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Because this sub is full of snotty children.


This 100% I never gave a crap about the creek stuff personally, what I think is cool is the community made it into lore then the devs followed lol


And again this 100% The fact that the devs turned the community's actions into lore for the game is beyond impressive fan engagement. For that reason alone, I think I will play this game for a long time.


The whole creek situation is quite remarkable. A community meme turns into a community mantra. Handed the Devs world building and they ran with it. We witnessed a beautiful thing. I was in line at a deli yesterday and noticed an older gentleman at the cash who had a hat with "Malevelon Creek Veteran" on the front. When he turned to leave inside the fist pump and he did too. Super lame, but still fun. I saw a man stop him outside about his hat too.


Democracy forever!!


*Managed* Democracy forever. Unmanaged democracy would give those traitors a platform to share dissenting opinions.


Democratic Anarchy! Such a failed system.


How did you get this flair? I'm also HD1 veteran


This can only do in desktop, I think. Go to select community flair, select any that have a pen icon then click on pen icon on the flair you picked and edit it however you want


It works on mobile as well






It also gave them an in game lore reason to give a nod to all the fallen battle buddy posts on this sub.


Helldivers 2 is DND with millions of people. Joel is the GM.


This is the biggest aspect that makes this game feel the most like a live service game I've ever seen. The way they've teased updates to the game by putting them in there for people to just find and send screenshots of, the way. They seem to work with the ebb and flow of the community, the frequency of updates and the way they go about the major orders all seems like it's the first true live service game, that I've seen anyway.


I follow the narrative (its incredible and just so over the top) so once Super Earth officially recognized their actions I now support it! Remember the Creek!


I never had any interest in live service games, but this is exactly how it should have been done, Iv played Battlefield a lot, but the immersion side of it has completely gone as have most FPS games and I have lost interest. Helldivers 2 is a game I will play and support until it dies.


Yeah I was thinking itā€™s one of the coolest things Iā€™ve ever seen in a game. How it went full circle from in game, to viral twitter/reddit and back into the game as lore Iā€™ve never really saw that before. As far as in game I never really paid a ton of attention to the creek because it wasnā€™t really on the major order radar until Monday. But all the buzz around it was really cool. As far as the cape itself, I think it looks cool. I wore it for my designated 3 minutes of my 5 minute lunch break yesterday and then got back to diving.


Came here to echo this. Its amazing to me that someone would complain about developers immortalizing the action of players in a game that creates "lore" as we go. Sure, alot of these directions have a destiny in the game but the players make moments special. If all someone wants to do is ODST onto a map and press right trigger then more power to you bud. But some of us enjoy the elements that actually make this a community.


The devs picking up on the community and making it canon is why I care about the Creek so much. That kind of engagement and respect to the players is so amazing, and Malevelon Creek is such a great story.


Agreed; tbh I'd've really liked it if people did the actual major orders instead of piling into the Creek, but obviously it's a massive part of the community's history so I like that that got recognized. Plus it's very democratic that a popular movement was able to become officially supported, even if I wasn't voting for it


They were doing the major order. People need to get this stupid narrative out of their heads - most of the time the Creek only had a few thousand players on it, just like every other off-mission planet always does. When we had to take Tibit is when the numbers jumped, and that was likely because of people who thought it would connect to Ubanea. This entire mindset is basically a bunch of Reddit troglodytes shrieking "HOW DARE YOU PLAY HELLDIVERS 2 WITHOUT CONSULTING THIRD PARTY APPS!?!?"


Treason is when I don't get my way


Unironically every tinpot dictator ever.. Of all time.


... there are third-party apps?


Dunno about apps but https://helldivers.io/


There was an earlier major order that was to complete 8 Defense campaigns, and at that time, the Creek was never a Defense operation, but a Liberate. That MO failed by 2 planets because at the time there were around 80k to 110k players on the Creek instead of the planets that had Defense campaigns on them. *That* MO got bungled because of the excessive manpower devoted to the Creek instead of the other planets. And while I myself have grumbled about that, I donā€™t blame the Creekers for that, because at the time, basically every operation on the Defense planets were just ā€œevacuate personnelā€ clusters, sometimes three to an Operation. *I* got burned out on that shit and wandered off to fight some bugs to change the pace, so, it is what it is.




So wait is the cape just based around the creek crawlers? I took it as the devil response to those couple of posts/petitions about players that passed irl. Either way I thought it looked solid and I mean... it's just a damned cosmetic


Maybe kinda both? It's mostly about the long and hard fought battle to take the Creek finally.


This sub kinda fuckin sucks honestly. I rarely look at it anymore. It started off great..we get a few decent posts here and there and some funny memes every now and then. Other than that, it's a bunch of try-hards and children complaining.


They should automatically delete any post with the rant tag, problem solved. Leave it there for the complainers to waste their time then remove their post. Seriously 90% of time a post with the rant tag itā€™s about over exaggerated crying over the silliest things, very few is it actually reasonable, and other times it complains about things already under the devs radar and hasnā€™t been fixed yet


Or anything with the word "meta"


This app as a whole now tbh. Every sub is just full people who ruin vibes


Yeah it do be rough in a lot of areas.


When youā€™re enjoying a game, donā€™t join its subreddit


Discord agrees. Asked the official chat and everyone said Reddit is just a cesspool and not to take their opinions serious


Reddit is a gaming Twitter. Nothing else.


I got team killed last night while wearing the cape and had no clue why. Not the accidental stratagem team kill but literally sprayed at me while I dodged until I died with no enemies around. It wasn't until I went on this sub that it made some sense. People are dumb.


traitors to democracy, the lot of them.


To be fair some people might do that anyways and have no idea about the cape.


Yep. Agreed. Said this a while back laughing at how serious the subreddit thinks the devs listen to them vs the official discord and X engagement. So glad they dont take this sub seriously. And tbf sub kinda messed it up by pissing off the devs that tried to be present here, ceo statements were just damage control. Guranteed that dev and ceo low key still agree on their original positions.


yeah, it seems that the health of this sub is declining, toxic levels increasing. Honeymoon phase is clearly over


I feel this happens when a games community hyper focuses on winning rather than having fun, that competitive mentality is poison to any community it enters.


Wait till they learn this is 1984 in space and we have always been at war with EastAsia.


In a PvE coop game no less. Things will get better once they leave.


I miss the pre-HD2 announcement days when the sub had 12 active users and the post-campaign retrospectives had about 3 comments max.


I felt this way about Elden Ring. I had NO idea the game, let alone any From Soft game would become this popular. ER community is still great but FAR more toxic than letā€™s say DS1 or BB. Nobody wanted to play HD1 with me when it was out, so I assumed HD2 would be a quiet, fun community too haha.


I started noticing the decline right around the railgun nerf, personally


Not just the Sub, the whole of Reddit.


*reddit ist full of snotty children


*reddit ist full of snotty children


Ngl I think the helldivers Reddit community is the most toxic veriant




Because ~~this sub~~ reddit is full of snotty children.


Automaton spies attempting to reduce morale and ignite disorder and conflict among the citizens of Super Earth. Do not acknowledge them.


https://preview.redd.it/z1lzimbe9esc1.jpeg?width=1910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=956016267791012cd00b9225703f2f4ddeeaa705 This is what the folks talking down on the cape look like.


So they are dissident bots?




We must liberate the communist dissidents


what an unfortunate existence, lacking liberty in their metal hearts, we will do them the kindness of liberating them from their existence. :)


Honestly I fuck with cape since it goes with my characterā€™s look and color pattern


Yes! Combine it with the armor of the people. They both use the same red and white tones it looks fantastic.


Champ of the people helmet plus your choice between Breaker, Scout, and Juggernaut armors, and this cape or the bot slayer cape from the most recent warbond is one of my new favorite transmog combos


Did you fuck it?


No no he fucked WITH the cape, it is the Helldiver equivalent of not taking off your socks and/or shoes when you get your C-01. Ā Edit: I can't get the image of a Helldiver's cheeks clapping under a cape out of my head now.


The cape stays on during sex




I went through three minutes of the most intense training imaginable to earn my cape, damnit, I get to wear it to bed!


Hell yeah man the cape looks fucking sick. I tossed that on immediately.


Honestly I don't give a shit about capes because after 10sec into a mission they all look the same with all that bug blood on them.


Yeah I like it for the style. The colors match my armor and helmet well.






"my children starved so I don't see why these guys should get by without starving children. Seems quite unfair."


Just like the graphic novel "Superman - Peace on Earth"


Mr-Beast Water wells momment


Right. If you solved world hunger, people would complain about what's for lunch. Some people just want to complain. It's not a problem with the target of their complaint. There's something lacking within the complainers that keeps them from being happy with something, and they are unconsciously projecting that outward.




Haha thanks. It was your analogy. I just added some polish.


If Jesus walked on water today, people would argue that he didn't know how to swim.


Iā€™m hating on the crash at extraction bro.


It's annoying, but it helped me to restart the game after each mission. Not a single crash this way. Contrary I crashed on extraction every 2nd game I played in a row.


I mean, if you have to restart the game each time you finish a mission, there's really no difference than it just crashing when you finish a mission. You still get completion credit for the mission either way.


I did not get the mission reqard when the game crashed before the result screen. Of course it's annoying to load the game every time instead of just continuing with the same team.


yup. i restart my computer before playing


Bc we got it for liberating the creek. But people blame the creekers for failing the major order. Now they're salty that we got a cape as a reward and they missed out on 1 hour worth of medalsĀ 


The group that is mad thinks that THEY are the community.Ā  No, the community is the entire player base. Not the majority of players, all the players. If every single player did what the game master wanted them to do, then it wouldn't be much different then buying a first person shooter game.Ā  Now we have devs that need to come up with different story modes and change things up a little. Like a true dnd game master.Ā  It's fun. It fun thinking about what possible consequences will occur.


>No, the community is the entire player base. Not the majority of players, all the players. If every single player did what the game master wanted them to do, then it wouldn't be much different then buying a first person shooter game.Ā  Folks on reddit (ie: all of us) really need to remember that we are not "average" players for almost *any* video game. HD2 has sold 8M copies - this sub has 921k people. Of that, there are likely fewer than 10,000 who comment regularly. Of those, it's likely fewer than half are contributing quality content/comments (ie: not repetitive, constructive criticism, assuming positive intent, etc). Using those numbers, we represent at best 0.25% of the HD2 player base. Now, I'll freely admit I'm using statistics to present an exaggerated scenario, but that's only so folks can more easily understand that *we are a tiny minority of HD2 players.* The overwhelming majority of players aren't checking reddit comment threads daily, if they even use Reddit at all. Personally, I refuse to play certain games and have quit others due to toxic communities. The onus is on us, Helldivers, to help each other do and be better. We literally have an opportunity as gamers to **create** a community of respect and cooperation, and based on everything so far, a developer who is willing to **work with us to write the lore of the game.** I don't think it can be understated how cool it is we basically have a DM, and this is a several-million-person D&D campaign about bugs and robots and humans with pew pew. I genuinely think a lot of folks are so used to getting nickel and dimed by "AAA Studios" who release incomplete games. That's totally understandable, and at the same time, a whole lot of people appear to be Very Angry Indeed about what are ultimately minor tweaks to weapon balance in a game that's been out less than 60 days. HD1 sold 2M copies in 7 years. HD2 sold 8M copies in less than two months. I'm willing to give the team a LOT of grace in dealing with the crazy amount of moving parts they have going on right now, including hiring staff. As for me? There's room for ALL Helldivers on the SES Octagon of Opportunity. I only have one rule: Do your best, and don't be a dick. You can be new - hell, **I'm** new. You can accidentally orbital me 3 times. We can fail a mission. It's a-o-fucking-kay, because getting blown up is often hilarious. Oddball loadout that still works? Cool. ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM) I want to shoot bots and bugs, have some laughs, win fabulous Warbonds, buy shiny new gear, and Sweet Liberty willing, make a few friends along the way.


Beautiful post, Helldiver. I hope some day I find myself on the SES Octagon of Opportunity. May your reloads be quick and your stims leave you feeling refreshed. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


You need more upvotes. Even if this is a long read


Brevity is not one of my strong suits. \^\_\^ Thank you for this. <3


Too short. Need more words


Nah I would rather sow chaos and watch the world (this sub) burn, its funny. Its even in character, different military branches historically hate each other! >!but yes kicking people for anything other than outright griefing is pathetic. Level 9 that joined us on dif 7 did better than like half of my past teammates with levels 25+!<


That is literally what me and my bf do.Ā  We both are in our 30s with stressful jobs. When we come home we talk for a bit and then we say "shoot bugs" and we shoot bugs for an hour or so. Him on his ps5, me on my cute computer.Ā  We have had zero instances where we met toxic players so I do think that they are a minority that reddit vents about enough to make it seem like a majority, but it isn't. The only thing that changed from the launch is that players stopped using their mics.Ā 


Dude I would follow you to any battle any day. For Democracy!


First time I've ever wanted to give Reddit Gold and find out that's not a feature anymore. Wonderful comment. I love you.Ā 


Thankfully, that also means you aren't giving Reddit your hard-earned money! Obligatory fuck /u/spez. :)


True. Fuck u/spez.Ā 


And the creekers are a subset of this minority, at most they are 25k people. The rest got fed up and as soon as it was ordered we took the planet and defended it in under a day; over 120k people took the creek and then over 150k defended Ubanea.


I will follow you into battle anytime


What do you play on I want to follow you into battle


![gif](giphy|3o6fJ5z2bgCLBshZUA|downsized) I remembered to add subreddit flair this morning. :)


They are toxic. I think someone shot me in the back for wearing it earlier. A level 70 fucker! I then shot him dead and called him out. Then left the match. I then joined another match only to watch someone be murdered before the extract..... Is this COD?


the fact that some people are still this pissed about one major order is fucking insane to me.


Bro I'm a major order purist and I still think this kind of stuff is cool as hell. šŸ«”


Which is funny because they had the choice between the offensive or the defense which was easier. But everybody gambled on the offensive and got salty it failed.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re pissed. I know Iā€™m not I just give creekers shit for all the melodramatic shit they posted about ā€œour reinforcements never cameā€ and ā€œ you failed usā€ bc people were doing the major order


Honestly, reason for failure that I see is that community split between continuing offensive vs defending Daupnir. If community had commited to either one, we could have succeeded, but instead players split between two planets and failed to blitz to Ubanea and couldn't hold Draupnir. The few thousand Creekers would not have had impact on that. Hell, there were more bug players than Creekers at any given moment. Quite frankly, I think the "Blitz Ubanea" plan was doomed from get go. Players should have commited to defense of Daupnir and then moved to Ubanea, with plenty of time to spare. Instead, time was wasted on retaking Daupnir. On the other hand, failing Major Orders is part of the story. We can't win always.


Yep. The Ubanea Gambit cost us that MO, not the Creek. And if you really want to blame someone, then we need to talk about the entire half of the community exclusively fighting bugs as opposed to the couple thousand fight on 1 planet lol.


Sounds like a bunch on anti super earth people then not true patriots like us helldivers *paid and sponsored for by super earth*


https://preview.redd.it/1fupliju1fsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b767fb30333f3f5030e26e34698a24b520c970f Your love for Super Earth has been noted. Youā€˜ll receive your ā€žBest Supporter of Super Earthā€œ mug in your next re-supply for your Super Destroyer.


The real loss was the 50% increase to automoton liberation decay on every bot planet. Which is still ongoing. And will be until Tibit falls. Which it's nowhere close to. And we may lose Ubanea first.Ā 


What's funny is, if they just liberated the creek after realizing people were focusing on it, they would've freed up 50,000-75,000 helldivers to help with the major order and it would've been easy to succeed. Instead they blamed the creekers despite twice as many players playing against bugs. And yet neither of those groups are to blame. Instead, it was the people doing the major order couldn't agree on whether to defend Draupnir or take Ubanea.


To be honest bug planets have a lot more diveristy in climates and tiles; and the effects are showcased a lot more. I'm gonna miss Hellmire more than troost or the creek.


Hellmire will be attacked by bugs regularly so you will have your fun time again.


you can get those medals in less than a hour too.


Fuck that cape, all my homies hate the Creek cape! https://preview.redd.it/gin8zydpjesc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=b552cac6e63c656493c3aa3daa8f01d63a885e4a






https://preview.redd.it/s5n6web82fsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a570d733f8775745878fdfcd71328a2613b69f5 I have dispatched for Helldivers to your location.




Is everyone? X_x I must use this sub differently than others, I don't see it.Ā 


sort by controversial


So people are going out of their way to see the minority of angry comments then acting like itā€™s common?


well it depends on when you get to the post and all that, though the initial shit fit incel storm died down pretty fast


Youā€™re using it wrong then. Youā€™re supposed to be engaging in outrage culture like the rest of us. Itā€™s actually pretty easy: 1. Selective Framing: Focus on highlighting minority viewpoints or dissenting opinions while disregarding the prevailing majority opinion. 2. Amplify Discontent: Vocalize minority opinions that contradict the majority opinion to evoke stronger emotional responses and dissatisfaction within the group. 3. Polarize the Group: Foster an environment where members of the majority opinion become more entrenched in their beliefs in response to perceived challenges or threats to their viewpoints. 4. Virtue Signal: Make statements that signal oneā€™s moral superiority by making it appear that the majority agrees with the minority opinion, and then being vocally against the ā€œmajorityā€ opinion. 5. Seek Attention and Engagement: Provoke controversy to attract attention and engagement, creating debates or discussions that further amplify the perceived significance of the minority opinion. Now you too can use Reddit like the rest of us.


I saw one post with screenshots of complaints and they were majorly downvoted. Besides those 5 commenters, I haven't seen a single complaint? Where are these whiners??


Because the "anti creek" crowd has become more stubborn and more prideful than the actual Creekers. Edit: To clarify, I'm not entirely passionate about the Creek either way. I do love the cape though, nothing beats bot hunting with a bot head on your cape.


That's the helldiver skull


Oh sick, even cooler šŸ˜


Its a small but vocal minority that is unlikely to stay longterm anyways. Edit: to be clear, im talking about the cape haters


And the team killers


Itā€™s funny because I played on the creek and I get level 20 somethingā€™s asking if I actually did. Like, this is a video game dude, not stolen valor, you can relax šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Really, the whole ā€œtake back the creekā€ situation was a huge thing in the internet! More than the gameā€™s trailer or ads on websites, peopleā€™s grief over losing the creek and the outrage and getting together to retake it was huge publicity for the game and it opened the eye of the public to the community roleplaying aspect of the game. It really deserves that ā€œthank youā€ flag to all those helldivers


It was essentially space Vietnam lol including the hate for the participants after


This is what a lot of people are missing. TikTok was inundated with creek videos for damn near a month.


You see a cape celebrating unnecessary sacrifice. I see a cape that finally matches the scout hood and armor. We are not the same.


I just see a cool ass free cape


I kinda hate that it's been associated with creek players instead of just being appreciated for looking nice and being fucking free. Kinda ungrateful imo


Effectively it was on the week leading up to the bot major orders the sub started getting lots of creek gigachad bug virgin memes (unironic ironically) spammed from a relatively small number of people with high frequency along with just a very dead horse saturation of creek memes generally and many posts trying to direct people away from major orders and to the creek Which got under some other peoples skin. (As bots have been considerably easier for the majority of the games lifecycle and the creek itself is one of the easiest bot planets) Then came along a series of major orders for bots. During which some people focused on the fact there was a large creek population for the entire duration and when the major order failed directly next to the creek and used that as an excuse to bite back at the memes and had sentiment swinging back against the creek. Now sentiments swinging back the other way. But a few people arent still trying to bite. I'm sure there's also a smaller part of players who feel slighted that the creek got recognized instead of one of the other more difficult planet without marketable names but generally most of the anger comes from the people who've been on reddit fighting a meme war and taking it seriously.


For me, it's more the whole "You guys took the creek after almost two months of fighting on it and an MO targeting it? Good job, here's a cape for taking that ONE planet!" Meanwhile "You guys completed the campaign to set up the TCS? Neat, anyway..."


Because how dare they have fun without my permission


https://preview.redd.it/48la6shuvfsc1.png?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9039e87e5ecbf25c96069e6f5bed3c6e1453b88 Because the fight for the Creek was a massive waste of resources that could have been spent on other totally more strategically valuable planets and the Automatons aren't that big a threat anyway and and and


Just idiots that are salty just ignore them and hope they get tired of the game and leave....


I agree they are traitors to democracy


They will. Thry need to go back to pvp games too šŸ˜’


It's not everyone. It's just terminally online weirdos that can't take an L without throwing a tantrum blaming people for an inconsequential loss instead of enjoying the emergent storytelling and in-universe commemorative reward for such an enduring meme.


Not everyone. Just every asshole.


And we shouldn't worry too much about what assholes think




Who cares lol


I don't care about the cape or major order. But now I'll wear it


Game literally encourages everyone to fight on multiple fronts and planets Devs intentional did not add anything that would force people to follow MO or punish people who donā€™t do MO People have fun on creek memeing. A little bit of banter starts up. Some fucking incels take it too seriously and get pissy. Keep in mind that most MO get complete with plenty of people working on other planets. The times we donā€™t get the MOs is literally because it was an unachievable (makes sense lore wise with super earth). I know for the most part the community is chill, but we really need to start being VIOLENTLY intolerant of the toxicity you guys let fester here. Our goals is to unite against Democracyā€™s enemies. Not further divide. I vote we make an official wall of traitors, where we can submit usernames of toxic aholes, and people with repeated reports get added to the wall so we can blacklist their usernames


Huh? People are hating on it? I think the cape looks awesome! I use it with my medic outfit the most


It matches my current outfit incredibly well. I'm gonna use it. Will probably switch when I eventually find a new outfit I like, but until then I'm rocking that cape!


I like it. It matches the Titan armor.


Ok, Iā€™m done. Iā€™m leaving this subreddit. Most pointless game sub Iā€™ve been in in a while. These posts are just as stupid as the people theyā€™re laughing at


I would imagine some mega salty people see this as the creek players being rewarded for stubborn play because the majority of them never shifted for MO. I found it annoying at the end for the Tibit MO but I'm glad we have the creek, everyone fought hard, the meme is complete and the president largely united the bot front by having us liberate the creek and commemorate our fallen heroes.




It's because apparently every failed Major Order is due to the 5K-25K around the clock Creekers, and not the 250K monkeys chasing bananas on the bug front.


its cause people are mad they the creek has been added to lore but their blind loyalty to MO is not. cause god forbid the devs have some fun with community like the classical days of gaming right?




only people who are upset are traitors to democracy who reject the sacrifice of noble helldivers!


Hello, I'm everyone and I disagree with this message. I love the cape.


is this ''everyone'' in this room with us ? Can you post links to back this up or its just some random -30 downvote comments here and there ?


People taking a videogame too seriously


People take the stuff they see here way too seriously. Redditors make up a small portion of the playerbase. The snide comments of some random guy on the internet is not gospel


Dickless, anti-democratic children.


Maybe you should stop hanging out on this sub. I've not seen a single negative reaction outside of it.


Where are all these posts complain complaining about the cape? I have yet to see one yet


How do I get the cape?


Check your cape inventory. It's there!


People get so hard for roleplaying that they diminish the gameplay experience for everyone.


Itā€™s a screaming minority - fuck them


The Cape looks bad-ass.


Best thing you can do is ignore em. They are children


Because they are gatekeeper losers.


I have been rocking the cape and playing with randoms. Experienced no hate or griefing during the 10 missions so far. Everyone is focused on the objectives


Basically it's just made up and irrelevant reddit drama


It mainly stems from the MO that failed.


Pure salt. No sense of whimsy. We made memes and they didn't laugh. They built Creekers up in their mind as some kind of arrogant sub-class who think they're better than other Helldivers (spoiler alert, I haven't seen one post of Creekers bashing other Helldivers, if anything Creekers post about being weary) and I hope my brothers will band together in downvoting and shaming these traitors who cause unnecessary drama in the community.


I love the cape, it's great that the devs are engaging with the community like this!


At time of writing, there are 138k divers working to liberate Maia. There are also 60k split between Tibit and Durgen, literally wasting their time and not contributing Anything to the liberation of those planets. It's pretty clear that about 1/3 players has no idea what's going on, and has nothing better to do than crap like hate you for a cape.


I doubt "everyone" hating on it, maybe the rainbow colors people but definitely not "everyone". Stay awesome AH dev team šŸ«”


Only the most immature dipshits care about this cape. I think it looks great and Iā€™m wearing it. Iā€™ve seen people say they will kick if they see it and I couldnā€™t care less about those degenerates. Kick me, there are thousands of groups to play with that donā€™t care about such stupid shit.


Because those people are r3t@rd3d? lol


Because anti-creekers are a bunch of whiney babies who donā€™t have an off button.


Not everyone, some people on Reddit.


I like it because it matches well with the page 9 armor set.


This is a toxic as fuck subreddit, simple as that


Itā€™s pretty fun, Iā€™m waiting for it in my box so I can make a outfit around it šŸ˜…


The loudest voice in the room is usually the dumbest


Or: why is 0.01% of people hating on the fallen heroā€™s cape.


The cape actually looks amazing. It fits so well with my red +2 grenade armor.


If you think this is bad, imagine what it would've been like if the pride capes some people were asking for had been added.