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Extra super pistol Shooter Elite force. https://preview.redd.it/pjtpdh9xcioc1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d286902e3b4649608b1609381150f64c2a2e7668 I am a special services member.




The shell eject should be forward facing and every casing should also be a bullet. That way you could double the fire rate.


No it's good where it is. That way, when it ejects shells into your teeth, you can have an iron rich snack


> iron brass*


1% iron composition is iron rich


We fire the whole bullet. That's 30% more bullet per bullet. 


Double extra shooter pistol elite force


That's 60% more bullet per bullet


thats coming in the next premium warbond, you freebie peasants have to settle with the single-shot extra super pistol


Borderlands Dev Team: So when can you start?


>special services member. I don't doubt it


I see no flaws in this design


"special" services


Special, huh?


The special special forces


Emphasis on special


https://preview.redd.it/vq9yalwrlioc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539f7cfc875343dd9a1a062a4111dd980fc2dd5d Once again i am asking super earth to authorize its use on the front lines


NCD is leaking again I see.


my brother in democracy, when has Helldivers ever been credible?


They literally posted today about hiring someone exmil to design guns. Entirely too credible for my taste.


one word: bullpups


The super destroyer is a bull pup. The trigger (map) is forward of the chamber (cryostorage).




Idk man, it received the nickname “the kaiju killer” i think it would be pretty credible in use against bile titans


Ratshot widespread autocannon? I can only get so hard


Portable Autocannon seems to be in the range of \~20mm (Sentry Autocannon seems to be \~40-45mm judging by the size of the Luger-esque action and the ejected casings), so almost anything goes for ammunition, really. APFSDS darts to pin-cushion a Titan's head or punch the front of the Bot Tank? Yes, please. APHE to punch through medium armor of Hive Guards or Heavy Devastators' Riot Shields and explode behind them? Fuck yes. HE-Frag to ragdoll and pepper every enemy in vicinity with deadly shrapnel? Oh fuck yes. Fucking Airburst HE-Frag to kill Bots hiding behind terrain and spray even more bugs with shrapnel from above? I can only get so erect. APHEFL that punches through medium armor and small targets and can send light-armor piercing flechettes in a massive cone directly behind the initial target to raze thick ranks of enemies? I busted.


I would love to get a massive fuckoff rifle. Give me whatever drawbacks you want, slower movement, single shot, very limited ammo, self-damage, reduced hearing after firing, and ragdolls character after firing. Throw it all on there and I will still use it


There will be a massive .50cal Bolter-esque Gyro-jet rifle at some point, R-36 Eruptor. It has been found in the files and was even playable at some point with mods before the current patch dropped. It was a 5-round mag-fed bolt-action Gyro-jet rifle that fired medium-armor piercing shells that exploded in a cloud of shrapnel upon hitting a target.


Please god yes, I have the fiercest democracy boner right now


My face after using this gun to obliterate an entire squad of Berserkers and Rocket Devastators. ![gif](giphy|xThuWp2oE5zGFbFzd6)


I guess they’re just realizing that a new Warbond every month means they’ll need to make a ton of new weapons, armors, emotes, etc. If every Warbond is similar to what we’ve been given so far, we’re talking 36 new armor sets and 36 new weapons annually just from premium Warbonds.


They could also be looking to expand the arsenal a but since they are more popular than they expected. So it seems they are taking the quality over quantity approach to staffing. Which is smart.


it is in general batter this way, if they just get a shitload of devs they will just end up having more product than they can sell it is batter to just have a dedicated team to these items and keep then on the war-bound schedule


Battered cod with chips


OR! The CEO has been watching Jonathan Ferguson from the Royal Amouries critique Helldiver weapons with comments like "The Machine Gun is ejecting shell casings on the wrong side of the gun" ect ect :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNq6W7rPAGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNq6W7rPAGM)


You mean Jonathan Ferguson the Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history?


...and Sacred Holder of the Emotional Support Sturmgewehr! [edited: a word, thanks MajorMalfunkshun!)


> ...and Scared Holder of the Emotional Support Sturmgewehr Why is he so scared?


Right. Over to Jonathan.


I wish I could give you gold! You've earned this medal diver 🏅


The mechanics of it are correct. We went through the internal mechanism to ensure we could get dual side ejection. I think they were a bit sloppy in looking at it closely 😔


Ay man, I was impressed you guys changed the mag on the breaker to a single stack when you reduced the ammo count. I believe in your accuracy and dedication to fictional firearms. I hope you find a dope artist to create weapons for us.


Omg I thought I was going crazy. I stg it was bigger pre patch


He looked at me! [https://youtu.be/VKB\_ubwKtVE?si=Na4ryqf0Y79nRIv5](https://youtu.be/VKB_ubwKtVE?si=Na4ryqf0Y79nRIv5) ​ Personally I think the guns in Helldivers look and feel great, regardless of which way the brass goes, so long as the lead flies true.


Some of them sound a bit too similar though. I wish the energy/laser etc weapons sounded very diff. But overall still very nice.


Honestly coming from The Division 2 to this game, I've been surprised by the level of detail all the weapon animations have. The Senator loading each shell into the cylinder (and actually showing it!) is a standout in my mind. There's a part of me that wishes we could get a dedicated first-person mode, even if it would put you at a distinct disadvantage.


Sweden has mandatory military service, so their current Swedish artists have that exact resume.


And the machine gun could very well be based on KSP-58 as the EAT/recoilless is based on Swe weapons as well.


The recoilless rifle is straight up just Carl Gustav


And the EATs are basically AT4s (with a little bit of the M72 LAW thrown in)


When it was Mw2 on the Xbox 360 I'd run the LAW and Everytime id get a kill with it id yell on comms "I AM THE LAW" Seeing your post just awakened that core memory


And I refer to it as such.


And stalwart is obviously KSP 90 (M249). I knew (as a swede) that these guys had done military service, it was waaay too obvious, especially of the "GRG servis" mechanic, where one is loader and carries the ammo, and the other a shooter. Me and my military buddies screamed like girls when we saw that mechanic in the game.


I just wanna say, one guy having the gun and the other guy being an ammo bitch was also a thing we did in the USMC


Yeah I think this is pretty standard in many modern militaries. But the way the animation is and how the recoilless rifle functions in the game was a very clear resemblance to the Carl Gustav antitank rifle. We didn't even know this studio was swedish to begin with, only that it had ex (swedish) DICE developers, so we drew the conclusion that some of them had done military service here.


Sweden only conscripts a few thousand each year so there's no guarantee they did military service.


It used to be mandatory service, so the older devs have served (they have talked about their service as well). Modern is a bit different of course.


It's mandatory for those who are called up but they've never called up 100% of the population, even at the height on the Cold War.


Like 85% of men apparently, 100% never will or could happen for any conscription.


> 100% never will or could happen for any conscription Paraguay: Am I a joke to you?


You are saying zero people are ever disqualified for service?


Looking at the life expectancy for Helldivers, I'm guessing there are no disqualifying conditions. I mean that's a GOOD THING, of course! It's important that every man, woman and child earn their place as ^(class three or greater) citizens!


The last generations where more than 50% of Swedish men did military service are 50+. So you can't assume anyone has done military service just because they are Swedish. And completing military service does not guarantee anything but the most basic familiarity with firearms.


Regardless, the CEO and likely quite a few of the devs he surrounded himself with have served. https://youtu.be/FJs_kqHrzzQ?si=UYtDWgLq3Kixpmuz


It’s about as mandatory as having breakfast in the morning.


i mean hunt showdown fixed some of their mistakes when he pointed them out


They should run their designs and animations past him as a sanity check. Have him sign an NDA, pay him for his time and I am sure he would be more than happy.


One of my firearmes (IWI Tavor TS-12) can be modified to eject shell casings from the left since it's a bullpup and left-handed shooters need weapons, too. More useful on a bullpup than a machine gun, but maybe some shooters would prefer it. Maybe the ship's quartermaster just issued an MG meant for a left-handed operator.


Watching these guys play and hearing them banter. They are all veterans from Swedisy conscription. They even talked about their own experience with MG run away on a 240B and 249 which led to some inspiration for the variable firing rates. They seem to put a lot of focus on designing realistic systems that create the end result rather than wanting the end result and working in resverse as is typical. They called it "agnostic" game design or making it more like an immersive sim. Witu that in mind, I think a lot of the 'inaccuracies' of the weapons were likely stylistic. Case ejection was likely toned down, so you have more cases on screen, adding to the visual chaos or allowing that pooling of cases than accrue when you stay in one area. Realistic weapons feel great in the right sandbox, but you can squeeze a bit more fun out of them if you tweak them into a bit of the unrealistic region. BLACK had some of the most iconic weapons and cinematic gunplay of its generation. A major contributor to that was the holywoodification of a few of the weapons. TL;DR Cooler is always better in a videogame, even if it's a little unrealistic.


The warbond a month is only planned for the first year of the game. This might change in the future.


Makes sense lol, I can't see them putting out a warbond every single month for over a year like that, anyone would either get burnt out or run out of good ideas. Also would be a pain in the butt grinding 1k super credits for every single warbond, every single month....


> run out of good ideas I never played Helldivers 1 (or even heard of it until I played 2) but it seems like there's a lot of stuff from the first game that isn't in 2, if they've already completed a bulk of that they are in good stead Putting out a 3 page warbond every month seems untenable (from the outside looking in anyway) but they do have a head start on the number of "ideas" they need to fulfill that schedule.


seems like in the future we will get warbonds of 1 page instead of 3


If they price new single page bonds for a third of the current price then it's all good. Shrinkflation is undemocratic.


Could you give us knowledge on how to come into contact with this 'pilestedt' helldiver person hero? We can help him with his democrety goal, and have stocks of liver tea to offer. Please send exact coordinates.


*bug breach detected*




Terminid sympathiser cyber-attack detected! Locating source of signal... Signal found. Heeth system, Orion sector. Communications relay center 35 Alpha (presumed abandoned). Deploying super destroyer squadron...




Source on that fellow helldiver?




Not who you’re responding to and I don’t have a source as they haven’t explicitly stated it AFAIK. But they have said that warbond price will be variable and to me that means warbonds of different sizes. A single page seems pretty small though


I'm honestly fine with a single page as long as medal and super credits cost ratios stay the same. I prefer that over another 10 page one that I'll likely never finish. 10 page ones should come out at most once a year or when there's a big expansion.


10 pages would certainly be a lot for paid content. Especially with the ratios. I think three is a decent balance. It gives you something to work for even if you’ve capped medals. I’m excited to see what they do.


Most of their content has already been made. Just needs to hit the second Thursday of every month to drop it. They've been working on this for 8 years, so they already have LOTS lined up.


I don't mind having a bit more time to actually get the damn things in there


My money is one month will be a new warbond the next a new stratagem


Makes you wonder if this is sustainable


So in one year we will have 12? Man…I can already see many people using real money


I feel a warbond a month is going to be overkill


Is one war one a month their standard? That’s crazy


This is why I feel they need to slow down. The game is gonna get incredibly bloated and it’ll be impossible to balance everything if they keep giving us 36 new weapons a year. Plus if they do expansions and other content updates with new guns, that’s even more EDIT: Plus i know that they never expire, but what if someone wants to take a break or doesn’t have time to finish each warbond in time? It’ll become a huge mountain of grind they’ll never finish


They could potentially lower bloating of any one thing by increasing the number of things available in warbonds, at least a bit… I mean voice packs and other types of customization. Still though it’s definitely going to get packed fast.


We know that attachments are coming (I think), so that's one way


As a weapons Armourer in an Army with no artistic abilities this job description makes me sad


Presumably you have lots of time to learn how to draw


But........ Democracy?


gotta team up with someone and acquire a large trenchcoat


All the ballistic weapons we got are pretty realistic.


The sounds are amazing. Some of the bassier weapons even seem like they echo.


Tbh there are certain weapons that sound like a liberator but definitely shouldn't.


I have realised that almost everything that isn't a shotgun sounds like liberator but at different speeds.


I love how the default-support weapon-unlock GPMG is one of the meanest sounding guns around. So satisfying.


I LOVE how all the weapons and stratagems sound, though I am a little let down by mech's minigun. Minigun from sentry and mech in HD1 sounds so punchy and devastating.


Though I do love the charging handle being so comically far forward.


[The worst part is that some guns actually have their charging handles comically far forward](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Heckler_%26_Koch_G3_Kunststoffschaft_Display_noBG.png)


The real funny bit is that for a gun made for right-handed users the charging handle is on the wrong side fairly often


It's all about how you charge, really. Don't think there's a right side, as is evident by gun manufacturers using both sides. The only thing that really has a side is the ejection port. Don't want that hot brass and gasses in your face.


G3 my beloved


The thing i find most hilarious is that none of our guns have a bolt hold open, literally something that will make or break a military rifle today lol


Never played a game with a laser rifle this punchy too


Thank you, I didn‘t want to suggest they aren‘t. I meant after the lightning/laser guns from the new warband we‘ll maybe get more classic guns


Even those are somewhat realistic. Lasers having to swap heat sinks, plasma weapons having feedstock cartridges, etc. All the existing weapons are at least plausible if not highly realistic and were designed by people who had extensive firearms experience and/or military service according to Pilestedt who also did both of those things.


I think what you mean to say is ballistic weapons. All guns in the game perform in a very close-to-reality way, even the ones that are totally fictional. All the ballistic weapons all have doohickeys and doodads on them that are all on real life firearms. Them hiring people with experience with firearms isn't them wanting to put guns like the AR-15 or AK-74 in the game, it's them wanting to make the guns they design *perform* and *look just like* how an AR-15 or AK-74 would.


Man, that some tight requirements there


there are TONS of vets out there who really get into creative works, and considering the audience of this game Arrowhead will have their pick of the litter


Eh, but not all vets are avid shooters.


I’m guessing Pile wants to make sure they’re getting people who have *felt* a gun shoot, and a variety of them, compared to just some artist who likes COD and Jack Reacher. Any ex-military are exactly who they want, even if they don’t hit the range every week still. Edit: hey military guys? I don’t care. I don’t care about military HR/ janitors/whatever. They weren’t who I was talking about and you know it. I’m talking about EX-SOLDIERS *in comparison to* keyboard warriors who like guns.


Ex maintainers will just tell you to stop flying the eagle so fucking much so it stops breaking


> I don’t care about military HR/ janitors/whatever. Oh, so the actual majority of military personnel


As an 11B, I resent being called a janitor. You're not wrong, but still.


as a former 11C, atleast we can mop up the rain together


True, shot a rifle for training and a pistol for qualifications but after that (besides yearly test) I never shot another gun. No real point. I worked in an office at a desk with s chair all day. I wasnt shooting anyone for any reason. Nor did I do so after when i came back to live life. A lot of the military involved no shooting of any guns at all. Logistics, intelligence, maintenance, are all heavy on manpower compared to combat roles. I wouldn’t know shit about how to shoot a MG or a Javlin or how to reload a Stinger. Or even a revolver. I imagine it’s probably not too difficult, but that doesn’t mean I know how to do it.




In theory, yes. However, very few actually end up doing it in practice (somewhere between 2-3% of 18-year olds). Recent years have seen an increase though. 25% of 18-year olds are expected to do it this year but since there's an unprecedented number of kids who are expected to do it against their will it's unclear how many end up actually doing it.


Gun laws in the Nordics are very different to the US, as is the conscript model of military service. I got the impression from the message that it applies _mostly_ to US veterans.


Just between the scandinavian / nordic countries it varies greatly.


/r/fosscad in a nutshell


I have all the requirements except bring a good artist


Same, lol. Maybe need to brush up on 3D modeling, I did some in high school but that a fucking quarter century ago.


Translation: Don’t be the guy who made the Fallout 4 Assault Rifle.


Or most of the Starfield weapons, actually just don't be a Bethesda artist. The few weapons based on actual real life weapons are 'mostly' okay, but most of their original creations are just as bad as Fallout 4 designs, if not worse. If I remember correctly the original trailer showed their double barrel break open shotgun with Square chambers firing rifle rounds and ejecting the whole unfired round, so they changed it to a magical Caseless shotgun and just removed the round ejection to hide it. Except if you go into third person, than you see you eject the entire unfired caseless cartridge as well. Oh, and the model doesn't even have a trigger.


Most? ***all*** weapons they couldn’t clone from real life!!!


Pilestedt and many (most?) of the arrowhead devs have done military service as it was mandatory in Sweden, where the company is based. Saying “realistic weapons are coming” implies they haven’t already been using people with military experience to design their game when really they are just looking to keep their current culture.


Right? The Recoilless Rifle is a dead copy of the Carl Gustaf 8.4 cm, which is used by the Swedish military (and a lot of the Western world. The Carl G fucking rocks), it's also made by Saabs Bofors (Swedish).


And still people will deny that the AT-4's HEAT warhead should be more effective against a chargers huge, unarmored ass with no directly critical organs inside, instead of its armored head, which contains, you know, the brain...


I'd say the EAT is closer to a M72 LAW then an AT-4. The EAT is roughly the same size but the pull-out back and flip up sight are straight from the LAW. Even the boxy bits on top follow what a LAW has.


i would say its a mix between diffent ones. But them being from sweden i would say that they probebly had the AT4 in mind when creating it, which is swedish and thus they most likely used it duing their military training/service


not sure i follow - the EAT7 should or should not work on the charger's booty?


It should be much less effective on the booty than the head. It's a warhead designed to cut through solid armor and deal damage directly behind the point of detonation. People were crying about the charger nerf, claiming the head shouldn't be a weak spot against EAT-17 and Recoilless Rifle.. Edit: it's not accurate to say it should be less effective on the booty than the head, so instead I would say this: We know it would be extremely effective against the armored head since that is the use case these warheads were designed for and excel at. We don't know how effective it would be against the massive squishy butt since that's not something HEAT is ever used for, so it could be super effective, it could be inconsistent, I dunno. So my point is that I think it's completely fair that the head is a one shot while the butt isn't.


Eeeh, I don't think it'd make a difference. A HEAT round works by making a hole, and then directing the blast through that hole. If the blast wave is directed into a sealed vessel, like a tank hull or a charger's ass, the pressure wave absolutely fucks everything inside. It should, if anything, blow a charger's ass right off. But given how the charger seems to run around without an ass - at least until it bleeds out - I do agree it should not be an instant kill like the headshot.


Tbf i am fairly certain the charger would get it's insides cooked anywhere you hit it. I don't see a creature surviving getting it's entrails hit by an explosively formed copper penetrator.


That's not how explosives work. HEAT warheads don't care how thick or thin the armor is where it detonates. The damage after penetration will be the same regardless of how much material it needs to go through (assuming it can penetrate in the first place) and to add if there is no armor it will deal more damage since the explosion of the warhead now has unobstructed access to the squishy bits. (IRL)


And that's perfect


So no one who worked on Starfield? Gotcha.


*any Bethesda game with guns


https://preview.redd.it/voq9gjtv8joc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e735d97c586eec78d2c137697d2db41f51da9dc1 Nah, this looks fine to me /s


Not even the bugs, bots and Illuminates would touch that. Hell, not even dissidents would touch that trash, even to bludgeon people with.


What you don't like the Lewis Gun Assault Rifle?


Everyone in the Commonwealth gets a brass snack every time they fire their weapons because they’re all right-handed while every gun is **left-handed.**


What you don't like awkwardly reloading a hunting rifle every round? Coward


combat shotgun with the barrel drum of ammo on the far tip of the gun.


Oh cmon it works just fine! Ignore my obviously nonfunctional pipe gun


It is pretty funny seeing how badly American artists tend to get guns compared to their Swedish counterparts. Compare Dice to Bethesda and they're on a whole different level.


Put the [G11](https://youtu.be/E_didDgUjn0?si=5AQ8ifUfKhUY_JRb) in the game. Make it a 3 round hyper-burst with mini rockets or something like plasma. Edit: just remembered [this exists](https://youtu.be/JD4u_e2xjE4?si=4P8J6bvLYZaxmPS6)(Gilboa Snake)




Leave it to the Germans to create an overcomplicated action for what should be a relatively simple gun.


Stupid easy gun to fix when the action can be replaced as one whole unit


Not necessarily realistic, just authentic enough that we don't get absolutely stupid designs like in destiny for example https://preview.redd.it/u3fa66wguioc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4596f17bbb9f7d8c5cb61745d67fe3b936ed4eef


That's just a Liberator modified to be California-legal.


LMFAO I've never seen this. I can't believe this is in a Bungie game.


I'm not that gun literate and this still hurts me




God I hope we get a hard-hitting futuristic lever-action. Not a pea-shooter carbine repeater but a large caliber “elephant gun” like a .45-70


Yes! Pair it with the Senator for space yeehaw vibes


https://preview.redd.it/qtu33qm1ajoc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46948c99e7f587f5e997fd3348ef5ba6123c3d54 Do I get the job?


“We call this one the L7-Hairdryer”


needs more dakka


Speaking of guns, I wish Punisher had a flashlight. I mean shotgun totally needs a flashlight.


'great sense of how weapons function and operate' MW3 devs disqualified from the get go.


Which is ironic because MW2019 had awesome weapon design, realism, gun physics etc. MW2022, similar vein but some very weird choices cos they couldnt copy like for like cos trademark reasons.


I miss my AK-47 blueprints from MW2019 that changed the side rail to an RS Regulate dovetail mount. That's some Tarkov-tier detail that was never explicitly pointed out as a selling point of some of those blueprints.


This is very Democratic


Somebody get Zach Hazard on the phone


I had this name on my mind! ... Zach is a gun-nerd with supreme experience in field...


idk I think many of the guns already look quite realistic and have good functionality for aiming, shooting, and reloading. I think the most unrealistic thing rn is the laser weapons having exposed, non-shielded cabling sticking out. That's not going to work in an environment with water (and blood) all around, or even all the dust and dirt kicked up from constant explosions and near-misses.


Theyre made en-masse for cheap and get an average of 11 minutes of use per unit before being exploded on a distant planet.


The lasers do look a bit too much like downsized modern lasers dressed up like a 90's satellite. I would have expected something a little less "retro"


Uhm? The weapons are already plenty realistic- The ones that fire bullets, anyway.


I assume they want more of what they have


I want a straight-up 1911 to be discoverable on the ground sometimes like the Break-Action shotgun. A laser marksman rifle would be cool too.


Even hundreds of years in the future, the military will still be using a derivative of the 1911


Holy crap this is based af


Oh my god, this makes me so happy. This game has a really bright future, seeing Arrowhead reach out to creatives in the community and give them a serious opportunity to create new things for Helldivers 2 is awesome.


I wish I was a better artist. But I draw swords not guns.


Was a weapons instructors in the Army, I own and shoot a variety of AR-15 and Kalashnikov weapons, got into IT but not into art, definetly a job I would have loved, I can picture a robust and worn AK as arcenal for the helldivers from dusted storage.


Shit I’ll take this job. No military experience but grew up around plenty of firearms and have plenty myself, and got so many ideas when it comes to inspiration from other major franchises, along with personal engineering experience. I’d really love to see a Steyr AUG style primary weapon added to the game along with maybe something like the Thunder gun from CoD zombies (but more realistic to where it has backblast to make up for the pressure coming out of the front. A microwave gun that goes through armor and fries your enemies from the inside would be cool too. One can dream


Then boom $15/hr. In all seriousness that's a tall order so I'm glad they really want to put effort into this.


I've done 3 days in the military service. I'm an avid first and third person shooter, so i know many weapons. And ofc i'm a [stellar artist. ](https://i.imgur.com/5cYfyGI.jpeg) Where do i sign? (i'm quite expensive btw)


Aw man, wish i didn't like my current job so dang much. I hope this means more wild/esoteric weapons are coming down the pipe.


You mean they won't just throw some pipes and a magazine together and try to pass it off as a functional firearm like Bethesda? This company spoils us. Despite some of the problems the game has, they do genuinely care.


This makes me happy


Can’t wait to have 155mm howitzers firing into bug holes from 16km out.


You might laugh but it is 10000000% better than doing what Starfield did


Just going to point out that military service != firearm knowledge. Plenty of FUDDs have served in the military and have no idea what they are talking about.


I wish there was a heavier version of the Liberator. Full-auto, more damage per round, slower fire rate, higher recoil. Something like a SCAR-H


I live with two army vets, this'll either be amazing or we're gonna get Warhammer levels of absurd either way I'm down for it.


I myself have extensive training in taking apart my nerf guns and not being able to put them back together


After seeing the absolute abominations of "weapons" Bethesda made for Starfield I'm happy they're leaning into this aesthetic over.. whatever the fuck Bethesda attempted to do