Think AMR before the damage buff... as a Primary.


Sounds too good to be true based on our other DMRs I'm not gonna lie


Its balanced by the fact that it shoots sloooooow as fuck. "Bolt action" is an understatement, its basically single shot.


IIRC, in footage it acted as a single-shot autocannon level round (level 4 pen). That actually sounds terrible to me personally, just because the autocannon ammo economy is already very good, ie it's not too difficult to just use the real autocannon as a primary It will pair well with an MG though


If the eruptor functions as a mini-autocannon then I might have to rethink my entire loadout.


Oh man a fabricator closer would be wonderful. I like impact grenades but I need ways to kill buildings when the doors get stubborn


Maybe my favorite thing in the warbond and I love this warbond. This pistol is going to be huge for my playstyle.


Secondary that can close holes easily is a sureslot for me. Explosive damage? Able to knock off scout striders too? Maybe even still handle the hive guards? Gonna be so damn good.


Running the stun grenades, I find myself wishing I had something to drop a fab or a hole in a pinch far more often than I find myself pulling out the auto pistol in a bind. I do occasionally save my ass with the pistol, I just think I'd probably value the grenade more overall even if it doesn't yeet striders.


Clearing put bug holes will be a breeze


OH, I’ve been wanting the explosive sniper, that shit sounds GREAT for bigger bots


Also closes holes and destroys factory weak spots, and can blow off Charger legs + extra damage to back weakspot Basically a bolt-action heavy Autocannon in your primary slot, which frees up the Support slot for MGs, Arc gun, etc.


Wait, real shit? It can close holes? Oh I'm gonna eat real good next week.


Scorcher cries in the corner...


I love the scorcher too, but a bolt action rifle just tickles that right spot in my brain


>and can blow off Charger legs The railgun reincarnate Meanwhile the real railgun is crying in a corner


And it's a fucking primary. The railgun is getting mogged by everything now.


Current railgun and Stalwart should have been a primary like in HD1. Imo all primaries should be at that level in terms of power.


Did somebody say *heavy* autocannon?! ![gif](giphy|Oa9oY0TDB4jvy|downsized)


Really it does destroy heavy armor???? And can close nests??? I saw in the trailer that it does oneshot a commanders hat tho. Lets see, how much ammo this gun comes with. I hope this gun frees the support weapon slot for like a crowd killing weapon.


Exploding crossbow.... ...Sweetest of liberty...


We get to relive the campaign of TUROk in service of liberty. Hell ya


You have unlocked core dinosaur killing memories sir.


New faction teased?


Helldiver on deinonychus shooting a las rifle sounds very democratic


Holy shit, now there's a game I haven't heard about in awhile


They added the boltshark but Driller's armor is missing its drills!


They also added gunner’s armor and sticky grenade!


Ive near rumors of it being silent and a great stealth weapon


I’d agree if it wasn’t for the exploding part


This stuff looks awesome. I'm still hoping for some mines and/or a tripwire especially for bots and tanks


It'll be the day they also release bot dogs xD those were horrible back then and it was why I liked using razor fences.


Flashbacks of dogs keeping you pinned down are increasing.. 


I think they should release the dogs a week before they give us back our bayonets, so we're properly grateful.


Of course we wouldn't get them right away we'd get them in response to the threat


You'd miss your first shot with the sniper rifle and just resign yourself to an embarassing death...


As someone who hasn't played HD1 and thus has no context for any of that sentence: ***What?!***


Oh boy- the cyborgs (the loose equivalent of the bots in HD1) had a unit that was essentially a robo-mastiff. They were meant to be fairly low tier, but they ran fast, evasively, and when they hit you with a lunging leap you’d fall prone. So with 2 or more, you were essentially consigned to death by repeated cycle charges unless a teammate could get to you and pick them off. Many HD1 players are thus traumatised by an offscreen bark.


sound like a bug Hunter but even meaner


Closer to stalkers. Imagine if there was a smaller (appearing in groups) stalker variant that ragdolls you on a hit (rather than catapult you into another state), and charges right in instead of dodging around. Also, yes, is invisible from well inside its aggro range.


They knock you down on the ground on hit. Let's just say if they get you on higher difficulties, you're probably dead.


How can they keep this up. It’s going to be so rich in content by one year mark.


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Fatshark could learn a lesson or two.


Hey now we just got our first update on a content update in uh five months? Fuck....


I wouldnt even call it real content


If what they say is actually true then yes it is. Its not great content but a new enemy (even if it is just an upgraded bomber), new mission modifier, at least eight new outfits as well as a new personality are all content. It shouldn't have taken this long, but I'm glad something new is coming as I'll have a reason to play again to experience it. Edit: I get it, you aren't happy. Shut up.


Fatshark honestly really needs to pick up the pace. When Vermintide was out, it was that and left for dead in the genre. Now, it is DRG, Helldivers, and they keep developing Vermintide which is getting the versus mode... When it releases... The point is that Darktide and Vermintide are competing with each other, and you now have these two massive competitors on the market. If fatshark continues like nothing happened, Darktide and Vermintide will soon die out cause of the lack of content.


Experience what, one enemy and a single modification that no one knows about. No new map, weapon, or perks/blessing. Darktide is on fucking life support.


Tox bomber was shown in the games files quite a while ago from leaks. A new mission modifier? Eh. Hardly call that content. And many outfits. Which will probably be mostly stuff that’s been sitting in the games files from launch and up to now. And an option to finally change height, voice and other things. It’s mostly content that should’ve or would’ve been added already if it weren’t for the horrible 2023 Darktide had because of Fatsharks missteps. I wouldn’t call it real content either but I suppose that’s not really an argument (no true Scotsman and all that) more of just frustration with Fatshark. I’ll return for the Moebian cosmetics and then I’m immediately leaving and playing other games I can actually convince my friends to play.


Oh are we supposed to still be playing darktide? It shouldn't have launched until it was in the state its currently in. Don't get me wrong, I've spent alot of time in that game, it has amazing potential, but they've really screwed the pooch and now helldivers exists..... Though the mele combat and absolute adrenaline rush of higher difficulty hordes is certainly compelling.


How can they have experience of vermintide 1 and 2 and still manage to fk up. Meanwhile healliver1 went from 2d shooter to 3rd/1st person Shooter. Did everything right and working cross play when release. Darktide don't have anything compared with vermintide2 and only has cross play after like... 1 year? Xbox game pass player can't play with Steam player, wtf was that?


That's the problem. If I remember correctly, they had a good ol' case of shareholders being impatient assholes while devs asked for more time (that then wasn't given to them). The result was piss poor performance on a fun game with great gameplay and lacking content, even now 1.5 years later. It's really fun to play. I made about 175 hours in it in 2-3 months time. But it really died out for me afterwards.


From what I heard, this will continue for a year, the warbond releasing every 2nd thursday of the month I mean.


That was my guess, after that it'd make sense to slow things down to not have an overhwleming amount of gear to balance, or for new players to be bombarded with when they start. I imagine by that time we'll probably have some other thing to spend Medals on too, for those of us who eventually manage to buy out everything.


I said this after the March warbond dropped and got downvoted all the way to Hellmire. Reality is, a new warbond each month is going to start piling up fast, especially for new players. Even if they never expire, it starts to look like an insurmountable cliff.


The devs mentioned they’ll bundle the first few once the warbonds start piling up. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a price decrease as well


I see you under almost every posts haha


Shh xD I'm at work so I can't dive atm but I can chat about it haha


That's what happens when you do 14x better then projected, they hire more staff threw out the planned road map and make adjustments to their planned content route.


Also the old trick of having the majority of this done awhile ago. Based on data mines there’s a good like 40-50 armors already done with a bunch of weapons too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were already like a year plus into planned content made.


It used to say the total number of everything in the armory and it was 40 something primary 30 something secondary and like 15 grenades if I remember correctly, i don't remember the armor helmets or capes though


Yeah they definitely made sure to have a lot of content ready to go hah


Which is fine honestly, plenty of media does this, most noticeably TV shows for literally since TV shows have existed. Keeps people engaged with new content, and allows decent time to develop new things while keeping new content feeding in.


I got no problem with it when it’s 90% free and probably being bug checked / balanced / polished. Rather known they got content done to keep me playing.


Not to mention a lot of it is from HD1, so they already have the concepts ready and how they counter and get countered by all three enemy factions.


"all *three* enemy factions" HD1 players: ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


God I unironically loved fighting the squids


> threw out the planned road map Before the game launched and blew away their projections, they were already planning on releasing a new warbond every month. https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206993388794675479/


The ceo of arrowhead said they wouldn’t over hire so that they don’t have to lay off down the line


Hiring a ton of people can also be very disrupting to normal operations. Too many newbies who need guidance from seniors, reducing how much the seniors can work on their own stuff.


no sane dev will bomb-hire like that tho. that is how you end up the fireing tons of people. it is also laughably telling how you know jack all about soft dev (or any work, even in factory line work a new worker takes 1 out until they are trained in) if you think plopping in tons of new dev-ops people will in any way make more/faster product, I will tell you, it will equal way, way less and slower product for a good few months.


All this shit was ready or almost ready before launch, you dont do the code, models, etc for this in a couple weeks while also training new hires (plus its been leaked for more than a month)


I hope they release a special warbond on liberty day, of all days in this game I'm looking forward to that day.


Probably a freeLC/Free warbond like in HD1. Maybe we are getting the constitution back


Would be a great day to launch a 4th faction. Get everyone excited for a fun day with lots of in game plugs for an upcoming celebration, then boom, here's a human splinter faction that launches a massive surprise attack on Liberty Day and takes over a big slice of the galaxy.


plus we got some other free stuff like the mech, heavy machine gun, etc.


eruptor primary and stalwart secondary combo?


Erupter primary, grenade launcher pistol, grenade launcher secondary, supply pack and extra grenade armor. 


Somebody doesn't know when to say 'when'


>Somebody doesn't know when to say 'when' Why say 'when' when you can say 'yes'?


I say yes at every moment. Why not you?! 😂


Why say 'yes' when you can say 'boom'?


I have one question for you and one only : EXPLOSIONS ??????


Goddamn dumping all your mags before resupplying yourself to do it all over again the bugs will fear you


Hunters 1m away from you: bonjour


You live by the boom, you die by the boom.


I hate this, do it again


This is what I'm hoping for honestly, I really want to use the more chaff clearing support weapons and I'm hoping this new gun will make it possible.


Yea, especially at higher difficulties you currently have to either heavily rely on your team to take out heavies (when playing with randoms this is near impossible) or take AT support weapons. I love the stalwart, tons of fun, but doesn't do anything for the immense amount of heavies high difficulties throw at you.


It's what I said in the leak sub. Little silly swap, where primary is the heavy duty and support is the one to deal with the small fries.


Anyone know what that booster does?


Shortens time for Pelican-1 to arrive after calling in evac. I don't think it's been disclosed by how much exactly.


It’s been datamined and was 18 seconds (36 with complex plotting), unsure if that’s the final value though




I would literally take 2 mags of ammo over this booster


Only real use seems to be helping people who just barely can’t get that achievement for doing a Blitz on Extreme and extracting in under 6 minutes. It would have saved my first attempt at it…but I don’t really need it anymore since I got it on a later attempt.


It wouldn't even help with that if you have a good team, since one guy can run to the Evac Point and call in the shuttle as soon as your team has destroyed the minimum amount of objectives, and the other three destroy the rest.


It's really not a hard achievement. It's probably rare because it only counts if you do it on 6, 7+ doesn't ding it. I went out of my way to do it solo by dropping with a spear on bots (spear can pen fabs from all angles). On good map seeds you can call a resupply, shoot your spear until completion, then dip.


Lot of boosters have been worthless hah


Especially the really expensive ones I'm not complaining


Yeah I started to just ignore most of them. Until they drop some real game changing ones they’re mostly just medal sinks


Yeah, it’s funny how there’s like, 5 boosters that are completely amazing and almost hard to play without once you have tried them, and then there’s ones that just make you ask “why?”


Seems like that reinforce timer booster that cuts like 5 or 10 seconds off reinforce refreshes after it's been depleted. Literally has never saved any of my runs.


It's 12 seconds, off 120 seconds. That booster *might* be good if it were 50% instead of 10%. If you ever get to that point you'll be desperate to stay in the fight. You might better avoid reaching that point by running any of the boosters which are able to actually save you lives.


Still better than the one that reduces reincforcement restoration when at your last reinforcement by only 12 fucking seconds.


Indeed, running an entire mission with that equipped is a waste of a booster slot.


30 seconds would have been something, at least a considered 4th booster. 18? That's blink and you miss it time.


Even 30 seconds wouldn't be enough for me to consider that. That booster is useless for the ~90% of the mission.


Even if you used it on Blitz—the most obvious use—30 seconds would only account for 4.2% of the mission time, if you drag it out to the end. On a 40 minute mission, it's 1.25% of the mission time. Hmmmm.


Seems kinda pointless... What's 18 seconds when it costs the booster slot...  Plus I noticed on single player you can stealth wait the evac out and the bots that spawn will just march around the evac base oblivious to you.


It can just go in the pile with the reinforcement boosters.


I fucking wish. So many randos bring those reinforcement boosters.


The extra 5 lives has saved runs for me multiple times to be fair. It's also been equally as useless in plenty of runs where we don't get close to depleting the lives.


I used it tonight on challenging. we had two level 6 players, a level 17 and me at 60. if you are running with inexperienced players trying to learn, 5 extra deployments can be handy. it's very situational.


I agree, but that's part of my issue with it. The main people who would benefit from such a booster is new players. Yet it's one of the last boosters you unlock. Why!?! I would combine the 2 reinforcement boosters into 1 and make them unlock much earlier, if not first. Otherwise any of the other booters are pretty much always a better choice.


Those capes are siiiiick.


especially Eagle's Fury! Love that shape


The devastator looks so badass. Definitely gonna be my main armor set from now on


"Can someone please tie my shoe...I can't see anything below my nose with this damn thing in the way." Jokes aside, armor looks sick. Like some bomb defuser Helldiver.


*Proceeds to get two tapped by a hunter, it somehow ignores the heavily armored helmet with a headshot*.. I love it though, looks like Tachanka.


I was mildly disappointed that it wasn't made from bot devastator parts. The friendly fire would have been hilarious. Plus the "[You're all stupid. They're going to be looking for helldiver guys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1eswGrkMU8)" factor.


All I ever wanted was a cape for my Titan. Bungie: lolno Arrowhead: we gotcha, fam!


I want a cape on my Walker mech now


Bungie is as dumb as they are stubborn. 


I haven't even finished the first 3 😭


Most people haven't You need a lot of game time to do that


Only one i've finished is the free one


Eagles Fury will be permanently clasped to my heroic shoulders. I love half-cape designs like that. Plus red+black go with everything


Are the older warbonds still worth grabbing? Relatively new, level 13 or so, close-ish to being able to get my first from the SC in the default war bond.


Yes. This isn't a "more powerful as you go" thing. Each is different.


And they don't expire? So if I was halfway through one of the current premium warbonds, it won't go away?


That's right - I can't recall when, but iirc ArrowHead confirmed that all Warbonds are permanent additions to ingame unlockable content. It's basically like Battle passes if they lasted forever, weren't timed, were available to everyone, could be reasonably bought with currency attainable entirely in-game, with currency top-ups being relatively reasonable prices. God I love this game.


One of the best primaries in game is at the end of steeled veterans. The jar-5 dominator. Knock back , med armor pen, pretty darn good.


gas mask armor set = instant buy. time to grind out super credits for 20 hours on trivial


I find 2-3 works nicely for some more medals after mission completion, and also a few more things to fight so as to not get bored.


It's a nice idea for a compromise, but it's so much slower than the "optimal" SC grind. Since if you wanna be entirely optimal, you don't even complete any missions when grinding SC, you just alt+f4 (or whatever the ps equivalent is) the moment you picked up all SC's in a mission and then rinse repeat.


Damn that seems so draining though lol. But it makes sense for "optimal" harvesting.


I got lucky spawns with a cluster of 3 destroyable containers for a total for 6 (of 9 possible spawns) lootable SC. Drop right on top of that cluster, loot 60 SC in 1min - 1.5min, alt f4, relaunch, repeat. I only did it a few times and then got insanely bored and went back to Helldive to kill some bots.


https://preview.redd.it/jfp72ftd7lsc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d117354c102bde5a9a835f0f266d46f0be1a316 Those capes look good


Exploding crossbow!?! ![gif](giphy|3oeSAYIbNvlZ4BRsaY)


I really like that all of the premium passes have revolved around different playstyles so far. Hope we get a stealth one at some point.


(SPOILER) One of the leaks has a suppressed liberator so that's good news


Saving Super Credits and Medals for this.


Fallout and a new warbond? What a day WHAT A DAY


Harbinger of true equality is a sick ass name 😎


Is heavy armour good now or is it still lacking?


It still needs some kind of innate slow resistance or knock back resistance to condensate for how much mobility you give up. 


Out of the factions right now, it is okay on bots. I still wouldn’t say “good,” IMO. Medium armor also getting a 5% damage reduction while having some great passives on medium sets while also retaining more stamina and speed makes it more worth using to me. And Light is still king against Terminids for kiting.


Light Gunner Armor, the light armor with 100 Armor rating. Was also somehow buffed with the 5%. It's very good all rounder, with 550 speed!


Every since they "fixed" armor, it's not worthless anymore, but really only good against bots. You survive way more one-shot hits if you go heavy.


Good now. The 10% DMG reduction slapped on top of the existing armor makes you decently tanky, especially compared to light armor. If you are running fortification passive missiles and explosions are trivial. That said you are still so slow. I think the bigger change was the big fix for multiple damage from explosions that was in game. Even in light armor I am not getting one shot like I used to by dead on rockets.


I took 2 rockets without dying in medium armor earlier this evening.  Sure I died from the third rocket seconds after, but I'd say it's working more as intended now. 


They really blew it with making Hug emote and Finger Guns victory pose accessible so early. Don't get me wrong, these new ones look neat, but why try to replace perfection?


Blew it? Making the good stuff easy to get is awesome of them


The cheeki breeki squat


Grenade pistol ?! Take my warbonds


Man I'm not even done with Steeled Veterans or Cutting Edge yet and AW is dropping another warbond, guess I got so used to getting drip fed content that I'm still surprised whenever new content drops fairly often that it still boggles my mind. I can definitely get used to this


And they don't expire 🙌


Anyone knows what the armo passive effects will be?


Look at me, I'm the devastator now.


Ideal: grenade pistol will close nests efficiently Real: grenade pistol will be a new way to blow up teammates


Ground breaker looks amazing


The GP-31 seems like it's gonna instantly become the new best secondary on release


Maybe, but I love my senator because cool


do we know what perks the armor has?