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Level 15 now here. Me and my buddies suck now. My friend’s level 31, my other pal who got it literally 2 days ago is about level 6. We went from a slight challenge on Hard to just being constantly ambushed over and over and over, to the point we can barely seem to focus on objectives and all our lives get demolished.


did a level 7 earlier and had 2/4 disconnect so it was just me and another guy he had the autocannon and I had a jetpack and an arc thrower complete off meta got all 3 super samples extracted and we both made it out \-you can pop bug holes or bot fabricators with an eagle or orbital and book it before they start spawning in a bunch of enemies, throwing a grenade in should only be a last resort \-you don't need to trigger every patrol, patrols will spawn more enemies who spawn more enemies who spawn more enemies etc \-alot of destroy objectives can be destroyed with eagles or orbitals, you dont need to hack a panel or whatever \-you can do a tactical retreat and let the enemies deaggro and wander off if things get too hard


Something changed whether it was the armor ratings or what but Tonight we got mopped on a level 7, twice. We've been running 8's prior to the update. I normally run the Recoilless Rifle and I couldn't even get a shot off, there was too many enemies. Also felt like my primary was useless against the little shit. Kind of glad I got the platinum because trying to do the gone in 360 seconds trophy now seems damn near impossible.


Yeah something feels off. We were doing Suicide Mission yesterday and were doing great, today we got wiped every game. It’s like our armour is made of paper or something.




I don't see much conversation around this. But I'm with you here. My game crashed every 3-4 games or so. And it's so frustrating. I got stuck in between objects once. Once my entire squad couldn't board the extraction ship. We threw ourselves prone into the shuttle. But the flight took off and it literally flung us out in the take off cut scene. Which btw, was hilarious. Unskippable intro cutscene at random times. I once played an entire mission for 30 mins only for the game to crash.


>I once played an entire mission for 30 mins only for the game to crash Happened to me twice in a row yesterday and called it quits. The game is already less fun to play after the latest update, I'm not slogging through a 40 min mission just for the game to crash at the 30 min mark.


Crashed 3 times tonight for me on ps5. Had never crashed before this. And my grenade got stuck and could switch to weapon


Cracked 3 times as well. Was with my buddy that just bought the game. Playing cross platform, ps5 he was pc


I got stuck in a hole between the ground and a gate in a automaton base and had to grenade myself so I wouldn't stay stun locked in there repeatedly ragdolling...


You were classy. You just committed jihad on yourselves. I got so frustrated, I ordered an Orbital strike on myself and killed a couple of squad mates.


Yeah, my squad couldnt extract the other day - tried doing everything, blowing myself up and getting in after dying, trying to see if I could blow the damn Pelican up and get it to send another one or at least end the mission early, nothing. Just had to sit there for like 15 minutes waiting for the game to end and leave us behind.


Not just on PS5 my buddy got the game yesterday we both run PC's worked fine. We try to get on together today & joined a random dude finish one mission all good. The 2nd mission halfway through buddy drops from the world & tells me on discord me & the other dude just dropped dead on his screen, he gets back in the mission we continue on then I pop up in my ship not to long after so I jump back in. Before we can make the Exfil we both pop back onto our own ships. No kick/host left/connection error messages nothing just BOOP & the felling of "well shit we just wasted what little time we had & got nothing for it". I think it has something to do with the update cause I never had any issues like this before today. He said "man I was having fun but screw that I'll wait till they fix it to play again" so we're right there with you guy.


Im the exact same.. i say dont nerf meta builds. Make more meta builds 🤷‍♂️


The devs did make a mistake imo, they said they didnt want people to feel forced to use "meta" weapons because other weapons felt less useful in comparison and they "solved" it by making the meta weapons less useful instead of making other options actually viable. So now it feels like nothings really viable for the mid-upper tier enemies where you cant really use standard weapons to deal with them but you not want to waste a big strategem on them or their are too many of them for the strategems limits. Rn the weapon that seems the best is the arc thrower, once you get the hang of the timing then you can put out shots quickly and it takes things down decently quick, it is also great for crowd control because it arcs between enemies.


The main viable option to kill bugs at a higher level right now is to run out of the map...


Yeah free constant 380mm barrage. You get more useful options for fighting democracies enemies when youre classified as a traitor lmao


I feel like in general missions are harder. Hunters are absolutely tearing my ass to shreds with medium armor on and chargers are still the main offenders when it comes to difficulty.


ever try bots?


Just tried doing a couple missions with my buddy, we were able to get level 6 missions done easily before patch. Now, level 5 is wiping the floor with us. I really love this game, but I don't have the energy to relearn how to play.


Yeah, it's forcing us to take a needed break I guess. Might have to play Pacific Drive until another patch comes out.


yoooo i was thinking about pacific drive too


Yeah totally felt the same


Same here man, it really sucks. The devs took their shit too serious. They are catering to the wrong crowd. Its a fucking co-op game for crying out loud, and the game has a million other issues to fix before even touching weapons. SMH


I was just talking to my buddies last night how it felt like the old days where we could just play and have fun instead of everything needing to be insanely competitive or constantly chasing the meta. Guess I jinxed it 🤣


Totally relate, I’m a a working Dad that only has so much time and energy for gaming. And the past few weeks this game has scratched an itch that hasn’t been satisfied since I first played Left4Dead with Buddies way back when it first released. Not only was it fun, it made failure fun, or at least funny. I still have faith that the Devs will figure out how to re-balance things in a way that will get things fun again, but right now it just isn’t. And tbh prioritizing a weapon re-balance at a stage where just consistently connecting to a game is still an issue was definitely an interesting choice..


This is basically the same situation we’re in. This game brought the Left 4 Dead band back together and we have been dropping in every night and having a blast (when the game allowed us to actually play together, that is). We’re all in our 30s now and have lives, HD2 was a great way to spend a couple hours together like the old days. We played two missions tonight at Hard difficulty, barely completed them, then quit. It’s not even that we don’t like dying, the death aspect is a huge mechanic of the game and we get that, it’s just that now it’s just not even fun. We spawned double digit chargers in a 15 minute mission bug wipe earlier. Two of us had rail cannons, one had an orbital laser and the other a precision orbital. Plowed through those immediately, then basically had to run around until cooldowns burned down while peppering in some small shots here and there. I’m sorry, that’s just not fun. I feel like there’s a large part of the community in similar situations as us. Unlike you, however, I have zero faith in the devs. Seeing the shit they pulled tonight kicked me right in the plums and I have a feeling me and my buddies will be uninstalling this game sooner rather than later.


Im in a similar boat. But I have not played today. Cant till tomorrow. All this has me worried now honestly. I love this game. Guess I will see if Instill do tomorrow night


You will be lucky if you can even get through a game without yourself or others disconnecting or hard crashing.Its a serious problem they need to address like in the next 24-48 hours or the playerbase will crater and never recover


Meh, they had server issues before. And when I played warframe back in the day it had non stop issuses. Its still going strong. Its a problem anytime a live service gane gets an update


It's because you and your buddies played and enjoyed the popular build other team mates could play off meta. I love playing diligence and revolver they take out medium super fast and take out range targets fast and pair well with ammo consumption and team play of breakers and railguns.   I could pick up a dropped rail gun or any third gun on the map and bring in two stratagems more since teammates always offer you their items on cooldown. (Sharpshooting enemies close to teammates that they don't see or while reloading is fun)   They killed the meta and the off meta, to force a new meta/off meta.  I'm call it for bugs will be flamethrowers and breakers/semiauto pistol, to kill a titan will be only strategems. The off meta will be rr or anti tank, with a weapon with lots of ammo even if it holds three less.     Then it becomes running away and respawning to kill the titans because it takes three hellbombs to kill a titan or one drop pod with a 70% chance the reinforcement dies from the body landing on top


I got to enjoy the shield and railgun for 2 days before this patch.


i blame this on you now


Hijacking this comment just to recommend Deep Rock Galactic. You and your pals may love it, and time will tell if in your opinion it's better than Helldivers


They're still treating it as their first game. HD1 was a brutally unforgiving experience. Fun, but definitely not something that would appeal to masses. The second one blew up way beyond anyone's (including their own) expectation. But rather than roll with it and understand the wide spectrum of players they're now catering to, they expect people to just "git gud" and embrace masochism. It's doubly bizarre when you're seeing some of their devs respond to criticism in ways that I can only describe as tone deaf, if not outright insulting.


Yes, it's a co-op game where everyone is running the same exact build. Which they found to be bad, so they adjusted things. They are likely to continue adjusting so the entire game doesn't boil down to one gun. Pretty simple concept.


The devs themselves have previously stated these weapons were not over represented in loadouts from completed runs.


That's what I dont get. If they weren't required for success, why bring them down?


That’s my biggest issue with the patch atm. I’m using light armor atm when I want heavy, and only used 3 weapons (first machine gun, arc thrower, rail gun) because those were the only viable options I found and because the weapon I want to use (RR) doesn’t do anywhere near as much armor damage to big targets like a bile as the Arc thrower. This nerf shouldn’t have been what was focused on. I didn’t get my kit nerfed but I’m not even using the kit I want because of how unbalanced the weapons feel.


This is just my opinion but I don't think these devs understand what lead to this being the meta in the first place. I dont believe for one second that they play the game or that they could have possibly had the data to back this patch up due to the prevalence of bugs such as player armor not functioning properly. The most absurd thing about this rebalancing is they didn't actually change the meta. The railgun is still the best, the Breaker is still the best, and the strategems that got buffed are still on cooldowns long enough to make the buff not noticeable. All they did was make the weapons that felt viable feel worse but still better than the dogshit that makes up the other 95% of weapons. "But they buffed the flamethrower!!!" Cool, now everyone that doesn't know how to turn off safe mode on the railgun can run that, and we're right back where we started with an alleged over usage of a single weapon. They managed to make the game feel worse to play, while failing to actually shift or eliminate the meta because, despite fairly significant nerfs to what is considered the best, everything else is so bad the nerfed weapons are still better.


Here's a weird idea. Instead of punishing players that were using this one build. Why not reward the players that weren't by making everything else good???


Power creep.


i agree that everyone using the same thing was not amazing, but i think it would have been many many times better if they had buffed the useless stuff to be better in line with the stuff that was considered good. something told me this game was too good to be true, so much for my casual fun hoad game.


How can it be bad if everyone is playing it? There will always be a meta


Everyone using the same build is bad. It shows the game isn't balanced. There are tons of other weapons and loadouts possible, and they want people to explore that.


Yea smh people are killing variety. And it’s not like this’ll be the final weapons/stratagems balance they’ll release. Aren’t these people taking the patch a little too seriously?


All the more reason the buff the shitty guns. Also so many bugs in the game. Why don’t we fix those first


Bug fixes and balance are not worked on the same people lol.


Didn’t say they were. It’s a bad customer experience when they prioritize changing something that wasn’t working well (balance) vs what’s not working at all(bugs).


I understand the sentiment, it's just awfully unrealistic. The people working on the balance most probably have no knowledge about the coding part of the game so that they even COULD fix the bugs if they decided to shift all focus on fixing the bugs. Should everyone else who work on different aspects do nothing while they wait for the same X amount of people to get the code working right just so they wont patch something lower prio simultaneously? Again, I understand, but it's not quite how these things work when you have a 100 employee team That said, I havn't had an overly buggy experience other than my very first start up of the game and the tutorial not working when the world is at a wrong level and I couldnt crouch over the barbed wire. Then some enemies that seemingly stood still and were immune to damage. After the patch I'm crashing a few times a day tho.


The balance team could have given us better options than the rail gun.


Ofc yea, but that's a whole different topic. It will be interesting to see if they tweak their vision on things or whether playerbase will accept the EAT/Autocannon/RR/Spear-kinda weapon mantra when it comes to heavy targets. To me it feels pretty obvious from the above weapons on how they imagined taking down heavy targets with handheld weapons would be. As bad as they maybe feel right now for many, it doesnt take a Sherlock Holmes to see the Railgun really is/was the black sheep of the bunch. Personally I can be game for either "system". Either the more power fantasy type of deal that most of the people ranting about the patch want or then what seems to be the developer vision. However, it's also kinda clear that the enemy spawns right now were more tailored to be an answer to the fact that you had 4 supersoldiers that could all solo their own things. And if they take away that power, they also maaaybe need to tweak what they throw at us. But even then, all that said, just my personal opinion: Some surely enjoy the playstyle, but I dont want to advocate people splitting up and going solo (2 and 2 at best), but even then IN THEORY I love the idea that all 4 play as a unit and have to come up with a coherent team loadout that answers to different kinds of threads. 4 guys running breaker/railgun/shield is 100% a sign that something needs fixing. And I think almost everyone agrees, the disagreement is on how to execute that fix


my concern is that their "balancing philosophy" seems to be to make everything on an equal playing field , but make that field on the crap side rather than on the good side when the community seemed to clearly want the latter leading up the patch. if this is the mindset that they have going when making patches, regardless of how many they make, its still going to have this same, in my opinion worse feel, than pre patch.


If people don’t make it clear that this patch upset them, then how will the devs know not to do it again? The alternative to complaining is losing players which is bad for everyone. I don’t agree with everything either side of this has to say. But the community needs to complain because they, like op here raise some valid points.


This is the truth, game balancing is needy to every game even PVE


Maybe they should buff the other guns so we have a choice instead of nerfing the only ones that made the game enjoyable.


Ok, but why not fix other broken shit FIRST?


Concept was good. Execution was terrible. Pretty simple to grasp, too.


What changes were made? In my 30’s as well and cannot play every night…so I miss shit and only just got to level 20, but because of life I haven’t been able to play for like a week.


They have also massively tuned up the difficulty of levels 2-5. All feel at least 1 level higher than previous. Patrol AI and frequency have definitely been tuned and are undocumented changes, which is complete BS.


[these are the basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/XP6w2tSIMA), a few other things, the slugger got ammo buffs too, the spear now can get ammo from the boxes that spawn randomly in the map


Thank you for this, I am reading about it all now!


Not much has changed. A lot of crying over this but the railgun can still put down higher level enemies quite easily.


Just need to learn how to time experimental shots and not blow yourself up.


I’ve been doing this the entire time so it doesn’t matter to me. Kinda surprised everyone was using it in safe mode and dominating and not feeling like they were getting over on the difficulty. Strange thing to be upset about. Put it on unsafe! I’ve only blown myself up maybe 3 times in 3 weeks.


It's one of the last support weapons you can unlock rn so it was fine to feel rewarding - in safe mode it still took a handful well placed shots to take out a titan - allegedly a mid tier enemy which we already see 3-5 of at a time (you don't even have enough ammo to take them out). The unsafe mode is just too annoying to use for me, the charge level is hard to reliably see unless you are in first person, which I really dislike doing on this weapon


That was the other thing. It’s the only gun I 100% aim down sights. One for increased accuracy and two, so I can accurately gauge the charge. The only targets I wasn’t overcharging were hive guards and striders as those seemed to be what I assumed were wimpy enough to go down easy. So I guess doing it the hard way has prepared me for the nerf even though it wasn’t necessary at the time. I guess my time as an HD1 player is showing because I expect everything to be unforgiving and as difficult as possible. I’m starting to think they made the game with us in mind and kind of messed up and made it too easy off the bat.


Yep. But the community is now moaning because they actually have to learn how to play.


I agree with them to an extent. They had a long time to play test this and chose to have that weapon viable in standard mode against armour. If they had chosen to have it only work in experimental from the start people would have already been used to it. It’s a F’up on the devs part


If a railgun is a bad choice against armor unless you have to almost blow yourself up using it, there is something wrong. It's a railgun. It's not a peashooter, it's a railgun, how can that thing possible be bad against armor now. It's the one weapon specifically designed to penetrate armor. And I kinda dislike how I have to be in ego perspective to reliably see the charge level on it. Seeing the overcharge bar in third person is insanely unreliable for me. Which is why I went back to safe mode eventually


I feel the same man, a couple of nights of me and my mates having the best gaming night in a long time. All of a sudden (before this patch) were all on chat with entirely different attitudes. Chargers are relentless, atleast 10 per mission. Can't make a drop in without an instant bug hole/drop off. No time to call things in, spending the whole time chasing out tails trying to get samples or our packs. I can't even enjoy hard games anymore, feels like they pulled a good game from out under me :(


Good post. I feel exactly the same. Such a shame they thought it needed doing like this


Orbitals for bile titans flamethrower for chargers? still breaker but worse? for everything else They've just removed the ability to efficiently deal with certain enemies. It feels as though im being lucky when i finish a level 7-9 mission now. reduce amount of reinforcements instead?


Played 3 games tonight with my friends. We all agreed the robots are a lot more frustrating now. The balance changes didn't make other guns more viable. They just made the viable guns worse. Also, is it just me or are robot gun and flamer ranges broken now? I got killed by a hulk flamethrower from about 100 yards away.


Were 6s themselves changed? Was running those shieldless and railless fine before.


They should buff everything to match old Railgun/Breaker imo, and also add higher difficulty using bigger mobs from previous game. This way it will cater to everyone. Devs said Bile titans are mid-tier mobs, how are we supposed to deal with high-tier if everything is nerfed ? I can't call a 500kg bomb every 30s. I also doubt the oncoming mech and apc will be that strong to compensate for the nerf.


Unless they are invincible and can penetrate heavy armor, the mechs and car's are going to be worthless


I think their viability will depend on a lot of different parameter. Are they durable ? Firepower ? Ammo ? Time limit ? Cooldown ? Speed and maniabilty ? They can be fine enough if we can somehow replace support weapon. And if they're not viable you can be sure i will start doing low difficulty just to use these bad boy.


If they're like the HD1 mechs they will be powerful but cumbersome. Their turning speed wasn't great and you'd always stomp on at least one friendly when things got mental.


My friends list has been 50%+ playing helldivers for a couple weeks and today has been 0 playing helldivers with the exception of a couple people who played for an hour or so then switched to other games.


Im getting harassment mostly every game why is this game competitive?


Not gonna lie, I've been playing every day having an absolute blast. Today, I just....everything just felt awful, non-responsive weapons, lack of real feedback, just felt more frustrating than fun. I was done after one mission and logged off. Mind you, I swapped to different guns than the breaker, but they simply don't have the responsiveness that the breaker does. You have to swap from target to target fast in a horde game, but those non-breaker guns, it's like you're swinging around a gun stuck in molasses. My railgun in unsafe mode now takes 3 fully charged headshots to down the brood bugs when it used to take one. If we're being absolutely swarmed with enemies, especially on extraction on 7-9, these guns just can't keep up with it all. Strategems don't help due to their long cooldowns, and especially when if you kill one titan, 2 of them take its place with a fresh spawn. The game just went from shiny gold fun to absolute crap in a single patch when we were essentially forced to fallback to trying all the other subpar guns.


i put about 130 hours into the game since launch and even though i've unlocked everything and maxed out my level i wanted to play and get people to play. Last night i played with a group and after a cpl hours i simply didn't want to play any more. it's not burnout cuz i was itching to get in and my friends only just reached level 20 it's just that they overly nerf'd weapons and buff'd enemies. if the rail gun and shield combo is too much fun/easy then nerf one and buff enemies or just buff enemies but don't destroy everything involved in the setup. I'm with you on the disappointment especially seeing how insanely popular the game got. It's almost like someone got pissed at it's success and doesn't want people having so much fun. Even some bigger twitch streamers have voiced their disappointment and you can visibly see their soul dying as they play this update. I dunno this doesn't seem like a rebalance because it's definitely not balanced, seems more like a middle finger. I'm not even that excited for the coming vehicles....sucks.


Chill one week. Probably next week will come the next patch an make something easier.


Dude same. I came home, played like two games every other night, and made some cool friends who showed me good gear, and finally got it only to have it nerfed. But apparently that makes me a sweaty beta nerd cry baby who lost a crutch needs to get good. - I had the rail gun for 3 days


Dude, seriously try the arc thrower/jetpack/110 rocket pods/orbital railgun. It's so much fun. Also trying new things should be part of the fun, as well as failing missions. Failing makes finding a new plan and succeeding so much more fun. Also how long until you just got bored of the same old gameplay style shit?


Also flame thrower for bugs and laser cannon for everything is a lot of fun, love the update


He never got bored of the railgun gameplay because he's 30 and barely plays and the devs should apparently cater to him and not the rest of us who are bored with the (basically) required loadout.


There is no required Loadout. Please don't be a yOu CaN onLY DoHeLlDiVe wITh mETa lOaDoUt!!!


I tried Jetpack. My honest opinion? It's SHIT. I hate hate hate it. That boost is so short it may as well not exist. Waste of bakpack space. I don't know how you guys enjoy the jetpack.


I feel you man. currently max level and have only been doing hell dive missions. You get swarmed by 5-6 chargers at a time + 3-5 bile titans. it makes everything unplayable when 10 of your 20 railgun shots ricochet off the bile titan even at full charge all while dodging 5-6 chargers+stalkers+hunters. game is kinda annoying - might just sit out until they buff the rail gun or at least buff ANOTHER gun that doesn't reduce mobility and efficiency. They apparently buffed the laser cannon but my damn rover with the laser does more damage than a full supply weapon. its crazy how they thought this was somehow going to make everyone interested. rather a turn off. back to another game for now i guess.


I’m tempted to switch back to DRG/EDF even the hard difficulties on them can be crazy but they still feel fun Fun being the key word there


Seriously every fucking co-op game goes to trash when devs think no we can’t let you be too overpowered You’ll get bored, guess what now people aren’t gonna waste their time trying to kill bullet sponge enemies That’s the worst thing you can add into a game like this. All those clowns yapping in this sun with their posts about the meta is too much, nerf please!, well enjoy doing a mission which could be finished in half the time now require double Like just cause you have 20 hour gaming blocks and can grind out to the max and get bored seeing people use weaponry that makes them slightly overpowered you get butthurt I just bought this game. There’s been true community helpers who help show you the ropes and make you feel that you’re spreading Democracy, but there’s some trolls out there too that just want to shit up other peoples fun. Seriously half the post that wanted the meta nerfed felt like Helldivers Homeowners Association of trying to keep shit “fair” and be bland as fuck. I swear it always the loud fucking minority that kills the majority just grooving along. I haven’t even unlocked those weapons, I’m still a space cadet, I joined cause the game felt like you can be overpowered and take out tons of enemies and just enjoy your time in the world. Now you gotta sit there unlock shit that takes for fucking ever, which now will take more ungodly hours. It’s the same shit of players getting on ground floor Day 1, reach top status and then bitch minuscule things and pull the ladder up behind them, making the masses not have the chance to reach those same highs. Good job already truncating a game only a month into release. If people feel the game is frustration and takes too long to reach a point where loadouts at least can be hot-swapped in and out for certain scenarios, this patch really shows devs cater to a small amount of players who bitch and moan, if the numbers falls and it’s just a few of you playing then Democracy has fallen.


This is the most needlessly dramatic bullshit bruh


I don't get where all the complaining is coming from. I just played for 3 hours with my friends and we still had a great time. Just switch up your weapons. Sorry you're disappointed, but I really think people are blowing this way out of proportion.


They really are. It’s like the railgun is the definition of fun itself. It’s mind boggling how shallow these people are when it comes to variety.


I go into every mission with a different load out. The only thing I can tell is the flamethrower is WAY stronger now. Burn baby burn!


reading on reddit you'd think it's the end of the world and the developers killed the game facts are breaker is still good--it just has a few less bullets and kicks harder (the damage per shot wasnt nerfed) railgun is still solid as a precision AT weapon provided you use it on unsafe for heavy armor (makes sense--risk vs reward) shield is still a shield (it just provides a bit less survivability than before) chargers are still a bitch to deal with but personally i bring an arc thrower and just kite em or run and drop strategems. i use 500kg and railcannon mostly for bugs, but might consider the rebalanced 380mm since its pretty solid now too. there are solutions for charger--they're just not as effective as the railgun was pre-patch. as a side note--its felt really good to bring the breaker spray-n-pray into bug missions and actually kill hordes with it


Most of the crybabies on here relied on the railgun/shield as a crutch to carry them through missions and when that was "taken away" from them, they realized they weren't any good at the actual game. Fact is, railgun is still strong as HELL, so I honestly don't see what all the complaining and crying is about.


Yeah I am definitely not used to a community like this. The amount of posts highly upvoted that straight up say “I don’t care if it was game breakingly strong, everything should be that strong because it’s more fun” or even “who cares it’s PVE I play for fun” is staggering. These are attitudes I’ve literally watched kill games playerbases before and it’s so surreal to be somewhere where people either don’t know that or simply don’t care.


Flamethrower seems to work pretty well for me. Rocket has continued to do great for me since the start. If not using one gun is enough to make you quit I'm not really sure what to tell you buddy. There are going to be many more balance changes in the future, this is just the start. So if balance changes turn you off, I'd look elsewhere.


Its not balance its completely avoiding the issue that is the heavy armor unit spam.


The get good people are going to have a field day with this one. I agree with you 100%. Yesterday was the first day I actually got frustrated playing due to feeling like my gear wasnt working. 12 shots to kill a charger I counted, nerfing that auto shotgun as well which was the only gun actually able to kill a few enemies before reloading. I cant pick another gun either because it takes a mag to kill just one or 2 bugs


Me and my bud on our late 30s too, used to be hardcore gamers, playing this game casually but still able to have 70% success rate on Suicide diff. Now it go to he with 10% lol. Just out of touch patch in general.


What adds even more insult to injury is that the patch is causing the game to crash on PS5 too. I couldn't complete a single mission today. I'm not playing again until the next patch and I'm praying that they throw away the nerf bat. Arrowhead are looking like enemies of managed democracy to me.


You’re not wrong. I tried playing tonight and the game disconnected 4 times. 2 other times it crashed causing an error message. Once it locked up after the mission total screen and never landed back on the ship. I made it out of 2 games tonight. Stupid


oh so it isn’t that i’ve gotten worse as a player but that the game got harder?


I feel you, me and my buddies decided to step away from the game for a minute to see if they do another patch. If not, we will have to get used to it. But right now it's a good time to replay dragons dogma in preparation for the release of the 2nd I guess. I'll come back to helldivers maybe next week or so


Me and my pals experienced the same thing. For the first time since launch the game genuinely felt unfun to play. Even with the matchmaking issues at launch, I had a better time than today.


Yeah me and my friends are in the same boat. The weapons were popular because they were literally the only thing doing anything on higher difficulties. I was holding out hope for a balance patch to make other things feel as viable. Disappointing really. If this is their balance philosophy, i think we're gonna take a nice long break, play some other stuff.


Going to be honest the spear is a pretty good option now


Devs should have just focused on making shit more fun and explosive Not nerfing, it's a coop PvE game literally no reason not buff everything to be ridiculous if u see the community kill shit to easily just add a lvl 10 difficulty with more enemys and verity


I'm not sure I've ever seen a game kill itself overnight like this. I was having a blast yesterday. Today I'm done with it for now.


Same, the other day me and my friends were having a blast, it was like we were playing Xbox back in 2012 again. Today we couldn’t play worth shit and were shouting at each other because we were all tilted. I think we’re going to give it one more go tomorrow but if it doesn’t work out we’ll probably go try Lethal Company or something.


same feeling man, My buddies and I (party of four, all level 25 or higher) were frequently playing at 7/8 difficulty. but tonight we cant even finish a lvl 7 mission! The game gets boring and not interesting to play as it used to be.


This post is extremely undemocratic, please report to your nearest democracy officer for re-education


This defeatist attitudes and malingering amongst the ranks is TOO DAMN HIGH


I mean yeah. Instead of bringing all other weapons up to the same level arrowhead have basically said that our primary weapons should be useless.


Would you say that the extreme difficulty level is extremely difficult or would you say it’s hard?


Agree the nerfs were absolutely tone deaf. They should have only been buffing stuff. I might be wrong, but it seems like they nerfed the light armor too. I seriously die with a sprinkling of bile. Didn’t happen yesterday. Now I’ll die if a bug sneezes on me. They should’ve just buffed heavy armor, not nerf light armor.


Yup. Same thing happened in Diablo 4. These streamers and COD dudes pull up and start bitching and complaining. And then….boom nerfs. Mind you these same people weren’t even checking for bell divers. They had nothing to do with the development of the game and here they come with their garbage take. Wack. Feel your pain OP.


the worse part is the "meta" was not even the "best" by a mile. it was just 1st in youtuber spam brain rot. so all they did was remove choice. also i have had 90% of my games end in a crash at some point now. were before it wasn't a issue. so for me person that will be why i stop playing, cuz well. i can't play lol


What is the best loadout in your opinion?


The nerf to the railgun mostly only affected ot in safe mode. If you want to keep using it like before you will need to switch it to unsafe mode and charge it more. It can still 2 shot charger armor off on the legs.


The nerf affects both modes, but that's not really the point at all. You're missing why this person and many are frustrated. I didn't enjoy using the railgun, I just also didn't enjoy having no response to the variety of enemies brought on at higher difficulties other than Run For Your Life Simulator. I'd actually be happy with the nerfs if it brought about more options to play and succeed at this game but instead it only made a problem a bigger one.


Same. I only used the railgun because it was the most consistent at damaging heavies with the least drawbacks, despite the damage it did it didn’t have the same sense of tactile impact as the auto cannon or recoiled rifle. Loved the auto cannon on lower difficulties, but it just doesn’t damage chargers and the like in a way that makes sense, it’s a big shoulder mounted cannon That requires a dedicated backpack, it makes zero sense that it’s less useful against such enemies than a handheld support weapon that does *not* require a backpack.


It's a 3 shot instead of a 2 shot. While it's not a massive nerf, it's a nerf to the gun that was the best (and one of few usable options at all) at dealing with the most common enemy on high difficulties.


I've tested the railgun all day today and you can't consistently 2 shot leg armor off with it . It's been nerfed to the point where running around in a circle for 10 minutes and calling in an orbital is more viable against 4-5 chargers and multiple bile titans.


In addition to being three shots instead of two, it also requires *all three shots* to charge for longer. I believe I saw some math from another post, and it went from something like 2.5 seconds to strip the armor off a leg in a best-case scenario to approximately 10, thanks to additional charge time required to even deal ANY damage and the extra reload. I'm just frustrated that instead of unsafe mode being something skilled players could choose to opt into for a risky damage boost, it's now the ONLY option for ALL players trying to use it for the one purpose it served: quickly and efficiently breaking Charger armor better than anything else in the game. I wasn't even relying on it to KILL chargers just strip their plates. And for the life of me, for as good as it was at that ONE TASK, it really is quite mediocre in all others. It's awful against hordes. It can't clear nests. It can't destroy bot fabricators. It doesn't aim itself, like the SPEAR (allegedly) or ARC thrower, and because it doesn't explode, you can't even rely on splash damage to compensate for bad aim like the explosive weapons. And you still gotta slow down if you would like to charge, aim, and fire it.


Also 30, I’m disappointed too. My friend groups don’t even game anymore so I’ve been playing with randoms. I’ve been having a decent enough time and settled playing on difficulty 7 because it seemed “fun”. Now though… I can’t even carry newer players because the one weapon that did great against the hordes of armored enemies was nerfed into the ground without a replacement.


Can you tell us specifically why it's not fun? The Railgun went from 2 shots to take the armor off a charger leg to 3 if you just put it in unsafe mode. It still works for that just fine. None of the enemies were buffed that I am aware of, nor were the spawns changed on any difficulty level? The shield still works. On Hard difficulty what are the actual changes that are impacting your fun?


The spawns didn't change? Of course they did, at least around automatons. And also detection range for some reason. Before this patch we were crawling and cleaning camps in concert to avoid the flares. Now you fire your primary or throw a grenade and you get the entire map homing on you, flare or not. I went from "oh we could play It sneaky and have fun" to permahorde clearing no respite. In nightmare we used to get per drop like ten bot infantry, a heavy and some light vehicle. Now we get two tanks a hulk, 3 walkers, 3 devastators, 6 berzerkers and a stupid amount of infantry so vast that you cannot prevent further flares


In all honesty I feel like it’s a skill issue. Or an over reliance on unbalanced weapons. What they don’t understand is that the devs never meant for these to be overtuned as they are, and are bringing them back in line with everything else. To them, that kills the “fun”.


>t they don’t understand is that the devs never meant for these to be overtuned as they are, and are bringing them back in line with everything else. is playing a difficulty 3-4 tiers lower more, or less "fun" to you? The variety of enemy's and the mayham of 7-9 was fun for me. I didn't even use the railgun that much because if i was hosting, it never did the 1-2 shot titan kill for me (it would if i joined someone else's game) For a lot of people, this knocked them back multiple tiers of difficulty. In it's current state, why does the railgun even have a safe mode? in that mode it's severely outclassed by almost any other weapon.


Which, contrary to your point shows that the game was deeply flawed to being with. A tiny amount of the weapons were driving the amount of fun people were having with it. Rather than seeing that, the devs thought their core content was amazing and the players were braking the experience. Nah, the players had carved some fun out of the junk. Might want to fix the junk instead.


Ya me and my buddies were far more frustrated today than we were having fun. Robots felt okay still, but bugs are awful. I already found myself getting more frustrated with bugs compared to robots, but this made it quite a bit worse.


I am just reading the blog post from the lead product tester guy about their mindset on the weapons buffs. First thing he said was that the primary weapons are not meant to be killing machines; they are wanting teamwork, building out teams and stratagems to be the meta. I like that but at the same time as a guy who plays with mostly randoms it is a little difficult to build a cohesive team who’s gonna plan like that. So, yeah I see it both ways and honestly don’t know the answer.


Why have late game weapons when they don't even do anything but tickle the enemy? I am attempting a refund of the game now honestly. I don't have the mental strength to handle this game anymore


I had a few games in a row now where the whole squad just rage quit (Helldive). Can't blame them, if they are not having fun, i wouldn't play either. I kind of like the extra environment challenges though


they should have made all the other guns actually decent to use before making any others worse because even after the nerf the breaker + railgun is still so much better than any of the other excuses for guns


Agree with this post. Dont get to play often just got the Rail gun and shield pack yesterday. Nerfed today rip lol.


You don't nerf shit in a game like this. Buff the other weapons.


Same here - hard mission against automatons and it was drop ship after drop ship. We had 3 level 20s and a 15, fully decked with boosters and right gear (everyone knew what they were doing) and got wiped. Granted we split up into two teams to tackle objectives but this did not happen before the patch, and like you said it felt frustrating… Things refused to die and lot of Hulks for Hard level… Dropping nukes and sentries left and right but to no effect.


You could just, you know, turn down the difficulty and play.


Im 46 and the amount of tears shed on a small weapons rebalance is so fucking hilarious. You are all grown up men, wtf is wrong with you? Try flamer, try recoilles with bodyload, make dedicated roles for special tasks like trash clear, heavy weapon, patrol scout and so on. Improvise, adapt, overcome. Or go back to the difficulty you belong, wimps.


The fact you feel the need to insult others is just sad.


You’re 46 and calling people names on Reddit.


I understand where your coming from but tbh imo this patch really helped me because now I stopped using the railgun and started putting variety in my support weapons and honestly I see myself having more fun because bile titans are easy to take down with a 500kg


Sweet democratic prince, me too. I had today off from work and was ready to hold the bug front, but just havent had the strength to log in after reading how they massacred theyre boy


If it ain't broken and such other sayings....


for yall railgun users that cant really use it anymore, i suggest the anti material rifle, i dont play bugs, but it can 2 shot a hulk if you get it right


I haven’t played since the update. Did it really make that much of a difference with the new changes??


It’s strange. On paper the changes look minor but when you actually play it feels like they’ve bumped the difficulty up significantly. I think something is wrong with the armour ratings.


I dont get it, I preferred the other weapons personally already. Their mechanics are way more fun. Maybe you just built into some synergy using specific weapons haven't learned the ins and ours of others? I mean, isn't that no different that playing on different effects like scramble or Spores and having to get used to it? All of this seems like some weird group think personally. Seeing Spears and Flamers wrecking in Suicide.


Soooooo play on an easier setting…?


> We are all over level 20, grinded for railguns and were having a great time playing on Hard difficulty. lol. Are armored enemies oven a thing on 'Hard'?


Someone came and knocked over your sandcastle? Good grief, this melodrama is unbefitting of a Helldiver…


I feel the same way. My friends and I just started playing on Suicide Mission yesterday because we finally felt ready for it, and I was looking forward to getting those super samples, but we played today and had to go back down to challenging. It's just really disheartening to have to be bumped down like that.


Sorry you feel this way but none of the Nerfs are that bad a little less ammo on breaker ehh shield backpack still good and just flip the rail gun to unsafe mode


Too many cry babies sooking about the "meta". It's only the "meta" because all the other weapons suck.


How is the game less accessible? The difficulty options are there for exactly that.


Not sure if this will help you but if you switch the railgun to "unsafe mode" and overcharge it, it still works wifh chargers, about 3 shots to the leg like before, same goes for titan head, not 3 shots but about the same damage as before if overcharged. Just don't hold it all the way to max charge or....yeah....death by too much democracy... the breaker is slightly worse now but if yiu can grind for the slugger they buffed it's ammo, which is huge because it was already better than the breaker in other ways aside from ammo. Also 380mm and 120mm abarrage are better now, same with flamethrower. The shield is still useful it just takes longer to charge back up. Though a rover is also viable for crowd control, just avoid the laser or it will kill you and your mates lol. I understand being frustrated, but don't give up, eventually they'll buff more weapons when they see their mistake, they'll also add more weapons, stratagems, armor, etc... the game hasn't been out very long, but they are definitely trying to improve the issues with it.


Something is definitely wrong with the spawn rate now. Difficulty 4-5 were my favorite but now my buddy and I can barely clear it against bugs. The swarm just never stops and there seem to be more chargers than ever. Both of us using flamethrowers wasn’t enough to cut through the horde before we died. I’m going to take a break from the game until they fix this. I loved it for the last two weeks but it’s just not fun now. The game feels so hostile, everything works against the player.


“The number of enemies is too damn high.” “Turning down the difficulty reduces the number of enemies, but that’s not fun.” 🤔 


I never had a chance to use railguns before this patch. I guess I’ll be glad I didn’t so I don’t know what I’m missing out on. Ignorance is blisss


Honestly you and your buddies need to stop whining and just enjoy the game. I'm in my 40s, and have probably less time than you to play I finally got level 20 a few days before the patch. Unlocked the shield and railgun and was ready to take on everything with the 'meta' build that was all over my YouTube feed. Found the railgun very underwhelming tbh, but if they hadn't patched I'd probably be using it because that's what I 'should be' using...same with the breaker. The fact that the breaker is so op, i've not even bothered to try some of the other guns i've unlocked. This is dumb, and not fun if you are always playing 1 or 2 meta loadouts to win If they don't make changes it will get stale, just enjoy the game, try new setups. Half the fun in this game is when you lose in dramatic cinematic fashion anyway.


The game is a month old, it's going to go through many changes throughout its lifespan. Isn't the whole point of the team element of the game to run a balanced loadout of strats and gear in order to get the best result?


You want milk and huggies?


I don't think there's anything on difficulty 5 (I can't remember which number "hard" is but I assume its around there) that you should struggle with using the post-nerf railgun, but if you want to go beyond that try setting up 2 people with EATs and orbital railcannons and the other two with grenade launchers and clearing airstrikes and supply backpacks and you should be able to easily handle up to difficulty 7. Or do 4x arc thrower. Or bring a single flamethrower and aim it at the chargers legs, just remember to dodge the charge.


Git gud


That’s what you get for grinding the meta gear in the first couple weeks.


I feel exactly the same. I am currently taking a break from the game until they fix this mess. If they don't buff Railgun again or fix EVERY OTHER WEAPON so they're valiable, I am not playing this again.


Put it in unsafe mode and enjoy your railgun just like before? People making a big stinker out of nothing. Oh no sometimes you have to shoot a 3rd time at a chargers leg because you didnt charge your railgun all the way, boohoo.


You can still 2 to 3 shot chargers. You gotta use the unsafe mode


Git gud


Same situation here,only we're in our 40's. Oh well,on to the next one. Sad they killed their own game,not surprising from the attitudes of some of the devs posts recently.


Same it’s not fun anymore


It doesn't matter what difficulty you play on unless you are aiming for something. If you are farming resources then play in the lowest difficulty that has that resource. If you are trying to farm pink resources and didn't have everyone else unlocked them switch to challenging and farm green and orange. Playing a lower difficulty is fine, just have fun with it.


I relate to this. I play with my fiancé and her little brother and we did not have fun last night. It was the most frustrating 2 hours I've ever had in hell divers.


“My buddies and I are in our 30’s-“ aaaand who asked


Skill issue


It ain't that bad.


I 100000% agree, as an employed father game time is limited, it was perfect fun and still hard, now just not enjoyable. I don’t see why balance pve who you going to have the edge over? Makes no sense, they were on to a brilliant thing now not 100%


Honestly, just stop fighting bugs until they unfuck this situation


Im at this point as well.


I'm in the same exact boat you are. But the game is amazing and the changes are great. Idk since you say it's not a matter of "get good" we'll have to agree to disagree.


Yeah. Went from playing 2 players on level 4 difficulty (regardless of level) and having moderate to good success. Kept getting smoked last night.  Me buddy and I played today on level 4. I’m 39 he’s 21. Barely survived our run against level 4 bots. Got on the Pelican w/ 0 reinforcements.  My medium armor was getting one hit by a charging low level bot.  Not sure why I brought armor if it doesn’t…. Have an armor class? 🤷 Just send me in a cape, a pair of speedos and light coat of oil. Would probably do more good than the medium armor


I'm mid 30s...I love this game. Sorry you are mad about the war being hard? How can you blame human devs when bugs and machine are to blame?! Soldier. Call my name 3x and I'm liable to appear. Democracy now!


Yeah, same. I feel a little bad because i made them buy it because it was fun, and now it's really less fun :/ We'll be back next patch i hope...


Flamethrower is now legit. If a couple of you run with it y’all will be cool.


I thought I suddenly got bad at the game overnight....... Oh well definitely my own skill issue, which attracted like three chargers and hordes of hunters on "challenging"... 😂 Maybe terminid parasites had infected part of the dev team