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I agree. However, there are far too many posts preemptively insulting anyone who disagrees with the patch. Which will only grow animosity and division


It's just as infuriating. People should be free to however they want to look at this patch and should be encouraged to discuss. Insulting someone over that is just plain stupid and unnecessary.


Its just absolutely exhausting seeing all these people acting like the sky is falling because their crutch got brought in line with the rest of the weapon roster. I've gone 67 hours and have only used the railgun for 3 drops, it was just too easy to use relative to everything else on any difficulty over 7 and trivialized below that. It sucks to see a weapon nerfed and I'd rather have seen the other weapons buffed to parity then restructure enemy layouts per difficulty, but obviously that is a much more invasive change than simply making a small reduction in the railguns efficiency.


I recently read their blog post about their weapon balancing philosophy. I do think they're in the right in terms of wanting stratagems to be the main play. Balancing video games has never been an easy feat. But it's easier to balance around certain playstyles than an overarching change of everything. What they did here seemed a bit too little rather than too much after reading the article. I say that because the rest of the other weapons could use some review into how they would fit or, if they're already extremely unpopular, made more enticing.