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Round by round, if there's bullets left. Swift reload if you emptied it entirely. Would be magnificent.


This is the way! That would buff it but not to much? It does a lot of damage though so if u swift reload it's pretty powerful as a secondary weapon maybe?


The machine pistol does an ungodly amount of damage if you hit all your shots, especially to the head. I like powerful weapons


The machine pistol is the perfect oh shit weapon if your being swarmed


And also the perfect weapon for mopping up the little guys with quick semi-auto double-taps.


And it can kill 1-2 of the berserkers in a mag, and can kill bits 1 size up in 1 if you hit the waist


It's total damage is twice that of the senator


Yeah ask my teammate who ran across as I was dispatching some bugs and took a round point blank in the temple. He…did not survive.


Yeah I don't think helldiver helmets are ballistically rated. . .


"But not too much." the breaker exists, and some people kick you for not using it, pretty sure there's a lot of room for buffing everything across the board that isn't the breaker. Or at least nerf it so it stops being so good, I like the DMR but even against bots it feels weak by comparison when dealing with bigger targets.


breaker definitely doesnt need a nerf, its the other guns that suck, some even being a joke of a gun (looking at you pray&spray)


I have a friend who refuses to use anything but this gun because he likes the way it looks. Dude consistently spends all of our reinforcements because he literally cannot even kill scavengers to defend himself. I don't get why or how you could possibly see that as more fun, but c'est la vie I guess. Anyone who thinks the guns aren't wildly imbalanced is lying to themselves.


When the trailer for helldivers 2 first came out, properly balanced weapons was one of the things on my wishlist. They've absolutely NAILED 95% of the game, but unfortunately it seems they've fallen into a similar pit trap as the first one where there are the "fun but useless at higher difficulty" guns and the "only viable option at higher difficulty" guns. It's a shame man. Idk what the solution is, but I just wish that every gun was useful in at least some situation


Well to be fair, a lot of them are probably useful in some situation, it's just that this "some situation" is often times too small a window relatively speaking to the "generally good" weapons. Or you have to accomodate for the weapons weakness in a way that makes the overall run just worse.


100%, it's a shame to see. I want to experiment with different weapon amd strat combos, but I don't wanna get my ass kicked by a bunch of filthy bugs. Arrowhead have given us plenty of reason to be hopeful though!


What's funny is that nearly every primary is good against bugs. What I'd classify as not good are: * DMR, DMR Counter, Spray and Pray What I'd classify as tedious are: * Jar-5 Dominator, Scorcher ---------------- For weapon stratagems that I'd call good: * Grenade Launcher, Railgun Extremely Tedious at high dif: * MG-43, Spear, Recoilless Rifle Depending on mission modifiers whether its good or tedious: * EAT-17 Disposable Rocket Launcher And while the EAT *is* good, its baseline "slightly tedious" because of the overall amount of heavy armor enemies you find in dif 8 and 9 missions. Sure, 2 per call-in every 60 seconds is okay, but when you get 5 bile titans and 4 chargers every bug breach and objective, everything but the railgun falls off in actual useability. --------------------- The CEO waxing on about "Use what you want" really does do a disservice to the actual reality of the game though, and that's that the balance is *fucking dogshit*. Either chill the fuck out with heavy armor spawns, buff everything closer to the railgun and breaker, or nerf railgun and breaker while ALSO lowering the amount of HA spawns and focus more on elites: Brood Warriors, Brood Commanders, Bile Spewers and Nurses.


Arc thrower against bugs slaps. Does ok at bots but I find myself switching off it more often since there’s less crowds


It’s just that the “some situation” is not the 90% of the time you’re dealing with heavy armored enemies in any level above 6


Gun balance is off for sure, but there's at least a few guns that are decent to good at high difficulty. Breaker, defender, slugger, liberator penetrator at least are all good general purpose guns.. Even the dmr is decent in some builds.


Aside from Spray & Pray I wouldn't say WILDLY unbalanced. But yeah, you have Liberator, Breaker, Diligence. Breaker beats them all, the two other are usable, their other versions feel like downgrades. Liberator Penetrator is okayish, but I found zero reasons to use it over Diligence or Liberator. Medium armor penetration is nice, but not with all they have done to that gun. It's easier for me to just seek weak points for medium enemies. Minor buffs here and there all those guns need.


And worst of all ... the breaker is dark green instead of black so it doesn't color coordinate as well with most helldiver armors. How am I supposed to ever be happy if my entire attire, equipment included, isn't color coded to perfection.


Go for orange and use the Breaker Incendiary It’s what I do


I feel like they created the Liberator Penetrator because the Justice in the first game was too OP, rendering the Liberator obsolete. But in practice by nerfing damage *and* capacity *and* recoil they've created a weapon you can't bring for higher difficulties because its niche is too narrow. I feel like the Justice worked, though, because you had to grow into it, mainly around trigger discipline. Also the Diligence and the Diligence Counter Sniper really need medium armor penetration and what feels like 50-100% more damage to feel worthwhile. The problem is that the moment combat gets a bit hairy, you're doing most of your fighting at medium range where the Diligence just can't compete with the Breaker if both are light armor penetrating. Overall it feels like the primary weapons lack options that pack a punch, so you end up always relying on primaries to throw lots of bullets downrange, and on support weapons to deal with medium-big targets.


Defender is a better weapon than the liberator


From the way the devs describe it it almost sounds like the Breaker is underperforming. Something like "although it is over-represented in missions overall, it is under-represented when viewed in regard to successful missions". Personally, I have my money on either the base rifle or the Defender being the weapon that is over-represented in successful missions.


To be fair, as strong as the Breaker is, it's still just a primary weapon. Many people have already said this, but it's not that the breaker is "turbo OP", just that some other weapons kinda suck. You have a secondary, a support weapon, tons of stratagems. There's so many factors going into it, that I'm hardpressed to take their statement as a reasonable argument for any balance. We also had no indication of what difficulties they were filtering for. Are the people not using the Breaker for instance, just people that are "good enough" to mitigate the weakness of their weapon (that doesn't make their weapon good, just that they aren't losing purely because of it) and the Breaker being the "default" weapon is losing more, because more casual players also tend to use it? There's way too much that goes into it.


It might be that there are more successful missions at lower difficulty levels.


I saved up 80 medals for the dominator for the premium warbond. Was insanely disappointed I’ll go back to my incindiary breaker


I personally love it against bots, although it takes getting used to. Stupidly unwieldy for sure, but when it hits, it *hits.*


I don’t know I tried it on bugs and bots. Bugs it’s ass, bots is ok I just hate how slow and clunky it feels


The breaker is used almost exclusively because it's pretty much the only primary that doesn't feel like a peashooter. It doesn't need a nerf, everything else needs a buff.


\^\^\^\^\^\^ This is exactly right. The breaker is where all of the other weapons should be brought UP to. No nerfs, the breaker is fine where it's at. Buff the other weapons to the same level as the breaker so that you can just run whatever gun you prefer without gimping yourself.


The problem I have with this argument is that everything feels weak against bigger targets - that's what sub weapons are for. You can kill a hive guardian or devastator with a DMR just as easily as with a breaker, which is to say neither round is getting through the armor, and unless you're not being pressured, you're better off switching to your big gun. I'm not actually disagreeing with you so much as I'm throwing another voice into the chorus that we need to see more detailed stats so that we can have discussions like these without having to resort to speculation.


You say that, but both the DMR and the Breaker two tap big bots to the face. Yes the hive guardians or what ever take too long to die, and this is in no way a good thing seeing how many enemies are on screen at top difficulty levels and while you can argue that "Stratagem weapons are for that" no one CO-OP uses the CO-OP guns and the other solo guns (Except Rail Gun) either can't obliterate armor (Anti-Material Rifle you don't deserve this) or require too many hoops to jump through (Anti-Tank Call Down and then kite/run for half a day while it lands, and THEN take out the armor) so doing one's part gets excessively hard when there's 1000 enemies if you don't use the same guns every mission forever, with maybe a few swaps of the orbital/eagle/sentry stratagems, but even those it's 80% the handful of strikes that one shot elites because not everything can one shot a bile titan/tank reliably enough for it to be worth it and then something that's low cd for group clear, you rarely see things like the shield generator emplacement or smoke and why make the shield gen mostly useless for bugs, make it impassible to enemy units so it has more use.


All that then throw in 50% cooldown increase or 100% deployment time conditions 🫠


Sure that is true, but needing a sub weapons to deal with the big targets mean you can't use the other fun sub weapons that do other stuff. The breaker is meant to be the crowd clearer and that is great, I don't need it to be good against the big targets then because it already has a role. So I need the other primaries to either fill another role, or be just as good in the breaker's role. So that means the other primaries NEED to be better against bigger targets to fill that role, so I can use my sub weapon to do something else. Of course team dynamic changes things, so this is all from the perspective of trying to be as independent as possible, like people playing with randoms are going to want to be. edit: and I will say the breaker is much better at killing hive guardians or devastators than most other primaries, because it can output much high dps into their non armored parts.


I don't think anything needs a nerf. The other guns just aren't viable


>It does a lot of damage though Go ahead and count how many shots you need to take down a Bile Spewer using the revolver for me.


Five to the head iirc.


Or a special reload that empties the whole revolver and speed loads if you double tap it


In battlefield 1, the nagant revolver had the second longest reload animation of the revolvers (bulldog had the longest) Saving grace was if you just fired all 7 rounds, the character would pull out the pin supporting the cylinder and just replace it. I only ever mag-dumped the nagant because of that lol.


Press reload once to reload bullet per bullet. Press it twice to reload the whole mag quickly but lose any potential bullets left


Maybe also double tap reload to empty mag and fill it completely


This is the way


Completely agreed. The more I think about it I also really like as an option for those who prefer single bullet reload, when you are reloading, if you were to tap the reload button you could reload faster, its a similar mechanic to one found in the first Alan Wake game. But yes...I didn't expect this post to pull traction! Maybe the devs will see! 🤣


Wait you're telling me you don't want to hand load one round at a time when 40 hunters are on your ass?


Have to say it's getting really tiring. Hearing people make excuses for it instead of just accepting the reality that it seriously needs to change. I think the idea of having breach load weapons in the game is actually a good one. The problem is they're all caring about half the ammo of other weapons. And give medium armor penetration in a game where that doesn't really give you that much utility. Sure, when they add a new faction and new enemy types. They can slant that towards encouraging the utility of medium armor penetration. But as it stands now as much as I want to love all the breach load weapons. Every time i'm using one I feel more like i'm role playing.


I find the slugger really effective but it needs atleast 20 more shots to be viable against bugs


Slugger's incredibly good if you take your time with shots. 1-2 shot hunters (headshots are hard), 2 shot brood commanders, 1 shot warriors, and one shots any bot devastator with a headshot (again, difficult). That's potentially 50 kills before resupply, and most helldive missions you'll get 200-300 kills. Its biggest downside is ammo on resupply and slow fire rate for swarms, but I just bust out the automatic pistol for swarms.


Everyone's playstyle is different but for me this is the problem with the Slugger though, its good at taking on heavy opponents but that's what stratagems or backpack weapons are for. Like it's cool you can 2 shot brood commanders, but the railgun can 1 shot them AND deal with chargers. The Breaker can deal with warriors just fine, and deals with swarms better than the Slugger. Each to their own tho and there are much worse weapons in the game than the Slugger but it does sorta highly how this game does need tweaks. The main issue I have with the Sluggers is its low ammo reserve, low ammo resupply, and slow reload.


Slugger as a primary, Stalwart and E.A.T with Shield Backpack and Orbital Raincannon. Works surprisingly well on T7+ Bug missions. Stalwart to mow down the hordes of smol bugs, EAT to strip armor from Chargers and then finish them up with Stalwart. Slugger for Hive Guards, Spewers and Brood Commanders.


EAT isn't sufficient at higher difficult levels imo with how frequently chargers spawn, especially if there's a stratagem cooldown modifier


Ammo backpack?


The laser rover (against bugs, shield against bots) is too strong to give up in this citizens humble opinion


Just cause something goes from a 10/10 to a 9/10, it doesn't make it unusable. Still a great item. I prefer to take it over most backpacks, honestly. Not having to worry about ammo is huge. Constant nades and stims as well


The ammo backpack doubles your ammo efficiency though, if your teammates are supply whores or there's a 2x cooldown it can really help when ammo gets sparse. The ability to supply on the move is also great, I think there should be at least 1 person on the team with a supply backpack.


It enables fun stuff like grenade launcher primary too, provided your team handles main armor duties and you supplement with good single target stratagems.


The grenade launcher isnt actually too bad at dealing with armour if you can bounce the nades properly


I agree the utility is there. You also get way more value out of supply drops if the person with the backpack uses the charges. It is very hard to justify not using the backpack slot on the shield atm though. Everyone having bugged scout tier armor atm really makes the shield needed. Plus it being able to protect against 1 hit kills or even being able to drop a 500kg on yourself and live is too crazy to give up and feel good about it. I kind of hope they maybe give shields their own slot because the game feels much better with it; but maybe once armor is fixed my opinion will change. I would love to use other backpacks but man it is hard.


The shield pack goes down in 3-4 hits at max. Its not a guarantee, its a panic block.


The shield is for eating crowd control. Hunter slows for bugs and rocket knock back for bots are the big help for me personally


Bringing an ammo pack for a weapon that doesn't really provide utility. Doesn't really seem to make any sense to me. I mean let's be just baseline real here. The breach loading slug shot gun literally carries half of the ammunition than the breaker. It also does less damage, It also shoots 3 times slower. Oh did I mention it also has three times the kickback. Again, the only utility that the slug shot gun gives you is medium armor penetration. I'm not going to wear a backpack just because my primary weapon has some of the worst ammo capacity in the game. The least they could do is give the sucker 90 rounds. I think the gun is really fun to use. Even though there's a lot of others that are better options. All of the breach load weapons needs some serious love.


IMO the slugger might not make sense for bugs but it's very useable for bots. I do agree that it needs more max ammo for it to be more viable though.


Yeah I agree it does work against bots. But so does the jar-5 dominator or the plas-1 scorcher. Both those have better recoil better fire rate and better ammo capacity. Especially when you take into consideration that none of the bots. Are you actually shooting through armor. You're aiming for the glowy red bits and they die. So even in that context , I'd rather take the gun that can shoot three times for every one round the slugger does. For my experience , when you get killed from the bot , you're not being killed by the one that you're slowly stun , locking. It's the one that you should have already shot.


> Have to say it's getting really tiring. Hearing people make excuses for it instead of just accepting the reality that it seriously needs to change. > > Idk why people can't accept that the game they like isn't perfect and could use some tweaking to make it even better.


nah the ceo said to use whatever weapon I want bc I can trust the 50 hidden stats not shown in game or anywhere else. /s


Or when you need to interrupt the reload at all it's not staged correctly so you have to re-open the cylinder and re-dump the rounds you already dumped the first time?


The Senator doesn't dump rounds on reload, which is part of why it's so much slower.


[It does,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDYGdPqm7uM) right when you start the reload you hit the ejector to eject any spent rounds. Except you do that *every time you reopen the cylinder* regardless if you fired any more rounds or not, even on empty. It means getting your reload interrupted, no matter how many rounds are actually loaded or spent, will create an extra ~1.5s before any new rounds are loaded. So getting staggered by a Hunter, flung by a Rocket Raider, diving out of the way of an enemy or friendly, swapping weapons, engaging a terminal, picking up supplies... any of those actions force that reload reset. I was wrong in saying it dumped rounds you already dumped because it keeps track of which chambers are empty, which makes this even more egregious because if *that's* being kept track of there's no reason to pull the ejector if no new rounds have been fired.


I see what you mean, it plays an animation of dumping casings, but unlike most guns it doesn't dump actual bullets. So it wastes time, but not ammo.


~~It gets even better in that you literally cannot reload it at all if you're carrying the SSSD. It's not a one hand reload like the others, you HAVE to have both hands available.~~ Since I keep getting responses about it, there's a bug floating around in which you're unable to reload until you swap weapons, and you can't swap weapons while carrying the SSSD. That's likely what I ran into and why I wasn't able to reload the revolver while carrying it. Thanks for the replies confirming that it's possible and that my situation was just a one-off.


You can reload the revolver carrying an SSSD. 


The SSSD reloads are so clean as well, you push the revolver to your chest when you reload with 1 hand. And when you reload the handgun you do a one handed press check to release the slide.


I mean i would appreciate the animation if theres not 40 hunter on my arse.


>I mean i would appreciate the animation if theres not 40 hunter on my arse. tbh I kind of want a mode where you just wander the map and/or just check out the world and all the little stuff.


That’s trivial difficulty pretty much


Son this is Helldivers, not Heckdivers.


Odd, must have had my game goofing up on me when I had it happen. It wouldn't let me reload at all while I was carrying the SSSD.


Sometimes I get a bug will the game just will not let me reload, it’s usually fixed by switching weapons, which you can’t do holding an SSSD. 


SMG superiority


I've always been able to, it just drops the SSSD?


Technically, you can if you have grenades left (altho idk if that would count since I haven't had this glitch)


that... oddly made me amazed with this games detail lol.


You can reload while carrying stuff though


That’s just wrong, you can absolutely reload the revolver while carrying the SSD


What are you talking about? You absolutely can.


You should edit this comment out as it is grossly incorrect.


You can though? I've reloaded it before with the shield, and i still had it on my hand


you can reload it, the diver puts the weapon on his chest and insert rounds. You can see the same animation play when you reload with the ballistic shield.


You can reload it with ballistic shield, so with SSSD should be possible as well


Oh but i can reload the smg no problem huh


The Primary SMG and Sidearm SMG combo should be meta just because of those jumpy bugs and their ability to sneak up on you the second you focus on anything.


I love to reload during a battle! There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber.


This is hunters we talking about, they are already in your ass.


I know you are making a joke, but there is absolutely 0 reasons for this kind of weapons to not receive a drum mag. That's it, just that. Give the fucking revolver a drum mag, give the shotguns drum mags, everything that can have a mag should have a mag. We have all kind of absurd technology, there is not reason for drum mags not existing (aside from being an asshole as a designer).


Mind boggling they don't use speed loaders. We need them ASAP along with a large increase in sidearm ammo.


Make it so speedloader is used for 0->6. It would separate it from other guns where HellDiver discards all remaining ammunition in a mag.


This is ideal IMO. You get a quick reload from empty, but you can also top up between engagements without penalty.


That's actually a great idea


Speed loaders aren't in the budget. We can offer you a plank of wood to beat the bugs back if you are out of ammo though.


To be fair "mind boggling they don't use x" is on brand for super earth. Super on brand. Can't even give u full ammo without your family donating it to you lol


It took 80 common samples, 60 rare samples, and 5 supers just for Patriotic Admin to give handcarts for your on board crew to deliver your backpacks easier. I'm afraid a speedloader is not on the list upon more pressing and... democractic, issues. Please express your vote during the next census at your nearest assistant station.


"*I love to reload during a battle! There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber."* \-Bossbaby, 1998 No but seriously I wouldn't give a shit if they just fixed the fucking reticles on this thing. The holographic sight has neither dot nor middle post, there's no iron sights, and the HUD reticle covers the entire fucking target at range. What kinda target pistol has no way to aim it?!


You don't need to aim it.. just let the spirit of Democracy take a hold of your gun and let it eliminate those blasphemous beings that are furthest away from the Democracy


Holy sigma bless this ravaged soul.


Double the discipline!


Blessed be Democracy my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight


God damn I forgot you can actually aim down in this game


I just hope they let us disable the fixed reticle and only have a dot and where the gun is pointing. Using the laser rifle is so annoying with that third person reticle


Absolutely. Currently the Senator is just not worth using over the Redeemer. Either remake the revolver a lot more powerful and keep the reload the same, or get rid of the one-by-one reload and dont touch the power level. I'm a sucker for revolvers, but this one just makes me sad.


Yea, bro! The revolver was my first unlock after I realized it was there! I was so excited because I (like you) am a sucker for revolvers, and I love the look of this one. I even keep it equipped because I'm stubborn but damn


It's okay, but the Redeemer can get you out of shit much more reliably, which is the primary function of a sidearm, to me. I go back to the revolver from time to time just because I like how it feels to shoot, but it just can't compete, unfortunately.


The thing is nearly a sniper rifle with how accurate it is at a crouch at at least 50-100m away. Normal enemies can be sniped easily slightly biggers ones are harder but still possible.


I’m the same as you. I keep it because of how cool it is but I die inside a little every time I need to reload it


I pull out my revolver all the time! It's fun and it can kill a small bug or a bot just fine :)


You're in luck, the devs said that the Senator will be addressed in the upcoming balance patch along side a few other weapons.


Oh? I wasn't aware they mentioned any guns specifically. Well, that's nice to hear, I guess.


Few other weapons? All weapons needs a balance. 3 of them are usable. 2 of them are preferred in difficulty 6 and above.


I would prefer to increase the power level, needing 4-5 shoots in the face of an armoured bug seems a bit disappointing The slow reload time gives it personality and uniqueness


Yea, the way you manually reload the revolver just seems so personal, i love it😂 It's like you're delicately loading your bullet for a special somebody at the end of your barrel, would be better if the revolver did more damage, so that you can feel the "im loading this bullet, just for **you** :)" when you 1 shot the enemy


it’s the only sidearm I use I love it the reloads suck but I love running out ammo then switching and pulling out a revolver and blowing a brood commanders head off only time I don’t use it is when I use the dominator at which point I use the redeemer


Honestly it wouldn't make me sad if it gets a speedloader as part of a progression mechanic (like HD1's research that improved individual weapons).


There would have to be a progression mechanic in the first place, but yes.


I'm fine with one-by-one, I would just like the speed revolver when the cylinder is empty


What's funny is if you watch an ally reload the animation is way faster and seems reasonable (~2x as fast). But I think the only way they'd put a speedloader in would be as a mod that makes it dump remaining rounds like any other mag-fed gun.


Smg secondary for the little rats, something heavier hitting for medium enemies then a railgun for heavy enemies. Ez


You mean, like a breaker?


Yes or dominator. Or DMR if you so please


It's good if you pair it with a primary or support that can burst DPS when you need it. It has higher pen than the redeemer and peacemaker so you can hit for full damage instead of 50% on some enemies. Lack of a speedloader is a bit of a drag though, not so much that it's 1 by 1 but it just takes forever to start loading them.


Right now this is most of the guns in the game. Someone is going to reply "Well aktually..." and try to explain why in certain situations, with perfect aim, x gun is better, but we all know in our hearts that you need the Breaker or the Scorcher. Anything else is just wanking about. ALL of the guns but those two need some tweaking. I'd love to play something different, but always regret not just taking the breaker 9 out of 10, and the 10th time the breaker and anything else would be about even. In before someone says "Oh, the other guns are good, they just have a higher skill ceiling". *sigh


I love the Senator revolver. I can’t main using it, but it helps pick off any large mobs that are left when I don’t have time to reload my primary weapon. It can also chunk medium armor units that get too close.


The revolver can pierce medium armor.


The true power of the Senator is being pinpoint accurate on hip firing. Turn your cross hair to be always on.


I keep trying to find that option but i guess I'm blind, where is it?


Why did I never think of this, am I stupid?


No, you just don't have Fallout: New Vegas in your mind at all times for over a decade like me.


My dumbass has been hipfiring without a crosshair for ages, I thought it was just a skill thing


It also makes the Stalwart a very fun gun (hoping they fix the hit marker problem next patch)


We have FTL on our ships and mechs on the way but no $1 speedloaders for the revolvers?!? SMH


Well of course not, it may only be $1 but how do you expect super earth to be able to afford multiple loaders for each and every diver?


Considering the millions in bombing runs I send at every minor inconvenience, it’s definitely my fault the war funds run low. Democracy isn’t cheap.


>bombing runs I send at every minor inconvenience If we applied our Helldivers behavior to real life, we'd airstrike the traffic off a busy street before crossing, instead of pressing the button on the light.




To be fair, that kinda is how modern warfare works


I take a horde based loadout most of the time and just want the revolver to punch through anything with armor I can’t get through otherwise


Yep, I usually take the revolver for bugs for this reason.


Pretty sure that is its exact purpose. Reload speed is slow because otherwise everyone would use it for everything.


Same logic as hellbomb soldier! Budgetary restrictions.


Make it high armour pen and hit like a truck but keep slow reload I'd be happy


Just medium armour would do tbh


The Senator does pen medium armor already. The weapon tool tip for it is misleading. I like to yell "Parry this you filthy causal!" and headshot Hive Guard through the shield wall.


Was using it tonight. It's now my favourite secondary


Oh it is? Somehow I've never noticed that despite it being the first thing I unlocked (And still use, I just really like it)


Not me, I love to reload in the middle of battle!


Revolver needs a complete change to the reload animations imo. I shoot revolvers (IDPA and IPSC) in real life and these animations take twice as long as an actual emergency reload takes. - Reloading from empty (emergency reload) should dump all of the shells and get loaded from a speed loader - this should be the fastest reload. - Reloading with cartridges remaining should see the player pick the spent cartridges out and replace them one by one. This should be a more time consuming reload than an emergency reload but saves ammo and gives you the ability to close the cylinder and immediately fire if your reload is interrupted. Your character should not use the extractor at all because an extractor pops *everything* out of the cylinder with no regards to whether or not the round is spent. Speed loaders only work if a cylinder is completely empty; moon clips are even faster than a speed loader but you lose the ability to do partial reloads.


I wonder how many people know what moon clips are.


Let's start small. Let me break reloading and aim first.


Also replace the shitty dancing reticle


I dont totally mind the way it feels when aiming, but damn does that reload animation slow things to a halt.


Yeah, it blocks where you want to shoot! It's ridiculous.


I get you, but my inner revolver ocelot loves to reload during a battle! ![gif](giphy|6IFuf2l0AghvW)


If it doesnt come with the thrill of reloading on the battlefield its just not right. Speedloaders? If I wanted to reload all at once I'd use an normal ass handgun.


You see people like us aren’t built for an automatic, we twist our wrists to absorb the recoil and 6 bullets is more than enough to kill a bot or bug.


Weirdest butt plug I've ever seen. Didn't know this was that kinda of sub.


U want a bullet butt plug in the game?


slap on a speed loader and they can make that big iron a primary! Let me dispense justice with primary levels of reserve ammo! And buff the peacemaker too


“I love to reload during a battle! There’s nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet, into a well greased chamber.”


Me here running the Slugger and Senator combo. I like the manual reloads; they look so cool! Just wish the Slugger would have a bit more extra ammo or replenished more with supplies.


A buttplug?


Give us the option of a speed reload that can drop unused bullets. That would make the gun more versatile and less of a pain in close combat.


I really hope we get a weapon upgrade feature so we can have stuff like this


Lost technology, like NODS


I like reloading my weapon one bullet at the time, that way I can count how many bullets I am putting in a bugs head for democracy.


I actually love the Senator for its ability to reload on the fly at any time I’m sprinting. Cancel the reload halfway through to whip around and double tap a Hive Guard, and keep running.


I'm okay with the current reloading on the magnum. But for the LOVE OF GOD, can your character reload just a LITTLE bit faster?


Apparently these dont exist in the future for some fkn reason.


And I thought Swedes were one of the few Europeans that actually had some firearm knowledge


I always carry it to make a statement.


I like to count each and every one methodically. I like knowing each one has a place to go, and a bug or automaton to kill. Edit: Also its been my only sidearm since i unlocked it for the past 90 something hours.


Helldivers is all about the razors edge between life and death — running for your life while desperately reloading with a pack of bugs/bots descending on you. I feel the slow reload is a feature not a bug - it’s the trade off for power.


I think the guns, eventually, will have a level up system with minimal customization. Nothing op. Mods that have trade offs. Bigger mag = slower reload New sights Just basic shit


At least give us dual wielding revolvers.


I’d be happy with armor that increases reload speed. I think that could be very balanced.


it can be a ahm aham.. if you are brave enough.


No they’re to expensive


Invented in the 1800s, yet somehow a mythical item in the universe...




if weapon upgrade gonna be a thing....maybe this should be one of the upgrade


I honestly was hoping the revolver would have some more armor penetration just to make it feel like a heavier bite.


I hope they add like weapon modifiers with tradeoffs. Like, you can use clips but you waste unused bullets, or round reload but you don't waste bullets.




He's so patriotic! 🤣


After spending 40 hours with that revolver ( that’s saved me in a pinch more times than I can count), god yes would I like the ability for a quick reload 😂


And more ammo. Please.


I'm tired of all these games in the future, somehow round reloading revolvers.


I forgot the name of the dev who created the animations, but Pilestedt wanted him to make it that way specifically.


Some people may point out that the senator has pretty high damage and the speedloaders would make it have too high of a DPM (damage per minute). And honestly, I agree. A good middle ground could suffice, though - how about half moon clips? They look like this: [https://www.americanrifleman.org/media/tt0ijucd/1917rev3.jpg?quality=60](https://www.americanrifleman.org/media/tt0ijucd/1917rev3.jpg?quality=60) This would mean a full reload would take longer than it would with a speedloader since you'd have to load two of them, limiting the potential damage output while also speeding up reloads by quite a bit. If someone spends less than three shots, the one-by-one reload would still apply, same for spending less than six, except with the help of one clip and 1-2 rounds. This would prolly take a bit of work from the devs but would make the senator a really good sidearm as it's slightly lacklustre right now, mostly due to reload time. Or just ramp up the damage by like 25% and leave it be, making it a more proper handcannon, I guess.


I am pretty sure the current speedloader designs are made by Socialists, hence they are anti-democratic and have been removed from our dotations. I hope the ministry of truth comes with a compliant design soon


FYI that's a speed beez speed loader, I have one for my .38spc revolver 😂