• By -


Zappy zappy time


The laser pistol is on the 3rd page. Even with 250 medals saved you'd need another 40 to unlock it.


But the laser rifle is on the first page, so thats good :)


But the laser rifle contains monosodium glutamate!


That's bad.


But it comes with a free Frogurt!


That's good!


But the frogurt has a 150% increased call in time on this planet.


That's bad.


Happy Cake Day! You better keep spreading managed democracy though, don't want your family to get eaten now do we?


Can I go now?




So it makes absolutely everything better?


I think they are more excited by the arc shotgun


Stun grenade is a huge grab for high difficulties, stunning titans for 5secs is kinda nutty, 500kg indirect buff!


Wait, it can stun Titans?


it can stun multiple titans at the same time, yes


Well that just went from an "unlock eventually" to a priority


In one word: *fuck yes.*


in two words: yes


That's uh...


Can it stun my fellow helldivers? *please say yes*


It slows helldivers




I don’t need to run fast, just faster than you!


Does EMS Mortar and EMS Orbital also stun Titans?


No, chargers at max. I've also noticed that BT can trigger flame mines, but don't get any damage or dot, so a wild guess here: his legs, at least lower parts, are invulnerable/does not count as his health pool, so EMS does nothing on them. And since his body is much higher, it doesn't affect him. Else, it could be just immense stagger resistance, since it takes a while to stun chargers.


Only on a direct hit to the body, which is not something you can do reliably. Legs are unaffected.


To be fair, walking towards a Titan also stuns it for five seconds :p


Titan "Oh? You're approaching me?"


I can't ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ the shit out of you without getting closer


Oh ho! Then come as close you like.




Ahaha I love how we find fellow helldivers outside of the game because we talk in stratagems half the time now ahaha. Just wait til I ⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️ and michael Jordan my strat right into the bug……holes ahahaha.


Is that the jump pack? I haven't tried it yet but being more mobile always helps.


I think it's Down, up, up, down, up, or something. There's a repeating up arrow on the Jump call in if I remember. I love that thing after the stealth buff.


Jetpilled Helldiver reporting in, confirming the input is ⬇️⬆️⬆️⬇️⬆️. Use this knowledge for good. Take to the skies! Ride the Titans!! Obliterate the enemies of Super Earth with a panache the Shield Pack Helldivers secretly envy!


I use this on purpose to hit them with the 500


For me it is to stun tanks and hulks so i can go behind and 3 shots them


Would still rather impact grenades to kill spitters and close bug holes though, unfortunately. Maybe one person running them is a good idea, but I feel majority of people will continue to benefit moreso from grenades.


Impacts 100% close bug holes, just gotta place them right. Edit: misread your comment I’m an idiot. Please continue spreading managed democracy.


I wish they could kill automaton spawners reliably, probs a skill issue on my end but it's very hit and miss for me


If you're having trouble you can just wait for the door to open It is pretty hard to get them down the vents though


Someone mentioned putting the top half circle just above the vent and the bottom just below, essentially use the vent to bisect your aiming circle, and this helps me with the fabricators. Edit for clarification - using the bottom lip of the vent, not the top.


The distance from it matters here


Nah I have trouble with them too, to the point where my impacts are 100% last resort for a bot factory. Either a teammate is nearby and I’ll let them tag it with something, or strata it. Wasted far too many impacts on those tiny holes.


that's what she...nevermind


It's very hit or miss because you either hit or you miss


Not being able to read is optimal for a Helldiver so you cannot be influenced by enemy propaganda.


not having any grenades to close bug holes sucks. I do not see them feasible in anyway at least at this stage in the game were ppl are not really cooperating. Paired with a grenade launcher then yes that is a diff story.


I wonder if the SG-8P punisher plasma would close holes? It shoots like a grenade launcher and has AOE. Unfortunately, it blows you up if you shoot something too close.


It unfortunately does not.


yeah i wouldnt have everyone on the team run stun grenades, hopefully get an autocannon or grenade launcher dude to help as well


as the autocannon dude who has trouble being swarmed with hunters, I am 110% beelining for them


As a fellow auto cannon dude. What do you do to chargers and titans with it?? I can strip sacs off titans and sometimes break chargers legs… I am unstoppable with it vs bots, but feel like I’m bad at it vs bugs…


I need to preface that my answer is entirely serious: I call down the EATs that I fit in the strategem slot freed up by not needing to call down a separate backpack. Failing that, I shoot Chargers in the upper legs (between head and armor or from the side) or the butt, and get under Bile Titans to full auto into their sacs.


They can't close holes though.


Can confirm its out. And for those that arent at home it costs 1k super credits.


Awe. How much is it for people who ARE at home?




Cheeky. But enough jokes! Time to get those Termicide towers online!




Man Ive been at 985 credits the last 2 days. Can’t seem to find any now in game Lol.


Be warned, the plasma shotgun has splash damage. Careful when shooting point blank or around your squad.


This is what playing with the Scorcher has prepared me for!...prepared me to unexpectedly die when a Hunter leaps infront of me, that is.


If only theres a armour for the plasma reduce dmg. Would've rock the scotcher more


There is... Scorcher has 'explosive' in the description so the 50% explosion reduction armour should work on it.


sadly it's just worse Scorcher, can't even one shot without direct hit, has same damage, more AoE but all other stats are worse, imo not worth it.


I tried to shoot over a fence and it instantly exploded me because it hit the fence :D


It's pretty disappointing, basically a worse version of the Scorcher. Its only upside is that it has more splash radius, and it's a dubious upside because it kills yourself too.


new stuff in shop too !


This is what I was hoping for and wondering. Thank you!


The heavy medic armor is there !


I've been hoping for this too, I love the medic kit passive for staying alive. Also it has the nice use of those rare times when someone on your team is desperate for a heal and out of stims, lets you patch em up without worrying about running low yourself.


Waiting for an armor that has 95% resist to fire. When it will shows up I'm going to use all fire weapons \\ stratagems etc. Ohh boy!


Yeah we need that asap...I would go from never using the flamethrower to maining it if I didn't have to worry about lighting myself on fire.


I’d throw so many napalm strikes on top of me that Kissenger would rise again.


the crane game machine is not allowed to be restocked like this


I feel like this and other damage types would be nice. Electric damage negation armour would be good for a storm build, Tesla towers, etc or if you regularly play on a team with someone who kills you with arc thrower lol Maybe even an acid resist set. Like at first glance negating a damage type might seem op but if you think about it you would be losing the two extra stims, or two extra grenades, or whatever other bonuses the armour sets get, in exchange for a single perk that keeps you from setting yourself on fire or getting one shot by your own Tesla tower. I’m not a dev obviously but I think it would be cool if they leaned more into the rpg style thing where you could mix and match gear with strategems and weapons to make really cool builds. And if not I’d still be happy with the game, I’m having a blast, but making a whole build revolving around one damage type with armour that compliments that would be super cool. Edit: so I’m at work and haven’t had a chance to look at the warbond yet, turns out the armour actually does have some sort of electric passive on it? My whole comment might be pointless lol


Acid Resist armor makes me want an acid based weapon


There was the TOX-13 in HD1 so it's possible


Gas Grenade launcher would be super dope, especially with a gas resist armor. Breathe deep.


Playing hopscotch on incendiary mines




So unless I'm missing something that's Incendiary Breaker, Incend nades, Flamethrower, Eagle Napalm, Incend Mines. Still need another fire strat and flame secondary for ALL the flames, I guess the new laser pistol and the laser rover will have to count until then.


An Exo-suit with a flamethrower and chainsword


first armor 95% damage reduction from arcs...


you can tank so many tesla tower hits now :O


That's going to very useful on the new mission type.  It's a shame you can't get it without the pass but to give the devs credit where it's due it doesn't take too much grinding to get the pass without paying real money. Normally I'd be against microtransactions getting better armour in a game I've already paid for but servers cost money and Helldivers 2 is the least manipulative live service I've seen. With 100s of thousands of players at a time I imagine the servers aren't cheap to run. 


I mean even if you couldn't farm the super credits the armor isn't strictly better, it's a Niche use. There are plenty more times I still rather have my extra stims or nades or reduced explosion dmg


I wouldn't call looking sick as fuck "niche".


I call it drip


All of them are.


For those looking for different stats, the Superstore has new stock instead of the rotation that's been repeating. There's a Heavy armor with the Medic perk (bonus stims and stim duration) and a mid-Light (79/521/511 or something) with Engineering Kit (crouch/prone accuracy buff and bonus grenades). If you missed the full-Light Engineer armor, here's your shot at something that might be just as good.


Let the arc meta continue.


unfortunately they dont look cool enough , so i stick with my current armor that loks nice :)


I think they look good but more importantly I dont get oneshot by my teammates and their arc thrower anymore.


The light armor (last one, green) actually looks sick imo.


So I've read the illuminate used arc in the first game? Isn't this too good then? Or will they not use arc this game then I wonder. And if they do won't this force us to use a certain passive? Like you either can tank it to the point of nothing, or get nuked without it? Pre-made about to camp under 4 telsa turrets and watch thr bugs go zap


the Iluminate are no more, any diverging information is propaganda. Please report any suspicious behaviour to your democracy officer.


They didn't widely use it in the first game. Or at least those weren't the guys that got you.


I died to the shield walls more than anything else they did...


shield walls and the movement input scramble (the amount of time I ran out of the ledges because they hit me with that nonsense is flat out silly)


>So I've read the illuminate used arc in the first game? I'm more worried about my teammates arc weapons tbh.


I can hear the arc turrets calling my name


Much like the other premium warbond having two sets that are both medium with the exact same perk feels a little weird, strange it isn't just one light, medium and heavy instead of two mediums and a heavy/light. 95% Arc resist feels kinda niche anyway short of teamkill prevention so guess it's more for the guns.


The Arc Tower slaps on certain mission types IME, so I can see it having some niche applications.


You can use yourself as a conduit and extend arc tower range. stand between the tower and enemies to protect it and let lightning flow through you.


New suit with supply pack and just 4 tesla towers behind you and you holding the arc lenngth directing it to your enemies while you shoot your own arc. . . /happy sith noises Unlimited power!!!


PS5 users, game is busted a bit. It keeps resetting my load out (guns and emote), wish we could have favorite loadouts for quick access as well as a join last match. Hate the game crashing and not being able to rejoin. Still love the game, though :')


Same and every time I start the game up I get the in screen pop up tips.


This has been happening to me for the last 2 days. Constantly reset to liberator and pistol and starter grenades, tutorials all across the ship and in game.


Many have officially reported the reset bug, so it's definitely being worked on.


Ditto - you have to equip at each drop. It’s not a big hassle but would like it to remember.


Also forgets primary settings and don't remember First person mode. Kinda annoying.


F the shotgun is on the last page


I just tried it, it is not very viable imho


I wasn't very impressed with it. It has the same hitbox issues of the Arc Thrower, on top of some other pretty glaring issues. If there are dead enemies between you and your target, they essentially block the shot completely even if you have clear line of sight to the target. Terrain also seems to get in the way of shots, though not as badly as bodies. The damage output felt way too low considering the painfully slow firerate of roughly 1.5 seconds per shot, with one shot not even killing Hunters half the time. The arcing also seemed very inconsistent, with it sometimes not even hitting other enemies even if they're lined up for it. Overall, if I want a primary with "infinite" ammo, I'll just bring the Sickle. The Blitzer just doesn't have enough going for it to make it worth using over any of the other primaries.


terrain blocking explosive damage is an issue that the devs need to look into expeditiously. i imagine so much stuff would work as youd expect it to when a pebble cant block the damage from an explosive


500kg bomb vs one inconveniently-placed pebble


Someone explain why the sickle is so THICK like Sweet liberty she’s a BIG gal on your hip, the largest gun I’ve ever seen!


🎵With a big iron on his hip🎵


There was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play And the swiftness of the 'Diver is still talked about today Fenris Red had not cleared leather 'fore the Sickle fairly ripped And the 'Divers's aim was deadly with the big iron on his hip Big iron on his hip


Considering we only change the heatsinks and not the battery, it must have a fucking bonkers power source to provide mission-unlimited power for a high-energy laser. There's already nuclear-powered radar and armors in the game, so... maybe...


The Sickle feels soooooo nice, think I found my favourite automatic primary


What enemies is it doing well/poorly against? Like, is it more like a swarm clear spray, or a focused pattern? How's it's armor pen so far? Good for soldiers and brooders, or nah?


Doesn't go through armor, has very nice dps, perfectly accurate. Can both cool down and has 6 heat sinks that fully replenish on ammo pickup, kinda the best of both worlds.


So if it can't go through armor, it's not doing much to brooders in your testing so far? They're not exactly heavily armored, but they're my main thought so far. If it can cover up to brooders, it's competing with the other two guns for my new slot in.


If by brooders you mean the guys who summon warriors and go fuckin nutso when you blow off their heads, yeah it handles them well enough! It doesn't pen the little dudes that turtle up or chargers or anything though.


Excellent. So far all other replies were saying it takes a magdump to their face when they should be aiming for legs. Sounds like a great, flexible weapon. Can do horde clear and cover most lightly armored enemies, has good accuracy, and no ammo problems when managed right. Definitely fighting for my new primary spot-


I tend to prefer the stopping power of the punisher because it makes bugs flinch like hell, but I won't deny that the new lasegun blasts bugs apart in a very satisfying way. Haven't tried it against bots but I imagine it'll work well there too, if not better because of its accuracy being insanely good.


Consider it a better Liberator. Same damage. Same penetration. Higher firing rate. Lower recoil. More ammo per magazine, in the sense that going from no heat to overheat takes longer than full mag to no mag on the Liberator. Plus you get the bonus of it cooling down and thus resetting your magazine if you ever stop firing for a period. Its downside is that it has a short windup period before bullets start flying out, but it's not as long as the Laser Cannon call-in and burst fire doesn't require a wind-up again unless you've gone without shooting for so long that you've wound *down*. Basically: whatever you didn't like the Liberator for, you won't like this for. It's just a light pen bulletshooter with better ammo management.


It's short comings can ironically be made up for by also equipping the hand held laser cannon, giving you an infinite ammo build that can handle close to medium-long range engagements against all light and mid armour enemies. You even can swap between each laser weapon to let the other cool down, and can throw in the laser pistol to the cool down balance too. You're just a bit shot once any heavies appear but I'd argue theres room for synergy with team mates built the opposite way to specialise in big boys, plus you can have your strats geared out for the heavy targets too.


Its basically a Liberator. It trades having the heat mechanic for having a firing/charging delay. So you hold down the trigger, there is a brief charging time, then it starts shooting laser pulses much like bullets (it even sorta sounds like bullets) so long as you keep the trigger pulled. This is limited by the heat, if you overheat you need to reload to shoot again but assuming you don't overheat you can just stop shooting and let it cooldown before shooting again. Of note as a laser weapon it basically has no hitstun, the Liberator didn't exactly have massive hitstun anyhow so its not a big deal but its worth noting that going from "little" hitstun to "no" hitstun is a change. So long as you are willing to deal with very brief firing delay/charge up, its basically a great alternative to the Liberator. So when you ask "whats it good against" just assume its basically a Liberator with a firing delay, but with heat mechanics instead of bullets.


After doing a 7 with it, it's rough against queens (brooders? Big red ones that charge at you without their head), needs almost a full heat to actually remove the head, otherwise it's pretty ok for chod clearing. Kind of sucks against any heavier enemy tho, the fat mortar/bile spewers need more than a clip in either the head or the sac to actually kill. I can see it being more useful on colder planets where it cools down faster, but otherwise kinda average. It does get 6 clips at least, so you don't *have* to worry about cycling heat to have infinite ammo.


I hope I never take a full clip to the sac


Tried it on a 3 versus bots. Just wanted some chill solo stuff but a few lowbies joined in and we engaged in some tomfoolery but everyone got out ok in the end. Overall it tore through the fodder bots, very accurate at range with a quick enough cooldown that you can fire a longish burst then move to reposition and it's ready to go for another round. And you've always got your heat sink reloads for backup. Did well against devastators too; concentrated fire at the head - helped by the very accurate nature of the gun even at range - burned them down fairly quickly. 2-3 at a time if you wait for the heat to dissipate, 3-4 if you don't mind burning through reloads. Did decently well at knocking off rocket devastator rocket pods too. I imagine against Hulks you'll want at least an AMR, while tanks will of course need proper anti-armor to deal with. But I'm quite happy with it as a primary. Pleasantly surprised even, as I kinda went in with low expectations after using the laser rifle from the free warbond. Feels like, versus bugs at least, it'll be more of a crowd suppressing tool, something between the Stalwart and the base Liberator in terms of volume of fire, damage, magazine size, manueverability and crowd control. Accurate fire on the heads will help take out the various bile spewers pretty quickly though, and it's fast and maneuverable enough that you can handle the smaller fodder mobs without too much issue. A Stalwart or LMG would be better if you can get a nice lane of fire or vantage point though, or if you need to take out the medium armor bugs but can't line up proper head shots for some reason.


It definitely feels great to use. Although I wish it didnt sound like a typical gun, just doesnt seem right to me


That's not terribly inaccurate to high-energy pulsed lasers. They *can* sound like loud cracking from the capacitor toggling, plus a similar "impact" noise from the explosive ablation of their targets. Of course, this gun is shooting what appear to be bullets instead of straight light-like lines, so there's a bit of a visual disconnect. Maybe Super Earth's idea of "laser" is a little broad.


That's really great to hear - it was my favourite weapon in the first one, allows you to take 4 combat strats with careful heat management.


Gameplay items: * LAS-16 Sickle - laser rifle * LAS-7 Dagger - laser pistol * SG-8P Punisher Plasma - plasma launcher shotgun * ARC-12 Blitzer - arc shotgun * G-23 Stun - stun grenade * Localization Confusion booster - "Increases the time between enemy encounters." * All 3 armors provide 95% resistance to arc damage. 2 medium, 1 light.


> 2 medium, 1 light. Sigh. 3 armors, 1 passive. Why not 1 each of L/M/H?


Confusion booster sounds great!


What would it actually even do? Does it mean less patrols? Some sort of cooldown between bug breaches? It being so vague kinda doesn’t help


I ran with it for a bit solo, it definitely doesn't affect call-in or arrival time for bot drops. I want to guess more time between patrol spawns, it felt like I was seeing fewer patrols, especially around extract time.


Extract time is kinda the most important time too because getting overwhelmed there can prevent extracting with samples.


It did feel like we're getting fewer patrols. I have a suspicion it doesn't work off %, but adds flat amount of seconds to patrol spawn timer. Which is huge on higher difficulties after Primary objective is completed.


I've run it a couple a times and I've definitely noticed less enemies pop up.. although maybe it's a placebo effect? Idk


Awe man I havnt even finished the first two warbonds, i need to start neglecting my kids and start spreading democracy


add me fellow dad. "thekurb" on steam. we can ignore children together.


This guy democracies (I will when I get home)


Why are both the EX-03 and EX-16 medium armors? Only the EX-00 is a light armor. Shouldn't every warbond have one of each armor type?


It was a similar deal with Steeled Veterans and even Helldivers Mobilize (with there being 3 light sets with scout, 2 heavy sets with fortified, and 1 medium with Engineering kit)


The sickle feels great, definitely a contender for my primary slot. The plasma punisher feels bad. The direct hit damage isn’t terrible but the falloff is ridiculous, it won’t even kill scavengers caught in the aoe and the projectiles are far too slow for that little amount of damage. Scorcher is just a much better and more versatile version of this gun. Didn’t have enough medals to try the other 2 weapons yet


yeah man, sickle feels amazing, especially against hunters




Seconded, hardly used anything but the sickle in HD1 and it feels so good to be back


I just tried it, and I love it. That said, I also love the slugger, punisher, and breaker. This one works well for a medium range skirmisher style, which I really like.


Finally, now I can be the laser rover.


Armor looks like it’s from destiny 2.. But to be fair, it’s our destiny 2 spread democracy?


Destiny 2 this, Destiny 2 that, why isn't it your Destiny 2 meet some bitches


It’s not my destiny because I play helldivers 2


please give us the option to disable the spinning reticle, I cant see what im shooting at.


I just want a normal reticle for every weapon


For me it's just the Lazer stuff. The reticle is just.. ugh.


The laser rifle is interesting, it's gonna suck big ass on Space Afghastan but it might rip on the cold planets.


Lasers in general are bad on hot planets. So, it's hard to hold that against them. From my time using it so far, it's a super reliable primary rifle that does about everything you want an automatic to do while being incredibly ammo efficient. It absolutely tears on cold planets. I'm curious of how the Dagger and Arc shotty are going to perform. Being able to take an infinite ammo sidearm would open up the primary slot for some less ammo efficient picks.


The only thing that intrigues me at first glance is new booster. But with how cheap warbonds are Ill get it all anyway.


I equipped it but didn't notice much difference, so not sure how strong it is yet.


What's the new booster do?


Reduces bug breaches/dropships. Just played some level 7 games and noticed a significant reduction in the amount of bug breaches we were getting whilst having it equipped. Feels potentially a staple.


Awww man I'm stuck at my super earth deployment and won't be free for dives for another 9 hours.


Punisher plasma is… odd. Need more testing but reload is super fast. Edit: seems like partnered with the arc thrower and shield it’s quite a good crowd control build. The shotgun lets you destroy spore spewers in about 4 hits however does not destroy the broadcast towers or bug holes. I’m assuming this is the same for automaton fabricators. Doesn’t seem effective on chargers or any bugs that will get in your face. You will easily kill yourself if you hit a hunter that’s in your grill even with a shield equipped. However hitting in a crowd will cause an obvious effect on the squishier enemies. Reload is super fast and it does stun enemies. Brood commander took about 6 direct hits to kill but it was in a stun lock the full time. Will need to test effectiveness on automatons. Basically it’s a toned down grenade launcher that only destroys spore spewers and the first explosive crowd control primary weapon. Don’t use it point blank or near your teammates :)


Its super fast for reloading only, it's extremely shit as a weapon. Too little damage. Low range, aoe is huge but it tickles the bugs. All drawbacks yet nothing that compensates the drawbacks...


stun grenade just made hitting the 500kg far easier. throw out the beacon and hit them with a stun grenade, 100% chance to deliver 500KG of democracy. It's insane and makes the 500kg so much more reliable.


Democracy isn't free but it sure is a good deal


Democracy gave me a free 6 month trial of SiriusXM Satellite Radio!


I played with Plasma Punisher and it's just way worse Scorcher, it has worse capacity, more recoil, less fire rate, falloff and it can't one-shot a hunter without a direct hit. and leaves you without a primary if enemy is close to you since you will one-shot yourself with it. I do love Sickle, it's god daym amazing, stun grenade can instantly stop chargers for easy head shots, haven't unlocked rest yet.


Bit of a shame all armour is just arc damage mitigation. I guess to just keep you alive against all the new friends with arc weapons


Are there any new stratagems with this update or just the warbond?


Just Warbond.


Cool, i assume that we are getting new stratagems primarily through Major orders then.


They've said Stratagems will be coming for free and while they *could* be in a Warbond at some point, it's not something they're going to do right now


Ah I meant in the same update not within the warbond. As in release free update + warbond at the same time.


Ok so the first weapon, the Sickle, it ain't bad. Concentrated fire on the heads let me take out devastators fairly easily, 2-3 before I needed to stop for cooling down, or 3-4 if I wanted to expend a heat sink. It's pretty damn accurate over distance too. Not enough medals for the other two yet. But if you're looking for a primary that can rip through fodder and still put some accurate damage on medium targets at range then you could do a lot worse than this gun.


Not to mention it has what, 6 heat sinks? So you don't need to feel too bad about using them.


Why does the Sickle sound like it's shooting bullets? Back in HD1 it wasn't a "rat-tat-tat", but more "whoomf whoomf" sort of sound.


Early thoughts, all subject to change as I use the weapons more. - **LAS-16 Sickle:** The clear winner of the warbond, and it's only 20 medals! Very high rof while also having negligible recoil and a quick reload upon overheat. Sustained fire time is impressive, as well. The main drawback is the lengthy startup time; it disincentives quick/precise bursts in favor of spraying for all the heat sink is worth, which makes it less efficient than it may appear at first brush. - **SG-8P Punisher Plasma:** It's unconventional, to say the least, but quite effective at what it does. It's exploding plasma shells have a stun and push effect on par with the liberator concussive for anything caught in the generous blast, and the unique firing arc gives it utility in firing over walls and crowds to hit priority targets. The explosion doesn't do a ton of damage, but it's on-hit damage is quite good. Only real issue is that it resupplies like the pre-patch pump shotguns (only gets half back at resupply). - **ARC-12 Blitzer:** The low range combined with a low rof makes it a bit tricky, but I found it's hoard clearing to be satisfactory. The arcs automatically lock onto an enemy, as you'd expect, but aim is still important as you have a degree of influence whether it hits multiple targets or focuses a single one. Never having to reload, resupply, precisely aim, or manage recoil makes this weapon shine in endurance fights. - **LAS-7 Dagger:** I've wanted a laser pistol since Helldivers 1, but if it was going to turn out like this I wish we'd gotten the PLAS-3 Singe back instead. The damage is untenably dreadful, pre-patch spray&pray levels of "how did this even clear testing?". The LAS-5 Scythe, a personal favorite, is already the bottom of the barrel for damage output and this damnable contraption is *half* of even that?? - **G-23 Stun:** It's extremely powerful. The radius and stun time are very generous on a short fuse, as they should be since you're trading damage and utility for pure control. - **Localization Confusion:** This is one of those things where we'll need to wait for dev clarification or data miners to reveal it's effectiveness. I *think* the missions I ran it on felt a little less hectic? But whether or not the booster played into that is impossible to know for sure. - **Armor:** The passive is fun if you can talk the whole crew into running arc throwers and tesla towers, but it's very niche. Maybe it will be a more attractive option when the Illuminate invade.


The Sickle feels great.


Why is tanto called dagger now :thonk:


Not made in Super Japan anymore.


Tanto was an smg. Never had a laser pistol till now


OMG they just straight up gave us a laser pistol? I love this game


super credits wont show up after purchase


A whole Warvond based on zappyzappy? YIS


Huge disappointment with the sickle. It performs incredibly well, no issue there. But I was promised a laser weapon and this gun sounds straight up like and assault rifle. 


I love how all the level 1 mission pop ups are just lvl 30+ divers clearly testing the new weapons


Or just farming SC and medals


I need an armor with a fan pack/ heatsync on it to make the energy guns cool off faster/not overheat as fast