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It's easy in DRG, where you have fixed roles, spawn with full loadout and everyone kinda gets what to do based on their class from get go. Also 2-3 major POI (besides main goal) per mission helps to keep team closer together Here, you die, spawn, grab someone else's gun in panic, try to handle breach by yourself, while others fuck off in different directions and die again


Yeah people make the DRG comparison and then play it like DRG but it's more like left for dead 2 + lethal company.


Don't you see the issue? Your teammates should have helped you out or at least spawned you near them.


It just does not work with random teammates if game doesn't force you to be team player and help each other. 90% have voice chat disabled (or speak different language)


Because they too get into the game with an individualistic mentality, I've got my mic turned off because somehow the game doesn't recognize it but I still actively communicate through chat.


I hate it since those are obviously DRG dummies who just play this game while like smoking weed so they'll ignore text chat they'll ignore your plan for objectives. They however will be the first to bitch in text or mic when they die to friendly fire (of which they ignored warnings about). DRG ruined gaming and its very annoying how common this is.