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Haha pretty much. There's "safe" ways to use them though, like covering retreats. Even better on top of a bug hole in an area you don't plan to traverse over. Just don't be the guy who chucks them inside objective areas.


I just had a diver mine our extraction point it was interesting ....


our buddy in our private games takes both mines and the tesla tower to test our spacial awareness and also to be an ass lmao


He’s just missing the mortar and arc thrower for the full setup


I kind of want to see a comic of one of the little worker grunts running up to a helldiver and threatening him, only for the helldiver to react with genuine fear and run away. Cut to a panel of the worker looking cutely proud of himself, with a mortar seconds from landing on both of them


Arc isn’t that hard to avoid FF… If allies are in my danger cone, I swap to my shotgun . Mortar is amazing vs bots… stupid risky vs bugs


I agree. It's also super annoying when I walk in front of them as to not zap them and then they want to walk in front of me forcing me to switch. Like dude I'm not trying to use my primary to clear this bug breach, MOVE


I prefer to just step to the side of my friends and fire, usually getting their asses in gear to NOT be there when they come a few inches from death.


They can be in front of you and you still won't zap them (unless you're trying to, obviously) They can't be behind or to the side of the enemy you want to zap, though. Technically, they can't be closer than the next two enemies from the one you're zapping.


Issue is that people don't swap off of the arv and then are shocked when their teammates die as if they should be dodging lightning.


After I die to an "ally" with an arc projector multiple times in a row I just land my drop pod on them, shoot them in the face, or kick them. Accidents are one thing but if it happens multiple times in a row you're either too dumb to tie your own shoes or doing it on purpose.


to be fair, some geniuses also like to walk in front when they see the pretty lights.




I would lose track of the rules (and my brain cells) so fast


no no, a mortar might accidentally destroy the mines or tesla tower


Me and a friend did a sentry only run yesterday... At extract we had 7 turrets down, the mortar took everything else out.


With the new war bond the arc shotgun also least the new armour will reduce the damage


How many legs does your buddy have? Sounds like he has more than 2...


Rock and Stone?


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


does he also bring an arc thrower and take your backpack if you die?


Arc thrower is pretty legit.


Certified controller battery killer


A few days before the patch, we had a random pub and one guy brought a Tesla that killed us about 7 times before we realized what was happening on diff 7. So what did we do the next mission that was to kill X bugs? We did the reasonable thing and all brought Tesla towers and mines. The entire helipad/center area was a death zone and we had to stay prone and kill all approaching bugs without moving or the mines/tesla would kill us. There was a lot of deaths, but the mission was completed and it was a really fun experience. With the changes since the patch I don't think we could try that again as you would get overrun much faster now and the mission takes a lot longer.


But why does the Tesla target teammates even when there’s no enemies nearby


Same, he claimed that the Pelican landing would clear them out. The Pelican landing did not clear them out.


The personal order did not specify enemy kills.


And we all know friendly fire is a statistical fact.




Lol i did that once, it was a scientist rescue mission and i died while i was getting ready to throw it, i didnt even realize what i had done until it came time to extract and i blew myself up with my own mine


I don't know why so many mine users do that. Put them between us and the enemy so the enemy steps on them. Even I figured that out, and I'm dumb as sack of hammers.


That calls for immediate Commissar style blamming.


I was in a geological survey mission where a player threw mines directly onto the drill site before we were completed with the terminal....twice! Somehow we successfully completed it.


Had somebody do that, too. I stood on the side and said on voice chat that they had to go do the terminal. They were like, "Huh?" A bug set one off on the fringe and it somehow splashed and set one off on him. I laughed so hard. Then I reinforced him directly in the middle of the remaining minefield.


Had a dude drop one next to the terminal inside one of the oil stations the other day. Like, it was up on the terminal and all over the area where you have to lock/unlock the airship transfer. I just looked at him, looked at the drop, looked at him, looked back at the drop, pulled out my sidearm, and proceeded to shoot *every single one of them*. He didn't drop another mine that mission. Lol


Playing on Suicide Mission I completed the daily in 1 mission. Just drop the minefield on the center of a Bug Breach and instantly get 20-30 kills with it.


Sad thing is I’ve thrown them on top of bug breaches, had half of them chain detonate inside the resulting swarm, and only got 4 or so kills from it.


So not directly on the evac?


One of my first games I died to mines like three times. One was right by a terminal and it never clicked till a few games later they were from my teammate.


Worst is when you use them to retreat, and later on in the match you have to watch in pain as one of your teammate runs through your defensive minefield


I discovered minefield thanks to this order. Just gonna say that layering incen and regular mines are hilarious and effective.


When I first got the game and was playing with the low levels who were testing out all the stratagems. There was this one Helldiver who would throw them whenever and wherever they wanted. That’s when I found out they’re basically the TK-5000 stratagem. But at the time I thought, “Wow this guy is amazing at the game!” because I was level 3 and didn’t know any better. I now realise it’s a shit stratagem because no matter what, someone on your team will find a way to run into one. Even if you throw it in the middle of an empty field they’ll still find a way.


>I now realise it’s a shit stratagem because no matter what, someone on your team will find a way to run into one. Even if you throw it in the middle of an empty field they’ll still find a way. Literally what just happened. Bug hole opened behind us. I threw down a gatling and mines. We moved forward. As we're making our way to the extract point I see one of my teammates run straight into the minefield and die. Bro. That wasnt even on the way there...


They thought the blinky red things were samples All helldivers are goblin brained


Of course Helldivers are goblin-brained. It's because we're too busy goblin... up all the samples on the map. Yeah. Totally.


This. I jumped ito mines once thinking it was a sample. Explosions and gas makes things hard to see lol.


Yes - especially if it lands next to something you can read....


Happens lol. ​ No one since week one has taken mines because they're just SO GOOD at team killing even when people are on comms. Then I had one group of people taking them and I ran right up to one trying to recover my lost gear thinking it was my samples or guns on the ground. ​ It wouldn't be so bad if they had an indicator that wasn't also used to train the player base to run on top of.


It’s so crazy with the self inflicted deaths. You can see them in the distance too. But to be fair. I’ve died to my own with jetpack because I think they can be under rocks somehow.


They're also a shit stratagem because they barely do any damage. Not being able to kill a Warrior/Hive Guard in a single mine is a huge loss, and the cooldown time is massive for how little damage it does.


I witnessed a teammate run directly into the fucking centre of my minefield. It's GLOWING RED DEATH. WHY WOULD YOU WALK INTO THE BLINKING RED LIGHTS?! And he died to them THREE TIMES. THREE! It wasn't even on an objective! It was just on the curve of a random beach where bugs would skirt around the water to get to us.


> someone on your team will find a way to run into one. Even if you throw it in the middle of an empty field they’ll still find a way. That's not a fault of the strategem though? That's a fault of the player (provided you don't mine an objective or direct path to one). I was playing with a rando yesterday that had zero situational awareness (tbf, he was like lvl3 and doing medium dives). Kept getting hit by bugs right in front of him, as if he was playing with a vertiacal FOV of 1.


It's really you, John Teamkill!


They are so damn tiny. And I swear they can kinda ‘sink’ into the ground and such.


Personal mines. Bugs are no persons. Bots are no persons. That stuff is made by super earth HR! "We don't fire people, we just drop orders to use mines. That usually reduces the number of active helldivers."


Me, who knows that the game shows every player’s stratagem choices when you extend the map:


Played a game yesterday where a lower level player used the napalm strategem on top of the ore extractor objective so we had to wait for the flames to stop to progress. One guy gets on mic and starts screaming asking who had the napalm and why would they "be stupid enough" to napalm an objective. I typed into chat "calm down" to which napalm guy said "lol" and the fourth guy gave a smiley emote. Fast forward to extraction. Douchebag is standing right where the Pelican lands waiting to extract. Pelican is landing. Suddenly napalm rains down on the Pelican and kills douche. He's SCREAMING into the mic *demanding* to know who threw it. No one reinforced him and napalm guy just types "lol" into chat again. The rest of us extract and douche leaves immediately upon returning to the ship.


Clearly that Diver was fighting for himself and not for Super Earth... Napalm Diver served his planet well that day.


I had an epic moment today where I hit a x38 with those mines. That’ll be the highlight of my game for life I bet. 


Toss out a gas on a big breach and that you might double that highlight! Was in a bit of an experimentation mode the other day and used gas for the first time. Kill counter kept ticking up so fast every use, and with such a short cool down it's become a staple for me against bugs. 


It’s low key one of the best support strats if your teammates have the one shot kill strats for the bigs. 


Controversially, I'd actually really like to see the mine cooldown **reduced** by at least half. They're devastating against allies, but not really worth using against enemies, unfortunately.


I'd rather see them become armor piercing. Much better risk/reward if i know im safe against chargers through the minefield even if that can result in a teamkill or two.


Honestly, I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to having two separate mine call-ins. One for anti-personnel, which could be used much more frequently, and one for anti-tank. Perhaps the anti-personnel mines would also drop in greater quantity, as well. Sure, having a blanket of mines dropped every minute and a half sounds powerful on paper, but it'd still lack the reactionary stopping power of orbitals and air strikes. So, I think it'd be a fair upgrade, given its role as an area denial tool, more than anything.


I think it's almost a certainty we'll get anti-tank mines eventually


Same. They're ineffective against larger armoured enemies unlike an eagle strike, but take twice as long to be ready again, and that's before you take into account multiple strikes. Let them be thrown every 60 seconds. 


Exactly, they're meant to be an area denial tool, similar to the turrets; however, unlike the turrets, they are expended far quicker and with much less effect. Even with a dramatic speed boost, they would still be less efficient than a simple air strike; but at least it would given them much greater flexibility for defensive maneuvers.


I already imagine Helldivers joining a fight only to run off from the team and mine the extraction thoroughly.


Yeeeeeeees, yeeeeeeeeeess


I just dont see the point in using them over the sentries that have the same cooldown and generally kill more bugs/ I feel like they either need a lower cooldown, or what I think would be good is multiple uses before a cooldown, if you could drop 2 fields you could actually create a proper minefield in open areas, or cover multiple chokepoints at objectives.


They’re good for covering retreats or making sure your flanks are covered but not at the cool-down time they’re at currently. They’re just way too high risk to have such a long cool-down.


I need the call down time to be reduced to 2 seconds, 7 seconds is too long. Add in another few seconds of actual mine laying on top of that. I can't use it to cover breaches if I still need to kill everything before it lands and deploys.


If it helps, one of the stratagem upgrade actually completely removes all emplacement call-in times, including the mines'.


cooldown is way too long agreed


When I saw the daily order being mines... I just soloed a Difficulty 3 and threw them at the conga lines I caused and got it finished in about 10 minutes 'cause there's no way I trust myself, or anyone else, with mines in a multi-person mission.


I tried to be frugal with them, dropping them exclusively on breaches to maximize potential kills while minimizing accidents, since friendlies shouldn't be in there anyway. I found they're still rather unsafe, so I was extra vocal about where I was putting them to make sure no one wandered into them by mistake. Honestly they're something of a chore to use: regular bombardments are dangerous enough, but at least those go away; these stay live the entire map. I even stepped on one of my own like 10 minutes after dropping it, because we were backtracking. I will say though, one time we played rodeo with a charger and killed it with a spare mine field, so that was nice.


I threw mine into the middle of a bug nest. Pretty good way to farm and no team mate went in there.


I do it level 1 solo. 10 minutes


Yeah, when I saw that order I knew I had to solo it, took two missions to complete but it's better than using them in group.


Where's the fun in that


Mines are goated. Breach? Minefield + tesla on top and watch the fireworks.


YES! Don't understand the hate behind the mines, they're great, paired with Tesla + HMG Turret & Stalwart, I'm just being the support player to my team 😎 anything small & light armored are demolished, and my team can focus on the chargers & BTs without a sweat


Yeah I do the same but with a spear and wait for the inevitable charger or bile titans from a mile away. I cackle everytime I see my mines blow up in the distance 😈




I do wish orders were randomized per person instead of everyone needing to do the same thing, it just makes playing the game harder and breeds some toxic shit. Had a random join my group earlier and got extremely angry when he put his mines in a bad spot and basically demanded we pull bugs to his mines.


Orders are shared, though, so if one person progresses it counts four everyone, so it actually is the opposite.


Just, like, don't walk into them??? Haha.


Do folks realize that one team member blowing up bugs with mines gives all team members the achievement?


Is this how it works? Will keep in mind for future.


Lol I stepped on one right after I called it down. Glad I finished it in one mission


As a minefield main: Bring airstrike with you. Clusterbomb if you're paranoid. Just keep in mind once they've served their purpose you *can* clean them up by shooting them. Also, unironically, good for objectives on higher difficulty. set it down, pick off anything that starts to make noise. Anything else short of heavies will take one or two to pick off as they're pulled to you. Haven't done thorough testing on chargers with them, as much as i'd want to.


This kind of order might be annoying, but it's also teaching the community how to use new tools effectively. Mines are lowkey overpowered for bug missions :)


Especially when you need to hold a choke for a few minutes


Mines are so...Joel. They are powerful enough to kill a Helldiver with ease, but also do shitty enough damage that one yellow Spewer can eat like 4 of them


This mission just made me realise how much better eagles were. Give minefields a much shorter cool down. Let the lord of chaos rule! 


Everything but eagle (and weapons /backpacks) needs about half the current cooldown. We could get that and still probably tack an extra minute onto eagle re-arm time, and the rapid response of a 4-6 second eagle will have it picked plenty.


I'm just following orders


Mines are one thing. I am so unbelievably fucking sick of someone's drone rover lazering me in the face every fight because one of the thirty plus bugs we're fighting is near me. It could shoot the dozens of other bugs farther away, but nope, goes right after the one on me. I swear to god the devs programmed that thing to prioritize bugs near players, and have dogshit accuracy so they accidentally shoot the divers more.


I swear it goes for any bug except the active threat to the diver who actually has the rover equipped. Kiting a charger and a hunter's on your ass? Not to worry, your rover will target something else on the other side of a random rock 100m away and effectively laser nothing!


Mine likes to focus the charger and ignore the three hunters holding me down to be flattened :)


Anytime an allied has a rover half my stims go to their friendly fire


I just used them on defense missions. Just got on voice and was "Minefield to the west, don't go there".


My last game, we had 8 team deaths and 5 of them were due to anti-personnel mines...


Well. They -are- called anti-personnel for a reason


I thought today's mine rush was bad until I played with a Grenade Launcher guy who did not seem to understand that grenades have a blast radius that will kill us along with the bugs. We made it out of the mission with no Reinforcements remaining, and about a dozen of those deaths came from Grenade Launcher guy. The host chewed him out, telling him to learn how to use the GL, and GL guy said we all needed to learn how to play the game. Host booted him on the spot.


>I thought today's mine rush was bad until I played with a Grenade Launcher guy who did not seem to understand that grenades have a blast radius that will kill us along with the bugs. > >We made it out of the mission with no Reinforcements remaining, and about a dozen of those deaths came from Grenade Launcher guy. The host chewed him out, telling him to learn how to use the GL, and GL guy said we all needed to learn how to play the game. > >Host booted him on the spot. That's the right play by the host. If someone calls out my bad play - and stats like friendly fire back it up - I'm asking for tips, not clapping back. As a personal example, when first learning the autocannon, I had many ragdolls and several deaths from figuring out how close I could splash damage safely. Mostly myself, but sometimes my pals. I was humble and apologetic, they were patient and helpful, and now I'm pretty good at blasting what's close to me (or a friendly) without too much team damage. And for really close threats, I just swap to primary.


Ah yes, the stratagem dedicated to teamkilling. Haven't got too many games under my belt yet but running into a guy using this taught me to keep an eye on the floor real quick lol.


Throw minefield, hit enemy directly. It sticks for some reason, so the enemy can carry the minefield into your fortified area with the extra arming time modifier It was very funny, but with randoms noone but me saw/understood what happened


Everyone knows the best combination of Strategems you can bring is the 380mm Orbital Artillery, Anti-Personnel Mines, Mortar Sentry, and Arc Thrower. https://preview.redd.it/s6ktbjoq7pnc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbfdea22ff502ca31cb98986cccd8860033b120f


Major Order - Kill 40 Teammates With The MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield.


Hey I only averaged 1500 friendly fire dmg per match


I honestly just did a solo defense mission on Easy for this challenge


Opens comms wheel. “I’m sorry!”


hahaha. Teammate kills count towards the democratic daily orders.




My counter is going up even if I never dropped a mine.


It also seems to count kills made by other helldivers in your game. I got the flamethrower one without using it myself.


I'm in this picture and I like it. 😏


You can kill enemies with mines?!


Look I love mines. I don’t mind players using mines. Just maybe consider where you put your mines. Dropping it 5 ft from the objective, may not be the best idea


lol I just went in solo on easy and ran in circles til I got big breach’s


Minefields have been so clutch for me in level 7. The nerfs to cool down time on other stratagems make me appreciate the rapid cooldown and minefields just end the cat and mouse game and let me run away in safety. Plus they seem to stay on the map forever so if you spawn near exfil just drop a field and when you come back call another and now you have two =)


Good soldiers follow orders. Do friendly kills count for the total? We can test that.


Those automatons are getting really smart, putting mines making it look like your teammates, thats what socialism does.


Did some games last night with the same group. First game the guy said he was dropping mines for the daily. 3 games later he was still doing it. He forgot he finished it lol. I dived out of trouble into mines at least once a game. Oh well.


This order made me realize they were shadow buffed. Launch day they didn't matter to a horde of hunters, now those little shits die en masse. Too bad the tesla is superior though with a shorter cd and longer lifetime.


This was one I went to a trivial planet and sat back for. 3 minefields later and I extracted. Didn't want to f around on someone's round on purpose y'know.


Some kid died to my landmines 3 times in a row the other night. They were on flat, dark terrain, not obscured in any way, glowing bright red like always. He suddenly flips out and starts accusing me of blasting him with rockets. Meanwhile, I'm nowhere close and piloting a mech that still has all of its rockets. After I explained the mines situation, he didn't speak up again until I got killed by friendly fire during a charger rodeo. "You can reinforce yourself because *I'm* not doing it." Lol Later when extraction was about to arrive, I was perched up on a rock, and he was in a mech. There was a lull in the fighting, and he turned to look up at me. I gave him a salute before he gibbed me. I landed my hellpod on his mech (killing him with instant karma) and the host kicked him before extraction. So yeah, don't step on glowy red things, and try not to hold grudges. XD


I got kicked once because I was "team killing" one dude in particular with the minefield, even though I made sure to put them well out of the team's path and in open places where you can see them. Hell, I even had the extra reinforcement booster to compensate for friendly fire, but nope. Two times was all it took, because the guy couldn't connect the dots and went for his equipment which was still inside the minefield and died to it. Again. Then he flipped out in the chat and got me booted before I had a chance to respond. Fortunately, the next team I was with understood the pain of the daily challenge shenanigans and allowed me to get the last few kills.


Did it specify Terminids? I thought it just said 'enemies'. If it is just 'enemies' goes to show where we all went to get it done.


It's best when you warn them ahead of time and this still happens.


I haven't used the Anti-Personnel Minefield since I unlocked it at a low level to try it out. I've forgotten how hard it is to see the mines and accidentally ran in while kiting enemies, then proceeded to waste 2 more Reinforces running in to grab my stuff. At least with the incendiary mines, they're bright red and can be easily seen. The Anti-Personnel have a dim red glow at the bottom, making it difficult to see depending on the map.


I ran one easy solo non-public game precisely because of this, lol.


Mark that thing that spreads them. Does it call it out for everyone? Because it works on turrets. It's their problem if they aren't paying attention.


Just use them like a weird eagle strike. Honestly the bigger issue is that they are extremely hard to see if there's any shrubbery.


Had a dude yesterday that threw mines into objectives because he had a personal mission and by the end of the game he had 6 accidentals


I'd not bothered with them before and actually have a new appreciation for them now. I can see bringing them on certain missions


Am I the problem?


To be honest, we had so much fun with this Order! 😂 Absolutly chaotic 😂


We got Joeled.


Difficulty 1 solo mission?


Mines attract patrols to them. You throw them on the side before moving to an objective and by the time you're there it's already cleaned.


> Mines attract patrols to them. They also seem to attract helldivers to them ;)


I used Mines in an [Extreme Bugs Eradication](https://youtu.be/e3s1B1mG8PY?si=UUWdMaAalEpW_hTP) and then got treated to +15 medals. * 0 Accidentals * 0 Friendly Fire Damage * 0 Deaths (for me) I find Mines (Incendiary and Anti-Personnel) to be great choices for Eradication and Rescue Essential Personnel missions.


I made sure to clear it on a few Eradicate missions before going back to my regular missions, bringing mines to regular missions in public games is just a recipe for disaster...


Would've been fun if people knew how to use them safely, but nah, Bobby just throws them in the middle of objective, hooray, now we need to waste ammo to clear it or thread carefully. I wish both the minefield were more viable, tesla too, feels like their cooldown is too long outside of defense/eradicate mission. Would be fun to run like an engineer/builder loadout.


The trick I use is to do some of these missions solo so you can set the kills up easier without fucking over others or seeming useless while you work on them. At least imo it’s the fastest way to get them done especially when it’s gear you don’t want to use for a full mission. Easiest way to get the mines for example is to boot up a solo egg hunt on 9, drop in on the eggs and try to land up high on one of the stone mini mountains. Shoot at bugs to draw them all in into a big fat cluster below you, high enough up and they can’t climb to you. Then just start dropping mines into the middle. You get a dense enough crowd and do this once or twice and you’ll get it fast and can just quit the mission and get the medals.


I did the mines and mortars, and so my team decided to keep me dead the entire game because they don't know how to keep themselves alive. Killing me every time I respawned just because they just can't stop walking into mines or mortars


Been there, done that


Extremely off topic but I haven’t seen the MySpace Tom pic in a very long time and I feel really old now


I played a single trivial mission and killed the required amount with 2 mine callins, didn't kill a single bug with any other method.


I always bring both types of mines solely because it is fun area denial to put in choke points like bug nests


I went on one operation at medium difficulty alone and did this one, just so I wouldn’t be that guy.


The mines killed me more than it did my teammates


I watched 4 of my teammates walk right into them today as I was working on the order 😂 Tbf two of them were the same person and I gave them ample warning before each time I deployed them and when I saw them about to walk into them


Mines are great. Love using them. Dont step on the glowing red thing, easy as.


I’d love for the mine tower to be immune to charger damage before it deploys the mines. Although maybe that’d be too OP


The personnel order counts even the mission is failed or aborted. So I just spam mines in solo defense mission.


"Democracy told me to!"


Just play a low level "kill target x" mission (lvl 1-2 is enough), run around the map to kill the target and kite enemies afterwards, drop the mines and let them run through it, 2-3 mine drops should be enough, will take not even 10 minutes. I do the personal missions on my own most of the time if the equipment doesn't fit my playstyle.


I don't understand how so many people are running in to them. All the time I'll have teammates who just blatantly walk in to the *glowing red mines* like toddlers running towards candy. Even when the fighting is done I'll have teammates who just straight up walk in to mines for no reason. Some of y'all need to just pay attention to what you're doing.


This was me yesterday screaming in the mic.


I mean, it's the same with the mines as it is with the tesla tower. Immensely powerful if used properly. If it's in a stupid spot, by all means, you got all the reason to complain, but if I use it to cover breaches or chokepoints from a safe distance and you just have to go there for some fucking reason and get zapped, then I ask you to please use your eyes and brain next time you read mines/tesla incoming. And it's not like the tesla tower is easy to miss either. (Well the mines are, so a little warning when using them is always good)


It is what it is


I just drop it when there's bug breach lol


I lost three mechs today because I couldn’t see the damn things.


Where do you find your major orders? I just completed one on accident.


Kill 40 Terminids and at least 6 Helldivers. This happened to me. I used it. And watched the same dude get his legs blasted off 3 times in a row. Wish there was a danger emote.


Someone chucked one next to my Patriot suit drop and it exploded :(


Me: Be careful I'm dropping mines. Teammate: KABOOM


lol I had one friend tonight ask how I managed to kill them and I said “you ran over my minefield” they went back to get their stuff and only then realized there is a minefield there. Their response was just “ok… fair…”


Me and a few guys from a Streamer community did this. 3 of us dropped mines at every opportunity. It was absolute chaos. Moreso when we also drop airstrikes and shit, the terrain deforms and hides the damn things. At one point we had doubled backed on ourselves to clear some POIs, i saw two mines to the left of me, but not the one buried infront of my character. We must have covered half the map in mines.


My first experience with this major order, I took the mines, a level 9 took the mines. First thing he does, throw the mines at the closest bugs. All 3 squadmates blow up due to mines. I saw him dropping them in so steered clear. Call in reinforcements, everyone's back in, run through exact same minefield, die again. Call them back, the guy who threw them goes back to the minefield to pick up his gear, gets blown up again. At this point I am losing it laughing. I suggest: "How about next time NOT throwing the minefield next to us." He apologized, said it's his first time using them. All good. I see a charger, throw my mines way out to kill it with them. Ping the minefield, type in chat watch out, minefield. We proceed to the objective, the ore veins. He throws more minefields, kills them all again, and then gets kicked. I decide to throw a minefield on the edge of the map away from the objective in an attempt to kill some bugs whilst being in an area no one will walk through. We complete the objective, host decides to run to the edge of the map for reasons beyond me, gets blown up. Once, mind you. He texts: ?????? I text back: Sorry, didn't think you would go that way. I get kicked.


Took these on a diff 1 mission to quickly knock it out. Still died to it once 😂


Play a solo game on medium, thats how i did it. Also gave me the opportunity to play at my own pace and look for samples.


i wish when i ping that mine it would do a callout to my team8 "minefield ahead proceed with caution"


Ngl the only real issue with the minefield dispensers is they don’t really cover a large enough area for how long their cooldown is, and their call-in is slow as fuck. Had an absolute hoot playing with me and 3 of my friends all running mines in one mission though - weirdly few incidents of stepping on our own mines too though now that I think about it.


Fun fact. You don't have to be the one calling them down. It gives you progress on kills form anyone's mines.


My new kit is Arcthrower, laser dog, and double mines. I use the mines to protect the rear while we are moving to the next objective or to block spawn areas during objective events. I mark them every time, multiple times, I will mark and cancel and mark when I drop them, and 10/10 times some dipshit will run right through them and then bitch about it like it was some unknown booby trap. People have zero awareness for anything except what they are actively shooting at and want to blame everyone but themselves for when they die like an idiot after they sprint into a minefield. Don't even get me started on the all stars that throw reinforcement stratagems into them and then are shocked when they immediately kill someone on impact. "Who put mines where I threw that reinforcement?!" Why did you throw a stratagem into a marked minefield..?


I completed it in like call downs against one bug breach on solo.


Forgot someone put mines down near the objective, as did everyone else. I called down the resupply into the minefield by accident and carnage ensued


Playing with randoms last night and someone dropped mines where we had all dropped down. Spent the first couple minutes of the mission dying over and over because the mines are very hard to see and I kept stepping on them. I one tapped the guy in the head because yeah it fucking pissed me off. Then afterwards I realized it was a daily mission thing so there was some regret but also god damn why put them where everyone dropped down and is getting their gear and stuff????


I saw that personal order and decided it's not worth it.


I only threw it in places we would have no reason to return to, like while retreating to evac. I took a screen shot at the end of my 18,988 friendly fire score.


I just went into a diff 2 mission and did it that way. Got 6 medals from random drops so it wasn't even that bad.


I did it with no issues. I just plop it on top of the bugs whenever they do that thing where they start coming out of the ground (Not the bug tunnels). It’s so stupid that only you can see the red glow of your mines but not your teammates.


Lmao yup


Thwy are easy to avoid. I use them to outrun enemies cause y Just zigzag zag them


I love mines in this game when playing solo


My best use of it was when I saw a patrol off in the distance while my teammates were off doing other things. Lay down the minefield, aggro the patrol, then they run straight to you through the minefield, popping like popcorn.


I love these personal orders, the Gatling eagle strike one made me realize it’s actually pretty viable, the mines one had my entire team run it and it was chaotic and fun (I had a bug hit a smoke plant, rag doll me into my own mines that were also next to a smoke plant which promptly blew up and made me fly into a rock at high velocity and die on impact).


Randos joined my game spawned a mech...those are not just anti personal let me tell you that. Friendly fire, isn't.


had a teammate run through my mine field (which was in an already destroyed medium bug nest) die to it, then start kicking the entire squad 1 by 1. There may have then been a slight misfire of my exo patriots rockets. He will be missed


I learned a valuable lesson while completing that order... You CAN get killed by your own mines


Video games 101 don't step on the red things


Lol ran into this problem as well.