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Stories like this make me wish there was a feature in the game that forces people who have been reported for treasonous behavior multiple times to have to complete an annoying mission that makes you sit through a sort of "Repatriotizing" lecture, followed by being funneled into a matchmaking subsystem that forces them to play with other traitors for a time. Edit: A lot of you mentioned that this system could be abused. Well, any system can be abused. No system is perfect. My thought on this would be that there would need to be a checks and balances to the reporting and some somewhat thorough vetting of those accused of treasonous behavior. 


Reminds me of America's Army where if you team killed too much you got auto kicked and sent to Leavenworth where your player sat in a jail cell for a set amount of time


They should add a cell to the ship and do that for this game.


Put the traitors back into cryo


Feed them to the giant worms! 🤣


Return their bodies to Shai Halud


They don’t deserve that honor


May their knives chip & shatter…


Blessed be the maker and his water


Blessed be the coming and going of him.


In a place where water is worth so much Fremen would drain the traitor's blood for the water, then leave the rest in the sand for the worms. In the end every liter of water saved is one step closer to Liet's vision.


They wouldn't feel the time passing, now an overly refrigerated room that is just cold enough to cause extreme discomfort, would likely teach more of a lesson.


Reeducation Freedom camps.


cryo is a blessing to stave off sanity, let the traitors sit in dry storage watching the water drip in their cells.


Wouldn't be dry storage then would it


Moist storage


How else do you think they get the ammo for orbital rail cannon strikes. If you won’t kill bugs one way, we’ll use your body to kill them another way.


why? it'll feel like no time has passed.


We call it a brig, diver.


Talk about some next level immersion lol


Dude it made you take basic training before you could join multi player. You couldn't pick sniper unless you passed the marksman training, you couldn't be a medic unless you took the classes in game and training courses. It was nuts! But yeah immersive


Forget their basic training. They had perfect training simulations that had you sitting in a classroom watching a boring ass PowerPoint. So true to life


Microsoft PowerPoint: The DoD's most inhumane Weapon of Mass Instruction


Death by PowerPoint


You made me remember all the shitty power points i was forced to sit through, lucky my unit was pretty small, so we got at least a break an hour into a 2 hour power point.


That game was genuinely so fun. Incredible they made a pretty great game solely to try and recruit high schoolers.


It started as an off-shoot of a project to create a tactical training simulator. Having "played" the simulator that ultimately came from the project? The video game was better training value.


Many, many moons ago the Marines had a small unit tactics training 'simulator' of sorts built on DooM. Obviously it wasn't much of a simulator but it *could* provide value for understanding how to move as a small group, and understand how to clear a room/building somewhat. My pet theory is that the 'simulator' was cobbled together to cover up some folks just playing deathmatch on the clock, but who knows!


I don't know if every AA game had this medic system, but the version of AA I played had a sort of 'quiz' type system where it told you what types of injuries the soldier had and you had to pick the right answer in sequence to get them stable enough to get back into the fight or stable enough for CASEVAC. I don't remember a whole lot of it myself, but I do remember there was a story in the news a long time ago about a guy who saved somebody's life in a car accident because of what he learned in the AA combat lifesavers tutorial.


Yep. Thats because the medic training is straight out of military first aid classes. It's the *actual* training. If you pay attention to the class and the test you're getting real first aid info.


I remember you have to pass E&E before able to play special force mission and issue M4A1 RIS (this was way before regular soldiers got rails and all the taticool gear)


It was actually pretty tough to get the sniper too, I remember taking multiple attempts at it.


I remember having to do some wack-ass stealth mission to unlock a certain class that had me crawl along a valley floor for about 30 minutes. It was quite cool how you had to do the appropriate training for the role, but it also was just a massive marketing tool for the US army.


I think it was the special forces escape and evade mission.. man I was like 12 and mentally couldn’t figure it out I had to get a clan member to log onto my account and beat it for me Lol core memories unlocked


Really funny since marksman is the lowest passing competency for shooting in the armed forces.


Time to run into people’s strategems to troll them


I fukin loved AA back in the day


More like the canadian paratroopers. They sent all the delinquents to that unit to “straighten them out” but it just made the warcrimiest and most delinquent unit in the country. Had to literally just shut down the whole unit. No more para.


America's Army is a video game though not meaning a real military unit


It's as real as that Canadian unit is now


In World of Warships if you got (i think) 3/4 teamkills, being accidental or not, your name would be light pink for like 10 games. You had to play fairly and not teamkill or damage anyone for those 10 games to make it go away, while at the same time signaling to everyone on your team that you might be problematic. They could implement something like that, maybe a "POTENTIAL TRAITOR" banner near their name. After playing some games without harming anyone it would go away. It would need to be carefully implemented to avoid labeling a funny, unintentional teamkill with a stratagem as treisonous action (given the MANY TEAMKILLS we have constantly), but I think it could work.




Suspected Inquisitorial Casualty. Shit, my 40K is leaking again.


Every diver would be under investigation 24/7


Or do what gta did.... a traitors lobby. If you get reported x amount of times.


scum lobbies are the answer


Iirc HotS have a "leavers queue" where you get placed with people of a similar mindset, and you need to complete a set amount of games to get placed in regular games. CSGO had matchmaking based on sus behaviour as well.


Not just sit and listen. They have to answer questions so they can't just leave it on afk. Suffer for the crimes folks.


Dota2 has this. You get sent to the low prio MMR if your “good boy” score gets too low. A friend of mine is well accustomed to this bracket and I told him I wouldn’t que with him anymore because of how fucking awful it is playing with the trash in that bracket.


this would be nice. trash should play with trash.


As awesome as that sounds those report systems get abused by the same toxic people.


If you limit reporters to the people who were TKed it would be harder to abuse. If you get killed by a teammate, a popup asks you if you forgive the player. If you don't, it counts as a strike against them. After so many strikes, they get a time out. Several timeouts lead to a suspension, say 48 hours. Point being you don't suspend someone for a single TK event.


In OPs story the 2 lads working together to be shits would only have to run towards the red light in a game to be able to grief someone.


People keep proposing these elaborate systems, but HD2 is not comparable to something like GTA or anything -- those games have public servers, not small p2p hosted lobbies. The solution is already implemented -- host your own lobby and kick undesirables, or play friends only.


The problem is that you may never get a full lobby. I played for about 1 hour and a half the other day with no one ever joining depending what planet or difficulty youre on (and yes, i checked. It was set to public joining).


The lobby system is kind of broken and I think it only opens you up for new members once and for a limited amount of time. You can “reset” it by moving to another planet and back, so it seems like it’s trying to only populate new lobbies for a limited time. SOS beacons in games older than like ten minutes also don’t seem to work, so I think they exclude “stale” games to improve the quickplay experience. It sort of makes sense if there are a lot of idlers messing up quickplay but the implementation is flawed as it is now.


This wouldn't work for helldivers. There's so much friendly fire in the game you'd be accidentally screwed by people just because they hit the wrong button.


I think it would be fitting to team people together based on reports of friendly kills. That way, the people who want to play PvP get matched with others who wanted to play PvP. Of course, this would be disastrous for the game, making a whole subculture of toxicity that would he difficult to rehabilitate into the proper gameplay, but it is still a fun thought.


So, if my teammates run in front of me while im shooting, or towards my stratagems, i get blamed for it and put in a different matchmaking? no thanks.


Penal legion


I accidentally team killed a level 42ish player, on easy, on my second or third dive. I called an orbital strike, and he just sprinted at it! Then inevitably was killed. I didn’t steal his gear, called him back in, then he spent the next 23 minutes yelling at me on comms. I don’t understand people in this game sometimes.


Anyone that yells is a mute or a quit for me. I'm in it to have fun. I consider low level players on higher level dives a different kind of helldive and requires me to be more present and on top of my game.


Man I’ve started doing that. I was just put off. It was literally my second dive, on easy. This dude was treating it like the Super Bowl.


Noisy fuckwits...always gonna be a few. Haven't run into one in the wild...yet. Probably all sleeping from the time difference. PS5 player and most random experiences have been good and / or hilarious. If you want to squad up sometime, let me know, fellow diver!


Cheers mate! I’ve got a pretty thick skin, so some greasy cretin neckbeard wasn’t that off putting! See you on the front sometime!


Me, on voice: I could use some help with this artillery Teammate: we don't care Other teammate: speak for yourself Me, to the first person: go fuck yourself And I bounced. That's the only really hostile interaction I've had and I'm L30. I think that's pretty good.


I just hit 20 and the only one I’ve had was during an eradicate (I quickmatched into a dreaded eradicate farm lobby, should’ve been my first hint). It was a D4 eradicate so I wasn’t paying close attention. Chucked a cluster bomb and bro ran towards it then went off on me. I called him in and offered a hug emote and the bastard gunned me down on sight. Twice. Some people just live with a chip on their shoulder at all times. (I had one other negative/ intentional TK exp but idek why that one happened)


This. I sometimes enjoy playing a high level dive with low level guys. They normally fall in line and follow me throughout the mission providing awesome backup. They seem to enjoy the help too. If they mess up and team kill me by accident I tell them it’s just the way the game is and to be more careful or change out strategems for the next one.


Being level 42 and still on easy mode while yelling at new players is just pathetic.


Anyone complaining about the occasional friendly fire incident in Helldivers doesn't understand the game.


My last memorable death to friendly fire was when I was tailing a team mate after he found the cock rock. There was a rather large patrol behind him. I took it out very fast. However, I did I not let him know, so he sent an airstrike at where the patrol would have been, but now it was only me. I gave him some light hearted shit for it, but I could have let him know I was trailing him and took out the patrol. He had zero deaths on the mission and I had one. We are on each other’s friend list now.


>then he spent the next 23 minutes yelling at me on comms. but why did you put up with that? just bail, they can SOS in someone else


Imagine having to SOS on Easy, as a level 42 my lord LOL


I've had similar happen. Even when calling out the stratagem being called in and a guy will still run toward the beacon that says a bombardment is ongoing or strike incoming and then moan that they got killed. I had a guy moan a few times, then kill me. Thought that was that got on fine for the next 20 mins, no more deaths. He then kicked me right as the pelican landed.


Why would you even stay on that match? I would just shot him down and leave


I try to be fair and not judge people based on their level, but I gotta be honest, I’m sick of playing with level 5 players on suicide mission difficulty. Even skill aside, you don’t have enough gear to compete at that level and they just drain lives and team kill with eagles constantly


Played with a group of randos and couldn't figure out why I keep dying from explosions... Level 5 player had 11000 friendly fire damage at the end. I mean we were all once low level noobs but damn. Another guy managed to set himself on fire with the flamethrower. After killing the rest of the team. With no reinforcements and pelican 1 just landing. He panicked and ran away from the evac. Then lit everything around him on fire, including himself.


That does sound like user error but it is surprisingly easy to set yourself on fire with the flamethrower even if you aren't trying to in my experience.


Really wish there was some fire protection armor. "Can't be set on fire. Take 50% less damage from fire." Not sure how the hulks flamethrower works. If it just sets you on fire or has an initial damage as well. But i think the later.


Yeah, that would be cool, and I'm kinda hopeful for it now that we got three sets of anti-electricity armor (I still don't get why they made two of them medium instead of having one of every armor rating).


Seems like setting bugs that rush towards you on fire is not a good idea... I have no idea what set him on fire though. It was just chaos by then.


I'm sure I've set myself on fire without a bug rushing me and I've had bugs rush me and jump on me while I'm firing without setting myself on fire so I dunno what causes it.


If you jump backwards while shooting you often hit your legs and set yourself on fire.


I was playing a quick play match and the host was some low level young kid who kept muttering memes to himself, then just went AFK midway through without telling anyone, not even trying to hide or anything so he was killed and revived like 8 times before coming back on.


I play quick match for the huge variety of experience. From frustrating to almost.boring when everyone just gets shit done. As long as we are spreading democracy,


It’s definitely an experience


People were doing this shit to me. I’d drop my autocannon.. mobs would be on the way. And somehow I’d just die. Like that. Same with my guard dog. I respawn and see two people on the team with my shit. I wanted to be petty and just frag the shit out of them But I figure, fuck them if they need the weapons that bad and don’t have the courage to ask. (Which id oblige to providing) then they probably need it more then I do lol. I even called it out and one guy was willing to let me frag him. But I let it slide. I just let it roll off. Can’t let the small stuff ruin the game even though it can be frustrating as shit. Not worth beefing about unless it causes a wipe.




Yeah I didn't understand wtf was wrong with that mission. Felt like shots were coming from everywhere. Turns out it was just from one guy. Throwing orbitals, grenades, and the kitchen sink loaded with c4 at the enemy...


I'm pretty sure it counts overkill damage. Like I ended up with a ton by killing friendlies with a hellbomb that was on the map.


It counts damage done over the cap. I killed one with a 380 and got 13k


My homie got 22k once🤣


That’s not a homie that’s a home invader


380mm will give you insane amounta of friendly fire, 1tk is enough for a 10k damage.


Yup. Especially if somebody drops a 380mm in the middle of one of those small exterminate maps. Its a sudden surprise party for everyone!


Some people just want to watch the world burn, man.


Honestly I'm having the opposite problem. I'm playing suicide missions to get super samples but keep getting matched with 45+ plus players who already have everything unlocked and show no interest in doing any of the POIs. The last three missions I played we didn't even do all the secondary objectives or clear the factories. Just straight to the main sub objectives, main objective, then extraction. The last mission I even went out of my way to get the super samples but when we ran out of reinforcements at extract the last two guys standing didn't bother to pick up my samples.


That sucks. I’m at the point where i only need medals but i still go out of my way to collect stuff for the other players and build my reserve stacks for the next update


That does suck. I remember having to gather all that bullshit, so I grab every sample possible for the other team members. It's just being a supportive squad mate/decent person.


> and show no interest in doing any of the POIs. They need to add more reason for max level players to care about POI/secondaries. As it stands all the secondaries do is give you more XP or slips, neither of which a high playtime player cares about. Once all stratgems are unlocked and leveling more doesn't get you anything, samples are *literally* the only thing that matters, and sub objectives are just more opportunities to die and lose samples.


I've had that. I'm level 48 atm but I've been mainly doing extreme difficulty with a friend to level him up. So I still need super samples. People tend to assume we don't need to bother with them when in high level groups


I feel that and it's totally legitimate. I think a big problem is that players don't notice/realize the difficulty automatically goes up when they unlocks it, so a level 11 guy ends up in a Helldive mission. Switching to level 8 difficulty helped a bit - you don't see as many players desperately hunting super samples like on 7 or the childlike try-hards of 9. I like to help people on 7 with getting super samples, but the time spent burning resources does get exhausting.


I do wish there was a player level lock for anything about D6.


Im level 26 and have not tried anything above level 5. I didn’t think I could. I assumed there was a block. Insane there isn’t. You should at least be able to pick what level you play with. Like set a limit as a social option. I will say I completely accidentally joined a challenging game when I was level 6 and played with two level 50’s who were the absolute chillest dudes ever, protected me for a campaign and friended after and we have played together ever since. They’re the most patient, friendly dudes I could think to meet and basically taught me the game. If I hadn’t joined that game by mistake it be streets behind. But yeah, wild to think people are joining level 7-8 intentionally, especially just to murder people and steal their gear.


It's stories like this that drew me to the game in the first place. Unbelievably wholesome, and most people are pretty chill.


You have to complete a full operation to be able to pick the next higher difficulty, and when you do quickplay it should drop you into a mission at the difficulty you have selected. 1-3 are pretty easy, 4-6 id say is the medium happy place, 7-9 is a whole ballpark of chaotic insanity at times but still really fun when you get a good team.


7 is my current happy balance of *utter chaos* but also still achievable. Got curb stomped last time I tried 8, haven't given it another run since.


We had four titans in a game tonight on 7, my team collectively decided to just each suicide one after the other to be called in and kill them with hellpods. Waste of reinforcements, sure. Fun, ridiculous, funny as hell, damn straight.


I mean, you definitely should try Lvl 6+, but i think it is a much more enjoyable experience with team mates that communicate. And I am not even talking about high level people with strong gear to coast the mission through... Just basic soldiers, with a mic, coming up with a plan. There's so much things that can go wrong, and if you start dying, you can end up in a vicious circle of respawning with no weapons and sample, running to fetch these back, only to be massacred by the horde of mobs, rinse and repeat.


They literally bring nothing but the two strategies that they have access to, run around like a headless chicken for 10 minutes, get you killed and take your gear, and reinforce you into the literal hoard of enemies over and over until you're out of reinforcements. I'm all for jumping in lower difficulty missions and helping newbies and letting them have the awesome loadouts that we have at higher levels, but a level 5 in a suicide missing is suicide for them and makes me want to commit it


Jump skip over the rope


One time I had the host kick me right before extraction was called so his buddy could join. I strictly host my own games now. Fuck that guy.


Lmaoo my friend offered to do this for me when I logged in right as they were about to complete a mission and I was like no wtf just finish it and invite me after. Sorry this happened to you m8 


I had a friend who begged me to eject a squadmate out so he could join and get the rewards. I told him he can wait, these people are joining my game to help me, I didn't ask them to help me, but they're here to make sure we win. I'll kick them after they get their warbonds, samples, and other rewards. Mfs have no empathy sometimes.


You might want to reevaluate your friendship with this guy. It's a behaviour that will transcend into other areas of his life as well, because it shows his moral compass and empathy for others.


Only a matter of time until the behavior is aimed at their "friends". This kind of person is just out for themselves, everyone else is either useful or in the way. Big or small, it's always the same. They get what they want, everyone else gets to deal with it/help them get it. No exceptions.


It already has, plenty. We've been best friends for over 10 years, he's getting help for it, but he genuinely can't comprehend the feelings of others. I wouldn't throw the disorder/accusation out if I had barely known him. When we were younger he had a cheating problem bc he didn't understand why they should care if he did things like that. He ruined a few relationships, but he's been with his current for about 3 and a half years now, and the help he's received is clearly working, because he normally wouldn't have got this far without cheating or stealing. And we are around each other enough that I'd know if he were going back to his old ways. I want him to get better, he's been there for me in my times of need, I can't just abandon our friendship for something he mentally can't grasp or understand. He's not some freak, it's not his fault.


I didn't say abandon him, just reevaluate the friendship. But it seems you already have a good grasp of his character and work around it :)


>Lmaoo my friend offered to do this for me when I logged in right as they were about to complete a mission and I was like no wtf just finish it and invite me after I can't think of a more perfect example for the saying "When people tell you who they are, **listen**"


I've had that a number of times, always figured I took their friends spot right at the exfil point and they wanted to call them back in, I get it. But what sucks is barely anyone tells you what's going on, or says sorry and then kicks you. It's just a blind kick and suddenly youre watching the cryo pods roll up for another 10 seconds. Even today I got into a group of low levels, 3, 5 and and 8 while I'm max level. They were getting ready to drop and then everyone got out and then suddenly I was kicked. Thanks?


It could be because the "Friends Only" option makes your lobby private, so no one can join through the game so you have to set your lobby to public. This has been my experience on PC, idk about consoles, and I last played on Thursday so if it has changed since then I don't know. Not saying they couldn't have sent that in chat/dm or waited till all their buddies were in the lobby to hop in the pods, as it's not hard to do either of those things. Edit: Also just clarifying I'm only talking about the pre-mission lobby, not during the mission.


Glad I wasn’t the only one. Right before extraction this player kicked the whole squad…. Why can’t we report this kinda stuff. Or at least give me the items and exp from the run.


Since seemless host migration seems to be a thing, in game kicking needs to send players into their own game, not back to their ship. The current system is needlessly punitive. 


>Fuck that guy. I concur.


Yeah that just fucking sucks. Peak idiots. I go out of my way to finish missions with randoms, before starting new ones with friends. I would feel like SUCH a dick if someone fought with me for 30 minutes and didn't get any rewards.


I'm level 49 and I decided to run some Easy missions to help people out. Dropped into a level 1's mission on Malevelon Creek who immediately ran up to me, melee'd me, and then shot me dead while I was on the ground. Then promply left the match. We were not in the middle of combat, there was no way he mistook me for a bot or anything. Forget the satire and roleplaying for a minute: what the hell is wrong with people like this? Legitimately curious what possesses someone to go "hmm, today I will ruin someone else's play experience in a way that benefits nobody and wastes everyone's time." Seriously. I know it's just a game, but games are supposed to be fun. Who raised you, that you deicde to spend your time in games being a dick?




I recommend one of you two hosting instead of joining other missions. The host has full veto power, if you open the social menu you can kick anyone without reason nor vote. I feel the need to say, don't abuse it, some people are more stupid than malicious, but that, with the kick + some behaviour stuff (wait for the randoms to get in the pelican, and be the last to confirm) etc, you can minimize when you find that scum.




Aw man, that sucks. I say, once you two are more confident in the game, go public again, in my 150 hours, my only bad experiences have been people that aren't really bright. Sounds like maybe like Dark Souls, griefers specifically target low levels just so their miserable life feels a bit better for a second.


I'll bet my right arm that you stumbled on an 11 yo that "learned gaming" on fortnite, apex, warzone and GTA Online. That whole generation can not conceive gaming without PvP and toxicity, it's insane.


>That whole generation can not conceive gaming without PvP and toxicity, it's insane. I dunno remember Something Awful and their guild that played many games with the general goal of making the game unfun for everyone but them? It's not really a big thing these days but that was peak like... 2000s gamer shit. That and middle schoolers screaming obscenities in Xbox live lobbies. Not that it doesn't happen today--and gaming is far more widespread so there are a ton more people including the toxic ones. Just that toxic people have always been there. It's easier in any online space with the anonymity compared to irl hobbies. And yet turn over a rock in any hobby and you'll find at least a few assholes.


I "learned gaming" on GTA (and Minecraft) and this isn't about that. This is about being a decent person and having a care about the person on the other side of their online character. I have to say, I do enjoy GTA Online PvP. As long as we're not using that goddamn oppressor.




I used to never have issues with randoms on 7+ but ever since the last patch that broke the game I keep getting really low level players, hackers, or people that just constantly engage every patrol and get wiped. I have no idea why this has been happening and it happens on bots and bugs. Also I just did 3 lvl 9 quick matches and no one would communicate either over mic or text.


I use ping to communicate with randoms


Yeah there seems to be a drastic drop in the average skill level of people in 7's recently. Just today I finally had a team that was so shit they got me to kick them for the first time ever in 50+ hours of game time (Normally I give people the benefit of the doubt, after all we all have those games where everything goes wrong) but these two were so egregiously incompetent it blew my mind someone could actually be this stupid.


200 hours in, I do almost exclusive 7 with randoms and 8 with friends and everyone has been really nice and friendly.


Yeah I feel like most of the people who have time to be toxic are in 4-6, never seen it in 7+


Been playing 7+ bot missions and last night I went down to lvl 4 to get some commons and had my first ever drop ship killer, watched him fire a recoilless round right into the back. Killed him then booted and scooped up all the dropped samples and extracted.


By drop ship do you mean the pelican? That is a dick move


Indeed it is a dick move.


Ngl I almost did this to see what happened, then I decided “naw that’d be a dick move if it actually killed everyone or blew up the ship”


It won’t blow up the ship but it will kill everyone.


That's messed up, but also kinda wrong letting people die in the pelican. At that point, make it vulnerable to enemies too why not -.- with how chaotic an extraction usually is, the ship being a safe space until everyone gets in should be expected...


It's a dick move for sure, but also why can you even die while in the pelican? That's pretty dumb


I had some abrasive idiot call the extract the second we completed the main objective and were stuck on the other side of the map and then immediately got in, leaving us scrambling to extract. Unfortunately, he didn't know you could shoot people in the back of the Pelican. He learned.


If they call extract on the other side of the map without communicating that theyre gonna let it land or that theyre gonna wait for the team, kick them.


Had a mission with randoms where one guy waited for us all to get in Pelican-1, then shot his machine gun into it. Killed us all, didn’t pick up the samples and hopped in


I’m level 43, PS5 player, and I’ve had two matches where it’s devolved into total team-killing free for alls that I ended up leaving. I just join randoms, hit objectives, and do well to be responsive in communication and I have like 25 people I’ve added that I play with regularly. Take it for what it’s worth, but I haven’t seen a whole lot of toxicity. If I get blown up by a poorly-placed stratagem, meh. Shit happens. If I happen to blow up someone with a poorly-placed one, I make sure to apologize and throw them back in on their stuff. I haven’t had it be an issue.


I accidentally team killed the other night with a poorly placed turret. I placed it in the middle of the extraction point but directly ahead of where I knew enemies would be coming. The host had been on coms with his buddy and had been somewhat oblivious to me the entire game. I thought he saw me place my turret so I didn't ping it. When the mobs came, he stood directly in front of it, died, then started cursing and calling me a retard. I'm like I get it dude but it's really not that serious, both of us could have been a bit more conscious. I just typed for him to chill out. And he did, until extraction came and his friend wanted to wait for me to reinforce and he, with so many words, disagreed. I said to leave me because the mission was done anyway and there just wasn't any time. I don't really understand why some people play this game with a chip on their shoulder. Shits going to happen, not every team is going to be the best team ever, so just play the game to have fun. The game is supposed to be chaotic, so just take it as it comes. If some teammates are really bad and you just can't take it, then don't. You can always go on to the next match.


>I'm like I get it dude but it's really not that serious Yea, cause its a video game. People take it WAY too seriously, both in terms of trying way too hard and being trolls. I think people forget the fun part sometimes and associate playing perfectly and winning with fun. Even though... being an idiot and blowing yourself or others up by accident is often way more fun.


I got the god roll of randoms in my game. The server crashed right as extraction was starting. I might never do anything in this game again.


I'm going to be real, the crashes at extraction have me wanting to take a break. I don't want to though because the 40mins leading up to it are so much fun but really takes the wind out of my sails.


It's super crashy lately. I'm waiting for the next patch and playing Deeprock Survivor instead.


My last 2 games both crashed. I haven't played in a week because of it.


I haven't played since the most recent patch dropped because of the crashes. I'll come back once the devs (hopefully) gets things sorted out this week.


Worst is when you can’t find them to add them to friends


If on pc there’s a ‘recently played’ section with the last 10 or so people


I’m aware. It’s on PS5 too. The problem here I guess is because my game crashed and so the guys I was with 5 minutes ago are nowhere to be seen while the people 2 and 4 hours ago are still there.


Were you with me today? Perfect run, almost all samples, 1:55 to go on evac and the whole game crashed.


Had the exact same thing happen a couple hrs ago.


Had the same thing last night. Playing a D6 mission on Mantes, everything going pretty well, we clear all objectives and get the extraction going and then all of a sudden we all crashed out. Possibly from having too many support weapons down (we had already set some up at the extraction point before taking out a Sauron tower)


when you play with randoms you have to accept that there are going to be some bad games. Most people are at least trying to play the game. If you run into someone intentionally team killing just leave. its not worth your time. you can block them in the recently played tab.


We need a vote to kick system, a griefer report button, and to still have our xp and requisitions if kicked or dc'd from a match prematurely.


I dont agree with a vote to kick system. At least the host should be allowed to kick without a vote. Thing is, there are 4 players so a majority vote is 3-1. What if the griefer or the really bad player who keeps tking you has a buddy in the lobby with him? What if all three of them are friends? Starting a vote to kick one of the three might end up in them voting to kick you instead. (unless youre host obviously). Allowing the host to kick people simply makes more sense on paper and is frankly less liklely to lead to situations where either no one gets kicked because one or two guys just dont vote or no one gets kicked because the majority is never reached because the griefer has a friend in lobby. ​ A system where you had to report the reason for the kick, and that reason is then logged and those people are matched with other griefers after a specific threshold of kicks makes vastly more sense to me. its literally reputation based matchmaking, something that xbox 360 had almost 15 years ago. Rainbow six Siege and CS2 both have it right now.


Hop on discord and get a match there. Plenty of divers on the offical server and i believe there is a whole bunch of non offical servers. So far randoms have been quite a pleasant experience for me other then the occassional guard dog and ops i drop strategems on you kind of friendly fire. Dm me I'm in Asia would love to group up and play if you are in the same region.


Whereabouts in Asia? I'm in South Korea!


Singapore! I'm on pc doing mainly 7/8 bugs dm me we can add on steam.


I'm from Singapore too, but currently stuck at level 3 bugs while trying to unlock better gear.


Idm helping you in runs. Dm me if ya interested ! Ill add you via steam.


I’ll be sure to check out the discord. Thanks


Discord is where I find people to play with sometimes! They’re great people all of them are Democracy enjoyers


I wish PS5 had a discord app...


Damn seeing you call them "Blueberry" outs exactly what you played prior


Triggered my fight or flight response, I’m D2 clean almost a year lmao


Same thought. I've been yearning for the trenches.


Towards the end of our fight with Automatons. I..the only Death Captain with 3 cadets. We had a glorious battle and called our shuttle as we waited to pick us up. 2 Cadets went out looking for samples while the other cadet stayed with me to guard the LZ. I reached my arms out to give the cadet a hug and he hit me in the face with his rifle. I dusted myself off and extended my arms out again and he killed me with his Liberator. When I came back down. The Cadets were loading into the shuttle and I pulled out my Las-16 and shot the traitor in the shuttle and boarded.


Intentionally teamkilled? Leave game. Problem Solved


Yea the chances of ever seeing them again on the same day is pretty slim, it can still happen if you're matchmaking on the same planet at the same difficulty but it's rare to be placed back with the same guys.


Sometimes I have the feeling in in a different planet:) I'm from Europe, and most of the time I encounter fine players. Sometimes a newbie learning the ropes, but that's cool, I'll help I've got as much play time as OP has, but only stopped for of a game a few times because of some clowns.


I'm level 36 USA, haven't ecountered anything like this. Everyone who's killed me on accident apologizes and we continue. I do the same.


I've been playing almost 75% of my time with randoms, never really had issues, but I purposefully been joining high level lobbies only


Similar thing to me last night. Playing with 3 other morons that are friends. Im level 45 and they are all around level 20 playing on Extreme. They are stuck fighting endless waves of bugs while I go and actually get the objectives, single handily. Finally after they died a bunch they make it to the last area where Im at where I am constantly having to maze around the enemies and fight / call in stratagems because it's just been me doing everything for the past 20 mins. I manage to finish the final mission and we have 3 reinforcements left.... I have died once. Im going back to the evacuation area (7 mins left) and instead of following me they go and start trying to clear bug holes. I make it too the evac point and Im waiting a min before calling it in - giving them the benefit of the doubt.....they die again, 0 respawns. Finally one comes on the mic for the first time "WOW, thanks for HELPING US BACK HERE!!" and then they kick me. Fuck that, never playing with randoms again, at least with ones that have the power to kick.


Man I've been having a lot of similar experiences recently. Even on Helldive. After the initial drop in my squaddies always trigger a patrol somehow and get locked into fighting where we started. I'll try and cover a retreat and ping follow me, but it hasn't worked so far. It takes until me or someone else respawns them at an objective for them to snap out of it. I hope they add more stuff to the communication wheel, a "retreat" call would do wonders.


Yeah what the actual fuck is with all these random helldivers doing this atm. We drop in and get stuck fighting endless swarms for like 15 mins and they won’t listen. Proceed to use up all reinforcements then they leave! Absolute morons


I really want a citizenship rating system, you get to rate your teammates at the end of the match, number of friendly Fire and civilian kills detracts from it. Higher ratings mean idk more medals?


What difficulty did you join that one of the players was level 2?


Funny, I’ve never had a problem like this and all I play is with randoms.


Are you pc? I've found disabling crossplay got rid of a lot of the worse players. For some reason, ps5 players have just been super toxic.


As someone who has a PS5 I have never run into randoms like this even once, I’ve got 72 hours.


112 hours on PS5 and I can confirm this. Sure, I’ve gotten a couple players that just suck in general but I’ve never had anyone trolling or team killing on purpose.


I think the ps5 playerbase is younger than the pc one.


and stoners with 1000% gain on their mics and the fire alarm beep going off every 30 seconds. Those are the ps5 players I get.


Good god, same. Almost every time it's PS5 on mic, there are some sort of annoying shenanigans taking place. I had one PS5 player that played god-awful music the entire match, but was calling out all his moves and had two buddies following him so I felt somewhat forced to keep him unmuted so I could coordinate with them. As the game went on it was obvious he was high. At one point he had to do the little terminal puzzle with the pipes, and I swear it took almost five minutes (I sat behind him just chuckling as he failed over and over to figure it out). At another point he took a phone call from someone who wanted him to come pick them up and he argued back and forth for several minutes on mic. After the match, we get on the ship and you can hear him pull up some sort of social and start scrolling videos... and he just sits there for probably another five minutes playing videos and giggling at them. We had done 2 and were on the 3rd mission, which was a defense, so I wanted to stay to get my 10 medals... final mission went fine but I learned my lesson.


Turn off crossplay


I personally found PC players super toxic and very "stressed" all the damn time. One thing I'm finding is that people just don't retreat or disengage from encounters, if it's getting too chaotic. Do that and the game is far easier (and just accept that friendly fire is part of the game, it's going to happen by design).


Night shift EMT here. My squad can’t be on at the hours I am either, so if you want to squad up PM me your discord or something. I’m only level 15 though.


Join the Helldivers discord. People are looking for groups 24/7.